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1、Welcome to Inner Mongolia !2022/7/191內蒙古風情游2022/7/192Location1 2 3Daily Life4Contents Famous Scenic SpotGourmet Food2022/7/193Inner Mongolia2022/7/194location TheInnerMongoliaAutonomousRegion,borderingtothenorthwithboththeRepublic of MongoliaandRussia,isthewidestprovinceinChina(byitslatitude).Itisth

2、ethirdlargestChineseprovince(over1.1millionsquarekilometersor424,736squaremiles) but notverypopulated.Theprovincehasabout24millioninhabitants.Manyethnicgroupsarelivingin thisareaincludingMongolian,Daur,Oroqen,Ewenki,Hui,Han,KoreaandManchu.HohhotisthecapitalofInnerMongolia.內蒙古自治區(qū)北面與蒙古共和國和俄羅斯接壤,是我國最廣泛

3、的?。ㄆ渚暥龋?。這是中國的第三大省,但并不十分稀少。全省約24萬居民。許多民族都生活在這一領域,包括蒙古,達斡爾,鄂倫春,鄂溫克族,回族,漢族,韓國和滿族。呼和浩特是內蒙古自治區(qū)首府。2022/7/195 響沙灣響沙灣,國家AAAAA級景區(qū)。位于內蒙古鄂爾多斯市達拉特旗中部。屬于沙漠類自然風景區(qū),為新月形丘鏈或格狀丘地貌。2009年被評為5A級景區(qū)。沙高110米,寬200米,坡度為45度、呈彎月狀的巨大沙山回音壁綴在大漠邊緣,是一處珍稀、罕見、寶貴的自然旅游資源。居中國三大響沙之首。2022/7/196響沙灣2022/7/197額濟納旗之大漠胡楊林額濟納旗境內為北東走向的斷裂凹陷盆地。地形呈扇


5、2022/7/1913 昭君墓又名青冢。蒙語稱“特木爾、烏爾虎”。座落在大黑河之濱,呼和鄉(xiāng),距呼市九公里,墓高33米占地3.3公頃。為西漢元帝宮女王昭君之墓。王昭君,名嬙,字昭君,西漢南郡秭歸人(今湖北省興山縣)。公元前33年出塞到匈奴,做了呼韓邪單于閼氏,封號“寧胡閼氏”(閼氏為匈奴皇后號)。晉時因避諱司馬昭的昭字,改稱(明妃)或(明君)。2022/7/1914“落雁”王昭君Zhao Jun statue15昭君自有千秋在,胡漢和親識見高。詞客各抒胸臆懣, 舞文弄墨總徒勞。 2022/7/1916輝騰錫勒,蒙古語意為“寒冷的高原”。草原位于烏盟察右中旗中南部,陰山北麓。草原上點綴著99個天然

6、湖泊,既有牧區(qū)草原蒼茫雄渾的格調,又有江南水鄉(xiāng)明媚清秀的色彩。輝騰錫勒草原冬季寒冷,夏季涼爽,平均最高溫度為18度,自古便是有名的避暑勝地。輝騰錫勒大草原2022/7/19172022/7/1918蒙古族的傳統(tǒng)食品,主要分白食和紅食 兩大類:白食主要指奶食品;紅食指肉食品。按照蒙古族的習慣,白色表示純潔、吉祥、崇高,因此白食是蒙古人待客的最高禮遇。它都是以奶豆腐、白糖和黃油為原料,不但味道好,而且外觀精美,宛如一件漂亮的工藝品。The traditional Mongolian food can be divided into white food and red food: white fo

7、od refers to dairy and red food refers to meat. According to Mongolian customs, White food represent the white purity, good luck, noble. Thus, White food is the highest courtesy of Mongolian hospitality. It is based on cheese, sugar and butter as raw materials, It not only tastes delicious but also

8、look beautiful, like a delicate handicrafts. Gourmet Culture2022/7/1919Red Food2022/7/1920全羊,蒙語為“布胡勒”,敬獻最高貴嘉賓。The “whole sheep” in Mongol “buhule” means “to the highest guest.貴族盛宴全羊宴 Noble FeastAll-Sheep Banquet2022/7/19212022/7/1922奶豆腐,又稱乳酪,蒙古語稱“胡如塔”Dairy curd, or cream, is called “Huruta” in Mongo

9、l language.奶酒,蒙古語稱“阿日里”。澄澈醇香,沁人心脾,酒性柔軟,口感酸甜。Milk wine, called “Arili” in Mongol language, smells good and tastes pure and sweat.奶茶有解除疲勞,促人興奮,增強食欲,幫助消化等作用。Tea with milk can alleviate fatigue, stimulate appetite and help assimilation.“烏古查”,指牲畜軀體的后腰部位。普通的肉食,俗稱“手把肉”?!癢ugucha” refers to animals lower bac

10、k. Ordinary meat is called “meat in hand”.2022/7/1923Mongolian dress has strong grassland style. Because the Mongolian long life in the grassland, Mongolian person no matter the men and women love to wear robes. Mongolian dress facilitate horse riding, has the rich grasslands characteristics.2022/7/

11、19242022/7/1925* The Nadam congress is the traditional festival which is celebrated by Mongolian national minority people.* “Nadam” means the celebration of the bumper harvest and the fun of amusement.Nadam Congress2022/7/19262022/7/1927The wrestling is warmly welcomed by the Mongolian people. Like

12、a fighter in a battle, the competitors danced to the brilliant song, bowed, and started to fight.2022/7/1928Horse riding is the most common event on the grassland. All of people take part in the competitions.2022/7/1929 Archery(射箭) During the long time of hunting, Mongolian people kept the ability o

13、f archery. Mongolian archery competition included short-range-archery, riding-archery, long-range-archery. It is the combination of strength and speed. All of people can attend the competition but they have to bring their own horses, bows and arrows in any style and length. 2022/7/1930Obo is Mongoli

14、an, meaning heap child, also translated as brain bag, Ebo, meaning wood, stone, earth mounds. Is piled by the artificial stone heap, mound or wood pile. Old throughout Mongolia, multi-stone or sand piled, it is also use branches, this number has been greatly reduced. The original is in the vast grasslands of people with stones piled roads and state flags, then gradually evolved into offering mountain road God and prayers for good harvests, a symbol of family happ


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