1、n一、詞字對等 (X-P22)Marxism 馬克思主義 Aspirin 阿司匹林radar 雷達New York 紐約 Peking University 北京大學(xué)激光 laser白血病 leukemian三、一詞多義cousin堂兄、堂弟、堂姐、堂妹、表哥、表弟、表姐、表妹、卿president總統(tǒng)、總裁、主席、董事長、議長、會長、社長、校長carry搬、運、送、提、拎、挑、擔(dān)、抬、背、扛、摟、抱、端、舉、夾、捧n四、詞語搭配 (F-P9-13)1) run a race 參加賽跑2) run for presidency競選總統(tǒng) 3) run to sbs aid 趕去幫助某人4) ru
2、n aground(船)擱淺 5) run wild發(fā)狂 6) run to extremes 走向極端7) run the streets流浪街頭8) run a hare 追捕野兔追捕坐車不買票的人13) run oil 提煉石油14) run sb into difficulties使某人陷入困境 15) run the risk of 冒著的危險16) run ones eyes down a list 匆匆看一下單子17) run a simile too far把一個明喻用得牽強附會18) run a fever 發(fā)燒19) run a sword through sb用刀刺穿某人
3、20) run a thread through an eyelet 把線穿過小孔21) run ones head into a wall撞南墻,碰壁22) The idea runs in his mind. 這個念頭縈繞在他的腦海里。23) The street runs north. 大街向北延伸。24) The news runs rapidly in the town. 這個消息迅速在鎮(zhèn)上傳開。1)上班 to go to work; to be on duty 2)上報 to appear in the newspaper3)上膘 (of animal) to become fat
4、4)上場 to appear on the stage (court) 5)上當 to be taken in6)上燈 to light the lamp7)上吊 to hang oneself 8)上凍 to freeze9)上墳 to visit a grave to honor the memory of the dead10)上供 to offer up a sacrifice 11)上鉤 to rise to the bait 12)上火 to get angry 13)上進 to make progress 14)上課 to attend class 15)上口 to be sui
5、table for reading aloud16)上路 to set out on a journey 17)上馬 to mount a horse 18)上門 to visit; to shut the door19)上年紀 to be getting on in years 20)上任 to take up an official post 21)上臺 to come to power22)上膛 (of a gun) to be loaded 23)上相(上照)to come out well in a photograph; to be photogenic24)上刑 to put s
6、b to torture 25)上演 to perform 26)上陣 to go into battle 27)上癮 to be addicted (to sth)28)干部要能上能下。A cadre should be ready to take a lower as well as a higher post.29)隨函附上2角錢郵票1張。Enclosed herewith is a 20-fen stamp.30)這一盤你上。You play this game.31)行李還沒上架。The luggage has not been put on the rack yet.32)我來給門
7、上漆。Let me paint the door.33)這事已上了電視。It has been publicized on TV.34)表該上了。The watch needs winding.35)一連上了好幾道菜。Several courses were served in succession. 1) man and his wife丈夫丈夫和妻子2) officers and men官和兵兵3) his man Friday他的仆人仆人禮拜五(丹尼爾迪福魯濱遜漂流記)man男子漢男子漢sophisticatedsophisticated狡黠的狡黠的老練的老練的sophisticated
8、高度精密的高度精密的尖端尖端n五、上下文意義 (contextual meaning) 所謂表達得體就是使譯文恰如其分,不僅和原文的意思相符而且和原文的風(fēng)格相符。如何在翻譯中做到表達得體?1. 一定要聯(lián)系上下文,這是確定詞義、表達得體的基礎(chǔ)。2. 注意文字表達的分寸與褒貶。3. 活用詞典,即不能照抄詞典上的譯文。只能根據(jù)各種詞典所賦予的基本意思,融會貫通,自己創(chuàng)造出恰如其分的措詞或詞典上碰巧合適的譯文。4. 充分發(fā)揮漢語和英語的優(yōu)勢,使譯文更地道,做到精益求精。英、漢語各有自己的優(yōu)勢。如漢語中四字成語很多,使用得當,無疑會使譯文大生光彩。另外漢語的同義詞很豐富,選準了就會文語得體,選錯了就會釀
9、成笑話。1) He was badly wounded in the head. 他頭部頭部受重傷。2) You should use your head a bit.你該用一下自己的頭腦頭腦。3) He has a good head for mathematics.他的數(shù)學(xué)能力能力很強。4) The dinner cost us five dollars a head.這頓飯花去我們每人每人5塊錢。5) Prick with the head of a needle.用針尖針尖挑。6) He was standing at the head of the staircase.他站在樓梯的頂
10、端頂端。7) Lets discuss the question under five heads.讓我們分5個題目題目來討論這個問題。8) The head of his bed was piled with books.他的床頭頭堆滿了書。9) Present at the meeting were the heads of government of the four countries.出席會議的有4國政府的首腦首腦。10) Go and ask the head of our department.問我們系的頭頭去。11) Heads of tails?正面正面還是反面?12) Wh
