



1、01 2000年Do you know the word brun ch? In the west, many people like to have brunch - late breakfast or early lun ch. People (81) uhave brunch betwee n 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Sun day because they (82)pto get up late after a (83) whard work cwant to enjoy brunch with their pare nts, childre n, or frien

2、 ds. That is a rel放松g( and in teresti ng way of eati ng for most (84)f.Today, brunch has become most (85) pin big ho旅館().0 ne can either ask for or (86)cit himself. To makeit look like (87)bbreakfast and lunch, people choose to have (88)lof dishes菜 ).You can often see the(89)ffood on the table: meat

3、, eggs, fruit, (90)v, orange juice, tea and bac on.02 2001年Heres a story about Mings life on the waters. Ming has lived all his life on a wide r(59)inChina. His home is a largehouse-boat with a roof, one of hun dreds that move up and down. For about six years he has not once bee n on I(60), but he i

4、s neIonely. He is a strong swimmer. In fact, he could swim before he could walk. When he wants to play with his f(61), he just swimsacross to their boats or asks them to v(62)him.Min gs father is a fishma n but he n ever u(63)a line or a nit。. Great black birds called corm orants do the fish ing for

5、 him.Rin gs圈) have bee n put around the birds n(64)so that they cannot eat the fish they catch. They have bee n taught tob(65) the fish to people. And then people rewards勵(lì))them with a fine big fish as soon as their work is f(66). Mingloves watch ing the corm oran ts, but better still he likes going

6、s(67) with his mother. The shops, of course, are boats very like hiso(68).03 2002年Do you have a pet? Are you i (101) in tak ing care of ani mals? Girls and boys who like ani mals may want to study to be ani mal doctors. Theyre ofte n c(102) vets. Many of them work in ani mal h(103). Others may work

7、on farms or at a z(104). Some study animal disease疾病)and try to find w (105) to keep the animals from getting i ( 106). They do studies in m (107) for animals. Vets listen to an animals h(108). They check (檢查 )its ears, eyes, mouth, and blood. They o(109 ) on animals when they need to. They may give

8、 the animals s注o射0 and tell the pets! o(110) what food is best.04 2003年British Milkman Steve Leech saved some shops and f公t寓)with milk and won a National Bravery Awa國家勇敢獎(jiǎng)).Leech, 35 years old, said that whe n he was sending out milk as u(82) along Pi ne Street, he s(83) heard a l(stra nge sound beh

9、ind him and the n he saw smoke coming out of a shop in Corn wall, souther n En giam.must be a fire, I t(84), Leech said.Then I quickly d(85) to do somethi ng. So I p(86) the door in and then I s(87) for tlpeople in side. The n I started pouri ng milk e(8)e used 320 pints of milk to stop the fire. Wh

10、en firefighters r(89)the shop, the fire was under contro得到控制).Leech helped save the l(90) of eight people in the flats above the shoptf.was hard work o(91) all thosebottles. But it was even harder trying to tell my boss where all the milk had gonph said jokingly.05 2004年Jim Burde n was back at the o

11、ffice after a two-week holiday abroad. Did you have a nice holiday? asked his friend, Dick. A nice holiday? I make a big m(76) this time. I should have stayed home. said Jim.What h(77)the n? asked Dick.Well, it was one of the w(78) holidays I ever had. The h(79) I stayed at was a busy road, and coul

12、d hardlysleep for the n(80). The food they gave us made us ill and the d(81) were expe nsive.The places we visited were f(82) of tourists, and we were l(83) in the sunshine for quite a few hours. But tellme, how did things go with you?Maybe I was l(84) tha n you. I had no trouble at all. was the an

13、swer. I had b(85)to do so I stayed at home06 2005年Can a boy have a MAMA and n ot a MOTHER? Tex Clark did. He did nt have a r (76) home. His father and mother were dead.He had to work from an early a (77). Then one day a circus馬戲團(tuán))found him and let him j(78) it. He was luckier thanmany children witho

14、ut p(79). The only place for him to sleep was an elephants pe棚(). There Tex found the elephant namedMama. Mama seemed f(80) to him and looked after him.Tex had to work hard. At night he was always vgry t _(81 ). He would return to the pen. And Mama would cover him withhay 干草)and touch his face with

