1、英語應用文寫作課英語應用文寫作課程程 自自20132013年年1212月起,大學英語四六級的翻譯由原單句漢月起,大學英語四六級的翻譯由原單句漢譯英調(diào)整為段落漢譯英。翻譯內(nèi)容涉及中國的譯英調(diào)整為段落漢譯英。翻譯內(nèi)容涉及中國的歷史、文歷史、文化、經(jīng)濟、社會發(fā)展化、經(jīng)濟、社會發(fā)展等。等。四級四級翻譯段落長度為翻譯段落長度為140-160140-160個個漢字漢字,六級六級翻譯段落長度為翻譯段落長度為180200180200個漢字個漢字。 翻譯所占分值比例由原來的翻譯所占分值比例由原來的5%5%調(diào)整為調(diào)整為15%15%, ,考試考試時長時長由原來的由原來的5 5分鐘調(diào)整為分鐘調(diào)整為3030分鐘分鐘。以
3、的慣用思維翻譯出整個段落,對很少練習翻譯的考生來說這道題很可譯出整個段落,對很少練習翻譯的考生來說這道題很可 能成為失分的地方。能成為失分的地方。 能在閱讀難度與課文相仿的書面材料時做筆記,回答問題,寫提綱和摘要,能就一定的話題,提綱,表格或圖示在半小時內(nèi)寫出不少于120詞的短文,能寫日常應用文(信函,簡歷),內(nèi)容完整,條理清晰,文理通順。 共1題,考試時間30分鐘。要求考生寫出一篇120-180詞的短文,試卷上可能給出題目,或規(guī)定情景,或要求看圖作文,或給出段首句要求續(xù)寫;或給出關(guān)鍵詞要求寫成短文。要求能夠正確表達思想,意義連貫,無重大語法錯誤。寫作的內(nèi)容包括日常生活和一般常識。短文寫作部分
4、的目的是測試學生運用英語書面表達思想的初步能力。 能在閱讀難度與課文相仿的書面材料時做筆記,回答問題,寫提綱和摘要,能就一定的話題,提綱,表格或圖示在半小時內(nèi)寫出不少于180詞的短文,能寫日常應用文(信函,簡歷),內(nèi)容完整,條理清晰,文理通順。 共1題,考試時間30分鐘。要求考生寫出一篇180-200詞的短文,試卷上可能給出題目,或規(guī)定情景,或要求看圖作文,或給出段首句要求續(xù)寫;或給出關(guān)鍵詞要求寫成短文。要求能夠正確表達思想,意義連貫,無重大語法錯誤。寫作的內(nèi)容包括日常生活和一般常識。短文寫作部分的目的是測試學生運用英語書面表達思想的初步能力。 主要測試學生能否把漢語意思轉(zhuǎn)用英語翻譯出來。 形
5、式:段落分值:15分鐘比例:15%長度:140-160字內(nèi)容:中國的歷史、文化、經(jīng)濟、社會發(fā)展等(1)詞匯:政治、經(jīng)濟、教育、文化 、歷史、科技等(2)常識:百科常識(3)句子結(jié)構(gòu)(簡單句+復合句+比較句+狀語從句+強調(diào)句+倒裝句)(4)翻譯技巧基本句型一基本句型一 Subject(Subject(主語主語) ) Verb(Verb(謂語謂語) ) 基本句型二基本句型二 Subject(Subject(主語主語) ) Link.V(Link.V(系動詞系動詞) ) Predicate(Predicate(表語表語) ) 基本句型三基本句型三 Subject(Subject(主語主語) ) Ve
6、rb(Verb(謂語謂語) ) Object(Object(賓語賓語) ) 基本句型四基本句型四 Subject(Subject(主語主語) )Verb(Verb(謂語謂語) ) Indirect object(Indirect object(間間接賓語接賓語) )Direct object (Direct object (直接賓語直接賓語) ) 基本句型五基本句型五 Subject(Subject(主語主語) )Verb (Verb (動詞動詞) )Object (Object (賓語賓語) )Complement(Complement(補語補語) )基本句型六基本句型六 There be
7、There be 句式句式(1)七八千年前的新石器時代,黃河流域的居民開始制作陶器。At the New Stone Age seven or eight thousand years ago, the inhabitants of the Yellow River Basin began to make pottery/porcelain/chinaware.(2)在明清兩代,瓷器生產(chǎn)達到頂峰。在這兩個時期,幾乎整個瓷器業(yè)都集中在江南景德鎮(zhèn)。Chinaware reached the peak of excellence in Ming and Qing Dynasties, during
8、which almost the whole/entire china manufacture/industry was concentrated in Jinde Town, Jiangxi Province.(3)明朝,瓷器被大量運往中東和近東地區(qū)。In Ming Dynasty, porcelain was shipped to Middle East and Near East.(4)在清末,政局動蕩不可避免地對藝術(shù)造成影響,所以中國瓷器的質(zhì)量開始下降。In Qing Dynasty, the unstable political scene unavoidably affected
9、the arts, which brought a decline on the quality of porcelain.(5)但是現(xiàn)在,隨著中國文化在國外越來越受到認可,瓷器生產(chǎn)得到復興。However, at present, the porcelain manufacture is rebounding for Chinese culture is gaining more and more recognition abroad.(1)京劇是中國式戲劇一種,興起于19世紀中期,到清朝達到鼎盛時期。Peking opera is a kind of Chinese opera, whic
10、h arose in mid-19 century and reached its great prosperity in the Qing Dynasty.(2)它被看成是中國藝術(shù)的瑰寶。It has been regarded as the treasure of Chinese arts.(3)獨樹一幟的京劇根植于博大精深的中華藝術(shù)。The unique artistic values of Peking Opera has been rooted deeply in broad and profound Chinese culture.(4)但是現(xiàn)在京劇不受到大家喜愛,噬需搶救、保護、
11、繼承。However, Peking opera has lost its popularity among the public and need to be rescued, protected and inherited.(5)當前的關(guān)鍵在于增強民族文化的自覺意識,建立民族文化自信,開掘京劇文化的現(xiàn)代價值,為優(yōu)化人類文明提高精神糧食。Nowadays, the key point is to strengthen the sense of awareness of our national culture, establish the confidence of national cul
