1、第三節(jié)海上天氣現(xiàn)象0130. Steam smoke will occur when A.當()時會發(fā)生蒸汽霧Extremely cold air from shore passes over warmer water 從岸上來的極冷的空氣通過暖和的 水面上Warm dry air from shore passes over cooler water從岸上來的干燥暖和的空氣通過較涼的水面上Cold ocean water evaporates into warm air冷的海水蒸發(fā)進入暖和的空氣中Cool rain passes through a warm air mass 涼的雨通過暖和
2、的氣團蒸汽霧(steam fog, sea smoke )又稱蒸發(fā)霧。當冷空氣流經(jīng)比其溫度更高的暖水面 且溫差較大時,暖水汽的飽和蒸汽壓大于冷空氣的飽和蒸汽壓,水汽源源不斷地從暖 水面蒸發(fā),與冷空氣混合,在冷卻的過程中迅速凝結而成為蒸汽霧。蒸汽霧常發(fā)生在深秋季節(jié)寒冷早晨的湖面、河面或極地。0259 Which instrument is most useful in forecasting fog C.下列哪種儀器對預測霧最有效()A barometer 氣壓計 B. An anemometer 風速計A sling psychrometer空氣濕度計、干濕球濕度計A pyrometer高溫溫
3、度計0622. The type of fog that occurs on clear nights with very light breezes and forms when the earth cools rapidly by radiation is known as A. 1227睛朗無風的晚上,當?shù)孛嬉蚍涠鴮е聹囟燃眲∠陆刀纬傻撵F是()Radiation fog 幅射霧 B. Frontal fog 鋒面霧 C. Convection fog 對流霧D. Advection fog 平流霧輻射霧,主要是因為夜間地面輻射冷卻,使空氣中的水汽達到飽和所致,因此霧多發(fā) 生在夜最長、
4、氣溫最低的冬季或比較寒冷的冬半年。0926.D are experienced in temperate latitudes (溫帶地區(qū))during warn summer weatherbut rarely exceed Force 3 and may extend 10 to 15 miles on either side of the coastline()發(fā)生在溫帶地區(qū)暖和的夏季,風力很少超過3級,且很少進入海岸線兩邊各10至15 海里Trade Winds 信風 B. Winds of the temperate zones 溫帶地區(qū)的風 C. Monsoons 季風 D. Lan
5、d and Sea Breezes 海陸風信風:(又稱貿易風)指的是在地空從副熱帶高壓帶吹向赤道低氣壓帶的風。季風:由于大陸和海洋在一年之中增熱和冷卻程度不同,在大陸和海洋之間大范圍的、風向 隨季節(jié)有規(guī)律改變的風,稱為季風。形成季風最根本的原因,是由于地球表面性質不同,熱 力反映有所差異引起的。由海陸分布、大氣環(huán)流、大地形等因素造成的,以一年為周期的大 范圍的冬夏季節(jié)盛行風向相反的現(xiàn)象。0927.A blow more or less constantly (except when monsoons prevail) throughout allseasons at a mean speed
6、of around 14 knots and are generally strongest in the late winter()一般一年四季風向比較固定(當季風盛行時除外),風速大約為14節(jié)左右,且在冬末達 到最大。Trade Winds 信風 B. Winds of the temperate zones 溫帶地區(qū)的風 C. Monsoons 季風 D. Land and Sea Breezes 海陸風信風(trade wind )在赤道兩邊的低層大氣中,北半球吹東北風,南半球吹東南風, 這種風的方向很少改變,它們年年如此,穩(wěn)定出現(xiàn),很講信用,這是trade wind在中文中被翻譯成“
7、信風”的原因。0928.D_ forms over land,most frequently during autumn and winter over low-lying land, especially if it is damp and marshy and in valleys on quiet nights with clear skies.主要在秋天與冬天天氣晴朗的晚上形成于低平地表上面(特別是在濕地上或山谷中)的霧是 ()FRONTAL FOG 鋒面霧 B. MIXING FOG 混合霧 C. ADVECTION FOG 平流霧 D. RADIATION FOG 幅射霧0929.
