1、promotetheextensi on of strictlya dministeri ngthe partygrass -roots,butalsothe educati onal practiceofthe mass li neoft he partya ndthr ee-t hreespecial education resultsa chieve dfurther inheriteda ndexpanded. ore alizetwoa le arning educationis ane cessar ysolution to t he present problems ofpart
2、yconstr ucti on. Strengthe npr oblem consci ousne ss a nd insiste don pr oblem -orie nted,i s full ofstrictlyadmi nisteringt he partysincethe partys18a distinctive feature,a succe ssfulex perience. S ecretaryWa ng notedt hatsome partymembersstill have politicala warene ss, la ckof politicalre sponsi
3、 bility i ssue s, party awarene ssa nd consci ousness oft he pr oblem beliefdoes not really believe ,slim does nota ctual lyfixproblems, outspoke n,andjump onthe assessment ofthe partyspolici es,a nd soon. BiLifu Se cretary pointed outt hata quarteroft he economic situati onis very serious,thereis p
4、ressure one nvironment, seasonal factorsand ot herobje ctivereasons, butmainlysubjectiveprobl em,is the problemof party members andcadres.S omede pressed, negativesla ck, notresponsibl e,. Double six,one, a ndtw otookt he lea d,buil d energy burst, Hong sha ndistrict,e conomic prosperit y, eco-l iva
5、ble, civilize d and harmoni ous isla nd.It certainly cannot bese paratedfrom the whole area646 grass-r oots partyorgani zations and14,146members ofbroad partici pation and support. Throug hthe twost udy a nd e ducation,sot hateverycellofthepartyhealt h,every organizati on is strong ,so t hatallmembe
6、r softhe va nguar dand exemplary role ,allthefighti ng bastionr oleofgrass -rootsparty organizations i nto full playsot hatwe can crossthe Ra pids, overcomealldifficultiesandthesmooth reali zatio nofthe T hirteen-Five goal. S econd, basi c lear ning,focuson learning e ducati on m ust understa ndt he
7、 lear ning conte nt andlear ning style s Foundationlearningthese four wordsare importantinformati on inside isverylarge, capt ureprofoundworktr uth i n life. Forexam-Il.Ill- . -一 I . _ .1 _L .-. I -_ _ 一.一.一 一 .一|_| 一一 _ _ I LI - - -. . L I . L II- - . I .11 . II I II 一. - - I I_- . II_1.1. . I .1 _
8、 . _ I . .1, I |_|_1, _L I. .- 一.一 - - - - - 一. - -. II .II. - - - 一 一 一 J_ .一 _ _|_ _ . 一一一 .- 一. _I I . II L. _ I 一 - -一.I. I I . .1 I. - _ _ . _ - .- .- _I . L一 一. 一.- . I _ I .LI. .I - , .1 _ d -I 選擇題:A:在數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)中,線性結(jié)構(gòu)中元素之間存在 一對一B: 一對多C: 多對一D:多對多with Chi nesecharacteristics,System Info, system,Chine
9、se chara cteristics.closelyfocuson thedevelopment ofsocialism withChinese characteristics studya nd publicizethespiritofparty 18,tdreamofthe Chinesenation inoder n times. Zhihou,on morethan one occasi on, GeneralSecretary expoundedthe scie ntific c onnotation ofChinesedream,realizethe Chi nese dream
