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1、課程名稱:英語新聞講義任課老師:國際交流學(xué)院對外漢語201儂1班UNIT 1CHIRSTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR WILL STOP PRINTING DAILYVACABULARYHarbinger /?hc?.b?.d?Witch hazels are the harbinger of spring. Is this news a harbinger of good days to come?n.先驅(qū),預(yù)告者,逋示(即將來到) 者vt. To signal the approach of; presage(often something unpleasant).Batter

2、/?b?t.?Their idealism has been battered.The movie took a battering from critics.v. strike repeatedly with hard blows; to repeat violence and assaultv. censure, criticize, or defeat severely or thoroughly.Circulation循環(huán)、流通、傳播、發(fā)行量Newsprint新聞紙FreelanceA freelance journalist.I work freelance from home.A

3、journalist who freelances.a. independent or uncommitted in politics or personal lifead. Earn one s living in such a way n.vi.Bureau ?bj?r?Even-handeda. fair and impartial in treatment or judgementad. Even-handedlyn. Even-handednessBaron男爵、巨頭、貴族PHRASESPick up readers through sensational, so-called.Ye

4、llow JournalismNationally distributed newspaperProve a harbinger ofA steep rise in the cost ofWeekday print editionDistinguish itself byThe trend of the dayUSEFUL EXPRESSIONAbandon Is weekday print edition, choosing insteadto put daily news on its Its the first nationally distributediewspaper to mak

5、e such a move“” said XXX , who added thatEddy wanted a paper that would distinguish itself by providing even-handed news when the trend of the day was to pick up readers through sensational, so called yellow journalism whose art was perfected by warring adj. newspaper barons like Joseph Pulitzer and

6、 William Randolph.Its motto is to injure no man, but to bless all mankindVACABULARYArt The art of the Renaissance.Her performance displayed great art.This tapestry is a work of art.An arts degree with honors in linguistics 語言學(xué)文科榮譽學(xué)位.The art of appearing confident at interviews.Well-practiced in the

7、arts of seduction.慣 用詭計Idiom : get sth. down to a fine art.(fine art= the arts)n. creation or expression of sth. beautiful;skill in such creationsubjects of study (eg. Language /literature/ history) in which imaginative and creative skills are more important than measurement and calculation neede in

8、 science.Skills ( contrasted with scientific techniques)Cunning/trickery 狡詐、奸詐 trick/wile 奸計SoleThe sole cause of the accident.We have thesoleright to sell this range of goods獨家經(jīng)營這類產(chǎn)品。Have sole responsibility 單獨負責n.牖目魚;鞋子、腳的底1那a. one and only; singlebelong to or restricted to one person or group, no

9、t shared有的、 獨用的SubtitleTo give a subtitle to/ subtitledTo provide with subtitlesA movie that was subtitled for English speaking audience.A secondary, usually explanatory title, as of a literary work.副標題(n./v.) 字幕、字幕說明(n./v.)PerspectiveA personal perspective of the nations history國家歷史之我見That tree on

10、the left of the picture is out of perspectiveView things in its proper perspective Get things badly out of perspective理 事情極為失當。n.透視法、透視圖遠景(尤指由近到遠的)in/out of perspective可見物體的位置 或比例不止確;(不)按比例U in a way that does not exaggerateany aspect /、今大夸大恰當不恰當:BoastThats nothing to boast of/ about The town boasts

11、 a world-famous arts gallery.v. Talk about achievement with too much pride and satisfaction自夸possess sth. to be proud f 美管n.自夸的話:引以為豪的事物SubscribeSubscribeto a charityWhich magazine do you subscribeto?The paper is trying to get more readers tov. (agree to) contribute to (a sum of money)認捐,捐助一筆款項buy (

12、a magazine) regularly over o period of time 訂閱報干U等Subscribe a few remarks at the end of theessay.(在論文后面簽注思見)Do you subscribe toher pessimistic view of the state of the economysign (esp the name)at the foot of a document同意、贊成某項觀點ComparisonDraw a comparisonbetween and The two books invite comparison w

