1、120XX年高考英語真題及答案 ( 整理版 )20XX 高考英語試卷一、聽力Wht time is it now?. 9:10B. 9:50C. 10:00Wht does the womn think of the wether?. It s nice.B. It s wrm.C. It s cold.Wht will the mn do?. ttendmeeting.B. Givelecture.C. Leve his office.Wht s the womn s opinion bout the course?. Too hrd.B. Worth tking.C. Very esy.W
2、ht does the womn wnt the mn to do?. Spek louder.B. pologize to her.C. Turn on the rdio.How long did Michel sty in Chin?. Five dys.B. One week. Two weeks.Where did Michel sty lst yer?. RussiB. Norwy.C. IndiWht does Slly like?. ChickenB. FishC. EggsWht re the spekers going to do?. Cook dinnerB. Go sho
3、ppingC. Order dishesWhere re the spekers?. InhospitlB. In the officeC. t homeWhen is the report due?. Thursdy.B. Fridy.C. Next Mondy.WhtdoesGeorgesuggestStephniedowiththe report?. Improve it.B. Hnd it in lter. Leve it with him.Wht stheprobblereltionshipbetweenthe spekers?. Slesperson nd customerB. P
4、tient nd doctorC. Husbnd nd wifeWht kind of prtment do the spekers prefer?. One with two bthrooms.B. One with furniture.C. One nermrket.Howmuchshouldonepyforthetwo-bedroom prtment?. $350B. $400C. $415Where is the prtment the spekers would like to see?. On Lke Street.B. On Mrket StreetC. On South Str
5、eet.Whtpercentgeoftheworld s te exportsgoto Britin?. lmost 45%.B. bout 30%C. bout 15%Why do te tsters tste te with milk?. Most British people drink tht wy.B. Te tstes much better with milk.C. Te with milk is helthy.Who suggestsprice for ech te?. Te tsters.B. Te exporters.C. Te compnies.Wht is the sp
6、eker tlking bout?. The life of te tsters.B. fternoon te in Britin.C. The London Te Trde Centre.二、單選Thenumberofsmokers,isreported,hs dropped by 17 percent in the pst one yer. itwhichthtsSchools should be lively plces where individuls re encourged toto their gretest potentil. ccelerteimproveperformdev
7、elop Jim, cn you work.?-? I ve been working two weeks on end. Why meWhy notWht ifSo whtMuch timesitting tdesk, office workers re generlly trpped by helth problems. being spenthving spentspentto spend Li Hu,gret Chinese poet, ws born is known to the public, but. ThtWhyWhereHowItis so coldthtyoucn t g
8、ooutside covered in thick clothes. ifunlessoncewhenfully27.TheuniversitystrtedsomenewlngugeprogrmmesBelt.to thecountry s SilkRodEconomic. pply tocter forppel toItmighthvesvedmemuchtrouble schedule. did I knowthehve I knowndo I knowhd I knownThewholetemDonld,ndheseldomlet them down. wit onfocus oncou
9、nt oncll onThe reson why pricesnd still re too high is complex,ndnoshortdiscussioncnstisfctorycnexplin this problem. werewill behve beenhd beenThe police officers decided to conductthorough, ndreview of the cse. comprehensivecomplictedsuspiciousSome schools will hve to mkein greement with the ntionl
10、 socil reform. judgmentsdjustmentscommentschievementsWhy didnt you invite John to your birthdy prty?- Well, you know he s.n erly birdwet blnketlucky dogtough nutMny of the things we now benefit from would not be roundThoms Edison. thnks toregrdless ofside frombut forGo nd sy sorry to your mom, Dve?-
11、I d liketo,butI mfridMomwouldnotccept my. requestsexcusespologiesregrets三、完形填空I ws required to red one of Bernie Siegel s books in college nd ws hooked on his positivity from the momenton.Thestoriesofhisunconventionl36 exceptionl ptients he wrote bout were so37to mendthend hd suchbig38on how I sw li
12、fe from then on.Who knew tht so mny yers lter I would look to Dr. Bernie nd his CDs gin to39my own cncer experience?Im mbitious40, nd when I strted going throughchemo( 化療 ), even though I mvery41person, I lost my drive to write. I ws just too tired nd not in the42.One dy, while wnting to go in for43
13、, I hd one of Dr.Bernie s books in my hnd. nother ptient44wht I ws reding nd struck upconverstion with me45he hdoneofhisbooks well.It46thtmongother things, he ws n eighty-one-yer-old writer. He ws47 publisheduthor,ndhewscurrently book. 48onnewWe would see ech other t vrious times nd49 friends.Someti
14、mesheworeduckht,ndI wouldtell myself, he ws definitely (n)50of Dr. Bernie. He rellyput51on my fce. He unfortuntely52lst yer dueto his cncer, 53 he left deep impression on me . The 54 to pick up my pen gin. I 55 to myself,“ If he cn do it, then so cn I. ”. tstes B. ides C. notes D. memories. mzing B.
