



1、1. Three international developments have made intercultural contact more pervasive ( 無處不在),they are. ( D)A. new tech no logy and in formati on systemB. cha nges in the world 'populati onC. a shift in the world s economic arenaD. A, B and C2. Chas evolved that lets societies share cultural experi

2、e nces with one ano ther as films areproduced and show n around the world.A. Show bus in essB. I.T.C. intern ati onal film in dustry D. Mass media3. A in the Un ited States, because they have bee n profo un dly affected by populati on and immigrati on in creases, are a primary sett ing for domestic

3、in tercultural con tact.A. SchoolsB. Commu nityC. WorkplaceD. club4. It is difficult to find a single definition of human communication because_D_.A. the complex n ature of com mun icati onB. the issue of inten tio nalityC. the issue of uninten ti on alityD. A, B and C5. To Reusch and Bates on, com

4、mun icati on ofte n takes place A .A. without aware nessB. con sciouslyC. i nten tio nallyD. deliberately6. Which of the stateme nts of com mun icati on is not true?A(?)A. Communication is dynamicB. Communication is symbolicC. Communication is InterpretiveD. Communication is static7. Communi cati on

5、 has a con seque nee means that _D_.A. Communication is irreversibleB. Our response to message does not have to be immediateC. The n ature of our resp on ses to messages is rooted in our culture D. A, B and C8. Which of the item is not the basic comp onent of culture? DA. ValuesB. Emotio nsC. Perso

6、nalityD. Attitudes9. We lear n our culture not through?.A. proverbsB. artC. mass mediaD. self-taught10. Although many aspects of culture are subject to change, theB_ of a culture resists majoralteratio ns.A. historyB. the deep structureC. backgro undD. traditi on11. D_ is at the core of in tercultur

7、al com muni cati on.A. sen derB. receiverC. cultureD. la nguage12. Although cultures cha nge through several mecha ni sms, which of the follow ing item is not the three most com mon on es. CA. Diffusi onB. Acculturati onC. Inven ti onD. Inno vati on13. One of the most difficult tasks for foreigners

8、in learning a new Ianguage is learning theandin which they are used. CA. differe nt styles, the con textsB. grammar, acce ntC. differe nt styles, the speech actsD. vocabulary, the pronun ciati on14. Lan guage is accompa nied by a con ti nu ous flow of non verbal com muni cati on, which in volvesnot

9、onlybut alsoand. CA. the tone, gaze, postureB. the voice, the face, the bodyC. the pitch, gaze, gestureD. the pace, the dista nee, touch15. B_ is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory data in a way thaten ables us to make sense of our physical and social world.A. In terpreta

10、ti onB. Perceptio nC. An alysisD. Un dersta nding16. The maps are usually drawn by putting one 's country in the center. This illustrates _C_.A. MisinterpretationB. Racial biasC. EthnocentrismD. Stereotype17. Many stereotypes are provided by the _D_.A. School educationB. TextbookC. HistoryD. Mas

11、s media18. Cultural breakdowns, setbacks or conflicts result from misinterpretations, ethnocentrism, and stereotype as a result of _B_.A. MisperceptionB. Racial biasC. MisunderstandingD. False impression19. _C_ are defined as“an enduring set of beliefs that serve to guide or direct our behav.iorA. L

12、awsB. Perceptions C. Values D. World views20. Which of the statements about cultural values is not true? BA. Cultural values, as is the case with cultural beliefs, guide both perception and communication.B. Cultural values have nothing to do with individual values.C. Cultural values are prescriptive

13、.D. Cultural values, once formed, are enduring and relatively stable.21. Which of the countries doesn 't belong to individualistic culture? D(?)A. ItalyB. New ZealandC. FranceD. Greece22. In a high power distance culture, the superior tends toBA. treat employees respectfully B. display his autho

14、rityC. interact with workers more often D. do important work23. Which of the statements about low uncertainty avoidance is not true?(?)A. Divers population. B. Frequent innovations.C. Generally older countries with a long history. D. Citizens are proud of nation.24. Which of the following countries

