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1、中西方飲食文化差異外文文獻翻譯(文檔含中英文對照即英文原文和中文翻譯)略談中西方飲食文化差異餐飲產品由于地域特征、氣侯環(huán)境、風俗習慣等因素的影響,會出現在原料、口味、烹 調方法、飲食習慣上的不同程度的差異。正是因為這些差異,餐飲產品具有了強烈的地域性。 中西文化之間的差異造就了中西飲食文化的差異,而這種差異來自中西方不同的思維方式和 處世哲學。中國人注重“天人合一”,西方人注重“以人為本”。這里簡要從下面三個方面談談中西方飲食文化的差異。、兩種不同的飲食觀念對比注重“味”的中國飲食,西方是種理性飲食觀念。不論食物的色、香、味、形如 何,而營養(yǎng)一定要得到保證,講究天要攝取多少熱量、維生素、蛋白質

2、等等。即便口味千 篇-律,也定要吃下去一一因為有營養(yǎng)。這一飲食觀念同西方整個哲學體系是相適應的。 形而上學是西方褲學的主要特點。西方哲學所研究的對象為事物之理,事物之理常為形上學 理,形上學理互相連貫,便結成形上哲學。這哲學給西方文化帶來生機,使之在自然科學 上、心理學上、方法論上實現了突飛猛進的發(fā)展。但在另一些方面,這種哲學主張大大地起 了阻礙作用,如飲食文化。在宴席上,可以講究餐具,講究用料,講究服務,講究菜之原料 的形、色方面的搭配;但不管怎么豪華高檔,從洛杉磯到紐約,牛排都只有種味道,無藝 術可言。作為菜肴,雞就是雞,牛排就是牛排,縱然有搭配,那也是在盤中進行的,盤“法 式羊排”,一邊

3、放土豆泥,旁倚羊排,另一邊配煮青豆,加幾片番茄便成。色彩上對比鮮明, 但在滋味上各種原料互不相干、調和,各是各的味,簡單明了。中國人是很重視“吃”的,“民以食為夭”這句諺語就說明我們把吃看得與天一樣重要。 由于我們這個民族幾千年來都處于低下的生產力水平,人們總是吃不飽,所以才會有一種獨 特的把吃看得重于-切的飲食文化,我想,這大概是出于一種生存需要吧。如果一種文化把 吃看成首要的事,那么就會出現兩種現象:一方面會把這種吃的功能發(fā)揮到極致,不僅維持 生存,也利用它維持健康,這也就是”藥補不如食補”的文化基礎;另一方面,對吃的過份 重視,會使人推崇對美味的追求。在中國的烹調術中,對美味追求幾乎達到

4、極致,以至中國人到海外謀生,都以開餐館為 業(yè),成了我們在全世界安身立命的根本!遺憾的是,當我們把追求美味作為第一要求時,我 們卻忽略了食物最根本的營養(yǎng)價值,我們的很多傳統(tǒng)食品都要經過熱油炸和長時間的文火飩 煮,使菜肴的營養(yǎng)成分受到破壞,許多營養(yǎng)成分都損失在加工過程中了。因而一說到營養(yǎng)問 題,實際上就觸及到了中國飲食文化的最大弱點。民間有句俗話:"民以食為天,食以味為 先”。就是這種對美味的追求,倒使我們忽略了吃飯的真正意義。中國人在品嘗菜肴時,往往會說這盤菜''好吃”,那道菜"不好吃”;然而若要進一步問 一下什么叫“好吃”,為什么“好吃”,“好吃”在哪里,恐

5、怕就不容易說清楚了。這說明, 中國人對飲食追求的是一種難以言傳的''意境”,即使用人們通常所說的''色、香、味、形、 器”來把這種“境界”具體化,恐怕仍然是很難涵蓋得了的。中國飲食之所以有其獨特的魅力,關鍵就在于它的味。而美味的產生,在于調和,要使 食物的本味,加熱以后的熟味,加上配料和輔料的味以及調料的調和之味,交織融合協(xié)調在 一起,使之互相補充,互助滲透,水乳交融,你中有我,我中有你。中國烹飪講究的調和之 美,是中國烹飪藝術的精要之處。菜點的形和色是外在的東西,而味卻是內在的東西,重內 在而不刻意修飾外表,重菜肴的味而不過分展露菜肴的形和色,這正是中國美性飲