12、ture, explore the modern value of Peking opera to optimize human civilization and enhance soul food for our human beings.(1)中國是龍獅運動的發(fā)源地。China is the home of Dragon Dance and Lion Dance.(2)舞龍舞獅一直深受各族人民的喜愛。,which have been welcome by all ethnic groups.(3)它們長盛不衰,并由此形成燦爛的龍獅文化。They have thrived for gener
13、ations and formed a glorious dragon and lion culture.(4)長期以來,很多年青朋友都以為舞龍、舞獅就是春節(jié)、廟會、慶典時的喜慶表演,殊不知它經(jīng)歷了幾千年的傳承演變,積淀了深厚的歷史文化,是祖先留給我們的及其寶貴的文化遺產(chǎn)。Many young people know that the dragon or lion dance performed during festivals such as Spring Festival, Temple Fairs and celebrations.But they do not know that af
14、ter several thousand years the two activities have accumulated thick historical cultures and are extremely valuable cultural heritages handed down from our ancestors.【翻譯原文】 泥塑(clay sculpture)藝術(shù)是中華民間藝術(shù)的一種。民間藝人用天然的或廉價的材料,能夠做出精美小巧的工藝品,博得民眾的喜愛。雖然泥塑并非以科技含量而論,但是它確實在人們生活中增加新的亮點。在高科技迅猛發(fā)展的今天,這種藝術(shù)形式是人們追求返璞歸真的
15、具體寫照,同時也是當今人們追求時尚、個性的一種體現(xiàn)。 Clay sculpture art is a kind of Chinese folk art. The folk Clay sculpture art is a kind of Chinese folk art. The folk artisans/ handicraftsmen use natural or cheap materials but artisans/ handicraftsmen use natural or cheap materials but can make small and exquisite artifa
16、cts, gaining popularity with can make small and exquisite artifacts, gaining popularity with common people. Though clay sculptures are not common people. Though clay sculptures are not technologically evolved, they bring highlights to peoples technologically evolved, they bring highlights to peoples
17、 lives. Today, with high technology developing rapidly, lives. Today, with high technology developing rapidly, reflection upon this art form allows people to return to an reflection upon this art form allows people to return to an original simplicity and allows for a manifestation of fashion origina
18、l simplicity and allows for a manifestation of fashion and individuality.and individuality.【翻譯原文】 造紙術(shù)是中國四大發(fā)明之一。在造紙術(shù)發(fā)明之前,中國人把字刻在或?qū)懺谝恍┯闷饋矸浅1恐鼗虬嘿F的東西上,比如龜甲和絹帛上。直到東漢時期,名叫蔡倫的官員發(fā)明了既適用于書寫有非常便宜的紙張。之后,造紙術(shù)經(jīng)由絲綢之路向東亞、西亞以及世界其他地區(qū)傳播。紙的發(fā)明極大方便了信息的儲存和交流,對于推動世界文明的發(fā)展具有重大的意義。 Papermaking is one of the four greatest inven
19、tions in ancient Papermaking is one of the four greatest inventions in ancient China. Before papermaking technology was invented, the China. Before papermaking technology was invented, the Chinese carved or wrote characters on something heavy to use Chinese carved or wrote characters on something he
20、avy to use or expensive, such as tortoise shells and silk. Till Eastern Han or expensive, such as tortoise shells and silk. Till Eastern Han Dynasty, an official named Dynasty, an official named CaiCai LunLun created paper, which was created paper, which was suitable for writing and also cheap. Late
21、r, the papermaking suitable for writing and also cheap. Later, the papermaking technique was spread to West and East Asia as well as other technique was spread to West and East Asia as well as other parts of the world via Silk Road. The invention of paper parts of the world via Silk Road. The invent