15、 shocking C. musing D. strnge. strike B. push C. chllenge D. impct. lern from B. go over C. get through D. refer to. reder B. writer C. editor D. doctor. positive B. greeble C. humourous D. honest. mood B. position C. stte D. wy. dvice B. reference C. protection D. tretment. viewed B. knew C. notice
16、d D. wondered. while B. becuse C. lthough D. providing. crried out B. worked out C. proved out D. turnedout. nturlly B. merely C. hopefully D. ctully. deciding B. investing C. working D. relying. becme B. helped C. missed D. visited. ptient B. opertor C. fn D. publisher. sign B. smile C. mrk D. msk.
17、 showed up B. set off C. fell down D. pssed wy. since B. but C. so D. for. guidnce B. trust C. opportunity D. inspirtion. promised B. swore C. thought D. replied四、閱讀理解Visitor Coderrive with nothing tht cn hrm New ZelndIf you re rriving from overses, bring no food, niml orplntmterilintothecountry.Ifi
18、ndoubtdeclreitto Customs.Protect plnts nd nimlsNever llow dogs or other pets to run freely in res of nesting birds, other wildlife, or where sighposted.Get rid of rubbishlwysgetridofyourrubbishproperlyndrecycle wste(e.g. glss, pper) where possible.Be considerte with other wsteIf usingportble toilet
19、lwys throw wy your toilet wste tproper wste sttion. In the bck country, bury your toilet wste inshllow hole wy from wterwy.Keep New Zelnd s wter clenBecuse sops nd other wstes cn hrm wterwys, be creful your wshing wter doesn t pollute the se lkes nd rivers.Tke cre with fireslwys observe district fir
20、e bns. Be creful if you smoke orhvenoutdoorfireorbrbecue,mkesureshesrecold before leving.Cmp or picnic crefullyWhen cmping or picnicking, use fcilities provided.Keep to the trckKeep to the trck, where one exists, so you lessen the chnce of dmging frgile plnts.Be considerteWhen driving, minimize nois
21、e nd observe no smoking signs.ccording to Visitor Code, visitors could ct. with cre nd respectwith relief nd plesurewith cution nd clmnesswith ttention nd observtionWht re you encourged to do when trvelling in New Zelnd?. Tke your own cmping fcilities.Bury glss fr wy from rivers.Follow the trck for
22、the ske of plnts.Observe signs to pproch nesting birds. BIn the United Sttes lone, over 100 million cell-phonesre thrown wy ech yer. Cell-phones re prt of growing mountin of electronic wste like computers nd personl digitl ssistnts. The electronic wste strem is incresing threetimes fster thn trditio
23、nl grbge sgenerl.Electronic devices contin vluble metls such s gold ndsilver. Swiss study reported tht while the weight of electronic goods represented by precious metls ws reltively smll in comprison to trditionl wste, the concentrtion( 含 量 ) of gold nd other precious metl wshigher in so-clled e-ws
24、te thn in nturlly occurring minerls.Electronic wstes lso contin mny poisonous metls. Evenwhenthemchinendthehrmfulmetlsremoved,the recycled process often is crried out in poor countries, inprcticllyuncontrolledwyswhichllowmnypoisonous substnces to escpe into the environment.Creting products out of rw
25、 mterils cretes much morewste mteril, up to 100 times more, thn the mteril contined in the finished products. Consider gin the cell-phone, ndimginetheminesthtproducedthosemetls,thefctories needed to mke the box nd pckging it cme in. Mny wstesproduced in the producing process re hrmful s well.The U.S
26、. Environment Protection gency notes tht most wste is dngerous in tht“ the production, distribution, nduse of products- s well s mngement of the resultingwste-ll result in greenhouse relese. Individuls cn mke contributions by creting less wste t buying reusble products nd recycling.In mny countries,
27、 the concept of extended producer responsibility is being considered or hs been put in plce snincentive(動 機 )forreducingwste.Ifproducersrerequired to tke bck pckging they use to sell their products, would they reduce the pckging in the first plce?Governmentsincentivetorequireproducerstotke responsib
28、ility for the pckging they process should be bsedonmoney.Why,theysk,shouldcitiesortownsbe responsible to del with the bubble wrp(氣泡墊 ) tht encsed your television?From the governments point of view,primry gol oflwsrequiringextendedproducerresponsibilityisto trnsfer both the cost nd the physicl respon
29、sibility of wstemngement from the government nd tx-pyers bck to the producers.By theSwissstudy,theuthorintendedtotell us. the weight of e-goods is rther smlle-wste deserves to be mde good use ofnturl mterils contins more precious metlsthe percentge of precious metls is hevy in e-wsteThe responsibili
