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1、CeroflHJi BTopHMK. noceineHMe naBna rieTpoBMMa, 3aTeM.Today is Tuesday. Pavel Petrovichs visit, then.noMTy npoBepiiM?Mail checked?fla, Baiue Be/iMMecTBO, tojibko cnyKe6HoeBcKpbiTb?Yes, Your Majesty, official only/1 Open?flOBOJlbHOenoughBaiue BenMMecTBO, Bbi xe He xotmtg BCTpeTMTb ero bjijiom? Your M

2、ajesty, you do not want to meet him listless?xe again alreadyBbl XOTMTe 6blTb eMy HeyTOMMMOM 力 CTpaCTHOM JlK560BHMUe訪. You want to be his tireless and passionate mistress.Cne/iyeT nyMdTb o flenax, a a o hgm.Should thinkHy Kor,qa Ke, Kor,qa. Cep/me HecnoKOMHO.Well, when, when. The heart is restless.H

3、e OTnymy ero Gojibiue.I wont let him go again.Pa3Be ecTb Ha CBeTe 6e3ynpeMHbie jikvih? Are there in the world perfect people? BCJIKyHD MMHyTy MbICJIM o Bac m MyflHbiM Barn o6pa3 nepefl rnasaMM.Every minute of thinking about you and your wonderful image before my eyes.Eue 6 nojiBepniKa w penKa. more

4、half-inch and a turnip.H mto 6bi npo Te65iroBopmiM?And what would about you people say ?Flo coScTBeHHOM flypui crkiHyji.Ownfolly disappearHo zie/ia mom 6jih3KH k 3aBep山bhhq But my work is nearing completionn CKopo Mbi BHOBb SyzieM BMecTe. and soon we again will be together.HacTOflLyK) yaMy cxBaTmub

5、3a xboct.Real luck you catch by the tail.C/ibixa npo TaKMX?Heard about these?A KaKyro MacKy Hazie/iM 6bi bbi? What mask would you wear?y Hero ecTb Lunara. Oh moxgt npoyMMTb ero Bcex HameuoB.He has a sword. He can teach it to all insolent people.A KeM 6bi BbixoTeiiM “to6bl 6bm 只?And who would you lik

6、e me to be?51 KaK pas xoMy.c/ienaTb BaM noaapoK.I just want to give you a present.He Bee, mto nponcxoflHT 3a Moen chhhom, ecTb 3aroBop npoTMB mchji, He thk jim? Not everything that happens behind my back theres a conspiracy against me, isnt there?n k TOMy xe y Hac ecTb noziospeHMe Ha aHHHy. and besi

7、des, we have a suspicion of angina.He 6y“eTe flBMraTbCfl - 6y“eTe 6oneTb KaK cTapuiK. If you dont move, youll be sick like an old man.9 r.qe to 3to yxe cjibiinajia. somewhere that heardFlo coBna/ieHMK) noxoxa Ha Ahhy FleTpoBHy jimliom m TenecHO. Coincidentally, she resembles Anna Petrovna in face an

8、d body.B MHTepece kdholbm k xeHCKOMy Teny hgt HMMero KOHcfjy3Hoo, Interest youth female body nothing embarrassing9 HMKorzia ero He BMflen. rve never seen him.19 26y Hero zipyroM OTeu. he has a different father.Oh 3aMMeT ziBe KOMHaTbi paom c bhmh,He will take two rooms next to you,Hy m nycTb.So be it

9、.Ec/iw 只 He 6yny roBopMTb m flenaTb, mto .qyMaK), If I dont say and do what I thinkFlonaraK), nynuje He yMeTb roBopuiTb, mgm ocyx/iaTb n ocKop6/i5iTb.I think its better not to be able to speak than to condemn and insult.h/im oh CTdHOBWTd noxox Ha FleTpa or he becomes like PeterCbiHOBbfl TaK MHaMe no

10、xoKMHa cbomx otuob, Sons are somehow like their fathers,3T0 He CyTb Ba)KHO,npn3HaBan oh mjim He npM3HaBanz point important whether he admitted or notC/iaBa Gory, He ycnen KopoHOBaTbca.Thank God, not have time to be crowned.a Be/IKD Ka3HMTb Bcex, I order executed everyonemto6 He pasroBopbi Benn, so c

11、onversations conduct CTpaujMw KCTaTH zienaeT ycnexid b 0exTOBaHMM, By the way, the elder is making progress in fencing,MJiaflLUMkl C 12 JieT C flBOpOBbIMM fleBKaMM GeflOKypMT.the youngest, from the age of 12, with yard girls troublehw ManeMUjero nprniexaHMiA k HayKaM not the slightest diligence in t

12、he sciencesBcako 6biBaeT 6oKbMM npi/iny山eHkieM.Everything happens by Gods permission.CaM 6bi czienaji npe/iJioxeHMe, ho MHe xeHy Bbi6epeT rocyflapbiHa. I myself would made an offer, but my wife choose. The EmpressHe k jinny BdM cMeaTbca Ha” MenoBeKOM, to face you laugh at a person9 Bcepbes OTHOiijyc

