1、FOREIGH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS AIR FORCE ENGINEERING UNIVERTISYSpend or save The students dilemmaA man who both spends and saves money is the happiest man, because he has both enjoyments. Samuel Johnson (English writer)You must learn to save first and spend afterward. John Poole (Engli
2、sh playwright)5UNIT 5UNITSpend or save The students dilemmaTo talk about moneyTo further understand the textTo apply the phrases and patternsTo master the essay writing skillASection Warming-up Activities Text Study Language Application SummaryASectionWarming-up Activities1. How to manage money as a
3、 college student? Create a strict budget and commit to sticking with it; Prioritize ones finances by identifying the areas in which one need to spend money; Remember to save; Avoid credit cards; 2. What do college students spend their money on? Tuition and fees; Textbooks or other school supplies; F
4、ood and drink; Transportation in the form of bus or train tickets; Electronics, such as laptops and smart phones; Entertainment ; Read the following survey questions regarding spending habits of college students. Then check () all the responses that are true for you.1. Whats the main source of your
5、daily expenses? From parents From student loan or subsidy From scholarship From part-time job Other (specify) _2. How much are your monthly expenses? 500 yuan or less 501-800 yuan 801-1,000 yuan 1,001-1,500 yuan Over 1,500 yuan3. Do you spend money based on your budget? Always Sometimes Never4. What
6、 costs most of your money as a college student? Food, clothing and other necessities Books Entertainments Other (specify) _ 5. If you have extra money, do you prefer to save it or spend it immediately? Save it Spend it In the money markets, businesses governments and sometimes individuals borrow or
7、lend funds for short period of time. Usually 1 to 120 days. US Treasury-bills are the _ money market instrument. They are followed by negotiable certificate deposit and _ paper. Listen to a short passage concerning money markets and fill in the missing information.To be continueddominantcommercialLi
8、sten to a short passage concerning money markets and fill in the missing information. Other money market instruments they are not large in-volume of standing are important in _ market and represent invest mental ternaries for money market _. It is a closed substitute ability of market instruments, i
9、t _ all the money markets. To be continuedrespectiveparticipantslinksdistinctivedealers and brokersListen to a short passage concerning money markets and fill in the missing information.The money market consist of collection of markets each trading at _ financial instrument. There is no formal organ
10、ization such as The New York Stock Exchange for the equity markets. Central activity to the money market are the _ who specializing one or more money market instruments. To be continuedDealers buy securities for the own _ and sell from the security inventers when the trades _. Brokers do not actuall
11、y buy or sell securities, and they only accentuate the _ transactions at the best possible price. Their profits comes from commissions charged for that services. position take placeclientListen to a short passage concerning money markets and fill in the missing information.Questions Previewing1. Wha
12、t does financial literacy refer to ?2. In the United States , what does Student Financial Aid refer to?1. What does financial literacy refer to ? The ability to understand financial matters; The set of skills and knowledge; Allows an individual to make informed and effective decisions through unders
13、tanding of finances.2. In the United States , what does Student Financial Aid refer to? The funding intended to help students pay education expenses including tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, etc. for education at a college, university, or private school. Text StudyASection Beca
14、use when the government encourages people to _ to get out of the recession, they also advice people to_. Similarly, when banks offer higher _ to increase savings they send _ to let people spend more.save moreinterest ratesAccording to the writer, why do the messages we get from our environment seem
15、to defy common sense and contradict each other? (Para. 1)spend moneycredit card offers Another familiar example.(Para. 2)Dont pay on timeAs soon as we payCredit Card Bill we get demanding, nasty emails saying : “Your failure to pay is unacceptable. Pay immediately or youll be in trouble!”we get an e
