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1、語言教師心理學初探各章總結Psychology for Language Teachers: A Social Constructivist ApproachInstructor: Cui LinTime: Fall of 2010語言教師心理學初探各章總結Description of the CourseThis course aims to provide those majors of English education (English teachers, would-be English teachers including postgraduate students) with a

2、 psychological foundation which will help them better understand ways of teaching and learning and which will provide a fund of knowledge from which to draw to inform their later classroom practices. The primary purpose of this course is to reflect the current theoretical development in pedagogy rel

3、ated to classroom learning, especially the psychological aspects of language learning and teaching.語言教師心理學初探各章總結Based on a quick review of some of the precursors in pedagogical theorization, we will examine social constructivism whose main assumption is that individuals are actively involved right f

4、rom birth in constructing personal meaning, that is, their own personal understanding, from their experiences. This is done, however, through interactions with significant others. In this way, the learner is brought into the central focus in learning theories as well as in the classroom. Currently,

5、social constructivism is the single most important theory that informs not only EFL but also education in general.語言教師心理學初探各章總結This course is not only about English teaching; rather, it aims at raising teachers (or would-be teachers) consciousness about the differences between teaching and education

6、, developing their critical thinking, making them reflect on the current situation of EFL in China, and encouraging them to explore possible remedies for the problems. It is hoped that the insights provided by this course will shed light on many of the issues and questions that we have about the cur

7、rent quality education in China.語言教師心理學初探各章總結ContentsIntroductionChapter 1 An introduction to educational psychology: behaviorism and cognitive psychologyChapter 2 Further schools of thought in psychology: humanism and social interactionismChapter 3 What do teachers bring to the teaching-learning pr

8、ocess?Chapter 4 What can teachers do to promote learning?語言教師心理學初探各章總結Chapter 5 The contribution of the individual student to the learning processChapter 6 What makes a person want to learn? Motivation in language learningChapter 7 How does the leaner deal with the process of learning?Chapter 8 The

9、place of tasks in the language classroomChapter 9 The learning contextChapter 10 Putting it all together語言教師心理學初探各章總結Overview of the BookChapter 1 and 2Get a birds view of some important theories of educational psychology, selectively introduces behaviorism, cognitive psychology, constructivism and

10、social interactionism, and finally social constructivism.Chapter 3 and 4About the teacher, teacher belief sand the role of mediatorChapter 5, 6 and 7About the learner, influence of individual differences, motivation and strategyChapter 8 About the task, which is the interface between the teacher and

11、 the learner語言教師心理學初探各章總結Chapter 9About the context, physical condition, interpersonal interaction and psychological atmosphere, laying emphasis on the individual learners feeling and understanding of the environmental factors.Chapter 10A summary. About 10 points which can be taken as valuable advic

12、es for language teachers.語言教師心理學初探各章總結IntroductionPurpose: Explore the way of applying the contemporary theories of psychology to foreign language teachingThese psychological theories: behaviorism, cognitive psychology, constructivism, humanism, social interactionism語言教師心理學初探各章總結Humanism: Reflects l

13、earners personal feeling and personal needs; emphasizes the point that learning must have personal meaning; also holds the view of whole-person education (both affective and cognitive).Constructivism: Emphasizes that individual learners starts with personal experiences, and then construct their own

14、understanding of the world and construction of their personal meanings, stresses learning process, and objects to simple transmission of knowledge.語言教師心理學初探各章總結Social Interactionism: Emphasizes that learning and personal development takes place in the interaction with other people, and the teacher i

15、s an important interactional object of the learner.Social Constructivism: Integration and interpretation of the above theories.Here: “Social” is used in its narrow sense. i.e. the relationship between people and a group. It is no longer concerned with politics and economy.語言教師心理學初探各章總結Gist of Social

16、 Constructivism: Knowledge is constructed by individual person, rather than passed on by other people;The construction takes place in the interaction with other people, and it is the result of social interaction.This model establishes its four essential elements: learner, teacher, task, context.Lear