22、ion of paper provides a convenient way for the storage and communication provides a convenient way for the storage and communication of information, and also has an epoch-making significance on of information, and also has an epoch-making significance on the promotion of the development of global ci
23、vilization.the promotion of the development of global civilization.【翻譯原文】 扇子在中國有三四千的悠久歷史。一開始,扇子并不是用于降溫,而是用于為外出的帝王遮陽和擋沙。經(jīng)過幾千年的發(fā)展,扇子有幾百種,比如常見的折扇、羽毛扇、絹扇等。在歷史上,中國生產(chǎn)的扇子被賣到日本、歐洲和美國,在這些地方中國扇子對當?shù)厣茸由a(chǎn)和宮廷典禮產(chǎn)生了一定的影響。Fans enjoy a long history of about 3 to 4 thousand years in Fans enjoy a long history of about
24、3 to 4 thousand years in China. Fans, originally, were not used for cool, but for China. Fans, originally, were not used for cool, but for sheltering from the sun and keeping off sands for emperors sheltering from the sun and keeping off sands for emperors during their outgoing inspections. After se
25、veral thousand years during their outgoing inspections. After several thousand years of development, fans were developed into several hundred of development, fans were developed into several hundred types, like familiar ones as folding fans, feather fans and silk types, like familiar ones as folding
26、 fans, feather fans and silk fans, etc. In the history, fans made in China were sold to Japan fans, etc. In the history, fans made in China were sold to Japan and European and American countries, where Chinese fans and European and American countries, where Chinese fans exerted certain influences on
27、 local fan-production and palace exerted certain influences on local fan-production and palace rites.rites.(1 1)和平和穩(wěn)定是發(fā)展的前提和基礎(chǔ)。)和平和穩(wěn)定是發(fā)展的前提和基礎(chǔ)。 Peace and stability form/is the prerequisite and foundation for Peace and stability form/is the prerequisite and foundation for development.development.(2)(
28、2)上個世紀,人類經(jīng)歷了兩次世界大戰(zhàn),人類苦不堪言,經(jīng)濟上個世紀,人類經(jīng)歷了兩次世界大戰(zhàn),人類苦不堪言,經(jīng)濟社會發(fā)展遭受嚴重挫折。社會發(fā)展遭受嚴重挫折。The two world wars in the last century caused mankind untold The two world wars in the last century caused mankind untold sufferings and economic and social development severe setbacks.sufferings and economic and social deve
29、lopment severe setbacks.(3)(3)第二次世界大戰(zhàn)結(jié)束以來,世界經(jīng)濟能夠快速增長,主要得第二次世界大戰(zhàn)結(jié)束以來,世界經(jīng)濟能夠快速增長,主要得益于相對和平穩(wěn)定的國際環(huán)境。益于相對和平穩(wěn)定的國際環(huán)境。It is mainly due to the relatively peaceful and stable internaional It is mainly due to the relatively peaceful and stable internaional environment that the world economy has been able to gr
30、ow at a environment that the world economy has been able to grow at a fast pace in the post-war era.fast pace in the post-war era.(4 4)我們應該恪守聯(lián)合國憲章宗旨和原則,充分發(fā)揮聯(lián))我們應該恪守聯(lián)合國憲章宗旨和原則,充分發(fā)揮聯(lián)合國及其安理會在維持和平、締造和平、建設和平方面的合國及其安理會在維持和平、締造和平、建設和平方面的核心作用。核心作用。 We should abide by the purposes and principles of the We sh
