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1、云南省昆明市官渡區(qū)冠益中學(xué)2016屆九年級英語下學(xué)期開學(xué)考試試題冠益中學(xué)2016年3月九年級開學(xué)考試英語試卷(全盤ES個分*共8甌 分120分,瘠怯甲時120葉)注車桶為試題皙生悠?各??ㄉ辖鈽渥鞔?軒宴應(yīng)45寫密善鷹卡的相扈僮上.衽“ 椿、上作害無蚊.第第I卷卷(共三都分(共三都分滴分滴分75分)分)第一分耶力(共國節(jié).分25分)ttBW 先椅善蘿標建試的櫛應(yīng)位聽力!試姑桌確將試卷上的晉塞垮檢到魯 卡匕一0聽甸豐從績中所第的兒鼠C三個圾環(huán)中進岀與箭聽句于內(nèi)客帽關(guān)的圖毎個旬子聽雋sa(w5分)6- A. WC* done.7. A. Three years go.& A. It doesnt9

2、. A. Dont b vfnH.10” A, I Mt stird.6. That sounds food.B. Rx thrmynrs.B . MM( (.B. Sorry. I wont.8- fm not surrC Thanta let C Mthree y*r$. C Whta pttylC OK. fll try it againC Ye*, i ttiJnk妙第三輩 耐話眥中所洽的兒S.(:三個選斑中堆岀能回售問豊的正確選項,毎段對 話斬兩(共5小esC different people17, A. A ripcrterB, An Kt orC. A cooltlS.A.1bn

3、yB. JimC UFyIS. A. nice picturesB. deUcknjs foodC wonderful stories20.人ctxA meatsB. protect peop4C, Sdh thlemH二JB分 英碼如識運用(共劇HL 1分25分 第一節(jié)單項填空.從兒B, G牛堆頂中選出變填人空白社或符換劃找部分的H隹答案.(20小翹,3邯小分.満分口分)21-殆色flnan is如壯something sJmpleOVCT訛over aam but he doesnt feel bored. A,iJi the time 8,*ime and tine a0*jn C *f

4、l the same D aH day and all nigf) )t 22 Aitboyh Ms Zbou rs cn衣d lsdyrshe iiaJwy$ in th曾piMt,Ys. Beaus* she exercises euery day and eats a balanced det.A. healthy B. kidcy C beautiful 0. creativeA.hep meB,push meC-kl me have a rest D.do anything for m24, -Tom often reads EngUsh aioud in the rnofning.

5、Ve?, he b初 亡車內(nèi)birve me IA. HowB. WhatC What a0. How a27._ Uttie_ ftiiiiu but now heso如water人Used to drink, is used to drinkingB- Used to drinking, drinksC k used to drinking used to drink0 H used to drinK, is drlnHng28 Many yovng people iqve the songs_have great tyrlcs,A.who6 whoseC, tlut0. when29.

6、Our desks re made_wood, and paper憐made _ wood, too.A. of B.of; from C. from; ofD. from;from30. V m happy to see great_ have taken place hn my hometown. Many new roads have beenbuilt.A* experinces a. acfvintage C.0. changes31. Jfrnny_her homeworlk tefoce she went to bed,A, have flntshwJ B, finishedC.

7、finfshesD.hd finished12. tfs $rroggy thew days. That? terrlWeer 1 ope to ptont trees._ tnew,lir poduttorvA. The mor; the fewer8. the Jess;the moreC. The less; the fvwerD. The more; the iess33.亠Fm gong on vMition thH weekend.A The same to youBHave a good time匚Hurry upD.Hold on, pleaseM.You should_ th

8、 shower *hen you re washing your hakOK. t will, Wt need to &ve wter.A. put onB. put off C turn offD. turn on35Extus* me, this $hirt ts toe big for me Would you mknd ghdng me smaller one ?23. tK much too busy now. Could youne 枯nd plcase ?4_. Here you re.A. Certainly B ( (x/d better not C. Not it all

9、0. Youre wecorne攜二節(jié)花形填空(共W小民*1分,満分10分)從豊中所給的A、8. U D四牛選項即選出能埸入空白處的正確選項.并垮爭選答察垃 到答腸卡的相應(yīng)位上.kThe Vietnam (* j War brtAe out. The yog husband JJ the anny and died in the war. His wife卸6 MMt began to have a JZUfe after tht Even though thir life was very Kard and sonwtimes iXy didnthave ervough food to wt