13、ith one anotherii兩本書很有可比性。He showed us a good type for comparison.Perhaps the best comparison is that of seasickness4恰當?shù)谋扔饕苍S是比作 暈船的那個。n.比較、對照stand/bearcomparisonwith 比得上by/in comparisonthere is no comparison 沒有 可 比性 comparisons are odious.人比人,氣夕匕 人。類比、比擬PHRASESAn assortment ofBreaking news儀時新聞)A per

14、spective on Time has not been kind, however.By comparison Monthly unique visitorVACABULARYUniqueju?ni?k1.5million monthly unique visitorsa. being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual or special in some way:longtimea.Join the two pieces together using strong glue.If you join

15、(up) the dots on the paper ,you will get a pictureShed stitched the two pieces together really carefully so that you couldnt see the join.We took the ferry across the Channel and then joined (= got on) the Paris train at Calais.Im sure everyone will join me in wishing you a very happy retirementVt.

16、To connect or fasten things together Vi. Two rivers join.n. a place where 2 things meet or are fastened togetherV. (DO TOGETHER) to get involved in an activity or journey with another person or group:V. to become a member of an organization:PreviouslyPreviousad. I have visited them 2 days previously

17、.The book contains lots of photographs not previously published. a. No previous experience is necessary for this workbankrupt ?b?kr?ptThey went bankrupt in 2001.The company was declared bankrupt in the High Court.A government bankrupt of ideas.A society that is morally bankrupt.Bankrupt/broke/bust/i

18、nsolvent(Ingeneral English bankrupt is preferred. Go bust and go broke are informal ways of saying go bankrupt. Insolvent is used more about businesses than individuals.)Ad. without enough money to pay what you owe.Completely lacking in anything that has value.noun. A person who has been judged by c

19、ourts to be unable to pay his or her debts.V.to make bankruptbeyondThe road continues beyond the village up into the hills.It wont go on beyond midnight.I know what Ill be doing for the next three weeks but I havent thought beyond that.Our success was far beyond what we thought possibleThe bicycle w

20、as beyond repair.The situation is beyond our control.The exercise was beyond the abilities of most of the class.The immediate future is clear, but it s hard to tell what lies beyond.The year 2010 and beyondPrep. on or to the further side of sthlater than a particular timemore than sthused to say tha

21、t sth is not possibletoo far or too advanced for sb/sthad. On the other sidefurther onProminence?pr?m?nsThe newspaper has given undue prominence to the story.n. the sate of being important,well-known or noticeable.ProminentHe played a prominent part in the campaign. She was prominent in the fashion

22、industry.The story was given a prominent position on the front page.A prominent nose.a.Important or well-knownEasily seenSticking out from sth.ordeal /?d?n. a very unpleasant and painful or difficult experience:AccountTo have an account at/with a bank.a joint account (one in the name of more than on

23、e person)TO keep the accounts up to date.n.AT BANK An arrangement that sb has with a bank, etc. to keep money there, take some out. BUSSINESS RECORDS A written record of money that is owed to aExpense account (F 支賬)Put it on my account, please.We have accounts with most of our suppliers.The agency h

24、as lost several of its most important accounts.存戶) She gave the police a full account of the incident.The Biblical account of the creation of the world.business and of money that has been paid by itWITH SHOP/STOREAnarrangement with a shop/store or business to pay bills for goods or services at a lat

25、er time, for example in regular amounts every month REGULAR CUSTOMERDESCRIPTIONA written orspoken description of sth. that has happenedAn explanation or description of an idea, a theory or a process.Release/?li?s/She was arrested by shoplifting but was released on bail 保釋金).He released the handbrake

26、 and the car jumped forward.The released its bombs at 10000 feet. Coal power stations released sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere.He punched the pillow in an effort to release his anger.Police have released a picture of the man they want to question.The bands latest album will be released next week

