1、摘要:奧威爾在動物農(nóng)場中棄用華麗花哨的詞匯,文風平實有力,體現(xiàn)出智慧、先見、真誠正義與勇氣。篇幅雖然不長,但作為文學作品堪稱完美,被公認為20 世紀最杰出的政治寓言小說,并被普遍認為是英語世界的典范文本,成為學習的對象。小說中的動物烏托邦從建立到衰壞,迅速地從起點回到了起點。奧威爾通過塑造一系列重要的動物形象來表達自己深入的社會觀察和睿智的政治見解。本文主要從自由、平等以及博愛三個角度對動物農(nóng)場的內(nèi)容進行深入分析,從文章中的相關(guān)描述入手,探索其中隱含的深層含義,從而得以對奧威爾的人道主義有一個深入的認識。關(guān)鍵詞:動物農(nóng)場 自由 平等 博愛Abstract:In his novel Animal
2、 Farm Orwell gave up gorgeous and flowery words, his writing level was effectively and reflect the wisdom, foresight, and sincerely justice and courage. The article is not long, but as a literary work it is perfect, being regarded as one of the best novels of 20th-Century and widely considered to be
3、 the model text in the English world, as the object to study. In the novel the utopia of animal established and then went to the deterioration, from the starting point soon came to the starting point again. By creating a series of important animal image Orwell aims to express his deep social observa
4、tion and wise political views.This article mainly study through the Animal farm from the freedom, justice and love angle of view of the content to analysis and explore the implied meaning, so as to draw on the humanitarianism of Orwell and have a thorough understanding.Keywords: Animal Farm freedom
5、equality universal love Contents Introduction- 1 -11Chapter One The pursuit of freedom- 4 -321.1 Pursuing freedom of thought and speech- 5 -321.2 The opposition to totalitarianism- 8 -55Chapter Two The pursuit of justice- 11 -762.1 The pursuit of equality in economy and politic- 12 -772.2 The pursui
6、t of equality in different nation- 15 -88Chapter Three The pursuit of universal love- 19 -11103.1 The advocacy of harmonious coexistence between different nations- 19 -11103.2 The advocacy of harmonious coexistence between man and nature- 21 -1211Conclusion- 24 -1412Bibliography- 26 -1514IIIIntroduc
7、tion Animal Farm, one of George Orwells allegorical novellas, is profound and far-reaching. Although he was an English novelist and journalist, George Orwell had a great achievement in terms of politics and literature.Old Major, the old boar on the Manor Farm, calls the animals on the farm for a mee
8、ting, where he regards the humans as parasites and teaches the animals a revolutionary song, Beasts of England. At last, two young pigs, Snowball and Napoleon, take over command and turn his thesis into a philosophy. The animals revolt and drive the drunken and irresponsible Mr. Jones , the original
9、 owner of the farm, out the farm, and renaming the farm as animal farm. and not develop a manor Constitution - the seven commandment. But soon the revolution of pigs caused a split, Napoleon announced Snowball as the enemies of the revolution, sent him away by violence and become the only ruler of t
10、he farm. Thereafter, the pig obtained the leadership has more and more power and enjoy more and more special treatment, has been separated from other animal, and eventually become exactly the same animal exploiters just as human, and at last the name animal farm has been abandoned.The Times chose th
11、e book as one of the 100 best English-language novels (1923 to 2005); it also places at number 31 on the Modern Library List of Best Novels of 20th-Century. It won a Retrospective Hugo Award in 1996 and it is also included in the Great Books of the Western World. 潘一禾,小說中的政治世界,寧波大學學報第21卷第2期This book
12、has aroused critics in the world, both western and eastern. Most of Chinese critics prefer to study its influence in politics. Yihe Pan, for example, points out that George Orwells Animal Farm is generally accepted as one of the best political fictions in the 20th century 劉玉,試論奧威爾動物農(nóng)場批判的雙重性及其現(xiàn)代意義,Wr
13、iter Magazine 2011 No. 11,in which the author gave us a description of the rise and fall of the animal Utopia and a wonderful characterization of animals,expresses his political views and social insights. And he wanted to find a way to explore the political trend that the cause of dark and deadly cy
14、cle and find way out. However, most critics pay more attention to the novels detail aspects and less attention to study it as an organic whole, which I refer to Orwells view of humanism in Animal Farm.This novels success necessarily depends on its wonderful story and profound significance. On balanc
15、e, a main line, that is, the humanitarian thinking runs through the novel. In the forming of the literature, Orwell embodies his humanitarian thinking by three aspects: freedom, justice and universal love. Humanism is generally acknowledged as an approach of study, philosophy , world view , practice
