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1、英美文化教材習(xí)題答案Britain1. Who are the British ?.the Scottish Highlanders : They are the Scots who live in the mountain areas of the Highlands inNorthern Scotland. They are a proud, ind ependent and hardy peopl e who maintain their strong cultural identity.the British Isles : The British Isl es lie norther

2、n of Europe in the Atlantic Ocean. They consist of two.NationaldEstes! t he mostlarge islands-Britain and Ireland and several small islands.the National Eisted dfod : Eisteddfod is the Welsh word for “ sitting famous festival of music and verse in Wales. It takes place each August and lasts for abou

3、t a week. The highlight of the Eisteddfod is a competition for the best epic poem about Wales written and read in Welsh. The winner is crowned Bard, consid ered the supreme honor in Wales.4.Bard : Bardciriginally denoted the grouping epic poem to the Celtic leaders or warriors for their great achiev

4、ement. Now, it roughly means the respected poetry.5.Northern Ireland (Ulster) : A section of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Northern Ireland, located in the northeast of the Ireland, the capital of which is Belfast.6.Oliver Cromwell : Oliver Cromwell was the Roundhead leader during the

5、English Civil War. He defeated King Charles I and condemned him to d eath. The monarchy was overthrown, and the country became for more than ten years a republic.William m:the protestant King (參見 P10-11).The Orange Day celebrations : celebrations held by Protestants on 12 August each year in North I

6、reland to commemorate the Battle of the Royne in 1690 when the Protestant King William of Orange crushed a Catholic rebellion in Londonderry. The celebrations were always aggressively provocative and fightings often broke out between Protestant marches and Catholic bystand ers.The Provisional IRA :

7、IRA, the Irish Reputation Army, is a nationalist organization d edicated to the unification of Ireland. It was organized in1919. The IRA refused to accept a separate Northern Ireland under British rul e. In 1969 it s plit into an “ official “ majority, which disdcuimiedcva)terrorist“ provisional win

8、g, whose attacks on British troops in Northern Ireland, oambombings, and others acts of terror in England kept tensions high. The Peace People: In the summer of 1976 Betty Williams, a Protestant housewife, was so horrified at the killing fo two children by a running IRA car that she decid ed to orga

9、nize the women of Ulster, both Protestant and Catholic, into a pressure group. It is a pressure group working for peace and reconciliation in Ireland. Williams and her Catholic partner, Corrigan, soon gathered thousands of followers despite threats and intimidation from both sid es. They continued t

10、o pursue their aims and at the end of 1976 the two l eaders were awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace.nThe full name of the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Northern 卜eland.The Romans first landed in Britain in the year of 55BC.The Scots are well-known for being inventive,

11、hard-working, serious minded and cautious with money.Two of the Welsh characteristics are cultural prid e and their love of music and poetry.People began to settle in about 10,000 years ago.Name two famous Scottish writers: Robert Burns and Sir Walter Scottor, two Welsh writers: Dylan Thomas and Gwy

12、n Thomas; and two Irish writers: Jonathan Swift and Oscar Wild e.Angles, Saxons and Jutes were the three Germanic tribes that came to be the basis of mod ern English race.m DDBABEnglish History-iExercise book Page29 1Page292Page293Page296Page309Henry 皿 Textbook P28 2nd para.Elizabeth I Textbook P29

13、1st para.Divine Right Textbook P30 2nd para.(可忽略)Page33 22VictorianismnThe CrusadesColumbus, Vasco da Gamathe Middle agesthe Parliament, the King Charl es ICharles Darwinthe Great Depressionthe League of Nations, United Nationsm DBBCDBritish Government System.學(xué)習(xí)手冊63頁III.1.學(xué)習(xí)手冊65頁III.9.學(xué)習(xí)手冊65頁III.10.

14、學(xué)習(xí)手冊64頁III.3.學(xué)習(xí)手冊64頁III.4.學(xué)習(xí)手冊64頁III.7.學(xué)習(xí)手冊64頁III.5Elizabeth the SecondOn Her Majesty s Servicethe Most Order of the GarterIn her rol e as head of the Church of EnglandActs of Parliament; the Prerogative of the Crown;Conventions of the Constitution; Common law; Parliamentary PrivilegeFive, 635The Cr

15、own; the House of Lords; the House of CommonsParliamentThe final court of appeal in civil cases and criminal cases, except criminal cases in Scotland.To make laws;to control and criticize the executive government;to control the raising and the spending of moneyThe Lord ChancellorHer ministersParliam

