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1、oU cy ceated a nd care masses - fo.s w moreoutboutq masepie ce makes w e of resea cesuls more t o into 3 of dei Son vs,nmor e ti natona some ha s fec of new sa per Sha ng pUl Sedfr adva, wka nd pUlCy Cal gde p due e Thidifomain sum”, tobe pramal c Quick and tmey T he a ncie nS .: for t he Ime temsae

2、 it ba ck for Ie Ime Thefethealbminof iformationtodo"fu" t hat sid Ie "ob-aseed.ral wiingse I d ad rea d faser approval a nd fee .back to impbme nt quick y. To bet ru a nd aae True mai ny react the f ul picue of eves one i sone twts i s the le of the informain. A.ua is prmaiy . ad qua

3、3-quesi onsqta obje ctve of publ cQ - iat l ogic o be reiabe a nd u ul - sumi if ormaton to have a cess to nmak ng tog uie and promote t he work and slve pra cl problems Mixed cum. Ont he nega- ifomaina. e.ecy ifmai on, apid e scaaton i n stic accdane wi h te procues im, newsape,newspapes,Ievea*fait

4、oeport f m ad skmming. Ite 2. suevsiInadisson,aoudandprotecigthei*ite-sto touct he tuh, sek paci cal reult s hee t pe op.oriele d, te m os imporant ti ng s t ealze, 一、ua d and devl op t he fudame nta iee- of the ove whemi ng majriy of te pe I ple We cay ou i nsppct I n, sm-t g o ddep among the mases

5、 godeeit ote rralte s alwas pay aentintte pe ople s lvl hood, to ga ste publ c setment a nd e aresy s .ad te benfta-e ng te m-ss ae most concened abou a I d elect ng te ston” i sues fors t so'e'he pro'-o-ecsons mplementtd a I d not mp,me nedOe Is to st ck to p. nnipls. Rght of ispe cton

6、s one of te mos imporant powes of te Olce .ooa daef*buaswtcut on. S c-d dae d t us, i s thold a I um be of impo.a nt us, bold lupev sonove lupevii on, tick i nsppcton, probems ae not sle d do not ppss t he blme doe s not hold did not mis, disakbctonoftem-ss dd not mss the ea rght of iupenisin a>!

7、oiy wihthebeeisCaalwihcluton,islupeVng de pames shoud sengte ntecnnci I use - of a uho.zd sti cty acordi ng t pr I cedure I reentig t he iupeni sinad elxeslvet o prevet a ddd ng bu detogrrss roos. T o ts e nd, te suevis in Deamet of the Pary Cmmite of iupenisinmusbeuderch a nd Ccu. pay CommieeSeceay

8、Geealdice. Secnd, we soold fouson. s the GveIo.tooeelatdtItheglbaEvetGvenorteprtrceddfcut st ong Govenor duig emegecy ugentNothavig spe cal de parmens i n cage of the Ge neal Gv enor, unde t I e noma proceure nddgoodthingsnotGvenor,notautoriedbyCcu.l edes lot the Gvenor T hid s tosle t he probem. T

9、he purpooe of suevsin, to res teproblm.Toadeetoand fute .pro- the編號(hào):全日制勞動(dòng)合同書甲方(用人單位)名稱單位勞動(dòng)保障代碼法定代表人(負(fù)責(zé)人)甲方注冊(cè)登記地址 郵編生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營(yíng)地址 聯(lián)系電話(人力資源部門)乙方(勞動(dòng)者)姓名 個(gè)人勞動(dòng)保障代碼居民身份證號(hào)碼 戶口所在地 戶口性質(zhì)現(xiàn)居住地址 郵編住所電話 手機(jī)號(hào)碼鹽城市人力資源和社會(huì)保障局制二O一O年六月outcitycre ated, andcare masseslife, focus work,in-de pthi nvestigation,moreoutboutique mast

10、erpiece,makes we of research results m oreto intol ed ofde cisionvi sion, more toinnationalsome haseffectof newspaperShang publi shed,foradvance w ork,and p ublicitycha ngde play dueof role. Third,informati onsubmittedto bepragmatic.Quicka ndtimely.Thea nci entssai d:forthetimesystem;statementbackfo

11、r thetime bei ng, nothi ng.Therefore,thesubmi ssionofinformationtodo "four",thatis, findtheprobl emfaster,editorial writing,sendand read fasterapproval andfeedback to implementquickl y.Tobetr ue and accurate. True mai nly reflectthefullpictureof events, onei sone,two, t his isthe life ofth

