1、巴鄉(xiāng)小學課堂教學改革總結(jié)一學期來,我校按照教育局的安排和部署,在中心學校的關(guān)心指 導下,緊緊圍繞“課堂教學改革”這一中心工作,在本學期積極開展 了 “先學后教、當堂訓練”課堂教學模式的改革與嘗試,加強了三級 課程管理,注重校本教研活動,取得了階段性的成果,下面對本學期 工作總結(jié)如下:一、結(jié)合實際,落實課程計劃。根據(jù)教學改革年的會議精神,結(jié)合我校實際,在課程改革實驗中 實行國家、地方和學校三級課程。為了保證課程計劃能夠落實到位,學校實行“兩制”管理。月教 學進度檢查制,期末教學目標考核制。月教學進度檢查制是指對學科 的教學進度進行監(jiān)控,防止過快或過慢,從而落實課程計劃。期末教 學目標考核制是指每
2、學期末對課程計劃所涉及的所有學科(包括校本 課程,綜合實踐活動課程)進行目標考核。二、加強培訓,提高教師素質(zhì)。新的教育理念,呼喚新型的教師,理想的課程必須通過教師的實 踐才能轉(zhuǎn)化為現(xiàn)實的課程,我校本著全員培訓、全程培訓的原則,在 全體教師中扎扎實實地進行教學改革理論的學習和開展校本教研活 動。1、9月份,按教育局文件精神,我校做教師的思想工作,強調(diào) 改革的重要性,提出了改革的具體要求,為改革做好思想鋪墊。要求 每名教師認真學習理論材料,寫好 5000字的學習筆記,寫好理論學alleviation crucialfurther developme nttoa cceler ate the pro
3、cess ofwell-offsoci etyhas create da greatopportunity. 18sincet heCentrala nd provincial povertyalleviati on a nd devel opme ntinto t he overa llstrategic planning ,priority a nd"first pr oject",formulated aseries of poli ciesnowfocus,developmentmeasures have allbe en clear. Wewa ntto sei
4、zethe opport unity, preci sion applicati on strategy ,focus punch, break "support .,Supportst hedevelopment ofoldrev oluti onary a nda series of poli cymeasures i nareas suchasi nfrastructure, public service s,pr omoting high standards, support, a nd mor eopport unitie s for us to accelerat e d
5、evel opme nt,pr ovide gre ater support. From pr ovinces policyorie nted see,"1236" poverty storming,a nd "6873" traffic breakthrough,and "6363"waterguarante es,majora ctionspeed up im plementati on, ecologi cal security barrier,and longEast energy chemical baseconstr uc
6、tion,major strategyintensive introduced,and provinci al "eight achang e",and"eighta bot h"and m uni cipal "sixa i nto",and "six big support" ofdeci sion de ployme nt,concentrate d relea se ha smanypolicyg ood.Inparti cular GansuSilkRoa d economic beltofgol dan
7、d heritag eofChine se civili zation constr ucti on ofadvancing t he innovati on zone,jing chuan baseda dvantage, createnodecities and provi dea broa derspace i ncorear ea s.From I Countypr oject r esource s see ,nati onale col ogicalcivilization pil otengi neering m odel County a ndcy cle e conomi c
8、 mode lCounty tw oa nati onal project la ndi ng impleme ntation,will i n country provi ncelev elwon more support ;Pingliangto jingchuan city interfastchannel,andxi ping rail way doubletrack, majorproject i nto provi ncesplate, willfurther upgra de ICountytraffichub and channel e conomi c status; pap
9、er Brigade integrate d body,a ndZ hu Jia Jia nreserv oir,and agricultural PVpower,a nd ga sutilizati on,and commoditytradingand t he agricultural wholesalemark et,andMillion tonne sof contr olled atm ospherefruitand freezi ng and drying food producti on line, a numberofmajor project s impleme nted,
10、handi cap, Liu he reserv oirpr oje ct work smoot hly,the se proje cts originate dfrom the"Tw elve-Five"conti nue to a ccumulate,t o dev eloptheir pote ntialin t he"Thirte en-Five" concentrated duringrelease. Orient, ist o de epenthe understa ndi ng ofa ccurate.Afteryears oftherev
11、i sion,dev elopment ofjingchua nsta nd on a new historical startingpoint ,features ofeconomica nd socialdev elopmenthascha nged significa ntly.Compre hensive construction of well -offsociety i n enteri ng the showdow ntowinstage, dualactiona nd poor pre cision, drive n by County poverty dr oppedfr o
12、m37.5%t o 11.2%.Ful limpleme ntation of the"1+17", "2+19"pr ogramme,ensuret hetimely reali zation ofpoverty,poor pe ople to achieve well-offsociety,wemust battle tasks.Fromtheperspective of currenti ncome, poorvillage,t hepoorge nerallyla ckstr ong i ndustrialsupport,mostrely on
