1、銅陵學(xué)院數(shù)字電路課程設(shè)計報告書(09 版)姓名: 昌鋒班級:07自動化(本)學(xué)號:時間:2009年5月f to ”k " si ncmpa, role tom pe.et Cmm-aga>s cr” work eve, se bu-s - d, Aan sabi - To Ur he se ng ciy ad -cat on, m pro. Ie oval egasysem. must sengthe-ey managebl- ad saey managgmet me . u. - n、a- gel- hg he sa n.a.* a hige lee ofd-pm-l Emp
2、loystoday is ua cal end- on ie be 24, Ie ox Fels a tm.of yer, weceay f t hep. egene-us wege ne.in cmpa n_ maUe a nd symmey br - thi ng Recal ng p_ onea-ossa al ng and fH of -nfience FuUre deelpmes - moe eng . e- tgehe Ulof -ale ngs ae*to -rae a gee, l ow-s opeai on, ofa word-a - powe ge n_in -mpay a
3、nd w ork had! T he ocas my si-eews oodgood"lea dershi p constr uction,fullWewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrolsy stem,and steady improveme ntina bility tomanage a nd contr ol,optimizebusiness processes,to ensure smand systemha ndover;to strengthe ning BFS+,a nd ERP , and
4、S CM,technologya pplication oftraining, im proveempl oyees a pplication information systemofcapacityand level.H |_ 一 . 一 J .一.一一一I I 一一 . . . 一 .一 L . _I I. . L.Iand coalele ctric li nkage, andenergy-saving scheduling,national policy trends,strengtheni ngtrack, active should;to implementation State-
5、owned assetsmethod, furtoot h processes,responsi bilities i nplaumani stic caret oensure"zero."ce;tofurtherspecifi cation busine ss financialmanagement;toherstrengt hen i nternal contr ols, playacontrolp ostinde pendent ov ersight role ofevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsi bil
6、ity; to a ctively make use of internala Tostrengtheni ng Huma nities car e,continuestofoster compa ny wind cle ar,and g as are, andheartShunofculture atm osphere; strengthe ningl ovehel pedtra pped, care _ I 1_L - - - , 一J . _ L. I,I . L. I .L - . I II. d-recog nition,and measure , andassessme nt,an
7、d report,and controlfeedback ofclosed ri ng management, improveriskpreventionca pacit yment,streamline,standardizerelatedtransactions, strengthe ning operati ons i naccor dancewith law.Deepeningthe information managementtoensurefull communicati on "zero resistance".o constantly perfect ERP
8、 ,and BFS+ ,and PI,a nd M IS,andSCM,i nformation sy stembase dconstruction,fullintegration informati onsystem,a chieve d informationresource sshare d;to expand Portalsystem application ofbreadt h andde pth, playi nformation sy stemon e nterpriseofAssistant rol e;top erfect dailyr un mainte nance ope
9、ration ofrecords,promote problem reasons a nalysisoutstylea ctivities,ri chempl oyees life;stre ngthe ning healtha nd la bour prote ction, organi zation career health me dical, controlcareeragai nst; continuesto impleme ntation psychol ogicalwarni ng preventi on sy stem,trainingempl oyees health ofc
10、hara cter,a ndsta bleofmood andenterprisi ng ofattitude, createdfriendly fraternityofHumanities environment.T ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure t hatthe busi ness of"zero risk". T ostre ngthe ned business pla ns manag ement, will busine ss busi ness planscov erto alllevel,e nsuret he bu
11、si ness can contr olin contr ol;to closeconcer n fina ncial,o furtherstandardi zetrading ,and strivetoachieve "according to la w,standardizeand fair." Innovationof performance management,to ensuret hatpote ntial empl oyees "zero fly". o strengt hen performance management, process
12、 control,e nha nceemploye e evaluati on andlevels ofeffectivecommunication toimproveperforma nce management.Tofurtherquantifyand refine employe estandards.Work,fullplaypart y,and branch,and m em bersin "fivetypeEnterprise" constructioni n the ofcore rol e,and fightingfortressrole and pione
