已閱讀5頁,還剩14頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、 鐵精粉買賣合同 篇一:鐵精粉購銷合同 鐵精粉購銷合同 供方: 簽訂地點: 需方: 簽訂時間: 一、產(chǎn)品名稱、商標、型號、數(shù)量、金額、備注二、交貨期限:年 月 日 年 月 日 三、質(zhì)量要求及技術標準:Fe66%,Sio6.5%,S0.4%,粒度150目61%,拒收。S0.3%,每超過0.1%,扣5元T;SIO20.6%,每超過1%,扣5元T;水份 計算,超出局部按扣噸處理。 四、交貨地點:需方指定料場。 五、運輸方式及到站和費用承當:汽運、運費由承當。 六、合理損耗及計算方式:以需方過磅為準,以磅單和化驗單為結(jié)算依據(jù)。 七、包裝標準:散裝。 八、驗收標準及方法:需方質(zhì)檢部驗收,提出異議期限為化

2、驗結(jié)果出來后5天,可到有資質(zhì)的質(zhì)檢部門復校解決,如誤差范圍在0.5%以內(nèi),以需方化驗為準,如超出0.5以外,那么以有資質(zhì)的質(zhì)監(jiān)部門檢驗為準。 九、結(jié)算方式及期限:供方開據(jù)增值稅票稅率17%后,即通過銀行結(jié)算,匯入供方賬戶或現(xiàn)金結(jié)算。 十、違約責任:按?合同法?執(zhí)行。 十一、此合同具有法律效力,一式兩份,簽字后生效。 篇二:菲律賓鐵精粉買賣合同 菲律賓鐵精粉買賣合同中英文 CONTRACT OF IRON ORE FINES SALE AND PURCHASE Contract No.合同編號: 11LIC0826 Date日期 : August 26th, 2021 The Seller賣方:

3、 LEYTE IRONSAND CORPORATION Address地址:Brgy, San pedro, Mac Arthur, Leyte, Philippines Hereinafter referred to as the “Seller 以下稱為賣方。 The Buyer買方: SINOBIZ HOLDINGS LIMITED Address地址: 3/F Omar Hodge Building Wickhams Cay I P.O. Box 362 Road Town Tortola British Virgin Islands Hereinafter referred to a

4、s the “Buyer 以下稱為買方。 CONTENTS 條款目錄: 1 COMMODITY: 商品: 2 DELIVERY, QUALITY AND QUANTITY 交貨期、品質(zhì)及數(shù)量 3. PRICE 價格 4. Other Chemical Composition其他化學成分 5 PAYMENT TERMS付款 6Documents Required for Payment付款交單議付 7 SHIPPING AND DELIVERY REQUIREMENT交貨條件 8 INSPECTION, SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS 檢驗,取樣和化驗分析 9 INSURANCE 保

5、險 10 FORCE MAJEURE 不可抗力條款 11 ALTERNATIVE SUPPLY CLAUSE 另外的供貨條款 12 ARBITRATION仲裁 13 CONFIDENTIALITY保密 14 NON-CIRCUMVENTION 誠信 15 BANKING INFORMATION 銀行資料 16 OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS其它約定 This contract is made by and between the Buyer and the seller, whereby the Buyer,agrees to buy and the Seller agr

6、ees to sell the under mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below: 此鐵礦石買賣合同由買賣雙方同意簽定,即買方同意購置,賣方同意出售以下之貨品,雙方同意并遵守以下條款: 1 COMMODITY: 商品: 1.1Name of commodity: IRON Ore fines Fe Content 58% Basis 商品名稱: 鐵礦粉含鐵量58%為基準 1.2Country of Origin 原產(chǎn)地 Philippines 菲律賓 1.3Loading Port裝運港 MAC ARTHUR Port

7、: 麥克阿瑟港1.4Discharge Port : LANSHAN/BAYUQUAN Port, CHINA (at BUYERS option) 卸貨港: 嵐山/鲅魚圈港,中國 (買方選擇港) 1.5Packing包裝 in bulk散裝 2 DELIVERY, QUALITY AND QUANTITY 交貨期、品質(zhì)及數(shù)量 2.1Shipment schedule. 裝運方案 Schedule shipment Before September 30th , 2021 In Bulk Vessel Laycan : 1st Sep2021 15th Sep 2021 2.2SPECIFIC

