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1、河北省2015年中考英語真題本試卷分餐|和卷H兩部分卷|為選擇題,卷H為非選擇度.本試卷總分120分,考試時間120分鐘.卷I (選擇探共80分)注1.答卷1前,考生務(wù)必將自己的姓名、考修號.科目堵津在答11卡上.考試 結(jié)監(jiān)考人員將試卷和答It卡一并收回.2 .答卷I時,每小題透出答案后,用2H用基把答H卡上對應(yīng)做目的備案標號 漆黑,答在試卷上無效.3 .新力部分共包括兩小節(jié):第一節(jié)在卷I,第二節(jié)在卷U.完成第一節(jié)后.謂 根據(jù)錄音指令在卷n完成第二節(jié).曾聽力部分(第一節(jié))B. healthyB. a ball gameB. 3:40C. hungry Cashongame C. 3:20I 聽

2、句子,選出句子中所包含的值總.(共5小品,每小El分,計5分)1. A. happy2. A. a pop game3. A. 204. A You nccdnvt take a car.B. You mustn't drive a car.C. You shouldn't buy a car.5. A. Jim entered the room.B. Jim Rd something in the room.C. Jim went out of the room and said nothing.n.聽句子選出該句的佳答語.共s小鹿,每小題分.計s分)6. A. Tm sor

3、ry.7. A. You're welcome8. A. The same to you.9. A. Katie. Katie Reese.10. A. ICs opposite the bank.B. Pm tired.B. Help youneiC please.B. Thank you.B. Here's my name.R. You can walk there.C. Ten serious.C. Jusl looking, thanks.C. Glad to hear thatC. Your name please?C It's a tail building

4、.英遇試卷M I M (共12 IX)513. A. He wants to take a taxi.B. He left a wallet in a taxi.C. Hc,ll ask the driver for c«h.14. A. A dish.IS.A.EatGsh.B. AcoolcB. Order lunch.C A restaurant.C. Book a table.B. ThreeC. Four.17. A. An engineerB. A nune.C A teacher.I g. a. Hell go to France. B. He'll work

5、in a store. 聽短文和問IL選擇正答案(共7小華小d I分.19. Wha! are they doing now?A. lUvinft a meeting. B Reading new word%20.21.What can they get if they have one 憂ord wrong?A A pen.B. A pencil.Which word do they begin with?A. KitchcaB ColoffiiLC lie'll find a part4imc job.計7分)C Having an English class.C. A pictu

6、re.C. PrcC. CaudaC Suie umvcfMtici.C Science and PE.U The tliini year" VTuch country does the peaker mentJoi?一 A HnglEB. Americakind of univewties do Bob and Jenny go to?23 A Pnv>» univenities. B Small unimitia.“ Wh»*courses?7 A English and math B HisUry and physic*., when will Bob

7、 MdJcnny,ludyEW©18unes?25 A MCEWB The second year英電M2 A(共門貝)筆試部分V.單項選攆(共15小H,每小鳥分,詞分) 選出可以堵入空白處的最佳選項, 26. Look at calendar. It*s June 22.1. aB anc lbc27. My brother likes painting. It's one ofhcA. myB. herc h,s28. There's an important football match today. I 一A. mayB. can'tJmusi29.

8、Could you please take my picture? Here is myA. printerB. radioC. player30. Mom. rm very for all your love.A. thinkful B. curcful ( usefulD./D. yourD. needn'tD. cameraD. helpful3IJthe shops. Can I get you anything?A. go toB. went to C. have gone to D am going to32. Paula is pleased that she her l

9、ost watch.A. findsB. foundC. has foundD. will find33. The movie covers all of Chinese history. It is worth seeing againA. mainlyB. reallyC. possiblyD. hardly34. Wc*re proud that Chma stronger and stronger these years.A. will become B. became C- is becoming D. was becoming35. This food is free. You d

10、on't have to it.A. look forB. pay fbrC. ask fbrD. wait fbr36. Grace this game every time wc play.A. winsB. wonC. will win D. has won37 I law Jeff in the park He on the grass and reading a book.A< sitsB. salC. is sittingD. was silt由38. Evenlydeeply after they heard the story.A. movesB. moved C

11、. is movedD. w第 moved現(xiàn) important fbr us to knowall the subjectsYeah, group work is my favorite.A. how to study B. when to study C. which to study D. what u> 儂小 40. -Could you tell me _?-TiUting about festivals.,1rt MMB what they aw doingW 0y 111D. why they ore practkiiig如喝慎.第3貝(A 12 A)以麗填空供w小&

