1、PAGE 78課程簡介快樂英語校本課程教材是為了落實我?!皩嵤╆柟饨逃?,為學(xué)生的陽光人生奠基”的辦學(xué)理念,讓我校的綜合實踐活動具有系統(tǒng)性科學(xué)性且行之有效的載體,向著促進學(xué)生個性發(fā)展的特色示范學(xué)校進軍設(shè)計編排而成。正確把握小學(xué)生學(xué)英語的特點,豐富課程教學(xué)資源,積極創(chuàng)設(shè)英語環(huán)境,最大限度地解決學(xué)生在學(xué)習英語上的困難。教材從學(xué)生的實際需求出發(fā),重視學(xué)生的年齡特征和學(xué)習心理,充分體現(xiàn)了素質(zhì)教育思想,突出“以人為本”的教育理念。通過使用校本教材,讓學(xué)生感受到學(xué)習英語的樂趣,使學(xué)過的知識通過參與豐富多彩的英語活動而有所提升。培養(yǎng)學(xué)生主體參與學(xué)習英語的動力和能力;鼓勵學(xué)生表達、交流體驗,最終發(fā)展學(xué)生自主學(xué)習
3、價方式為:1.對教師的評價:包括教學(xué)準備、教學(xué)方式、教學(xué)態(tài)度等方面的評價,教師自我評價為主,重視學(xué)生、家長、教師同行、對教師的評價,同時把定性評價與定量評價結(jié)合起來。2.對學(xué)生的評價:主要對學(xué)生在學(xué)習過程中,知識與技能、情感態(tài)度、價值觀、學(xué)習方法等方面取得的成績做出評價。在評價中,學(xué)生是評價主體,學(xué)生在學(xué)習活動中對師生關(guān)系的實際感受、學(xué)生的學(xué)習興趣和獲得成功的體驗等應(yīng)成為評價學(xué)生的主體內(nèi)容。本冊教材適用于三年級。 致同學(xué) 親愛的同學(xué)們: 你們好!歡迎你們來到快樂英語學(xué)習的世界。 這本書為你們準備了許多有趣的游戲、對話、故事、動畫片,還有新穎的英語律動操歌曲和情景劇。你們會發(fā)現(xiàn)原來英語學(xué)習是一件
4、很開心快樂的事。你們會認識很多單詞,能讀懂英語小故事,能學(xué)會用英語和別人交談,還能學(xué)唱很多好聽的英語歌曲,做充滿活力的律動操,表演情景劇 在剛開始學(xué)英語的時候,你們可能聽不懂也說不好,別著急,這沒關(guān)系。你們上課要認真聽講,多模仿,要努力學(xué)唱英語歌曲,講故事,還要積極參加英語活動,只要跟著老師一起學(xué)習,這樣你們很快就能開口說英語了。要記住:別害羞,別放棄,大膽地說,放松地演,大聲地唱! 親愛的同學(xué)們,愿你們和書里的小主人公成為好朋友,一起度過這快樂美好的學(xué)習時光。 編者 2013年8月 CONTENTS(目錄) ( 上冊 )歌曲篇Happy Kids . 4The exercises of 26
5、 letters . 6Wash . 10I can sing a rainbow. . 12游戲律動篇110數(shù)字游戲 . 14水果名稱游戲 . 15英語律動操 . 18情景故事對話篇Blue likes its new color. . 19We are the best. . 20Going to the zoo. 21Lets make a new friend. . 22情景劇 The little pig. 23經(jīng)典英文動畫片欣賞Dumbo(Little flying elephant)歌曲篇NO.1 Happy Kids Anthem (快樂兒童樂園)Louie, Louie, L
6、ouie,How are you? Louie, 你好嗎?Yoyo, Yoyo, Yoyo,How are you? Yoyo你好嗎?Cici, Cici, Cici,How are you? Cici你好嗎?Bobby, Bobby,How are you? Bobby你好嗎?Im fine. Thank you. 我很好,謝謝你!La la laIm fine. Thank you. 我很好,謝謝你!La la laGood morning, Melody. Melody早上好.Good morning, Melody. Melody早上好We are happy, 我們快樂。We are
7、 happy kids. 我們是快樂的孩子。Yeah!Let learnKey words: happy 快樂的,高興的,幸福的 Kid 小孩子Key sentence: We are happy kids. 我們是快樂的孩子。Lets read ( Read the lyrics)Lets sing. ( Follow your teacher)Lets do. ( Do actions after your teacher)Lets check. (Sing the song together)You are the best, lets try to sing!NO.2 The exer
8、cises of 26 letters (26個英文字母操)Aa ei Aa【】Cat 記憶方法:尖尖的帽子動作:兩腳分開,與肩等寬站立,兩臂上舉,雙手指尖相搭代表字母“A”。自然發(fā)音:【】 類似發(fā)音:挨挨挨動作:一只手做剪刀狀,放于嘴邊發(fā)音,大口型。Cat 雙手模仿小貓的胡子 Bb bi: Bb【b】Bird記憶方法:兩個圓圈 動作:身體直立,右臂彎曲,先用右手指尖貼著頭的右邊,再彎要用右手指尖貼右腳,代表字母“B”。自然發(fā)音:【b】有聲類似發(fā)音:撥撥撥動作:用手做打電話狀 Bird 雙手大拇指相勾在一起,做小鳥扇動翅膀狀 Cc si: Cc【k】cock記憶方法:彎彎的月亮動作:身體向右側(cè)
