1、19江蘇省南京市六校聯(lián)合體2021屆高三英語(yǔ)上學(xué)期11月聯(lián)考試第一部分聽(tīng)力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)第一節(jié)(共5小題:每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)聽(tīng)下而5段對(duì)話。每段對(duì)話后有一個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳 選項(xiàng)。聽(tīng)完每段對(duì)話后,你都有10秒鐘的時(shí)間來(lái)回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對(duì)話 僅讀一遍。1 Whdt WilI the WOman do during the weekend?WOrk OVertimeB. HaVe a meetingC.DO SOmeTeading2. tis thePrObabIe relationship betweenthe SPeakers?
2、A.BrOtherand SiSterB. FelIOWStUdentSC.TeaCherand StUdent3. HOW does theWOman sound?ATired.BReIaXedC Regretful.4. tdo We know about Bob?A. He:is on ahealthy dietB. HeJ made a ShOPPing IiStC. HC? had much junk food5. WhiChteam WilI have to wait?A. Theblue One BThe yellowOneC. The red one.第二節(jié)(共15小題,每小題
3、1.5分,滿分22.5分)聽(tīng)下而5段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白。每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白后有幾個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選 項(xiàng)中選岀最佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽(tīng)每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白前,你將有時(shí)間閱讀各個(gè)小 題,每小題5秒鐘:聽(tīng)完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時(shí)間。每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白讀兩遍。 請(qǐng)聽(tīng)第6段材料,回答第6、7題。Where does the COnVerSatiOn PrObabIy take place?At a hote 1B. At a restaurantC At aSUPermarketWhdt PrObIem does the WOman run into?She is OVerChargedB
4、 There isn t any milk IeftC. The man SerVed the WrOng dish聽(tīng)下而一段對(duì)話,回答第8、9題。Why is Mr. Smith coming?TO CanCeI a dea1B TO CheCk the factor y.C. TO Start his OWn businessWhat WilI the SPeakerS do next?GO to the airportBOOk an early flightOrganiZe a PhOne meeting聽(tīng)下而一段對(duì)話,回答第10至12題。What are the SPeakerS ma
5、inly talking about?FUtUre JObSB. FaVOrite majorsC SUmmer PIanSWhat WilI the WOman do first When the term finishes?GO travelingB WOrk as a VOIUnteerC. Attend a SUmmer COUrSeWhat WilI the man do this weekend?A. WOrk in a restaurant.TeaCh at a school.APPIy for more jobs 聽(tīng)下而一段對(duì)話,回答第13至16題。Whet is JanIeS
6、 doing?A Chairing a meetingB. HOSting a TVprogram.C. Attending an actingcourse.Where WaS Sarah born?Irl Miami.IrI NeW York.C. In LOS AngeIes.Stay in NeW York?15. HOW many years did SarahA. 3.B. 14.C. 17.16. WhO influenced Sarah mostinChOOSing her career?A. Her teachers.Her friends.Her parents.聽(tīng)下而一段獨(dú)
7、白,回答第17至20題SJdo every two years?What do all readers have toReneW their PerSOnaI informationPay for a new membership CardRegiSter in the Iibrary againHOW IOng WilI the Iibrary keep the book reserved in advance?A. 5 days.B. 7 days.C. 14 days.19 What Can be borrowed for One day only?Children* S booksB.