6、食觀的最 重要的表現。在中國,飲食的美性追求顯然壓倒了理性,這種飲食觀與中國傳統(tǒng)的哲學思想也是吻合 的。作為東方哲學代表的中國哲學,其顯著特點是宏觀、直觀、模糊及不可捉摸。中國菜的 制作方法是調和鼎鼐,最終是要調和出一種美好的滋味。這一講究的就是分寸,就是整體的 配合。它包含了中國哲學豐富的辯證法思想,一切以菜的味的美好、諧調為度,度以內的千 變萬化就決定了中國菜的豐富和富于變化,決定了中國菜菜系的特點乃至每位廚師的特點。二、中西飲食對象的差異西方人認為菜肴是充饑的,所以專吃大塊肉、整塊雞等"硬菜”。而中國的菜肴是“吃 味”的,所以中國烹調在用料上也顯出極大的隨意性:許多西方人視為棄

7、物的東西,在中國 都是極好的原料,外國廚師無法處理的東西,一到中國廚師手里,就可以化腐朽為神奇。足 見中國飲食在用料方面的隨意性之廣博。據西方的植物學者的調查,中國人吃的菜蔬有600多種,比西方多六倍。實際上,在中 國人的菜肴里,素菜是平常食品,葷菜只有在節(jié)假日或生活水平較高時,才進入平常的飲食 結構,所以自古便有"菜食”之說,菜食在平常的飲食結構中占主導地位。中國人的以植物 為主菜,與佛教徒的鼓吹有著千縷萬絲的聯(lián)系。他們視動物為“生靈”,而植物則“無靈”, 所以,主張素食主義。西方人在介紹自己國家的飲食特點時,覺得比中國更重視營養(yǎng)的合理搭配,有較為發(fā)達 的食品工業(yè),如罐頭、快餐等,

8、雖口味千篇一律,但節(jié)省時間,且營養(yǎng)良好,故他們國家的 人身體普遍比中國人健壯:高個、長腿、寬大的肩、發(fā)達的肌肉;而中國人則顯得身材瘦小、 肩窄腿短、色黃質弱。有人根據中西方飲食對象的明顯差異這一特點,把中國人稱為植物性 格,西方人稱為動物性格。三、飲食方式的不同中西方的飲食方式有很大不同,這種差異對民族性格也有影響。在中國,任何一個宴席, 不管是什么目的,都只會有一種形式,就是大家團團圍坐,共享一席。筵席要用圓桌,這就 從形式上造成了一種團結、禮貌、共趣的氣氛。美味佳肴放在一桌人的中心,它既是一桌人 欣賞、品嘗的對象,又是一桌人感情交流的媒介物。人們相互敬酒、相互讓菜、勸菜,在美 好的事物面前

9、,體現了人們之間相互尊重、禮讓的美德。雖然從衛(wèi)生的角度看,這種飲食方 式有明顯的不足之處,但它符合我們民族“大團圓”的普遍心態(tài),反映了中國古典哲學中“和” 這個范疇對后代思想的影響,便于集體的情感交流,因而至今難以改革。西式飲宴上,食品和酒盡管非常重要,但實際上那是作為陪襯。宴會的核心在于交誼, 通過與鄰座客人之間的交談,達到交誼的目的。如果將宴會的交誼性與舞蹈相類比,那么可 以說,中式宴席好比是集體舞,而西式宴會好比是男女的交誼舞。由此可見,中式宴會和西 式宴會交誼的目的都很明顯,只不過中式宴會更多地體現在全席的交誼,而西式宴會多體現 于相鄰賓客之間的交誼。與中國飲食方式的差異更為明顯的是西

10、方流行的自助餐。此法是: 將所有食物一一陳列出來,大家各取所需,不必固定在位子上吃,走動自由,這種方式便于 個人之間的情感交流,不必將所有的話擺在桌面上,也表現了西方人對個性、對自我的尊重。 但各吃各的,互不相擾,缺少了一些中國人聊歡共樂的情調。所以,歸根結底還是感性與理性之間的差異。但是,這種差異似乎在隨著科學的發(fā)展而 變的模糊。越來越多的中國人以不再只注重菜的色、香、味,而更注重它的衛(wèi)生與營養(yǎng)了。 尤其是在經歷了非典以后。還有,人們因為越來越繁忙的工作,覺得中餐做起來太麻煩,不 如來個漢堡方便等。這樣一來在飲食上差異也就不太分明了。中國人和西方人的飲食文化由于中西思想的不同,西方人于飲食重

