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1、PAGE 3 Numbeer:Guanggdongg Proovincce LABORRCONTRRACTDeparrtmennt off labbor aand ssociaal seecuriity oof Guuangddong ProvvinceeLaborr andd Sociaal Securrity Hotlline: 123333InstrructiionsArticcle 11 Beffore signning thiss conntracct, tthe ttwo ppartiies sshalll reaad thhis ccontrract careefullly. T

2、This conttractt oncce siignedd hass leggal vvaliddity, twoo parrtiess musst sttricttly pperfoorm.Articcle 22 Thiis coontraact mmust be ssigneed orr seaaled by tthe eemplooyers leegal reprresenntatiive oor thhe prrinciipal respponsiible persson (Partty A) and the emplloyeee (Paarty B), and affiix thh

3、e offficiial sseal of tthe eemplooyer (or the speccial seall of the laboor coontraact).Articcle 33 Thee emppty ccolummn inn thiis coontraact, shouuld bbe fiilledd in by ttwo ppartiies tthrouugh nnegottiatiion, and shalll noot viiolatte laaws, provvisioons, and releevantt reggulattionss; emmpty coluu

4、mn nnot nneed to bbe fiilledd in, marrk “/”.Articcle 44 Worrkingg houurs ssysteem iss divvidedd intto sttandaard wworkiing hhourss, noon-fiix woorkinng hoours, andd comppreheensivve caalcullatioon woorkinng hoours. Thee irrregullar wworkiing hhourss, annd comppreheensivve caalcullatioon woorkinng ho

5、ours, shoould be aapprooved by llaborr admminisstrattion authhoritties.Articcle 55 Thee unffinisshed mattters of tthis conttractt, maay siign aa suppplemmentaary aagreeementt, ass thee atttachmment of tthis conttractt, annd bee perrformmed wwith the conntracct togeetherr.Articcle 66 Thiis coontraact

6、 mmust filll in seriiouslly, wriite llegibbly, texxt bee conncisee andd acccuratte, aand sshalll nott altter aarbittrariily.Articcle 77 Aftter tthe ssigniing oof thhis ccontrract (inccludiing aattacchmennts), eacch paarty holdds onne.Partyy A(Emplloyerr): Partty B(Laboorer):Name: Namme: Legall Reppr

7、eseentattive ID NNo: (Prinncipaal Reesponnsiblle Peersonn): Peermannent add: Addreess: , , Reesideence add: Businness typee: Contaact NNo: Conntactt No: This conttractt is conccludeed onn thee bassis oof prrinciiple of llawfuulnesss, ffairnness, equualitty, ffree willl, neegotiiatedd connsenssus aan

8、d ggood faitth byy andd bettweenn thee forresaiid thhe Paarty A annd Paarty B inn acccordaance withh thee Labbor LLaw oof thhe Peeoplees Reepubllic oof Chhina (thee RPCC Labbor LLaw), thee Laww of the Peopples Reepubllic oof Chhina on EEmplooymennt Coontraacts (thee PRCC Empploymment Conttractt Laww

9、) annd otther releevantt lawws annd reegulaationns off Chiina aand oof Guuangddong Provvincee.Articcle 11 Terrm off thee Empploymment ConttracttA.Terrm off ConntracctThe PPartiies aagreee to deteerminne thhe teerm oof thhis CContrract purssuantt to modee beloow:1. Fiixed Termm: Froom / / to / / .2.

10、Oppen-eendedd Terrm: FFrom / / tto thhe daate wwhichh stiipulaated endiing ccondiitionn occcurs.3. Teerm tto exxpiree upoon coompleetionn of a ceertaiin joob: FFrom too thee commplettion of . The symbbol oof coompleetionn of the job shalll bee .B.Proobatiion pperioodThe PPartiies aagreee to deteermi

11、nne thhe teerm oof thhe prrobattion periiod ppursuuant to mmode bbeloww (thhe prrobattion periiod sshalll be inclludedd in the termm of Conttractt ) :1. Wiithouut prrobattion periiod.2. Wiith aa proobatiion pperiood whhich is ffrom / / to / / .(If aa labbor ccontrract has a teerm oof moore tthan thr

12、eee moonthss butt lesss thhan oone yyear, thee proobatiion pperiood maay noot bee excceed one montth; iif a llaborr contrract has a teerm oof moore tthan one yyear and lesss thaan thhree yearrs, tthe pprobaationn perriod may not exceeed ttwo mmonthhs; aand iif a llaborr contrract has a teerm oof moo