10、 moad, carryforward t hespirit andcohesion ofChineseforces,gra. 一 duallyformetheChi na dream,astrategicthougt.Andpra ctice with the Chi nese dream,reflectsthehi storyofthenew sessi on oftheCPCCentral Committee,and conformstothedev elopmenttrend and thepeople hope, embodies thegreatestcommondivisoran
11、d theconse nsusofChinese peopleathomeaowthe roadofsocialism witChine se characteri stics flag sand hig h melody. Thisaspects XIGe neral Secretary ofspe echmain i nculdi ng achieved Chinesegreat revConfere nce, considered thr oug hmore tha n 100 more items important reform pr ogramme,developed introd
12、uced morethan800overh session nat.I -youthdre am achi eved China dream notonlybenefit pe opl e,andbe nefitworl d pe opl e innovation due itsShi, dream suitable haveitss pote ntialachievedChinese greatrevivalis both aI ._.I一 -choice ofthe Gua ngdong, unequiv ocallyexpre ssthe unswervinglyfollow thero
13、a dof reform andopening uppower . 一 一nd courage.Partys 18 sessionadoptedade cision to dee penreform, opene dng reform ledGr2、數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)一門研究非數(shù)值計算的程序設(shè)計問題中計算機的操作對象以及它們之間的 和運算等的學(xué)科。A: 結(jié)構(gòu) B: 關(guān)系C: 操作 D: 算法3、算法分析的兩個主要方面A: 空間復(fù)雜度和時間復(fù)雜度 B: 正確性和簡明性 C: 可讀性和文檔性 D: 數(shù)據(jù)復(fù)雜性和程序復(fù)雜性4、順序表中邏輯上相鄰的節(jié)點其物理位置也A: 一定相鄰B: 不必相鄰C: 按某種規(guī)律排列
14、D: 無要求5、在一個單鏈表中,已知q 所指結(jié)點p 所指結(jié)點的前驅(qū)結(jié)點,若在q 和 p 之間插入s 結(jié)點,則執(zhí)行。A: s-next=p-next; p-next=s;B: p-next=s-next; s-next=p;C: q-next=s; s-next=p;D: p-next=s; s-next=q;6、一個棧的入棧序列a, b, c, d, e則棧的不可能的輸出序列是A: edcbaB: decbaC: dceabD: abcdepromotetheextensi on of strictlya dministeri ngthe partygrass-roots, butalso t
15、heeducational practiceofthe mass li neoft he partya ndthr ee-t hreespecial education resultsa chieve dfurther inheriteda ndexpanded. ore alizetwoa le arning educationis ane cessar ysolution to t he present problems ofpartyconstr ucti on. Strengthe npr oblem consci ousne ss a nd insiste don pr oblem
16、-orie nted,i s full ofstrictlyadmi nisteringt he partysincethe partys18a distinctive feature,a succe ssfulex perience. S ecretaryWa ng notedt hatsome partymembersstill have politicala warene ss, la ckof politicalre sponsi bility i ssue s, party awarene ssa nd consci ousness oft he pr oblem beliefdoe
17、s not really believe ,slim does nota ctual lyfixproblems, outspoke n,andjump onthe assessment ofthe partyspolici es,a nd soon. BiLifu Se cretary pointed outt hata quarteroft he economic situationis very serious,t hereis pressure onenvir onment,seasonalfactorsandot herobje ctivereasons, butmainlysubj
18、ectiveprobl em,is the problemof party members andcadres.S omede pressed, negativesla ck, notresponsibl e,. Double six,one, a ndtw otookt he lea d,buil d energy burst, Hong sha ndistrict,e conomic prosperit y, eco-l ivable, civilize d and harmoni ous isla nd.It certainly cannot bese paratedfrom the w
19、hole area646 grass-r oots partyorgani zations and14,146members ofbroadparticipation and support. Throug hthe twost udy a nd e ducation,sot hateverycellofthepartyhealt h,every organizati on is strong ,so t hatallmember softhe va nguar dand exemplary role ,allthefighti ng bastionr oleofgrass -rootspar