16、 or other factors that focuses on human values and concerns, attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Through the novel, Orwells view of humanism was reflected incisively and vividly.Chapter One The Pursuit of FreedomFrom the establishment of the animal farm, t
17、he animals are aiming to have a heaven of freedom,where every animal could has its freedom in thought and speech. However,the animal farm was ruled by totalitarian politics again, just as before, in the end and lost its initial purpose,and came back to where (where是副詞,在放在to后面不太合適吧,望修改一下)just like be
18、fore. By the series of pictures of Animal Farm, Orwell aimed to show his pursuit of freedom and opposition to totalitarianism.1.1 The pursuit freedom in thought and speechFree, as one of the important part of the humanitarian thought and content, was embodied under a democratic system that including
19、imply freedom of thought and speech in Orwells literature, which includingimply(這個詞介詞,放在這里顯然不合適,望修改一下) freedom of thought and freedom of speech.In his book Animal Farm,Orwell describes an animal farm in which there are different kinds of animals, such as pigs, sheep, horses, chickens, ducklings and
20、so on. All the animals are oppressed by a farmer named Mr. Jones. Finally the animals can't stand him any longer, so theyIn order to gain the freedom they deserve, the animals launched a major uprising and drove Mr. Jones out the farm. However, after Mr. Joness left, the work of teachi
21、ng and organizing the other animals fell naturally upon the pigs, who were generally recognized as being the cleverest. Napoleon was a large, rather fierce-looking Berkshire boar, the only Berkshire on the farm, not much of a talker, but with a reputation for getting his own way. While, Snowball was
22、 a more vivacious pig than napoleon, quicker in speech and more inventive, but was not considered to have the same depth of character. Both of the two pigs had a very high fame in the farm. However, relying on a few dogs, Napoleon drove off snowball and became the only rulers of the farm. Thereafter
23、, he has more and more power and enjoy more and more special treatment, and has been separated from other animal. Under his reign, the animals lost their freedom again. They cannot say what they want to say, and cannot had their own thought. Just like Orwell described in the novel.(這一段是我之前寫的,導(dǎo)師說沒什么意
24、義,請針對本節(jié)的論點進行一番修改論述,下面一大段的引用不能全要,要大幅刪減,并和本段形成連接)As Clover looked down the hillside her eyes filled with tears. If she could have spoken to express her thoughts, it would have her words to be that: this was not what they had aimed at when they had set themselves years ago to work for the overthrow of
25、the human's oppress. These scenes of terror and slaughter were not what they had looked forward to that on the night when old Major first stirred them to rebellion. If she herself could have any picture of the future, it had been of a society of animals set free from hunger and being whipped, al
26、l equal, each working according to his or her capacity, the strong animals protecting the weak ones, Just as she had protected the little duck that lost brood ducklings with her foreleg on the night of Major's speech. Instead, she did not know why they had come to a time when no one dare to spea
27、k out of his own idea, when the fierce, growling dogs roamed everywhere, and when they had to watch their comrades being torn to pieces after confessing to shocking crimes. There was no thought of rebellion or disobedience in his or her mind. George Orwell: Animal Farm :Overseas Publishing House,200
28、0 .From this paragraph we can easily find out that the animals had their own complaint and malcontent feelings about Napoleon, but they did not dare to say it out. To the common animals in the farm, which occupy the most part, they had no freedom of thought and speech a
29、t all. Furthermore, Orwell criticized the rulers who tried to control his peoples thought strictlyrigorously.(導(dǎo)師給圈起來了說不合適,望修改一下) In the novel Animal Farm, George Orwell elaborated many scenes in which Squealer, one of the pigs who is Napoleon's hardcore followers, always let the other
30、animals to believe some non-existent things at all or convinced to know things in a wrong way which is more favorableness to Napoleon's govern.Orwell satirized the ideological rulers through describing Squealers absurd words, and appealed people for fighting for freedom of th