15、her trun象鼻 ). Tex felt better. Mama c (82) !Tex left the circus after a while. He was asked to work at a zoo in Kansas City. He was very good with a (83). And very soon he became the t (84) man. Tex made the zoo one of the best in the coun try.The childre n of Kan sas City liked the zoo. And they li

16、ked the man who brought them such a nice place to(85) themselves.07 2006年Catherine and Martin met in England before they came to Australia. At that time, Martin was a min牧師(in a church, and it was three v_ (1) away fom Catheri ne s. One eve ning, they happe ned to havetdinner (2) in a restaura nt. T

17、hey e _ (3) their talk and laughed a lot. The young man soon won Catherine(4), so shs asked him whether he would marry her in church.The mini ster was very surprised and said that her q(5) came quite un expected. Catheri ne realized that he had not un derstood herc_ (6). So she laughed and saidWhat

18、I m_(7) is, whe n I get married in church, will you be the mini ster who marries me andmy husba nd? They both laughed, and they had a nice evening.However, their talk that evening put an idea into Martin s heada He rea(8etatfeat ihelovedwith Catherine and hewan ted to marry her. So a few days later,

19、 he visited her and asked her to marry him. Catheri ne felt proud and pleased, and a_ it. Soon after they were married, they m(10) to Australia.08 2007年Jerry and Carla were asked to choose a pers on for class preside nt. As they looked through the list of k (81) in the room, they stopped at Tin as n

20、 ame. Tina had lots of ideas, and she n ever said unkind things about other people.“really like Tina, and most of the classmates will accept her, I i(82) said Carla, but she looks t(83)! She puts ontoo much makeup (化裝品),and she wears strange and u )clothes. Sometimes she wears things that dont even

21、f(85) her. Do you think we could get her to use l (86) makeup and never wear deceri講(究的)clothes?Carla asked.We could nt. It would make us and her not feel c (87). replied Jerry. She goes around with high school girls, and she must know by now how she looks. My mother says it is wrong for eighth grad

22、ers to look like those m (88) stars.Yes;Carla a(89), and what will the teachers thi nk if we s (90) Tina?09 2022年What are you busy with yourself, Mom? the girl of six years old asked her mother.Mak ing dinner for the n eighbor aun t.Why?Because the other day the aun (81) her dear daughter in the ear

23、thquake and is so sad now. We must take g(82)care of her these days.Why n(83) our care?Because from the n on the aunt cant do what she liked to along with her daughter.Mak ing dinner and doing houseworkare also beco ming so d(84). I dont know what to do. My dear, can you come up with an i (85) to ma

24、ke the aunt feel better?All of a sudde n, the girl went to the n eighbors house and k(86) at the door.What can I do(fr you? asked the neighbor.I h(87) my mother say youre very sad without your daughterThe girl hamedUt可貼)a itihtly h(88) in her hand to the n eighbor.Tears ran dow n from the n eighbors

25、 eyes. She took the girl in her a(89) and said, Tha nk you. Your ban d-aid will h(90).10 2022年Last spri ng I was walk ing in a park. In front of me there was a mum and her 3-year-old daughter. The little girl was holdi ng 線$tri ng( which had a ballo on at the other e(81).All of a sudde n, a I(82) wi

26、nd took the ballo on from the little girl. I thought she would cry.But, no! As the little girl turned to watch her ballo on rise to the s(83) ,she cheerfully shoutedlowUt,That little girl t(84) me someth in g.Later that day, I received a phone call from my friend, he told me an un expectedproblem. I

27、 felt like r(85) withOh no, what should we do?But rememberi ng that little girl, I found m(86) say ing:Wow, that is in teresti ng! How can I help you?One thi ng is for sure-life is always going to make us f(87) un expected problems. However, how to deal with them is our choWe can choose to be anno y

28、ed or i(88).No matter what the situatio n is, Wow Twill always b(8“h, noSo the n ext time you meet one of lifes un expected g (90) ,remember that little girl and make it Wow !experie nee. TheWow always works.11 2022年One day Harvey s wife was cleaning out a cupboard.“ Look at all these umbrellas, Har

29、vey s wife said to him. are aiThere are eig76)and th eyI ll take them all to the umbrella shop and have them repaired, Harveysaid. (77Taway.are too good to t_Harvey took the eight umbrellasto the shop and l(78) them there. The shopkeepersaid, Theybe lr(79)tomorrow. That evening Harvey went home from

