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1、The Great WallBrief Description The Great Wall of China is a very long man-made wall that was built to protect these states . It spans延伸到ten provinces and its total length is 6,700 km (3,948 miles). The Great Wall extends from ShanHaiGuan (the Old Dragon Head), a seaport海港along the coast of BoHai Ha

2、y, in the east (near BeiDaiHe resort) to JiaYuGuan Pass in GanSu Province in the west. Like a giant巨大的 dragon, the Great Wall of China winds彎彎曲曲地通過its way across grasslands, deserts and mountains. The Great WallIt was rebuilt during the Ming Dynasty Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu Province The west end of t

3、he Great Wall“ The Old Dragon Head ”The east end of the Great Wall老龍頭 萬里長城猶如一條巨龍,其龍頭伸于渤海之中掀浪戲水,人們俗稱此地為“老龍頭”。老龍頭位于山海關城南約5公里處,是明萬里長城軍事防御體系的重要組成部分,也是山海關景區(qū)的重要景點。 老龍頭呈半島狀伸入海中,墻體沿海岸線自然彎曲延伸,由石塊壘砌而成,分為入海石城、海廟店、靖鹵臺、南海口、澄海樓、寧海城和濱海長城等七部分。其中入海石城相傳為明朝抗倭名將戚繼光所筑;澄海樓則是老龍頭的最高點,是觀海勝地,清朝皇帝康熙、乾隆曾多次登臨此樓。Its a picture of

4、 The Old Dragon Head.Shanhaiguan Pass“ The First Pass under Heaven ”Legends(傳說,傳奇) about the Great Wall 孟姜女哭長城孟姜女哭長城 秦始皇統(tǒng)一中國后,征集了數十萬民夫,于公元前秦始皇統(tǒng)一中國后,征集了數十萬民夫,于公元前214214年將秦年將秦燕、趙三國北邊的城墻連通、修繕合一,這便是舉世聞名的萬里燕、趙三國北邊的城墻連通、修繕合一,這便是舉世聞名的萬里長城。孟姜女萬里尋夫送寒衣,哭倒長城八百里的傳說就發(fā)生在長城。孟姜女萬里尋夫送寒衣,哭倒長城八百里的傳說就發(fā)生在那個時候。那個時候。 古時候,


6、是孟、外,奔走相告,村里人聽說后,紛紛前來觀看這新鮮事,可是孟、姜兩老漢卻因此產生了矛盾,吵得不可開交。孟老漢非常堅定地姜兩老漢卻因此產生了矛盾,吵得不可開交。孟老漢非常堅定地說:說: 這葫蘆是我親自種下的,胖女孩該歸我。這葫蘆是我親自種下的,胖女孩該歸我。 姜老漢卻固執(zhí)地姜老漢卻固執(zhí)地說:說: 這葫蘆結在我的院子里,這女娃該是我的。這葫蘆結在我的院子里,這女娃該是我的。 吵了三天三夜,吵了三天三夜,難解難分,毫無結果,后經村里人調解為:女娃娃屬于兩家共同難解難分,毫無結果,后經村里人調解為:女娃娃屬于兩家共同的,輪流居住,共同扶養(yǎng),并取了個的,輪流居住,共同扶養(yǎng),并取了個 孟姜女孟姜女 的名

7、字。的名字。 光陰似箭,日月如梭,轉眼間十多年過去了,孟、姜兩家老人為現(xiàn)已長大成人的孟姜女選了個女婿叫范杞梁,選定良辰吉日,準備成親。天有不測風云,成親之日,新郎、新娘正要拜堂,突然從門外闖進幾個衙役,一擁而上把新郎范杞梁當民夫抓走了。 原來,當時由于秦始皇在全國各地抽調大批民夫修筑長城,日日夜夜拚命干,民夫們被累死、餓死的不計其數,為了加快工程速度,他們又到處抓民夫補充,范杞梁也被發(fā)配去充當修長城的民夫了。轉眼一年過去了,范札梁杳無音信,急得孟姜女飯吃不下,覺睡不著,不知如何是好,跟兩家老人商量后,決定去找丈夫,發(fā)誓找不到丈夫絕不回家。她帶上干糧和給丈夫特制的御寒衣服上路了。一路上,風吹雨淋


9、葬;三要秦始皇為范杞梁披麻戴孝、打幡送葬。秦始皇聽罷孟姜女提的三個條件,思索片刻,為了得到美貌的孟姜女,便硬著頭皮答應下來,孟姜女戴著孝拜了為筑城而死的范札梁墳墓后,宿愿已償,面對滾滾的渤海,縱身一躍,投海自盡了。 孟姜女哭長城的故事,很快就被人們所傳頌,人們?yōu)榧o念她,在山海關附近的一個山頭上,給她修了墳、建了廟,取名為姜女廟。 孟姜女萬里尋夫送寒衣,哭倒長城八百里的故事家喻戶曉,流傳至今。A beacon tower1. Have you ever been to the Great Wall?2. Where is The First Pass under Heaven?3. What d

10、o you know about the Great Wall?The Great wallThe Great Wall is also called the “ Ten Thousand li Great Wall ”. It is one of the wonders of the world. It is the longest wall in the world and runs across north China like a huge dragon. It has a history of over 2,000 years. In old times, it was very d

11、ifficult to build such a wall.Mr. Henson, an American engineer, has come to Beijing on business for the first time. He is talking to Ma Li, a tour guide.Mr. Henson: Ma Li, I hope to visit the Great Wall first while Im here.Ma Li: OK. We can go to Badaling to see the Great Wall tomorrow. Its not far

12、from this hotel. Heres a booklet with a brief introduction to the Great Wall. You can read it this evening and Ill pick you up at 8 tomorrow Morning.Mr. Henson: Great! Thanks.Read the text fast, and then answer the following questions.1.Where is the Great Wall?2. When was the Great Wall first built?