13、re tthan threee yeears or iis openn-endded llaborr conntracct, tthe pprobaationn perriod may not exceeed ssix mmonthhs.)Articcle 22 Jobb Desscripptionn andd Plaace oof WoorkA. Thhe deeparttmentt or grouup att whiich tthe PPartyy B wworkss is as: ,The pposittion (mannagemment and techhnicaal orr proo

14、ducttion operratioonal) is as ,The ttitlee (orr typpe off worrk) iis ass .B. Thhe taask oor duuty oof Paarty B iss as .C. Thhe pllace of wwork is aas .D. Duuringg thee terrm off thiis Coontraact, if tthe PPartyy A hhas tto addjustt thee possitioon off thee Parrty BB duee to the needds off prooductti

15、on and busiinesss opeeratiion oor otther causses, or aassiggn thhe Paarty A too worrk inn thee plaace oor unnit ootherr thaan thhe pllace or uunit provvidedd in thiss Conntracct, tthe PPartiies sshalll reaach cconseensuss thrroughh neggotiaationn to amennd thhis CContrract. Thee ameendmeent aagreeem

16、entt conncludded sshalll be the appeendixx of thiss Conntracct.Articcle 33 Worrkingg Houurs, and Restt andd LeaaveA. Thhe Paartiees aggree to ddeterrminee thee terrm off thee worrkingg houur puursuaant tto moode beelow: 1. SStanddard workking hourrs syystemm. Paarty B shhall workk forr hourrs a day,

17、 andd houurs aa weeek. PPartyy A sshalll guaaranttee tthat Partty B has at lleastt onee dayy offf in a weeek. 2. NNon-sscheddule workking hourr sysstem. Thee possitioon off Parrty BB praacticces nnon-sscheddule workking hourr sysstem afteer thhe appprovval oof thhe laabor admiinisttratiion aauthoori

18、tyy. 3. SSysteem off commprehhensiive ccalcuulatiion oof woorkinng hoour. The posiitionn of Partty B praccticees ssysteem off commprehhensiive ccalcuulatiion oof woorkinng hoour aafterr thee appprovaal off thee labbor aadminnistrratioon auuthorrity; callculaationn cirrcle ; tottal wworkiing hhourss

19、. B. PPartyy A mmay eextennd woorkinng hoours due to tthe rrequiiremeent oof itts prroducctionn or busiinesss aftter cconsuultattion withh thee Traade UUnionn andd thee Parrty BB, buut, wwith the exceeptioon off thee cirrcumsstancces sstipuulateed inn Artticlee 42 of tthe PPRC LLaborr Laww, the eext

20、ennded hourrs foor a day shalll geeneraally not exceeed oone hhour; if suchh exttensiion iis caalledd forr duee to speccial reassons, thee exttendeed woorkinng hoours shalll noot exxceedd thrree hhourss a dday uunderr thee connditiion tthat the heallth oof thhe Paarty B iss guaarantteed. Howweverr,

21、thhe tootal exteensioon inn a mmonthh shaall nnot eexceeed 366 houurs. C. PPartyy A sshalll proovidee thee Parrty AA witth leegal holiidayss, annnuall leaave, marrriagee leaave, funeeral leavve, hhome leavve, mmaterrnityy leaave, nurssing leavve, eetc. in aaccorrdancce wiith rrelevvant reguulatiions

22、 and pay vacaationn wagges aaccorrdingg to the wagee staandarrd prrovidded bby thhis ccontrract. Articcle4 Laabor RemuuneraationnA.Thee wagge off Parrty BB forr norrmal workking hourrs shhall be ppaid purssuantt to modee beelow and may not lesss thaan thhe miinimuum waage rrate in tthe pplacee wheer

23、e tthe PPartyy A iis loocateed. 1. HHourlly waage: (1) The wagees off thee Parrty BB forr norrmal workking hourrs shhall be ppaid purssuantt to ; thhe beeginnning wagee amoount is aas RMMB/moonth or RMB /houur. (2) The wagees off thee Parrty BB is as RMMB/moonth in tthe pprobaationnary periiod (the

24、probbatioonal salaary sshalll nott be lesss thaan thhe miinimuum waage oof saame ppost and 80 pperceent oof apppoinnted salaary iin thhe coontraact, not lesss thaan thhe miinimuum waage sstanddard in wwheree Parrty AA is locaated.) ;2. Piiecewwork wagee:(1) UUnit pricce: / ;(2) LLaborr quootas: / (T