8、 D is a type of fog occurring close to the sea surface when the air is dry and cold-probably at least 9C below the sea surface temperature.當空氣干冷,溫度至少低于海平面溫度9C時,一般發(fā)生在接近海面處的是() AMIXING FOG 混合霧 BADVECTION FOG 平流霧 CRADIATION FOG 幅射霧 D. ARCTIC SEA SMOKE北極海霧0930. C is the most widespread type likely to be
9、 encountered at sea and is caused byrelatively warm air being cooled by flowing over a cooler sea surface當相對暖和的空氣從較冷海面吹過時形成的霧,這種霧是海上可能遇到的范圍最大的霧,是 什么霧()A FRONTAL FOG 鋒面霧 B MIXING FOG 混合霧 C ADVECTION FOG 平流霧 D. RADIATION FOG 幅射霧平流霧(advection fog)是暖濕空氣移到較冷的陸地或水面時,因下部冷卻而形成的霧。通 常發(fā)生在冬季,持續(xù)時間一般較長,范圍大,霧較濃,厚度
10、較大,有時可達幾百米。0931. A _A is created by a pressure gradient or slope in the water level因壓力梯度或水面高低不同而形成的流是()gradient current 梯度流 B. density current 密度流 C. swift current 漂流 D. torrent current 洪流海洋里那些比較大的海流,多是由強勁而穩(wěn)定的風吹刮起來的。這種由風直接產(chǎn)生的 海流叫作“風海流”,也有人叫作“瞄”.由于海水密度分布不均勻而產(chǎn)生的海水流動, 稱為“密度流”.也叫“梯度流”或“地轉流”.海洋中最著名的海流是 黑
11、潮和灣流由于海水的連續(xù)性和不可壓縮性,一個地方的海水流走了,相臨海區(qū)的海水也就 流來補充,這樣就產(chǎn)生了補償流。補償流既有水平方向的,也有垂直方向的。在海洋 的大陸架范圍或淺海處,由于海岸和海底摩擦顯著,加上海流特別強等因素,便形成 頗為復雜的大陸架環(huán)流、淺內海環(huán)流、海峽海流等淺海海流。在研究海流的過程中,科學家們還常常按溫度特性,將海流分為暖流和寒流。還 有一種是海水受月球、太陽引潮力而產(chǎn)生的水平流動現(xiàn)象,是同潮汐一起產(chǎn)生的潮流。海流形成的原因很多,但歸納起來不外乎兩種。第一是海面上的風力驅動,形成 風生海流。由于海水運動中粘滯性對動量的消耗,這種流動隨深度的增大而減弱,直 至小到可以忽略,其
12、所涉及的深度通常只為幾百米,相對于幾千米深的大洋而言是一 薄層。海流形成的第二種原因是海水的溫鹽變化。因為海水密度的分布與變化直接受 溫度、鹽度的支配,而密度的分布又決定了海洋壓力場的結構。實際海洋中的等壓面 往往是傾斜的,即等壓面與等勢面并不一致,這就在水平方向上產(chǎn)生了一種引起海水 流動的力,從而導致了海流的形成。另外海面上的增密效應又可直接地引起海水在鉛 直方向上的運動。0932. A barometer showing falling pressure indicates the approach of a _B. 35 當氣壓計讀數(shù)下降時,說明()正在接近High pressure s
13、ystem 高壓系統(tǒng) B. Low pressure system 低壓系統(tǒng)C. High dew point 高露點 D. Low dew point 低露點0933. A hurricane moving northeast out of the Gulf passes west of your position You could expect all of the following EXCEPT D. 117有個颶風從墨西哥灣出來向東北方向移動,經(jīng)過你船西面,下列哪一項不可能遇到()higher than normal swells 比平常高的涌 B. high winds 大風wi
14、nds veering from south, through west,to northwest 風向從南至西再到西北順時針變化light showers 小陣雨0934. A katabatic wind blows C_.下沉風吹的方向是()Up an incline due to surface heating 由于地表加熱傾斜向上In a circular pattern 環(huán)形Down an incline due to cooling of the air 由于空氣冷卻傾斜向下Horizontally between a high and a low pressure area 在
15、高低壓之間水平流動即”冰川風。它往往出現(xiàn)在冰川上,這種風不受晝夜變化的影響,因為冰川的表面溫 度總是低于其上面的空氣溫度,所以它總是沿著下坡刮起。但在冰川向斜坡延伸的末 端處,也會出現(xiàn)上坡風,這種風的強度往往受冰川范圍大小的控制。0935. A sign of thunderstorm development is a cumulus cloud D. 190當看到積(雨)云呈()變化時,表明正在形成雷暴雨A . Darkening, growing in size and forming an anvil top 變黑,體積變大且形成砧狀頂部B . That shows extensive
16、vertical development 明顯向上發(fā)展C . Creating cold downdrafts that are felt on the ground 形成冷的向下的氣流或風D . All of the above 以上全是積雨云定義:濃厚龐大的云體,垂直發(fā)展旺盛,云頂隨云的發(fā)展逐漸展平成砧狀,并出現(xiàn)絲 縷狀的結構的直展云。常伴有雷陣雨。0936. A vessel entering the eye of a hurricane should expect _D. 240船舶進入颶風中心時會遇到()A . Moderating winds and heavy confused
