1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上英文食譜:紅燒排骨的做法 Braised Spare Ribs in Brown Sauce 中英雙語How to make home-style Chinese pork ribs tender without over-cooked? Today I would like to recommend this popular dish which is one of our family favorites. The recipe is super easy, the added sweet and sour taste would make your mouth
2、water.家常排骨怎么紅燒才好吃?不用長時(shí)間燉也能讓它嫩?今天向大家推薦的是我家飯桌上的美味紅燒排骨,家里大人小孩都喜歡。一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)糖醋味,入味也挺適合。做法超級(jí)簡單,當(dāng)我很想偷懶時(shí)也會(huì)考慮做它。Yield: 3-4 servings(3-4人份) / Start to finish : 20 minutes(用時(shí)20分鐘左右)Ingredients:原料:. 1 + 3/4 cup(300g)pork spare ribs,cut to small pieces (2 inches). 1 + 3/4 cup(300g)排骨,切小塊. 1/3 cup (about 8)small baby c
3、arrots. 1/3 cup (約8個(gè))小胡蘿卜. 2/3 cup yellow onions,shredded. 2/3 cup 洋蔥,切細(xì)條或切丁. 1/2 cup yellow or green peppers,cut to strips. 1/2 cup 黃椒或青椒,切條Seasonings and Sauces:調(diào)料:(1). 2 Tbsp. Chinese cooking wine2 tbsp 老酒. 2 tsp. Chinese vinegar2 tsp 香醋. 1 piece ginger1片姜. 1 clove garlic,crushed1個(gè)蒜瓣泥. 3-4 pieces
4、 dry orange peel3-4片干陳皮. 6-8 pieces Szechwan peppercorn幾個(gè)花椒. 2 pieces anise2個(gè)八角. 2 tbsp. water2 tbsp 水. 3 tbsp. light soy sauce3 tbsp 生抽(2).1 tbsp. starch1 tbsp嫩肉淀粉或地瓜粉(3).2 tbsp. vegetable oil2 tbsp 蔬菜油(4). 1 tsp. dark soy souce1 tsp老抽. 2 tbsp. crystal rock candy2 tbsp冰糖. 3/4 cup water3/4 cup 水Meth
5、od:做法:1. Combine the pork ribs with the marinade sauce (1), set about 10 mimutes.1、將排骨放入調(diào)料(1),腌10分鐘。腌過排骨后的余下調(diào)料留著,備用。2. Then mix the pork ribs with the starch (2), set about 1 mimutes.2、從調(diào)料(1)中取出排骨,均勻抹上調(diào)料(2),腌1分鐘。3. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in the pan at medium-high heat. Add the ginger first then stir
6、 in onion, stir together for half a minute,or until onion is translucent.3、用一個(gè)姜片抹油鍋,然后中高火燒熱放入蔬菜油,再放入洋蔥炒約半分鐘至半透明。4、Add the pork ribs and continue stirring for about 2 minutes,until the pork ribs turn lightly brown on both sides.4、然后放入排骨炒一會(huì),待排骨有點(diǎn)上焦,即倒入腌過排骨后的余下調(diào)料,和調(diào)料(4)。5、Then add the rest of remained
7、marinade sauce (1),and sauce (4),stir a few times,then cook at medium heat with cover until one third of the sauce is left.5. 然后根據(jù)個(gè)人口味放調(diào)料1和4中的調(diào)料,然后用中火men至剩1/3的汁兒左右6、Add the carrots and peppers,stir a few times, cover then cook until the meat is tender and the sauce starts to thickene slightly, ( add
8、 1 tsp. Chinese aromatic vinegar for better smell and taste), now it is ready to serve. Enjoy!5、蓋上鍋蓋讓排骨中火燒,燒至水余1/3時(shí),再放入黃椒或青椒、和胡蘿卜,直至水快燒干,(依排骨口味,可以再適當(dāng)加入 1 tsp 香醋速炒一下。或者不加也可以。)排骨成略粘稠狀態(tài),起鍋裝盤。糖醋排骨的做法Sweet and sour pork chops Ingredient配料:fresh pork chop 排骨一斤切斷a bit of white sugar 白糖table salt 鹽Chinese v
9、inegar 醋Chinese cooking wine 料酒soy sauce 醬油Chinese onion 大蔥,不是香蔥(小蔥)direction做法1. fresh and chopped pork-chop排骨切斷2. clean in tap-water用清水將排骨洗凈3.deep-fry for a few minutes用油炸一會(huì)兒4. get out the pork chop after they turn brown in oil排骨炸至棕色將排骨撈出來5.stir the pork-chop with other spices與其它調(diào)味料一起翻炒6. put salt
10、, sugar,vinegar.and stir放鹽,糖,醋,然后繼續(xù)翻炒7. stir until being dry收汁兒-做法二:1. 小排500克焯水后,煮三十分鐘,肉湯可以煮面條,別倒掉了。2. 用一湯匙料酒,一湯匙生抽,半湯匙老抽,二湯匙香醋(不是白醋)腌漬20分鐘。3. 撈出洗凈控水備用,炸制金黃,油別放多,可以省油,只要翻身的勤就好了。4. 鍋內(nèi)放排骨,腌排骨的水,三湯勺白糖(大膽的放糖吧,三湯匙,別怕多)。半碗肉湯大火燒開,調(diào)入半茶匙鹽提味。5. 小火燜十分鐘大火收汁,收汁的時(shí)候最后加一湯匙香醋,那個(gè)酸甜口就出來了。6. 臨出鍋撒蔥花芝麻,少許味精。竅門:1,如何外酥里嫩煮3