13、ermodel rol e;toconti nue stostrengt hening "fourplay levelscadres in enter prise development in t課程設(shè)計題目:出租汽車自動計價器 設(shè)計要求 :用中、小規(guī)模集成電路設(shè)計與制作出租汽車自動計價器。具體要求如下:1、 能計汽車行駛的里程和停車等候時間。2、 能自動顯示出該收的車費和停車等候費。3、 每公里該收的行車費(如0.45 元)各十分鐘應(yīng)該收的行等候費(如 0.25元)均有撥碼開關(guān)可預(yù)先設(shè)置。 設(shè)計器材 :74LS48(及配合 LED), 74LS160, 74LS00, 74LS32
14、, 74LS04, 74LS08, 74LS86, 74LS112, CC4072, 5G555,電阻、電容若干,干 簧繼電器,撥碼開關(guān)。 設(shè)計摘要 :本設(shè)計主要介紹了基于電子工作平臺 Electronics Workbench(EWB)出租車計價器控制電路的設(shè)計。整個自動控制系統(tǒng)由四個主要 電路構(gòu)成:里程計數(shù)及顯示、計價電路、基本里程判別電路、秒信號發(fā)生器(用555 多諧振蕩器實現(xiàn))及等候計時電路和清零復(fù)位電路。以Electronics Workbench (EWB)軟件作為開發(fā)平臺,采用圖形方式創(chuàng)建電路、構(gòu)造電路、調(diào)用元器件和測試儀器,該工作平臺可以對電子fbackboneba ckbon
15、e rol e; to fullstre ngthe ning member s yout h work,full playyout hempl oyeesin company devel opme nt in theofforce role ;to improvei nde pende nt Commission against corruption work level,strengtheningonenterprisebusinesskeylinkofeffectivenessmonitored., And main tain stabilit y.Tofurtherstre ngthe
16、 n publicity a nde ducation,improve theoveralllegalsystem.We muststrengthensafetymanagement,establisha nd im provethe e ducation,supervi sion,and evaluati onas one ofthe trafficsafety management mechanism.oconscientiouslysum upthe Olympic se curitycontrol s,pr omotingi ntegrated management to ahighe
18、lttitiitifihtiitdEllttth2013fllfhlldtitittlttifllfhfldltidkhd!ThifthSiFtiliihthtdthfilifthtffithdhlthhh1another acrossa raili ng, weare e nthusiastica ndfull ofconfidence. F uturedevelopmentopportunities,we moreexciting fightmorespirited.Employees,let us togetheracross2013 fullofchalle ngesand opp o
19、rtuniti es,to create agreen,l ow-cost operati on,full of humane careof aworld-cla ss powerge neration companyand w ork hard!T heoccasi on oftheSpri ng Festival,mysincerewish thatyou a ndthe familiesofthe staffin thenewyear,goodhealth,happy,happygood" lea dershi p constr ucti on, full play level
20、scadres i n enter prise development in t heWewillcontinue toimprovethe company's internalcontrol system,and steady improvement in a bility tomanag e and control, optimizebusi ness processes,toe nsuresmooth processes, responsibilitie s in place ;to further strengthe n inter nal control s,play aco
21、ntr olpostindepe ndentoversig htrole ofevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsibility; to actively make useof internalaudit tools detect potentialma nagement,streamli ne,sta ndar dize relatedtra nsactions,strengt hening operations inaccorda nce wit h law.Dee pening the i nformation ma nageme
22、nttoe nsurefullcommunication "zeroresistance".o constantly perfect ERP,and BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,andSCM,i nformation system basedconstr uction,fulli ntegrationi nformation sy stem, achi eved informati on resour ces shared; to expand Portal systemapplicationofbreadtha nd depth,play informati
23、onsystem on ent erprise ofAssistant rol e;to perfectdai ly run mainte nance operati onofrecords,prom ote problemreasonsanalysi sand systemhandover;to strengtheni ng BFS+,a nd ERP,and SCM, te chnol ogyapplication oftraining, improve employee s application information systemofcapa cityand level. Human
24、isti ccare to ensure "zero."Tostrengtheni ng Huma nities care ,continues tofostercompanywind clear,a nd g as are, andheartShunofcult ure atmosphere ; strengtheni ng lovehelpe d trappe d, caredifficult em ployee s; carrie doutstyle activities, richempl oyees life;stre ngthe ninghealth and l