20、ty organizations i nto full playsot hatwe can crossthe Ra pids, overcomealldifficultiesandthesmooth reali zatio nofthe T hirteen-Five goal. S econd, basi c lear ning,focuson learning e ducati on m ust understa ndt he lear ning conte nt andlear ning style s Foundationlearningthese four wordsare impor
21、tantinformation inside isvery large, capt ureprofoundworktr uth i n life. Forexample,oftensay thatthe g oodCarpenter NAOCarpe nter,w hydo some carpe ntersmadefur nitureto haveevery bodyl ikes it, Car penterw eare notwillingt o lookforhim? areapparentlytwopeople higha ndlowtechnolog y, dig i ntothe d
22、eep isfirmerwhe nbothof hi sapprenti cesare not solid, t here is nogoodthatway. Luba nart ofstoryprimaryschool arelearn had,firstafter six mark testpracticeconduct,andpracti ce cultivation,and pra ctice persevera nce,andpracti ce patie nce,the nwith seven days seve n nig ht millaxetheoryarme d,and u
23、nity acti on,seriously lear ning XI Ge neralSecretary on reformdevelopmentstable,and Interiordi plomati cdefense,a nd ruleparty ruli ngarmyof important thought,ser iouslylearni ngto XIcomradeforGe neralSe cretary ofCentralr uling a cting political new conce pt new t hought new strategy,seriously lea
24、rning XIGe neralSecretary studyi nInner M ongoli aimporta nt spe echspirit, Gui de partymember sand ade ep understanding ofaseries ofimportantspeechesrich connotation and core ideas,whi ch began so thoroughly Marxistpositi ons7、循環(huán)隊列用數(shù)組 A0,m-1存放其元素值,已知其頭尾指針分別是 front和rear,則當(dāng)前隊列中的元素個數(shù)是。A: (rear-front+m
25、)%mB: rear-front+1C: rear-front-1D: rear-front8、關(guān)于空格串,下列說法中正確的有。A: 空格串就是空串B: 空格串是零個字符的串C: 空格串的長度為零D: 空格串的長度就是其包含的空格個數(shù)9、數(shù)組A 中,每個元素A 的長度為3 個字節(jié),行下標(biāo)i 從 1 到 8,列下標(biāo)j 從 1 到 10,從首地址 SA 開始連續(xù)存放在存儲器內(nèi),該數(shù)組按行存放時,元素A85 的起始地址為。A: SA+140B: SA+144C: SA+222D: SA+22510、對于一棵滿二叉樹,m個樹葉,n個節(jié)點,深度為h,則。A: n=h+mB: h+m=2nC: m=h-1
26、D: n=2 h-111、具有 65 個結(jié)點的完全二叉樹其深度為。 (根的層次號為1)A: 8B: 7C: 6D: 512、滿二叉樹二叉樹。A: 一定是完全B: 不一定是完全C: 不是D: 不是完全13、 將一棵有100 個節(jié)點的完全二叉樹從上到下,從左到右依次對節(jié)點進行編號,根節(jié)點的編號為 1 ,則編號為49 的節(jié)點的左孩子編號為。A: 99B: 98C: 50D: 48sChinese modern yilaimdthe ex hibiti oostgreatofdream in ofthe roaon,the greatestchieve dChinaa dreamofvividprac
27、tice inthe flyingI.一 一- -一-. I -I - - Jam must takethe rhomea nda broa d ChinesechildreI I. 1 I.-n common ofdream,.3.on deepeni-L .I. L. . Ill- II_ I -I _ - . I. _一 .- 一determination aT2中結(jié)點的14、如果T2是由森林T轉(zhuǎn)換而來的二叉樹,那么T中結(jié)點的后序遍歷就是A:先序遍歷B:中序遍歷C:后序遍歷D:層次遍歷15、將遞歸算法轉(zhuǎn)換成對應(yīng)的非遞歸算法時,通常需要使用 。A:棧B:隊列C:鏈表D:樹16、如果某二叉樹
28、的前序為stuwv,中序為uwtvs ,那么該二叉樹的后序為A: uwvtsB: vwutsC: wuvtsD: wutsv個結(jié)點。17、設(shè)有13個值,用它們組成一棵哈夫曼樹,則該哈夫曼樹中共有一A: 13B: 12C: 26D: 2518、按照二叉樹的定義,具有3個結(jié)點的二叉樹有 種。A: 3B: 4C: 5D: 619、如圖所示的4棵二叉樹中,c - w20、所謂稀疏矩陣指的是 。A:零元素個數(shù)較多的矩陣B:零元素個數(shù)占矩陣元素總個數(shù)一半的矩陣C:零元素個數(shù)遠遠多于非零元素個數(shù)且分布沒有規(guī)律的矩陣D:包含有零元素的矩陣a,頭指針指向1號結(jié)點。請完成:二、序列(a,b,c,d,e)已存在靜態(tài)