12、e information.Accuracy isprimarily qualitativea nd quantitative questi ons,quantitativeobjectiveofpublicQualitativelogic.To berelia bleand useful.We submit information tohave a ccessto deci sion-maki ng,to gui deand pr omote thew orkand solve practicalproblems.Mixedcum.On thenegative information aem

13、ergency informati on,rapi descalation in stri ctaccorda ncewiththe procedures,firm,newspa per,newspapers, neverlate,failto report,false claim andskimming.Investee2.supervisi on a nd insist on,aroundand protecting theirintereststotouchthe tr uth,seek practi calresults.A dhereto peopl e-oriented,t he

14、most importantthing istorealize ,safeguard a nd developthe fundame ntal interests ofthe overw helming majorityofthe people.Wecarryout inspecti on, somustg o dee p amongt hemasse s,go deep i nto therealitie s, always payattention t othe people's liveli hood,t ograsp thepublicse ntiment,a nd ear n

15、estly safeguar d the benefit,addressingthe massesare most concernedabout andreflectingthestrongestissues, efforts to solve theproblem ofdecisions im plemente d and not impl emented. Oneis tosti cktopri nci ples.Rightofinspe ction isone ofthemost important pow ersofthe Office,shouldnotonlydare t ouse

16、 ,butal so wit hcaution.So -calle d dare d to use, isto hol d anum ber ofimporta nt issues, bol d suoversupervisi on,track i nspecti on, problemsare notsolved do not pass, t he blame doe s not hol d did not miss,dissatisfactionofthe masses did notmiss,therealrightofsupervision authority,with the ben

17、efits. Callwith cauti on, i ssupervisi ngde partments should strengthe nthe consci ousne ssof a uthorizedstri ctlyaccordi ngtopr ocedure, preventingt hesupervi sionand excessive t oprevent a ddi ng bur dent ograss -roots. T othis e nd,the supervisi on Department oftheParty Committeeofsupervisionmust

18、beundercitya nd CountypartyCommitteeSecretary-General(Office).Second,weshould focuson. Isthe Governor,thoserelatedt o theglobalEvent, Governorthe protracte ddiff icult,str ong Governorduring emergencyurgent. Not having spe cial de partments i n charge oftheGe neralGov ernor, undert henormalprocedure

19、 cando good thi ngs notGover nor,nota uthorized byCounty l eaders, not theGovernor.T hirdis t o solvet hepr oblem.T he purpose ofsupervision, to resolvetheproblem.Toadhere to and further improve特別提示1 、本合同適用于全日制勞動(dòng)者。勞務(wù)派遣勞動(dòng)者使用勞動(dòng)派遣勞動(dòng)合同書,非全日制勞動(dòng)者使用非全日制勞動(dòng)合同書,建筑業(yè)生產(chǎn)操作類崗位勞動(dòng)者,特別是農(nóng)民工使用建筑業(yè)勞動(dòng)合同書。2、法定代表人和負(fù)責(zé)人,是指甲方注


21、居民身份證等證件、以擔(dān)?;蛘咂渌x向勞動(dòng)者收取財(cái)物、未向勞動(dòng)者及時(shí)足額支付勞動(dòng)報(bào)酬等行為的,勞動(dòng)者可以依法向當(dāng)?shù)貏趧?dòng)保障監(jiān)察機(jī)構(gòu)投訴。eelings surve y,byl ooki ng uppublic sentime ntsto find problems.Probl emswill i ncrease its specialpactonsomeofthe outstandi ng issues,supervisi on departments and information componentst ogethe r, playthe supervisory roleofthe new

22、ocessingmessagesshouldstrive to streamline, standardize a nd qualitStreamlining is to controlthepressmessages, re ducingproce dure s,improvemessage handlingworkdire ctlywith pe ople ,receptionservicesdireefficiency.S pecifications,is t ostrictlye nforce t he ban issue d by theCommunistctlyaffectingt

23、heOffice of party Committee The image oftheregion.At thesametimeparty autstrengthe ninghorities i ndocumentconstruction oflibrary,im prove t hereceptionconditions,morehuman -ori ented,personal,culturalwork i nto therece ption,a littleorderl y. Hig.I.-ore humanementingt heinte ntion ofthe PartyCommit

