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1、Text B The History of Books1.independent adj. 獨立自主的,不受約束的獨立自主的,不受約束的(14/4, 08/7) independence n. 獨立自主,不受約束獨立自主,不受約束 dependent adj. 依賴的,不獨立的依賴的,不獨立的 dependence n. 依賴,不獨立依賴,不獨立 e.g. One hundred years ago China was not totally (dependent).independent2. elaborate adj. elaboration n. 詳細闡述,精心制作,精致詳細闡述,精心制

2、作,精致3. ornamental adj. ornament vt. 裝飾裝飾 & n. 裝飾,裝飾物裝飾,裝飾物 4. simplify vt. simple adj. 簡單的,單一的簡單的,單一的 simply adv. 簡單地,單一地簡單地,單一地5. well-adapted adj. adapt vt. 使適應(yīng),使適合使適應(yīng),使適合engraving n. 雕刻術(shù),雕版圖雕刻術(shù),雕版圖handpress 手動操作印刷機手動操作印刷機Para. 1. The first known inventor of printing in Europe was Johannes Gut

3、enberg of Germany. The first book printed in his workshop was a Latin Bible. A few copies of this first book still exist. 歐洲第一個著名的印刷術(shù)發(fā)明家,是德國的約翰歐洲第一個著名的印刷術(shù)發(fā)明家,是德國的約翰內(nèi)斯內(nèi)斯.古騰堡。他在車間里印的第一本書,是拉丁古騰堡。他在車間里印的第一本書,是拉丁文圣經(jīng)。第一本書的一些復(fù)本現(xiàn)在還保存著。文圣經(jīng)。第一本書的一些復(fù)本現(xiàn)在還保存著。 inventor invent inventionText AnalysisThey are now o

4、ver five hundred years old. The Gutenberg Bible was printed on a hand press with type made of lead. Most of the copies were printed on paper, but a few were printed on vellum. The books are about 12 inches wide and 16.5 inches long.已有已有500多年的歷史了。古騰堡圣經(jīng)是用手控印刷機在鉛多年的歷史了。古騰堡圣經(jīng)是用手控印刷機在鉛字版上印成的。這些書大多數(shù)印在紙上,但

5、有幾本印在羊字版上印成的。這些書大多數(shù)印在紙上,但有幾本印在羊皮上皮上, 這種書寬約這種書寬約12英寸,長約英寸,長約165英寸。英寸。Text AnalysisPara. 2. Men who had been trained in Gutenbergs workshop soon established themselves as independent printers. By 1 500, about fifty years after the first Bible was printed, more than 30, 000 books had been printed. 在古騰堡

6、印刷所受過訓(xùn)練的人們,很快就獨立開業(yè)。在古騰堡印刷所受過訓(xùn)練的人們,很快就獨立開業(yè)。到了到了1500年,大約在第一本圣經(jīng)印成后年,大約在第一本圣經(jīng)印成后50年,已經(jīng)印成書年,已經(jīng)印成書30 000冊以上。冊以上。Text Analysis1. 過去完成時過去完成時 表示在過去某一時間或動作之前已經(jīng)發(fā)生或完成了的動作。它表示動作發(fā)生的時間是“過去的過去”,側(cè)重事情的結(jié)果 表示發(fā)生在過去的動作對過去的某一點造成某種影響或結(jié)果,用來指定在另一個過去行動之前就已經(jīng)完成了的一個事件,側(cè)重事情結(jié)果。nowpast現(xiàn)在完成時現(xiàn)在完成時過去完成時過去完成時Text Analysis過去完成時的基本結(jié)構(gòu) had

7、 + 動詞過去分詞 had not +動詞過去分詞(否定式) had + been + 動詞過去分詞(過去完成時的被動語態(tài))e.g. I had eaten my breakfast before I came here. The door had been locked when I realized what I had done.Text AnalysisThe Bible was still the most popular book. Other church books were also printed, as were Greek and Latin classics, his

8、tory books, and astronomy books. 圣經(jīng)依舊是最流行的書。此外,還印刷了一些教堂用書、圣經(jīng)依舊是最流行的書。此外,還印刷了一些教堂用書、希臘和拉丁的古典名著、歷史書及天文學(xué)書。希臘和拉丁的古典名著、歷史書及天文學(xué)書。Para. 3. The tools of the first printers were simple and could be moved about easily. At the end of the fifteenth century there were more than a thousand printers in Europe. Sin

9、ce many people could not read Latin and Greek, books were soon printed in various languages. 最初的印刷工人所使用的工具很簡單,搬動起來也很容易。最初的印刷工人所使用的工具很簡單,搬動起來也很容易。15世紀(jì)末,歐洲印刷工人有一千多人。由于很多人不懂世紀(jì)末,歐洲印刷工人有一千多人。由于很多人不懂希臘文和拉丁文,不久印刷書籍就包括了各種語言。希臘文和拉丁文,不久印刷書籍就包括了各種語言。2. move about 四處搬動四處搬動The printers also began to make the boo