30、 the office by bus as he u(80)did. He sat n ext to an old woma n. She had an umbrelon the floor betwee n the s(81). When the bus reached his stop, he picked up her umbrella and stood up.Hey! the woman said,That umbrella(8:2) to me. I m so sorry. Harvey said, giving it to her. Please excuse me for ta

31、king (8i3ur umbrella by m_The next day he collected the umbrellas from the umbrella shop and got on the bus. As he sat dow n, a v(84) beh ind saidYou have certai nly had a s(85) day! He tur ned around and saw the woma n whose umbrella he hatltakmoshe daybefore.12 2022年元月調(diào)考Les Brow n, a famous speake

32、r, tells the story of one of his frien ds, a salesma n. His friend w (76) with money becausesales dropped by 60%. Les asked him, How many pho ne c(77)are you maki ng a day? His frie nd an swered, Twe nty-five.Les kept s(78) for a while. And then he gave him his a(79)Double them, he said. Make fifty.

33、 Orseve nty-five. Or one h(80).The salesma n an swered, Aw, man. Thats too much. Id rather w(81)a nd see.Too much! r(82) Les. You tell me you are running out of money and the n you say its too much. You know, one way fyou to get back is to p(83) first, the n your sales will in crease. How can you sa

34、y anything is too much whe n you Ieveryth in g?Today, much people say they have t(85) , but in fact they have nt touched the surface of their pot潛力al( Then, whynot make a promise to achieve your pers onal best ?13 2022年四月Whe n Mr. Smith got home from work, his flat would be clea n and look as good a

35、s n ew. A d (76) dinner would be ready for him on the table. After dinner, the robot would wash the dishes, while Mr. Smith r _ (77) himself, watch ing his favorite TV programs. Mr. Smith was very p _(78) with his robot.A few weeks later, however, things started to go w (79). The robot caught a viri

36、病毒)and c (80) a lot of problems. It noIon ger knew whe n it should cook breakfast, and sometimes it woke MrtlStrp at four o clock in the morning. Sometimes, Mr. Smith w find his breakfast in the washing m _ = (81) and his clean shirts in the dustbin. While Mr. Smith was at work, the robot would move

37、 around the house and k(82) thi ngs over. Whe n Mr. Smith got home, he would find his flat in a mess: food was on the bed,books were in the rice cooker, mirrors were b(83) , and coins were spread all over the floor. Mr. Smith w (84) what heshould do with the robot.In the end, Mr. Smith decided to_r(

38、85) the robot to the robot shop. The robot was just too much trouble.14 2022年五月供題Pearl Carson was shake n awake at 3:30 am by a forceful pull. King, the family dog, was trying to pull her out of bed. Then she s(76) smoke achheard the sound of fire from her pare nts room.尖ear) awaksjdCreamstber, Fern

39、, and fatherHoward, who had r(77) bee n in a hospital for lung disease. Helpi ng Howard to a first-floor win dow, Fern told him to climb out ,the n ran to her daughter.Still in side, King a(78) at Pearl s win dow, making scream ing sound. When running toward PearZedher husband hadn t yet e(79). She

40、made her way b(80) through the smoke and flames, f(81) Kirsound to where Howard lay still on the floor. Fern helped him get outside. King came out on ly after the other two were s(82).As day dawned, the Carsons saw that King s paws were badly burned, and his entire body wasiainrneddo項(xiàng)圈)hadgotten so

41、h(83)that it burned his throat, making it impossible for him to bark (吠)n(84).0nly after theseven-year-old dog refused food did they find pieces of wood in his mouth and realized that King, who slept outside, had bitten through a wood door to w(85) his family.參考答案2000年武漢市中考83. weeks 84.families89.fo

42、llowi ng2001 年63. uses59.river60.land 61.friends2002年閱讀理解填詞101. i nterested 102. called 103. hospitals 104. zoo 105. ways106. ill 107. medici ne 108. heart 109. operate 110. owners2003 年82. usual【考點(diǎn)】詞組【分析】as usual意思是像往常一樣.83. suddenly【考點(diǎn)】副詞【分析】空后是動(dòng)賓結(jié)構(gòu),此處應(yīng)用副詞,suddenly指事情的突然.84. thought【考點(diǎn)】動(dòng)詞【分析】前面的must be表示推測,所以用thought比擬合理.85. decided【考點(diǎn)】


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