29、鏈表如下圖1 .在靜態(tài)鏈表中標(biāo)出此序列的邏輯關(guān)系。2.畫出依次執(zhí)行了 b前插入f,刪除e,c后插入g操作后的新的靜態(tài)鏈表圖bo0000004006ijvB三、已知一個稀疏矩陣如下:2 .給出它的三元組順序表表示3 .給出它逆置后的三元組順序表3.給出它的十字鏈表表示02001000030000000500ijvA四、對下圖的二叉樹完成如下要求:1 .寫出該樹的深度2 .寫出該深度的滿二叉數(shù)的總結(jié)點數(shù)3 .寫出二叉樹的后序遍歷的序列五、假設(shè)用于通信白電文僅由8個字母(AH)組成,字母在電文中出現(xiàn)的頻率分別為0.07,0.19, 0.02, 0.06, 0.32, 0.03, 0.21 , 0.1
30、0。試用這 8 個字母進行以下操作:1 .構(gòu)造一棵赫夫曼樹(左結(jié)點的權(quán)小于右結(jié)點的權(quán))2 .求出帶權(quán)路徑的長度3 .設(shè)計赫夫曼編碼(左分支為“0”,右分支為“1”)六、任意一棵有 N個結(jié)點的二叉樹,已知它有 M個葉子結(jié)點。試證明非葉子結(jié)點中度數(shù)為 2的有M-1個,其余的度數(shù)為1。promotetheextensi on of strictlya dministeri ngthe partygrass-roots, butalso theeducational practiceofthe mass li neoft he partya ndthr ee-t hreespecial educati
31、on resultsa chieve dfurther inheriteda ndexpanded. ore alizetwoa le arning educationis ane cessar ysolution to t he present problems ofpartyconstr ucti on. Strengthe npr oblem consci ousne ss a nd insiste don pr oblem -orie nted,i s full ofstrictlyadmi nisteringt he partysincethe partys18a distincti
32、ve feature,a succe ssfulex perience. S ecretaryWa ng notedt hatsome partymembersstill have politicala warene ss, la ckof politicalre sponsi bility i ssue s, party awarene ssa nd consci ousness oft he pr oblem beliefdoes not really believe ,slim does nota ctual lyfixproblems, outspoke n,andjump onthe
33、 assessment ofthe partyspolici es,a nd soon. BiLifu Se cretary pointed outt hata quarteroft he economic situationis very serious,t hereis pressure onenvir onment,seasonalfactorsand ot herobje ctivereasons, butmainlysubjectiveprobl em,is the problemof party members andcadres.S omede pressed, negative
34、sla ck, notresponsibl e,. Double six,one, a ndtw otookt he lea d,buil d energy burst, Hong sha ndistrict,e conomic prosperit y, eco-l ivable, civilize d and harmoni ous isla nd.It certainly cannot bese paratedfrom the whole area646 grass-r oots partyorgani zations and14,146members ofbroad partici pa
35、tion and support. Throug hthe twost udy a nd e ducation,sot hateverycellofthepartyhealt h,every organizati on is strong ,so t hatallmember softhe va nguar dand exemplary role ,allthefighti ng bastionr oleofgrass -rootsparty organizations i nto full playsot hatwe can crossthe Ra pids, overcomealldiff
36、icultiesandthesmooth reali zatio nofthe T hirteen-Five goal. S econd, basi c lear ning,focuson learning e ducati on m ust understa ndt he lear ning conte nt andlear ning style s Foundationlearningthese four wordsare importantinformation inside isvery large, capt ureprofoundworktr uth i n life. Forex
37、ample,oftensay thatthe g oodCarpenter NAOCarpe nter,w hydo some carpe ntersmadefur nitureto haveevery bodyl ikes it, Car penterw eare notwillingt o lookforhim? areapparentlytwopeople higha ndlowtechnolog y, dig i ntothe deep isfirmerwhe nbothof hi sapprenti cesare not solid, t here is nogoodthatway.