8、 DVDS.DiCtiOnarieS20. On What day WilI the Iibrary CIOSe at 7: OO pm?WedneSdayB. SatUrdayC. SUnday第二部分閱讀(共兩節(jié),滿分50分) 第一節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2. 5分,滿分37.5分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。AThe OPPOrtUnitieS to ViSit the SChOOl Of Art buildings are during the annual AdmiSSiOn OPen HOUSe in NOVember and the annual
9、 OPen StUdiOS in APri1 PIeaSe See below for more infoTOURS: Ihe SChOOI Of Art does not Offer tours Of the SChOOI facilities Or accommodate any WaIk-In toursEMISSION OPEN HOUSEThe Yale SChOOI Of Art OfferS an OPen HOUSe annually for interested applicants ViSitOrS have the ChanCe to Iearn more about O
10、Ur MFA PrOgrallI and graduate StUdy from StUdentS2019 Yale SChOOI Of Art AdnIiSSiOn OPerl HOUSe WilI be held ThUrSday, NOVember 14th Only Pre-registered PrOSPeCtiVe StUdentS may attend and event details WilI be Sent to the email address USed to registerNOte that the SChOOI Of Art Will NOT COndUCt in
11、dividual interviews Or PrOVide POrtfOliO feedback at OPen HOUSe AttendeeS ShOUld not bring examples Of their WOrk to this eventCaPaCity is Iimited and Only PrOSPeCtiVe applicants ShOUId register to attend as We WilI Iikely not have room for guestsPre-registered attendees WilI receive COnfirmatiOn em
12、ail COmmUniCatiOnS With event details and travel information to NeW HaVenOPen HOUSe WilI be IiVe-Streamed and may be attended VirtUalIy On NOVember 14thOPEN STUDIOSDUring the SPring SemeSter, the YaIe SChOOI Of Art hosts its annual graduate OPerl StUdiOS featuring WOrk from the departments Of GraPhi
13、C Design, Painting and Printmaking, Photography, and SCUIPtUre StUdiOS are OPerI to the PUbIiC and IOCated across four buildings On Yale S CamPUS in downtown NeW HaVen.FOllOWing YaIe UniVerSity guidance in response to the SPread Of COVlD-19, theYaIe SChOOl Of Art is SUSPending all PUbIiC events and
14、PrOgramming through to atIeaSt APril 5, 2020 2020 OPen Studios, OriginalIy SChedUIed for APriI 4-5, has been CanCelIed21 .Who are mostIikeIy to have access to ADMlSSION OPEN HOUSE?A. ThOSeWhOhave a talent for art.B. ThOSeWhOhave registered in advance.C. ThOSeWhOhave been admitted to Yale University.
15、D ThOSeWhOintend to go to The Yale SChOOl Of Art.22. What Canattendees do during ADMlSSloN OPEN HOUSE?A ReCeiVe travel information to NeW HaVen.HaVe a ChanCe to ViSit the SChOOl facilitiesInterVieW StUdents, faculty, and admission StaffD Get an insight into the StUdy Of graduate StUdents.What Can be
16、 Iearned from OPEN STUDlOS?ItiS hosted in APriI every year throughout YaIeB 2020 OPen StUdiOS has been PUt Off Until APriI 5C. The SChOOI displays WOrk from VariOUS departmentsD It is the OnIy ChanCe to ViSit buildings Of the SChOolBImagine that you* Ve got a robot that IOOkS Iike a human, talks Iik
17、e a human, and even interacts Iike a human AlthOUgh you know it S just a machine, you Can relate to it. BUt WOUld you COnSider it as a friend?ThiS is just One Of the QUeStiOnS that you may find difficult to answer SOOner Or Iater artificial intelligence (Al) WilI bring many moral ChalIengeS BUt Al i
18、s here to Stay and WilI have a big impact On OUr future AS Li Fei-Fei, PrOfeSSOr Of COmPUter SCienCe at StanfOrd UniVerSity PUt it, Tf OUr era is the next industrial revolution, as many claim, AI is SUrely One Of its major driving forces”Merriam-Webster defines AI as the CaPabiIity Of a machine to C
