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1、2019 年湖南省株洲市醴陵市中考英語模擬試卷一、 單選題(本大題共1010 小題,共 10.010.0 分)1.There_ a lion show in the zoo tomorrow after noon .()A.wasB.is going to haveC.will haveD.is going to be2.The Brow ns_ a nice car and Brow ns brother_a n ice jeep . ()A.have, haveB.has, hasC.have , has3.-Look! The woman at the school gate_e our

2、 headmaster .-No , it_ be her. She is holding a meeting in the office now .()A.must; cantB.must; must ntC.can; n eed ntD.may ; must nt4.- Will Sally come here tomorrow ?-I dont know if she_here tomorrow . If she_ here, I will tell you .()A.comes; comesB.will come ; comesC.comes; will comeD.will come

3、 ; will come5.-Are you a basketball player in you school ?-Yes, I_the team 3 years ago. I_in it for 3 years .()A.joined , wasB.was joined , amC.have joined , have beenD.joined , have been6.- Which show do you prefer , Running Man or The Reader ?-The reader, of course. _ I_ my brother likes it .()A.B

4、oth ; andB.Neither ; norC.Either ; orD.Not only ; but also7.The woman in a hat is_aunt.()A.Jack and Joh nB.Jacks and Joh nC.Jacks and Joh nsD.Jack and Joh ns8._a terrible rainy night , many farmershouses were destroyed.()A.InB.ForC.OnD.At9.When I first saw her , she was a doctor in her_. ()A.thirtie

5、thB.thirtiesC.thirty10.Excuse me, do you know_every day ?()A.whe n does the library closeB.whe n will the library closeC.when the library closes二、 完形填空(本大題共1010 小題,共 15.015.0 分)When Charlie got up one morning , he looked from the window , and saw that the ground wascovered with(11) . On the side of

6、the house, the snow was higher than Charlie .We must have a path (12)this snow , said his father. I would make one if I had time . But I must beat the office early this morning . Do you think you could make the path , my son? he asked littleCharlie . I ? Why ? The snow is higher than (13)! How could

7、 I ever cut a path through that snow ?How ? You can do it little by little . I hope you will (14) it . said the father. Then his father (15)hisoffice .Later, Charlie set to work . He threw up first one shovelful (滿鏟), and then another, but it was (16)work . I dont think I can do it , Mom , he said .

8、 A shovelful is so little , and there is so much snow.Little by little , Charlie , said his mother. That snow(17) flake(片)by flake , but you see how much it has made. Yes , Mom , I see, said Charlie . The snowwill soon be gone (18) I throw it away little by little . So he worked on .When his father

9、came home to dinner , he was (19) to see the fine path. The next day was Charliesbirthday , the father gave little Charlie a pen as a (20), with yellow lettersLittle bylittle on it .11.A.leavesB.snowC.ice12.A.beh indB.aboveC.through13.A.meB.youC.him14.A.tryB.clea nC.pick15.A.clea ned upB.left forC.c

10、ame into16.A.slowB.funnyC.stro ng17.A.fellB.grewC.flew18.A.un tilB.ifC.but19.A.i nterestedB.sadC.pleased20.A.toyB.giftC.less on三、閱讀理解(本大題共2020 小題,共 40.040.0 分)Xian gjia ng High School Library RulesThe most important rule in the library is RESPECT Respect the booksRespect the teachersRespect each oth

11、er () ()Please keep voices lowNo smok ingNo eati ng or drinking in the library,except for water.Clea n up after yourself and push in chairsNo videos, computer games music or online shoppingwebsitesNo tak ing pictures.Have fun read ing !21.What is the most important rule of the library ?A.No smoking

12、.B.Respect.22.Which of the following is NOT true ?_A.You must clean up before you leave .B.You must nt enjoy music .C.You are not allowed to drink water .BFrie ndship Restaura ntWe have different kinds of Chinese food here The food menu is in English andChinese. All the waiters and waitress can spea

13、k at least one foreign Language Tel:312-9997C.Being quiet .Volun teer ProjectMaybe you want to help others but dont know how to do it Then Volunteer Project willhelp you.Here you will get the best idea of volun teeri ngCall 822-5566 to join it,E-mail address LDream CornerDo you want to improve your

