1、英文合同常見條款表達(dá)方式英文合同常見條款表達(dá)方式1. 前言 Preamble一份標(biāo)準(zhǔn)英文合同通??梢苑譃榍把?Preamble )、正文(Operative part )、附錄(Schedule ) 及證明部分即結(jié)束詞(Attestation )四大部分組成。前言(Preamble)由“ Parties ”及“ Recitals ” 兩部分組成?!?Parties ”為必備條款,在很多時候稱為“ commencement即合同的開場白,主要介紹合 同各方的名稱或姓名、注冊地及地址、郵編及在 合同中的簡稱。當(dāng)然,并不是所有的合同都要詳 細(xì)介紹以上諸要素,在許多簡單合同中,只是提 一下各方的名稱。
2、I.以下為“ Parties ”的常用表達(dá)方式:1. This Agreement is entered into by and betwee nand.本協(xié)議由以下雙方和 簽署。2. This Agreement is entered into by andbetwee n (here in afterreferred toas) and(here in afterreferred to as""), whereby it is agreed as follows:本協(xié)議由以下雙方(以下簡稱)和(以下簡稱)簽署,達(dá)成如下協(xié)議:注:在很多合同中,這部分加入簽約事由,如:Th
3、is Agreement is enteredinto throughfrien dly n egotiati ons betwee nCo.(here in after referred to as the “ Party A” ) andCo. (here in after referred to asthe “ Party B” ) based on equality and mutual ben efit to develop bus in ess on the terms and con diti ons set forth below:本協(xié)議由(以下稱為甲方)和 (以下稱為乙方)為
4、發(fā)展業(yè)務(wù)在平等互利的基礎(chǔ)上簽 訂,其條款如下:This Agreeme nt is en tered in to betwee n(here in after referred to as "Compa ny"), and ,(here in afterreferred to as "Employee") pursua nt to paragraph VIII(2) of the Employee Handbook, whereby it is agreed as follows:本“協(xié)議”由(以下簡稱“公司”)與(以下簡稱“雇員”)根據(jù)“雇員手冊”第V
5、lll(2)款簽署,“協(xié)議”內(nèi)容如下:II. 以下為標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的“ Parties ”條款:3. This Agreeme nt is made and en tered in to this th day ofin the year ofby and between , a company dulyorga ni zed and exist ing un der and by virtue of the laws of, with its prin cipalplace of bus in ess at (here in afterreferred to as “” ), and, acompa
6、ny duly orga ni zed and exist ing un der and by virtue of the laws of , with itsprin cipal place of bus in essat (here in after referred to as “” ),whereby it is agreed as follows:本合約由,在法律之下并憑該等法律正式組織并存在的公司,其主要營業(yè)地點(diǎn)在 (下稱),與,在律之 下并憑該等法律正式組織并存在的公司,其主要營業(yè)地點(diǎn)(下稱代理人),于日簽訂和締結(jié),協(xié)議如下:III. “Recitals ”由數(shù)個以"W
7、hereas"字樣開 頭的句子所組合而成(這些句子俗稱為“Wherea Clauses ”),表示當(dāng)事人乃是在基于對這些事實(shí)(例如訂約的目的、背景來由等)的共同認(rèn)識, 訂立此合約。4. This Agreeme nt is made and en tered into thisday ofin the year ofby and between , a company dulyorga ni zed and exist ing un der and by virtue of the laws of, with its prin cipalplace of bus in ess at
8、(here in afterreferred to as “” ), and, acompa ny duly orga ni zed and exist ing un der and by virtue of the laws of, with itsprin cipal place of bus in essat (here in after referredto as )WITNESSEDWHEREAS, NOW THEREFORE, the parties heretoagree as follows:本合約由,在法律之下并憑該等法律正式組織并存在的公司,其主要營業(yè)地點(diǎn)在 (下稱)(或下