9、傾,左臂舉起向右側(cè)彎曲伸出,右臂舉起向右側(cè)稍稍彎曲伸出,組成“C”字母形狀。自然發(fā)音:【k】無聲 類似發(fā)音:科科科動作:雙手放在嘴邊做肯苞米狀Cock 雙臂向身體后面伸出,雙手晃動做公雞扇動翅膀狀。Dd di: Dd【d】duck記憶方法:大大的肚子 動作:面朝右側(cè),身體代表D字母的豎線,雙手從頭頂至腳部畫一條弧線,代表字母“D”。自然發(fā)音:【d】有聲類似發(fā)音:嘚嘚嘚動作:雙腳跺地Ee i: Ee【】egg記憶方法:一座大山側(cè)過來動作:身體直立,依次向右側(cè)伸出兩條手臂和一條腿,代表字母“E”。自然發(fā)音:【】類似發(fā)音:哎哎哎 動作一只手握拳后,伸出食指放在嘴邊做刷牙狀,小口型Ff ef Ff【f
10、】frog記憶方法:E少了一橫動作:面向自己的右側(cè)站好,身體直立,向前平伸出兩條手臂,代表字母“F”。自然發(fā)音:【f】無聲類似發(fā)音:夫夫夫動作:Gg di:Gg【g】goat記憶方法:頂在頭上的動作:左手舉過頭頂并向右側(cè)彎曲,右手搭在頭頂,代表字母“G”。自然發(fā)音:【g】有聲類似發(fā)音:割割割動作:雙手交叉做割東西的動作Hh eitHh【h】horse記憶方法:寬寬的梯子動作:雙臂分開上舉,雙腳分開站立,代表字母“H”。自然發(fā)音:【h】無聲類似發(fā)音:喝喝喝動作:一只手放在嘴邊,做拿著水杯喝水狀。Ii ai Ii【ai】lion記憶方法:直直的站立動作:身體直立,雙臂緊緊的貼在身體兩側(cè),雙腳并齊,
11、代表字母“I”自然發(fā)音:【ai】類似發(fā)音:愛愛愛動作:雙手比成心形放在胸前Jj dei Jj【d】juice記憶方法:彎彎的鉤子動作:身體直立,雙臂緊緊的貼在身體兩側(cè),左腳向左伸出,腳跟點地,代表字母“J”。自然發(fā)音:【d】類似發(fā)音:織織織動作:雙手做織毛衣狀Kk kei Kk【k】coke記憶方法:兩個樹杈動作:右臂向右斜上方上舉,右腳伸出,腳跟點地,代表字母“K”。自然發(fā)音:【k】類似發(fā)音:磕磕磕動作:雙手放在嘴邊做啃東西狀Ll el Ll【l】milk記憶方法:交警的動作 動作:左臂貼著左耳朵上舉,右臂水平向右伸出,與左臂形成90度的直角,代表字母“L”自然發(fā)音:【l】類似發(fā)音:樂樂樂(
12、lion)動作:雙手食指放在嘴邊,做笑的樣子Mm em Mm【m】milk記憶方法:一扇大門動作:雙手向下做勝利手勢,雙手食指相碰,代表字母“M”。自然發(fā)音:【m】類似發(fā)音:摸摸摸動作:雙手在胸前左右搖擺Nn en Nn【n】hen記憶方法:半扇大門動作:右臂稍彎曲斜上舉,伸到頭旁,左臂稍彎曲斜下舉,伸到胯旁邊,代表字母“N”。自然發(fā)音:【n】類似發(fā)音:吶吶吶動作:一手食指指鼻子 Oo u Oo【】cow記憶方法:圓圓的雞蛋動作:雙臂彎曲,在頭頂上形成一個圓形,代表字母“O”。自然發(fā)音:【】類似發(fā)音:嗷嗷嗷動作:Pp pi: Pp【p】panda記憶方法:網(wǎng)球的拍子 動作:右臂向右側(cè)伸出并彎曲
13、,右手摸頭頂,代表字母“p。自然發(fā)音:【p】類似發(fā)音:潑潑潑動作:一只手拍另一只手臂 Qq kju: Qq【k】queen記憶方法:雞蛋多出一筆動作:左手彎曲成一個弧形,左手放在頭頂上,右手搭左手手臂,代表字母“Q”。Q和U 好朋友,它們總是連在一起發(fā)音:自然發(fā)音:【kw】類似發(fā)音:闊闊闊動作:雙臂做擴胸運動R r : Rr【r】rabbit記憶方法:P伸出一條腿 動作:右臂彎曲,右手放在頭頂上,右腳向右側(cè)伸出,腳跟點地,代表字母“R”。自然發(fā)音:【r】類似發(fā)音:若若若動作:一只手張開再卷曲(模仿發(fā)聲時舌頭的狀態(tài))S s es Ss【s】ship記憶方法:一條小蛇動作:雙手合在一起,在身體前面
14、劃”S”形狀,代表字母 “S”。自然發(fā)音:【s】無聲類似發(fā)音:嘶嘶嘶動作: Ship抬左手,抬右手,雙手上下晃動嘩啦啦啦啦T t ti: Tt【t】train記憶方法:一把小錘動作:身體直立,低頭,雙臂伸平,代表字母“T”自然發(fā)音:【t】無聲類似發(fā)音:特特特 動作:Train 側(cè)抬左前臂,再側(cè)抬右前臂,雙臂做火車車輪前進狀。嗚嗚嗚U u ju: Uu【】bus記憶方法:大大的魚缸動作:雙臂稍彎曲,上舉到肩的上面,與肩形成一個弧度,代表字母“U”自然發(fā)音:【】類似發(fā)音:啊啊啊動作:雙手食指伸出對在一起,形成“”的形狀Vv vi: Vv【v】van記憶方法:勝利的手勢動作:單手比出勝利手勢“V”狀
15、,代表字母“V”自然發(fā)音:【v】有聲類似發(fā)音:嗚嗚嗚動作:雙臂做小蜜蜂翅膀扇動狀。 Ww dblju: Ww【w】wolf記憶方法:M到過來動作:雙手比出勝利手勢“V”狀,同時雙手食指指尖相靠在一起,代表字母“W”自然發(fā)音:【w】有聲類似發(fā)音:喔喔喔動作:雙手放在胸前,拍著胸脯說:我我我Xx eks Xx【ks】fox記憶方法:大大的叉號動作:雙臂上舉過頭頂后交叉,代表字母“X”自然發(fā)音:【ks】類似發(fā)音:科斯動作:雙手握拳放在嘴邊做擰東西狀,像小老鼠在剝糖紙Yy wai Yy【j】yak記憶方法:V多出了一筆動作:雙臂斜上舉,身體直立,代表字母“Y”自然發(fā)音:【j】類似發(fā)音:耶耶耶動作:雙手