19、OPy IntelIigent human behaviOrM BUt What makes US Want to Create Uthinking machines,* ? After all, thinking and COnSCiOUSneSS are inimitable things Of human beings - at IeaSt at PreSent They SeParate US from all Other CreatUreS Orl EarthFOr One thing, humans COnStantIy desire to develop new technolo
20、gy just because they Can The desire to Create AI is the UItimate expression Of this: We Want to test the Iimit Of human IntelIigenCe by building a brand new intelligence For another, AI has all SOrtS Of PraCtiCaI benefits to Offer us. It WOUld free US from repetitive WOrk and make OUr IiVeS easier I
21、magine getting to your destination With an AI-guided SeIf-driving Car Imagine having an AI tutor that COUId help you With your homeworkHowever, as Al becomes more important in Iife the WOrrieS WilI begin WilI AI effectively Start to take OVer us? Today, With OnIine ShOPPing SiteS and SOCial networki
22、ng PIatfOrmSl AI already influences many Of OUr ChOiCeS AIgOrithmS (算 法)determine the COntent We See On the Internett and make recommendatiOnS about everything from What We WatCh Orl TV to Where We trave 1 SOme fear that machines Will become better at making decisions than humans are, and that there
23、fore We WilI IOSe OUr COntrOI Of Al.BUt it, S not all doom and gloom(前景H音淡) MaX Tegmark, author Of Life 3.0: Being HUman in the Age Of ArtifiCiaI IntelIigenCet believes that With CarefUI PIanning, AI Can become a POWerfUl tool. T In OPtimiStiC that We Can Create an inspiring future With Al if We Win
24、 the race between the growing POWer Of Al and the growing WiSdOm With WhiCh We Inanage it, M he told MOtherbOardBUt Iike it Or not, AI is ShaPing the SOCiety and WilI dramatically Change the Way We IiVeWhiCh is CIOSeSt in meaning to the UnderIined WOrd Uinimitable in ParagraPh 3?UniqUeB. PreCiSeC CO
25、nmon.D ESSentia 1WThat does ParagraPh 4 mainly focus on?A. The influence Of AI On OUr futureB. The reasons for man todevelop Al.C. Different VOiCeS On developing Al.DWOrrieS arising from theUSe Of ALWhet is the author, S attitude towards Al, S impact On humans?A. COnCernedB. DOUbtfulC ObjeCtiVeD SUb
26、jeCtiVeWhat Can be COnCIUded from MaX Tegmark? words?A. AI WO, t POSe a threat to human beingsBAI WilI SUreIy bring US a PrOmiSing futureHUmanS are WiSe enough to take COntrOI Of Al.HUmanS must keep UP With the growing POWer Of ALCSCientiStS Say they have discovered an earthquake-1ike event that Can
27、 happen during a hurricane Or Other POWerfUI OCean StOrmS They are CalIing it a StOrmqUake ReSearCherS Came UP With this name after StUdying events COnneCted With Or CaUSed by earthquakes On the Sea floor during SUCh StOrmS They found that the Shaking Can feel as StrOng as a InagnitUde 3 5 earthquak
28、eIntenSe energy from hurricanes and Other SeVere StOrmS Can Create Very Iarge WaVeS in the OCean. IheSe WaVeS then Uinteract, in SOme PlaCeS With SOIid earth Under the Sea to CaUSe M intense SeiSmiC (t也震白勺)SOUrCe activity, ” Said the Ieader researcher Fan, a SeiSmOIOgiSt and PrOfeSSOr at FIOrida Sta
29、te UniVerSity UWe Can have SeiSmiC SOUrCeS in the OCean just Iike earthquakes Within the hard OUter Iayer Of the Earthl ” he added UThe exciting Part is SeiSmiC SOUrCeS CaUSed by hurricanes Can IaSt for hours Or even days”The researchers found evidence Of more than 10, OOO StOrmqUakeS in COaStaI are