10、 the M still decided to raise Mr son by be3py38, A. sonB. fatherC, husbandDLwife39. A. butB. andC so6 or40. A. refusedB, agreedC-aUedD. offered41. A. Before& WhenC. whiteD* As42. A. slowlyB. hardlyC qukkly* D. suddenly43. A. NobodyB ArtYpneC EveryoneD Sonic body44. A. pjisng byB. going awayC showing

11、 upD, running off45. A, withB- at are艸going to do if you are In 9 burning house? How wHl you escape? Do you know bow rq$we yourself? Please re昶the following piMgc.Escoping from t fire is a serious miner. Knowing whai io do during a tire can &ave your lift, hSimporUnt io know the ways you can use and

12、 ihow them to evtfyone tn die funiiy, such ns $Uirwty andfire escape久bul not eltvilomFrom (he lower floors of the buildmgs, ectptng through windows is posiibkXcam the best way ofleaving by windows widi the least chance of serious mjury.The second floor window is usually not very high from the pvxind

13、. Of count、il右safer to jump short wy dun to ftay in a burnmg building,5Windows w also useful when you are waiting for help. Be iurc to keep the door eesed. Or tmakeand fire may conic tnto the room. Keep your head low al the wiftdaw io bt wire you期&wh air r*thcr thansn(Ae that may imo the room.6Ou *S

14、RJCKHI or third floor, the be it windows for escape we thoe that open onto a roof From theRf a person can drop to the ground nwre safely Dropping onio hard ground might endin mjun,Buhei and c*fi helpto hrwka faB.險霜超文內(nèi)舟.判斷旬予正( (D樓舊.I共5小恵毎小題2分.詹分 3 分)46. tCt sbeHj$ to know how to escape from a fke,47,

15、 tn a fire we can use elevators To come down.43. Wrndowi ant be uied刪血yw re waging for help*49. Doors must ail be open $0 that smoke tan come Jnw the room,50, The passage may help save your lifein a fke.Pfwtc Show41,200 photos are on show.Y&u can we the whole ofYunna ft hutorv,Scottish OnchfScotbsh

16、dancing冉nice.mj5 have great fun therJAmtriunJuzE巾ov怦和American jauSy Her We Davis, th topTrunipet pls yerEn)0v suyEnceUen i service,列n書惜& dou bte rooms, hatf price.Welcome to our hoteHM文尙啻.從中所酣的兒氛G D四卡堆項中.地出正確選填.并將所選答寰 涂列菩&擺的帽險也上(共召小&匸毎小鶴2分満分W分5L YouCAAseeU) )e wh&le出Yunnar htetory at_ Ln Aprf! In Yu

17、nnan Museum.7:00 aw at weekendsB. 9:00 pm frorn Monday to Fndav7C. 00 pm ewtry dyD, 7:: 00 pm everv dy52. If you *ant to watch加ting, you an call_A &466a?34B &4021877C 6488U88 D 6463G78S853- Youenjov _聯(lián)Str *ndng Cub.A- American jazzB. yOkiref a H momlngC. 1 ”2000 photoiD. Scottish candng54. If vou沖ve

18、 90 wm you ca_in Miy,A. goto Yunnn MuieumB wuh Scottishd*ndngC listen toD stay In Sun Hote for one night55. Sun Hot曲話open for_ rr&rtths of the veA. njneB. tenC. dtvenD. twelvetb 4A ytar峙m 1 pai no anerrtion to English Idwii(習(xí)諸h though Ey teacher told us Hie Imporunceagan and g*kn.8u! soonTthe impomn

19、c* of tnglfsh idiomiWJSshown in an tffnuffpe) )iperience.One dayj happened to meet an ngii$hnnaA on thesoon we bega to taJk.Ai * w直害U險ng about how i wa$ stuyin English.the foreigner wemM to be $uprked GtntiyhisKcad. Mr“g書ingh冶HXiiatrs.he laid *ou dant MyK*You don*! saylt was puirld 1 thovght.1perhap

20、s th林M not arig+ntopkWe*l. Cd bnerchange th# topic*So 甜詁to him *WeLjnall w T t匕 =K4talk about the Great Wlf?By theyou ever been ther*VCtrti Inly,evervoot back homfwiil taugh at ne rf i leave China without seeir it.lt was *once then I have been more carefulwith diomrtic f習(xí) 鋼的Jexpressions.Rmember:what