25、hee labbor qquotaas deetermminedd gennerallly sshalll be the amouunt oof woork tthat overr 70% empployeees iin thhe saame pposittion of tthe PPartyy A ccan ffinissh wiithinn leggal wworkiing hhourss.) ;3. Otther comppensaationns (suchh as the Partty A praccticees a annuual ssalarry syystemm or it pp

26、ays wagees acccordding to aan asssesssmentt terrm) : / .4. Paarty A shhall deteerminne itts waage ddistrributtion systtem iin thhe liight of tthe sstatuus quuo off itss prooducttion and busiinesss opeeratiion, the pricce leevel and wagee inccreasse guuidelline annoounceed byy thee govvernmment. Thee

27、 speecifiic waays aand eextennt off norrmal wagee inccreasse shhall be ddeterrmineed inn acccordaance withh laww thrroughh muttual conssultaationn bettweenn thee Parrtiess or throough colllectiive bbargaaininng. B. Thhe paay foor peerforrmancce annd boonus of tthe PPartyy B sshalll be paidd perr the

28、e folllowiing mmethood: .C. Thhe alllowaance and subssidiees off thee Parrty BB shaall bbe paaid pper tthe ffolloowingg ratte annd meethodd: .D. Thhe waages shalll bee paiid inn currrenccy innsteaad off kinnd orr porrtfollio.E. Paarty A shhall pay wagees off (iimmeddiateely/ppreviiouslly) mmonthh, o

29、nn oof eaach mmonthh. Iff thee datte foor waage ppaymeent hhappeens tto bee a llegall hollidayy or a noon-buusineess dday, the wagee payymentt shaall bbe maade iin addvancce onn thee mosst reecentt bussinesss daay. F. Iff Parrty AA arrrangees Paarty B too worrk ovvertiime, it sshalll payy Parrty BB

30、oveertimme paay inn acccordaance withh thee PRCC Labbor LLaw aand PProviisionns off Guaangdoong PProviince on WWage Paymment, exccept thatt Parrty BB is arraangedd forr commpenssatorry tiime-ooff aafterr he/she has beenn arrrangeed too worrk ovvertiime oon noon-buusineess dday.Articcle 55 Soccial In

31、suurancce annd Frringee BennefittsA. Duuringg thee conntracct peeriodd, Paarty A, iin acccorddancee witth thhe reelevaant rregullatioons oof naationn, provvincee and disttrictt, shhall pay the penssion, meddicall, unnemplloymeent, workk injjury and mateernitty innsuraance proccedurres ffor PPartyy B

32、, and shalll paay soociall inssurannce ffund baseed onn payymentt basse annd paaymennt raatio by rrule. Parrty BB shaall uunderrtakee hiss ownn parrt off soccial insuurancce fuund, thepayaableamouuntshalllbewithhhelddbyParttyAfrommtheParttyBsmontthlywagees.Partty A shalll trruthffullyy infform the s

33、ituuatioon off hanndlinng soociall inssurannce pproceedurees annd wiithhooldinng soociall inssurannce ppremiiums to PPartyy B.B. Inn casse Paarty B suufferrs siickneess oor noon-woork-rrelatted iinjurry, Parrty AA shaall oofferr Parrty BB a peeriodd of mediical treaatmennt annd siick-leavve trreatmm

34、ent stippulatted bby naationnal aand llocall reggulattionss, paay meedicaal innsuraance and otheer meedicaal paaymennt reelatiing tto reelevaant rregullatioons, and pay sickknesss payy or diseease reliief ddurinng sppeciffied mediical periiod, the amouunt mmay bbe RRMB pper mmonthh (noo lesss thhan

35、880% oof thhe loocal miniimum wagee staandarrd).Articcle 66 Labbor PProteectioon, WWorkiing CCondiitionn andd Prootecttion Agaiinst Occuupatiionall HazzardssA. Paarty A shhall provvide workking placce coonforrmed to tthe nnatioonal laboor heealthh staandarrd, iin acccorddancee witth laabor prottecti

36、ion rregullatioons oof thhe naationn andd proovincce, aand eeffecctiveely pproteect tthe ssafetty annd heealthh of Partty B duriing wworkiing pproduuctioon. IIf Paarty B maay suufferr occcupattionaal haazardd durring prodductiion pproceedurees, PPartyy A sshalll truuthfuully infoorm PPartyy B, and p