14、En glisl?Do you want to practice your En glish wit English speakers If yes,why not join Dream Corner?Come here on Friday after noonevery weekTel:846-3809Un derwater WorldHere you will find different kinds of fishes and even some kinds of sharks You will feelyou are in the sea but of course this is n

15、ot trudf you like fishes,I advise you to pay avisit to it.Time:9:30 am-5:30 pmCOn the first day of college , I stood up to look around when a hand touched my shoulder . I turnedaround and found an old lady . She smiled at me and said, Hello , my name is Rose. rmeighty-seven years old . I was surpris

16、ed and asked , Why are you in college ? I always dreamedof having a college education and now Im getting one!she told me . After class we walked togetherand shared what we had . We became good friends.Rose became a campus icon (偶像) .In our school, almost every one loved her and studied from her.She

17、easily made friends wherever she went. At the end of the term , we invited Rose to make aspeech ni never forget what she taught us. She said, There are some secrets to staying young ,being happy and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day. Youve got to havea dream. When you los

18、e your dreams, you die. We have so many people walk ing around who aredead and dont even know it! There is a great differe nee betwee n grow ing older and grow ing up . Anybody can grow older . That does nt take any tale nt or ability . The idea is to grow up by alwaysfinding the opport un ity in ch

19、a nge . One week after graduati on Rose died peacefully . Over twothousa nd college stude nts atte nded her Funeral. They came to honor the wonderful woman whotaught that its never too late to be all you can possibly be .26.Why did Rose become a campus icon ? Because_ .A.she was the oldest stude nt

20、in the college .B.she was friendly and hard-working .C.she got along well with her classmates .23.food .C.American24.25.In Frie ndship Restaura nt you can eat_A.Chi neseB.En glishWe can see_in Underwater World .A.volun teersB.sea an imalsC.waiters and waitressIf you want to practice English with Eng

21、lish speakers , you can join_ .A.Un derwater WorldB.Volu nteer ProjectC.DreamCorner27._ was nt men tio ned in Roses speech .A.Keep ing youngB.Stay ing away from sad ness.C.Beco ming strong28.Rose thinks growing up means_ .A.getting good education and a good a job .B.using tale nt and ability to cha

22、nge on eself .C.anybody can grow older and older .29.The underlined word funeral means_in Chinese .A.展覽B.葬禮C.會議30.Why did Rose died peacefully ? _A.Because she had achieved her dream and felt no regret.B.Because she had become a campus iconC.Because she was nt afraid of the death.DIm not much of a c

23、rier most of the time . But recently when I was reading a book on a plane,I started crying . Of course, it came as a big surprise when tears came up, no matter how hard Itried , I was nt able to con trol myself .Oh no, not this now. I thought to myself . But even as the thought en tered my brain. I

24、felt the first hotdrop of salty water coming down my face . I put my head down , hoping that I could go on reading .In fact, the harder I tried, the more tears pushed their way out of my eyes You could guess howsurprised the man next to me looked .I dropped my head in shame . He must think I was cra

25、zy . Maybe I could turn toward him , hold upthe cover of the book and say in my crying voice . Im sorry , sir . Its just a really good book!But I did nt say anything . In stead, I just put my head back aga inst the seat and let the tears run .Do you know what decisi on I made while I was crying ? My

26、 decisi on was that it was okay if he thoughtI was crazy . rd rather be crazy tha n be the kind of pers on who would nt cry when the situation calledfor it , or who would nt let herself feel anything at all .rve bee n that girl who has spe nt so much time trying to make sure people did nt think I wa

27、s crazy .But now I dont want to be that girl any more-that bored and sad girl . rd rather be this girl who is ableto forgive(原諒),love and act, even if it means being disappo in ted or being hurt aga in and aga in .31.The writer started crying because_ .A.she is usually a crierB.she is kind of crazyC

28、.she was moved by the book32.When tears came up, the writer at first_ .A.thought deeplyB.tried to con trol herselfC.expla ined to the man beside her33.As tears got out of her eyes, the writer did NOT_A.say sorry to anyone in a crying voiceB.think about others feeli ngsC.let her head aga inst the sea