11、,重科學即講求營養(yǎng),故西方飲食以營養(yǎng)為最高 準則,進食有如為一生物的機器添加燃料,特別講求食物的營養(yǎng)成分,蛋白質、脂肪、碳水 化合物、維生素及各類無機元素的含量是否搭配合宜,卡路里的供給是否恰到好處,以及這 些營養(yǎng)成分是否能為進食者充分吸收,有無其他副作用。這些都是烹調中的大學問,而菜肴 的色、香、味如何,則是次一等的要求。即或在西方首屈一指的飲食大國一一法國,其飲食 文化雖然在很多方面與我們近似,但一接觸到營養(yǎng)問題,雙方便拉開了距離。五味調和的烹調術旨在追求美味,其加工過程中的熱油炸和長時間的文火攻,都會使菜 肴的營養(yǎng)成分被破壞。法國烹調雖亦追求美味,但同時總不忘“營養(yǎng)”這一大前提,一味舍

12、營養(yǎng)而求美味是他們所不取的。尤其是20世紀60年代出現的烹調思潮,特別強調養(yǎng)生、減 肥,從而追求消淡少油,強調采用新鮮原料,強調在烹調過程中保持原有的營養(yǎng)成分和原有 的味道,所以蔬菜基本上都是生吃。所以說西方飲食之重營養(yǎng)是帶有普遍性的。平心而論,談到營養(yǎng)問題也觸及到中國飲食的最大弱點。盡管我們講究食療、食補、食 養(yǎng),重視以飲食來養(yǎng)生強身,但我們的烹調術卻以追求美味為第一性要求,致使許多營養(yǎng)成 分損失于加工過程中。近年來我國廚師參加世界烹調大賽,人家端上一個菜營養(yǎng)成分開列得 一清二楚,我們則拿不出這份材料。經人提問,亦瞠目結舌不知所云,大大地吃了啞巴虧! 我們從來都是把追求美味奉為進食的首要目的

13、。民間有句俗話:“民以食為天,食以味 為先”。雖然人們在贊譽美食時,總愛說“色香味俱佳”,但那是由于我們感受色香味的感覺 器官“眼、鼻、口”的上下排列順序如此。人們內心之于“色、香、味”,從來都是"味” 字“掛帥”的。由于中國人極端重視味道,以至中國的某些菜僅僅是味道的載體,例如公認的名貴菜海 參、魚唇、魚翅、熊掌、駝峰,其主要成分都是與廉價的肉皮相仿的動物膠,本身并無美味, 全靠用鮮湯去喂它,喂飽了它,再用它來喂人。這不就是地地道道的味道載體了嗎?中國人重視味道,也反映在日常言談之中,如家庭宴客,一俟主要菜肴端上臺面,主人 常自謙地說:"菜燒得不好,不一定合您的口味?!彼?/p>

14、絕不會說:“菜的營養(yǎng)價值不高,卡路 里不夠。”西方烹調講究營養(yǎng)而忽視味道,至少是不以味覺享受為首要目的。他們以冷飲佐餐,冰 鎮(zhèn)的冷酒還要再加冰塊,而舌表面遍布的味覺神經一經冰鎮(zhèn),便大大喪失品味的靈敏度,漸 至不能辨味;那帶血的牛排與大白魚、大白肉,生吃的蔬菜,白水煮豆子、煮土豆,雖有''味” 而不入“道”,凡此種種都反映了西方人對味覺的忽視。他們拒絕使用味精,更足以證明此 輩皆屬不知味之人,非“知味觀”之座上客也!基于對營養(yǎng)的重視,西方人多生吃蔬菜,不僅西紅柿、黃瓜、生菜生吃,就是洋白菜、 洋蔥、綠菜花(西蘭花)也都生吃。因而他們的“沙拉”有如一盤兔飼料,使我們難以接受。 現代

