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1、曲網(wǎng)左矣閆刃型璇 UKChON4J血 254ff3sl陽(yáng) r SaHSiHI (UKCHO 砂邨Mnfl-ZEIIlewBB楙E左聊回醐-。a-R)Imw回JHgl圈#茁昔肆砌召3聲-HIKI俳4HO 命W酸嶷曲呻何-觀迪羽血2戲3課葉7髒聖樣母7lggl汞糰芽閆器関UKChO54ff劉墜四 那+剤和就4ffs報(bào)娜軟測(cè)閒血妙豈陽(yáng)砂滋s完棄?mèng)逑钗黅OCB一2 ThjS questionaboHdetec-g mocus in SPaCeSeptember 224 the BBC announced59lradk astronomers had discovered -he 30 ComP一ex

2、 molecceOdaSPaCe FOUnd in .Sagittahus- B2(N) Ihergesstar-forming region 3 OUr GalaXy IthiSis -he firsi molecule defected Ma branched Carbon Chaim The SyStematiC name for -he molecuis 2me3y1 propane Mrile -t WaS found io be approximety 04 dmes as abundasas ItS StraEhVChained isonerThe mo 一 ecu-e WaS

3、defected from the radio sgns given 0 as it dropped from an excited energy Ieve- 0 IoWer OneA nitrile is molecule in WhiCh One Of -he CarbonS has a =iple bond -O nitrogen, (a) (D Daw the StrUCcre Of 24nethylp0panenitrHe=) DraW the StrUCcre and g_ve5e sysemabc name Of another nitrile .Somedc WHh2,me-a

4、sonomers3IeSS ac-ive regions Of SPaCendO have -5ear structures Therges- So far de-ected hase Un-ike-ylook5g fornluHpz (C) DraW -he S-HJCtUre Ofe -inear mocuWiihe formula Xo-z The Signa-S de-ec-ed 55e radio WaVe region Of5e elec-romagneuc SPeCtrUm are dueO Kansibons between ratna- energy -eve each Of

5、WhiCh has PartiCUr energy, Mo-ecu-es have many roiauona- energy -eve-s avai_ab_e 0 Ihem each -eve- With a different energy being SPeCmed bye SO-Ca一Ied 65bonquancm number J. WhiChkes,一eger E from O UPWard sThe energy (3jou_es) OfeSrogo-na- energy -eveL Ey is given by the fofmu-EJ關(guān) h B X J(JH) Where B

6、 Ue rotauonConStas Of 一 he 3o-0- (in HZ) h M p-ancks COnStaHM 6.62612 J s and 一rrte and formed ChlOride ions.GiVe an equation for the reaction between hydrogen PeroXkJe and hypochlorite.KyPoChlOrrteS also have a tendency to react Wrth ammonia and ammonia-like ComPOUndS to form mpouds COntaining nitr

7、ogen and ChlOnne. One SUCh COmPOUnd is nitrogen trichloride. WhiCh Can CaUSe eye irritation and Ihe distinctive SmeIl Of Swimmlng pls(i) GiVe an equation for the formation Of nitrogen trichloride.(ii) DraW a StrUCtUre for nitrogen trichloride, ShOWing its shape, and State the approximate CkN-Cl bond

8、 angle.DePending On reacting ratios, another POSSibIe OUtCOme Of Ihe reaction between ammonia and hypoChlorrte is the formation Of hydrazine. H2N-NH2. and ChlOride ions.(O GrVe an equation for this reaction.COPPer(II) SUtfate is SOmetimeS added to SWimming POOIS and this WaS also suggested as the Ca

9、USe Of the green lour. COPPer(II) ions Wefe also blamed for the green tint given to Ihe bleached hair Of the AmeriCan SWimmer Ryan LoChte The COPPer(Il) ions precipitate On the hair due to the high PH Of Certain sampsSUggeSt a formula for the blue PreCiPitate On Ryan LOChte,s h.2018年考題4. ThiS questi

10、on is about COUgh SUPPreSSantSIn SePtember 2017. the UK Prime MiniSterl ThereSa May, had a bad gh during her SPeeCh at the ConSerVatiVe Party COnferenCe- The COUgh suppressant drug Oextromethorphan, WhiCh is PreSent in ugh remedies SUCh as BenyIin. CoUld have helped her out. ThiS questiOn is about t