16、比勝利手勢,像在照相Zz zi:/zed記憶方法:一只鴨子Zz【z】zebra動作:面向左站立,雙臂向前平伸,手心向下,雙腿并齊,跳起后屈膝,代表字母“Z”自然發(fā)音:【z】類似發(fā)音:茲茲茲動作:一手握拳,另一只手伸出食指,做鉆東西狀Lets read the letters.2.Lets do. ( Do actions after your teacher.)3.Listen to the music and do. (音樂鏈接甩蔥歌)4.Lets check. ( Do exercises together.)You are the best, lets try to do!NO.3Was
17、h洗一洗Wash, wash, wash my hands. 洗呀洗,洗洗我的手。One 、two 、three 、four、 five. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.Clean and nice, clean and nice. 干凈又漂亮。Wash, wash, wash my face. 洗呀洗,洗洗我的臉。One、two、three、four 、five. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5Clean and nice, clean and nice. 干凈又漂亮。Lets learn.Key words: wash 洗 face 臉 hand 手 clean 干凈 nice 漂亮 Count
18、 the numbers 15.Lets read. ( Read the lyrics )Lets sing. ( Follow the flash )Lets do. ( Do actions after your teacher )Lets check. ( Sing the song together )You are the best, lets try to sing!NO.4I can sing a rainbow我能唱彩虹歌Red and yellow and 紅色和黃色Pink and green 粉色和綠色Orange and purple and blue 橙色,紫色和藍
19、色I can sing a rainbow 我會唱首彩虹歌Sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow too 唱首彩虹歌,唱首彩虹歌Listen with your ears 用你的耳朵去聽Oh listen with your ears and 噢,用你的耳朵去聽Sing everything you see 歌唱你所看到的一切You can sing a rainbow 你可以唱首彩虹歌Sing a rainbow, sing along with me. 和我一起唱首彩虹歌Lets learn.Key words: rainbow 彩虹 pink 粉色 purple 紫
20、色 sing歌唱 Key sentences: Listen with your ears. 用你的耳朵聽 Sing everything you see. 歌唱你見到的一切。 Sing along with me. 和我一起歌唱。2.Lets read. ( Read the lyrics )3. Lets sing. ( Follow the flash ) 4. Practice. ( Try again ) 5. Believe yourself. ( Try to sing ) I believe you can sing a rainbow. Lets try!游戲律動篇NO.1N
21、umbers 110 one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 five 5 six 6 seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 10Lets learn.Count the numbers 110.Lets read. ( Read the numbers after your teacher )Play the game with your partner.Can you count the numbers 110? Let try!No.2Fruit水果 Grape 葡萄 apple蘋果 banana 香蕉 Cherry櫻桃 strawberry 草莓 pear
22、 梨子pineapple 菠蘿 lemon 檸檬 orange 橘子Lets learn.Learn the new words grape、apple、banana、cherry、strawberry 、pear、pineapple、lemon 、 orangeLets read. ( Read the words after your teacher )Play the game with your partner.Do you remember these words? Lets try to say!N0.3Morning Exercises( 律動操 )1. One、 two 、th