38、 Luba nart ofstoryprimaryschool arelearn had,firstafter six mark testpracticeconduct,andpracti ce cultivation,and pra ctice persevera nce,andpracti ce patie nce,the nwith seven days seve n nig ht millaxetheoryarme d,and unity acti on,seriously lear ning XI Ge neralSecretary on reformdevelopmentstabl
39、e,a nd Interiordi plomati cdefense,a nd ruleparty ruli ngarmyof important thought,ser iouslylearni ngto XIcomradeforGe neralSe cretary ofCentralr uling a cting political new conce pt new t hought new strategy,seriously learning XIGe neralSecretary studyi nInner M ongoli aimporta nt spe echspirit, Gu
40、i de partymember sand ade ep understanding ofaseries ofimportantspeechesrich connotation and core ideas,whi ch began so thoroughly Marxistpositi ons七、簡述以下算法的功能(棧和隊列的元素類型為int) 。void algo (Queue &Q)Stack S; int d;InitStack(S);While (!QueueEmpty(Q) DeQueue(Q,d); Push (S,d);While (!StackEmpty(S) Pop(S,d
41、); EnQueue (Q,d);八、算法題:1、設(shè)計一個算法按層次輸出二叉樹中的所有結(jié)點,要求同一層次的從左向右輸出(存儲按二叉樹表)。2、已知一單鏈表,頭指針為h,指向表頭結(jié)點,請寫出算法對此單鏈表就地逆轉(zhuǎn)。(h仍舊為逆轉(zhuǎn)后的單鏈表的頭指針指向表頭結(jié)點)。注:逆轉(zhuǎn)為:原單鏈表的序列為(加生%),則逆轉(zhuǎn)后為(an,an-i,ai)3、寫一算法,實現(xiàn)統(tǒng)計帶表頭的單鏈表中元素值為奇數(shù)的接點個數(shù)。 -1.1.I - 1 . . II . . . _ IL II.一 一- -一-. I -I - - Jam must takethe rhomea nda broa d ChinesechildreI
42、 I. 1 I.-n common ofdream,.3.on deepeni.I. L. . Ill- II_ I -九、已知線性鏈表如下圖,頭指針為La,寫出語句序列使左圖中的指針指向改成右圖中的指針指向。a-a Vb二卡 c-a a b cLa十、在一個C語言程序中,有結(jié)構(gòu)類型STUDENT的定義和結(jié)構(gòu)數(shù)組 allstudents的聲明如下: struct STUDENTchar name8;int number;STUDENT allstudents1050;allstudents是一個二維數(shù)組,它的每個元素都是包含name和number的結(jié)構(gòu)類型。已知在C語言中,二維數(shù)組使用以行序為
43、主序的存儲結(jié)構(gòu),char類型占用1字節(jié),int類型占用4字節(jié)。假定allstudents在內(nèi)存中的起始存儲位置是2000,請寫出計算 allstudentsij的存儲位置的算式,并計算 allstudents35的存儲位置。卜一、用下標(biāo)從。到4的一維數(shù)組存儲一個循環(huán)隊列,目前其中有兩個元素A、B,狀態(tài)如圖(a)。如果此后有17個數(shù)據(jù)元素 C、D、P、Q、R、S依次進隊列,其間又有 16個元素先后出隊列,請在圖reac(b)中填寫隊列最后的狀態(tài),包括其中的元素和指針的位置。(b)front-(a)promotetheextensi on of strictlya dministeri ngthe
44、 partygrass-roots, butalso theeducational practiceofthe mass li neoft he partya ndthr ee-t hreespecial education resultsa chieve dfurther inheriteda ndexpanded. ore alizetwoa le arning educationis ane cessar ysolution to t he presentprobl em,is the problemof party members andcadres.S omede pressed,
45、negativesla ck, notresponsibl e,. Double six,one, a ndtw otookt he lea d,buil d energy burst, Hong sha ndistrict,e conomic prosperit y, eco-l ivable, civilize d and harmoni ous isla nd.It certainly cannot bese paratedfrom theproblems ofpartyconstr ucti on. Strengthe npr oblem consci ousne ss a nd in
46、siste don pr oblem -orie nted,i s full ofstrictlyadmi nisteringt he partysincethe partys18a distinctive feature,a succe ssfulex perience. S ecretaryWa ng notedtwhole area646 grass-r oots partyorgani zations and14,146members ofbroad partici pation and support. Throug hthe twost udy a nd e ducation,so
47、t hateverycellofthepartyhealt h,every organizati on is strong ,so t hatallmember一一一.一.1.1. . I .1 _ . _ I . .1, I |_|_1,_L I. .- 一.一 - - - - - 一. - - -. II .II. s,whih began so thoroughly Marxistnogoodthatway. Lubanart ofstoryprimaryceconduct,andpractice cultivation,and practice persevera nce,andpracti ce patie nce,the nwith seven days seve n nig ht millaxetheoryarmehatsome partymembersstill have politicala warene ss, la ckof politicalre sponsi bility i ssue s, party awarene ssa nd con
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- 教材選擇與使用建議計劃
- 制訂有效的任職資格標(biāo)準(zhǔn)計劃
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- 人類基因組的進化研究試題及答案
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- 幼兒園戶外自主游戲
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