11、0分鐘,這樣再大火熱油炸到外面焦黃,就外酥里嫩了。如果用生排骨直接炸,容易老2,為啥要腌漬,因?yàn)闊徨仧嵊脱杆俜庾×巳馔獗?,做糖醋汁的時(shí)候不容易吸收進(jìn)去,排骨里面有肉腥味3,怎么炸排骨?大火猛催,反正已經(jīng)煮了三十分鐘,早熟了,所以只要保證外面脆就可以了。Mushroom Pork 香菇炒肉Technology: fried工藝:炒Mushroom Pork production of materials:香菇炒肉的制作材料:Ingredients:主料:Pork (lean) 200 grams of mushrooms (fresh) 200 g豬肉(瘦)200克,香菇(鮮)200克Seaso
12、ning: lard (refining) 75 grams, 3 grams of salt, cooking wine 10 grams, 15 grams of green onions, starch (corn) 10 grams of MSG 3 grams, 8 grams of ginger, pepper powder, 1 gram, 1 gram of pepper調(diào)料:豬油(煉制)75克,鹽3克,料酒10克,大蔥15克,淀粉(玉米)10克,味精3克,姜8克,花椒粉1克,胡椒粉1克Practices:做法:1. meat and mushroom slices, resp
13、ectively;1. 肉和香菇分別切片;2. meat, salt, cooking wine and mix well on the wet starch slurry;2. 肉用鹽、料酒拌勻,漿上濕淀粉;3. with cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, onion, ginger, soup, pepper noodles, black pepper, wet starch into juice;3. 用料酒、味精、蔥、姜、湯、花椒面、胡椒面、濕淀粉對(duì)成汁;4. wok hot grease, oil heat under the meat afte
14、r, while promoting the bottom with a spoon until the pork spread;4. 炒鍋燒熱注油,油熱后即下肉片,邊 下 邊 用 勺推動(dòng),待肉絲散開;5. to be shed taste, add mushrooms and fry a few times, then pour on the good juice, to be turned even when blistering serve.5. 待散出味后加香菇炒幾下,再倒入對(duì)好的汁,待起泡時(shí)翻勻即成。啤酒鴨塊ingredient:新鮮鴨1 只(約重1000 克)牛肚250 克豬肉片2
15、50 克a fresh duck (about 1kg),ox tripe 250g, pork slices 250g豬肚150 克午餐肉1 聽豆腐皮250 克pork tripe 150g, thin sheets of bean curd 250g ,萵筍250 克 青菜300 克 藕300 克asparagus lettuce 250g ,lotus 300g調(diào)料:啤酒350 克 菜油200 克(約耗135 克)beer 350g vegetable oil 200g豬油100 克 豆瓣醬30 克lard oil 100g, thick broad-bean sauce 30g泡姜片3
16、0 克泡辣椒節(jié)40 克pickled pepper 40g蒜瓣10 瓣 老姜50 克garlic clove 10pcs ginger 50g花椒15 克白糖25 克Chinese prickly ash 15g sugar 25g精鹽10 克 味精5 克salt 10g monosodium glutamate 5g胡椒面3 克Pepper 3g制法:Cook method:、將鴨子除去內(nèi)臟、抓尖、嘴殼、去盡殘毛,洗凈,用紗布搌干水分,take off viscera of duck, and also the foot, mouth ,and wash clearly, dry it放入冷
17、水鍋中燒開,開小火煮至八成熟,撈出砍成4 厘米見方的塊待用。put it to cold water pot to boil it, use soft fire boil it 80% mature,then take it from the pot, cut it to square diamonds(4cm square )牛肚冼凈,片成約1.7 厘米寬的片。豬肚切下肚頭,剔去肚皮,修去油筋,用清水洗凈,wash clearly the ox tripe,(1.7cm width) and also wash clearly the pork tripe剞十字花刀,再改成寬1.5 厘米、長
18、6 厘米左右的條。午餐肉和豆腐皮分別切成片。cut thin sheets of bean curd into slices青菜洗凈,去老葉,取嫩葉。藕、萵筍去皮刮洗干凈,分別切成片。以上各料除鴨子外,均各分成兩份,對(duì)稱裝盤圍在火鍋周圍。wash lettuce clearly, use tender leaf. remove the peel of lotus and asparagus lettuce then wash clearly, both cut into slices,put them around duck.、另用炒鍋置火上,下菜油燒熱,下泡姜片、泡竦椒節(jié)、豆瓣醬末、老姜(拍
19、破)Then light your hot pot devices, heat the vegetable oil, and put in ginger slices pickled peppe thick broad-bean sauce ,old ginger slices炒幾下,潷去余油,下豬油、蒜瓣、花椒等再炒幾下,倒入煮鴨子的湯,煮10 分鐘fried a moment, pull out the rest vegetable oil, put in lard oil , garlic clove, Chinese prickly ash ,then fried a moment a
20、lso,pull in the soup to boil the duck ,for 10 minutes.,下鴨塊、啤酒、白糖、鹽、味精、胡椒面,燒開,打去浮沫。然后將湯及鴨塊等舀then put in ducks, beer ,sugar, salt monosodium glutamate,pepper,boil to boiling,入火鍋中上桌,點(diǎn)燃火,邊吃邊煮,各種葷素菜隨意燙食。味碟每人一個(gè),用麻油加鹽和味精拌成。Then pull out duck and soup,pull into hot pot and then to the desk,and light it ,eat while boil , any meat and vegetable all can put in.注:煮鴨的湯不要一次用完,在吃的過程中,用來補(bǔ)充鍋內(nèi)湯汁。此火鍋也可用雞湯、骨頭湯制作。若喜食辣者,可以加入干辣椒節(jié),其味更烈。NOTE: the soup which boil the ducks,do not use up,when you can use while you are eating,if you would like to more spicy,please add m
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