25、a bour prote ction, organization careerhealth medical, controlcare er against; continuesto impl ementation psy chologicalwarni ng preve ntion system,training employee shealt hofcharacter,a nd stable of mood a nd e nterpri singofattitude,create d friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment. ostre ngth
26、e n riskmanageme nt,ensure that thebusiness of"zero risk". To strengthened business plansma nagement,will business busi ness planscoverto alllevel,ensurethe businessca ncontrol i ncontrol;t o close concer n financial,and coalele ctric li nkage, andenergy-savi ng scheduling, national policy
27、 trends,strengtheni ngtrack, active shoul d;to impleme ntation State-owned assets method,furtherspe cification busine ss fina ncial ma nagement;t o perfectriskt ube control system,achieve d risk recogniti on,a nd measure,a nd assessme nt,and report,and controlfeedba ck ofclosed ri ng management, imp
28、rove riskpreventi on ca pacity.o furtherstandar dizetradi ng,and strivetoachieve "accordingto la w,sta ndardizeand fair." Innovation ofperformancema nagement,toe nsure that potentialemployees "zero fly".T o strengt hen performance management, process control,e nha nceemploye e ev
29、aluati on and level sofeffectivecommunication toim proveperforma nce ma nagement. ofurtherquantifyand refineempl oyee standards.Work,fullplayparty, a nd bra nch,and members in "five type Enterprise" constructioni n the ofcore rol e,and fightingfortressrole andpi oneermodelr ole; to continu
30、es to strengthening"four元器件進(jìn)行一定程度的非線性仿真,不僅測試儀器的圖形與實物相似, 而且測試結(jié)果與實際調(diào)試基本相似。該設(shè)計不僅僅實現(xiàn)了顯示計程車計費的功能,其多功能表現(xiàn)在它可以顯示計程車?yán)塾嬜叩目偮烦毯屠锍虇蝺r。加法器是構(gòu)成計算機(jī)內(nèi)部算術(shù)運算器( ALU ) 的基本單元, 加法器的邏輯功能是實現(xiàn)兩個二進(jìn)制數(shù)的相加,因計算機(jī)內(nèi)部的加、減、乘、除算術(shù)運算通常是利用加法器來實現(xiàn)。在做電路過程中要熟練各個器件的功能。每一個組件的作用,應(yīng)該清楚的記住,大的組合是從每一個小塊組成的,所以認(rèn)真了解每一個小塊功能,然后從整體出發(fā)。一、概論1.1、 分析方案經(jīng)過分析其原理方
31、框圖如圖1 1 所示。采用傳感器件,輸出脈沖信號,等器件完成fbackboneba ckbone rol e; to fullstre ngthe ning member s yout h work,full playyout hempl oyeesin company devel opme nt in theofforce role ;to improvei nde pende nt Commission against corruption work level,strengthe ning on e nterprise busine sskey link ofeffectivenessm
32、onitored., And maintainstability.Tofurtherstre ngthe n publicity a nde ducation,improve theoveralllegalsystem.We muststrengthen safetymanagement,esta blisha nd im provethe e ducation,supervi sion,and evaluati onas one ofthe trafficsafety management mechanism.oconscie ntiouslysum upthe Olympic se cur
33、itycontrol s,pr omotingi ntegrated management to ahigher level,hig herstandards, ahigher levelofdevel opme nt.Empl oyees,today islunar calendar on Decem ber24,t he ox Bell isabout to ri ng, atthis time ofyear,we cle arlyfeelthe pulseoftheXXpower generation companyt oflouri sh,to more clearlyhe arXX
34、powergenerati on compa nies maturea ndsymmetrybreathi ng.Recalli ng past onethilithiti dfllffidFtdlttitiitifihtiitdEllttth2013fllfhlldtitittltti fllfhfldltidkhd!Thi fthSi Ftiliihthtdthfilifthtffithdhlthh h2another acrossa raili ng, weare e nthusiastica ndfull ofconfidence. F uturedevelopmentopportun
35、ities,we moreexciting fightmorespirited.Employees,let us togetheracross2013 fullofchalle ngesand opportuniti es,to create agreen,l ow-cost operati on,full of humane careof aworld-cla ss powerge neration companyand w ork hard!T heoccasi on oftheSpri ng Festival,mysincerewish thatyou a ndthe familieso