11、ere is the head?廁所廁所在哪里?(船上用語)1)這娃娃頭頭真大。The baby has got a big head.2)她正在梳頭頭。She was combing her hair.3)他的女兒在山頭頭上玩。His daughter is playing on the top of the hill.4)一輛小車停在橋西頭頭。A car was parked at the west end of the bridge.5)讓我從頭頭講起吧。Let me tell the story from the very beginning.6)他把鉛筆頭頭扔了。He has thr
12、own away the pencil stub (stump).7)她是我們組的頭頭兒。She is the head (chief) of our group.8)他們是一頭頭兒的。They are on the same side.9)事情不能只顧一頭頭。We mustnt pay attention to only one aspect of the matter.10)這還是我頭頭一次來杭州呢。This is the first time I have been in Hangzhou.11)我們有30頭頭牛。We have thirty head(s) of cattle.the
13、previous1) Please tell me, if you can help me.= Please tell me in case you can help us. 如果你能幫助我們,請告訴我一下。= Please tell me whether you can help us.請告訴我,你是否能幫助我們。2) Im sure Ill beat John this time.= Im sure Ill defeat John this time. 我這次肯定會(在比賽中)戰(zhàn)勝約翰。= Im sure Ill hit John this time. 我這次肯定要揍約翰一頓。3) We
14、have no spring here.= We have no spring season here.我們這里沒有春天。= We have no mechanical spring here.我們這里沒有彈簧。= We have no fountain here.我們這里沒有泉水。4) He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom. (F-P18-19)我們又一次領(lǐng)受了他那廣博的廣博的知識、豐富的豐富的經(jīng)驗和無窮的無窮的智慧。5) In every Chinese city, we got in
15、to the streets, shops, parks, theatres and restaurants.在中國我們每到一個城市,就逛逛大街、逛逛商店、逛逛公園、上上劇場、下下飯館。 英美動物學(xué)家把所有動物分為三大類,即predator, prey和scavenger。predator指靠捕食其它動物為生的,如虎、狼。prey是指為其它動物所捕食的,如野兔、山羊。scavenger是指自己不殺生,專吃別的動物殺死的動物的,如禿鷲、鬣狗。中國動物學(xué)家沒有這種分法,因而這三個詞漢語都沒有相應(yīng)的對等詞。翻譯時就需要創(chuàng)造,或用解釋來進行釋義。如:predator以獵食其它動物為生的動物 (Fan-
16、P24)prey被別的動物捕食的動物scavenger吃死動物的動物 這種釋義清楚明確,也可以為讀者所接受,但不是翻譯。這時需要進行創(chuàng)造。創(chuàng)造時要注意兩個原則:一是意思準確明白,一是易為讀者所接受。如把predator 譯為“掠奪者”或“掠奪動物”,就不能為漢語讀者所接受。因為讀者不明白是什么意思。若把predator譯為“食肉動物”,prey譯為“食草動物”,這種譯法可以為漢語讀者所接受,但意思不明確。因為predator的主要特點是“殺生”,不是“食肉”。老鼠偷吃也包括肉食,但不殺生,不能算 predator。prey的特點是“被吃”而不是“吃草”。有的動物既是 predator (因捕食
17、其它動物)又是prey(被另一動物捕食),如蛇吃青蛙、田鼠,是predator,但又被鷹吃,所以又是prey。又有人把predator譯成“猛獸”“猛禽”,這當然符合漢語習(xí)慣,因漢語本來就有猛獸、猛禽這類詞,但用它來翻譯predator不合適,也不準確。蜘蛛是predator,但它既不是猛禽更不是猛獸。麻雀有時也捕食小蟲,也是predator但誰也不把麻雀叫做猛禽。有人把scavenger譯成“食腐動物”,這也不準確。因為從漢語字面上看給人一種印象,即這種動物專吃腐爛的食物。其實不然。scavenger 的特點是它自己不殺生,而專吃別的動物殺死后吃剩下的東西,并不是吃腐爛的尸體。因此上述幾種譯
18、法都不理想,都是不可取的。根據(jù)上述原則可以考慮把這三個詞翻譯如下:predator獵食動物prey被食動物scavenger 食尸動物六、原文與譯文在文體、語域、比喻形象和感情色彩上的對應(yīng) (F-P16)1) to go to sleep長眠2) to be no more沒了,不在了3) to close ones eyes閉眼,合眼4) to lay down ones life獻身5) to die a martyr犧牲6) to expire逝世7) to pass away去世,與世長辭8) to end ones day壽終9) to breathe ones last咽氣,斷氣1
19、0) to go west歸西天,歸西11) to come to a violent death橫死,兇死,強死,死于非命12) to give up the ghost見閻王13) to kick the bucket翹辮子,翻白眼14) to kick up ones heels蹬腿,伸腿15) to answer the last call授命16) to abandon the world棄世,謝世17) to pay the debt of nature了解塵緣18) to depart to the world of shadows命歸黃泉19) to pass over to
20、the great beyond跨鶴西游(見馬克思)20) to go to glory(尊翁)仙游,仙逝21) to return to dust入土22) to join the choir invisible入寂,歸寂23) to release souls from suffering超度24) to go to Nirvana去極樂世界25) to demise崩,薨Unit 4 Conversion 詞類轉(zhuǎn)換CONVERSION在翻譯過程中,根據(jù)譯文語言的習(xí)慣進行詞類轉(zhuǎn)換,如:把原文中的名詞轉(zhuǎn)換為動詞,把原文中的副詞轉(zhuǎn)換為介詞,等等。(F-P66)CONVERSION1. Viet