17、ner-centerTeacher-mediatorTask & context-external environment語言教師心理學初探各章總結The four elements correlate and interact with each other a dynamic way.The theory also absorbs the gist of humanism, laying special emphasis on learners whole-person education. That is, besides cognitive development, there

18、 is also the development of learners competence characterized by meta-cognitive features, positive concept and personal character.語言教師心理學初探各章總結Pedagogical Implications1. More emphases are laid on the subjectivity of learners, and the teacher should provide process and experience for the learners to

19、conduct the construction of personal meaning.2. Besides providing process and experience, the teacher plays the role of a mediator, guiding them in the appropriate response to the meaningful stimuli, helping them understand the significance and goal of the task, promoting them to take shape their ow

20、n consciousness of self-control, self-confidence and provides them with favorable psychological environment, etc.語言教師心理學初探各章總結3. All these are done through the use of language. The challenge the teacher is faced with is that, he should not be satisfied with the routine classroom expression, he shoul

21、d also learn to use language to realize the function of mediation.4. Foreign language teaching must have education value, must make learning process full of personal meaning. Communicative approach makes us understand “information gap”, and we learn to do “meaningful practices”. However, what kind o

22、f information and meaning are of value to the learner? The book tells us that , it must be related語言教師心理學初探各章總結to the learners personal experiences and the present situation., which requires foreign language teachers to learn to understand learners individualities, uniqueness, their personal traits

23、and needs.5. The educational value of foreign language teaching also lies in the promotion of learners whole-person education. i.e. besides language learning itself, there are also the development of learning aptitude, positive affective factor and noble character.6. Teachers own learning-語言教師心理學初探各

24、章總結Social constructivism also applies to the interpretation of teachers cognitive process. In his own experience of teaching, his own understanding (knowledge) and belief of learning and teaching takes shape, on the basis of which his own teaching practice is guided. This book advocates teachers ref

25、lection on his own teaching practice, making those implicit personal beliefs embedded in teaching practice explicit, so that he will have a clear picture and a conscious knowledge of his own teaching and the importance of making modifications. As a result, teachers professional development is promot

26、ed.語言教師心理學初探各章總結Chapter 1 Behaviorism and cognitive psychologynThe positivist schoolnPremiseknowledge and facts exist within the real world and can be discovered by setting up experiments in which conditions are carefully controlled and where hypotheses are set up and tested.語言教師心理學初探各章總結Behaviorism

27、nRooted in positivismnS-R/classical conditioningnSkinner: Emphasize the importance of reinforcementExplain learning in terms of operant conditioningnAudiolingual method語言教師心理學初探各章總結Cognitive psychologynInformation processing (attention, perception, memory)nMemory (short-term/working memory, long-ter

28、m memory; Tulving, episodic/semantic memory)nIntelligence (Gardner MIT)語言教師心理學初探各章總結MIT and its implicationsnLinguisticnLogical-mathematicalnSpatialnInterpersonalnIntrapersonalnMusicalnBodily-kinestheticnNaturalisticnexistential語言教師心理學初探各章總結ConstructivismnPiagetnEmphasize the constructive nature of

29、human learning processnIndividuals are actively involved right from birth in constructing personal meaningnStages:Sensori-motor stageIntuitive/preoperational stageOperational stageConcrete operational stageFormal operational stage語言教師心理學初探各章總結Other termsnMaturationnEquilibrationnAssimilation/accommo

30、dationnAdaptation語言教師心理學初探各章總結Jerome BrunnernDiscovery learningnEducation of the whole personnLearn how to learnn3 modes of thinking: enactive, iconic, symbolic語言教師心理學初探各章總結George KellynPersonal-construct theorynpremise: man as scientistnImportant implication: meaningful vs meaningless learning語言教師心