9、稱供應(yīng)商),與,在法律之下并憑該等法律正式組 織并存在的公司,其主要營業(yè)地點(diǎn)_ 鑒于因此,雙方當(dāng)事人達(dá)成以下協(xié)議:TH注:WITNESSE可以用 WITHNESSTH/VITHNESS THAT等來代替。IV. 在很多美國常用合同中,在很多情況下直接 用RECITALS引導(dǎo)數(shù)個陳述語句或“WhereasClauses ”。下面為一個資產(chǎn)購買協(xié)議實(shí)例:("AAA"), BBB, a DelawareThis ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT(the "Agreement") is madeand entered into as of May
10、 19, 1997 by and among AAA, a Delaware corporati oncorporati on and wholly-ow ned subsidiary of AAA ("Buyer"), CCC ("Summit"), and DDD, an Orego ncorporati on andwholly-ow nedsubsidiary of Summit ("Seller").RECITALSA. The Boards of Directors of each of Summit, Seller, A
11、AA and Buyer believe it is in thebest in terests of each compa ny and their respective security holders that Buyer acquire certainlisted assets and assumecertain listed liabilities of Seller (the "Acquisitio n").B. On the date hereof, Buyer has executed a$2,000,000 irrevocable purchase ord
12、er to purchase 400 time-basedlice nsesforSummit's Visual HDL in terfaces for Visual(5) bus in ess days afterTest bench ("VTB") software on AAA's sta ndard form of purchase order, which is payable within five the date hereof.NOW, THEREFOREin cove nan ts, promises forthherei n,con si
13、derati on oftheand represe ntati ons and for other goodset andvaluable con siderati on, the parties agree as follows:2. 定義 Defini tion在正文(Habendum部分,通常第一章為定義(Defin itions )部分。定義條款即對合同中涉及的術(shù)語及名詞作出限 定、解釋的條款。它可以散見于合同各個部分, 但對于一些大型的、重要的合同,通常將其置于 第一章。I. 常見的定義語句常用mea n, refer to, becon strued as, i nclude等來
14、表達(dá)。如:1. "Territory" means the United States ofAmerica. “銷售地區(qū)”是指美利堅合眾國。2. “ Comme ncemeniate ” s hall mean the date of signing this agreement by the last sig ning party hereto.“協(xié)議生效日”是指本“協(xié)議”最后簽字的一方 簽署本“協(xié)議”的日期。3. The “ agreeme nt ” herein referred to shall mean this agreement of agency by en
15、 trustme nt.“協(xié)議”在這里是指本委托代理協(xié)議。4. “ Code" shall refer to the current andapplicable Internal Reve nue Code.“法”是指當(dāng)前可用的國內(nèi)稅收法。5. Referenee to any statutoryprovisionshall be eonstrued as a referenee to the same as it may have bee n, or may from time be,ame nded, modified or re-e nacted.引用法律規(guī)定理解為引用其本身外
16、,還包括其修 訂、修正或重新實(shí)施案。6. "Expe nses" in elude costs, charges and expenses of every description.“費(fèi)用”包括各種形式的金錢支出。II. 還有一類特殊的定義語句,即對于單、復(fù) 數(shù)及陰、陽性名詞的范圍定義。通常都是 用include 來表達(dá):1. "Stock Certificate" in cludes "stock certificate" and "stock certificates".合同中的“股票”,包括單數(shù)與復(fù)數(shù)。2.
