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1、Business Presentation and Public Speaking in English1Background InformationA presentation is a formal talk to one or more people that “presents” ideas or information in a clear, structured way. People are sometimes afraid of speaking in public, but if you follow a few simple rules, giving presentati

2、on is actually very easy.This tutorial is organized into 8 steps:IntroductionPreparationEquipmentDeliveryLanguageThe PresentationReviewTest21- IntroductionA successful presentation is one of the most effective was of communicating your message.We will start by exploringThe impact of preparation.Afte

3、r that, we will considerWhat equipment to use.Then we will look atHow to “deliver” a presentation.After Delivery, we will examineThe language of presentations,Before moving on toThe presentation itself.Finally, we will conclude withA review of what we have covered.Afterwards, you will be invited toT

4、ake a self-assessment test and ask questions.32 - PreparationPreparation is everything! With good preparation and planning, you will be totally confident and less nervous. And this will give you control of your presentation. With control, you will be “in charge” and your audience will listen positiv

5、ely to your message.42.1. Objective:Before you start to prepare a presentation, you should ask yourself: ”Why am I making this presentation?” Do you need to inform, to persuade, to train or to sell? Your objective should be clear in your mind. If it is not clear in your mind, it cannot possibly be c

6、lear to your audience.52.2. Audience“Who am I making this presentation to?” sometimes this will be obvious, but not always. You should try to inform yourself. How many people? Do they have the same background? How much do they know and what will they expect from you?62.3. Time and length“When am I m

7、aking this presentation and how long will it be?” Will it take 5 minutes or 1 hour? Just before lunch, when your audience will be hungry, or just after lunch, when your audience will be sleepy?72.4. Method“How should I make this presentation?” What approach should you use? Formal or informal? Lots o

8、f visual aids or only a few? Will you include some anecdotes and humor for variety?82.5. Content“What should I say?” Now you must decide exactly what you want to say. First, you should brainstorm your ideas. You should be selective, include only the information that is relevant to your audience and

9、your objective. But remember, in general, less is better than more. You can always give additional information during the questions after the presentation.92.6. StructureA well organized presentation with clear structure is easier for the audience to follow. Most presentations are organized in 3 par

10、ts, followed by questions: Beginning: Short introductionWelcome your audienceIntroduce your subjectExplain the structure of your presentationMiddle: Body of presentationPresent the subject itselfEnd: Short conclusionSummarize your presentationThank your audienceInvite questions102.7. NotesWhen you g

11、ive your presentation, you should be or appear to be- as spontaneous as possible. You should not read your presentation! Reading a text is so boring! Reading a text will make your audience go sleep! So if you do not have a text to read, how can you remember to say everything you need to say? With no

12、tes. Some people just write titles, other write down keywords to remind them. The notes will give you confidence, but because you will have prepared your presentation fully, you may not even need them.11 2.7. Notes1.: Co. expansion plans: sales + marketing budget: shareholders !2.: how achieved ? 1.

13、4 million staff costs 12 saving 2nd 3.: $ million saving 2003122.8. RehearsalRehearsal is a vital part of preparation. You should leave time to practice your presentation two or three times. This will have the following benefits:You will become more familiar with what you want to say.You will identi

14、fy weaknesses in your presentationYou will be able to practice difficult pronunciationsYou will be able to check the time that your presentation takes and make any necessary modificationsSo prepare, prepare, prepare!133- EquipmentEasily, your most important piece of equipment is.YOU! Make sure you a

15、re in full working order, and check your personal presentation carefully if you dont, your audience will !However, you can use OHP, OHT, whiteboard, markers, notebook computer, handouts and anything else you think it can help you communicate your subject to the audience.144- Delivery4.1. NervesMost

16、speakers are a little nervous at the beginning of a presentation. So it is normal if you are nervous. The answer is to pay special attention to the beginning of your presentation. First impressions count. This is time when you establish a rapport with your audience. During this time, try to speak sl

17、owly and calmly. You should perhaps learn your introduction by heart. After a few moments, you will relax and gain confidence.154.2. Body LanguageWhat you do not say is at least as important as what you do say. Your body is speaking to your audience even before you open your mouth. Generally speakin

18、g, it is better to stand than sit when making a presentation. Be aware of and avoid any repetitive and irritating gestures. Be aware of that the movement of your body is one of your methods of control. When you move to or from the whiteboard, for example, you can move fast or slowly. You can stand v

19、ery still while talking or you can stroll from side to side. 164.3. Voice qualityIt is important that your audience be able to hear you clearly throughout your presentation. In general, you should try to vary your voice. Your voice will then be more interesting for your audience. Speed: you can spea

20、k at normal speed, you can speak faster, you can speak more slowly and you can stop completely! You can pause. This is a good technique for gaining your audiences attentionIntonation: you can change the pitch of your voice. You can speak in a high tone. You can speak in a low tone.Volume: you can sp

21、eak at normal volume, you can speak loudly and you can speak quietly.The important point is not to speak in the same, flat, monotonous voice throughout your presentation this will hypnotize your audience into dreaming. 174.3. Voice qualityI am a good communicator.I am a good communicator.I am a good