27、.Her early release from prison led to a demonstration.示威、驗證、證實) The accident caused the release of radioactivity into the atmosphere.I noticed a release of tension when he left the room. /After years of suffering, his death came as a merciful release.There are strict rules on the release of official

28、 information.Her latest release, a song about doomed love, she wrote herself.Verb.To give freedom of free movement to someone or sth.To move a device from a fixed position to allow it move freely.To fire a bomb or missile, or allow it to fall.To allow a substanceto flow out of somewhere.To express a

29、 feeling that you have been trying not to show.to allow something to be shown in public or to be available for use發(fā)行Noun.S or U when someone is allowed to leave prison, etc.U when something flows out from somewhere.S or U a feeling that you are free from something unpleasan餃泄U when something is show

30、n in public or made available for use.發(fā)行PHRASESMake investment in Shot back into prominenceThe account of Receive wide attentionUSEFULL EXPRESSIONIt offers an assortment of world news that tends to rely more on analytical stories thai breaking news.A Christian science perspective on daily life.The m

31、onitor previously attempted to expand beyond the paper, making investment in television, radio and magazine, but the effort nearly bankrupted it.Its account of her ordeal and release received wide attention.VACABULARYsubsidy/?sbs?di/subsidize/?sbs?da2/subsidization /?sbs?da?2e?Vmoney given as part o

32、f the cost of something, to help or encourage it to happenedition /?d?n/the hardback/paperback edition of the book.This mornings edition of Womens Houris at the earlier time of a quarter to ten.n.C A particular form in which a book/magazine or newspaper is published.A broadcast of a radio or televis

33、ion news programClamor ?kl?m?(r)Everyone was clamouring to know how much they would get.play with us! ” children clamored. the clamor of the marketMW 的嘈雜嚴。The clamour for her resignation grew louder.v. to demand sth. loudly clamor for /clamor to do /+speechn.u a loud noise especially one that is mad

34、e by a lot of people or animals(for sth) a demand for sth made by a lot of peopleoutlet ?a2letshe needs to find an outlets for her many talents and interests.Sports became a perfect outlets for his aggression.侵 犯)The business has 34 retai零售的 outlets in this state alone.the Nike outlet in the outlet

35、mallan outlet pipen.for sth. A way of expressing or making good use of strong feelings/ideas or energy.(business) a shop/store or an organization that sells goods made by a particular company or of a particular typea shop/store that sells goods of a particular make at reduced pricesa pipe or hole th

36、rough which liquid or gas can flow outEditorial ?ed?t?ri/la.編輯的n. leading ?article that expresses the editors opinion about an item of news or an issue; in the US also a comment on radio or television that expresses the opinion of the station or networkPHRASESAnnual subsidyPublicly traded publishers

37、 上市出版公司Clamor forBostonuniversitysjournalismdepartmentSupport itself with Go hat in hand畢恭畢敬地Even-handed toneHave an axe to grindIf someone has an axe to grind, they are doing something for selfish reasons. (INFORMAL)UNIT2GREAT LEAP SKYWARDVACABULARYVanish /?v?n.?to disappear or stop being present o

38、r existing, especially in a sudden surprising way The child vanished while on her way home from school. We rushed out of the shop in hot pursuit, but the thief had vanished into thin air (= had completely disappeared).Cheap rural housing is vanishing in the south of the country. plume /plu?m/noun1C

39、usually pl. a large feather:Fans made of ostrich /?R.tr2? plumes.扇子由 鴕鳥羽毛Life-support n.l.the equipment, material, and treatment needed to keep a very sick or hurt patient alive He was removed from life support. She was put/kept on life support.2.the things that are needed to keep someone alive in a