17、"He" i ncludes "he" a nd "she".合同中的“他”,包括“他”與“她”。3. Words using the singular or plural number also include the plural or singular number. 采用單數(shù)或復(fù)數(shù)的單詞也包括復(fù)數(shù)或單數(shù)。III. 定義語句中,有時需限定范圍。而通常用得最多的是:“ for the purpose of ”及 “ inrelation to ”某概念的定義條款,如果適用范 圍僅限于合同的“特定部份”,可以用“for the pu
18、rpose of "來為定義條款起頭。而如果定義 條款是針對合同的“特定概念”,就用“in relation to ”來界定。如下例:1. For the purpose of this Agreeme nt, "Products" means all types of the machineries manufactured by Manufacturer as are specified in Attachme nt A hereto.本協(xié)議所稱的“產(chǎn)品",指制造人所制造如附件A表列之各式機(jī)器。2. "Address" means
19、 (a) 就自然人而言 inrelationto anin dividual,his usualreside ntialorbus in ess address; and(b) in relation to a corporation,itsregistered or prin cipal office in the Republic of China.“地址”就自然人而言,指通常之居所或工作場 所;就公司而言,指位于中華人民共和國之注冊 所在地或主營業(yè)所。IV. 在定義條款中,在定義語句前有時會加上一 些陳述語句來引導(dǎo),如:1. For the purpose of this Agreeme
20、 nt, eachof the followingterms shall have thefollowi ng meaning respectively:就本合同的目的而言,下列各用語,分別具有下 述意義:2. In this Agreement, the following words or expressions shall have the meanings given to them respectively below:本協(xié)議內(nèi)所用詞句的意義,明確闡述如下:3. In this agreeme nt uni ess the con textotherwise requires, th
21、e following words and expressi onsshall have the meaningsassig ned to them here un der:除非本“協(xié)議”有明確規(guī)定,下列詞語應(yīng)當(dāng)具有 如下規(guī)定之意義:4. The followingare the definitionsofvarious terms used in this Agreeme nt:本“協(xié)議”使用之術(shù)語定義如下:3. 有效期 Period of validity有效期(Term)條款通常規(guī)定合同的有效期限,何 時生效及到何時結(jié)束,合同結(jié)束后必要時如何延 展等等。1. 以下為“ Term”的常用表
22、達(dá)方式:The term of this con tract is for ayear period. 合同的有效期為 年。女口: The term of this con tract is for a one(1) year period.2. The con tract is for amonth period,comme ncing.合同的有效期為月,開始于。(期限)a. The con tract is for a 12 month period,comme ncing September 17,2002 thruSeptember 16, 2003.b. The con tract
23、is for a 6 month period, comme ncing 4-1-03 and ending 9-30-2003.3. This agreeme nt rema ins valid foryear(s), me ncing on ,and term in at ing on,.本協(xié)議在年之內(nèi)有效,即從 年月日起生效,年月日起到期。4. The con tract term is hereby exte nded forthe period.合同的有效期為。女口: The con tract term is hereby exte nded for the peri
24、od in accordanee with Section E,Paragraph 10, Term of Con tract and Con tract Exte nsion.II. Term條款除了規(guī)定合同的期限外,通常另外合同期限的延展"Extension ”。1. The con tract period is for year withopti on to re-new foryear.合同有效期為年,同時可以選擇延長年。2. The con tract is for amonth period,comme ncing . The con tract may berenew
25、ed for up to year option periods.合同的有效期為月,開始于,同時可以選擇延長年。3. This agreement shall commenee on thecomme nceme nt date and shall en dure for a continu ous period of years.Thereafter it will be automaticallyrenewedfor successive periods ofyears on thesameterms and con diti ons uni ess one of the parties
26、had given days notice oftermi natio n.后,除非一方當(dāng)事人提前 天書面通知對方當(dāng)事人終止本協(xié)議,本協(xié)議有效期自動延長 _年,協(xié)議條款不變。III. Term 條款并沒有十分固定的表達(dá)方式,以 下即是一些合同中Term的實(shí)例:1. This Agreeme nt shall be valid and rema in in force for a period of three (3) years commencing from the date appearing first above written upon the signing of both Par
27、ty A and Party B and shall be extended for another period of three (3) years on the same terms and con diti ons uni ess either of the parties hereto gives the other party at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to term in ate this Agreeme nt prior to the expiration of the original term.本合約須從上