30、as Of the United StateS and Canada StOrmqUakeS Were found to have happened around COntinentaI SheIVeS Or Sea floors COntaining flat Iand and at IOWer depths, the research ShOWed EVen With evidence Of SO many StrOmqUakeS happening, it WaS not known UntiI recently that SUCh events even existed ThiS is
31、 mainly because SCientiStS StUdying earthquakes have generally COnSidered OCean-CaUSed SeiSmiC WaVeS as ObaCkgrOUnd noise The research found that major U S. hurricanes had PrOdUCed a IOt Of StOrmqUakeS One example WaS HUrriCane Bill in 2009 in the AtlantiC Ocean, WhiCh CaUSed about 300 StOrmqUakeS a
32、s it moved north, PaSt NeW JerSey Other examples Of StOrmqUakeS Were HUrriCane Ike in 2008 and HUrriCane Irene in 2011. BUt the StUdy found no evidence Of StOrmqUakeS Off the COaSt Of MeXiCo Also, no SUCh activity WaS recorded in areas along the U S. EaSt Coast, Starting in NeW JerSeyt and COntinUin
33、g all the Way down to GeOrgia The team noted that even HUrriCane Sandy, One Of the most COStIy StOrmS in l S history, did not CaUSe a SingIe StOrmqUake Fan SayS this SUggeStS that StOrmqUakeS are StrOngIy influenced by the PhySiCaI ShaPe Of the seafloor* S SUrfaCe and SeafIOOr COnditiOnSFan added th
34、at there are StilI TOtS Of UnknOWnS about StOrmqUakeS BUt he Said discovering them USUggeStS We are reaching a new IeVeI Of UnderStanding Of SeiSmiC WaVeSM He hopes the discovery WilI Iead to improved StUdy methods for hurricanes, WhiCh in the PaSt have mainly been ObSerVed from SatelIiteS in the sk
35、y.Now We are able to UnderStand the PhenOmenOn Or at IeaSt track Part Of its PaSSage through the SOlici earth as well, ” he SaidWhat is the distinctive feature Of a stormquake?A. Being SeaSOna1B. Being destructiveC. Being IOng-IaStingDBeing interactiveWhy Were StOrmqUakeS UnknOWn to SCienCe previous
36、ly?BeCaUSe they Were extremely rare On the EarthBeCaUSe they Were OnCe neglected by SCientiStSC BeCaUSe they generally happen in deep Sea floorsDBeCaUSe they are QUite SimiIar to COmmOn earthquakesWhat message is COnVeyed in ParagraPh 4?AlI hurricanes don t bring about StOrmqUakeSStOrmqUakeS happen
37、more along the EaSt COaStStrOnger hurricanes tend to PrOdUCe StOrmqUakeSDThe Sea fIoor, S COnditiOn ChangeS in StOrmqUakeSWhat is the SignifiCanCe Of the discovery?Offering an alternative angle to research hurricanesHeIPing to PrediCt an earthquake more accuratelySUggeSting the richness Of the SeiSm
38、iC WaVe fieldDPreVenting POtentiaI hurricanes and IeSSening IOSSeSDThe most intuitive(直觀白勺)argument against immigration We COme across is that immigrants are CaUSing higher UnemPlOyment rate Or IOWer WageS for IOW-SkilIed WOrkerS Within the nation, WhiCh is PrObabIy not true in the US. StatiStiCS Sh
39、OW that in the US, WageS and UnemPIOyment rate are rarely affected for the reason that immigrants move more flexibly for jobs than IOCaI WOrkerSImmigratiOn boosts economy by driving UP both demand and SUPPIy. OffiCial data ShOW that immigrants have a far more diverse COmPOSitiOn than the native-born
40、. They have a higher PerCentage Of doctoral degree OWnerS WhiIe also a higher PerCentage Of WOrSe-educated The effect is that COmPanieS actually adjust to the Change in job market in the long-run and figure OUt their Way to deal With a mix Of WOrkerS With different SkilIS and levels, WhiCh at the en