23、ree、 four put your hands up, Five、six、seven、eight put your hands down. One、two、three、four jump jump high. And five、six、seven、eight stand, stand straight. One、two、three、four hands up, Five、six、seven、eight put your hands down. One、two、three、four、five、six、seven、eight, Shake your body, shake, shake, sha
24、ke.2. Hands on shoulders, hands on knees, Hands behind you if you please. Touch your shoulders, now your nose, Now your hair and now your toes. Hands up higher in the air, Touch the sky and touch your hair. Hands up higher as before, Clap your hands, onetwothreefour!3. Two little funny birds sitting
25、 on the hill, One named Jack, the other named Jill. Fly away Jack, fly away Jill, Come back Jack, come back Jill. ( Twice)4. Cover your mouth and turn your head, Shrug your shoulders when you cough cough cough. Cover your mouth and turn your head, Shrug your shoulders when you Ah choo Ah choo Ah cho
26、o. Thats the healthy things to do. We can even stop the flu. So, cover your mouth and turn your head, Shrug your shoulders when you Ah choo Ah choo Ah choo.5. Jump to the left, Jump to the right.Jump like a rabbit,Jump up high.( Twice )6. Shall we dance? Shall we dance? And shall you be my new roman
27、ce? Kick your foot and stamp your feet, Were dancing one two three. ( Twice )7. Wiggle your waist, wiggle, wiggle, Wiggle your waist, bon. Wiggle your waist, wiggle, wiggle, Make your body very flexible. ( Twice )8. Dance your finger up, Dance your finger down. Dance your fingers on your tummy, Danc
28、e them all around. ( Twice )9. Arms up, Arms down. Take a deep breath, Inspiration.( Twice )Lets learn.Read the words and do the exercises. ( You should give students enough time to practice.)Lets do.The teacher must give Ss a model, and play the flash to help them.Which one exercise do you like bes
29、t? Choose it and do!Lets try!建議:本套律動操分為9節(jié),輔導(dǎo)老師可根據(jù)學(xué)生實際情況和課時來有選擇性的學(xué)習期中的某幾節(jié),也可以多安排幾個課時來學(xué)習。建議一個課時學(xué)習1-2節(jié)操.情景故事對話篇NO.1 Lets make a new friend. 讓我們交個新朋友Hello, my name is Titi. 嗨, 我名叫Titi.When I see new friends, I want to say hello.當我看到新朋友時,我想要說Hello.I say “ Hello, my friends. My name is Titi.”我說“Hello,我的新朋