37、rottect the heallth aand rrelatted rrightts off Parrty BB stiipulaated by “ Laww of Occuupatiionall Disseasee Preeventtion”.B. Acccordding to tthe pposittion of tthe PPartyy B, Partty A shalll prrovidde Paarty B wiith llaborr saffety and hygiiene condditioons iin coonforrmityy witth thhe reelevaant

38、llaws and reguulatiions, andd proovidee freee phhysiccal eexamiinatiion ffor PPartyy B eeveryy (yeaar /sseasoon /mmonthh) inn acccordaance withh labbor pproteectioon prrovissionss.C. Paarty A muust ccarryy outt rellevannt prrovissionss forrmulaated by tthe natiion, provvincee and disttrictt for the

39、laboor prrotecctionn andd heaalth-caree worrk off femmale workker.D. Paarty B shhall havee thee rigght tto reefusee to carrry ouut anny daangerrous operratioon foorcedd upoon hiim/heer byy Parrty AA. Foor Paarty As or iits mmanaggerss behhavioor whhich is iindifffereent tto thhe saafetyy andd heaalt

40、h of PPartyy B, Partty B may havee thee rigght tto innformm andd repport to tthe rrelevvant goveernmeent ddeparrtmennts.E. Iff Parrty BB sufffer occuupatiionall disseasee, woork-rrelatted iinjurry orr deaath ddue tto woork, Partty A shalll haandlee it in aaccorrdancce wiith “workk injjury insuurancc

41、e reegulaationns”.Articcle 77 Moddificcatioon off thee Empploymment Conttractt A. Eiitherr of the Partties mmay modiify rrelevvant termms off thee Empploymment Conttractt witth wrritteen nooticee to otheers.B. Paarty A chaange the namee, leegal reprresenntatiive, princcipall respoonsibble ppersoon o

42、rr invvestoor, ddose not affeect tthe pperfoormannce oof thhe coontraact.C. Iff Parrty AA occcur tthe eeventt of mergger oor diivisiion, thee conntraccts rremaiin inn forrce, and shalll coontinnuoussly pperfoorm bby thhe unnit ssucceeededd Parrty AAs rrightts annd obbligaationns.D. Thhe twwo partiie

43、s mmay aalterr thee labbor contrract throough mutuual cconsuultattion and agreeemennt, aand hhandlle chhangee prooceduures in wwritiing. Afteer thhe chhangee of laboor coontraact, eachh parrty hholdss onee.Articcle 88 Canncelllatioon annd Teerminnatioon off thee Empploymment ConttracttA. Caancelllat

44、iion1. Thhe paartiees maay teerminnate the laboor coontraact tthrouugh mmutuaal coonsulltatiion aand aagreeementt. Iff Parrty AA prooposees too terrminaate tthis conttractt, shalll paay thhe ecconommic ccompeensattion to PPartyy B bby ruule.2. Paarty A maay teerminnate the emplloymeent ccontrract un

45、deer anny off thee folllowiing ccircuumstaancess invvolviing PPartyy B:(1) PPartyy B bbeen provven tto bee inccompeetentt forr thee empployiing rrequiiremeent ddurinng pprobaationnal pperiood.(2) PPartyy B sserioouslyy breeach laboor diiscipplinees orr reggulattionss stiipulaated by PPartyy A.(3) PP

46、artyy B nnegleects his dutyy andd enggagess in malppractticess forr sellfishh endds, tthus caussing signnificcant harmm to the inteerestts off thee Parrty AA.(4) PPartyy B bbuildd labbor rrelattionsshipss witth otther unitts, tto caause a seeriouusly impaact oon thhe coompleetionn of the taskk of Pa

47、rtty A, or refuuse tto coorrecct thhe ruules madee by Partty A. (5) WWheree Parrty BB hass conncludded oor moodifiied tthe llaborr contrract agaiinst the truee inttentiions of PPartyy A thrroughh thee usee of frauud, coeercioon orr expploittatioon off thee unffavorrablee possitioon off Parrty AA, as

48、s a rresullt off whiich tthis agreeementt is deemmed nnull and voidd; (6) PPartyy B iis foound guillty aaccorrdingg to the lawss of P.R.C.(7) PPartyy B iis illl orr injjuredd duee to non-workk rellatioon, aafterr thee commplettion of mmediccal, stilll iss inncomppetennt foor hiis orriginnal wwork, o

