



1、作者:日期:扎Z5姓名 學(xué)號 專業(yè) 學(xué)校 地址 電話 郵編要求和目標(biāo)簡介消費者權(quán)益保護(hù)法、經(jīng)濟(jì)仲裁、經(jīng)濟(jì)訴訟等.第一章經(jīng)濟(jì)法概第一節(jié)經(jīng)濟(jì)法的概述第二節(jié)經(jīng)濟(jì)法的地位學(xué)院學(xué)分2作者陳燕玲劉哲專業(yè)學(xué)時34第幾版20老師屬性必修出版社經(jīng)濟(jì)科學(xué)出版社課程描述通過本課程的學(xué)習(xí),使學(xué)生掌握經(jīng)濟(jì)法的基本原理和知識,對于規(guī)范我國現(xiàn)實經(jīng)濟(jì)關(guān)系的法律、法規(guī)有系統(tǒng)的認(rèn)識和了解,并能運用所學(xué)知識分析和解決相關(guān)的經(jīng)濟(jì)法律問題。經(jīng)濟(jì)法這門課程在授課過程中主要講授以下一些內(nèi)容:經(jīng)濟(jì)法基礎(chǔ)理論、合伙企業(yè)法、公司法、合同法、工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)法、第三節(jié)經(jīng)濟(jì)法律關(guān)系第一節(jié)公司法概述第二章公司法第二節(jié)有限責(zé)任公司第三節(jié)股份有限公司第三章合伙企

2、業(yè)第一節(jié)合伙企業(yè)法目錄第二節(jié)個人獨資企業(yè)法第一節(jié)外商投資企業(yè)法概述第四章外商投資第二節(jié)中外合資經(jīng)營企業(yè)法企業(yè)法第三節(jié)中外合作經(jīng)營企業(yè)法第四節(jié)外資企業(yè)法第一節(jié)合同法概述第五章合同法第二節(jié)合同的訂立第三節(jié)合同的效力第四節(jié)合同的變更和轉(zhuǎn)讓第五節(jié)合同的解除 第一節(jié)競爭法概述第六章競爭法第二節(jié)反不正當(dāng)競爭法第三節(jié)反壟斷法第七章產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量第一節(jié)產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量法概述第二節(jié)產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量的監(jiān)督第八章消費者權(quán)第一節(jié)消費者權(quán)益保護(hù)法概述益保護(hù)法第二節(jié)消費者的權(quán)利與經(jīng)營者的義務(wù)第三節(jié)消費者權(quán)益的保護(hù)第一節(jié)工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)法概述第九章工業(yè)產(chǎn)權(quán)第二節(jié)商標(biāo)法第三節(jié)專利法第十章會計法與第一節(jié)會計法審計法第二節(jié)審計法第十一章銀行法第一節(jié)中國人民銀

3、行法第二節(jié)商業(yè)銀行法第一節(jié)證券法概述第十二章證券法第二節(jié)證券發(fā)行第三節(jié)證券交易與上市第十三章保險法第一節(jié)保險法概述 第二節(jié)保險合同N ame:Ma jor:Un iversity:A DD:TEL:PCCh en YanB usinessDep artme ntCredi tAut h ors choolL ingLiu Zh eM ajo rTeach erCur ricH um a n Re sou r ceMan agementZha ng Ch un Pu(Associate p rofesso r)ColumR e quirementsan dT eac hi nggoalBrief

4、 in trod u c t1 onCon tent sHou r34Ve rsionC ourseCo mpPubli shP u bl ishing h ouse of e cTypeurs eThr o ugh t heulso rying Houseonom y andsc ie n ceDescri p tstudy of t hiions c o u rse, t h e student s m ast e r t h e ba s i cprinciples and knowledge of econom i c 1 aw, and th e 1 egal an d regula

5、tory s y s t em of Chin as real ec onomi c relati on s,d can use the kn o w led ge to anal yze ando l V e the relevan t economic l a ws.The course of ec onom i c 1 aw int heanurs e ofteach ingmainly i nclud e s thelowi ngcontents:e rshi pract l a w,tec tio nbasent e ri c theory of ec ono micp ri se

6、law, comp anyi nd ustr ial prop erty law , c ol a w, econoi gat i on an d so o n.C h ap ter1 Ec on omic law1 aw,partnlaw, c ontn sume r prom ic a rbi t rati on, ec ono mic litPart1 Summary of E conom i c lPa r t2 Status of Economic LawPar t3 E c o no mic anle gal relatio nsPa r t 1 Summ a r y ompa n

7、y LawC hap t e r 2 C om paP art 2 Limiabili t yny LawC omp anyPart 3 Join tS tockComp a nyL imitedPart 1 La wof thePeo ples Republic ofC hi naCha pt er3 L aw o f the Pe o p l e son P artne rsh ipsRepublic of Ch i naP art 2 Law o f the P eo pieP artn ershipss Republ ic o f China o n Ind i V i dua l P

8、rop r ie tp E nterp risesPa rt1 Summ a r y ofF o reignInv e ste dE n ter pr i se sLawCha pt er4 For eignPa r t 2S ino F o reign EqInv estedEnterprise su ity JointV e ntu r es LawLawP art3. Sin o-Fore i g n C ont ract u a lJoint Ventu re s LawF ore i gn Cap i talEnterp rises LawP ar t 1 Summ ary of C

9、 on tractC h apter5 Con trLawact LawPa r t 2 Formation of C ontractsLa w and Au d iti ngPa rt2 Audit i ng LawP art3 Validity o f Cont ra ctPa rt4 A men dm ent a nd Ass ig nment of C on tract sPart 5T e rmin a ti o n o f Co n tr actP a rt1Summa r y of Co mC hap ter 6 Compet i tipetitio no n LawP ar t

10、2Ant i Un fa ir Com peti t io n LawP ar t 3 A nt i-m onopoly LawPa r t 1 Summa ry of Produc t QCh a pt e r7 Produc t Qu ali ty Lawu ali t y LawPa rt2 Super vi s io nof Pro d uc t Q uali t yPart1 Law o ft hePRC o nh e Protection of theRig h ts anCh a pt e 8 Law o fd In t erests ofC onsu mersthe P RC

11、o n h eP art 2C onsu m e rsRigh t s aP rot ecti on o f th eMa n a ge r sObliga tRi ghtsa n d Inionsterests of Con sumersr t 3 P r otecti o n ofconsumers rights and in t e restsP art1 Summa r y ofIn d ustrCh apte r 9 I n dustr ial P rop ert y Lawi a l Prope r t y L awPart2 T r ade mark LawPart3 Pat ent L a wChap t e1 0 AccountingPart1 Account i ng L awLawP art1 Law of t h e Pe op lesChap te r 11BankRepubli c o f C hi n a on thee gisla t ionPeoples Bank of C hi naPa rt 2 C omme r cial B a n k LP a r t1 Su m maryof S ecurityLawCh


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