17、seas to strike his vessel from all directions風速中等,浪高且雜,方向不定The winds to increase to hurricane force and strike from a different direction as the eye passes 颶風中心過境時,風力增至12級,風向固定The barometer to reach the lowest point 氣壓計讀數(shù)降到最低All of the above 以上全是0937. Altocumulus clouds are defined as B.高積云是()high c
18、louds 高層云 B. middle clouds 中層云 C. low clouds 低層云D. vertical development clouds 垂直發(fā)展的云0938. By plotting the analysis messages on weather charts, we are able to B_. 437通過在氣象圖上標繪分析資料,我們可以()prevent any possible accident at sea 防止任何海上事故prepare a reasonable forecast of the wind and weather 對風和天氣情況做出合理的預報h
19、elp the mariner to fix a accurate ships position 幫助海員精確定位aid the salvage of a ship in peril 幫助遇險船舶0939. Clouds with the prefix “nimbo” in their name D.表示云的英語單詞中帶有前綴“ nimbo”,表示()are sheet or layer clouds 層狀云have undergone great vertical development 向上發(fā)展彳艮快are middle or high altitude clouds 中、高云are ra
20、in clouds 雨云0940. Cumulonimbus clouds are formed by _A.積雨云由()形成vertical air movements 空氣垂直運動 B . heavy rainstorms 大暴雨C . horizontal air movements 空氣水平運動D . any movement of moist air濕潤空氣的任何運動0941. Cumulus clouds that have undergone vertical development and have become cumulonimbusin form,indicate C_
21、.積云經(jīng)過向上運動,外形上已經(jīng)形成積雨云形狀,表示()A . clearing weather 天氣晴朗 B . that a warm front has passed 暖鋒過境C . probable thunderstorm activity 有可能出現(xiàn)雷暴雨D . an approaching hurricane or typhoon 臺風或颶風接近0942. Customs, upon boarding a vessel desiring entry into PRC port, would inspect which document D.對于想進入中國的船舶,海關官員將檢查什么文
22、件()A . Cargo Manifest 載貨清單 B . Certified Crew List 持證船員名單C . Stores List 物料清單 D . All of the above 全是0943. Cyclones that have warm sectors usually move B_.帶有暖濕部分的氣旋一般移動情況如何()westerly 向西移動 B. parallel to the isobars in the warm sector 與暖濕部分的等壓線平行toward the nearest high pressure area 向著最近的高壓區(qū)移動faster
23、than the accompanying cold front 比伴隨的冷鋒快0944. Fetch is the B.風程指的是()Distance a wave travels between formation and decay海浪形成與消亡之間的距離Stretch of water over which a wave-forming wind blows風吹之后到水面形成波浪的距離Time in seconds required for two crests to pass a given point相鄰兩個波峰通過同一點的時間間隔Measurement of a waves st
24、eepness波的陡峭程度0945. Fog forms when the air _D.當空氣()時會形成霧Is 50% water saturated 相對濕度達 50%Is 90% water saturated相對濕度達 90%Temperature is greater than the dew point temperature 溫度高于露點溫度Temperature is equal to, or below the dew point temperature 溫度等于或低于露點0946. Good weather is usually associated with a reg
25、ion of B. 573()區(qū)域一般天氣比較晴好A. low barometric pressure 低壓 B. high barometric pressure 高壓C. falling barometric pressure 氣壓下降 D. pumping barometric pressure 氣壓急居上升0947. Haze is not caused by D_.霾,薄霧不是由()引起的A. forest fires 森林大火B(yǎng). smoke from industrial areas 工業(yè)區(qū)的煙dust or sand storms灰塵或沙塵暴water droplets wit
