1、1. 電氣工程導(dǎo)論 Einleitung des ElectroingenieurwesensServeral professors taught us this course,each of them have a few hours.Its at the most beginning of the first semester.A brief talk about what well learn in the next four years.which courses are there .How many required courses and selective courses. I
2、ntroduce to us about our bright rmations about our college. College of Electrical Engineering.CEE has the following six academic departments:Department of Electrical Machinery and Electrical ApparatusDepartment of Power System and its AutomationDepartment of High Voltage and Insulation Te
3、chnologyDepartment of Power Electronics and Power DrivesDepartment of Electrical Engineering Theory and New TechnologyDepartment of Architectural Electrical and IntelligenceElectric power industry consists of five parts電力工業(yè): 1.Generation2.Transmission3.Voltage transformation4.Distribution5.Usage2. 高
4、等數(shù)學(xué) Hhere MathematikWell,its an mathematic fundation course.Differential and integral. y=ex3 y=3x2ex3 .If we have a function we can know the extreme value by differential it.The first order derivative at this point equals zero.And when the second order derivative is bigger than zero(positive),this p
5、oint is the minimum value.When the second order derivative is negative,this point is the maximum value.3.線性代數(shù) Lineare AlgebraThis course taught us how to calculate the matrix.For example matrix multiply matrix.(寫式子) or use matrix to solve equations.(寫式子).Whats more,how to get the reverse matrix of a
6、 certain matrix.Linear algebra 線性代數(shù)This course is divided into two parts. The first part is determinant, and the second part is matrix. A rectangular array of numbers, between two vertical lines, is called a determinant. A rectangular array of numbers, enclosed in a large pair of either parenthesis
7、or brackets, is called a matrix. The size or dimensions of a matrix are specified by stating the number of rows and the number of columns it contains. If the matrix consists of m rows and n columns, it is said to be an m by n matrix. In this course, we learned the calculation of determinant and matr
8、ix. For example, the calculation of determinant, the multiplication of matrices, and so on.4.概率論與數(shù)理統(tǒng)計 Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und mathematische StatistikTaught us how to calculate the probability of a certain event.For example there are 10 balls in the box.4 of them are black,6 of them are white.
9、We grab 3 ball out of box,without put back.The probability of all of them are black is P=C3-4/C3-10 Probability and statistics 概率論與數(shù)理統(tǒng)計In this course, the main content is probability, we learned some basic probability models such as classical probability model. I can give you an example about the cl
10、assical probability.5.工程制圖 Technische Zeichnungthis course teach us how to draw a component on the paper. From three angle of view. Front view/ top view/side view. Give me the graphic of a component,i can know what exactly what it looks like. Or in the opposite way. It is the communication method be
11、tween designer and mechanicer.For example,金字塔Pyramid. From the front view and side view it is a triangle .From the top view it looks like this-a square.6.認(rèn)識實習(xí) Kognitives Pratikumwe go to several enterprises/places. Such as electrical machinery plant/transformer substation/power station/Transformer f
12、actory7.電子實習(xí) Elektronenpraktikumeach student make a multimeter.both the component and the desigh are given by our teacher.we justPull everything together use electric soldering iron.金工實習(xí) Metallbearbeitungspraktikumwell there is a Machinery Plant in our university .we went there to figur out how the
13、component are maded out of metal.車床 德: Drehmaschine英: Lathe / 銑床milling machine/電焊electrowelding. but those machine are pretty old. 8. 大學(xué)物理 Universitts-PhzsikThis course taught us a lots physic knowledge,such as classical mechanics /light/electrical/heat/movement.聲 光 力 電 熱 動classical mechanics/S=V0t
14、+1/2at2 力的合成 平行四邊形法則 parallelogram rule/ 矢量和 vector sum F=ma G=gm1m2/r2 E=1/2 Cu2 電容capacitance 歐姆定律Ohms law 功 work 定軸轉(zhuǎn)動與平動對比大學(xué)物理實驗 Doppler effect/9. 電路原理 SchaltungsprinzipThis course taught us the characteristic of circuit. How to analyse circuit.How to simplify circuit. For example,Resister U=IR,c
15、apacitor I=C du/dt ,inductor U=L di/dt,Kirchhoffs Law.KVL:U=0 KCL:I=010.電路原理實驗 Schaltungsprinzipenexperiment This is an experiment course.Let me think about it.For example,use bridge method to measure the resistor.(圖)11.復(fù)變函數(shù) Funktionen der komplexvariablenOn this course we learned Fourier transform
16、and Laplace transform. Fourier transform is from time domain to frequency domain.Laplace transform is from time domain to complex frequency domain.These are the functions of F and L transform. We can use it to get the transfer function of a specific system.For example,(圖)12.工程力學(xué) IngenieurmechanikEng