13、b k cbomm cyKe6Hblm 06513ahhoctjam. Seriously treat job dutyOKaxme necTb, cflenaMTe zipyKKOM.do the honor, make a friend.27 02Hac MoryT yBzneTb. we can be seen.A4只 Bac hgt sanpeTOB. for you no restrictions.Bbl B COCTOHMM c/ie-naTb flOK/ia/i? make a report?C MMnepaTpMueM roBopMTe He noBbiniaji ro/ioc

14、a, pa36opMMBOz 6e3 KecTZKyji51HM勿 Talk to the empress without raising voices, legibly, without gesticulation.YKa3OM 3anpemy ynacTBOBaTb b cpaKeHM5ix.By decree, I will forbid participation in battles.ripo Bac nmueT about you write/1Pa/ikicb Ha ca6jiax c yMMTeneM 0exTOBaHM. BenzKH訪 zieHb. They fought

15、on sabers with a fencing teacher. Great day.Euie oflMH XBacTaeTcaAnother one showing offcoxpaHme ,qojiKHOCTb rnaBHoro coBeTHMKa. retain the position of chief adviser.Baiue Hd3HaqeHwe KanunepoM He coctowtc只.Your appointment as chancellor will not take place.Y6epeMb ot nocneniHbix peiueHMMAvoid hasty

16、decisionsBot BaM 3a nTbflecjiT, Bbi xeHMTecb m agth no的nyrHere you are over fifty, you get married and have children.A xeHCKMM bgk Heflonor.And the female age is short-lived.Hy CKOiibKO y MeHfl b 3anace, How much do I have in stock?a xony npocToro ceMe訪hoo cqacTba.I want simple family happiness.3ia

17、oiiin6Ka moxgt CTaTb pokobomm “Jia npecTona, m Been Poccmm.This mistake could be fatal both for the throne and for the whole of Russia.ripocTme 3a npaB/iy, ho Baiu btopom cbih HaBcer.qa ocTaHeTca b 3ToM CTaTyce.Forgive me for the truth, but your second son will forever remain in this status.33 43tpo

18、h OHa nonyMHTia He no 3aK0Hy, She got the throne illegallya MHoroMy HayMkinacb y cbogm CBeKpoBM.I a lot learned from my mother-in-law.3Haeie jim, BpeMT penyTaiiMM Moero “Bopa.you know. If hurting the reputation of my court,B BaujeM rapeMe HanoxHHLibi mhomx CTpaH, ho payeTe Bbi mx Bcex oahzm cnoco60M

19、. In your harem, concubines of many countries, but you please them all in one way.moxho 3apa3MTbc, ec/iM b38Tb nyflpeHMLiy Ha naziOHb? Can you get infected if you take a powder box in your palm?MepHow CMepTbio mo)kho 3apa3MTbC5i, ecni/i OTKpbiTb ee, cflenaTb baox.Black death can be infected if you o

20、pen it, take a breath.EflWHCTBeHHbiki noBOfl noKMHyTb CTaMGyji The only reason to leave IstanbulHacneAHHK pyccKoro npecTona cna6 TenoM 力 “yxoM.The heir to the Russian throne is weak in body and spirit.riOLU/lM HapOMHOTO C npi/IKa30M.Send a courier with an order.nycTb HeMefl/ieHHO B03Bpa山aeTC只 b neTe

21、pSypr.Let him immediately return to Petersburg.Ecjim 6bi ceMeMHaa )kh3Hb cnoKMnacb, Knna 6bi b CMacTiiMBOM 6paKe.If family life worked out, would live in a happy marriage.HyBCTBa 6bi ocTbiiiMFeelings would go coldCTonbKO neT npoiuno.So many years have passed.Mokho 6bino 6bi m nocBJATHTb ce6a brjihkh

22、m flenaM.You could also devote yourself to great things.MoxeT 6biTb 6bi, OTKpbma 6bi 3aK0H coxpaHeHH只, Maybe I would discover the law of conservation,HanMcana 6bi 0mjiococ|?ckmm poMaH, KaK MCbe Bo/ibTep. or write a philosophical novel like Monsieur Voltaire.A y mrh只 Bee mbicjim mm 3aHaTbi.And all my

23、 thoughts are occupied with them.Oh bomhy jik)6mt 6onbiije, mgm mgh?i.War love moreB npnpo,qe HMMTO He BO3HHKaeT M3HHOTKyna m He McnesaeT b HHKygIn nature, nothing arises from nowhere and disappears into nowhere,ecjiM me y6yzieT ckojibko-to,b zipyroM MecTeCTOJlbKO M npnyMHOKMTC51.If somewhere lose s

24、omein another placeso much will multiply.HaMeKaenib Ha mto-to?hinting at something?MHe hmkto KpoMe rpnropnfl He HyxeH.Nobody exceptHHTepecHO, HyKHa jim q eMy?Interestingly need if3x xoponio 6 uj(ac PoccMM-MaTyujKe3aTanTbC5i 6 neT Ha Ba/maTb,Good nowlie low for twenty years,He npoBounpoBaTb eocene凡do