15、中國人也講營養(yǎng)保健,也知道青菜一經加熱,維生素將被破壞,因而我們主張用旺火爆 炒。這雖然也使維生素的含量下降,但不會完全損失,可味道卻比兔飼料好吃得多。因而中 國的現代烹調術旨在追求營養(yǎng)與味道兼顧下的最佳平衡,這當然也屬于一種"中庸之道”。規(guī)范與隨意西方人于飲食強調科學與營養(yǎng),故烹調的全過程都嚴格按照科學規(guī)范行事,牛排的味道 從紐約到舊金山毫無二致,牛排的配菜也只是番茄、土豆、生菜有限的幾種。再者,規(guī)范化 的烹調要求調料的添加量精確到克,烹調時間精確到秒。此外1995年第一期海外文摘 刊載的吃在荷蘭一文中還描述了 “荷蘭人家的廚房備有天平、液體量杯、定時器、刻度 鍋,調料架上排著整齊

16、大小劃一的幾十種調味料瓶,就像個化學試驗室?!敝袊呐胝{與之截然不同,不僅各大菜系都有自己的風味與特色,就是同一菜系的同一 個菜,其所用的配菜與各種調料的匹配,也會依廚師的個人特點有所不同。就是同一廚師做 同一個菜,雖有其一己之成法,但也會依不同季節(jié)、不同場合,用餐人的不同身份,加以調 整(如冬季味濃郁,夏季味清淡,婚宴須色彩鮮艷,喪宴忌紅色;窮漢殺饞應濃油厚汁,老 饕會餐宜新鮮別致)。此外還會因廚師自己臨場情緒的變化,做出某種即興的發(fā)揮。因此, 中國烹調不僅不講求精確到秒與克的規(guī)范化,而且還特別強調隨意性。對食品加工的隨意 性,首先導致了中國菜譜篇幅的-再擴大:原料的多樣,刀工的多樣,調料的

17、多樣,烹調的 多樣,再加以交叉組合,一種原料便可做成數種以至十數種、數十種菜肴。譬如最常用的原 料雞,到了粵菜大廚師手中,做出數十道以至上百道菜式都不在話下。其他原料也是如此。 因而在盛產某種原料的地方,常常能以這-種原料做岀成桌的酒席,如北京的“全鴨席”, 延邊的“全狗席”,廣東的"全魚席”、"全虹席”,長沙李和勝的"全牛席”,北京一些清真 飯館的“全羊席”以及北京砂鍋居的“全豬席”,比比皆體現了中國烹調的隨意性派生出琳 瑯滿目的菜式。分別與和合國學大師錢穆先生在現代中國學術論衡一書的序言中說:''文化異,斯學術亦異。 中國重和合,西方重分別?!?/p>

18、此一文化特征,亦體現于中西飲食文化之中。西菜中除少數湯 菜,如俄式紅菜湯(羅宋湯),是以多種葷素原料集一鍋而熬之外,正菜中魚就是魚,雞就 是雞,蝸牛就是蝸牛,牡蠣就是牡蠣。所謂“土豆燒牛肉”,不過是燒好的牛肉佐以煮熟的 土豆,絕非集土豆牛肉于一鍋而燒之。即使是調味的作料,如番茄醬、芥末糊、檸檬汁、辣 醬油,也都是現吃現加。以上種種都體現了 '西方重分別”。中國人一向以“和”與"合”為最美妙的境界,上講究"和樂”、'唱和”,醫(yī)學上主張 “身和”、“氣和”。我們更希望國家實現“政通人和”。而我們稱夫婦成婚為“合奩”,稱美 好的婚姻為“天作之合”;當我們表示崇敬之

19、心時,更以雙手“合十”為禮,而當一切美好 的事物湊集在一起時,我們將其稱譽為“珠聯(lián)璧合”。中國烹調的核心是"五味調和”即文子上德篇所稱之“水火相憎,鼎鬲其間,五 味以和”。呂氏春秋本味篇稱贊“五味以和”是“鼎中之變,精妙微纖,口弗能言,志 弗能喻”。中國的“五味調和論”是由“本味論”、“氣味陰陽論”、“時序論”、“適口論”所組成。 就是說,要在重視烹調原料之味的基礎上進行"五味調和”,要用陰陽五行的基本指導這一 調和,調和要合乎時序,又要注意時令,調和的最終結果要味美適口。所以中國菜幾乎每個 菜都要用兩種以上的原料和多種調料來調和烹制。即或是家常菜,i般也是葷素搭配來調和