8、ATIONS OF IRON ORE 鐵礦粉規(guī)格 Chemical Composition化學成分 Guaranteed (% by weight) 成分保證 (重量%每干噸) FE鐵含量 58% basis Al2O3三氧化二鋁 4.0% MAX SiO2二氧化硅 4.0% MAX Phosphorus (P)磷 0.1% MAX Sulphur (S)硫 0.1% MAX TiO2(Ti)鈦 8.0%MAX Moisture loss At 105 degree centigrade. 10% MAX Physical Composition 0-100mesh 80% min 2.3 Q

9、UANTITY數(shù)量 Quantity : 10,000 (+/-10% at sellers option) metric ton 數(shù)量: 10,000賣方有權決定10%的溢短裝噸 3. PRICE 價格 USD 112/DMT CFR LANSHAN/BAYUQUAN PORT ,CHINA PRICE ADJUSTMENT價風格整 For Fe Content 含鐵量 (1) If the Fe content above 58%, a bonus at the rate of US$0.2/DMT for each 0.1% increase shall be applied, frac

10、tions pro- rata.假設鐵含量高于58%,每0.1%每干噸增價美元0.2元。按比例計算。 (2)If the Fe content below 58%, a penalty at the rate of US$0.40/DMT for each0.1% decrease shall be applied, fractions pro-rata. 假設鐵含量低于58%,每0.1%每干噸減價美元0.4元。按比例計算。 (3)If the Fe content below 57%, the buyer has right to reject the cargo of shipment a

11、nd has right to negotiate the price. 如果鐵含量低于57%,買方有權拒收貨物,買方有權選擇重新議價. 4Without prejudice to Buyers rights of reject the cargo, both parties shall discuss and negotiate a new price in amicable manner to settle this off-spec cargo. If no price agreement can be reached within 5 working days upon the dat

12、e of CIQ certificate is provided by Buyer to Seller, then Buyers right of rejection shall be exercised in such manner: 在不影響買方拒收權利的前提下,雙方可協(xié)商重新議價;假設在CIQ報告提供應賣方5個工作日內(nèi),協(xié)商無果,那么買方有權按以下方式拒收 a) Within 10 working days upon the date of CIQ is provided by Buyer to Seller, the Seller should refund and/or repay

13、to the Buyer all the incurred payments and costs to exchange the relevant shipping documents. Seller agrees that the Buyer is entitled to retain the Ore at Sellers risk until the Buyer has been fully reimbursed by the Seller of all the payments and costs, including but not limited to the 95% of cont

14、ract value paid under the contract, negotiation banking charges, insurance, port disbursement, storage charges, customs VAT, and pro-rated interest at 3.5 % per annum on the provisional payment and above mentioned costs and expenses, and other losses due to Sellers such failure to deliver Contractua

15、l quality Ore. 賣方需在買方提供CIQ的10個工作日內(nèi),返還買方進口此貨產(chǎn)生的所有費用;在買方收到賣方的所有返還款前,有權滯留該票貨返還款包括且不僅包括合同金額95%的預付,銀行議付費用,保險,港口費,堆存費,海關增值稅,及相關資金墊押3.5%的年利息,及其它買方的損失 b)In case the aforesaid payments and costs are not received by Buyer within the 10 working days, it is agreed by both parties that the Buyer has right to ret

16、ain the cargo back, and in Buyers sole and absolute discretion re-sell the Ore by any appropriate means to a third party at a price, which Seller hereby unconditionally and irrevocably agree is the market price. Such resell price shall also be considered as final settlement price for both parties to

17、 settle this off-spec cargo. 假設在10個工作日內(nèi)買方未收到上述費用,那么買方有權將此票貨收回,并轉(zhuǎn)賣給第三方;且此轉(zhuǎn)賣價賣方必須成認為市場價。該轉(zhuǎn)賣價格作為結(jié)算此貨的最終結(jié)算價格。 c)The Buyer are entitled to claim against Seller for the difference between the cargo value basis the final settlement price and the provisional payment as stipulated in article 11(2). Such diff

18、erence must reimbursed by Seller to Buyer wihin 7 working days upon Buyers notice of reselling the shipment of ore and issuance of debit note. In addition, the Buyer reserves the right to claim all other losses and damages arising from the Sellers such default. 最終結(jié)算價格根底上的貨款值與首款支付的差價,賣方需在7個工作日將差價返還給買