25、 not provoke the neighbors,He ne3Tb b 3Th,Ha MepT OHM HyKHbl, K)KHbie MOpa.dont get into thesethe hell they needBot, Baiua npaBfla! your truth!CyjiTaH MycTa0a noxopoHMJi no-noBMHy rapeMa. Sultan Mustafa buried half of the harem.flBa MkinjiMOHa TypoK yMepno ot MepHOM ocnbi.Two million Turks died of s

26、mallpox.1/lMeHHO no3ToMy oh xoMeT HanaTb BOMHy. That is why he wants to start a war. Exactly thereforeHo TypKM nepBbiMM HayMM/iMCb flenaTb fipmbmbkh, But the Turks were the first to learn make vaccinate,卬18 npMBMBKMTpe6yeTC5i non Koxy bbgctm ocneHHbm fhom, need under skin inject smallpox pus,a 3to B

27、MeuaTe/ibCTBO b 6okmm npoMbice/i. and this is interference in divine godHbiHeujHflJi ocna He noxoxa Ha oSbiMHyKD. The current smallpox is not like the usual one.Bo/ie3Hb noxoxa Ha qyMy, Ha CMepTenbHbiM 8口. The disease is like the plague, like a deadly poison.Bot no3ToMy, rocno/ia,只 m npe/i/iaraK), T

28、hats why, gentlemen, I proposeA noKa y Hac hgt cokd3a c FlpycczeN,In the meantime, we have no alliance with Prussia,HdM o BOMHe ziyMaTb ziaxe He/ib35i.Think even must notflyMaTb o BOMHe no3aHo. OHa yxe uneT, rocnofla.Its too late to think about war. Shes on her way, gentlemen.LateyKe flaBHO F10H8TH0

29、,MTO TypKM JIMLUbMacKMpyHDTca nofl rpa6nTejibCKne Ha6ern,It has long been clear that the Turks are only disguised as predatory raids, Camouflage under predatory raids,a caMM Be.qyT pa3Be.qKy 3eMe/ib.conduct land surveys.HaM cneziyeT 6biTb otobhmw.We should be ready.只 npOLUy flOnOXMTb COCTOUHMe npOTM

30、BHMKa.I ask you to report the condition of the enemy.A bot nojiaKM BeyT ce6a /jep3Ko.But the Poles behave boldly.BsziyMaeT xhtphtb - nocaxy Ha tpohKoro to zipyroro.If he decides to cheat, I will put someone else on the throne.someone else.Ckojibko Tpe6yeTca Ha no/iKyn? How much required for a bribe?

31、A eCJIM MOM r/iaBHblM BM3Mpb nonyMMTGojibnikie fleHbrui,8 y3Haio 06 3Tom? And if my chief vizier gets big money, I know about it?He M3BonbTe coMHeBaTbc只,HeMezi/ieHHO 6y“eT .qoJioxeHO, please doubt immediatelyKaK TOJIbKO JIMLUHMe fleCTb TblCJlM MCTpaTMT, Only extra ten thousand spendBaiue Be-HMMecTBO

32、 y3HaeT 06 3ToM nepBOM. Know about that firstly8 3HaK)060 Bcex BaniMx TpaTax.I know about all your spending.Ha npoLunoM Helene npokirpan rpa0y KopcaKOBy TpkizmaTb tbilh, last week lostthirty thousand1/lrpajiM bck) HOMb b lbtoc, nofl yTpo6Poeann koctm.They played all night shtos , in the morning they

33、 threw dice.Mmphbim nyTeM nbiTaeTecb peiuviTbPeacefully through trying to solveHo BOMHa npzneT, m Hac He cnpocMT.But the war will come, and we will not be asked.qepxaTb 0jiot Ha MepHOM Mope, wro6blCnOKOMHO npOXOflMTb npOJIMBbl, keep a fleet on the Black Sea so calmly pass the straits, m pacnaxaTb nz

34、Koe none ot nojiTaBbi Ha ror, Ad6bl HaKOpMMTb Hapofl.and plow a wild field from Poltava to the south, so that feed the people.FlonpoGyMTe peniHTb Bee 6e3 bokhbi, Try to solve everything without a war,ho 6yzibTe roTOBbi ko BceMy. but be prepared for anything.CeroflHii o6biMHoe noceineHMe.Today is a r

35、egular visit.Flay3bl flonKHbi 6biTb qzcTbiMW, Breaks must be clearripkifleT nv MaTyniKa?Come if只 3aMetwji, ecjiM npnxoflHT rpa0 FlaHWH c npoBepKOM, I noticed if Count Panin comes with a check,BCKope m ocynapbiH只 pa/iyeT noce山eHHeM. soon the empress pleases with a visit.npnfleTC5i norpycTMTb.You have to be sad.A ocynapHH只 nocemaeT Bac peryjuipHO.And the empress visits you regularly.Bee paBHO He cnbiiuMT.All equally hearA MTO 3T0 Ta Ka51 paflOCTb?And what is this joy?3a Hezieji


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