26、h the relative humidity more than 95% 相對濕度超過 95%時空氣中的水珠0948. High pressure ridge B_ from Sevastopol to eastern Libya.高壓脊從 Sevastopol ()至 eastern LibyaA. Reaching 到達 B. Extending 延伸 C. Increasing 增加 D. Upgrading 升級0949. Hurricanes may move in any directionHowever ,it is rare and generally of short du
27、ration when a hurricane in the Northern Hemisphere moves toward the _C. 605一般情況下,颶風可以往任何方向移動,不過,在北半球,往哪一方向移動的颶風很少出現(xiàn), 而且即使出現(xiàn)持續(xù)時間也很短A. West or northwest 西或西北 B. Northeast 東北 C. Southeast 東南 D. North 北 颶風(拼音:ju feng,英文:Hurricane )大西洋和北印度洋地區(qū)將強大而深厚(最大風速達32.7米/秒,風力為12級以上)的熱帶氣旋稱為颶風,也泛指狂風和任何 熱帶氣旋以及風力達12級的任何
28、大風。颶風中心有一個風眼,風眼愈小,破壞力愈 大。0950. If you are caught in the left semicircle of a tropical storm, in the Southern Hemisphere,you should bring the wind C.在南半球,如果你船處于熱帶氣旋的左半圓,你應操縱船舶使風從哪個方向來()On the starboard quarter, hold course and make as much way as possible右艉來風,盡快駛離2 points on the port quarter, and mak
29、e as much way as possible左艉2點來風,盡快駛離On the port bow,and make as much way as possible 左艏迎風,盡快駛離Dead ahead and heave to保持正船頭迎風0951. If you observe the point of cloud convergence shifting to the right and the “bar”of the appears to move along the horizon A_.如你觀察到云的聚合點向右移,且風暴的云墻沿地平線移動,說明()The center of
30、the storm will by-pass you 風暴中心將繞過你船The storm will strike you on the starboard side 風暴將從你船右側與你船遭遇You are in the direct path of the storm and should take immediate steps to batten down loosegear你船在風暴的進路上,應立即采取行動加固松動的設備The storm is starting to break up 風暴開始暴發(fā)0952. In reading a weather map,closely spac
31、ed pressure gradient lines would indicateA. 716在氣象圖上,如果等壓線間隔緊密,說明()A. High winds 有大風 B. High overcast clouds 陰天 C. Calm or light winds 平靜無風或輕風D. Fog or steady rain有霧或持續(xù)降雨0953. In regions near the poles, the winds are generally described as B.極地附近的風一般稱為()A. Westerlies 西風 B. Easterlies 東風 C. Northerli
32、es 北風 D. Southerlies 南風0954. In the doldrums you can expect B. 731在赤道無風帶,你會遇到()Steady, constant winds穩(wěn)定且風向不變的風Frequent rain showers and thunderstorms 經(jīng)常下陣雨或雷暴雨Steep pressure gradients 氣壓急劇變化Low relative humidity 相對濕度低0955. In the Northern Hemisphere a wind is said to veer when the wind A. 735在北半球,當我
33、們說風向“ veer ”時,說明風向如何變化()A. Changes direction clockwise, as from north to east, etc. 風向順時針變化,比如由北風變成東風等Changes direction violently and erratically 風向變化快速且劇烈Remains constant in direction and speed 風力風速保持不變Changes direction counterclockwise, as from south to east, etc. 風向逆時針變化,比如 由南風變?yōu)闁|風等0956. In the N
34、orthern Hemisphere, an observer at point II in the weather system should experience a wind shift from the A.在北半球,觀測者在天氣系統(tǒng)的兩點位置,將會觀測到風如何變化()Southwest, clockwise to northwest由西南順時針變化到西北Northeast, clockwise to west-southwest 由東北順時針變化到西面西Northeast, counterclockwise to northwest 由東北逆時針變化到西北East, counterc