15、or region of no feminine traits?DD. AustriaD. Symbolizes culture. BA. NorwayB. FinlandC. Denmark25. Language _C_ cultural reality.A. ExpressesB. EmbodiesC. InfluencesIt is a universal truth that language is by culture and in turn it A. influenced, reflectsC. determined, reflectsB. displayed, influen

16、cesD. shaped, influences26. Language is the representation of a people, and it comprises their historical andcultural backgrounds as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking.DA. PrescriptiveB. AbstractC. SubstantialD. Symbolic27. Which of the contextual cues do not matter

17、 in a high-context culture?AA. The type of relationship that exists between the speaker and the listener.B. The coded, explicit message.C. Age relative to the speaker and the listener.D. Where is the communication taking place?28. The low-context culture doesn 't have which of the characteristic

18、s. BA. Tends to develop transitory personal relationship.B. Tends to use "logic" to present ideas.C. Tends to give simple, ambiguous, non-contexting messages.D. Values individualism.29. The following advantages of high-context culture don 'itnclude _D A. it saves us making many trivial

19、 decisions;B. it allows for great flexibility, adaptability and originality;C. roles tend to be clear;D. group projects and team efforts tend to be practicable and effective.30. People from cultures that prefer“high involvement _”_As_ty_le_s_.tend toA. expect to be interruptedB. use polite listening

20、 soundC. give plenty of positive and respectful responses to their conversation partnersD. speak one at a time31. People from “high considerateness” cultures are often thou_g_hBt_t_o_b_e.A. loudB. passiveC. chatty D. pushy32. One way to determine whether a culture favors a direct or indirect style i

21、n communication is A.A. How they say,“No.”B. How they invite people.C. How they teach people. D. How they accept people.33. In 2010, the Easter is on _A.A. 4th, AprilB.5th, AprilC. 2nd, AprilD. 6th, April34. Which of the communication style can 'tbe characterized as high considerateness? A A. Ch

22、ineseB. JapaneseC. Mainstream AmericanD. RussianDefine the following concept. (4 points for each of the 5 items)(1) Culture (2) Acculturation (3) Stereotype (4) Value (5) Uncertainty avoidance(6) Communication (7) Innovation (8) Perception (9) Ethnocentrism (10) Intercultural communication(11) Power

23、 distance (12) high-contextTrue or false.(1) ( F ) Cultural generalizations must be viewed not as approximations 接( 近 )of reality, but as absolute representations.(2) ( T ) Domestic contacts are increasing because new immigrants and co-cultures are growing in numbers.(3) (F ) Our response to message

24、 has to be immediate.(4) (T ) It is always possible to share our feelings and experiences by means of direct mind-to-mind contact.(5) ( T ) Culture is a problem of nurture instead of nature, that is one's cultural patterns areacquired through learning or interacting, or they are determined by th

25、e environment within which we live.(6) ( F ) Misinterpretations do result every time members from two cultures communicate.(7) ( F ) Ethnocentrism is usually learned at the conscious level.(8) ( F ) Low uncertainty avoidance cultures tend to have a less efficient infrastructure than high uncertainty

26、 avoidance cultures.(9) ( T ) China, Korea, Japan, Latin America, and to a certain extent, France, are considered to be high-context cultures.(10) ( T ) In the mainstream American culture, the ideal form of communication includes being direct rather than indirect.(11) (T )Communication is an activit

27、y that affects people and other people.(12) ( T) New technology, and growth in the world 'psopulation have contributed toincreased international contacts.(13) ( F ) All cultures use symbols, but they rarely assign their own meanings to them.(14) ( T ) Communication can be retrieved.(15) ( ) Patt

28、erns of culture are inherent with individual, that is, they are genetically passed down from previous generations.(16) ( ) Perceptions for the same object, behavior or event are always universal.(17) ( ) To understand other pe ople we must go into their perceptual world and try to experience reality

29、 in the same manner as they do.(18) ( T ) The Arabic-speaking nations, Latin America, Russia, and nearly all of Asia (especially India and China) are high power distance.(19) ( ) Language is influenced and shaped by culture; it reflects culture.(20) (F ) Mainstream American conversation style would also be characterized as “ high involvement” , although it differsgsni ificantly from the various Asian patterns.(21) ( ) We are captives of our culture, though it offers us a common frame of reference.(22) ( ) We study other cultures from the


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