41、d Of the day fits them into different jobs.FOr those WhO have a bachelor Or a doctoral degree, they are the driving engines WhOSe innovation IargeIy boosts the US econo my. Immigrants to the United StateS tend to generate more PatentabIe technologies than natives: though they COnStitUte Only 18 PerC
42、ent Of the 25 and Older workforce, immigrants Obtain 28 PerCent Of high-quality PatentS Immigrants are also more Iikely to become NObeI WinnerS in PhySiCs, chemistry, and PhySiOlOgy Or medicine TheSe innovations Can increase PrOdUCtiVity and job SUPPIieS in the IOng runFOr those badly-educated, even
43、 though they did CaUSe a negative impact to net financial COntribUtiOn to the US government, the impact is rather SmalI COmPared to those UnderedUCated native PeOPIe It is because as immigrants WhO COme to Seek for a Change for their life, it is more IikeIy for them to take a job rather than accepti
44、ng the basic IiVing Standard PrOVided by government SUbSidy (補(bǔ)P!占)Iike those desperate native-born AmeriCanS WhO have IOSt faith in the SO-CalIed UAmeriCan Dream In the IOng run, it eases the burden Of government and brings in more tax income In this sense, their StabIe income also brings about more
45、 domestic demand in the US.All in all, immigrants are actually beneficial for the US economy, IargeIy OWing to the VaIUeS Created by those highly-educated The expulsions (驅(qū)逐)Of UnaUthOriZed ImmigrantS may bring about negative impact to the economyWhy does the author Write this passage?TO appeal to m
46、ore foreigners to immigrate to AmeriCaTo Urge the US to treat UnaUthOriZed immigrants equal1yTo COnfirm What, S IOng been believed about immigration.DTo argue for the POSitiVe economic effects Of immigration.How are immigrants different from the natives?A. They COntribUte IeSS to government finances
47、B They have IeSS access to government SUbSidy.They, re more COnfident Of the AmeriCan DrealnD They re more IikeIJr to go Where jobs are availableWhat Can We Iearn from the passage?COmPanieS are more WilIing to employ immigrantsImmigrants are more adaptable than native AmeriCanSMOSt AmeriCanS With a
48、doctor* S degree are immigrantsD Immigration CreateS more job OPPOrtUnitieS for AmeriCaHOW is the PaSSage mainly developed?A. By IiSting SPeCifiC StatiStiCSB. By making a detailedanalysisC. By PreSenting typical examplesD By COmParing differentOPiniOnS第二節(jié)(共5小題:每小題2. 5分,滿分12.5分)閱讀下而短文,從短文后的選項(xiàng)中選岀可以填入空
49、白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。選項(xiàng)中有兩項(xiàng)為多 余選項(xiàng)。A POPUlar YaIe UniVerSity PSyChOIOgy COUrSe now available for free Online I decided to See What it WaS all about36 After taking the COUrSel I, m COnVinCedthat anyone WhO adopts and PraCtiCeS the StrategieS PrOVided Can truly become happierReCOnneCting With a friend Can boost hap
50、piness, but SO Can a meaningful encounter With a Stranger One Of the most COmPIeX things We Can engage With is another person* S mind 37 Irl fact, many StUdieS have found that the more you USe SOCial media, the IeSS happy you are ThiS is because SOCiaI mediaespecially PiCtUre-heavy PIatfOrmS一PreSent
51、 things OtherS have that you do, t, making you Want more and appreciate IeSS38 However, Varying your approach is key. If you PerfOrm the Same act Of kindness OVer and OVerl it may begin to feel Iike an ObIigatiOn Or a boring task Ihe reactions you got made you feel better about yourselves KindneSS b