35、lockwise to south-southwest 由東風逆時針變化到南南西0957. In the Northern Hemisphere, if your vessel is in a hurricanes navigable semicircle it should be positioned with the wind on the A_.在北半球,如果你船在颶風的可航半圓,你應操縱船舶使風從哪個方向來()Starboard quarter, hold course and make as much speed as possible 右艉來風,保持航向并快速駛離Port bow,
36、 hold course and make as much speed as possible until the hurricane has passed 左艏來風,保持航向盡快航行,直至颶風過境為止Port quarter, maintain course and make as much speed as possible左艉來風,保持航向并快速駛離Starboard bow and heave to until the hurricane has passed 保持右艏來風直至颶風過境0958. In the Northern Hemisphere, the right half of
37、 the storm is known as the dangerous semicircle because D.在北半球,風暴的右半圓一般稱為危險半圓,因為()Athe wind speed is greater here since the wind is traveling in the same general direction as the storms track由于風力與風暴移動方向一致,風速更高the direction of the wind and seas might carry a vessel into the path of the storm、 風的方向及海浪
38、可能會把船舶帶到風暴的進路上the seas are higher because of greater wind speed 因為風速更快,海浪可能更高All of the above 以上全是0959. In the Northern Hemisphere,when the wind at your location is northerly,the low pressurecenter causing the wind is located to your C_. 740在北半球,當你所處位置吹的是北風時,引起這種北風的低壓中心處于你船的什么方向()A. NNW 北北西B. WSW 西南
39、西C. ESE東南東D. SSW 南南西0960. In the relatively calm area near the hurricane center, the seas are C.在颶風中心相對比較平靜的區(qū)域,海浪()moderate but easily navigated中等,但船舶比較容易操作calm 平靜 C. mountainous and confused 巨浪且來向不定Dmountainous but fairly regular as far as direction is concerned巨浪,但風向還比較有規(guī)律0961. In the Southern Hem
40、isphere winds in a low pressure system rotate in a _A744在南半球,在低壓系統(tǒng)中,風向如何變化()clockwise direction 順時針方向 B. northeasterly direction 東北方向northerly direction 北 D. counterclockwise direction 逆時針方向0962. Isobars on a synoptic chart are useful in predicting C.在天氣大勢圖上,等壓線用來預測()A. Temperature溫度 B. Dew point 露點
41、 C. Wind velocity 風速Relative humidity 相對濕度0963. MAINLY VARIABLE 3 to 4 VEERING NELY 5 TOMORROW MORNING. This forecast refers to B_ in the designated area. 811風向不定,3到4級,明晨順時針變化成東北風5級。這段天氣預報指的是某特定區(qū)域的什 么天氣現(xiàn)象()A. visibility 能見度 B. winds 風 C. sea 海浪 D. fog 霧0964. MIST is caused by D.薄霧,靄是由()引起的A. forest
42、fires 森林大火B(yǎng). smoke from industrial areas 工業(yè)區(qū)的煙dust or sand storms灰塵或沙塵暴water droplets with the relative humidity more than 95%相對濕度大于95%時空氣中的水珠0965. Monsoons are characterized by C_. 826季風有什么特征()A. light, variable winds with little or no humidity 風力較小,風向不定,較干燥 Bstrong,gusty winds that blow from the s
43、ame general direction all year 風力較大,陣性風,全年來自同方向steady winds that reverse direction semiannually 風力穩(wěn)定,風向每半年反向變化一次strong, cyclonic winds that change direction to conform to the passage of an extreme low pressure system強風,風向順時針變化,與過境的極低壓系統(tǒng)相適應0966. Recurvature of a hurricanes track usually results in th
