1、Chapter One Introduction to English Rhetoric English Rhetoric1Page 2Contents of This Chapter. About the Course.Definition of Rhetoric.Classification of Rhetoric. Purpose of learning rhetoric. Arrangement and RequirementsPage 31.Optional course of English Major2. Learners: Seniors of English Major3.
2、Main content: About the CourseGeneral idea about English rhetoric a brief and interesting survey of the history of rhetoric with emphasis on several major classical rhetoricians and their theories and applicationCommunicative rhetoric the choice of words, the choice of sentences, paragraph and essay
3、 constructionAesthetic rhetoric: figures of speech (phonetic, syntactic, semantic, logic)Page 44. Assessment: Exam Total grades = 20% of Regular Grades + 80%of the Final Exam * Regular Grades consists of 10% of class attendance and 10% of assignments5. Text Book 胡曙中:現(xiàn)代英語修辭學(xué),上海外語教育出版社,2011年9月第1版6. Re
4、ference Books黃 任:英語修辭與寫作,上海外語教育出版社,1999.張秀國:英語修辭學(xué),清華大學(xué)出版社、北京交通大 學(xué)出版社,2005 李鑫華:英語修辭格詳論,上海外語教育出版社,2000Page 5Whoever does not study rhetoric will become a victim of it.Ancient Greek wall inscriptionHistories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep, moral, grave; l
5、ogic and rhetoric, able to contend.Francis Bacon Definition of RhetoricPage 6Plato and AristotleThe study of rhetoric goes back to ancient Greece, when speakers began to practice the art of persuasion in courts of law. The ancients realized that presentation is as important, or perhaps more importan
6、t, as facts.Page 72.1 Origin of Western RhetoricIt is said that the “art of rhetoric” originated in Syracuse錫拉庫扎(意大利西西里島東部一港市), a Greek colony on the island of Sicily, in about 465 B.C. When the dictators on the island were overthrown and democracy was established, people went to court to claim the
7、ownership of the land which had been taken from them during the dictators reign. However, the Greek system required that citizens represent themselves in court instead of hiring attorneys to speak on their behalf as we can today. Therefore, the rhetoric came into being to “make the best possible cas
8、e and to represent it persuasively to the jury” (Hu Shuzhong, 2011:433). Probate court 遺囑檢驗法庭Page 82.2 rhetoric and oratoryOratory: Oratory had been practiced long before the ancient rhetoricians developed a theory and a vocabulary for rhetoric.the foundation of rhetoricmore than ordinary speech but
9、 a special kind of public speaking (a special purpose, a special way, a special time)to impress, convince, or move the audience to action They then developed a set of principles for successful communication. These principles make up the art of rhetoric.Page 92.3Connotation of rhetoricOver the years
10、the word “rhetoric” has taken on a wide range of meaning. Negative connotations:skillful, but often deceptive, eloquencea fraudulent practice to deal exclusively with language, rather than with ideasPage 10Positive connotations:Historically, “rhetoric” had positive connotations, suggesting a commend
11、able skill with words. Today rhetoric, as it was in history, is something that people have to resort to.Rhetoric is generally understood as a tool or a method. Its content is more concerned with the Hows of what people are talking about than the Whats of what people are talking about. As a tool, rhe
12、toric is inherently neither good or bad. A deceitful person will use it to deceive and an ethical person will use it to make truth and justice prevail.Page 11Page 121. Cold war diplomacy and rhetoric2. As the clamor for basic skills continue to grow, it may be time for the fourth RRhetoricto reenter
13、 the classroom.3. Campaign promises have proved to be empty rhetoric. 4. Despite their tough anti-American rhetoric, the government is privately trying to maintain good relations with the U.S. 5. the rhetoric of filmDiscuss:Identify the different meanings of “rhetoric” in the following phrases/sente
14、nces:辭令修辭學(xué)花言巧語電影的修辭藝術(shù)言論Page 132.4 Definitions of rhetoricThe word “rhetoric” has been defined differently. a. The study and practice of effective communication. b. The study of the effects of texts on audiences. c. The art of persuasion. d. An insincere eloquence intended to win points and manipulat
15、e mnipjuleit others. 現(xiàn)代英語修辭學(xué)研究的是人類使用符號互相交流的能力,這種能力是人類所持有的,人類使用符號來構(gòu)建自己的世界,來認(rèn)識自我,來和其他人一起互動,使生活更有意義。Page 14通過對語言材料的選擇、調(diào)整、修飾,使語言美化,更好地交流思想,表情達意。所謂“調(diào)整”,主要指依據(jù)題旨(subject) 情境 (occasion / context)的需要,對詞語、句式、段落篇章作恰當(dāng)?shù)剡x擇和安排;所謂“修飾”,主要指恰當(dāng)?shù)剡x擇一些修辭手段、修辭方法,增強語言表達的藝術(shù)效能。調(diào)整的目的,就是要求語言準(zhǔn)確、鮮明,沒有絲毫的模糊,也沒有絲毫的歧義,使人家清楚、明白。 - 楊鴻
16、儒當(dāng)代中國修辭學(xué)Page 15Rhetoric is the art of ruling the minds of men.“ (Plato)Rhetoric may be defined as the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion.“ (Aristotle, Rhetoric)Rhetoric is the art of speaking well.“ (Quintilian)eloquence to persuade their fellows of the truth of
17、 what they had discovered by reason (Cicero)Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend.“ (Francis Bacon)讀史使人明智,讀詩使人聰慧,數(shù)學(xué)使人周密,自然哲學(xué)使人深刻,倫理學(xué)使人有修養(yǎng),邏輯修辭使人善辯.一種能在任何一個問題上找出可能說服方式的功能。Definitions in the pastPage