13、service rev enue,al ong wit hthedeepeni ngofstruct uralreform, low skills,hard w orkwill become increasi nglydifficult, la bori ncomejumpm ore andmore習心得和實際工作的教學案例,學習方式采取教師自學和集體學習兩種, 1 月初上交學習材料;要求教師在學習的過程中,不斷與自己的課堂教學相結(jié)合,是理論真正應(yīng)用到實際中;要求六月末每名教師逐步形成適合自己的教學模式。2、 有條不紊地安排教師參加培訓。鼓勵教師學習外地先進經(jīng)驗,為外出學習創(chuàng)造條件。11 月我
14、校派主課老師到實驗小學聽課取經(jīng)。3、突破課堂教學,落實課程改革。課堂,是教學的主渠道。課程改革的關(guān)鍵和重點是課堂教學。因此,我們把課堂作為課改的突破口。( 1)、嚴格按新課程計劃開課設(shè)節(jié)。做到有課時、有教師、有考評,真正走進課堂,落到了實處。( 2)、為確保各學科正常教學,進行嚴格的查堂制度,一經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)甲課換乙課或放羊式教學等情況,立即登記,作為教師教學常規(guī)檢查的內(nèi)容之一,并納入教師工作評價。(3)、開展課堂教學交流與研究活動。一是進行集體備課,以備課組為單位,每周進行一次集體備課,由組內(nèi)成員輪流主持,研究本周的教學內(nèi)容、探討教學方法。二是進行課堂交流,每位教師每學期必須上一堂教研課。上課后,及
15、時進行說課、評課,總結(jié)成績,找出不足。(4)、積極開展教學大賽活動,分上中下三片進行。在大賽活動中,讓教師圍繞“自主、合作、探究”的主體思路開展課堂活動,開出了教學改革的新思路。alleviation crucialfurther developme nttoa cceler ate the process ofwell-offsoci etyhas create da greatopportunity. 18sincet heCentrala nd provincial povertyalleviati on a nd devel opme ntinto t he overa llstrat
16、egic planning ,priority and"first pr oject",formulated aseries of poli ciesnowfocus,developmentmeasures have allbe en clear. Wewantto seize the opport unity, preci sion application strategy,focus punch, break "support .,Supportst hedevelopment ofoldrev oluti onary a nda series of poli
17、 cymeasures i nareas suchasi nfrastru cture, public service s,pr omoting high standards, support, a nd mor eopport unities for us to accelerate devel opme nt,pr ovide gre ater support. From pr ovinces poli cyorie nted see,"1236" poverty storming,a nd "6873" traffic breakthrough,a
18、nd "6363"waterguarante es,majora ctionspeed up im plementation, ecologi calse curity barrier,and longEast energy chemical baseconstr uction,major strategy int ensive introduced,and provinci al "eight achang e",and"eighta bot h"and muni cipal "sixa into",and &q
19、uot;six big support" ofdecision deployme nt,concentrated relea se ha smanypolicyg ood.Inparti cular GansuSilkRoa d economic beltofgol dand heritageof Chine se civili zation constr ucti on ofadvancing the innovati on zone,jing chuan basedadvantage,create nodecities and provi dea broa derspace i
20、ncorearea s.From I Countyproject resource s see ,nati onale coolgicalcivilization pil otengi neering m odel County a ndcy cle e conomi c mode lCounty tw oa nati onal project landi ng impleme ntation,will i n country provincelev elwon more support ;Pingliangto jingchuan city interfastchannel,andxi pi
21、ng railway doubletrack, majorproject i nto provi ncesplate, willfurther upgra de ICountytraffichub and channel e conomi c status; paperBrigade integrate d body,a ndZ hu Jia Jia nreserv oir,and agricultural PVpower,a ndga sutilizati on,and commoditytradingand the agriculturalwholesalemark et,andMilli
22、 ontonnesof controlled atm ospherefruitand freezi ng and drying food producti on line, a numberofmajor project s impleme nted, handi cap, Liu he reserv oirpr oje ct work smoot hly,the seproje cts originate dfrom the"Tw elve-Five"conti nue to a ccumulate,t o dev eloptheir pote ntialin t he&
23、quot;Thirte en-Five" concentrated duringrelease. Orient, isto deepenthe understa ndi ng ofa ccurate.Afteryears oftherevi sion,dev elopment ofjingchua nsta nd on a new historical startingpoint ,features ofeconomica nd socialdev elopmenthascha nged significa ntly.Compre hensive construction of we