19、方。此外,買方仍有權索償賣方其他產(chǎn)生的損失。 4. Other Chemical Composition其他化學成分 If the shipment does not meet any of the chemical specifications provided above as finally determined in accordance with the provisions of Clause 8, the base price shall be decreased as follows, fractions pro-rata: (1)For excess of silica (S

20、iO2) SiO2超標 At the rate of USD0.10 /DMT for each 1.0% in excess of 4.00% (2) For excess of alumina ( Al2O3超標 (3) For excess Phosphorus (P) P超標 (4) For excess Sulphur (S)S超標 (5) For excess TiO2 TiO2超標 5 PAYMENT TERMS付款 5.1. Provisional Payment首期付款 The first payment of 50% (FIFTY percent) will be made

21、 through T/T within 3 working days after the signing of the contract. 合同簽訂后3個工作日內(nèi),買方需支付50%合同金額的預付款給賣方。 The second payment of 45% (forty-five percent) CFR shipment value will be made within 3 working days when the buyer get the copies of all the documents as stipulated in clause 6.1. 第二筆45%合同金額的貨款,將在

22、買方收到所有6.1條款中規(guī)定的文件掃描件后3個工作日內(nèi)支付。 5.2 Final Payment 尾款 The final 5%(five percent) payment shall be paid against the final invoice in 3 working days. The sellers final invoice must be confirmed by buyer and is to be based on CIQ certificates issued within 60 days after completion of discharge in China o

23、r loadings certificates of quality and weight. If CIQ certificates not provided by buyer within the time. The payment for this will be paid based on the inspection result at loading port. 5%的尾款將根據(jù)賣方出具的最終發(fā)票在三個工作日內(nèi)付清,最終發(fā)票必須根據(jù)由中國CIQ在完成卸載貨物60天以內(nèi)提供的商檢證書,如果屆時買方無法提供CIQ商檢證書,最終發(fā)票中所需商檢結(jié)果將依裝港結(jié)果作為最終結(jié)算。 5.3 Part

24、ial shipment is not allowed.分批裝運是不允許的。 5.4 Transhipment is now allowed.不允許轉(zhuǎn)船。 5.5Third Party documents are acceptable, except the invoice可接受第三方單據(jù);發(fā)票除外 6 Documents Required for Payment付款交單議付 6.1 Documents for the provisional payment a) Signed commercial invoice of CFR cargo value in three originals a

25、nd three copies indicating value of goods shipped, name of carrying vessel, contract number, B/L number .The invoice should be based on CCIC . CFR貨款的商業(yè)發(fā)票三份正本簽署以及三份副本,注明交運貨品金額、船名、合同編號、提單編號。發(fā)票CCIC的報告為根底。 b) 3/3 full set of original “Clean on board shipped Bills of Lading made out to order and blank en

26、dorsed, marked “Freight prepaid" . 三份正本海運清潔提單,注明運費已付,空白背書 . c) Certificate of Origin in 1 original 2 Photocopies issued by Mines in Philippines which must indicate same vessel voyage. 菲律賓礦山出具的原產(chǎn)地證明其必須是相同的船名航次. d) Certificate of Weight and draft survey in 1 original 2 Photocopies issued by CCIC

27、at the loading port. 裝港CCIC簽發(fā)的一正本二副件重量證書。 e) Certificate of Quality in 1 original 2 Photocopies issued by CCIC at the loading port. 裝港CCIC簽發(fā)的一正本二副件質(zhì)量證書。 Seller must provide Buyer with full set of shipping documents copies from 6.1b) to e) can be substituted by the certificates issued by Miner of Phi

28、lippine if the CCIC certificate cant be available, and meanwhile the original certificates issued by Miner of Philippine should be directly courier to buyer within 5 working after B/L date) at least 1 working days prior to vessel arrival at discharging port. Otherwise, any detention charges and othe

29、r costs arising from berthing delay due to delay provide full set of shipping doc by seller will be for sellers account. 賣方需在船抵達卸港前至少1個工作日提供買方全套的副本單據(jù)其6.1條款規(guī)定的b 到e 項(其中假設CCIC的證書不能按時提供, 由菲律賓礦山出具的替代證書原件必須在提單日起五個工作日直接快遞給買方) 假設因賣方晚提供單據(jù)造成的船舶晚靠泊的滯留費用及其他的相關費用由賣方承當. The Miners certificates can only for buyer