18、16Definitions in dictionaries published in the twentieth century“the art of using language so as to persuade or influence others; the body of rules to be observed by a speaker or writer in order that he may express himself with eloquence” The Oxford English Dictionary, 1933“the art or science of usi
19、ng words effectively in speaking or writing, especially of literary composition” Websters New World Dictionary of the American Language, 1972“the art of persuasive or impressive speaking or writing; language designed to persuade or impress (but perhaps insincere or exaggerated)” The Concise Oxford D
20、ictionary, 1982“l(fā)anguage used to persuade or influence people, especially by politicians; the art of speaking or writing to persuade or influence people” Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 1995Page 17 Classifications of rhetoric(1)Theoretical rhetoric(理論修辭) and practical rhetoric(實踐修辭): The
21、oretical rhetoric deals with theoretical problems of rhetoric; Practical rhetoric helps us improve our ability to use the English language effectively.(2) Communicative rhetoric(交際修辭) and aesthetic rhetoric(美學(xué)修辭)Page 18 Communicative rhetoric : (passive rhetoric) Emphasizes the choice of words and p
22、hrases, and selection of sentence patterns, organizing paragraphs and whole pieces of writing in such a way that ideas are expressed more clearly, more accurately and more appropriately and the best results are achieved in communication.Rhetoric of words(the choice of words);Rhetoric of sentence(the
23、 choice of sentences); Rhetoric of paragraphs(the arrangement of paragraphs ); Rhetoric of discouse(the discursive(推論的,論證的)patterns)Page 19E.g. a:她的耳朵上戴著兩只金色的大耳環(huán)。 b:她的耳朵上吊著兩只金色的大耳環(huán)。 c:她的耳朵上掛著兩只金色的大耳環(huán)。 d:她的耳朵上綴著兩只金色的大耳環(huán)。 e:她的耳朵上鑲著兩只金色的大耳環(huán)。 f:她的耳朵上搖著兩只金色的大耳環(huán)。We are very busy and have to be on time by
24、taking school bus every day.We are awfully busy and have to be punctuate by shuttle bus every day.We are as busy as bees, and have to be accurate like a space shuttle as commuters every day. Page 20例如:在Elizabeth Razzi寫的題為10 Ways to Lose Pounds 的文章中,“減肥”的表達竟有8種,文筆活潑,文采燦然:1. Try to shed a few extra po
25、unds? 2. Studies show these efforts may shave off the pounds quickly. 3. Here are ten simple strategies that can help melt away your fat forever. 4. like a logical way to peel off a few pounds. 5. roughly the amount needed to burn off one pound.6. You must eat less to lose weight. 7. A key obstacle
26、to dropping extra pounds is after-dinner snacking. 8. 10 Ways to Lose Pounds. 以上8句中的斜體字讓我們欣賞了英語詞匯的活力與風(fēng)采。 Page 21One more exampleEnglish offers a fascinating variety of words for many activities and interests.When we say a man is walking, we can also say that a man is marching, pacing, patrolling, st
27、alking, striding, treading, tramping, stepping out, prancing, strutting, prowling, plodding, strolling, shuffling, staggering, sidling, trudging, toddling, rambling, roaming, sauntering, meandering, lounging, loitering, or creeping.But each of them conveys to us a slightly different meaning. No matt
28、er which word we use, it should match our thought and suit to the occasion.Page 22stalk: 高視闊步, 大踏步走 stride:大踏步走; 跨過 tread: 步行于, 在上走; 踩(爛), 踐踏trudge trd :v. 沉重地走,蹣跚地走prance pr:ns v. 騰躍, 歡躍, 昂首闊步shuffle fl :拖曳,慢吞吞地走Sidle saidl : v. (偷偷地)側(cè)身而行saunter s:nt :v. 閑逛,漫步lounge laund :v. 閑蕩,懶洋洋地躺臥loiter lit :
29、v. 閑蕩,虛度,徘徊creep kri:p :v. 爬,徐行,蠕動Page 23Aesthetic rhetoric: (active rhetoric) Figures of speechPhonetic figures of speech (sounds);Syntactic figures of speech (structures);Semantic figures of speech (meanings)Logical figures of speech (reason)Alliteration, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia,Repeti
30、tion, anaphora, parallelism, antithesis,Climax, anticlimax, rhetorical question, Simile, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, Allegory, allusion, hyperbole, understatement, Irony, oxymoron, Page 24Communicative rhetoricconcise (簡潔)clear (清楚)precise / exact (精確)coherent (流暢)expressive (富于表現(xiàn)力) Aesthetic rh
31、etoricvivid (生動) -To form a picture in your mind.colorfulexpressivePage 25有學(xué)者指出:修辭與語法、邏輯的關(guān)系: 語法研究語言的結(jié)構(gòu)規(guī)律; 邏輯研究思維形式和思維規(guī)律; 修辭研究如何根據(jù)需要有效地使用語言,強化語言信息、提升語言感染力、增強語言表達效果的一種藝術(shù),一種說話、寫文章得體、優(yōu)美、有效的“美言術(shù)”。 也就是說:語法管的是“通不通”, 邏輯管的是 “對不對”, 修辭學(xué)管的是“好不好”。 Rhetoric、Grammar and LogicPage 26 Purpose of learning rhetoric To
32、 improve our ability to polish our writing. Best choice of wordsBest choice of sentence constructionsAppropriate use of figures of speech2) To improve our ability of analysis and appreciation.3) To improve our ability of comprehension and translation.4) To improve our flexible ability by rhetorical transformation.Page 27ExampleA invites B out to dinner, but B cant make it because he has another engagement. What would B say? Here are two versions:(1) “Im sorry I
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