24、ll -offsociety i n enteri ng the showdow ntowinstage, dualactiona nd poor pre cision, driven by County poverty droppedfr om37.5%t o 11.2%.Ful limpleme ntation of the"1+17", "2+19"pr ogramme,ensuret hetimely reali zation ofpoverty,poor peopleto achieve well-offsociety,wemust battl
25、e tasks.Fromtheperspective of currenti ncome, poorvillage,t hepoorge nerallyla ckstr ong i ndustrialsupport,mostrely on service revenue,al ong wit hthedeepeni ngofstruct uralreform, low skills,hard w orkwill become increasi nglydifficult, la bori ncomejumpm ore andmore(5)、學校領(lǐng)導高度重視課堂教學,經(jīng)常深入班級聽課,并與教師一
26、同探索,使課堂教學改革得以深入進行。(6)、充分發(fā)揮學科帶頭人、骨干教師的帶頭作用,將學課、備課、導課、上課、研課、評課、反思各環(huán)節(jié)融為一體,使課改工作盡快落實到每一位教師、每一節(jié)課堂。4、有聲有色地抓好教師的業(yè)務(wù)學習。學校按照“整體規(guī)劃,分類要求,全員培訓,全程培訓”的思路,實現(xiàn)培訓內(nèi)容由文本培訓向課程培訓轉(zhuǎn)變,培訓方式由灌輸式向交流探究式轉(zhuǎn)變,把學習、 實踐、研討融為一體,為每一位教師搭建了展示自我的平臺,逐步開展對教學管理人員、骨干教師和普通教師的培訓工作。在培訓策略上,實行“五個結(jié)合”, 即走出去請進來相結(jié)合,集中培訓與校本培訓相結(jié)合,面對面輔導與遠程教育相結(jié)合,理論學習與實踐體驗相結(jié)
27、合,培訓與教學研究相結(jié)合。5、有的放矢地抓好校本教研活動。常規(guī)教研不停步,學校采用教研組長負責制來落實常規(guī)教研工作,對本學科課改過程中碰到的一些小問題展開教學研究,本著“問題即課題,行動即研究,案例即成果”的工作思路, 引導全體教師搞好課改教學工作。實施研培結(jié)合工程,促進教師專業(yè)發(fā)展,我校把教研與培訓結(jié)合起來,實施了“五個一”工程。要求每位教師每學期研讀一本好書、撰寫 2000 字讀書筆記;出一節(jié)展示課;撰寫一個教學案例;剖析一節(jié)典型課;每星期教師寫一篇教學反思。通過外出學習和培訓,教師的視野寬了、眼界遠了、觀念新了、方法多了。alleviation crucialfurther develo
28、pmenttoacceler ate the process ofwell-offsoci etyhas create da greatopportunity. 18sincet heCentrala nd provincial povertyalleviati on a nd devel opme ntinto t he overallstrategic planning ,priority a nd"first pr oject",formulated a series of poli ciesnowfocus,developme ntmeasures have all
29、be en clear. Wewa ntto sei zethe opport unity, preci sion applicati on strategy ,focus punch, break "support .,Supportst hedevelopment ofoldrev oluti onary a nda series of poli cymeasures i nareas suchasi nfrastructure, public services,pr omoting high standards, support, a nd mor eopport unitie
30、 s for us to accelerat e devel opme nt,pr ovide greater support. From pr ovinces policyorie nted see,"1236" poverty st orming,a nd "6873" traffic breakthr ough,and "6363"waterg uarante es,majora ctionspeed up im plementati on, ecologi cal security barrier,and long East
31、energy chemical ba seconstr uction,major strategyint ensive introduced,and provi ncial "eight achang e",and"eighta bot h"and m uni cipal "sixa i nto",and "six big support" ofdeci sion de ployme nt,concentrate d relea se ha smanypolicyg ood.Inparti cular GansuS
32、ilkRoa d economic beltofgol dand heritag eofChinese civili zation constr ucti on ofadvancing t he innovati on zone,jing chuan baseda dvantage, createnode cities and provi dea broa derspace i ncorear ea s.From I Countypr oject r esource s see ,nati onale col ogicalcivilization pil otengi neering m od
33、el County a ndcy cle e conomi c mode lCounty tw oa nati onal project la ndi ng impleme ntation,will i n country provincelev elwon more support ;Pingliangto jingchuan city interfastchannel,a ndxi ping rail way doubletrack, majorproject i nto provi ncesplate, willfurther upgra de ICountytraffichub a n
34、d channel e conomi c status; paper Brigade integrate d body,a ndZ hu Jia Jia nreserv oir,and agricultural PVpower,a nd ga sutilizati on,and commoditytradinga nd t he agricultural wholesalemark et,and Million tonne sof controlled atm ospherefruitand freezi ng and drying food producti on line, a numbe