40、 place (such as outer space) where life is usually not possibleEquipment providing life support for astronauts adj. life-supportGunpowder ?(?npa?d?(r)火藥Maneuverability/m ?nu?.vr?.?ti成動性、可操行性Pentagon殺菌齊1JBuck 讀Arsenal兵工廠Oversee 監(jiān)督Emergenti?m?d?tf| 新興的 new and still developing emergent nations/statesH

41、urtle /?h?.tp/ to move very fast, especially in what seems a dangerous way:The truck came hurtling towards us.The explosion sent pieces of metal and glass hurtling through the air.Divine /d?va?n/connected with a god, or like a god: divine beings. England have fallen so far behind in the championship

42、 that their only hope of victory is divine intervention. Just because youve been promoted that doesnt give you a divine right (= one like that of a god)to tell us all what to do.catchy /?k?t?.i/adjective (especially of a tune or song) pleasing and easy to remember.Cordless無線的ignite /?g?n由,1 I or T F

43、ORMAL to (cause to) start burning or explode: The fuel spontaneously 亳無 預(yù)兆地 /sp?n?te?ii.?s/) ignites because of the high temperature and pressure.2 T to cause a dangerous, excited or angry situation to begin:The proposed (提議的) restrictions have ignited a storm of protest from human rights groups.Fac

44、ility /f ?a?.?ti/ houn C or U an ability, feature or quality: His facility for languages is astonishing.A phone with a memory facility steppe /step/noun C usually plural; U a large area of land with grass but no trees, especially in southeastern Europe, Russia and northern Asia:These people have liv

45、ed for centuries on the Russian steppes.Mongolia 蒙古|mandate/?m?n.de? n./v.1 授權(quán) The president secured the Congressional mandate to go to war by three yotes.Capitalist 資本家Vacuum真空的Spacefaring n. The launching of vehicles into outer space.adj. Engaged in the launching of vehicles into outer space: 從事航空

46、研究的Piloted代行的,航天的Embroil /?m?br? vt.使卷入She had no desire to embroil herself in lengthy 冗長 乏味的 lawsuits 訴訟 with the tabloid /?t?b.l?d/花邊報 newspapers.The United Nations was reluctant to get its forces embroiled in civil war.Vigor n,.Physical or mental strength, energy, or force.The capacity for natura

47、l growth and survival, as of plants or animals.生機、生命力.Strong feeling; enthusiasm or intensity.exploit n. ?k?spl? ?k?spl?,An act or deed, especially a brilliant or heroic one.See Synonyms at feat 1v.t To employ to the greatest possible advantage:exploit ones taints.Nudge /n?d?/ vi.To push against gen

48、tly, especially in order to gain attention or give a signal.To come close to; near:“ The temperature was nudging105 degrees in the shade” (Scouting)“陰涼處測量的溫度接近105Entrepreneur/?n.tr?.pr?/企業(yè)家Exclusive/?k?sklu?.v? adj.1.專屬的、獨一無二的 This room is for the exclusive use of guests.An exclusive interview 專訪 2

49、expensive and only for people who are rich or of a high social class: an exclusive private club an apartment in an exclusive part of townnoun Ca story which is printed in one newspaper or magazine and no others:The newspaper published an exclusive about the escape. Disintegration/d?i.t?gre2/ v1、被削弱、

50、被解構(gòu)、被分解 The spacecraft disintegrated as it entered the Earths atmosphere.2、to become much worse: The situation disintegrated into chaos.equipment/machines There was a problem with the submarines (潛水 艇) life-support system. sputter ?sp2?(r)vi.&vt.to speak or say something in a confused way, often whi

51、le taking short quick breaths, for example because you are shocked o angryvi. if an engine sputters, it makes noises like small explosions and seems likely to stopvi. if an activity sputters, it continues with difficulty and seems likely to stopRival /?ra.v?l/ | noun C 競爭對手He beat his closest/neares rival by 20 marks.The companies produce rival versions of the toy.Vt.與抗衡No computer can rival a human brain for/innounUsocial disintegration


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