24、tee,.I - _ofservice. Me anwhile,t ofurther pay special attenti on to the dailywclearance,goodorkoft heot herOfficecommunicati ons,policysafe andefficient.Any arrangement 一.a leader,t oimprove the confidentialitys for themeeti ngs a nd eve nts,carefullyarrange_ 一_ . . Iofclassified personnel,ed, item

25、-by -item interface im. 一.一 I.plementespecially lea ding cadre s,strengthe ning partyand Governmentfocus on vid,sure.Tov一"一TovigorouslyI Ion vitalstreamlinemeetisect orsofsecurity managementngs,a ctivities, numberofpressurere,toadvance privaduction, scaletoe. - _ . .cy manageme ntstandardizatio

26、n,modernizatinsure that lea dershipemergedfrom tI - - - 一 I 1- he GeneralConfere ncea nd ntertainmentserviceon ofse curityte chniquesa sa mea ns ofa dministration according to law ndsecurityenfors,focusonbig t-.> _-hings,matters.Third,recepti onservicesshoulcement, ensure thesafetyofthe partyad l

27、ay stresson huma ne, personal,nd State secrets.Confidentialwcult uraland human. Reorkto meetcepti o- . Ithe demands ofnetechnology development2oU cy ceated, a nd care masses lie, focus w ok in de more out boulque masepiece makes we of resea cesuls more to into 3 of dei Son vs I n,mor e ti nalna some

28、 ha s fec of new sa per Sha ngul Sed, fr adva wk, a nd pUlCy ca- iby due e Thid, ifomainbmi- tobe pragma, c Quick and tmey T he a ncie nS .: for t he Ime sysem; saemeit ba ck for Ie Ime being Thefe,t he albminof iformationto do "fu", t hat s, id Ie egecy ifmai on, apid e scaat on i n stic

29、accdane wihteprocoues im, newsape, new spa pes, I eve a* fai to e po* ale cab ad skmmig Iv te 2. sue-I n ad is s on, aoud a nd prote cig .* iteess t o touct he tUl, sek paci Ireul s、.hee I pe opleoriee d, te m os impor.nt ti ng s I ealze, 、ua d and op t he funamenta ieeof the ove whemi ng major of t

30、e pe I ple We cay oU i nsppct I n, smust g o ddep among the mases go de e itove iupeniion, trcki nsppcton, probems ae not sle d do not ppss t heb e does not hold did not mis, disakbcton of Ie mlsssdd not mss the ea rght ofiupenisin auho.tk wi h the benDsCaal wih ccuton, i siupervs ng de pames sho ud

31、 sengte n Ie cnsc I use - of a uho.zd sti cty acordi ng I pr I cedure I reentig the iupenisinad exeslveto prevet a ddd ng bu de t o.rssroos. T o t s e nd, Ie suevis in Deamet of the Pary Cmmite ofiupenisinmus be uder cy a“obaser mitral wiing,nd a nd rra d fase .prova a nd ee dback I mpeme nt quicly.

32、 To be tue and ac . ae True mai ny relct the f ul pi cue of evets one is one t-w, tis is the le of Ie infrmaton. Accuacy isprmaiy q - la ad quafo terralte s alwas pay aentintte pe ople s lvl hood, to ga ste publ c -ntment, and e aresy sae.ad Ie benft a - e ng Ie m-ss ae most concened abou a I d elec

33、I ng Ie ston” i sues fors I solvelhe pro0-o-ecsons mplemend Cuy pay CommIte 'ceay Geea Ofie; Secnd, sould focus on. s Ie G<erI or tooe elatd t I the gobalEvetGvenor Ie prtrce d UI iuI st ong Govenor duig emegeny ugent. Not havig spe » parmens i n cage of the Gequesions-aiatt obe m'e

34、of publcluataie l ogi. o be eabe a nd useu. sumi if ormaln I hat acce I nmai ng I g uie and prmoe the work and sle pra cIcl prbl - s Mied cum. Ot he negate ifmainadnttd a I d not mpeme nedOe Is to st ck to pr ncpls. Rght of inspe11ns one of Ie mos mporat po s of Ie Ofce shoo> -e f use bu o wit cu

35、t on. Sc- d dae d I us, i s thod a I um be of mpora nt isus, bold lupevsonneal Gv enor, unde t I e noma proce_re can u good thi ngs not Gve nor, not a utorizd by Cuy l edes lot the Gven or T hird s t I sovet he probem. T he purpooe of suevsin, to resle Ieproblm. To adee to and fute improve the依據(jù)中華人民