21、 ttw Enlijh teichrt id fl Always right to U5 itucefits.機據(jù)短丈內(nèi)容.從JS中所舖的兒氛匚D四令逸項中.怎岀正確選加丼將皤選祁宴 滌到菩廳卡的帽應(yīng)住上.M4K2分*W#) )56. A year ago J ptd no attention to Engfj&h Ldioins力電cau址A) had no Interest In themB. Engfish Idionrts *ere very dlfficuHC. I did not realite the importance H tbe*iD. rny teacher didnt

22、tell us the inoporUnce cf them57. At first,on hearing You dont sy/l thought the foreigner meant,A* I nad ulked too muchS. I hd to stop UibdngC,be wat net interested和the topic0. h電WHoniy interested in the Greit WBH58 *.was Uiown in an Amuf/rtpeMperlenct The word omutingprobably誑腫氛9A. bntenfrngB Impor

23、tantC terKbie認伽lucky59. Whkh tht fol lowing is TftUE KCeW剖.aner taea aoo_c :. P:e Enpishn封teaGreat WaH a-c Totiffn: t A-oirJL. rtfier Engltsnmdn eKptamea tw iciQE_ _I (elt very 5*V8 the Enlishmar. ocwme詢El foo.oecame more匚arefuy in everythingD. i thodgnt the Engii$nniart nac icoiec meDSleep h very i

24、mportant A pe*ion w/ho does Mt ieep dies faster than a person who does not eat Wespend about a third(l/3) of our lives哺sleep Th $ a&out 121 days aHow much曰eep do we need? We art all different. A baoy reeds 16 ouri ofp every day Chitdren6 to 12 yars old need an eragei平均)of 10 to 12 hours of sleep. Te

25、enagers need 9 to 10 nours of sleep.An aaux ned$ an average of 7 to 8 hours a night There wme people who need only 3 hours of sleep.Others need 10 hours of sfeep. After the age o SO, the average sieep time goes down to 6.5 hoars anight. We neeo lew ileep as we get olderAbout one in three Arredcans h

26、as鼻problem with sep Many of these people cannot fall asleep.The name of :h5 problem哼fromnia Some people sayHi didnt sleep aH night1&ut( (hatzs not rea-lytrue They may seep lightty ad wake up several times. In the morning, thev only ren*e*mber the timesthey *tfe wake(IKH h so they think they were awa

27、ke all廣底皿This is not a和ew problem. Manfannou5 people in hisxory hadSome ofpeople hid special lde to mae them seep, Bemin Franklin had four beds He moved from ore to thect*ier to仙I Mleep Mark Twain hac ? ditferent胸那He l碼on his side across忡圧end o) )61 How marry dayi year spend sleeping71A 12亂21 C121.

28、12062 If you re thirteen yeas old, you nee0 at least _ hours Q* $fpA. 16B.12C90?3 What does inwmnh1mean m this passage?A. NQ&ieepkB. dad sleep.C Slow sleep.D. S!p with many dreams.54, Which of the followmg is true according to the passage?A, We will d soon If wc doftt sleep we;IB The older we get, t

29、he less sleep we need.C, We can tell a person age from h:s sleeo tmeD. Famous ptople move from one bedTOthe other to fill asleep.65 Which would be the best title for this passage?11A. S4eep More!B. Go to S*epTC, Age and Siep TimeD. Famous People and Slep12第I!卷(寫作部分共三節(jié)一滿分30分脇單詞填空用括號中爾給詞的適當形式堆空 便語H畫思完

30、軽必豎時用否定訪址小釀 対外豐丄MJH0分)For thM EOnthl Young訓(xùn)tx記TiageZiHt. ( nterv pwec 19 ofd Aiia.n Top star Candy Wang. Qndy&6 (teliime that sht used :o be&7 (real ihy hd took Lp (raging io deiE with her&$ (sb. As the got better, st) )etftrtd to sJng in front of her dss, nd lhen for Ihf whole school忖ow sbeJ5 not s

31、hy anymore andlove$79 tsing in from of crodi.Candy explained that tooZQfmany attention can be a batf thing. I always have to worry about how Iappear to others 4nd I h*vt to te very?! (cjfc) tOut I ny or do And I dOflt la*e much private tirrwanvmore.72 thangj Mt with friends is almost 73fooaibl韻r-e r* cecae Ttipre吐m沙尹_ iRuaTdi aondTE She sa:d:氣w電to ttprepared to give u


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