10、ks smaller, so that they could be handled more easily. Furthermore the printers began to make their books more elaborate, adding pictures and ornamental letters at the beginning of chapters. 印書者開始把書印得小些,以便攜帶起來更容易。印書者開始把書印得小些,以便攜帶起來更容易。此外,而且他們開始把書印得更精致了,在每一此外,而且他們開始把書印得更精致了,在每一章之前增添插圖和裝飾性字母。章之前增添插圖和裝

11、飾性字母。Gradually the letters of the type were made smaller, finer and more delicate. The letters began to look less like manuscript letters, and eventually, the form of the letters was simplified to the point where they were well-adapted to the metal of the type.印刷字母逐漸做得更小、更細、更精致。印刷字母開始看印刷字母逐漸做得更小、更細、

12、更精致。印刷字母開始看起來和手寫字母不同了。字母的形式終于大為簡化,完全起來和手寫字母不同了。字母的形式終于大為簡化,完全適合鉛字的要求。適合鉛字的要求。3. delicate adj. 精美的,細致的,纖細的精美的,細致的,纖細的Text AnalysisPara. 4.Sometimes books were illustrated with woodcuts. Blocks of wood were carved so that the white parts of the picture were below the surface of the wood. 4. be illustr

13、ated with 用用說明說明 illustrate v. 舉例說明,(為書)作插圖;圖解舉例說明,(為書)作插圖;圖解 illustration n. 說明,插圖,圖解說明,插圖,圖解書籍的插圖有時是木刻的。在雕刻標(biāo)志木頭時,書籍的插圖有時是木刻的。在雕刻標(biāo)志木頭時,圖畫的白色部分是凹陷的。圖畫的白色部分是凹陷的。When the surface was inked and stamped onto paper, the dark part of the picture was reproduced. The first attempts, of course, were rather c

14、rude, but eventually the block printers were making meticulous and artistic illustrations. Florence, in Italy and Lyons, in France, became famous for their illustrated books.5. become famous for sth. 因因而變得出名而變得出名 be famous for sth. 因因而有名而有名在木頭的凸出表面涂上墨水,并印在紙上,圖畫的黑色部在木頭的凸出表面涂上墨水,并印在紙上,圖畫的黑色部分就復(fù)印出來,當(dāng)然,

15、起初的試作是相當(dāng)粗糙的,但漸漸分就復(fù)印出來,當(dāng)然,起初的試作是相當(dāng)粗糙的,但漸漸地木刻印刷工人刻的插圖,就變得既細膩又有藝術(shù)性了。地木刻印刷工人刻的插圖,就變得既細膩又有藝術(shù)性了。意大利的佛羅倫斯,德國的里昂,都以出版插圖書籍而馳意大利的佛羅倫斯,德國的里昂,都以出版插圖書籍而馳名。名。Para. 5. In the seventeenth century, great numbers of religious pamphlets were printed. These pamphlets were not always neat or artistic because the writers

16、 were only interested in spreading their ideas quickly, and the readers did not consider the appearance of the book important. 6. great numbers of + 可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù) 很多的很多的17世紀(jì)印刷出版了大量的宗教宣傳小冊子。這些小冊子世紀(jì)印刷出版了大量的宗教宣傳小冊子。這些小冊子并不總是美觀或富于藝術(shù)性,因為并不總是美觀或富于藝術(shù)性,因為作者僅僅是為了迅速傳作者僅僅是為了迅速傳播他們的思想,讀者也覺得書籍的外觀并不重要。播他們的思想,讀者也覺得

17、書籍的外觀并不重要。Text AnalysisThe art of metal engraving was developed about this time and enabled printers to illustrate their books with pictures of very fine, delicate lines. The use of an engraving on the first page of a book became popular. The quality of the paper improved too.大約在這個時期,金屬雕刻術(shù)發(fā)展起來,這樣一來,

18、印刷大約在這個時期,金屬雕刻術(shù)發(fā)展起來,這樣一來,印刷者能把他們書中的插圖畫得非常細膩、精致。在書中的第者能把他們書中的插圖畫得非常細膩、精致。在書中的第一頁上使用雕刻圖飾,成了流行的做法。紙張的質(zhì)量也提一頁上使用雕刻圖飾,成了流行的做法。紙張的質(zhì)量也提高了。高了。Text AnalysisPara. 6. By 1800, hand printers could not supply enough books to satisfy the demand. Fortunately, about this time, many machines were invented that aided