29、t34.According to the passage, we know the writer_A.decided to cha nge herself bravelyB.lived a sad and bori ng lifeC.would nt cry in any terrible situati on35.The passage mainly tells us _ A.why the writer cried hard on the planeB.how the writer tried to stop herself cryingC.how the writer overcame

30、herself and decided to changeEVienna is a beautiful old city on the River Danube in the center of Europe Its the capital city ofAustria and the center of European classical music In the 18th century a lot of musicians came tostudy and work in Vienna In the Strauss family , there were two composers c

31、alled Johann Strauss: the father and the sonThefather, Johann Strauss the elder, wrote and played music for traditional dances , called thewaltz His dance music made him famous all over Europe The son ,Johann Strauss the younger,was also very successful and popular He wrote over 150 waltzes In 1867

32、he wrote The BlueDanube waltz Mozart was another very important composer He was born in Austria in 1756 Before he was six ,he played not only the piano but also the violin His family took him around Europe and he gaveconcerts in many cities He wrote hundreds of wonderful pieces of music But he becam

33、e very poorand died in 1791 when he was only 35 Like Johann Strauss, father and son, he was a greatEuropean musician, and many people still think his music is perfect 36.From Paragraph 1(第 1 段) we know that Vienna is _ A.a beautiful new cityB.on the River DanubeC.in the center of AustriaD.the center

34、 of European pop music37.How many important composers are mentioned in the passage ? _A.OneB.TwoC.ThreeD.Four38.Johann Strauss the elder was famous for _ A.the dance musicB.his sonC.The Blue DanubeD.the concerts39.It can be inferred (推斷) from the passage that Mozart was _ A.stupid and lazyB.clever b

35、ut lazyC.stupid but hard- workingD.clever and hard- working40.This passage can be found most probably in the part of _ in a newspaper A.NewsB.Recreation (娛樂)C.Ad (廣告)D.Sport四、任務型閱讀 - -簡答(本大題共 1 1 小題,共 10.010.0 分)41.If you put a buzzard (禿鷹)in a pen six to eight feet (英尺)square and completely openat

36、the top, the bird , in spite of (不顧)its ability to fly , will be a pris on er (囚犯).The reasonis that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of ten to twelve feet. Withoutspace to run, it will not even attempt to fly, but remain a prisoner for life in a small prison withno top .T

37、he ordinary bat that flies around at night, a remarkably nimble (身手敏捷的) creature in theair, cannot take off from a level place. If it is placed on the floor or flat ground , all it can dois to shuffle about( 拖著腳走) helplessly and, no doubt, painfully , until it reaches someslight elevation (海拔,高度) fr

38、om which it can throw itself into the air. Then,atonce, it takes off like a flash .A bumblebee , if dropped into an open tumbler, will be there until it dies , unless it is takenout. It never sees the means of escape at the top,but keeps trying to find some way out throughthe sides n ear the bottom.

39、 It will look for a way where none exists (存 在) until it completelydestroys itself .In many ways, there are lots of people like the buzzard, the bat and the bumblebee They arestruggling about (掙扌 L) with all their problems and frustrations , not realizing that the answer isright there above them .Wh

40、y does a buzzard in a pen six to eight feet(英尺)square choose to be a pris on er? _What does a bat need when it wants to take off ? _What will happen to a bumblebee when it is dropped into an open tumbler ? _Why cant a bumblebee go out of an open tumbler itself ?_What do you want to say to those peop

41、le that are like the buzzard, the bat or the bumblebee?五、單句改錯(本大題共1 1 小題,共 10.010.0 分)42.根據(jù)上下文內(nèi)容,將文中畫線部分譯成漢語或者英語.回首過去的三年, 我仍記得許多的事. The one touch ing me most was the acting competiti on whichI took part in last year . That was a special competition between Group 1 and ours. It was about aChinese tra

42、ditional story and a western country story .I got a chanee to act the main characterOur play was about a village girl called Mulan.( 2)Shedressed up like a boy and took her fathers place to fight in the army. The play showed her love for herfamily , friends and country . Another boy from Group 1 pla