36、fthe staffin thenewyear,good healt h,ha ppy,ha ppy出租車傳感信號圖;出租車計價器控制電路框圖圖1-3出租車自動計價器原理框圖1.2、 加法器的介紹及其十進(jìn)制系數(shù)乘法器:74LS160邏輯功能測試74LS160是中規(guī)模集成同步十進(jìn)制加法計數(shù)器,具有異步清零和同步預(yù)置數(shù)的功能。使用 74LS160通過置零法或置數(shù)法可以實現(xiàn)任ism-ocnsceniusy -m_Ie OlympC _ cuiy cntrol hgher level, hg he -d* a higher l_l of d_ I Emplo* today S lunar cle on
37、 Dee4,Bli a atths . of y>. - Ce arly gee-ia Cealyhe a XX powe mauea nd symmey br - thi ng Real ng p-t one意進(jìn)制的計數(shù)器。先對 74LS160的基本功能進(jìn)行測試,并將計數(shù)器 的工作狀態(tài)填入表中。異步清零:當(dāng)RD=0時,Q 0=Ql=Q2=Q3=0o同步預(yù)置:當(dāng)LD = 0時,在時鐘脈沖CP上升沿作用下,Q 0 =D。,Qi = Di, Q2= D2, Q3=D3。鎖存:當(dāng)使能端EPET =。時,計數(shù)器禁止計數(shù),為鎖存狀態(tài)。計數(shù):當(dāng)使能端EP= ET=1時,為計數(shù)狀態(tài)。74LS160的邏
38、輯功能表時鐘CP異步清除RD同步置數(shù)LDEPET工作狀態(tài)x0XxxT10XXx1101x11X0T111174160的應(yīng)用(1)用兩片74160和門電路構(gòu)成24進(jìn)制計數(shù)器(用復(fù)位法),要求譯碼顯示,并顯示數(shù)字為 00-23的循環(huán)。1)接成并行進(jìn)位型設(shè)計電路并用數(shù)碼顯示驗證計數(shù)功能,記ism.ocnsceniusy -m_Ie Oympc _ cuiy cntrol hgher level, hg he sa-d* a higher l_l of d_I Employ* today s lunar e-onDee4,Bli a atths . of y>. - Ce ary gee-ia
39、Cealyhe a xx powe mauea nd symmey b - thi ng Real ng p-t one錄數(shù)碼顯示情況。2)接成串行進(jìn)位型設(shè)計電路并用數(shù)碼顯示驗證計數(shù)功能,記錄數(shù)碼顯示情況。(2) 74160弓I腳圖TJJIU lTLU1-2 74160引腳圖good" lea dershi p constr ucti on, full play levelscadres i n enter prise development in t heWewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrol syst
40、em,and steady improvement in a bility tomanag e and control, optimizebusi ness processes,toe nsuresmooth pr ocesses, re sponsibilitie s in place ;to further strengthe n inter nal control s,play acontr olpostindepe ndentoversig htrole ofevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsi bility; to a ct
41、ively make use of internala udit tools detect potentialma nagement,streamli ne,sta ndar dize relatedtra nsactions,strengt hening operations inaccordancewith law.Dee pening the i nformation ma nagementtoe nsurefullcommuni cation "zeroresistance".oconstantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+, andPI,a nd
42、 MIS,andSCM,i nformation system basedconstr uction,fulli ntegrationi nformation sy stem, achi eved informati on resour ces shared; to expand Portal systemapplicationofbreadthanddepth,playinformationsystemonenterpriseofAssistantrole;toperfectdai ly run mainte nance operati onofrecords,prom ote proble
43、mreasonsanalysisand systemhandover;to strengtheni ng BFS+,a nd ERP,and SCM, te chnol ogyapplication oftraining, improve employee s applicati on information system ofcapa cityand level. Humanisti ccare to ensure "zero."Tostrengtheni ng Huma nities care ,continues tofostercompanywindclear,an
44、d g as are, andheartShunofcult ure atmosphere ; strengtheni ng lovehelpe d trappe d, caredifficult em ployee s; carrie doutstyle activitie s, richempl oyees life;stre ngthe ninghealth a nd la bour prote ction, organi zation career health medical, controlcare er against; continuesto impl ementation p
45、sy chologicalwarni ng preve ntion system,training employeeshealthofcharacter,a nd stable of mood a nd e nterpri singofattitude,create d friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment. ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure that thebusiness of"zero risk". To strengthenedbusiness pl ansma nagement
46、, will busine ss busi ness planscoverto alllevel,ensurethe businessca ncontrol i ncontrol;t o close concer n financial,and coalele ctric li nkage, andenergy-savi ng scheduling , national policy tre nds,strengtheni ngtrack, active shoul d;to impleme ntation State-ow ned assets met hod,furtherspe cifi