16、ent; Cabinet; the House of Commons; ParliamentBCADCA.課本P68第二段.課本P75第二,四段P74第三段.課本P76.課本P78第一段.課本P81第三段.課本P73.課本P78第一,二段. Industry, Agriculture and BusinessI.Exercise book Page80 12.P80 23.P81 64.P82 8.Special development area: Textbook P101 2 nd para.P81 3.P81 4.P81 7ncoal, water powerthe Second Wor

17、ld War, the Bank of England, coal, civil aviationthe Second World War, Laboura nation of shop-keepersthe discovery and exploitation of oil and gas in the North Sea.m ADCAAEnglish literature.學(xué)習(xí)手冊96頁.III.2.學(xué)習(xí)手冊96頁.III.3.學(xué)習(xí)手冊96頁.III.4.學(xué)習(xí)手冊97頁.III.5.課本124頁.第二,三段.學(xué)習(xí)手冊96頁.III.7.學(xué)習(xí)手冊96頁.III.8Beowulf; the 6

18、ththeir Viking raid ers swept into Britainthe Anglo-Saxon ChronicleThe Roman invasion of Britain in 54B.C.The middle of the 12th centuryChaucer; Shakespeare; MiltonThomas More; UtopiaRomeo and Juliet; Hamlet; Othello; The Tempest; Twelfth Nights; As You Like It; Richard III; RichardII; Julius Caesar

19、The EssaysParadise Lost; Paradise Regained; Samson AgonistesPilgrim s ProgressJonathan SwiftHis poems London and The Vanity of Human WishesRobert BurnsRobinson CruiseWilliam Wordsworth; Samuel Tayl or Coleridge; Lord Byron; John Keats; Percy Bysshe SheleyJane Austen; Anne Bronte; Emily BronteLouis S

20、tevenson; Lewis Carroll; William Makepeace Thackeray;David Copper field; Oliver Twist;George Eliot; Oscar Wilde;The Return of the Nation; Jude the ObscureJames JoyceJJlyssesGeorge Bernard ShawDBCAADAADD.課本 P115-116.課本 P122-123.課本P133.課本P135第二,三段8.Religion and BeliefsExplain the following in English:

21、 全部在學(xué)習(xí)手冊 P109.Fill the blanks:Roman Catholic; ProtestantThe Old Testament; the New Testament.Queen; the Archbishop of Canterbury.God; Jesus; the Holy Spirit.PresbyterianThe Pope in Rome and the church or priesthood.The Presbyterian; the Methodist Church; the Congregational Church; the Baptist Church

22、; the Quakers.Humbler forms of life.Answer the questions:1)學(xué)習(xí)手冊P106 13、14題P146第三段P148 第二段P150 第一段9 EducationExplain the following in English:1) 2) 3) 6) 7) 8)是學(xué)習(xí)手冊 P140、P141 和 P142 的 .8.11 題4) 5)在書本P171第二段Fill the blanks:5;15.Christmas; Easter; summer.The selective; the comprehensiveEton; Har

23、row; Rugby.About three-quarters of income of Britain University.Oxford; Cambridge.St Andrews; Glasgow (or Aberdeen; Edinburgh)Oxford.Leeds; Lancaster (any acceptabe answers are correct)Exclusiveness.Tick the cooect answe門n each of the foll owing:A C D DAnswer the questions:Both educational and socia

24、l groundsP171 第二段3)學(xué)習(xí)手冊P148或P137的24題4)書本P174最后一段和P175最開頭一段5)課本 P175-177The college system and the tutorial system.P178最后一段11 The press, Radio and TelevisionExplain the following in English:1) 2) 3) 4) 5)在學(xué)習(xí)手冊P1666)書本P198第二段的7)書本P204第三段Fill the blanks:the smallness of the countryQuality paper; popula

25、r paper.The Times; The Guardian; the Daily Telegraph; Daily Mail; Daily Mirror; Sun.ThomsonThe Conservative Party; the Liberal PartyDaily TelegraphThe Sunday Times; Observer.Daily Mirror; The Sun.Tick the cooect answe門n each of the foll owing:D B C B AAnswer the questions:1)學(xué)習(xí)手冊P1742)書本P201最后一段書本P20

26、6最后一段America1. Atlantic to Pacific i .學(xué)習(xí)手冊第196頁.課本第 237 頁 2nd para.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第197 頁.課本第237頁1st para &第246頁注釋17.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第196頁.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第197 頁.課本第239頁最后一段&第240頁第一、二段.課本第242頁最后一段&第247頁注釋26R . Fill in the blanks1.50, 13, 35, Hawaii, Alaska.Alaska, California.Eastern standard time, central standard time, mountain stand

27、ard time, pacific standard time.Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island.West Virginia, New York State, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland.The Potomac, Washington D.C.The Appalachian, Vermont, Canada.The Appalachian, Rocky.Washington State, Oregon, California.New Engla