36、共和國(guó)勞動(dòng)法、中華人民共和國(guó)勞動(dòng)合同法 以及有關(guān)法律、 法規(guī)、規(guī)章的規(guī)定,甲乙雙方遵循合法、公正、平等自愿、協(xié)商一致、誠(chéng)實(shí)信用的 原則,簽訂本合同。第一條合同期限甲乙雙方約定按下列旦種方式確定“勞動(dòng)合同期限”:A、無(wú)固定期限自/年月/日起。B、有固定期限自G以完成一定工作任務(wù)為期限,自年一月1 日起至該項(xiàng)工作任務(wù)完成止。實(shí)行試用期制度的,其中試用期為/個(gè)月,從一年月,日 起至/年/月/日止。(注:以完成一定工作任務(wù)為期限的勞動(dòng)合同或者勞動(dòng) 合同期限不滿三個(gè)月的,不得約定試用期)第二條工作地點(diǎn)甲乙雙方約定勞動(dòng)合同履行地為 。甲方根據(jù)工作需要,可 依法協(xié)商變動(dòng)乙方的工作地點(diǎn)。第三條工作內(nèi)容(一)乙

37、方同意根據(jù)甲方工作需要,安排其在 崗位(工種)工作。 甲方根據(jù)工作需要,按照合理誠(chéng)信原則,可依法協(xié)商變動(dòng)乙方的工作崗位。(二)甲方安排乙方所從事的工作內(nèi)容及要求,應(yīng)當(dāng)符合國(guó)家法律法規(guī)規(guī)定的 勞動(dòng)基準(zhǔn)和甲方依法制訂的并已公示的規(guī)章制度。乙方應(yīng)當(dāng)按照甲方安排的工作內(nèi) 容及要求履行勞動(dòng)義務(wù)。(三)乙方在甲方所從事的工作(含臨時(shí)分派乙方工作)由甲方負(fù)責(zé)調(diào)配,乙方 應(yīng)按甲方要求在公司授權(quán)范圍內(nèi)認(rèn)真履行崗位職責(zé),按時(shí)、按量、按質(zhì)地完成甲方 規(guī)定的工作任務(wù),達(dá)到規(guī)定的工作質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。若未能及時(shí)完成而導(dǎo)致延時(shí)工作時(shí)間(四)若乙方在合同期內(nèi)被證明不符合所聘職位要求、甲方有權(quán)根據(jù)公司經(jīng)營(yíng) 管理需要、乙方實(shí)際能力(專

38、業(yè)、工作、體能)及表現(xiàn)等、調(diào)整乙方工作。(五)其他具體工作內(nèi)容乙方須按照甲方崗位工作責(zé)任制度執(zhí)行。第四條工作時(shí)間和休息休假(一)甲方根據(jù)工作需要依法制定工作時(shí)間制度。經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商確定,乙方執(zhí)行 下列A種工時(shí)工作制。A、標(biāo)準(zhǔn)工時(shí)制。具體工作時(shí)間為周一至周六()B、綜合計(jì)算工時(shí)工作制。C、不定時(shí)工作制。(二)甲方嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行國(guó)家及地方有關(guān)休息休假規(guī)定,保障乙方休息休假的權(quán)益。第五條勞動(dòng)報(bào)酬(一)經(jīng)甲乙雙方協(xié)商一致,乙方工資執(zhí)行下列B 條款。A、乙方的工資按照甲方依法制定的工資分配辦法確定。ecnolgy neelpmet2oU cty cre ae- and care masses ie, focus

39、wor,indephnvesgain,moreoUbouiq maserpe-ma of reseacesl. m ire to itol ed of CS on visin, more ti-ina some has effect of newsaerShagpublSed,forwor,adpubietyCang pay due Third, infmai on sum. to be pragmatc Quick a nd tmey. Ie a nci ents sai d: for Ie time sysem; saement baCforIeImebeng noli ng. Teret

40、e, tesUmissinofifomaintodo"fur",las,idthe el." wriig, send ad read faster aprova and feedback to imp et qu* y. To be tr ue and accrate Tre mai ny refec Ie fulpicueofeves,oneisone,Wo,thsstheieofIeinfmain.Accuacysprima q ia- a nd .aia queSi ons, -ai - e objecveofpUiQIgC.Tober be ad useu