47、cation busine ss fina ncial ma nagement;t o perfectriskt ube control system,achieve d risk recogniti on,a nd measure,a nd assessme nt,and report,and controlfeedbackofclosedringmanagement, improve risk preventi on ca pacity.o furtherstandar dizetradi ng,and strivetoachieve "accordingto la w,sta
48、ndardizeand fair." Innovation ofperformancema nagement,toe nsure that potentialemployees "zero fly".T o strengt hen performance management,process control,e nha nceemploye e evaluati on and level sofeffectivecommunicationtoimproveperformancemanagement. ofurtherquantifyand refineemploy
49、ee standards.Work,fullplayparty, a nd bra nch,and members in"five type Enterpri se" constructioni n the ofcore rol e,and fightingfortressrole andpi oneermodelr ole; to continues to stre ngthening"four1.3、 設(shè)計方案及其原理分析:出租車自動計價器原理框圖如圖1-3 所示。它是由傳感器,里程單價電路(比例乘法器), 振蕩器, 分頻器, 等候時間單價電路(比例乘法器)和
50、或門計數(shù)譯碼顯示器組成.根據(jù)原理框圖,用中,小規(guī)模集成電路完成各個部分后所連接的總體出租車自動計價器電路圖。有上,中,下3 部分,下面分析了電路圖中比較重要的部分。其實一共有3 部分介紹如下:計數(shù),譯碼,顯示電路(上)這部分電路由4 片 74LS160 芯片構(gòu)成串行計數(shù)器,用來計費,所計的費用是用4位十進(jìn)制數(shù)經(jīng)BCD譯碼器74LS48譯碼后由LED進(jìn)行顯示。等候費用產(chǎn)生電路(中)首先由5G555構(gòu)成多諧振蕩器產(chǎn)生秒信號P4,然后由計數(shù)器芯片74LS160進(jìn)行六分頻產(chǎn)生0.1分鐘的脈沖信號P5,也就是表示每10分鐘會產(chǎn)生100 個 P5 脈沖。十分鐘單價電路由撥碼開關(guān)設(shè)置,如設(shè)置0.25元,有兩
51、級74LS160及J-K觸發(fā)器74LS112分別構(gòu)成兩級BCD比例乘法器和單價相乘后,就以輸出脈沖個數(shù)計為等候時間的所收費用P6。公路行車費用產(chǎn)生電路(下)圖 1.4 中傳感器采用普通干簧繼電器,用環(huán)氧樹脂密封。汽車本省設(shè)置一套渦輪變速裝置,一般安裝在變速器后的軟軸接頭上,保證fbackboneba ckbone rol e; to fullstre ngthe ning member s yout h work,full playyout hempl oyeesin company devel opme nt in theofforce role ;to improvei nde pende
52、 nt Commission against corruption work level,strengthe ning on e nterprise busine sskey link ofeffectivenessmonitored., And maintainstability.Tofurtherstre ngthe n publicity a nde ducation,improve theoveralllegalsystem.We muststrengthen safetymanagement,establisha nd im provethe e ducation,supervisi
53、on,and evaluationas one ofthe trafficsafety management mechanism.oconscie ntiouslysum upthe Olympic se curitycontrol s,pr omotingi ntegrated management to ahigher level,higherstandards, ahigher levelofdevel opme nt.Empl oyees,today islunar calendar on Decem ber24,t he ox Bell isabout to ri ng, atthi
54、s timeofyear,we cle arlyfeelthe pulseoftheXXpower generation companyt oflouri sh,to more clearlyhe arXX powergeneration compa nies maturea ndsymmetrybreathing.Recalli ng past oneAanother acrossa raili ng, weare e nthusiastica ndfull ofconfidence. F uturedevelopmentopportunities,we moreexciting fight
55、morespirited.Employees,let us togetheracross2013 fullofchallengesand opportunities,to create agreen,l ow-cost operati on,full of humane careof aworld-cla ss powerge neration companyand w ork hard!T heoccasi on oftheSpri ng Festival,mysincerewish thatyou a ndthe familiesofthe staffin thenewyear,good
56、healt h,ha ppy,ha ppyWewillcontinue toimprovethecompany's inter nalcontrolsy stem,and steady improveme ntina bility tomanage a nd contr ol,optimizebusiness processes,to ensure sm oot h processes,responsi bilities i npla ce;tofurt herstrengt hen i nternal contr ols, playacontrolp ostinde pendent
57、ov ersight role ofevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internala udit tools detectpotentialmanagement,streamline,standardizerelatedtransactions,strengtheningoperationsinaccordancewithlaw.Deepeningtheinformation managementtoensurefullcommunication "zero resistance".o constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+ ,and PI,a nd M IS,andSCM,i nformation sy stembase dconstr
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- 2025年中國汽車膠管行業(yè)市場全景評估及投資方向研究報告
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