30、友們。我叫Titi.”They say “ Hello Titi, nice to meet you!”他們會說“Hello Titi,見到你很高興!”O(jiān)ne day, I saw a flower. He was alone. He had no friends.有一天,我看到一朵花。他很孤獨。他沒有朋友。I wanted to talk to him. “ Good morning. My name is Titi. What is your name?” 我想跟他說?!霸缟虾?。我叫Titi。你叫什么名字?。俊癟he flower answered, “ My name is Kiki.”
31、花朵回答到,“我叫Kiki。”I said, “ Nice to meet you, Kiki” 我說到,“Kiki,見到你很高興?!盞iki said, “ Nice to meet you too, Titi.”Kiki說到,“Titi,見到你也很高興?!盞iki became my new friend.Kiki成了我的新朋友。 Lets learn.Key words: friend朋友 flower花兒 alone孤獨的,獨自的Key sentence: He had no friends.Listen and read.Play the flash and lets Ss list
32、en and repeat.Try to tell the story.Teacher should give them some help in the same time.Can you tell the story? Believe yourself, lets try!NO.2 Blue likes its new color. 藍色喜歡它的新顏色 Blue wanted to change its color. 藍色想要改變它的顏色。 One day, Blue met Black. Blue said “ Lets mix!” 一天,藍色碰到了黑色。藍色說 “讓我們混合吧!”The
33、n Blue became Black. But Blue was not happy.然后藍色變成了黑色。但是藍色不開心。 One day, Blue met White. Blue said “ Lets mix!” 有一天,藍色碰到了白色。藍色說“讓我們混合吧!”Then Blue became Baby Blue. But Blue was still not happy.然后藍色變成了淡藍色。但是藍色仍然不開心。 One day, Blue met Yellow. Yellow has magic power. Blue said “ Lets mix!” 有一天,藍色碰到了黃色。黃
34、色擁有魔法能量。藍色說“讓我們混合吧!”Then Blue became Green. Blue liked its new color. Green is happy now. 然后藍色變成了綠色。藍色喜歡它的新顏色。綠色現(xiàn)在開心了。Lets learn.Key words: color顏色 like喜歡 happy高興,開心 mix混合Key sentences : Lets mix!Listen and read.Play the flash and lets Ss listen and repeat.Try to tell the story.Teacher should give t
35、hem some help in the same time.Can you tell the story? Believe yourself, lets try!NO.3We are the best. 我們是最棒的。 One day, the eyes, the nose and the ears were fighting. 有一天,眼睛、鼻子和耳朵發(fā)生了爭執(zhí)。 The eyes said, “ I am the best. I can see everything!” 眼睛說,“我是最棒的。我能看到一切!” The nose said, “ I am the best. I can s
36、mell everything!” 鼻子說,“我是最棒的。我能聞到一切!” The ears said, “ No, I am the best. I can hear everything!” 耳朵說,“不, 我才是最棒的。我能聽到一切!” Then the face said, “ I am the best. Without me, you cant see anything. You cant smell anything. You cant hear anything. We are the best!” 然后臉說,“我是最棒的。沒有我,你們看不到、聞不到和聽不到任何事物。我們才是最
37、棒的!”Lets learn.Key words: see看見 smell聞 hear聽 everything每件事物 anything任何事物 Key sentence: I am the best!Listen and read.Play the flash and let Ss listen and repeat.Try to tell the story.Teacher should give them some help in the same time.Can you tell the story? Believe yourself, lets try!NO.4Going to t