21、namese War is a drain on American resources.越南戰(zhàn)爭不斷地消耗美國的資源。(名轉(zhuǎn)動)2. The government called for the establishment of more technical schools.政府號召建立更多的技術(shù)學(xué)校。(名轉(zhuǎn)動)CONVERSION3. I am so grateful to my father for his continuous encouragement during my childhood.我非常感激父親,因為在我小時侯他總是不斷地鼓勵我。4. Millions of the peop
22、le in the mountainous areas are finally off poverty. 千百萬山區(qū)人終于擺脫了貧窮。(介轉(zhuǎn)動)CONVERSION5. What are you after?你追求什么?(介轉(zhuǎn)動)6. It was a very informative meeting.會上透露了許多信息。(形轉(zhuǎn)動)CONVERSION7. It was officially announced that Paris is invited to the meeting.官方宣布,巴黎應(yīng)邀出席會議。(副轉(zhuǎn)名)8. I am no drinker, nor smoker. 我既不喝
23、酒,也不抽煙。(名轉(zhuǎn)動)CONVERSION9. He objected that the plan is not practical.他反對的理由是:這個計劃不現(xiàn)實。(動轉(zhuǎn)名)10. The volume of trade has increased tremendously to the advantage of both countries. 貿(mào)易的巨增給兩國帶來了益處。(動+副 轉(zhuǎn) 形+名)CONVERSION11. Independent observers have commented favorably on the achievements you have made in t
24、his direction.有獨立見解的觀察家們對你們在這方面取得的成就給予了很好的評價。(動+副 轉(zhuǎn) 動+形+名)CONVERSION12. Traditionally, there had always been good relations between them.他們之間一直有著傳統(tǒng)的友好關(guān)系。(副轉(zhuǎn)形)13. We have known a similar past of humiliation and exploitation.在過去,我們都同樣遭受到凌辱和剝削。(形轉(zhuǎn)副)CONVERSION14. We are enemies of all wars, but above al
25、l of dynastic wars.我們反對一切戰(zhàn)爭,特別是反對王朝戰(zhàn)爭。(系表結(jié)構(gòu)+of 轉(zhuǎn) 動)CONVERSION15. There is a big increase in demand for all kinds of consumer goods in every part of our country.目前我國各地對各種消費品的需要量已大大增加。(形+名 轉(zhuǎn) 副+動)CONVERSION16. What kind of sailor are you?你暈不暈船?(be a bad sailor 暈船;be a good sailor 不暈船)(形+名 轉(zhuǎn) 動)17. Paren
26、ts love of children is perfect and minute.父母愛子女無微不至。(名+介 轉(zhuǎn) 動)CONVERSION18. On these issues, Stalin was subjective and one-sided.斯大林在這些問題上,陷入了主觀性和片面性。(系表結(jié)構(gòu) 轉(zhuǎn) 動賓結(jié)構(gòu))CONVERSION19. It is impossible to live in society and be independent of society.生于社會,不能脫離社會。(be+形+of 轉(zhuǎn) 動)CONVERSION20. The delegates at th
27、e conference unanimously expressed their determination to oppose hegemonism on the part of that superpower.會上,代表們一致表示堅決地反對那個超級大國的霸權(quán)主義。(名轉(zhuǎn)副)CONVERSION21. Thousands of Chinese overseas have asked to be permitted to return to China, but they have met with all sorts of unreasonable obstacles, which have
28、 prevented them from returning to their motherland.成千上萬的中國僑民要求回國,但受到種種無理阻撓,以致不能回到祖國。(定轉(zhuǎn)狀)CONVERSION22. For 20 years we were passive witness to the deterioration of prices of our raw materials and an excessive increase of the prices of manufactured goods.我們在20年內(nèi)坐視原料價格下跌與工業(yè)品價格暴漲。(形+名 轉(zhuǎn) 副+動)CONVERSION2
29、3. Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study. 學(xué)習(xí)中的獨立思考是絕對必須的。(名轉(zhuǎn)形)CONVERSION24. 徐悲鴻畫馬畫得特別好。Xu Beihongs drawings (paintings) of horses are exceptionally good.(動 轉(zhuǎn) 名+of)25.“一定要少說空話,多做工作?!薄癟here must be less empty talk and more hard work.” (副+動+賓 轉(zhuǎn) 形+主)CONVERSION26. 林則徐認為,要成功地禁止鴉片買賣,就得首先把鴉片焚毀。Lin Zexu believed that a successful ban of the trade in opium must be preceded by the destruction of the drug itself.(副+動 轉(zhuǎn) 形+名;動轉(zhuǎn)名)CONVERSION27. 我兒子拉洋車。(F-P68)M
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