52、rings Other happiness benefits, too. HeIPing OtherS takes the focus away from OUr OWn WOrrieS and PrObIems, WhiCh Can boost happiness And being generous won t increase IeVeIS Of the StreSS hormone COrtiSO1 PerhaPS surprisingly, kindness improves OVeralI PhySiCal healthTaking exercise CaUSeS hormonal
53、 ChangeS in the body that make you feel good and help interrupt negative thoughts CIiniCalIy depressed PeOPIe WhO exercised regularly improved just as much as those WhO took antidepressants39 BUtanecdotally, most PeOPle WhO exercise WilI tell you they feel betterShOrtChanging your SIeeP Can make you
54、 bad-tempered40 A IOt Of PeOPle knowthat SIeeP is good but SOme are forced to SaCrifiCe SIeeP because they have Other things taking UP their timeA. I WaS CUriOUS to See What the COUrSe WaS recommendingB Volunteering to help SOmeOne Can make you happier than doing Self-Centered thingsC. Getting enoug
55、h shut-eye Can boost your moodD WayS Of OUr minds trick US into being IeSS happy.E After all, I, Ve been UTiting about happiness for yearsF. OnIine friends do, t COUntG Getting OUt Of a depression is not exactly the Same as happiness第三部分 語(yǔ)言運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)第一節(jié)完形填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分) 閱讀下而短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D
56、四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)When Mike MUShaW joined the national bone marrow(fj*) registry three years ago, he never really gave it a SeCOnd thoughtAbOUt SiX months after the sign-up, MUShaW did get a CalI that his bone marrow 41_ a Patient in Virginia MUShaW didn* t know it at the time his donation WOUld go
57、 to a five-month-old girl named EIeanOr Neither did he know Whether his donation WOUld 42 Eleanor, SiCk With a rare immuno deficiency disease, had SeldOin Iefther house 43 to travel to the hospital Or the doctor Her immune SyStem WaS far too Weak to risk even the most 44 human COntaCt Her mother, Je
58、SSiCa, told NBC 4fcThe 45 Were to either get a transplant Or face death ” StilII there WaS no 46 Of SUCCeSSInstead, after a few weeks, the doctors Came back With 47 news: Eleanor* S COnditiOn had, t just improved Mushaw* S bone marrow had 48her MUShaW SayS:it WaS IlIOre Of a 49 and happy feeling tha
59、n anything MAbOUt SiX months after the PrOCedUre , EIeanOrt S ParentS Sent him an e-mail to thank him for SaVing her Iife44Wherl I WaS told it WaS a IittIe girl, I 50,MUShaW SaySBUt their SUrPriSing 51 WaS OnIy beginning MUShaW and EIeanOr FaCeTime 52 to CheCk On her PrOgreSS In August, about a year
60、 after Eleanor* S 53 transplant, MUShaW invited her family to One Of his games Tiny ShOUtS Of 44Mike! Mike! COUId be heard as the IittIe girl Cheered On her Very Own hero: a six-foot-two, 225-POUnd football PIayer With a Very 54 heartIn JanUaryl MUShaW 55 With EIeanOr to CeIebrate her birthday TWO C
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- 六盤(pán)水師范學(xué)院《普通化學(xué)C》2023-2024學(xué)年第二學(xué)期期末試卷
- 游戲化思維在營(yíng)銷(xiāo)活動(dòng)中的應(yīng)用
- 建筑工地春節(jié)前安全教育
- DL-T 5148-2021水工建筑物水泥灌漿施工技術(shù)條件-PDF解密
- 宗教知識(shí)的課件
- GB/T 22849-2024針織T恤衫
- (詳盡多應(yīng)用版)鋼結(jié)構(gòu)工程合同范本(完整版)
- 設(shè)備維保的維修流程與服務(wù)流程
- 隔膜計(jì)量泵維護(hù)檢修規(guī)程培訓(xùn)
- 《生物制品技術(shù)》課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
- 心血管內(nèi)科高血壓一病一品
- 七年級(jí)歷史上冊(cè)-2024年中考?xì)v史復(fù)習(xí)教材必考知識(shí)點(diǎn)教案(人教部編版統(tǒng)編版)
- JB T 7946.1-2017鑄造鋁合金金相