16、mail in a charming tone telling us how valuable a customer we are and encouraging us to resume spending.We are confused and _ by two contradictory messages that we get from our environment. The government tells us to _ _. And credit card company also sent us contradictory message:_?Part I (Paras. 1-
17、 _)2 spend and at the same time they tells us to save more Are we failing consumers or valued customers manipulatedTwo sets of messages(Paras. 3-5)“Upright” message, which urges us, “Work hard and save. _. Avoid luxuries. _ for more than you truly need.” This message comes to us from_, from_, even f
18、rom political figures referring to “_”. “Permissive” message, “Buy, spend, get it now. You need this!”, is_. Advertisements _ our daily lives. The essential message is cemented into our consciousness, “Its good to _. You should have what you want. You deserve the best. So, you should _!”Suspend your
19、 desiresControl your appetite schoolparentstraditional valuesinescapableinvadesatisfy your desiresbuy it nowTwo sets of messages(Paras. 3-5)“Upright” message, which urges us, “Work hard and save. _. Avoid luxuries. _ for more than you truly need.” This message comes to us from_, from_, even from pol
20、itical figures referring to “_”. “Permissive” message, “Buy, spend, get it now. You need this!”, is_. Advertisements _ our daily lives. The essential message is cemented into our consciousness, “Its good to _. You should have what you want. You deserve the best. So, you should _!”Suspend your desire
21、sControl your appetite schoolparentstraditional valuesinescapableinvadesatisfy your desiresbuy it nowWHY?on TV, in movies, on printed media and road signs, in stores, and on busses, trains and subways.The only time you can escape advertising is when youre in your bed asleep! By the age of 18, the av
22、erage American will have seen 600,000 ads; by the age of 40, the total is almost one million.What happens as we take in these contradictory but explicit messages? What are the psychological and social consequences of this campaign to control our spending habits? (Para. 6)We want more things because
23、we want to satisfy our material appetite. Most of us derive pleasure from treating ourselves.Watch out, take stock of your life, dont let your attention get scattered. Postpone your desires. Dont fall into debt. Wait! Retain control over your own life. It will make you stronger.Every day we get two
24、sets of messages at odds with each other. The “_” message urges us to work hard and save, suspend our d e s i r e s , a n d a v o i d l u x u r i e s . T h e _ urge us to spend. the essential message from ads is anyhow _ already. As psychological and social consequences, people get _ with the two co
25、ntradictory messages. Part II (Paras. 3- _)6permissive advertisements cemented into our consciousnessuprightconfusedWhy should students consider financial well-being as a key ingredient of university education? (Para. 7) Because money worries can make students feel terrible and hinder their ability
26、to focus on their main goal: to successfully complete their education.What can students do to be financially healthy and have no money worries? (Para. 8)They can go to: financial literacy classes; schools financial aid office; seek input from parents or other adults; find a partner; ask for help An
27、educated consumer and saverBalancespending and savingCaptain of your own shipSuccessful and productive directionWhat conclusion can you draw from the text? (Para. 9)Learn to Steer inBecomePart III Paras. 7-9Students should learn how to become a smart and _ consumer and how to successfully _, which w
28、ill help them gain a successful and production catedmanage their financesWere confused and manipulated by two contradictory messages - spend or save? (Para. 1)The government tells us to spend more to help end the recession. Banks send credit cards to encourage more spending.They also tell us
29、 to save more for our financial well-being. Banks offer higher interest rates to encourage saving more.Example of contradictory messages: a failing consumer or a valued customer? (Para. 2)If we dont pay our credit card bill, we get nasty emails saying: “Your failure to pay is unacceptable. Pay immed
30、iately or you will be in trouble!”As soon as we pay, we get an email in a charming tone, addressing us as valuable customers and encouraging us to resume spending.The “upright” message urges us to work hard and save, suspend our desires, avoid luxuries, and control our appetite for more than w e t r