20、烹制的,如韭黃炒肉絲、肉片炒蒜苗、腐竹炯肉、芹菜炒豆腐干而此等原料若西廚烹制, 則奶汁肉絲外加白水煮韭黃,或炸豬排佐以消水煮蒜苗,中國食客見如此中菜西做,自然是 '哭不得笑不得” ?而那地道的西菜,更是一塊牛排佐以兩枚土豆、三片番茄、四葉生菜, 彼此雖共處i盤之中,但卻"各自為政”,互不干擾。只待食至腹中,方能調和-起。 中 國人把做菜稱之為“烹調”,這意味著我們歷來將烹與調合為一體。西方原來有烹無調,現 在雖說也有了調,但仍屬前后分立的兩道工序。在食儀上,西方奉行分餐制。首先是各點各的菜,想吃什么點什么,這也表現了西方對 個性的尊重。及至上菜后,人各一盤各吃各的,各自隨意添

21、加調料,一道菜吃完后再吃第二 道菜,前后兩道菜絕不混吃。中餐則一桌人團團圍坐合吃一桌菜,冷拼熱炒沙鍋火鍋擺滿桌 面,就餐者東吃i嘴西吃嘴,幾道菜同時下肚,這都與西餐的食儀截然不同,都體現了“分 別”與"和合”的中西文化的根本差異。機械性與趣味性由于西方菜肴制作之規(guī)范化,烹調成為-種機械性的工作??系禄项^炸雞既要按方配 料;油的溫度,炸雞的時間,也都要嚴格依規(guī)范行事,因而廚師的工作就成為i種極其單調 的機械性工作,他有如自動化裝配線上的一名工人,甚至可由一機器人來代行其職。再者, 西方人進食的目的首在攝取營養(yǎng),只要營養(yǎng)夠標準,其他盡可寬容,因而今日土豆牛排,明 日牛排土豆,廚師在食客

22、一無苛求極其寬容的態(tài)度下,每日重復著機械性的工作,當然無趣 味可言。在烹調是一種,一如女作家三毛在沙漠中的飯店一文中說的:"我一向對做家事十 分痛恨,但對煮菜卻是十分有興趣,幾只洋蔥,幾片肉,一炒變出一個菜來,我很欣賞這種 藝術?!弊霾思仁且婚T藝術,它便與其他藝術一樣,體現著嚴密性與即興性的統(tǒng)一,所以烹 調在中國一直以極強烈的趣味性,甚至還帶有一定的游戲性,吸引著以飲食為人生之至樂的 中國人。趣味的烹調在中國是有傳統(tǒng)的,出土的漢畫像庖廚圖,就很像-個大雜技團演出的 場面。杜甫麗人行中"彎刀縷切空紛綸”的詩句,提到的這種刀背上系了許多鈴鐺的刀, 據說當年唐代的廚師可以用它-邊

23、切菜-邊奏出丁冬的樂曲??上н@種刀和操刀的技巧都己 失傳了。涮羊肉以及與之相類似的四川麻辣火鍋、廣東海鮮火鍋之所以廣泛受人喜愛,一在其鮮 嫩熱,吃起來自在,二也在它把烹調的主要部分移到了餐桌上,讓人們邊吃邊體驗這趣味的 烹調。又如西安的羊肉泡饃,硬邦邦的饃,要客人自己動手掰成碎塊,似乎這要比廚師切碎 的吃起來更香些。北京風味“烤肉季”的烤肉之所以令人失望,令人感嘆今不如昔,也正在 于它把自己動手改成了 “君子動口不動手”。這一改,改得興味索然,吃著那么不是味兒, 這都是不懂得中國的趣味烹調,瞎指揮出的悲劇如此追求烹調中的樂趣,在西方廚師是絕對 不為的。西方人的信條是“工作時工作,游戲時游戲”,

24、從他們那種機械論的兩分法看來, 工作中的游戲是失職,游戲中工作是賠本的買賣,都是"吾不為也” ?而對于崇尚融會貫通 的中國人來說,“工作中有游戲,游戲中有工作”,方是人間正道。烹調一直為中國人視為極大的樂趣,并以從事這一工作為充實人生的積極表現。有道是 “上有天堂,下有廚房”,烹調之于中國,簡直與、舞蹈、詩歌、繪畫一樣,擁有提高人生 境界的偉大意義。Brief Discussion of differences between Chinese and Western food cultureFood products as regional characteristics, clim

25、ate environment, customs and other factors, will appear in the raw materials, flavors, cooking methods, eating habits at different degrees of difference It is because of these differences, food products have a strong regiona1. Cultural differences between Chinese and Western food culture creates dif