12、;刖m分,計K)分)I每文,握其大&然后從各小題所給的四個建川必族付遺*.A除女“ 8iVingIa,k 10 Waon盤力)巾.依 nmed ighmof witer tasked (hem,-How q 如 you th 岫,卬廣”The students begin to think and _4 _ Their niium are difTeren!, from 20t io 500g.*h does not matter on the real _仆 It depends on how long you hold h. If I hold H for 44 n 0K ,f,h

13、o,d 卜 3 an hour. I will have ar ache in my right inn If I hold H foraday. you will have to call a It is the exact same weight, bui the longer I hold it. the heavier M becog. What we have to do is to put the glass dowa. M for a wh.le before holding it up gainTf wc carry our burdens (負!0) _47 . sooner

14、 or later, wc will not he able to carry oct The bwden will become increasingly heavier. Wc have to 48 the burden every now and (hen. so ihM can be refreshed and are able io carry on*So 49 you fetum home from work tonight, put the burden of work down. Don't cany H back home. You can pick H up tom

15、orrow.yourselves.Life is short but amazing. Enjoy it!41. A. heavyB. fullC. nuchD. long42. A. readB. watchC. guessD listen43. A. glassB. weightC. walerD. height44. A. minuteB. nightC.dayD. week45. A. motherB. tocherC. doctorD. Incnd46. A. restB. shakeC. lookD. work47. A. this timeB some other time C.

16、 next timeD. all the time48. A. give upB. pu( downC. pickupD. think about49. A. afterB. sinceC. beforeD. until50. A. saveB. helpC. careD. relax英語試卷«4K (女 12 貝)Whatever burdens you have, let them down for a moment if you ctn. And learn to 50W.閱工瑞11 (共IS小播小愚2分.計如分1J圓itACHMMM.他屈從占小總所泊的四個地鵬中選出佳選R.O

17、ne d«> after school. 1 uent to the lejcher office to sec my teacher, but As I wis about to leave. I noticed apiece of paper on the floor. | picked it up and -RNAL-TERM EXAMINATION- « the top I put the paper into my school b« out of the room.A!-er 1 came back home. I took out the pa

18、w quickly It was the cx«n pttper of my worst ,ubg Hbtoc> I feh excued. My hean belt fast I took out my History book and itarted working on the ansur I had never answered any questkvs so seriouslyOn the day of the History exam. I ent into the exam hall confidcmly. When the paper uu 51 to tnc.

19、 I dreamt of gening the highest mark in the whole grade and could not help smiling.History teacher always encouraged me to work hard and get better grade. but I let him down time and time Again. This lime I will give him abg surpri* I thought.When the teacher said we could start I turned the paper o

20、ver. To my wrpme. all the questions were different Liter I feh nervous. In tte end J almost left the paper undone. After the exajn< I ran to the toilet took out the paper and carefully read H from the lop. Oh! It wm 皿 y«r « exam piper I read all (he questions but I hadn't read the d

21、ateThis s a Icwon in which I know I hove to put my feci on the ground.! regretted doing such a riily thing. After that, I «>W my teacher the truth and I promised to bo honest From then on. 1 worked harder than ever before.3. see his teacherD. 7 some questions51. The writer went to the teache

22、r1) office to A. take an exam in his Hhtory examsB. did silly thingsD left the paper undoneC. get his school bag 52. The wnicr alwiysA. got high mirksC. let hia teacher down53 The wnter feltA. purposedwhen he Grst saw all the quesnom were differentB. excitedC nervousD. crazy54 When did the wntcr kno

23、w h wai last ywr、cum paper?A Before he read all the question*. B. As soon as he rctumod home.q Unni ho went imo the iMcherSoffiai D. After he read the paper in the to0tt英培第S頁(共12貢)What might the writer write in his diar)?A. Im glad that I did very well in he ewn. 1 gave my teacher .B.After the exam,

24、 my leicher asked me to go to his office. My heart.When I turned over ihe paper. I couldn't help smiling. My teacher.D.I'm truly sorry for what I did.Everyone should be honest IMI.Super Inteniaiional Crafts (工藝品)Market1/F, Super Shopping Center. 12 Shopping Road. ssKowIcxwi.next io Dandy3 St

25、ore and Cteofs CaffBeaded bracelets (89珠手?。ゝrom AfriciDo you love bracelets? Here you can find bracelets made from special wooden beads, and no two pieces are the same! Each bracelet looks expensive, but costs only $20. Wlurt is more, if you buy two. you can get a card fbrafrec drink at Cleo's C

26、aft!SUk handbixs from TbilhndThese colorful bags are beautiful and useful! You can use them every day. Each bag is as much as $150. If you buy more than onev they will be 10% cheaper for you.The Super Shopping Center ts proud to hold the Super International Crafts Market The market owns hand-crafted