31、理學初探各章總結Chapter 2 Humanism and Social interactionismnErik EriksonnEpigenetic principlen8 stages:Trust/mistrustAutonomy/doubtInitiative/guiltIndustry/inferiorityIdentity/role confusionIntimacy/sense of isolationGeneravity/sense of stagnationIntegrity/despair語言教師心理學初探各章總結Abraham MaslownHierarchy of hu

32、man needs:nBeing needs:self-actualizationaesthetic needscognitive needsnDeficiency needs:need for self-esteemneed for interpersonal closenessneed for safety and securitybasic physiological needs語言教師心理學初探各章總結Carl RogersnPremise: Human beings have a natural potential for learning.Significant learning

33、will only take place when the subject matter is perceived to be of personal relevance to the learner and when it involves active participation by the learner.Learning which is self-initiated and which involves feelings as well as cognition is most likely to be lasting and pervasive.語言教師心理學初探各章總結nWhe

34、n there is a perceived threat to the learners self-image, resistance to learning is likely to occur.nIndependence, creativity and self-reliance are most likely to flourish in learning situations where external criticism is kept to a minimum and where self-evaluation is encouraged.nThe most socially

35、useful kind of learning to prepare learners to cope with the demands of the modern world is learning about the process of learning itself, a continuing openness to experience and a preparedness to become involved in the process of change. 語言教師心理學初探各章總結Humanism in ELTnThe Silent WaynSuggestopaedianCo

36、mmunity Language LearningAll the three methods have their theoretical foundation in psychology rather than linguistics.語言教師心理學初探各章總結Social interactionismnLev VygotskyThought and Language (1962)Mind in Society (1978)nMediationnZone of Proximal Development (ZPD)-the layer of skill or knowledge which i

37、s just beyond that with which the learner is currently capable of coping.語言教師心理學初探各章總結nReuven Feuerstein nAnyone can become a fully effective learnernStructural cognitive modifiabilitynInstrumental enrichmentnCognitive map語言教師心理學初探各章總結A Social Constructivist ModelnFour key factors involved in the le

38、arning process-teachers, learners, tasks and contextsnTheir relationship-teachers select tasks which reflect their beliefs about teaching and learning. Learners interpret tasks in ways that are meaningful and personal to them as individuals. The task is the interface between the teacher and learners

39、. Teachers and learners also interact with each other; 語言教師心理學初探各章總結nthe way that teachers behave in classrooms reflects their values and beliefs, and the way in which learners react to teachers will be affected by the individual characteristics of the learners and the feelings that the teacher conv

40、eys to them. These three elements: teacher, task and learner are in this way a dynamic equilibrium.語言教師心理學初探各章總結nMoreover, the context in which the learning takes place will play an important part in shaping what happens within it. This includes the emotional environment, the physical environment ,

41、the whole school ethos, the wider social environment, the political environment and the cultural setting. This can be represented as a set of concentric circles, influencing each other, with the participants playing an ongoing part in shaping those environments.語言教師心理學初探各章總結Chapter 3 What do teacher

42、s bring to the teaching-learning process?nA constructivist view of education:n1 to empower learners to think for themselvesn2 to perpetuate in the next generation ways of acting and thinking that are judged the best by the present generation語言教師心理學初探各章總結nIn Glaserfelds view, a constructivist approac

43、h to education is best put into practice by presenting issues, concepts and tasks in the form of problems to be explored in dialogue rather than as information to be ingested and reproduced.語言教師心理學初探各章總結nA constructivist view of teaching:nBy SalmonnNot as the passing on of a parcel of objective know

44、ledge, but as the attempt to share what you yourself find personally meaningful.nConstructivist approach emphasizes that fact that no two teachers and no two teaching situations are ever the same. And an important component of a constructivist approach to education is for teachers to become aware of

45、 what their own beliefs and views of the world are, which leas us into the notion of the reflective practitioner.語言教師心理學初探各章總結The teacher as reflective practitionernTeachers subject their everyday professional practice to ongoing critical reflection and make clear their own particular world view by