41、l - submi informainthaveacs to dici Sonmak ng to gui de ad pr omote Ie w ok ad solve praciproblems.M m. Onlenegatveinformainand- egeny ifrmaI I n, rai d in i sIi ct accda Wth the procldues im, newspa per ,pae* neve lae,"tor.orIalecam ad smig. Ivsee 2.lupevsi on a nd inss on, aound ad protecigIe

42、riteesstotouchtheIuI,一praci-lreu -A dhee I pepl eorenttd t I e mos imporat IingsIrialze , fg d a nd develp the unddme nta iee of the ovew .emig majriyof Ieieple caryoubspeiIon,smustgodeepamongthemasesgodepinI Ier Ie s aWas pay aento pepesli hood, t o gas Ie publc se ntment, a nd r fgua d Ie bene'

43、; Idd ig the mases ae mos cnneredaoutadrfecigthesrnglst ssus efors I sle the prob,m of -csionsmplmeedadnotimplImetd. Oe s I si 4 Ipr nc pls. Rght of ise cin is one of Ie most imporantpowesoftheHie, soud daet o use , bu a so Wt h uin.So d dae d I -* s I hold a num ber of impora ntisues I ol d suevsio

44、'er sueV on, ta- i nsecton, prbems ae not sleddonotpas,theblmedoesnothold dd not mss d at ctonofthemasesdd not miss terea .htof lupevsin auhorty wihIeIeetsCalwtcuton,islupii ng de iames soud steghe I the cnsc ouse ss of a utorizd sr cty iccldi ng I pr ocedue prevetig t he suev sinad ecesie t I p

45、evet a ddi ng bur n toga rots T o t s e nd,the lupevsi on Deamet I f Ie Pay Commieeof suevsinmustbeundeciy a ndCuy pary Cmmite SeceayGeneal (Ofce. Secnd, soud fouson. Is Ie Govenor,IosereatdtoIeglbaE'ent, Gvenor Ie irotace d df c», sr ong Gvenor dulng - egenc,ugentNothhaigsecildepprmetsi nc

46、age of Ie Ge nea Gov eror, unde t he normal procdue caIdogoodIingsnotG<er nor not a uho。- by C.u n yl de* not the Gvenor. T h - s t o sl - t he probllm. T hepupooe of lupeviin, to ol<e theprobem.Tldhee I andurherimprove IeB、甲乙雙方協(xié)商約定月工資 元。其中,試用期月工資/元。G甲方實(shí)行計(jì)件工資制,確定乙方的勞動(dòng)定額應(yīng)當(dāng)是本單位同崗位百分之九 十以上勞動(dòng)者在法定工

47、作時(shí)間內(nèi)能夠完成的,乙方在法定工作時(shí)間內(nèi)按質(zhì)完成甲方 定額,甲方按照約定的定額和計(jì)件單價(jià),根據(jù)乙方的業(yè)績(jī),按時(shí)足額支付乙方的工 資報(bào)酬。D其他形式:/(二)甲方于每月15日之前以貨幣形式支付乙方工資。乙方在法定工作時(shí)間內(nèi)提供正常勞動(dòng)的情況下,享有最低工資保障。(三)甲方依法安排乙方加班的,應(yīng)按照法律、法規(guī)規(guī)定安排補(bǔ)休或支付加班工 資。雙方約定加班工資計(jì)發(fā)基數(shù)月標(biāo)準(zhǔn)為/。第六條社會(huì)保險(xiǎn)和福利(一)甲乙雙方嚴(yán)格按照國(guó)家及地方有關(guān)社會(huì)保險(xiǎn)方面的規(guī)定,參加社會(huì)保險(xiǎn), 按時(shí)足額繳納各項(xiàng)社會(huì)保險(xiǎn)費(fèi),其中,依法應(yīng)由乙方繳納的部分,由甲方從乙方的 工資中代扣代繳。(二)甲乙雙方嚴(yán)格按照國(guó)家和地方有關(guān)規(guī)定,繳存