28、面首次寫明的甲方和乙方簽訂本 約的日期起生效并保持效力三年,并將按同樣條 件延長三年,否則與約任何一方至少須在原定時 間期滿前三十天給予另一方提前終止本合約的書面通知2. At any time and from time to time duringthe period commencingon the date hereof and terminating on, 20, party A mayinwriting advise party B.自本協(xié)議簽訂之日起到 年 協(xié)議終止這段期間內(nèi),甲方可隨時以書面形式通知乙 方。3. The term of this Agreement shall
29、 be three years from the effective date, uni ess terminated in accordanee with Article VI- (3) and Article IX.本合同的期限除非根據(jù)第8條第3款及第9條的 規(guī)定終止外,有效期為3年。4. The con tract is valid from un tilThe con tractperiod is automaticallyexte nded for any leave of abse nee allowed for in law.合同的有效期為從到。5. The term of th
30、is Agreement shall commenee on the day ofand end on the day ofUpon expirati on of the abovein itialterm, this Agreeme nt shallautomatically be renew and exte nded for a like period of time uni ess termi nated in writingby either party days prior tothe date for such ren ewal.本協(xié)議期限為_年月日至年月日。除非續(xù)訂日前天一方以
31、書面方式提 出終止,否則上述首期屆滿后,協(xié)議應(yīng)自動續(xù)訂, 延長時間與前期相同。4. 不可抗力Force MajeureForce Majeure條款是一種免責(zé)條款,即免除由 于不可抗力事件而違約的一方的違約責(zé)任。一般應(yīng)規(guī)定的內(nèi)容包括:不可抗力事件的定義(Defi niti on of Force Majeure )以及不可抗 力事件的后果(Consequences of Force Majeure)。在 Force Majeure 條款中,兩者屬 于因果關(guān)系,難以截然分開。I. 對于Force Majeure的定義,合同法定義 如下:本法所稱不可抗力,是指不能預(yù)見、不能避免并 不能克服的客觀情
32、況。For purposes of this Law, force majeure means any objective circumsta nee, which is un foreseeable,un avoidableandin surm oun table.II. 以下是Force Majeure 條款的舉例:1. Neither party shall be resp on sible for delays or failures in performanee resulting from acts or facts reas on ably bey ond thecon trol
33、 of that party.任何一方不應(yīng)對因其無法控制之行為或事實(shí)造 成協(xié)議延遲履行或不履行承擔(dān)任何責(zé)任。2. Either Party shall not be liable for anydelay caused by any unpredictable factor or any factor which is un avoidable or in surm oun table by reas on able mea ns at the time of conclusion of this Agreement, or any loss caused by failure in fulf
34、illment of obligati ons as stipulated here in.協(xié)議任一方無須對因任何在本協(xié)議簽訂時無法 預(yù)見或以合理手段也無法避免或克服之原因造 成的遲延或不履行本協(xié)議之義務(wù)所造成的損失 承擔(dān)責(zé)任。注:以上采用的是類似合同法概括的定義方 法。而合同為不可抗力定義時更多地采用列舉的 方法。3. Neither party of this Agreement, directly or in directlyowi ng to any causes orcircumstances beyond its control,includingActs of God, Gove
35、r nmen talorders orrestricti on,war, warlike con diti ons,revoluti ons,strike, lockout, fire andflood.本合同任何一方當(dāng)事人對直接或間接地由于其 無法控制的原因或情況包括自然災(zāi)害、政府命令或限制、戰(zhàn)爭、戰(zhàn)爭狀態(tài)、革命、罷工、工廠被 關(guān)閉、火災(zāi)、水災(zāi)等而未能履行或延遲履行合同或合同一部分的行為,不負(fù)任何責(zé)任。注:Acts of God通常也譯為“不可抗力”,但 主要是指自然災(zāi)害;而 Force Majeure則包括自然及人為兩方面4. Neither party will be liable fo
36、r non delivery, misdelivery or late delivery (other than the payment of money due here un der) caused by circumsta nces bey ond itsreas on able con trol,in cludi ng,amonothers, war, civil strife or commotion, riots, strikes, fires, floods, acts of Godin ability to obta in materials, failure of carri
37、ers orcomplia neewith any law, regulati on or gover nmen tal order.任何當(dāng)事人將不會為任何因?yàn)椴豢煽刂频那闆r 產(chǎn)生的未交付貨物、交付錯誤或延遲交貨(除了 支付應(yīng)付款)。不可控制的情況包括戰(zhàn)爭、國內(nèi) 斗爭或暴亂、騷亂、罷工、火災(zāi)、洪災(zāi)、自然災(zāi)i=r法規(guī)或政府令。5. Should either of the parties to the con tract by preve nted from executi ng thecon tractby force majeure, such asearthquake, typhoon,