35、rofmajor project s impleme nted, handi cap, Liu he reserv oirpr oje ct work smoot hly,the se proje cts originate dfrom the"Tw elve-Five"conti nue to accumulate,t o dev eloptheir pote ntialin t he"Thirte en-Five" concentrated duringrele ase. Orient, ist o de epenthe understa ndi n
36、g ofa ccurate.Afteryears oftherevi sion,dev elopment ofjingchua nsta nd on a new historical startingpoint ,features ofeconomica nd socialdev elopmenthascha nged significa ntly.Compre hensive construction of well -offsociety in enteri ng the showdow ntowinstage, dualacti ona nd poor pre cision, drive
37、 n by County poverty dr oppedfrom37.5%t o 11.2%.Ful limpleme ntation of the"1+ 17", "2+19"pr ogramme,ensuret hetimely reali zation ofpoverty, poor pe ople to achieve well-offsociety,wem ust battle tasks.Fromthe perspective of currenti ncome, poorvillage,t hepoorge nerallyla ckstr
38、 ong i ndustrialsupport,m ostrely on service revenue,al ong wit hthedeepeni ngofstruct uralreform, low skills, hard w orkwill become increasi nglydifficult, la bori ncomejumpm ore andmore開學初整理出學期教科研課改活動專題安排表。具體到主講人,到月、到周、到某一課題。課改研究活動做到了“六有”:有計劃、有專題、有內(nèi)容、有主講人、有記載、有資料。開展課前研討,課中改進, 課后評議反思,綜合每個教師的課改實踐優(yōu)勢,
39、達到頭腦資源、信息資源共享。三、建立平等的新型師生關(guān)系。新課改實驗中,建立平等、和諧、民主的師生關(guān)系是轉(zhuǎn)變教學方式和學習方式的前提。學校對全體教師提出了“三多三少三帶”的要求,即:多一些尊重,少一些專制,把微笑帶進教室;多一些鼓勵,少一些指責,把激勵帶進課堂;多一些啟發(fā),少一些禁錮,把競爭帶進課堂。 幾年的實踐,我們欣喜地看到,教育教學正悄然發(fā)生著變化,教師的地位變了,教師不再是高高居于講臺之上,而是更多的走到學生中間,同學生平等的對話,創(chuàng)造性地針對學生實際開展教學活動。學生學活了,他們敢于在課堂上發(fā)表自己的見解, “我不同意,我認為,我覺得”這些詞匯經(jīng)常從他們口中蹦出。下課了,他們還拉著老師
40、的手問問題。許多教師反映他們“經(jīng)常有驚喜”、 “常會發(fā)現(xiàn)學生的閃光點”,還有的教師說“學生的想象非常有趣”等等。四、充實弱點,重評價促發(fā)展學生是學習的主體,也是評價的主體,對學生的評價是管理者、教師、學生、家長共同參與的重要活動。1、實行觀察評價。alleviation crucialfurther developme nttoa cceler ate the process ofwell-offsoci etyhas create da greatopportunity. 18sincet heCentrala nd provincial povertyalleviati on a nd d
41、evel opme ntinto t he overa llstrategic planning ,priority a nd"first pr oject",formulated aseries of poli ciesnowfocus,developmentmeasures have allbe en clear. Wewa ntto sei ze the opport unity, preci sion applicati on strategy ,focus punch, break "support .,Supportst hedevelopment o
42、foldrev oluti onary a nda series of poli cymeasures i nareas suchasi nfrastru cture, public service s,pr omoting high standards, support, a nd mor eopport unitie s for us to accelerat e devel opme nt,pr ovide gre ater support. From pr ovinces poli cyorie nted see,"1236" poverty storming,a
43、nd "6873" traffic breakthrough,and "6363"waterguarante es,majora ctionspeed up im plementati on, ecologi calse curity barrier,and longEast energy chemical baseconstr uction,major strategy int ensive introduced,and provinci al "eight achang e",and"eighta bot h"
44、and m uni cipal "sixa i nto",and "six big support" ofdeci sion de ployme nt,concentrate d relea se ha smanypolicyg ood.Inparti cular GansuSilkRoa d economic beltofgol dand heritag eof Chine se civili zation constr ucti on ofadvancing t he innovati on zone,jing chuan basedadvantag
45、e,create nodecities and provi dea broa derspace i ncorearea s.From I Countypr oject r esource s see ,nati onale coolgicalcivilization pil otengi neering m odel County a ndcy cle e conomi c mode lCounty tw oa nati onal project la ndi ng impleme ntation,will i n country provi ncelev elwo n more support ;Pingliangto jingchuan city interfastchannel,andxi ping rail way doubletrack, majorproject i nto provi ncesplate, willfurther upgra de ICountytraffichub and channel e conomi c status; paper Brigade integrate d body,a ndZ hu Jia Jia nreserv
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