31、 u l y n e e d . T h i s message comes to us from many sources such as school, parents, and even politicians. (Para. 3)The opposite permissive messages to spend are everywhere around us: on TV, road signs, etc. The essential message is c e m e n t e d i n t o o u r consciousness from ads: Its good t
32、o satisfy our desires; we deserve what we want and the best we want. (Paras. 4-5)The psychological and social consequences of the contradictory message (Para. 6)On one hand, we always want more things because we want to satisfy our material appetite. Most of us derive pleasure from treating ourselve
33、s.On the other hand, a little voice warns us: watch out, postpone your desires, dont fall into debt, and retain control over your own life.It is important to learn how to balance spending and saving to make your life better. (Para. 9)Successfully manage your finances so that you can focus on your pr
34、imary goal. (Para. 7)Advice: attend financial literacy classes, consult with someone to help set up a budget, find a partner to stay on track and get pleasure from administrating your own financial affairs. Most importantly, seek help before your financial problem becomes worse. (Para. 8)Spend or sa
35、ve the students dilemma I think that the messages we get from our environment seem to defy _ and contradict each other. The government tells us to spend and also to _ more. Banks offer higher interest rates so we can increase savings and also send us _ offers so we can spend more. If we dont pay our
36、 credit card bill on time, thecommon sensesavecredit cardTo be continuedcredit card company will warn us. As soon as we pay, the company will tell us how _ a customer we are and encourage us to_. We get two sets of messages at _ each other. One is the “permissive” perspective-advertisings permissive
37、 message is _; The other is “_” message. What happens as we take in these contradictory but explicit messages?To be continuedvaluable resume spendingodds withuprightinescapable On one hand, we want more things because we want to satisfy our _. On the other hand, we hope to _ our desires. Anyway, man
38、y of the skills you need as a successful student can be applied to your _. Money worries are extremely _ and _. So, how can you be a smart and educated consumer? material appetitepostpone financesstressfuldistractingTo be continued Consider _ classes or schools financial aid office or seek input in
39、setting up a _. You can also finding a _ to help you stay on track and find _ in the administration. Most i m p o r t a n t l y, d o n t l e t y o u r e g o _ and urgently get help. As you learn to balance spending and saving, you will have a successful and _ life.financial literacybudgetpartnerplea
40、sureget in your wayproductive1. refer to 提到;談到2. no shortage of 不缺少;不缺乏3. derive sth. from sth. 得到,獲得 (優(yōu)勢或 愉快的感受)4. take in 領會;理解;記住5. take stock (of sth.) (對形勢)作出估計 (判斷)6. on track 在(可能通向成功的) 軌跡上提到;談到提到;談到(mention / refer to ) Although she didnt mention any names, everyone knew who she was referrin
41、g to. refer to 短語逆譯短語應用盡管她沒有提任何人的名字,但大家都知道她指的是誰。意群提示不缺少;不缺乏不缺少;不缺乏(go ahead with / project/ no shortage of )You may go ahead with the project; there is no shortage of funds. no shortage of短語逆譯短語應用你們可以繼續(xù)進行這個項目,資金并不缺乏。意群提示得到,獲得得到,獲得 (優(yōu)(優(yōu)勢或愉快的感受)勢或愉快的感受)(derive from/satisfaction/introduction)Many stude
42、nts derived enormous satisfaction from the introduction to art course. derive sth. from sth.短語逆譯短語應用許多學生從這門藝術入門課程中得到了巨大的滿足。意群提示領會;理解;記住領會;理解;記住It was an interesting exhibition, but there was too much to take in all at once.take in短語逆譯短語應用這是一個有趣的展覽,但要一下子記住所有的東西太多了。意群提示(exhibition / too much /take in
43、) (對形勢)作出估計(判斷)(對形勢)作出估計(判斷)(take stock of / position) We had to take stock of our position before we could decide what to do next. take stock (of sth.) 短語逆譯短語應用我們在決定下一步做什么以前,必須對我們的處境作出判斷。意群提示在(可能通向成功的)在(可能通向成功的)軌跡上軌跡上(run/ according to/ on track ) Everything is running according to our plan, so wer
44、e still on track for 10% growth. 短語逆譯短語應用一切都在按照我們的計劃進行,所以我們仍有可能達到10%的增長率。意群提示on track1. Heres another familiar example:用于列舉“人們熟知的事例”。2. Its been calculated that用于引出“有說服力的數(shù)據(jù)”。 3. As sb. learn to do sth., sb. will do sth.用于表達“某人學會某事就會有所收獲”。這里還有一個大家熟悉的例子:如果我們不按時支付信用卡賬單,我們會收到從信用卡公司發(fā)來類似這樣的令人討厭的催繳賬單的電子郵件原
45、句譯文原句譯文逆譯練習逆譯練習Heres another familiar example: If we dont pay our credit card bill on time, we get demanding, nasty emails from the credit card company saying something like句型提煉句型提煉Heres another familiar example: 句型提煉句型提煉應用提示應用提示用于列舉“人們熟知的事例”。句型句型應用應用(gourmet/ be sold on / Peking Duck) 典型例句這里還有一個大家熟