26、ferences, but this difference different from the Western way of thinking and philosophy of life Chinese people pay at ten tion to "Heaven", Wes terners focus on ,zpeople-oriented. Here a brief talk from the following three aspects of cultural differences between Chinese and Western food Fi

27、rst, the concept of two different dietsComparison of focus on taste of Chinese food, Western food is a ratiorrnl concept. Regardless of food color, aroma, taste, how to shape and nutrition must be assured that one day pay at ten tion to int ake of calories, vitamins, prot ein and so on. Even the sam

28、e taste, also must eat - because nutritious. The food concepts to the whole of Western philosophy is compatible Metaphysics is the main features of Western Philosophy. The object of study of Western philosophy for the reason of things, things and objects often metaphysical grounds, consistent with e

29、ach other metaphysical reason, they form a metaphysical philosophy. Western culture has brought this philosophy to life, make it the natural sciences, psychology, methodology achieved rapid development But in other respects, this philosophy advocates greatly impeded the role, such as food culture In

30、 the banquet may pay attention to tableware, attention to materials, pay attention to service, attention to vegetables, raw materials, shape and color with respect; but no matter how high-end luxury from Los Angeles to New York steak is only one flavor, not art is tic at all. As dishes, chicken is c

31、hicken, steak is steak, even with matching, that is conducted in the session, a "French lamb chops", while up mashed potatoes, side lean lamb chops, cooked green beans with the other side, add a few pieces tomato and serve. The color contrast, but the taste of the varie ty of mat erials in

32、depende nt of each other, reconcile, each is different in flavor, simple and clear.Chinese people attach great importance to "eat", and "Food," this proverb to that we see with the day to eat is as important Because our nation for thousands of years in a low level of productivity

33、, it is always enough to eat is why we have one kind of unique in the food see food culture above all else, I think, it is probably out of a survival need it. If as a culture to eat first thing, then there will be two phenomena: on the one hand this will eat into full play to the extreme, not only s

34、urvive, but also use it to maintain health, which is "drug tonic as the cultural basis; the other hand, eating too much attention, will make people praise the pursuit of deliciousChinese cooking technique in pursuit of delicious almost extreme, and the Chinese people living overseas have to ope

35、n a resnt for the industry in the world we want to set tie down into the root! Unfor turrnt ely, when we consider the pursuit of delicious as the first requirement, we have neglected the most fundamental nutritiorrnl value of food, many of our traditional food to go through the long slow fire hot ra

36、violi fried and boiled, so the nutritiorrnl content of dishes destruetion, many nutrients are lost during processing of the Hence the mention of the nutritional problems, in effect, goes to the biggest weakness of Chinese food culture Folk saying goes: "Food, food to taste first It is this purs

37、uit of delicious, down so that we overlook the true meaning of eatingChinese cuisine in the tasting, they tend to say that this dish "delicious" dishes that "taste bad; However, to further ask what "delicious, why "delicious, " "delicious" Where, I am afraid t

38、hat is not easy to clear This shows that Chinese people eating in pursuit of a hard to explain in words of Mood,that is, use of commonly called "color, smell, taste, shape, device, " to put this "state" specific, probably still difficult to cover all hisThe reason why Chinese foo

39、d has its unique charm, the key lies in its taste And delicious produce, is to reconcile, to make the food taste, cooked taste after heating, plus ingredients and excipients, flavor and seasoning to reconcile the flavor, mixed with the integration of coordination, so that complement each other, mutu

40、al penetration, perfect harmony You have me, I have you. China cuisine stresses the harmony of the United States, is the essence of Chinese culinary art of office. Point of the shape and color vegetables are external things, but taste is some thing internal, rat her t han delibera te modif ica tion

41、of the internal re-appearance, flavor and not too heavy dishes expose dishes the shape and color, this is China and the United States concept of food The most important performanceIn China, the diet has suppressed U.S. pursuit of rationality, this concept with the traditional Chinese diet philosophy

42、 is consistent As a representative of the Chinese philosophy Eastern philosophy, its distinguishing feature is the macro, intuitive, vague and elusive Chinese food production is to reconcile Ding Nai, ultimate goal is to reconcile a kind of good taste The stress is measured, is overall co-ordination