31、ought and speech. The truth lies woven building though darkness and strong, however, when the people remember from the heart of past memories of love and to the glorious future, yearning and longing for a better future of desire is aroused, once you reach the inner beauty, lies woven truth building
32、suddenly becomes fragile. Benjamin in the book Animal Farm is a smart animal to be silence, and his silence has a different nature with other animals' silence: "because he is smart so to be silence, other animal silent because they are confused."Although he is so clear, but his silence
33、 makes him cannot play any save or at least enlightenment on the other lost animals. He realized that the pigs are tampering "seven commandments" , but he just nodded silently, said to himself that his doubts were right. YASHODA B.Aldous Huxley and George Orwell:A comparative study of sati
34、re in their novelsM. New Delhi:Sterling Publishers,Rt.Ltd,1991:125 - 152. Without disclosed this point to anyone of the other animals. His presence and the so-called waking have what meaning?1.2 The opposition to totalitarianismTotalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a political sys
35、tem where the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible. George Orwell emphasizes his ideals of the democratic socialism, holds high the banner of anti-totalitarianism, and criticizes any systems which are against po
36、litical democracy and social justice. It was just because of this kind of political ideas, he criticized any countries or organizations. Former Soviet Union and the Hitler government were just the objects of his criticism, which we can read out from some situations of the novel A
37、nimal Farm: By the time he had finished speaking, there was no doubt as to which way the vote would go. But just at this moment Napoleon stood up and, casting a peculiar sidelong look at Snowball, uttered a high-pitched whimper of a kind no one had ever heard him utter before. At this there was a te
38、rrible baying sound outside, and nine enormous dogs wearing brass-studded collars came bounding into the barn. They dashed straight for Snowball, who only sprang from his place just in time to escape their snapping jaws. In a moment he was out of the door and they were after him. Too amazed and frig
39、htened to speak, all the animals crowded through the door to watch the chase. Snowball was racing across the long pasture that led to the road. He was running as only a pig can run, but the dogs were close on his heels. Suddenly he slipped and it seemed certain that they had him. Then he was up agai
40、n, running faster than ever, and then the dogs were gaining on him again. One of them all but closed his jaws on Snowball's tail, but Snowball whisked it free just in time. Then he put on an extra spurt and, with a few inches to spare, slipped through a hole in the hedge and was seen no more. Ge
41、orge Orwell: Animal Farm :Overseas Publishing House,2000 .In this paragraph, in order to become the only imperator, Napoleon drove Snowball away by violence without considering other animals feelings. This is a typical performance of totalitarianism. In the political meaning of the novel, not only d
42、id Orwell expose the truth to us, but his distinctive political attitudes and political tendency is also injected there. He said: "referred to totalitarianism, you immediately think of Germany, Russia, Italy, but I think you have to face the fact that this phenomenon will become a worldwide phe
43、nomenon of risk." Rees,Richard. George Orwell:A Fugitive from the Camp of Justice .London: Seeker and Warburg, 1961.(他的這句話出處做個注)We can borrow the judgment of Orwell for the British to appraise the animals in the book Animal Farm. Although they got the victory of the revolutionary, they were sti
44、ll exploited and oppressed animal: "a general lack of rational brain, and have no enough interest for reason, because they were just not coming to the place where they can't tolerate.Deviation' and 'mind' for they seem not to be very important." Christopher Hollis. A study
45、of George Orwell .London: Hollis & Carter, 1956, :p 199 . (引用的話要做注表明出處) It is the ordinary people do not mind, the loss of moral judgment ability and various forms of escape political responsibility that plunged the country into a tyranny of evil. In the view of Orwell, the main characteristics
