1、American Culture and SocietyWeek 1, An Introduction:The History of ImmigrationLife in AmericavWhat is life like there?vWhat kind of houses do they live in?vWhat kind of food do they eat?vWhat are their customs?vWhat do Americans believe in?vWhat do they value most?vWhat motivates them?vWhy do they b
2、ehave the way they do?vWhat are the most important factors influencing American life?vImmense size of the land vEthnic diversity-immigrationGroup discussion1. What sort of people do you think would choose to emigrate? Are they more likely social elites or vagabonds?2. For what reasons do you think p
3、eople would decide to leave their friends and relatives and what is familiar to live in a new nation?3. What benefits or contributions do you think immigrants can bring to a nation?4. Do you think as a nation of immigrants America suffers any problems? If yes, what are they?5. What do you know about
4、 the immigration policy of the U.S.? What purpose does such a policy serve?6. What do you think is the biggest difference between a nation of ethnic diversity and a nation of single nationality? Questions to keep in mind:vWho were/are they?vWhere did they come from?1.How were they received by the ma
5、instream society?The American peopleContentsvA Brief History of ImmigrationvCultural Pluralism in the United StatesvDiscussionvWhich group of people were the earliest immigrants? vHow did it establish its dominance in the New World? (group discussion)Population majorityPolitical and economic dominan
6、ce1st Wave of ImmigrationvWhich group of people were the old immigrants surging into the U.S. during the first wave from 1820 to 1890? vWhy did they leave their homeland in such a large number? vHow well did they adjust to the new environment?2nd Wave of ImmigrationvWhich group (the so-called new im
7、migrants) came during the second wave from 1890 to 1930? vDid they encounter the same environment as the old immigrants? vHow were they received by the mainstream society?3rd Wave of ImmigrationvWhat are the Characteristics of the current immigration wave (1965-now), the third wave? The Native Ameri
8、cansA large number of different tribes with variety of languages, beliefs, customs, etc.Trail of TearsEnglish Settlementv1607-Jamestown, Virginia v1620 settlement by Puritans at Plymouth, MAv1630s Maryland as a haven for Catholics OthervGeorgia and the Carolinas financed by English aristocratsvMiddl
9、e coloniesDutch and Swedish fur trade outpostsvPennsylvania founded by QuakersColonial Immigration:1680-1776vScots-IrishScattered; culture heritage not maintainedvGermans biggest (200,000); concentrated; prosperous; more opposition vConvicts and poor people from EnglandSum-upvGrowing diversity Facts
10、: By 1776, English dominance decreased from four fifths to 52%. African Americans compose 20%. vDominance of WASPs Cultural, political and economic of the Anglo-Saxon descendants was clear.The 1st Wave of Immigration:the “Old” Immigrants: 1820-1890vEuropean push factor: Industrial revolution Populat
11、ion growth Crop failure in IrelandvAmerican pull factor: Promise of cheap fertile land The Home Stead Act of 1862 The discovery of gold in CaliforniaSettlementThe largest groups in order werevGermans vIrish vBritonsvScandinaviansvOther peoples, including French Canadians, Chinese, Swiss and Dutch al
12、so came in large numbers.AssimilationvThe British seemed invisiblevScandinavians were ridiculed, but experienced less discrimination than other groups.vGermans were welcomed and stereotyped at the same time.vThe Irish suffered many forms of discrimination and were often stereotyped as dirty, lazy an
13、d drunken.vAnti-foreign agitation in the 1850s and 1860s.The 2nd Wave of Immigration:the “New” Immigrants: 1890-1930vThe largest groups were from Eastern and Southern Europe: Italians, Jews, Poles and Hungarians.vMany Mexicans, Russians, Czechs, Portuguese, Syrians, Japanese, Filipinos and others al
14、so cameChanged SituationvReligions, languages, manners, and costumes seemed exotic or incomprehensible. v Free land was no longer available. vImmigration ghettos Restriction on Immigration Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882Media coverage of the ChineseImmigration Restriction PoliciesvIn the 1920s, Congre
15、ss passed the National Quota Act. vIn 1924, The Asian Exclusion Act ended all immigration from Asian nations.vIn 1929, the National Origins Quota Act went into effect, which remained the legal framework for immigration until 1965. The 3rd Wave: 1965 to PresentvAsians and Latin Americans: By 1980 fou
16、r fifths were almost equally divided between Asia and Latin America. In 2002 three quarters of the legally resident foreign-born in the US were Latino (51%) or Asian (24%)vMillions of illegal immigrants crossed the borders.vSamuel Huntington, Who Are We: The Challenges to Americas National Identity,
17、 2005.Immigrants Being Inspected at Ellis Island vTiger Woods EffectvPolitically correctQuestions for discussionHave the immigrants created a brand new culture with a combination of their diverse traditions and customs? What hold these people together as a nation?vFor Alex de Tocqueville, it is:The tie of languageThe respect for lawThe notion of rightThe principles of freedomThe township systemvIn a word, democracy both as a spirit and institution that the European immigrants share in commonvMelting Pot vs. assimilation Israel Zangwill vCultural
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