17、ineering mechanics is all about balance.When an object is standstill or move in a constant speed without change the direction,we can say that all the force on the object is balanced. For example, two balanced force is in the opposite direction,with the same big value.Whats more.Let me draw a picture
18、.(圖)This single force is equal to this force and this torque of couple. 13.數(shù)學(xué)實驗 MathematikexperimentThis is a selective course.We learn to use Matlab to solve mathematic problems.For example we can use it to find out the solution of a equation. We use matlab to draw the graph of equation.then zoom i
19、n to find out the crosspoint.(matlab例程) x=0:1:100 y=2x2+3x+1 Plot(x,y)14.電磁場原理 Grundlage des elektrischen MagnetsfeldsThis lesson taught us the characteristic of electricfield and megneticfield.I can still remember the most important knowlege in this lesson is Maxwells equations.Let me write it down
20、. Gausss law describes the relationship between an electric field and the electric charges that cause it: The electric field points away from positive charges and towards negative charges. In the field line description, electric field lines begin only at positive electric charges and end only at neg
21、ative electric charges. Counting the number of field lines in a closed surface, therefore, yields the total charge enclosed by that surface. Gausss law for magnetism: magnetic field lines never begin nor end but form loops or extend to infinity. Faradays law describes how a time varying magnetic fie
22、ld creates (induces) an electric field. Ampres law with Maxwells correction states that magnetic fields can be generated in two ways: by electrical current and by changing electric fields.15.電磁兼容及電磁環(huán)境保護 Elektromagnetische Vertrglichkeit und elektromagnetischer UmweltschutyIts a selective course. Whe
23、n we disign a circuit me must consider the effect of the disturb from the electromagnetic enviriment.(electromagnetic interference) (EMI) So we should analyse the electromagnetic field. So the maxwells equations are very important.Let me write it down,(同上)And there are certain standards that the dis
24、tant between transmission line or transformers and residential buildings.16.計算機輔助電路分析 Computer-untersttzende SchaltungsanalzseMatlab 的simulink策略 畫個max發(fā)生器 放個探針 講講Pspice 引到畢設(shè)(than we will use the knowledge of this course)計算機技能訓(xùn)練 bungen fr ComputerfhigkeitenMatlab Protel(PCB-printed circuit board) Pspi
25、ce大學(xué)計算機基礎(chǔ) Universitts Computergrundlage 程序設(shè)計技術(shù) Programmierungstechnik We learned C language on this course.Let me write a code for example. (C例程)# include void main() int a,sum=0; for(a=1;a0;s-) for(j=0;j8000;j+); We can use 中斷 interrupt to change the speed17.模擬電子技術(shù) Analoge ElektronikOperational amp
26、lifier is an very useful device.Let me draw a picture.(圖) The gain of an operational amplifier is extremly high.In the normal situation we use a negative feedback to reduce it.Make it more stable.For example(圖) this is a voltage follower/amplifier/ the ratio between output voltage and input voltage
27、is.運算放大器 二極管 三極管模擬電子技術(shù)實驗 Analoge Elektronikexperiment模擬電子技術(shù)課程設(shè)計 Kursdesign der analogen Elektronik18.數(shù)字電子技術(shù) Digital ElektronikDigital electronic technique is diffrent from analog electronics technique.Logic is very important in this lesson,For example logic calculation, or use Karnaugh map to simpli
28、fy the expression. Some Chips like encoder and decoder.(圖和表)(碼制number system)數(shù)字電子技術(shù)實驗 digitalen Elektronikexperiment數(shù)字電子技術(shù)課程設(shè)計 Kursdesign der digitalen Elektronik19.信號與系統(tǒng) Signal und SystemIts all about process the signal.For example fourier transform and laplace transform.Fourier transform is from t
29、ime domain to frequency domain.Laplace transform is from time domain to complex frequency domain.(傅里葉式子 拉氏變換式子)可引至自動控制原理20.電力電子技術(shù) Elektrische und elektronische TechnikAC/DC DC/AC Its the technology to control or change the electricity.We use controllable power electronic device to reform the power s
30、ource.For example,AC to DC converter.(圖)DC to AC converter(圖).21.自動控制原理 Prinzip der automatischen SteuerungClassic automation is based on transfer function.But how to get the transfer function of a certain system.We use Laplace transform.It transform the equation from time domain to frequency domain
31、.Its easy to calculate.For example. This is a circuit with a resistor and an inductor.The ratio of the output and input is the transfer function.(圖和式子) If the transfer function is complicated,we can simplify it.And we can tell whether the system is stable.22.電機學(xué) Elektromaschinenwissenschaft 電機測試與控制
32、Mototest und -kontrolleThere are different kinds of elecelectrical machine.DC machine、induction machine、synchronous machine.For example how to control the speed of a DC motor.E=U-IR E=Cn n=(U-IR)/C23.電力系統(tǒng)穩(wěn)態(tài)分析 Stabile Analyse des elektrischen SystemsThe stable state is opposite from transient state.S