31、ould abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and bring into full play the central role of the UN Charter and bring into full play the central role of the United Nations and its Security Council in peace-keeping, United Nations and its Security Council in peace-keeping, peace-making an
32、d peace-building.peace-making and peace-building.(5)(5)堅持通過對話和協(xié)商,以和平方式解決國際爭端。堅持通過對話和協(xié)商,以和平方式解決國際爭端。We should seek peaceful settlement of international We should seek peaceful settlement of international disputes through dialogue and consultation.disputes through dialogue and consultation.(1 1)在使自己和他
33、人快樂這方面,很多人都過高地估計金錢的)在使自己和他人快樂這方面,很多人都過高地估計金錢的重要性。重要性。 A vast array of individuals seriously overrate the importance of A vast array of individuals seriously overrate the importance of money in making themselves and others happy.money in making themselves and others happy.(2)(2)但實際上,你并不需要成為百萬富翁才會感到幸福
34、快樂。但實際上,你并不需要成為百萬富翁才會感到幸??鞓贰ut actually, you dont need millions to be happy.But actually, you dont need millions to be happy.(3)(3)專家們認為,大約只有專家們認為,大約只有15%15%的幸福感來自于收入、財產(chǎn)和其的幸福感來自于收入、財產(chǎn)和其他的經(jīng)濟因素,而他的經(jīng)濟因素,而90%90%則來自于態(tài)度、支配生活的能力和人際則來自于態(tài)度、支配生活的能力和人際關(guān)系等。關(guān)系等。Experts say only about 15 percent of happiness com
35、es from Experts say only about 15 percent of happiness comes from income, assets and other financial factors, while as much as 90 income, assets and other financial factors, while as much as 90 percent comes from elements such as attitude, life control and percent comes from elements such as attitud
36、e, life control and relationships.relationships.(4 4)研究表明,一旦基本需求得到滿足,額外的財富并)研究表明,一旦基本需求得到滿足,額外的財富并不能增添多少幸福。不能增添多少幸福。 Studies show that once the basic needs are met, Studies show that once the basic needs are met, additional wealth adds very little to happiness.additional wealth adds very little to h
37、appiness.(1)家庭是社會的)家庭是社會的“基本細胞基本細胞”,也是對人類社會產(chǎn)生重要影響的,也是對人類社會產(chǎn)生重要影響的個體單位。個體單位。 Family is the “basic cell” of a society and is also an individual unit that could have an important impact on human society.(2)上世紀上世紀80年代以來,全世界家庭數(shù)目急劇增加,家庭規(guī)模日趨縮年代以來,全世界家庭數(shù)目急劇增加,家庭規(guī)模日趨縮小,離婚率普遍上升,人口老齡化問題日益嚴重,人們的家庭觀念小,離婚率普遍上升,人口
38、老齡化問題日益嚴重,人們的家庭觀念也在發(fā)生變化。也在發(fā)生變化。Since 1980s, the number of families across the whole world has been increasing dramatically, the family scale has been downsizing gradually, the divorce rate has been ascending generally, the aging of the population has become increasingly serious and peoples family va
39、lues have been undergoing changes.(3)家庭所發(fā)生的深刻變化給社會發(fā)展帶來巨大沖擊,需要家庭所發(fā)生的深刻變化給社會發(fā)展帶來巨大沖擊,需要國際社會更多關(guān)注。國際社會更多關(guān)注。The profound changes happening in families have weighed heavily on the development of our society, which needs great attention from international community.(1 1)龍的文化存在于東西方世界中。但是龍在中國和在)龍的文化存在于東西方世界中
40、。但是龍在中國和在西方文化中的名聲不同。西方文化中的名聲不同。 Dragon culture exists on both the Easton world and the Dragon culture exists on both the Easton world and the Western world. However, dragons have different Western world. However, dragons have different reputation in Western culture and in Chinese culture.reputation