38、flood, fire and war and other un foresee neve nts,and theirhappe ning andcon seque ncesareun preve ntableandun avoidable,theprevented party shall notify the other party by cable without any delay, and within 15 days thereafter provide the detailed informationof the events and a validdocume nt for ev
39、ide nee issued by the releva nt public no tary orga ni zati onfor expla ining the reas on of its in ability to execute or delay the executi on of all or part of the con tract. Both parties shall, through consolations,decide whether totermin ate the con tract or to exempt the part of obligations for
40、implementationof the con tract or whether to delay the executi on of the con tract accordi ng to the effects of the eve nts on the performa nee of the con tract.由于地震、臺風(fēng)、水災(zāi)、火災(zāi)、戰(zhàn)爭以及其它 不能預(yù)見并且對其發(fā)生和后果不能防止或避免 的不可抗力事件出現(xiàn),致使直接影響合同的履行 或者不能按約定的條件履行時,遇有上述不可 抗力的一方,應(yīng)立即電報通知對方,并應(yīng)在十五 天內(nèi),提供不可抗力詳情及合同不能履行、或者部分不履行、或者需要延
41、期履行的理由的有效證 明文件。此項(xiàng)證明文件應(yīng)由事故發(fā)生地有權(quán)證 明的機(jī)構(gòu)出具。按其對履行合同影響的程度,由 雙方協(xié)商決定是否解除合同,或者部分履行合 同,或者延期履行合同。6. Force majeure shall hereof consist of the follow ing eve nts:下述事件構(gòu)成不可抗力:Wheresuch cases as war, earthquake, serious win dstorms, snow, or fire or other eve nts which no party can foresee and prevent from happe n
42、ing occur;發(fā)生戰(zhàn)爭、地震、嚴(yán)重的風(fēng)災(zāi)、雪災(zāi)、火災(zāi)或其他各方無法預(yù)見、無法抗拒的事故The related laws and regulati onsincollecti on with the executi on of duties by any party to this Agreement undergo changes, un der which this Agreeme nt will be illegal or the transfer cannot be fulfilled.自本協(xié)議簽訂之日起與本協(xié)議任何一方履行本 協(xié)議相關(guān)的法律、法規(guī)發(fā)生變更致使本協(xié)議非法 或轉(zhuǎn)讓行為
43、無法完成。Ineve ntof the occurre nee of theabove-me nti onedeve nts, if any party(here in after referred to as the“ EffectedParty ” ) has been delayed or deterred from perform ing the duties of this Agreeme nt in the course of its executi on, the Affected Party shall be free from any liabilities for brea
44、ch of theagreeme ntand forcompe nsati on.在發(fā)生本協(xié)議不可抗力事件之后,任何一方(以下簡稱受影響方)在履行本協(xié)議義務(wù)時受到拖延或不能履行時,受影響方不承擔(dān)任何違約責(zé)任及 賠償責(zé)任。In eve nt of the force majeure, the affected party shall, within days from the dateof the occurrenee, notify the other party of the impact of such eve nts on the executi on of the duties in
45、this Agreeme nt, by telex, telegraph or in any other lawful written form, andsimulta neouslysubmit thereleva ntofficialcrede ntialsconcerningthe force majeure herei n.在發(fā)生不可抗力事件時,受影響方應(yīng)自不可抗力 事件發(fā)生之日起天內(nèi)以電傳或電報或其他任何合理書面方式,通知另一方有關(guān)不可抗力的 發(fā)生和不可抗力對其履行本協(xié)議的義務(wù)的影響, 同時應(yīng)呈交不可抗力的有關(guān)官方證明。Should the effect of the force m
46、ajeure cases last more than days, both parties shall con sult each other about the alterations of this Agreement; in case they fail to reach an agreement, Chapter 8 shall thereup on apply.在不可抗力事件延續(xù)天后,雙方必須磋商本協(xié)議的變更,雙方未能協(xié)商一致的,適用本協(xié) 議第八章的規(guī)定。7. Force Majeure不可抗力 Noparty to this Con tract shall be liableto
47、 the other party for any failure of ordelay in performa nee of its obligati ons hereof nor be deemedto be in breach of this Con tract, if such failureor delay hasarise n from "force majeure."如果任何一方因不可抗力而款能履行或推遲履 行其義務(wù),則不對另一方負(fù)責(zé),也不應(yīng)視作違反 合同。"Force Majeure" means circumsta ncesandcond
48、itionsbeyond the controlof eitherparties, that would render it impossible for either the Owner or the Con tractortofulfill theirobligati onsun der thisCon tract, or delay such fulfillme nt.Any ofthe following matters are considered "force majeure.""不可抗力"指業(yè)主或承包商無法控制的情況, 使當(dāng)事人未能按本合同