48、住房公積金,其中,規(guī)定應(yīng) 由乙方繳存的部分,由甲方從乙方的工資中代扣代繳。(三)乙方按規(guī)定享受法律、法規(guī)、規(guī)章確定的社會(huì)保險(xiǎn)和福利待遇。第七條勞動(dòng)保護(hù)、勞動(dòng)條件和職業(yè)培訓(xùn)(一)甲方對(duì)可能產(chǎn)生職業(yè)病危害的崗位,應(yīng)當(dāng)向乙方履行如實(shí)告知的義務(wù),并 對(duì)乙方進(jìn)行勞動(dòng)安全衛(wèi)生教育,防止勞動(dòng)過(guò)程中的事故,減少職業(yè)危害。(二)甲方為乙方提供符合國(guó)家規(guī)定的勞動(dòng)安全衛(wèi)生條件和必要的勞動(dòng)保護(hù)用 品,安排乙方從事有職業(yè)危害作業(yè)的,應(yīng)定期為乙方進(jìn)行健康檢查。(三)乙方在勞動(dòng)過(guò)程中必須嚴(yán)格遵守安全操作規(guī)程。乙方對(duì)甲方管理人員違章 指揮、強(qiáng)令冒險(xiǎn)作業(yè),有權(quán)拒絕執(zhí)行。(四)甲方按照國(guó)家有關(guān)女職工、未成年工的特殊保護(hù)規(guī)定,對(duì)乙

49、方提供保護(hù)。(五)乙方患病或者非因工負(fù)傷的,甲方執(zhí)行國(guó)家關(guān)于醫(yī)療期的規(guī)定。(六)甲方執(zhí)行國(guó)家就業(yè)準(zhǔn)入和職業(yè)資格證書制度,對(duì)乙方進(jìn)行職業(yè)培訓(xùn),不斷 提高乙方的職業(yè)技能。第八條勞動(dòng)合同履行和變更(一)甲方變更名稱、法定代表人、主要負(fù)責(zé)人或者投資人等事項(xiàng),不影響勞動(dòng) 合同的履行。(二)甲方發(fā)生合并或分立等情況,本合同由承繼其權(quán)利和義務(wù)的單位繼續(xù)履 行。(三)經(jīng)甲乙雙方協(xié)商一致,可以變更勞動(dòng)合同約定的內(nèi)容。變更勞動(dòng)合同內(nèi)容 的,雙方應(yīng)當(dāng)簽字確認(rèn)。第九條 勞動(dòng)合同解除和終止out city created,a nd emergencyinformaticaremasses life,focusw ork

50、,in-depth investigation, more out boutiquemasterpie ce, makesw eof resear ch results moret o into led ofdeci sionvisi on,mor etoin nationalsome ha s effectofnew spa perSha ng publi shed,foradva ncework,a nd publicity cha ngde play dueofrol e.Third,informationsubmittedtoon,rapide scalati on i nstrict

51、a ccordance wit h the procedures,firm,newspaper, new spa pers, neverlate,fail to re port,false claim andskim ming.Investee 2.supervision and insi st on,around a nd prote cting theirinterestst otouch t he truth, seek practi calresult s.Adhereto pe ople-oriente d,the m ost importantthi.一 一 I _ .1 _ 1

52、. . .1-I I _I > - -.1. . >. . L II_I.LII.I _I.一 . - .一 I . > I.JI _ 一 _I . . |_ . II, J - _| 一 I 一一 .一oversupervisi on,tracki nspecti on, problems arenotsolveddo not pass,t heblame doe snot hol ddid notmiss,dissatisfactiassession authority, withthe benefits. Callwithcauti on, i s supervisi

53、ng de partments sho uld strengthe n the consci ousne ssofa uthorized stri ctly accordi ng topbe pragmati c.Quickand timely.T he a ncie nts sai d:fort he time system;statement ba ckfor thetime being, not hing. Therefore,t hesubmissionof informationto do "four",t hatis,find the problemfaster

54、,editorialwriting,se nd a ndrea dfasterapprovala nd fee dback to impleme nt quickl y.Tobetruea nda ccurate. True mai nly reflectthe f ullpi cture ofevents,ngis torealize,safeguar dand devel opt hefundame ntal interests ofthe over whelmi ng majorityofthe pe ople. We carry outi nspecti on, somustg o d

55、eep amongthe masses,gode ep int othe realitie s, always payattention tothe people' s liveli hood,togra spthe publ icsentiment,a nde arnestly safeguard thebenefit,addressi ng the masses aremostconcerne.-IL. III ,I-I- -一- -. I > . 1 _LJ- -> I -I- 一- 一. 一 .一 . 一 - - - !I I一 IrL- -. . >-.-.

56、ocedure, preventingthesupervi sion andexcessivetopreventa ddi ngbur dentograss-roots.To thise nd,thesupervision Department ofthe PartyCommitteeofsupervision mustbeunder cityand CGovernor, those related tothe globalEvent,onei s one,two,this i sthe lifeofthe information.Accura cy is primarilyqualitativeand quantitativedabou


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