46、of totalitarianism are the "support" of mediocre. When the atomized individuals are getting into the loneliness and misery more and more deep, totalitarian will emerge as the times require.Animal Farm in the form of a fable tells us(我認為寫論文能和顯示結(jié)合挺好,但我們導(dǎo)師要求的是只能拿論文說論文不要和先和結(jié)合,比如告訴我們什么道理之類的不讓寫,
47、所以請修改一下吧) aboutdepicted the failure of the revolution in animals. As the embodiment of all working class, the animals tried hard to break an old order, however, eventually their efforts are in vain, they are still being cheated and enslaved. This collective failure contains such a moral: If the phys
48、ical workers who have no thinking ability to be blindly instigated to start so-called revolution, the result can only be that they would get more cruel oppression and exploitation.Through the detailed and vivid descriptions of the animals' experiences, the author gives his pursuit of true freedo
49、m to us, at the same time the criticism upon the blind pursuit of freedom.(看得出來,這段是本章的結(jié)論或結(jié)束語,要再回歸本章主題一些:作者通過本小說表達的對自由的追求)Chapter Two The pursuit of justiceAt the same time of the depiction of freedom, Orwell also introduced the pursuit of equity with large parts. At the beginning of the establishmen
50、t of Animal Farm, animals are in accordance with the seven commandments, everyone enjoyed the brilliance of justice. However, after the forming of totalitarian dictatorship, everything has changed. However, the absurd trial is that the powers are given by all of the animals at its beginning.2.1 The
51、pursuit of equality in economy and politicWhile Orwell was in the focus on poverty issues as well as the , and he also (這兩個詞不符合論文語言環(huán)境,望能替換下)emphaemphasis onsized that all man are born equal. He thought that the existence of poverty violated the principle that everyone has the rig
52、ht to live fairly, which is included in humanism thought. Orwell paid close attention not only to the equality in economy, but also to the equality in politic. Here is anThe animals in his books are examples example about his idea that reflects inequity in economy. Under the reign of Napoleon, the a
53、nimals lost their equality both in economy and in politic in his book Animal Farm:(問題同前面,下文引用的偏多,而且不能用example來直接引用,要有前文做好鋪墊自然引出下面的引用,按照老師的要求,論述的和引用要形成10:1的比例,也就是說自己論述的要遠遠大于引用的)好像是普通的碩士論文才這樣要求吧,就算要寫優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)論文也不至于這樣要求啊何況我們本文就是要通過對Orwell的作品中的一些內(nèi)容分析來得出結(jié)論的同類的碩士論文都不會有這種要求的!不過還是按你說的來吧,反正我成文的字數(shù)本就超出很多。"What
54、 is going to happen to all that milk?" said someone. "Jones used sometimes to mix some of it in our mash," said one of the hens."Never mind the milk, comrades!" cried Napoleon, placing himself in front of the buckets. "That will be attended to. The harvest is more impor
55、tant. Comrade Snowball will lead the way. I shall follow in a few minutes. Forward, comrades! The hay is waiting." So the animals trooped down to the hayfield to begin the harvest, and when they came back in the evening it was noticed that the milk had disappeared. George Orwell: Animal Farm :O
56、verseas Publishing House,2000 .Besides, inequity in politic was also described in the novel:At the gate they paused, much frightened to go on but Clover led the way in. They tiptoed up to the house, and such animals as were tall enough peered in at the dining-room window. There, round the long table
57、, sat half a dozen farmers and half a dozen of the more eminent pigs, Napoleon himself occupying the seat of honors at the head of the table George Orwell: Animal Farm :Overseas Publishing House,2000 .From this paragraph we can easily get the truth that Napoleon, as the only ruler, took the milk awa
58、y instead of sharing with other animals. Although the milk was produced by cows, it was the fruits of all the animals Labor. At the same time, Napoleon enjoying the position that superior among others. Obviously,all the animals wanted to attend meetings to talk about their own ideas about the farm,
59、but they could not, they did not have a little right under Napoleon's rule. Because people dont have equality in politic at all in a totalitarian state. That is the system which Orwell criticized!Looking back, those animals with vigor and vitality of the "rebel" was quite successful, but the result of the revolution are often contrary to most rebel mind, many of the emerging nation back and liberation and revolution before old social system, or even worse. Because the new rulers know his "comrades" and companions, new oppression and control means than th
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