46、means of such consideration.nThe task of the reflective practitioner is to make tacit or implicit knowledge explicit by reflection on action, by constantly generating questions and checking our emerging theories with both personal past experience and with the reflections of others.nSchons distinctio

47、n between reflection-in-action and reflection-on action語言教師心理學初探各章總結Teachers beliefsnBeliefs about learnersnBeliefs about learningnBeliefs about themselvesnBeliefs about teaching語言教師心理學初探各章總結Chapter 4What can teachers do to promote learning?nFeuersteins theory of mediationnDifferences between teache

48、r as mediator and teacher as disseminator of information-n 1 Mediation must be concerned with empowering, with helping learners to acquire the knowledge, skills and strategies they will need in order to progress, to learn more, to tackle problems, to function effectively in a particular culture and

49、a changing society, and to meet new, emerging and unpredictable demands.語言教師心理學初探各章總結n2 It is also concerned with helping learners to become autonomous, to take control of their own learning, with the fundamental aim of enabling them to become independent thinkers and problem solvers. 語言教師心理學初探各章總結K

50、ey features of mediationnSignificancenPurpose beyond the here and nownShared intention語言教師心理學初探各章總結nA sense of competencenControl of own behaviornGoal-settingnChallengenAwareness of changenA belief in positive outcomes語言教師心理學初探各章總結nSharingnIndividualitynA sense of belonging語言教師心理學初探各章總結Chapter 5The

51、contribution of the individual students to the learning processnProblems with the traditional notion of individual differences:nTraditional research on individual differences has been mainly concerned with measuring, labeling and grouping people.nThe purpose of such research is usually not to identi

52、fy how individuals differ but to group them according to perceived similarities.語言教師心理學初探各章總結nThe findings have been of limited practical value because they do not inform us how we can help any individual to become a more effective learner.nIn many instances they do not even help us to improve the f

53、unctioning of the groups that are identified by the research.nResearch in this area is often based on a theory of learning which views peoples behavior as being heavily influenced by certain traits or attributes which are fixed.語言教師心理學初探各章總結Suggested starting points:nWe must start from a theory of l

54、earning that is robust and to which as researchers and teachers we subscribe.nSuch a theory should enable us to focus on the uniqueness of individuals as well as helping us to see what they have in common.nIt should also be a theory of how people change rather than how they start the same.語言教師心理學初探各

55、章總結 nThis should give rise to implications for action and intervention.nIt should enable us also to support individuals in taking personal control of their own learning.nIn doing so it must be connected to individuals views of themselves as learners.語言教師心理學初探各章總結The development and importance of sel

56、f-conceptnSelf-concept-a global term referring to the amalgamation of all our perceptions and conceptions about ourselves which give rise to our sense of personal identity. nMore formally, it is defined as “the totality of a complex and dynamic system of learned beliefs which individual holds to be

57、true about his or her personal existence and which gives consistency to is or her personality.”語言教師心理學初探各章總結nAs young children begin to construct a more or less stable view of the world, so they begin to develop also an awareness of themselves as individuals and an understanding of their place withi

58、n that world. This developing self-concept in turn comes to influence the way in which they try to make sense of other aspects of their world. 語言教師心理學初探各章總結nThe relationship is reciprocal: individuals views of the world influence their self-concept, while at the same time their self-concepts affect

59、their views of the world. Both of these views will affect their success in learning situations.語言教師心理學初探各章總結Locus of control (LoC)nA term derived from the Social Learning theory of Roter (1954), referring to a persons beliefs about control over life events.nPeople who feel personally responsible for

60、 everything that happens to them in their lives are internalisers, while those people who feel that events in their lives are all determined by forces beyond their control, such as fate, luck, or other people, are termed externalisers.語言教師心理學初探各章總結Attribution theorynHeider (1944,1958)nWeiner (1979, 1980


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