33、teady state is stable state.Most of time the electrical system works in stable state.The main purpose of stable analyse is to calculate the power distribution and the voltage of each point.Let me draw a picture.Its a very simple system.We replace it with a module.If we know the Power and voltage of
34、this point,we can calculate other points power and voltage.(圖 計算過程) 潮流計算power flow calculation 24.電力系統(tǒng)電磁暫態(tài)分析 Momentane Analyse des Elektromagnets des elecktrischen SystemThe transient state is opposite from steady state.Steady state is an stable situation,most of time the electrical system works in
35、stable state.But when there is something happend such as shortcircuit,the equipment will went through a transient state.a not stable state.It is changing from one state to another.This lesson foucus on this period of time.Let me draw a picture to describe it.For example(圖) 電抗 reactance25.高電壓技術(shù) Obers
36、pannungstechnik 高電壓試驗技術(shù)及實驗 Versuchstechnik und Experiment der OberspannungIn the electrial system highvoltage is widely used.such as 500KV 220KV 110KV they are much higher than the voltage we used everyday such as 220V/380V.This lesson taught us the characteristic of highvoltage、how to produce(gener
37、ate) a highvoltage pulse.how to measure highvoltage.For example Marx generator, we use it to generate highvoltage pulse.Let me draw a picture of it.A very clever design.Those are balls made of copper.Capacitor、resistor.If the input is U,than the output about nU.26.發(fā)電廠及變電站電氣部分 Elecktrischer Teil des
38、Kraft- und UmspannwerkesThis course introduced us the structure of transformer-stations and power-stations.Let me draw a picture to decribe it.This is a simple one.Generator/transformer/busbar/potential transformer/current transformer/backupThere is big different between isolation switch and circuit
39、 breaker.If there is current in the line.We only use circuit breaker to cut of this line.(不同母線連接方式 單個變壓器 兩個變壓器 單母線 雙母線 母聯(lián))自動重合閘 automatic reclosing circuit27.電力系統(tǒng)污穢與覆冰絕緣 Verschmutzung- und Raureifisolation des elektrischen Systemsisolator is made of ceramic sirmik or glass.In this coures,we mainly f
40、oucus on the isolator used on transmission line.The isolator looks like this.May i draw a picture?.It has two functions,one is hold the line from falling,the other function is isolation.Lets talk about the isolation. The shape of it is important.Especially the climbing distance.It determines the fla
41、shover voltage.We use several isolator together to meet the requirement of isolation.Whats more,we have to consider the effect of polution. The ratio between salt and dirt.The effect of rain.The effect of the way how the isolator was hanged.Shit of the bird regularly clean them.自動重合閘 automatic reclo
42、sing the circuit 28.電氣設(shè)備在線智能化監(jiān)測 Intelligente On-Line-berwachung der elektrischen Anlagenon-line monitoringIn electrical system,there are three ways to maitan the equipment.We can repair it when it is broken.or We can after every period of time regularly maitan it. Or We monitor the status of the equ
43、ipment.When the equipment is about to broken,we repair it.Of course the last way is the best.Its the most ecnomic way to maitance.But how to monitor is the main content of this lesseon, For example,the transformer.We can use sensor to monite the gas/light/sound/viberation.When there is something wro
44、ng happens isolation failure or aging or shortcircuit,will generate some certain kind of gas.Such as CH4 C2H6 C2H4. We can monitor this gas,to figure out what is happening in the transformer. 故障定位fault location29.電力系統(tǒng)過電壓與接地技術(shù) berspannung- und Erdungstechnik des elektrischen SystemsWe know in the ele
45、ctrical system grounding is very important.Its for the safety of the people and the safety of equipment.The smaller,the better.But how to lower the resistance of the grouding. There are several ways.We can increase the depth of the grounding body we bury.We use more or bigger metals.We can even chan
46、ge the soil. Or use some very complex grounding body.30.專業(yè)課程設(shè)計 Design der Fachkurse 畢業(yè)設(shè)計AbschludesignMy graduation design is to develop a highvoltage picosecond pulse generator.Picosecond is very short.1ps=10-12s.First of all we use a Marx generator.Let me draw a picture of it.A very clever design.I
47、nput is U,output is about 4U.But the output of Marx generator is not short enough.The output is still several nanosecond short.So i use a sharping circuit to sharpen its rising edge.And use a teilcut switch to sharpen its falling edge.In order to messure the highvoltage pulse,i used a capacitive divider and a oscilloscope(OSC). (巴申定律 Pasehens law)31.市場營銷 MarketingswissenschaftThere are different idea or opinions about marketing.One idea is ,We sell what we have/ can produce.The consumers buy what we se
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