43、yed the emperor in The Emperors Newclothes . We laughed loudly , especially in the last seene,( 3) 皇 帝光著身子穿過城市.Everyone said his new clothes were beautiful . But the young boy toldthe truth .All the students watched the excellent performanee given by the two groups . I did a good job at theplay show

44、 and we had a really good time .( 4) It is difficult not to cry when we missthe wonderful days of our school life . It is true that we will leave our school soon .( 5)Though I will set out on my new journey , I wont forget my old days .(1) _六、書面表達(本大題共 1 1 小題,共 15.015.0 分)43.假定你是李華,你校將舉行一場英語演講比賽,主題為

45、 Robots in the Future.請你 根據(jù)下面的提示,用英語寫一篇演講稿.提示:1)未來人們可以利用機器人來做些什么?2)機器人的存在可能帶來哪些好的和不利的后果?3)對此,你的看法及打算.1)詞數(shù) 80 左右.開頭結(jié)尾已經(jīng)給出,不計入總詞數(shù).2)可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫.3)文中不能出現(xiàn)可能透露考生真實身份的任何信息.Robots in the Future Ladies and gentlemen :With the developme nt of scie nee and tech no logy , robots will be more and more imp o

46、rtant for us .Thats all, thank you!答案和解析1.【答案】 D【解析】答案:D.考查there be句型.句意:明天下午動物園里將有一場獅子表演.There be句型的將來時態(tài)為there will be或there is going to bethere和have不可以同 時出現(xiàn) 在一個句子中根據(jù) 題干There_ a lion show in the zoo tomorrow after noon可知tomorrow afternoon明天下午,句子是一般將來 時.故選D.明天下午 動物園里將有一 場獅子表演考查there be句型,there be結(jié)構(gòu)中

47、的謂語動詞be在人稱和數(shù)上 應與臨近主語 一致.要結(jié)合語境選擇合適用法.注意時態(tài),人稱等變化,及與have的區(qū)別.2.【答案】 C【解析】句意:布朗夫婦有一輛好車,布朗兄弟有一輛好車.從The Browns這里是布 朗夫婦,用復數(shù)形式;而Browns brother是單數(shù)形式,用has.故選:C布朗夫婦有一輛好車,布朗兄弟有一輛好車 熟悉主謂一致的基本用法, 結(jié)合題意,給出答案3.【答案】 A【解析】考查情態(tài)動詞句意-看!學校門口的那個婦女一定是我 們的校長-不,不 可能是她 她現(xiàn)在正在辦公室開會第一個空,結(jié)合語境學校門口的那個 婦女一是我們的校長.可知,應該是一定用must.第二個空,結(jié)合語

48、境不, 她.她現(xiàn)在正在辦公室開會.可知,表示否定推測,用cant不可能. 故選:A-看!學校門口的那個婦女一定是我們的校長-不,不可能是她她現(xiàn)在正在辦公室開會情態(tài)動詞無人稱和數(shù)的 變化;不能單獨使用,必須與其后的 動詞原形構(gòu)成 謂 語.否定形式通常在后面加not.要注意情態(tài)動詞的不同用法.4.【答案】 B【解析】根據(jù)我不知道她明天是否來 這里.如果她來 這里,我會告訴你,可知第一空是if引導賓語從句,tomorrow表示一般將來 時,故填will come;第二空if弓I導條件狀語從句,用一般現(xiàn)在時表將來,主語是she,故動詞用comes.故選:B.-莎莉明天會來 嗎?-我不知道她明天是否來

49、這里.如果她來這里,我會告訴你.正確分析句子 時態(tài)和關(guān)鍵詞的用法,結(jié)合題意,給出答案.5.【答案】 D【解析】根據(jù)3years age,可知第一空是一般過去時,時態(tài)為主動語態(tài),故排除B C;根據(jù)for 3years,可知第二空是現(xiàn)在完成時have/has+過去分詞.排除A.故選:D.-你在學校里是 籃球運動員嗎 ?-是的,我三年前加入的我已經(jīng)在里面呆了3年了 正確根據(jù)關(guān) 鍵詞判斷出時態(tài),結(jié)合題意,給出答案6.【答案】 D【解析】選項A意為:兩個都,謂語動詞用復數(shù);選項B意為:既不也不,選項C意為:或者或者.選項D意為:不僅而且,謂語動詞是單數(shù).結(jié)合句 意:-你喜歡跑男還是讀者?-當然是 讀者,