46、悉例子: “ 西方美食家已對北京烤鴨極有興趣. ” 意群提示Here is another familiar example : “ Western gourmets are sold on Peking Duck. ” 據(jù)計算,普通的美國人到18歲時,會看過60萬個廣告。 原句譯文原句譯文逆譯練習逆譯練習Its been calculated that by the age of 18, the average American will have seen 600,000 ads.句型提煉句型提煉Its been calculated that句型提煉句型提煉應用提示應用提示用于引出“有說
47、服力的數(shù)據(jù)”。 句型應用句型應用(calculate/ population / double ) 典型例句據(jù)計算,世界人口在本世紀末將要增加一倍。意群提示Its been calculated that the worlds population will double by the end of the century. 學會了如何平衡支出和儲蓄,你就會成為你自己的船長,駕駛著你的生活之帆,乘風破浪,駛向成功和富饒。原句譯文原句譯文逆譯練習逆譯練習As you learn to balance spending and saving, you will become the captain
48、 of your own ship, steering your life in a successful and productive direction through the choppy waters.句型提煉句型提煉As sb. learn to do sth., sb.will do sth.句型提煉句型提煉應用提示應用提示用于表達“某人學會某事就會有所收獲”。句型應用句型應用(dive / appreciate/ magnetism/ to your heart content)典型例句學會了潛水就會見到海下的美麗景色,盡情領略大海的魅力。意群提示As you learn to
49、dive, you will see the beautiful view under the sea, appreciating the magnetism of the sea to your heart content. 艱苦創(chuàng)業(yè),忠于家庭,能推遲欲望是美國價值觀的核心,它使我們的國家變得強大。 a. Hard work, family loyalty, and the capacity to postpone desires are core American values that have made our country great. (Para. 3, L6)我愛自己。我是自己
50、的好朋友。我只做讓我感覺舒服的事。我從精美的東西里得到樂趣,并感覺它們給我滋養(yǎng)。我 過去做事常延遲購買, 但再也不會了。 b. I love me. Im a good friend to myself. I do what makes me feel good. I derive pleasure from nice things and feel nourished by them. I used to put things off. Not anymore. (Para. 5, L8)“當心,要掂量掂量自己的生活,不要讓注意力分散。推遲欲望。不要陷入債務。要等待!保留對自己生活的控制權。
51、這樣你會更堅強?!?c. Watch out, take stock of your life, dont let your attention get scattered. Postpone your desires. Dont fall into debt. Wait! Retain control over your own life. It will make you stronger. (Para. 6, L5)學會了如何平衡支出和儲蓄,你就會成為你自己的船長,駕駛著你的生活之帆,乘風破浪,駛向成功和富饒。 d. Most importantly, if you find yours
52、elf getting into financial trouble, dont let your ego get in your way; urgently get help with tackling your problem before it spins out of control and lands you in legal troubles. (Para. 8, L6)1What are some of the effective techniques used to promote the selling of various products?2Do you prefer t
53、o spend or save? Why?3How do you know whether youre overspending or not? Offer discount prices; Send giveaways; Associate with new technologies like Internet marketing;Compare with other merchandises.1. What are some of the effective techniques used to promote the selling of various products?2. Do y
54、ou prefer to spend or save? Why? I will spend because life is so short and I dont want to be thrifty or spend money carefully, which will drive me crazy. I only know I should enjoy my life while Im still young and healthy. I will save because with the worsening economic situation everywhere, I dont
55、know what could happen to me in the future. To be responsible for myself, I have to save some money for the future. When I dont have much pocket money with me. When I want to buy something inexpensive but I cant afford it. When I dont have money to hang out with my friends and classmates. When I see
56、 many things I dont need surrounding me. 3. How do you know whether youre overspending or not? How do you understand the following quotes “金錢往金錢往往成為真正情義的障礙物。往成為真正情義的障礙物?!盿nd “Money is a good soldier, it can give people the courage instantly”? According to Zou Taofen(鄒韜奮), Money often becomes the hin
57、drance for chasing true friendship. The person with wealthy may always feel joyless, for they think others associate with he or she is for the money only. But Shakespeare thought money is very important. It makes people full of energy. We know money means food, clothing, books, etc. Families and peo
58、ple need it to buy things they must have. In this way society exists, and the world prospers. Q: What are the six steps for saving money mentioned in the passage? Listen to a short passage and discuss the following question. What are the six steps for saving money mentioned in the passage? You need
59、to set ambitious goals to encourage you to save money; Form many money-saving habits while stay away from those that waste money; Economize your daily expense; Keep an eye on discounts information; Economize your social life.; While reducing the expenditures, you need to broaden your way earning mon
60、ey. ASection Language ApplicationLearn a comparison / contrast essay To start with, if you have two items to compare or contrast, the first step is to figure out how they are similar and how they are different. if you are comparing or contrasting two professors, you might do so on these points: homework ass
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