28、nd, the Mid-Atlantic area, the South, the Mid-West, the Great Plains states, the Western and the Pacific coast statesm . Tick the correct answer in each of the foll owing:C A D D C CIV . Answer the questions:.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第191, 196 頁.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第196 頁.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第196 頁.課本第237 頁.課本第 239 頁課本 241 頁.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第198 頁,. AMERICAN HIST

29、ORYExplain the foll owing in English:(其余未注明的頁碼是學(xué)習(xí)手冊頁碼)P218.5 (學(xué)習(xí)手冊218頁第五條)P280.9 (課本280頁第九個注釋)P221.15P222.17P221.14P222.16P222.18P223.20P224.26P225.28P226.33P227.35P228.38P228.40P223.22Fill in the blanks:Icelandic Vikings, ColumbusJamestown Virginia, 1607English Puritans, Roman Catholics, The Quaker

30、 leader William Penn1775, 1783a second continental CongressJuly 4ththe Federalists, the Republicans, classes, i(eobgical linesThomas JeffersonJohn MarshallUncle Tom s Cabinput an end to slavery, decided that America is a singl e indivisibl e nation10he introduced the assembly line into automobil e p

31、roduction, Manufacturing the Mod el Tthe New York Stock Exchangelaissez-faire, the government shoul d interfere with business as little as possibl e, government actionEugene V. DebsTick the correct answer in each of the foll owing:1-10:BAAADADADBAnswer the questions:(課本頁碼)P252P253P254P257P258P264-p2

32、65P266-p267P268-p269P270-p271P273P275P276-p2773. THE FORMS OF GOVERNMENTExplain the foll owing in English:(未標(biāo)注頁碼為學(xué)習(xí)手冊頁碼)P245.5P245.6P246.7P246.9P247.11P247.12P247.13P311.3(課本)P246.811P240.12P314.23 (課本)Fill in the blanks:federalism, the separation of powers, respect for the Constitution and the rul

33、e of lawforeign affairs, matters of general concern to all the statesthe Democrats, the Republicansexecutive, legislature, judicialFord, Rockefeller, the President Nixon resigned when he was in powerVice-Presidentfour, four, John Kenedytwo terms(eight years)435, 2, 100, 6the Congress(both the Senate

34、 and the House of Representatives), the Senate, a two-thirds majority in both HousesConfederation1922The Supreme Courtlife, President, the SenateThe Federal Bureau of InvestigationTick the correct answer in each of the foll owing:1-8: ACDCADCBAnswer the questions:(課本頁碼)P288P288P291P294&(p314.29)P302

35、P303P290, p297, p307P302-p303124. American UteratureI . Explain the following in English:.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第268 頁.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第268頁.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第268 頁.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第269 頁.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第270 頁.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第273 頁.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第274 頁R . Fill in the blanks. Washington Irving, Fennimore Cooper.Edgar Allan Poe, The Fall of the house of Usher.(Concord, Massachusetts), R

36、alph Wald Emerson,Henry David Thoreau, Nathaniel Hawthorne.Nature, The American Scholar, Self-Reliance, Experience.Walden.The Scarlet Letter.Herman Melville.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Life on the Mississippi, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.Theodore Dreiser.The Great Gatsby, what had happened

37、to American life.John Dos Passos.A Fable, Light in August, The Hamlet.The Sun Also Rise, A farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls.John Steinbeck, Ralph Ellison.Eugene O Neill, Long Day s Journey into Nightm . Tick the correct answer in each of the foll owing:CADBD DCCAD BCIV . Answer the question

38、s:1.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第 258,267(explanation 1)頁2.Both are 19th-century writer. Both are also a poet and journal keeper.13.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第269(2) 頁.課本第2326 頁. ReligionI . Explain the following in English:.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第293 頁.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第293 頁.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第294 頁.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第294 頁.學(xué)習(xí)手冊第291頁R . Fill in the blanks.four-fifths, majority hardly, half.U.S.Agains

39、t the Constitution.The Baptists, the Methodists.Roman Catholics, the Baptists, The Methodists, Presbyterians.John F. Kennedym . Tick the correct answer in each of the foll owing:ACDCAIV . Answer the questions:.課本第345 頁(4-9行).課本第345 (最后一段) 頁.課本第346 (第二段)頁.可參閱課本359頁Notes6、7、8、9所對應(yīng)的句子。.7. American EducationIDay care center - P329(學(xué)習(xí)手冊)14Grammar school - P329(學(xué)習(xí)手冊)High school - P386(課本)Fraternity - P330(學(xué)習(xí)手冊)Sorority -


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