50、不僅我而且也我的弟弟喜 歡它 故選:D-你喜歡跑男還是讀者?-當然是 讀者,不僅我而且也我的弟弟喜 歡它本題考查連詞的辨析,熟記詞的用法及結(jié)合語境是解答本 題的關(guān)鍵7.【答案】 D【解析】考查名詞所有格題目中的woman是單數(shù),表明是一個人,所以 可以知道Jack和John是同一個阿姨,在名詞所有格里,表示共同擁有時,用Jackand Joh ns杰克和約翰的.故選:D.戴帽子的女人是杰克和 約翰的姑姑.名詞所有格用來表示兩個人或事物之 間的相屬關(guān)系,相當于某人的.這 種形式只有名詞才能用,所以叫名詞的所有格一般是在單數(shù)名詞后加一個s.具體用法要結(jié)合語境,仔細分析.選擇合適答案.8.【答案】

51、C【解析】答案:C根據(jù)a terrible rainy night可知這是具體到了某一天的夜晚.in+年、月、季節(jié)等;fo葉時間段;on+具體到某一天;at+時間點.故選C. 在一個大雨的夜晚,很多 農(nóng)民的房子都被摧 毀了本題考查時間介詞的辨析.在晚上用at night,但是具體到某一天的晚上就要用on9.【答案】 B【解析】本題考查數(shù)詞.thirtieth第三十,thrity三十.in on es thirties在某人三十多 歲的時候符合語境此處表示她是一個三十多 歲的醫(yī)生故選:B當我第一次看到她 時,她是一個三十多歲的醫(yī)生此類題目,分析句意及選項的意義,便可選出正確答案10.【答案】 C

52、【解析】考查賓語從句賓語從句中,從句通常用陳述語序,選項AB是疑問句語序, 排除故選:c.對不起,你知道圖書館每天什么 時候關(guān)門嗎? 此題考查賓語從句,在熟知賓語從句法的基 礎上,結(jié)合具體題目,仔細分析, 便可得出正確答案.11.【答案】【小題1】B【小題2】c【小題3】A【小題4】A【小題5】B【小題6】A【小題7】A【小題8】B【小題9】c【小題10】B【解析】1. B.考查名詞.A,樹葉,B,雪,C,冰.句意:1見地面全被雪覆蓋了.根據(jù) 下文On the sideof the house the snow was higher than Charlie 雪堆積得比Charlie還高,可知

53、地面是被雪覆蓋了,故選:B.2. C.考查介詞.A,在后面,B,在上面,C,通過句意:我們必須開辟 一條小路穿 過這 些積雪根據(jù)下文How could I ever cut a path through that snow?兒子不知道如何開一條穿 過 雪的道路,可知一開始是而爸爸建 議兒子開一條小路的, 結(jié)合選項 ,故選:C3. A.考查代詞.A,我,B,你,C,他.句意這些雪比我還高.根據(jù)上文the snow was higher than Charlie這些雪比Charlie還高,而次空是Charlie的第一人稱陳述,所以用第一人稱me,故選:A.4. A.考查動詞.A,嘗試,B,清潔干凈

54、,C,撿起來.句意:我希望你可以嘗試 一下.根據(jù)上文How could I ever cut a path through that snow兒子不知道如 何鏟雪,且How?Youcan do it little by little.爸爸一直在鼓勵兒子一點一 點處理,所以此空是不親希望兒子不要 輕易放棄,可以先嘗試一下,結(jié)合選 項 ,故選:A5. B.考查動詞.A,打掃干凈,B,離開去,C,走進.句意:然后他的爸爸就 離開了,要去上班了根據(jù)上文But I must be at the office early this morning父親說他今天早上需要很早去上班,所以此空是父 親需要去上班了