13、3. Why did they build the Wall? 4. Who decided to have the wall linked and extended?5. How did they build it?6. When was the Great Wall rebuilt?7. Why did the ancient people build many beacon towers on the Wall?Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the text “ The Gre

14、at Wall ”1. The Great Wall first was built during the Qin Dynasty.2. The Great Wall was built to protect their countries against the enemies.3. At that time, one third of Chinas population were made to build the Wall.FTF4. At that time, people could carry the rocks and bricks to the top of mountains

15、 with some machines.5. People used the bricks and stones to build a wall around the earth.6. The Wall which we can see now was rebuilt during the Ming Dynasty.FFT7. The Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world and was listed by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.8. In ancient time, soldiers ma

16、de fire to keep warm on the beacon towers.TF1. Do the “Reading Comprehension” on P3.2. Read the text frequently. Answer the following questions according to the text.1. Where is the Great Wall?2. When did the building of the Great Wall begin?The Great Wall is located in the north of China.Building o

17、f the Great Wall first began during the period of the Warring States.3. Why did several kingdoms build their walls during the Warring States Period?4. Who decided to have the walls linked and extended in 221BC?They built the Walls to protect their states.The first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty decided

18、to have the walls linked andextended. 5. How many people were forced to build the Great Wall by the first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty?About one million people,one fifth of Chinas population were forced tobuild the Wall.6. How long did it take to build the Great Wall at that time?It took more than ten

19、 years to build it.7. When was the Great Wall which we can see today rebuilt?The Wall which we can see now wasrebuilt during the Ming Dynasty.8. What is the total length of the Great Wall?Its total length is more than 6,700 kilometers.9. When was the Great Wall listed by the UNESCO as a World Herita

20、ge?In 1987 it was listed by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.1. The Great Wall is one of the worlds most famous wonders。 one of +名詞復數 .之一2. be located. 位于 ; 坐落于.eg: (1) Our school is located in the center of the city. (2) The village is located at the foot of the mountain.3. the Warring States Pe

21、riod = the Period of the Warring States. 戰(zhàn)國時期4. Protect 是“保護”“防御”的意思,常與from或 against連用。 protect.from / against “保護.以防.”eg: (1) You need warm clothes to protect you from the cold. (2) The girl is wearing the sun glasses to protect her eyes from the sunlight.5. BC “公元前”, before Christ 之略,通常寫在數字之后。 AD

22、“公元”,拉丁文anno Domini 之略,英國是將AD 寫在年數之前,美國是將AD寫在年數之前之后均可。 但沒特殊要求一般來說,AD不必寫出。eg:公元前256:in 256 BC 1983 :AD 1983 或1983 AD 6. the first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty “秦朝第一個皇帝”,即“秦始皇”。7. have(使,讓)+賓語+賓補(過去分詞 done) 指別人做的事或別的情況造成的。eg: (1) I have my bike repaired. (2) When I was training in the gym, I had my leg

23、hurt.8. It is said that .“據說.” It 是形式主語, that 是真正的主語,這是一個主語從句。eg:It is said that the bridge was built in the Ming Dynasty. It is said that he is good at operating computers.類似的結構還有: It is believed that.“據信.” It is reported that.“據報道.” It is hoped that.“人們希望”9. 主動: force sb to do sth “強迫某人做某事” 被動: be

24、 forced to do sth “被迫做某事”eg: (1) They forced the little boy to clean the car. (2) The little boy was forced to clean the car.10.which were used to build the wall. be/get used to doing sth.表示習慣于做某事或習慣于某事,to是介詞,后面要跟名詞、代詞或動名詞。Now he is used to getting up early. 現(xiàn)在他已經習慣早起了。used to do sth.則表示過去常常,to后跟原形動

25、詞。be used to do / be used for(doing)sth用來做什么Wood is used to make paper. = Wood is used for making paper. Youll soon get/be used to hard work. 你會很快習慣于艱苦的工作的。He used to get up early. 過去他經常早起.(意味著如今他不再早起了。)We used to sing songs together 11. It takes / took sb some time / money to do. “花費某人多長時間(金錢)做某事” it是形式主語,不定式to do是真正主語。 eg:It took me 3 hours to finish my homework. How long will it take to get there by train? 11. amount 和 number amount后接不可數名詞; number后接可數名詞復數 the amount of +不可數名詞; the number of +可數名詞復數


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