44、e forward speed A.颶風折回原來的路線,一般會導致前進速度()A. Increasing 增大 B. Decreasing 減少 C. Remaining the same 保持不變D. Varying during the day 一天中變化不定0967. Steady precipitation is typical of B.哪一種天氣系統(tǒng)的典型特征是持續(xù)降雨()Coming cold weather conditions 冷空氣到來A warm front weather condition 暖鋒天氣High pressure conditions 高壓系統(tǒng) D. Sc
45、attered cumulus clouds 零星積云0968. The direction of prevailing winds in the Northern hemisphere is caused by the C_.在北半球,盛行風的方向是由()引起的Magnetic field at the North Pole 北極磁場 B. Gulf Stream 墨西哥灣流C. Earths rotation 地球自轉 D. Arctic cold fronts 北極冷鋒盛行風(Prevailing Winds)又稱最多風向,是指一個地區(qū)在某一時段內出現(xiàn)頻數(shù)最 多的風或風向。通常按日、月、
46、季和年的時段用統(tǒng)計方法求出相應時段的盛行風向。盛行風帶往往與一地的環(huán)流條件有密切關系。例如,在中東緯度西風帶一般盛行西風, 在信風帶上往往盛行偏東風。但有時它也與局地地形有關。0969. The doldrums are characterized by B.赤道無風帶有何特征()Steady, light to moderate winds穩(wěn)定的小風或中等風B. Frequent calms經(jīng)常平靜無風Clear skies 天空晴朗 D. Low humidity 濕度低0970. The force resulting from the earths rotation that caus
47、es winds to deflect to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere is called _B. 1041 由于地球自轉偏向力,使北半球風向向右偏,南半球風向向左偏的力叫做()A. Pressure gradient 氣壓梯度力 B. Coriolis effect 科里奧效應 C. Aurora borealis 北極光Ballistic deflection 彈道偏差科里奧利效應(Coriolis force),是地球自轉偏向力,指的是由于地球沿著其傾斜的
48、 主軸自西向東旋轉而產(chǎn)生的偏向力,使得在北半球所有移動的物體包括氣團等向右偏 斜,而南半球的所有移動物體向左偏斜的現(xiàn)象。0971. The moisture equilibrium chart can be used to determine the _B濕度平衡表用來確定()A Absolute moisture content of the air surrounding a hygroscopic cargo when moisture equilibrium exists當濕氣達到平衡時,用來確定吸濕性貨物周圍空氣中水氣的絕對含量BDew point temperature that
49、the air surrounding a hygroscopic commodity will have when in moisture equilibrium commodity用來確定處于濕度平衡的吸濕性貨物周圍空氣中的露點C. Enthalpy (熱函)of the air surrounding a hydroscopic cargo which is in moisture equilibrium with the cargo當空氣中的濕氣與吸濕濕性貨物中的水氣處于平衡狀態(tài)時,空氣中的熱函 熱函:一個系統(tǒng)中的熱力作用,等于該系統(tǒng)內能加上其體積與外界作用于該系統(tǒng)的壓力的乘 積的總和
50、DTemperature at which moisture equilibrium will occur in a cargo hold containing a hygroscopic cargo在裝有吸濕性貨物的艙中濕氣達到平衡狀態(tài)時的溫度0972. The passing of a low pressure system can be determined by periodically checking the _C_可通過定時檢查()來確定低壓系統(tǒng)過境A. Thermometer 溫度計 B. Hygrometer 濕度計 C. Barometer 氣壓計D. Anemometer
51、 風速計0973. The southeast trade winds actually blow toward the _D.東南信風實際上吹向哪個方向()A. Southeast 東南 B. South 南 C. East 東 D. Northwest 西北0974. The strong wind will make us C here for some days.強風將迫使我船在這里(停留)幾天A. To stay B. Staying C. Stay D. Stayed0975. The thin, whitish, high clouds composed of ice cryst
52、als, popularly known as mares tails are A.薄薄的,由冰晶組成的白色高層云,看起來象免尾巴一樣的云是()A. cirrus 卷云 B. cirrocumulus 卷積云 C. altostratus 高層云 D. nimbostratus 雨層云0976. The wind is C and decreasing.風向正在()且風力正在減弱A. anticlockwise rotating 逆時針方向變化 B. anticlock rotating C. clockwise rotating 順時針 方向變化 D. clock rotating0977.