49、r alteernattive jobss arrrangeed byy Parrty AA.(8) PPartyy B iis inncomppetennt foor woork aafterr traaininng orr adjjustmment of jjobs.(9) IIf thhe obbjecttive situuatioon chhangees siignifficanntly thiss conntracct baased on, to rresullt thhe coontraact uunablle too perrformm, annd muutuall connse

50、ntt cann nott be reacched in cchargge off thiis laabor conttractts. Partyy A ttermiinatee thiis coontraact aaccorrdingg to itemm (7), (88) annd (99), sshoulld nooticee Parrty BB in writting befoore 330 daays (or eextraa payy a mmonthh wagge too Parrty BB), aand ppay eeconoomic comppensaationn to Par

51、tty B subjject to rregullatioons. If PPartyy A ttermiinatee thiis coontraact aaccorrdingg to itemm (7), allso sshalll payy meddicall treeatmeent aallowwancees too Parrty BB connformming to rrelevvant reguulatiions.3. Unnder any of tthe ffolloowingg cirrcumsstancces, Partty A can makee reddundaanciee

52、s sttipullatedd by reguulatiions and proccedurres, and pay econnomicc commpenssatioon too Parrty BB by rulee:(1) PPartyy A rrestrructuured purssuantt to the Enteerpriise BBankrruptccy Laaw;(2) PProduuctioon annd buusineess ooperaationn of Partty A met seriious diffficulltiess;(3) PProduuctioon, ttec

53、hnnologgicall innnovattion or bbusinness methhod oof Paarty A addjustted;(4) IIf otther objeectivve siituattion thiss conntracct baased on, channges signnificcantlly, tto reesultt thee conntracct unnablee to perfform.4. Paarty B maay teerminnate the laboor coontraact wwith 30 ddays prioor wrritteen

54、nooticee to Partty A; durring the probbatioonaryy perriod withh 3 ddays priior wwrittten nnoticce too Parrty AA.Partyy B mmay ttermiinatee hiss empploymment conttractt undder aany oof thhe foollowwing circcumsttancees innvolvving Partty A. Parrty AA shaall ppay tthe eeconoomic comppensaationn to Par

55、tty B by rrule:(1) PPartyy A hhas ffaileed too proovidee labbor pproteectioon orr worrkingg connditiions as sstipuulateed inn thee labbor ccontrract;(2) PPart A haas faailedd to pay remuuneraationn on timee or in ffull;(3) PPartyy A hhas ffaileed too conntribbute sociial iinsurrancee funnd onn behha

56、lf of PPartyy B iin acccorddancee witth thhe laaw;(4) PPartyy As pooliciies vviolaate llaws or rregullatioons, theerebyy inffringging uponn Parrty BBs riightss andd intteressts;(5) PPartyy A hhas cconclludedd or modiifiedd thee labbor ccontrract agaiinst the truee inttentiions of PPartyy B tthrouugh

57、 tthe uuse oof frraud, coeercioon orr takking advaantagge off Parrty BBs unnfavoorablle poositiion, as aa ressult of wwhichh thiis coontraact oor thhe chhangiing aagreeementt is deemmed nnull and voidd; (6) PPartyy A iis exxemptted frrom iits llegall liaabiliity aand PPartyy Bss rigghts, as aa ressu

58、lt of wwhichh thiis coontraact iis deeemedd nulll annd vooid;(7) PPartyy A vviolaates obliigatoory pproviisionn in lawss andd reggulattionss, as aa ressult of wwhichh thiis coontraact iis deeemedd nulll annd vooid;(8) IIf Paarty A usses vvioleence, inttimiddatioon, or an uunlawwful resttrainnt off i

59、nddividdual freeedom to ccompeel Paarty B too worrk, or if PPartyy A iinstrructss Parrty BB to viollate the law or eengagge inn hazzardoous wwork thatt enddangeers hhis ppersoonal safeety.(9) OOtherr cirrcumsstancces ffor ttermiinatiion bby Paarty B ass speecifiied uunderr lawws annd reegulaationns.

60、If thhe siituattion of ittem (8) ooccurrs, PPartyy B hass thee rigght tto teerminnate the conttractt immmediaatelyy witthoutt nottice Partty A in aadvannce.5. Off thee anyy of the folllowinng ciircummstannces, Partyy A ccan nnot ttermiinatee thee labbor ccontrract on tthe bbasiss of artiicle 40 aand


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