30、s inspection declaration purpose, the negotiate must based on CCICs Certificates. 礦山出具的證書只用于買方報檢,議付必須按CCIC的證書. 篇三:鐵精粉銷售合同 鐵精粉銷售合同 賣方: 買方: 買賣雙方本著平等自愿、公平互利的原那么,根據(jù)?中華人民共和國合同法?及相關法律、法規(guī)的規(guī)定訂立本合同,經(jīng)雙方友好協(xié)商,賣方同意銷售,買方同意購置由賣方提供的鐵精粉,并且雙方一致同意嚴格履行本合同如下條款: 一、品名:鐵精粉 技術指標:Fe 68.00 %,目度-200的70% ,硅4.0%,硫0.5% 水份:9%綜合 二、

31、交貨期:預付款到帳后三十日內(nèi)交貨。 三、數(shù)量:1000噸+/-10%濕噸 四、交貨方式與地點:賣方貨場。 五、價格 單價: 元/噸。 六、品質(zhì)、數(shù)量及結(jié)算依據(jù): 品質(zhì)理化指標:提貨時雙方代表共同取樣,每批制成一個均樣,一分三份,雙方各留一份,封存第三份作為公證樣;雙方協(xié)商指定一家檢驗機構進行化驗,如果此二份樣的化驗結(jié)果之差異在0.5%以內(nèi),最終結(jié)果以此二結(jié)果的平均值為準,如果其差異超過0.5%,雙方共同執(zhí)公證樣在同一化驗機構進行化驗,其結(jié)果為雙方所規(guī)定的品質(zhì)數(shù)量均為本合同項下的結(jié)算依據(jù)。 七、付款和結(jié)算:在雙方簽定合同之日起7個工作日內(nèi),買方須將人民幣壹佰柒拾萬元預付款匯至賣方指定的帳戶;賣方

32、在三十個工作日內(nèi)憑正本過磅單和化驗報告單向買方開具增值稅發(fā)票稅率17%進行現(xiàn)金結(jié)算貨款。 八、貨物發(fā)運:由買方辦理貨物運輸,費用由買方承當。每組貨柜價格:¥8650.00元,方案20組。運輸方的開票價格 九、爭議的解決: 雙方由于本合同或本合同的履行發(fā)生爭議時應友好協(xié)商解決。如協(xié)商不成,那么提交合同簽約地法院進行裁決,該裁決結(jié)果為最終結(jié)果,訴訟費用由敗訴方承當。 十、違約及違約金: 如果本合同的任何一方未能履行自己的全部或任何一項合同義務,違約方須向?qū)Ψ街Ц侗竞贤倶说念~的5%作為補償。 十一、生效及變更: 本合同一式貳份雙方各執(zhí)壹份;本合同經(jīng)雙方簽字蓋章后生效,通過 簽署同等有效。 賣方:買

33、方: 代表簽字: 代表簽字: 年 月 日 篇四:鐵精粉購銷合同樣本 鐵精粉銷售合同 合同編號: 簽訂地點: 簽訂時間: 供方: 需方:第三條:包裝要求:散裝; 第四條:交提貨地點:需方自提; 第五條:運輸方式及到達站的費用負擔:需方負責; 第六條:計量方式及過磅:以供方過磅為準,出現(xiàn)磅差,以第三方計量為準作為結(jié)算依據(jù); 第七條:合同履行地:青龍滿族自治縣;第八條:結(jié)算及付款方式:現(xiàn)金預付; 第九條:爭議的解決方式:本合同在執(zhí)行中發(fā)生爭議時,簽訂合同雙方應及時協(xié)商解決,協(xié)商不成時可向合同履行地人民法院提起訴訟; 第十條:其他約定事項:本合同在執(zhí)行期間,甲乙雙方均不得變更和解除合同。如有未盡事宜或因故不能履行需要修改時,須經(jīng)雙方共同協(xié)商同意,并簽訂補充協(xié)議,方為生效。補充協(xié)議與本合同具有同等效力。 第十一條:付貨方式:自合同簽訂之日起,在未完本錢合同之前供方不得


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