38、he zoo.去動物園I am going to the zoo. I can going with my family. There are many animals in the zoo. 我要和我的家人一起去動物園。在動物園里有很多動物。There are giraffes、seals、elephants、kangaroos、monkeys and any more. 那里有長頸鹿、海豹、大象、袋鼠、猴子等等。I see giraffes. Look at them! The giraffes are eating leaves.我看到長頸鹿??此麄?!長頸鹿們正在吃樹葉。I see se
39、als. Look at them! The seals are diving into the water.我看到海豹。看他們!海豹們正在跳水。I see elephants. Look at them! Then elephants are taking a bath.我看到大象。看他們!大象們正在洗澡。I see polar bears. Look at them! The polar bears are swimming. 我看到北極熊??此麄?!北極熊們正在游泳。I see kangaroos. Look at them! The kangaroos are bouncing.我看到袋
40、鼠。看他們!袋鼠們正在跳躍。I see monkeys. Look at them! The monkeys are climbing the trees.我看到猴子??此麄?!猴子們正在爬樹。I see my sister. Look at her! She is tossing rocks to the monkeys.我看到我妹妹??此∷诔镒尤邮^。I see the monkeys. Look at them! The monkeys are running to her.我看到猴子。看他們!猴子正在追著她跑。I see the monkey. Look at him! He is
41、 hitting my sisters head.我看到猴子。看他!他正在打我妹妹的頭。I see my sister. Look at her! She is crying. Dont tease the animals! 我看到我妹妹??此∷诳?。不要捉弄動物!Lets learn.Key words: giraffe長頸鹿 seal 海豹kangaroo袋鼠 polar bear北極熊 key sentences: I see ./ Look at them!Lets read. ( Read the words and sentences.)Listen and tell the
42、story.Play the flash. Let Ss listen and repeat.Try to tell.Let Ss try to tell the story. The teacher should give them some help in the same time. Can you tell the story? Believe yourself, lets try!情景劇 The little pig角色:小蜜蜂、小豬、小兔、小山羊、小象,旁白道具:小蜜蜂、小豬、小兔、小山羊、小象的頭飾,小蜜蜂的翅膀一對,水池一個(用一個臉盆表示)第一場:小豬上場旁白:在一個晴朗的星
43、期天上午,我們森林里的邋遢大王小豬剛吃完早餐就出門了,今天他準備出去找其他的小伙伴玩。1、音樂起(dirty pig 的音樂),小豬隨著音樂邊走邊跳著出場。來到樹下,躺下來,一手摸著自己圓圓的肚子,一手折了身旁的一朵小花放在肚子上。嘴里哼著小調(diào)(可以是任一首兒歌比如說 Im a little paiter.),很悠閑的樣子.2、就在此時,小蜜蜂唱著 flying flying little bee ,flying flying little bee,zzzzzzlittle bee,zzzzz little bee (廣播體操里面的一節(jié))飛上場了。飛了兩圈以后看見小豬了。準備靠近打個招呼,剛靠
44、近一點就聞到一股臭味,連忙后退。Bird: Oh, what a dirty pig!(用一只手捂住鼻子,另一只手做扇風狀,很臭的樣子。說完后就飛走了。)第二場:小豬被拒絕Pig : How bored!(坐起來,伸懶腰)四處看看,看見不遠處小白兔在跳舞,臉上露出得意的笑,連忙站起來朝著小兔跑過去。Pig : Bunny, lets play (雙手握拳在胸前來回畫圓。)Bunny: oh ,no!You are so dirty?。ū亲油∝i跟前一湊,做出很臭的樣子!擺手拒絕,走到一邊自己玩)小豬毫不介意的樣子,走開了,繼續(xù)向前走,看見山羊,連忙跑過去 Pig : Goat, lets pl
45、ay ?。p手握拳在胸前來回畫圓。)Goat : oh ,no!You are so dirty!(鼻子往小豬跟前一湊,做出很臭的樣子!擺手拒絕,跑過去和小兔一起玩。)旁白:小豬被小兔、小山羊拒絕后非常傷心,低著頭繼續(xù)往前走,這時候小豬非常想找一個小伙伴玩,看見在水池邊玩水的小象,小豬高興極了小豬正準備跑過去的時候,想起剛才小兔和山羊的話(You are so dirty?。挥傻糜值拖铝祟^。雙手撮著衣角,慢慢的走向小象。Pig : Elephant, lets play。(很小聲,害怕被拒絕的樣子)Elephant : oh ,no!You are so dirty! (鼻子往小豬跟前一湊