49、履行其義務(wù),或者不得不 延遲履行其義務(wù)。下列情況均被視作“不可抗 力”:a. war, hostilities, act of foreig n en emy,in vasi on, warlike opera-ti ons (whether war to be declared or not) or civil war;b. mutiny,civil commotion assuming theproporti ons of or amo un ti ng to a popularrising, military rising,in surrecti on,rebelli on, revol
50、uti on, military or usurped power, or any act of any person acting on behalf of or in conn ecti onwithanyorga ni zati onwith activities directedtowards the overthrow by force of the Gover nment de jure or de facto, or to the in flue ncingof it by terrorism or viole nee;c. earthquake, flood, fire or
51、other natural physical disaster;d. denial of the use of all ports, airports, shipp ing services or other means of public tran sport;e. strike or lock out or other in dustrialcon certed acti on by workers, affect ing the fulfillme ntof Con tractor'sandsubc on tractors' obligati ons;f. and oth
52、erun foresee ncircumsta ncesbeyond thecontrolof the parties soaffectedrendering the fulfillment of theirobligati ons impossible.a. 戰(zhàn)爭、敵對事件、外敵行動、入侵、類似戰(zhàn) 爭的軍事行動(不管是事宣戰(zhàn))、內(nèi)戰(zhàn);b. 士兵嘩變、民眾暴亂、軍事叛亂、起義、造 反、革命、篡權(quán)、或者任何個人代表某個組織或 與某個組織有聯(lián)系、旨在以暴力推翻合法或現(xiàn)存 政府、或以恐怖主義或暴力對政府施加影響的行 為;c. 地震、洪水、火災(zāi)或其他自然災(zāi)害;d. 所有港口、機(jī)場、船運(yùn)或其他公共交通工
53、具 的使用均遭拒絕;e. 工人罷工、工廠停工、或其他的勞工聯(lián)合行 動,影響了承包商和分包商履行其義務(wù);f. 當(dāng)事人無法控制、從而使其不能履行義務(wù)的 其他任何意外情況。(3) If either party to this Con tract is preve nted or delayed from or in performi ng any of his obligati ons un der this Con tract by force majeure, the n he may no tify the other party of thecircumsta ncescon stitut
54、 ing the force majeure and of the obligati on performa nee of which is thereby delayed or preve nted and the party giv ing the no tice shall thereup on be excused from the performanee or punctual performanee, as the case may be, of such obligati on for so long as the circumsta nces of preve nti on o
55、r delay may continue.如果本合同任何一方因不可抗力不能或延遲履 行本合同規(guī)定的任何義務(wù),他可將不可抗力和由 此造成的延遲或妨礙情況通知另一方。發(fā)出通知的一方允許根據(jù)具體情況及妨礙或延遲持續(xù)的時間免于履行或推遲履行合同(4) If by virtue of the precedi ng sub-clause dither party shall be excused from the performa nee or pun ctual performa nee of any obligati onfor a continu ous period ofmon ths, the
56、n either party may at any time thereafter term in ate this Con tract by giving a writtennotice to the otherparty.根據(jù)本第款第3分條規(guī)定,如果任何一方免于履 行或推遲履行其義務(wù)的時間持續(xù)了 個月,那么任何一方都可隨時向另一方發(fā)出書面通知,終 止本合同。5. 修改 Modification合同修訂(Modification)條款為合同常用條款主要規(guī)定了合同修訂的方式與途徑。例如:書面 合同,只能以書面方式進(jìn)行修訂,口頭修訂內(nèi)容 無效。I. Modificatio n條款通常較為簡單,以
57、下為一些常用比較簡約的表達(dá)方式:1. The con tract can be ame ndedo nly after the ame ndme nt is agreed upon by both parties. 只有經(jīng)雙方一致同意,合同方可變更。2. This Agreeme nt may be ame nded only by awritte nin strume ntsig ned by dulyauthorized representatives of both parties. 本合同只有經(jīng)雙方當(dāng)事人授權(quán)的代表正式簽署 的書面文件,方可修改。3. This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by writte n in strume nt sig nedby each of the Parties hereto.除非經(jīng)本協(xié)議當(dāng)事人簽署的書面通知,否則本協(xié) 議書不得作出任何修改和變更。4. Any alterati ons or ame ndme nts of this Agreement shall be subject to agreement through con sultati on betwee n both partiesin writi
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