11、he SyntheSlS Of dextromethorphan. The SyntheSiS involves the formation Of SOme Str(Jng bds and SOme StabIe CarbOCations.DeXtromethorphan is Onen administered as the hydrobromide monohydrate salt.(a) In the anSWer bk. CirCle the atom in dextromethorphan that is PrOtOnated in the salt.(b) Determine th

12、e molecular formula Of dextromethorphan and hence CaIaJlate Ihe molar mass Of the dextromethorphan hydrobromkie monohydrate salt.The SyntheSiS Of dextRxnethorphan takes a number Of StePS. PteaSe note that in the SChemeS describing the Synthesis, by-products Of the reactions are not always shown.The

13、SyntheSiS Of dextromethorphan begins With the SyntheSiS Of COmPoUnd F.1 MgCOmPOUnd CCOmPOUnd EShICO2SOCh COmPOUnd A COmPOUnd B 3 M ZMzO IR 3100 Cm t(v9rybMO 1716 Cm (3h)A COmPOUnd D c -W 2 HZH2O CoIOUrIeSS gas X o mass of 44 01 g moi1COnIPOUnd CCOmPOUnd ECOmPOUnd FDraW the StUCtUreS Of COmPOUndS A.

14、B. C. D. E and g2019年考題4 ThiS question is about CarbOn dioxideThe food and drink industries USe a IOt Of Carbon dioxide DUring SUmmer 2018, a global ShOrtage Ied to SUPermarketS Iimiting frozen food deliveries and ratbning beer. ThiS is ironic COnSidering the domented rise Of atmospheric CO2 IeVeIs.

15、(a)(i) DraW dot and CrOSS diagrams for Carbon dioxide and CartXXI monoxide.(Ii) CalaJlate the difference in the OXIdatiOn State between the CarbOnS in CarbOn dioxide and in CarbOn monoxideThe EngIiSh ChemiSt WiIliam Henry StUdied the equilibria When a gas dissolves in a IiqUid He PrOPOSed Ihat Ihe C

16、onCentratiOn Of a gas dissolved in a IlqUld IS ProPOrt)Onal to the gas PartiaI PreSSUre When in the gas phase. The PrOPOrtialrty factor is CaIIed the HenrylS IaW nstant. The Henry S IaW ConStant for 82 is 3.3 1(2 mol dm3 atm1.SeaIed COntainerS Of fizzy drinks COntain dissolved CQ. ThiS dissolved CO:

17、 is in equilibrium With a SmaIl quantity Of gases CQ at the top Of the COn tain er.(b)(i) The Partial PreSSUre Of CO2 gas in a 250 n3 Can Of fizzy drink is 3.0 atm at25 0C. What is the COnCentratiOn Of CO2 in the fizzy drink?(H) What mass Of CO2 is ClISSOIVed in a 250 cm3 Can Of fizzy drink?If the C

18、an ctaned Onty the mass Of CO? CaICUIated in Part (O) as a gas. CaIaJlate the PreSSUre in Ihe Can When it is StOred at 25 C.Under What nditios WoUId CO2 gas be most SOlUble jn water?TiCk the COrreet OPtiOn in the anSWer bklet:high PreSSUre and IOW temperaturehigh PreSSUre and high temperatureIoW Pre

19、SSUre and IOW temperatureIOW PreSSUre and high temperature2020年考題2. ThiS question is about hydrogen as a fuelCart)On dioxide emissions from fossil fuels are a major factor in Climate change. Hydrogen is a Potenual alternative to fossil fuels. PrOViding ,dean energy* Wrth Only Water as a byproduct. T

20、he UK govemment is in vestIgatlng COnVeftIng the natural gas ghd to Carry hydrogen instead.FOr this question assume all PrOCeSSeS take PIaCe at 298 K.EnthaIPy Change Of formation Of CH4(g). f = -74.8 kJ moEnthaIPy Change Of formation Of CO?(g). = -393.5 kJ mo1EnthaIPy Change Of (Ofmation Of H2O( f -285 8 kJ mol*1EntroPy Change Of f


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