46、,做出很臭的樣子!搖搖鼻子拒絕了)小豬一屁股坐在地上開始哭起來。第三場:小豬變干凈了Elephant : Dont cry , let me help you!(從水池里吸水幫小豬沖洗)Pig : How cool !(洗澡的樣子,左搓搓。右搓搓)Elephant : You are clean . (笑著上下打量小豬)Pig : Yes, thank you .(不好意思的撓撓頭)小兔看見了,指著小豬說Look, OhAnimals : Look, Ohclean!lets play together?。ㄅ苓^去和小豬一起手牽手圍成一圈唱dirty pig)結(jié)束。小提醒:可以提醒孩子模仿動物的
47、聲音。比如小鳥的聲音是比較尖的,小兔的聲音很脆,山羊的聲音比較蒼老,大象的聲音比較渾厚說話比較緩慢。Lets learnKey words: bee蜜蜂 dirty臟的 help幫助 cry哭 Key sentences: You are so dirty! / Dont cry, let me help you!Read the dialogue in rolesThe teacher should give them some help.Act.Try to act it in roles.Do you remember your words?Are you ready?Lets try
48、to act together!經(jīng)典英文動畫片欣賞 Dumbo(Little flying elephant)Do you like Dumbo?What do we learn from Dumbo? CONTENTS(目錄) ( 下冊 )歌曲律動篇Family love . 1Food . 2You are my sunshine . 4英語律動操 5情景對話篇Self-introduction . 8I like school 10I love my family . 12故事篇Wheres ToBi? . 13The sun and the wind . 15A monkey and
49、a turtle 17閱讀篇Sleepy Toto 19A hungry rabbit . 22I raised my hand in class . 25情景劇Ugly ducking. 27經(jīng)典英文動畫片欣賞 Snow White歌曲律動篇NO.1 I love my family我愛我家I love mom, so do you.I love dad, so do you.I love my family, so do you.I love grandpa, so do you.I love grandma, so do you.I love my family, so do you.(
50、 Twice )1.Let learnKey words: family 家人,家庭Key sentence: So do you.2.Lets read ( Read the lyrics)3.Lets sing. ( Follow your teacher)4.Lets do. ( Do actions after your teacher)5.Lets check. (Sing the song together)You are the best, lets try to sing!NO.2 Food食物桃子、桃子peach, peach、 peach、 peach.蘋果、蘋果apple
51、, apple、 apple、 apple.梨子、梨子pear, pear、 pear、 pear.桔子、桔子orange, orange 、orange香蕉、香蕉banana, banana 、banana.葡萄、葡萄grape, grape、 grape.米飯、米飯rice, rice、 rice.面條、面條noodle, noodle、 noodle.蛋糕、蛋糕cake, cake 、cake.豬肉、豬肉pork, pork 、pork.魚肉、魚肉fish, fish、 fish.雞蛋、雞蛋egg, egg 、egg.大豆、大豆beans, beans、 beans.Lets learn
52、.New words: beans大豆 pork豬肉 noodle 面條rice米飯 pear梨子 peach 桃子Lets read. ( Read the words )Lets chant. ( Follow the flash )You are the best, lets chant!No.3 You are my sunshine 你是我的陽光 You are my sunshine, 你是我的陽光, My only sunshine. 我獨有的陽光。 You make me happy, 當天空灰暗時, When skies are gray. 你給我?guī)砜鞓贰?You neve
53、r know dear, 你永遠也不知道 How much I love you. 我有多么愛你。 So please 所以Dont take my sunshine away. 請別帶走我的陽光。Lets learn.New words: sunshine 陽光 gray灰色 Only只,僅僅 take away 把帶走Lets read. ( Read the lyrics and new words.)Listen and sing. ( Play the flash, let Ss repeat )Can you sing the song ? Lets try to sing tog