41、in Western culture and in Chinese culture.(2)(2)他們通常長有翅膀,口能噴火。他們通常長有翅膀,口能噴火。They usually have wings and can send out fire from They usually have wings and can send out fire from mouths.mouths.(3)(3)龍深深根植于中國文化中,所以中國人經(jīng)常視自己為龍深深根植于中國文化中,所以中國人經(jīng)常視自己為“龍的傳人龍的傳人”。Dragons are deeply rooted in Chinese culture,
42、 so the Dragons are deeply rooted in Chinese culture, so the Chinese often consider themselves as “the descendants of Chinese often consider themselves as “the descendants of the gragon”.the gragon”.(4)(4)在中國文化中,龍大度、聰慧。在中國文化中,龍大度、聰慧。 In Chinese culture, dragons are generous and wise.In Chinese cultu
43、re, dragons are generous and wise.(5)(5)它們與古代皇室密切聯(lián)系。它們與古代皇室密切聯(lián)系。They are closely connected with the ancient royal family.They are closely connected with the ancient royal family.(6)(6)根據(jù)民間信仰,如果你在龍年出生,你會成為一名睿根據(jù)民間信仰,如果你在龍年出生,你會成為一名睿智、勇敢的領(lǐng)導者。智、勇敢的領(lǐng)導者。According to the popular belief, if you are born in
44、the According to the popular belief, if you are born in the year of gragon, you will be an intelligent and brave leader.year of gragon, you will be an intelligent and brave leader.(1 1)中國和其他國家之間的一些文化差異無關(guān)緊要,也)中國和其他國家之間的一些文化差異無關(guān)緊要,也無害處。無害處。 Some cultural differences between China and other Some cultur
45、al differences between China and other cuntries are trivial and harmless.cuntries are trivial and harmless.(2)(2)他們不會給相關(guān)人員帶來很多麻煩。他們不會給相關(guān)人員帶來很多麻煩。They would not bring much trouble to people involved,They would not bring much trouble to people involved,(3)(3)但是在一些情況下,缺少文化敏感性會很令人不快。但是在一些情況下,缺少文化敏感性會很令人
46、不快。,but in some cases, such lack of cultural sensitivity could but in some cases, such lack of cultural sensitivity could be annoying.be annoying.(4)(4)例如,對西方來說,隱私非常重要。例如,對西方來說,隱私非常重要。For Western people, for example, privacy is important.For Western people, for example, privacy is important.(5)(5)人們
47、通常不會問彼此的婚姻狀況。人們通常不會問彼此的婚姻狀況。 People generally do not ask each other about their People generally do not ask each other about their marriage status or salary level.marriage status or salary level.(6)(6)但是對很多中國人來說,他們還沒有培養(yǎng)起像西方人但是對很多中國人來說,他們還沒有培養(yǎng)起像西方人那樣的隱私感。那樣的隱私感。But for many Chinese, they are yet to d
48、evelop a sense of But for many Chinese, they are yet to develop a sense of privacy in Western sense.privacy in Western sense.(7)(7)因此,一些中國人在問外國朋友能掙多少錢時會顯得因此,一些中國人在問外國朋友能掙多少錢時會顯得十分無禮。十分無禮。Therefore, some Chinese may be seen as being rude when Therefore, some Chinese may be seen as being rude when the
49、y ask their Western friends about how much they earn.they ask their Western friends about how much they earn.(1 1)中國和其他國家之間的一些文化差異無關(guān)緊要,也)中國和其他國家之間的一些文化差異無關(guān)緊要,也無害處。無害處。 Some cultural differences between China and other Some cultural differences between China and other cuntries are trivial and harmles
50、s.cuntries are trivial and harmless.(2)(2)他們不會給相關(guān)人員帶來很多麻煩。他們不會給相關(guān)人員帶來很多麻煩。They would not bring much trouble to people involved,They would not bring much trouble to people involved,(3)(3)但是在一些情況下,缺少文化敏感性會很令人不快。但是在一些情況下,缺少文化敏感性會很令人不快。,but in some cases, such lack of cultural sensitivity could but in s