27、 products from all over the world. Come to team about other cultures and see beautiful things from different countries! A pan of the sales will be given to the International Children's Fund (ICF). Some of the interesting products include:FittUstk!We will have introductions about the different co

28、untries » well is a lucky draw (抽獎)fbr . free trip to one of the special countries in the nuAct! You can aiw uuic foods from the different countries at our Intenurtionil Foods Stand.VtaM Ibe lnteniftk)Ml Crafts Market and team about difTcrent cultum.Buy heautifuU inlrrcKing lb” and support the

29、loterailioMl Children Food?英遇試卷第6頁(共12頁)B. a visitor*! letterD. a trip introductionA. next to Cleo's CiftC on l/Ft Dandy、Store58. People can in the market.A. learn about diflcrent culturesB. next lo 12 Shopping RoadD. on 2/F. Super Shopping CenterD. visit the Internal tonal Children、Fund56. Ihe

30、passage above is probably A a piece of news C. a shopping guideC. sell their own hand-crafted products D. sec beautiful things mostly from ssKowloon 59. Which is right according to the passage?A. Two bracckts cost $20,B. The bracelets look the same.C. Each bag costs only $135.D. The handbags are col

31、orful.60. Whm can we do to have a free trip to a country in the market?A. Give money to the ICF.B. Take part in a lucky draw.C. Buy wooden beads from Africa. D. Taste different foods in the market.Making a good job choice is almost as good is choosing a good life. So. choosing a job is one of the mo

32、st important decisions to make in lite.For my jobt there arc three important things that 1 will considerThe first one - that I must work in an area I like - « most important to me. Someone once said if you find a job that you enjoy, then you won-t have to work another day. would like t。work in

33、an area where I can be more creative. I would like to be the most valuable member there. All this b possible only if I like what I do.The second one « that the area of my work must lead me to solve some new and hard probtems.1 Mid like to suy in the same area for a long thne. In order for this

34、to happen, the work must provide enough problems. More than jrnt working to live. I enjoy nuking . difference and trying my best for the whole progE I would like g be well 回刖儂 for my hard work, solcan lead, comfortoblc life with thh hard-won money. Then I can provide the best for rny lamily<英培試卷第

35、7頁(共12頁)I he ihW impiutAnt thing h that I uould like to work in an area Iha! would help other people. "y god in my mind g in Helds such as the army, training or management. In «uch arras. I can ip to develop the abilities o! others and bnrg out their best It would be a most satisfying job

36、to kip)vxmg Ek I。tworne the bcM thdi lhe> can be. When I become old. I would like to look 、Kk uith a grrat senw of sutsfiiction that thouHmds of people have become better persons Mwgh my work.I accept the idea that no one should make a choice of a job suddenly or quickly. He should Gxk what he wa

37、nts to be in the long run. Then, he should decide how be works towards it. He said itudy the proper course read the boocs and speak to knowledgeable persons in that field kforc making a job choice. A good choice will most probably lead to a better life.61. According to the fwtssagie. a good job chok

38、e pmbably makes peopleA. wive fewer problemsB. choose a good lifeC. be good family membersD. provide hard things6Z The writer considers an enjoyable job moM imponant because.D. he has to bring out his hesiB. it can make him more creativeE. he will have to work another dayD. it is possible for htrn t

39、o live better63. The underlined word -n«nuncniled" in the passage means -A. trained B. praised C. accepted D. paid64. The writer wants to tell us that everyone shouldA. become a knowledgeable penonB join the army to become a belter personC. make preparations to find a satisfying jobD help

40、young people to choose an interesting job65 is the best title tor the passage?A My Job ChoiceB. My Favorite JobC My Comfortable LifeD. My Sense of SatisfactionL英語試卷期8頁(共12貝)9注量事項,i.答卷n前.將窘酎我左俯的匕目堵將清簸.«號XIVIIX得分聽力部分(第二節(jié))卷H (非選擇1L共40分)2.答卷nw.將答案用黑色字破的*. 字傳。盒城.卜2015年河北省初中事業(yè),|升學(xué)/化戊,英語試卷得分評卷入VB聽用文填電

41、共5小1L年小l分計5分)Information SheetClticiU ratherBeijing66. Cold and,Hr high will be 6 dcgiccwMeiko Chj67.and wet.With a low of 21Tokyo68 weatherThe low will be 4 degreei、ew YorkA rainy day69 With high o( .Hong Kong70. We< and. ”With a low uf 20 degree!J英遇試卷第9頁(A 12 9()11It is a common and筆試部分(共S小題小分.