53、 Tropical cyclones are classified by form and intensity. Which system does not have closed isobars B.熱帶氣旋可根據(jù)其形狀及強度來分級,下列哪種天氣系統(tǒng)沒有封閉的等壓線A. Hurricane 颶風 B. Tropical disturbance 熱帶擾流 C. Tropical depression 熱帶低壓 D. Cyclone 氣旋0978. Two well-developed high pressure areas may be separated by a B. 1290兩個發(fā)展完整
54、的高壓可能被()隔開A . Hill of low pressure 低壓山 B . Trough of low pressure 低壓槽C . Valley of low pressure 低壓谷D. Ridge of low pressure 低壓脊水平氣壓場上,氣壓比兩旁偏低的狹長區(qū)域。從低壓區(qū)中延伸出來的狹長區(qū)域稱為低壓槽, 簡稱為槽,在海拔相同的平面上,如某一區(qū)域,氣壓低于毗鄰的三面而高于另一面。在天氣 圖上,低壓槽一般從北向南伸展。凡從南向北伸展的槽稱為倒槽,從東向西伸展的槽稱為橫 槽。槽中各條等壓線彎曲最大處的聯(lián)線稱為槽線。在對流層的中下部,低壓槽附近的氣流呈 輻合上升的形式,故
55、在低壓槽附近易產(chǎn)生氣旋等天氣系統(tǒng),并常伴有雨雪、大風、降溫等天 氣。0979. What is the first visible indication of the presence of a tropical cyclone or hurricaneC. 1390熱帶氣旋或颶風來臨前, 最先看 到的現(xiàn)象是()A . Stratocumulus clouds or strange birds 層積云或異常鳥類B . Rain and increasing winds 下雨且風力加大C . An exceptionally long swell 異常的長涌D . Dark clouds and
56、 the bar” of the storm 烏云及風暴云墻0980. What kind of conditions would you observe as the eye of a storm passes over your ships position A.當風暴中心經(jīng)過你船位置時,你會觀測到什么現(xiàn)象()Huge waves approaching from all directions, clearing skies, light winds, and an extremely low barometer巨大的浪從各個方向涌來,風力不大,氣壓極低Flat calm seas, he
57、avy rain, light winds, and an extremely low barometer海面平靜,大雨,輕風,氣壓極低Flat calm seas, heavy rain, light winds, and high pressure海面平靜,大雨,輕風,氣壓高Huge waves approaching from all directions, clearing skies, light winds, and high pressure 巨大的浪從各個方向涌來,天空晴朗,輕風,高壓0981. What kind of pressure systems travel in e
58、asterly waves B.哪一種氣壓系統(tǒng)往往與東風波一起產(chǎn)生()A. High pressure 高壓 B. Low pressure 低壓 C. Subsurface pressure 表面壓力D. Terrastatic pressure東風波easterlywave,熱帶地區(qū)低空信風和高空東風氣流中由東向西移動的一種波狀擾動, 屬熱帶天氣系統(tǒng)。東風波所經(jīng)過的地方一般伴有降水和壞天氣。東風波的發(fā)展,往往可促使 颶風或臺風的發(fā)生,它是熱帶地區(qū)研究得較早和較多的天氣系統(tǒng)之一。0982. When a hurricane passes into high latitudes over co
59、lder water and the source of heat is disrupted, the storm assumes the characteristics of _B. 1435當颶風進入高緯度較低冷的水面上而推動熱源,此時風暴呈現(xiàn)()的特征A. a high pressure area 高壓區(qū) B. an extratropical cyclone 溫帶氣旋C. a tropical storm 熱帶風暴 D. an easterly wave 東風波0983. When a hurricane passes over colder water or land and los
60、es its tropical characteristics,the storm becomes a (n) _B.當颶風進入較冷的水面上空時,失去了其熱帶氣旋的特征,這時叫做()A. a high pressure area 高壓區(qū) B. an extratropical cyclone 溫帶氣旋C. a tropical storm 熱帶風暴 D. an easterly wave 東風波0984. When a tornado moves over the water from land it is called a _B.當龍卷風從陸地上經(jīng)過水面時,叫做()A. Tornado 龍卷
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