51、ome cases, such lack of cultural sensitivity could be annoying.be annoying.(4)(4)例如,對西方來說,隱私非常重要。例如,對西方來說,隱私非常重要。For Western people, for example, privacy is important.For Western people, for example, privacy is important.(5)(5)人們通常不會問彼此的婚姻狀況。人們通常不會問彼此的婚姻狀況。 People generally do not ask each other abo
52、ut their People generally do not ask each other about their marriage status or salary level.marriage status or salary level.(6)(6)但是對很多中國人來說,他們還沒有培養(yǎng)起像西方人但是對很多中國人來說,他們還沒有培養(yǎng)起像西方人那樣的隱私感。那樣的隱私感。But for many Chinese, they are yet to develop a sense of But for many Chinese, they are yet to develop a sense
53、 of privacy in Western sense.privacy in Western sense.(7)(7)因此,一些中國人在問外國朋友能掙多少錢時會顯得因此,一些中國人在問外國朋友能掙多少錢時會顯得十分無禮。十分無禮。Therefore, some Chinese may be seen as being rude when Therefore, some Chinese may be seen as being rude when they ask their Western friends about how much they earn.they ask their Wes
54、tern friends about how much they earn.(1 1)豆腐)豆腐, ,由大豆制成,是享譽世界的中國傳統(tǒng)美食。由大豆制成,是享譽世界的中國傳統(tǒng)美食。 Tofu, made of soybean, is a Chinese traditional food.Tofu, made of soybean, is a Chinese traditional food.(2)(2)據(jù)說豆腐起源于西漢時期。據(jù)說豆腐起源于西漢時期。Tofu is said to originate in the Western Han Dynasty.Tofu is said to origi
55、nate in the Western Han Dynasty.(3)(3)由于制作簡單、價格低廉,豆腐很快成為人們喜愛的由于制作簡單、價格低廉,豆腐很快成為人們喜愛的佳肴。佳肴。Simple in production and cheap in cost, tofu soon become Simple in production and cheap in cost, tofu soon become peoples favorite delicacy.peoples favorite delicacy.(4)(4)宋明時代后,豆腐文化傳播更為廣泛。宋明時代后,豆腐文化傳播更為廣泛。Afte
56、r the Song and Ming Dynasties, the culture of tofu After the Song and Ming Dynasties, the culture of tofu spread even more widely.spread even more widely.(5)(5)如今,豆腐和其衍生產(chǎn)品對中國人來說是一種普遍的如今,豆腐和其衍生產(chǎn)品對中國人來說是一種普遍的食品,它還走出國門,在全世界都受到歡迎。食品,它還走出國門,在全世界都受到歡迎。 Today, tofu Today, tofu with its derivative products
57、has become a with its derivative products has become a common food for Chinese people, and it has gone abroad common food for Chinese people, and it has gone abroad and become popular in the worldand become popular in the world. .(6)(6)豆腐豆腐-中國傳統(tǒng)食品中國傳統(tǒng)食品-由于高蛋白、低熱量,而被普由于高蛋白、低熱量,而被普遍認為是理想食品。遍認為是理想食品。To
58、fu-the traditional Chinese food, has been universally Tofu-the traditional Chinese food, has been universally acknoledged as an ideal food for its high protein and low acknoledged as an ideal food for its high protein and low heat.heat.(1 1)中國人就坐的方式是餐桌禮儀的一個有趣部分。)中國人就坐的方式是餐桌禮儀的一個有趣部分。 The way Chinese
59、 people get seated is an interesting part The way Chinese people get seated is an interesting part of the table manners.of the table manners.(2)(2)你可能會感到奇怪,在中國文化中,一個典型的座位你可能會感到奇怪,在中國文化中,一個典型的座位安排其實就是禮儀的象征。安排其實就是禮儀的象征。It might surprise you that a typical seating arrangement is It might surprise you t
60、hat a typical seating arrangement is a sign of etiquettes in Chinese culture.a sign of etiquettes in Chinese culture.(3)(3)因此,為了安全起見,應該把餐桌上最好的座位留給因此,為了安全起見,應該把餐桌上最好的座位留給長輩。長輩。Therefore, it is ensured to leave the best place on the Therefore, it is ensured to leave the best place on the dinning table
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