42、計10分)芹掖要求樹7I7SN.Many people believe thai ydkiHm. <sumps 般 afndd of not 襁 Wcln«c the 即皿 enemy of sumps. In 5in several different u心' ''岫1bg pc°Pktheir tumpsin several uiiiCTCnt wavs.WE SUmpS,We gw" never touch the stamps with our hands Thb avoidi moving / things onto the

43、m. Stamp ME(*f) shou4 be used in 11 condhiom"*"'R 釀 Minted things I he cokxv willdtuppear if the stonps ore put in the light for along tune. So we should not pu1MAin the light foe 皿 Di a mu5tbe11s wWetness is an imponanl problem for Mnpv Some collectors will put stamps in tepamc plasti

44、c 料)bags. However, it is possible that sone sumpt have taken in some water from the & before they are put into the plastic begs Suunps become yellow enily and rapidly after they take in wet atr. To protect the stamp1t some people also put the stamps info a special room which has a machine to kee

45、p the air cool and dry. However not many people can aflbrd thM.simple way. This helps because the plastic cover keeps the stamps off the wet air. It also stops theGngen from touching the stampsSome collector prefer io store sumps inside a plastic box with desiccants (干燥劑工 However, we should take car

46、e not to let the stamps touch the deskcams. On lop of that, don" take your stamps out on * wet day.7|司完成句子 72刀18面片回答問鹿:74堰找出井寫下全文的主廄句;75題將文 中線句子卡成漢諾7I One way to protect stamps is that we should never touch them.72. What will disappear ifwe put the sumps in the Ughl for long?n when do stamps be

47、come yellow easily and rapidly?74- _ 其遇現(xiàn)於第10頁(共12頁)1()17工聞皿如小j仙),啊颼力刖'4中般應(yīng)麗M詡械am* DwAuni Grace and Uncle John.(write) loMyouX 5Mh01nE Bot very tired on the trBin .nd nearly W| 7S. my mutton!I hank you io much for inviting me to the £n、 'MfYgiFk 向。me icnxp 1nmse. especially going to the

48、79 r.*1where we fished togetherMum md Did lend their he« «0.(訃)I «n 76.(tale). 11 Will never forget my fovely holiday with 刈Lots of love.5Susan兌*寫作'包括A'B商部分,A .分fB部分IS分.共計2c分)1A)連詞成句共5小題何小分.計§分)將所給聞?wù)Z連成句子,標點已處出.要求:有臺身檜.遢句.叫 大小寫正,同遇不糊重復(fù)使用.8IL gooayesterday, a tnp82 iL L was

49、. school trip, first83 w«t happy tang, on the way«4. imercsting activity, many, there were15. whai. we. , wonder, time, had英遇試卷第”頁(共12頁)B,書面達計IS分f J遇課匕老做求同學(xué)外介18個AM未計機假設(shè)下面表格內(nèi)容 ,你的計劃捶的,堵帙據(jù)衣格提示的活動內(nèi)容,耳一發(fā)審.介密體 的周末計劃,并在班上與同學(xué)燦.SiturdayWatch TVSundayVisit grandparents求,(I)發(fā)言稿包括三個所列要點和一個,、充要點;(2)發(fā)育

50、槁中四個要點更適當發(fā)揮;(3發(fā)言稿中不得涉及*實的人名、校名和炮在(4)國數(shù):80個左右(已給出的開頭加站星不計入總詞數(shù)).Hi. everyone! Here、my Nan fbr the weekend.XhauLxsM英一試卷 *12 A(M12M)2015年河北省初中畢業(yè)生升學(xué)文化課考試英語試題參考答案及評分標準卷I1.AZB3.C4.B5.C6.B7.C8. B9. A10. A11.B12. B13. B14. CI5.C16. C!7.AI8.A19. C20. B21.A22. B23. C24. A25. A26. C27. C28. B29. D30. A31.D31C33

51、. B34 . C35. B36. A37. D38. D39. A40. B41.A42. C43. B44. A45. C46. A47. D48. B49. C50. D51.B52. C53. A54. D55. D56. C57. A58. A59. D60. B61. B62. B63. D64. C65. A評分標準,1.170小題,每小題1分,計50分;5165小題.印卜,2卜 計 30 分.2.凡與答案不符者不得分.VI. 66. windy卷 IIgkgx67. Warm (warm) 68. Cloudy (cloudy) 69. 9/nine 70. hi :評分標準:1 .每小題1分,計5分.2 .凡與答案不符,但所填信息與答案意思相同且與11目要求相符不 可酌情給分.IX. 71. with our hands7


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