55、,結(jié)合選 項,故選:B.6. A.考查形容詞.A,慢慢的,B,有趣的,C,強壯的.句意:但這是個漫長的 工作.根據(jù)下文A shovelful is so little,and there is so much snowCharlie說一 鏟雪是很少的,而這里有這么多雪.可知要一鏟一鏟地處理這些雪是很費時 的,結(jié)合選項 ,故選:A.7. A.考查動詞.A,掉下,B,成長,C,飛起來.句意:那些雪雖然是一片一片 地飛下來,但現(xiàn)在你也看到堆積成很多雪了 .雪花是從上往下 飛下來的,C中 的fly是從下往上飛的,結(jié)合選項,故選:A.8. B.考查連詞.A,直到,B,如果,C,但是.句意:如果我一點一點

56、地處理的話,這些雪很快就會被 處理好的.根據(jù)The snow will soon be gone和I throw it away little by little分別是兩個獨立的句子,可知中 間需要連詞連 接起兩個句子,且它 們的時態(tài),一個是一般將來時一個是一般 現(xiàn)在時,主將 從現(xiàn),條件狀語從句,結(jié)合選項,用引導詞if, 故選:B.9. C.考查形容詞.A,有趣的,B,傷心的,C,高興的.句意:他看到一條小道 很開心根據(jù)上文,兒子一開始不知道如何 處理才好,而爸爸鼓勵并建 議兒 子嘗試一下后就去上班了,當爸爸回來后看到了小路,就知道兒子真的有一 點一點鏟雪,兒子嘗試去做這件事情,而且做得很好f

57、ine path,所以爸爸很 開心自己的兒子做到了,故 選:C10. B.考查名詞.A,玩具,B,禮物.C,課程.句意:3親送了一支筆給Charlie作為禮物.根據(jù)上文The next day was Charlies birthday第二天就是兒 子的生日了,所以爸爸 給兒子送了一份禮物,故 選:B本文是一篇記敘文.講述了Charlie家門口的小路背大雪堆 積了,在爸爸和媽 媽的鼓勵下,Charlie一點一點把雪鏟掉,開辟出一條小路的故事.告訴我們: 有時候困 難會像一座大山一 樣擋 在前方,讓我們不知如何越 過有人因此而 選擇放棄但是只要我們一點一點地解決,就會 發(fā)現(xiàn)困難已經(jīng)不復存在 答完

58、形填空 題需要快速 閱讀全文,了解文章大意,再帶著選項去讀,邊讀邊 做,注意聯(lián)系上下文21.【答案】【小題1】B【小題2】C【解析】1) B.細節(jié)理解題.根據(jù)The most important rule in the library is RESPECT.圖 書館最重要的規(guī)則是尊重故選B2) C.纟田節(jié)理解題.根據(jù)No eating or drinking in the library,except for water, 不得在圖書館內(nèi)進食或喝飲料.喝水可以.故選C.本文主要是一 張圖書館的告示,告知大家在 圖書館里規(guī)則.先通 讀全文,以理解整個段落和整篇文章 為主,在涵蓋出題點的句子上用心

59、 捉摸.23.【答案】【小題1】A【小題2】B【小題3】C【解析】1. A細節(jié) 理解題,根據(jù)We have different kinds of Chinese food here我們這 里 有不同種 類的中國菜,可知有中國菜,故 選A2. B細節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)You are good at this subject You are hardworking在這 里你會 發(fā)現(xiàn)不同種 類的魚,甚至一些種類的鯊魚 ,可知可以看見海洋生物, 故 選B3. C細節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)Do you want to improve your English?Do you want to practice your E

60、nglish wit hEnglish speakers?If yes,why not join Dream Corner你想提高你的英 語嗎 ? 你想和說英語的人一起 練習英語嗎?如果是, 為什么不加入夢想角,可知要 去夢想角,故 選C文章以表格的形式介 紹了4個商業(yè)地點的電話以及開放 時間首先要通 讀全文,了解文章大意,緊緊抓住上下文 語境所提供的信息,然后 明確詞意,結(jié)合排除法逐一 選出答案最后再通 讀全文,核對答案26.【答案】【小題1】A【小題2】C【小題3】B【小題4】B【小題5】A【解析】1 )A .細節(jié)理解題.根據(jù)Im eighty-seven years old 可知她是年齡


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