54、ether!NO.4 Morning ExercisesWake upWake up, wake up, stretch your body,Cover the mouth and roll your tummy.Put on the T-shirt, put on the shoes,Say hello daddy, say morning mommy!Wake up, wake up, stretch your body,Cover the mouth and roll your tummy.Put on the T-shirt, put on the shoes, Lets do it
55、today, come on everybody!Warm up the bodyOne, two , three ,four hands up,Five, six, seven, eight hands down.One, two , three ,four jump, jump,And five, six, seven, eight turn around.One, two , three ,four clap your hands,Five, six, seven, eight touch your knees. One, two , three ,four shrug your sho
56、ulders, Five, six, seven, eight stamp your feet.Making friendsGet on the bus, beep, beep, beep.Were coming to the wonderland.Nod your head and wave your hand.Meeting the teacher and dear friends.( Twice )( Nice to see you my dear friend )Hello, hello, how are you?Im fine, Im fine, fine thank you.You
57、 can call my name, you can call me friend.Nice to see you, lets having fun!Hip-hop DanceHip-hop, hip-hop, hip, hip.Wave your right hands up.Hip-hop, hip-hop, hip, hip.Stretch your body along.Hip-hop, hip-hop, hip, hip.Give your friend a big big hug.Hip-hop, hip-hop, hip, hip.Stretch your body along.
58、( Twice )Whole body burningHop a little, jump a little, one two three.Run a little, skip a little, tap one knee.Bend a little, stretch a little, nod your head.Yawn a little, sleep a little, in your bed.Partner dancingShall we dance? Shall we dance?And shall you be my new romance?Kick your foot and s
59、tamp your feet.Were dancing one two three.( Twice )RelaxingInspiration ( open your mouth )Expiration ( move on )Turn your head around.Let your arms down.Inspiration ( deep, deep )Expiration ( move on )Shrug your shoulders, shrug.And that is all about!Lets learn.Read the words and do the exercises. (
60、 You should give students enough time to practice.)Lets do.The teacher must give Ss a model, and play the flash to help them.Which one exercise do you like best? Choose it and do!Lets try!建議:本套律動操分為7節(jié),輔導(dǎo)老師可根據(jù)學(xué)生實際情況和課時來有選擇性的學(xué)習期中的某幾節(jié),也可以多安排幾個課時來學(xué)習。建議一個課時學(xué)習1-2節(jié)操.情景對話篇No.1 Self-introduction自我介紹Good morn
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