22、 communicator.I am a good communicator.I am a good communicator.184.4. Visual aidsOf all the information that enters our brains, the vast majority of it enters through the eyes. 80% of what your audience learn during your presentation is learned visually (what they see) and only 20% is learned aural

23、ly (what they hear). The significance of this is obvious:Visual aids are an extremely effective means of communicationNon-native English speakers rely more heavily on visuals aids.Keep the information on each visual aid to a minimum and remember that your audience have never seen these visual aids b

24、efore. They need time to study and to understand them. Without understanding, there is no communication.195- Language5.1. Simplicity and ClarityIf you want your audience to understand your message, your language must be simple and clear. Use short words and short sentences. In general, talk about co

25、ncrete facts rather than abstract ideas.Use active verbs instead of passive verbs - more powerful; Benz sold two million cars last year.Two million cars were sold by Benz last year.Use You-Viewpoint instead of We-Viewpoint more persuasive;Use Positive messages instead of Negative messages more posit

26、ive;205.2. SignpostingIt is easy to navigate the roads when you have signposts for directions. But when you give a presentation, how can your audience know where they are? How can they know the structure of your presentation? How can they know what is coming next? They know because you tell them. Be

27、cause you put up signposts for them, at the beginning and all along the route. This technique is called “signposting” or “signaling”.During your introduction you should tell your audience what the structure of your presentation will be. You can use some of these expressions: .start with, then, after

28、 that, lastly, concluding21The table below lists useful expressions that you can use to signpost the various parts of your presentation:FunctionSignposting & LanguageIntroduction to the subjectId like to start byLets begin byFirst of all, IllStarting withIll begin byFinishing one subjectWell, Ive to

29、ld you aboutThats all I have to say aboutWeve looked atSo much forand starting anotherNow well move on toLet me turn now toNextTurning toId like now to discussLets look now at22Analyzing a point and giving recommendationsWhere does that lead us?Lets consider this in more detailWhat does this mean fo

30、r ABC?Translated into real termsGiving an exampleFor exampleA good example of this isAs an illustrationTo give you an exampleTo illustrate this pointSummarizing and concludingIn conclusionRight, lets sum up, shall we?Id like now to recap.Lets summarize briefly what weve looked at.Finally, let me rem

31、ind you of some of the issues weve coveredIf I can just sum up the main pointsOrderingFirstlysecondlythirdlylastlyFirst of allthennextafter thatfinallyTo start withlaterto finish up236- The PresentationMost presentations are divided into 3 main parts (+questions): (1) Introduction, (2) Body, (3) Con

32、clusionIn presentations, there is a golden rule about repetition: Say what you are going to saySay itThen say what you have just saidIn other words, use the 3 parts of your presentation to reinforce your message. In the introduction, you tell your audience what your message is going to be. In the bo

33、dy, you tell your audience your real message. In the conclusion, you summarize what your message was.246.1. IntroductionThe introduction is a very important - perhaps the most important- part of your presentation. This is the first impression that your audience have of you. You should concentrate on

34、 getting your introduction right. You should use the introduction to: Welcome your audienceIntroduce your subjectOutline the structure of your presentationThe following table shows examples of language for each of these functions. You may need to modify the language as appropriate:25FunctionPossible

35、 language1. Welcoming your audienceGood morning, ladies and gentlemenGood morning gentlemenGood afternoon, ladies and gentlemenGood afternoon, everybody2. Introducing your subjectI am going to talk today aboutThe purpose of my presentation is to introduce our new range of3. Outlining your structureT

36、o start with, Ill describe the progress made this year. Then Ill mention some of the problems weve encountered and how we overcame them. After that, Ill summarize my presentation (before concluding with some recommendations)4. Giving instructions about questionsDo feel free to interrupt me if you ha

37、ve any questions.Ill try to answer all of your questions after the presentationI plan to keep some times for questions after the presentation.266.2. BodyThe body is the “real” presentation. If the introduction was well prepared and delivered, you will now be “in control”. You will be relaxed and con

38、fident. The body should be well-structured, divided up logically, with plenty of carefully spaced visuals.Remember these key points while delivering the body of your presentation:Do not hurryBe enthusiasticGive time on visualsMaintain eye contactModulate your voiceLook friendlyKeep to your structure

39、Use your notesSignpost throughoutRemain polite when dealing with difficult questions.276.3. ConclusionUse the conclusion to:Sum upGive recommendations if appropriateThank your audienceInvite questionsThe following table shows examples of language for each of these functions. You may need to modify t

40、he languages as appropriate:28FunctionPossible language1. Summing upTo conclude,In conclusion,Now, to sum upSo let me summarize/recap what Ive said.Finally, may I remind you of some of the main points weve considered.2. Giving recommendationsIn conclusion, my recommendations areIn therefore suggest/

41、propose/recommend the following strategy3. Thanking your audienceMany thanks for your attention.May I thank you all for being such an attentive audience.4. Inviting questionsNow, Ill try to answer any questions you may have.Can I answer any questions?Are there any questions?Do you have any question?Are there any final questions?297- Review In this seminar, yo


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