19、in the mass production of such products as cotton and woolen cloth. 到到1800年,手工印刷者出版的書已滿足不了人們的需要。年,手工印刷者出版的書已滿足不了人們的需要。用手工紙和木制的手工印書的速度不夠快。幸好,這個時用手工紙和木制的手工印書的速度不夠快。幸好,這個時期發(fā)明了許多機器,促使大量生產(chǎn)諸如棉布和毛料這樣的期發(fā)明了許多機器,促使大量生產(chǎn)諸如棉布和毛料這樣的產(chǎn)品。產(chǎn)品。Text AnalysisThe invention of new types of printing machines and paper machi

20、nes followed on the heels of these inventions and helped to speed up the production of books. 7. on the heels of 緊跟在緊跟在之后之后8. speed up 加速,加緊,增速加速,加緊,增速隨著這些發(fā)明而來的,是新型印刷機和造紙機的隨著這些發(fā)明而來的,是新型印刷機和造紙機的相繼發(fā)明,這就加速了書籍的印刷和發(fā)行相繼發(fā)明,這就加速了書籍的印刷和發(fā)行。The paper machine produced paper in rolls instead of sheets; and the i

21、ron hand press enabled the printer to use larger pieces of paper on which more text could be printed in less time. Finally, the linotype was invented, a machine which could cast all entire line of type at one time9. instead of +n./v-ing 代替代替;代替做某事;代替做某事造紙機生產(chǎn)的紙,不再以張數(shù)計,而是以卷數(shù)計了。使用造紙機生產(chǎn)的紙,不再以張數(shù)計,而是以卷數(shù)計了

22、。使用鐵制手印機,印刷者能用更大的紙張印書,這樣在較短的鐵制手印機,印刷者能用更大的紙張印書,這樣在較短的時間里就能印出大量的書。后來鑄字機也發(fā)明了,這種機時間里就能印出大量的書。后來鑄字機也發(fā)明了,這種機器一次就可以鑄造出整整一行鉛字。器一次就可以鑄造出整整一行鉛字。Text AnalysisPara. 7. In the twentieth century, many books have been produced in paperback editions. Although these books do not last as long as those with cloth or

23、leather bindings, they are much cheaper. 20世紀(jì),許多書籍都以平裝印刷發(fā)行世紀(jì),許多書籍都以平裝印刷發(fā)行。這些書雖。這些書雖然不如那些用布面或皮面精裝的書籍那么經(jīng)久耐然不如那些用布面或皮面精裝的書籍那么經(jīng)久耐用,卻便宜得多。用,卻便宜得多。Text AnalysisThus, many poor people who could not afford books before, can now buy them. Today books are available to everyone because they are no longer expen

24、sive, they do not take long to produce, and, consequently they are no longer rare. 因此,許多過去買不起書籍的窮人,現(xiàn)在也能購買。因此,許多過去買不起書籍的窮人,現(xiàn)在也能購買。今天,今天,書籍人人都可以得到,因為書籍不再昂貴了。書籍人人都可以得到,因為書籍不再昂貴了。書不需要很書不需要很長的時間就能印刷出來,因此也不再稀罕了。長的時間就能印刷出來,因此也不再稀罕了。Text AnalysisThus, many poor people who could not afford books before, can

25、now buy them.who could not afford books before做后置定語修飾many poor peopleafford v. 支付的起,能夠做,承擔(dān)的起Text Analysis詞義辨析:afford,offer,give,provide,supplyafford指為一定的目的而“給”“提供”所需要的東西,多用于疑問句或否定句,常與can, could, be able to等連用 , e.g. She cannot afford a new dress. I cant afford to buy this flat. Text Analysisoffer指主動

26、提供,給予對方(對方可能接受,也可能不接受)。 offer sth to sb;offer sb sth give指無需償還地把金錢、物品、時間、麻煩等有形或無形的東西“送給”“授予”“供給”某人; give sb. sth.;give sth. to sb.Text Analysisprovide主要指為某人、某物或某事“提供”“供應(yīng)”某物品,尤指生活必需品; provide sth for sb; provide sb with sth.supply指用物“供給”“供應(yīng)”或“提供”給國家、群眾、工廠、城市、市場等. supply sth to sb; supply sb with sth.

27、Text AnalysisBecause of this progress in book production, more and more people are learning to read. More and more people are now writing books, as well as reading them, so that the literature of the world is being constantly enriched.由于書籍的印行發(fā)展很快,愈來愈多的人都在讀書。愈來由于書籍的印行發(fā)展很快,愈來愈多的人都在讀書。愈來愈多的人不僅僅在讀書,也在寫書

28、。因此,世界上的著作愈多的人不僅僅在讀書,也在寫書。因此,世界上的著作也日益豐富起來。也日益豐富起來。真題演練:真題演練:1. Many poor people who could not books before can now buy them. (12/7) A. offer B. charge C. cost D. afford2. In an ideal society, family and governmental policy should_we have a great number of books.(07/7) A watch that B. see that C. notice that D. observe thatDB3. If you have learn to love (book) as a child, the reading habit w


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