43、. It contains a wea1th of dialectical thought of Chinese philosophy, all to the good taste of food, harmonization for the degree, degree within the ever-changing decision of the rich and the rich Chinese food changes, det ermine the charac teris tics of China,s Cai Cai system and even every cook cha

44、racteristics.Second, differences between Chinese and Western food objectWesterners think the cuisine is eat, so a large piece of meat-eating, whole chickens and other z,hard food China's cuisine is zztaste", so the Chinese cooking at the selected materials also show great randomness: many W

45、esterners as discarded things in China are excellent raw materials, foreign chefs can not handle things, the hands of a chef in China, we can achieve the impossible Indicates the Chinese food in the materials used for the extensive arbitrar y.According to a survey of Western botanists, Chinese food

46、has more than 600 kinds of vegetables, six times more than in the West In fact, in Chinese cuisine, the vegetarian is a common food, meat dishes only on holidays or higher standard of living, before entering the normal diet, so ancient it will have "fresh vegetables", which eat vegetables

47、in the diet in the usual dominant. Chinese plantbased dishes, and Buddhist advocacy of thread 10000 wire with 1000 links They see animals as beings, while the plant is no soul, so, advocates vegetarianismWestern diet in introducing the characteristics of their own country, I feel more attention than

48、 the Chinese to reasonable nutrition, there are more developed food industries, such as canned food, fas t food, etc. , alt hough the same taste, but to save time, and good nutrition, it is their country than the Chinese people generally robust body: tall, long legs, broad shoulders, muscular develo

49、pment; the Chinese people will look tall and skinny, short legs, narrow shoulders, weak quality color yellow. According to the Western diet was significant difference in the characteristics of the object, called the plant the Chinese character, Westerners called the animal character In the diet, the

50、 different waysIn Western diets are very different, these differences also have an impact on the national character In China, a banquet, no matter what purpose, only have one form that we lost in a fog sitting around, sharing one seat Use round一table banquet, which created a unity in form, courtesy

51、of Fun atmosphere Delicious food on the table,s cent er, It is the t able of people apprecia te and enjoy the objects, but also a table of people exchange feelings vehicle. People to toast each other for food and advised food, in the face of good things, reflects the mutual respect between people, c

52、ourtesy of the United States and Germany. Alt hough from the hea 1th poin t of view, t his die t has obvious shortcomings, but it is consistent with our nati on, "happy, " the general st ate of mind, ref lec ting the classical Chinese philosophy "and" thinking in this area the im

53、pact on future generations, to facilitate collective emotional communication, which so far is difficult to reformWestern-style banquets, the food and wine, although very important, but in fact it is as a fo訂.Friendship is the core of the banquet, with guests sitting next to the conversation between

54、the purpose of friendship If the friendship of the banquet and dance analogy, it can be said that Chinese banquet is like a dance, and Western-style banquet is like a dance of men and women. Thus, Chinese style banquet dinner and the purpose of friendship is very obvious, but more Chinese banquet of

55、 friendship reflected in the All seats, while the Western-style dinner and more ref lec ted in the friendship bet ween the neighboring gues ts. Differences with the Chinese diet is more clear that Wes tern popular buffe t This met hod is: all the food 11 are listed, all what they want, not fixed to

56、the seat to eat, move about freely, this way to facilitate communication bet ween individuals, the emotional, if not all of the t able also reflects the the Westerners on the personality of the self-respect However, eat all of, each disturbance, the lack of some Chinese people celebrating together t

57、he moodof talkingSo, after all, or emotional and rational differences between them However, this difference seems to change with the development of science and the fuzzy More and moreChinese people tonot only pay attention to color food,smell and taste,and more emphasis on its health andnutrition of

58、 theAtypical pneumonia, especially afterexperiencing Also, because more people are busy working,that Chinese food can not be bothered to do than to a hamburger and convenient As a difference in the diet also not clear when.Chinese and Western food cultureBecause the different Chinese and Western tho

59、ught, Westerners in the diet weight, heavy science that emphasizes nutrition, so the highest Western diet to nutrition guidelines, food is like a biological machine fueled, in particular about a food,s nutrient composition, protein, fat, carbohydrate , vitamins and inorganic elements in various type

60、s of content is appropriate with, the supply of calories is just right, and these nutrients are those who can eat the full absorption, with or without other side effects. These are cooking in the college asked the dishes of color, smell and taste what the requirements are inferior. That is second to none in the Western diet, or big countries - France, its food culture, though


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