30、ty of e-wstetrnsfer. from producers to governmentsfrom governments to producersfrom individuls to distributorsfrom to governmentsWht does the pssge minly tlk bout?. The increse in e-wsteThe cretion of e-wsteThe seriousness of e-wsteThe mngement of e-wste CSuppose you becomeleder in n orgniztion. Its
31、 verylikelythtyou ll wnttohvevolunteerstohelpwiththe orgniztions ctivities. To do so, it should help to understndwhy people undertke volunteer work nd wht keeps their interests in the work.Let s begin with the question of why people volunteer.Reserchers hve identified severl fctors tht motivte peopl
32、etogetstrted.Forexmple,peoplevolunteertoexpress personl vlues relted to unselfishness, to expnd their rngeofexperiencesndtodevelopsocilreltionships.If volunteer positions do not meet those needs, people mynot wish to prticipte. To select volunteers, you my need to understnd the motivtion of the peop
33、le you wish to ttrct.People lso volunteer becuse they re required to do so.To increse levels of opportunity given, some schools hvelunchedvolunteerprogrmmes.Unlike . cnpeople s wish of prticiption from n internl fctor (e.g.“ I volunteer becuse it s importnt to me.” ) to n externl fctor (e.g.“ I volu
34、nteerbecuseI mprepredtodoso. ” ) Whentht hppens,peoplebecomelesslikelytovolunteerinthefuture.Peoplemustbesensitivetothispossibilitywhen they mke volunteer ctivitymust.Oncepeoplebegintovolunteer,whtledsthemtoremin in their positions over time? To nswer this question, reserchers hve conducted follow-u
35、p studies in which they trck volunteers over time. For instnce, one study followedvolunteers in Florid overyer. One of the most importntfctors tht influenced their stisfctions s volunteersws the mount of suffering they experienced in their volunteer positions. lthough this result my not support you,
36、 it ledsto importnt prcticl dvice. The reserchers note tht ttentionshouldbegivento“ triningmethodsthtwouldprepre volunteersthemwithstrtegiesforwiththeproblem they experience.”notherstudyof302volunteerst hospitlsinChicgo focusedonindividuldifferencesinthedegreetowhich peopleview“ volunteer” s n impor
37、tntsocilrole.Itws estimtedthtthosepeopletheroleofvolunteer prtoftheirpersonlbemorelikelytocontinuevolunteerwork.Prticipntsindictedthedegreetowhichsocilrole mtters by responding to sttements such s“ Volunteering t hospitls is n importnt prt of who I m.” Consistent with the reserchers expecttions,they
38、focusedpositive cohesion(正相關(guān) ) between the strength of role identity ndthe lengths of time people contributed to volunteer.These gin,ledtoconcretedvice.“ Oncenindividul beginsvolunteering,continuedefforttofocuson developing volunteer role.”People volunteer minly out of. cdemic requirementssocil expe
39、cttionsfinncil rewrdsinternl needsWht cn we lern from Florid study?. Follow up studies should lst for one yer.Volunteers should get mentlly prepred.Volunteer trining ismust in reserch.Volunteers re provided with concrete dvice.Whtismostlikelytomotivtevolunteersto continue their work?. individul diff
40、erences in role identity.Publicly identifible volunteer T-shirt.Role identity svolunteer.Prcticl dvice from reserchers.Wht is the best title of the pssge?. How to get people to volunteerHow to study volunteer behviorHow to keep volunteersHow to orgnize volunteers ctivities DFreedom nd Responsibility
41、Freedom s chllenge in the digitl ge isserious topic.We re fcing todystrnge new world nd we re ll wondering wht we re going to do with it.Some2,500yersgoGreecediscoveredfreedom.Beforethttherewsnofreedom.Thereweregret civiliztions,splendidempires,butnofreedomnywhere. EgyptndBbylonwerebothtyrnnies,onev
42、erypowerful mn ruling over helpless msses.In Greece, in thens,little city inlittle country, there were no helpless msses. nd theninswillinglyobeyed the written lws which they themselves pssed, nd the unwritten,which must be obeyed if free men live together. They mustshowechotherkindnessndpityndthemn
43、yqulities without which life would be very pinful unless one choseto live lone in the desert. The thenins never thought tht mn ws free if he could do wht he wnted.mnws free if he ws self-controlled. To mke yourself obeywhtyoupprovedwsfreedom.Theyweresvedfromlooked t their lives s their own privte ff
44、ir. Ech one felt responsible for the welfre of thenins not becuse it ws forced on him from the outside, but becuse the city ws hispride nd his sfety. The essentil belief of the first freegovernment in the world ws liberty for ll men who could control themselves nd would tke responsibility for the st
45、te.Butdiscoveringfreedomisnotlikediscovering computers. It cnnot be discovered once for ll. If peopleit, ndworkforit,it willgo. is itsprice.wschngetht tookplcewithoutbeingnoticedthoughitwsoftheextremeimportnce,spiritulchngewhichffectedthe whole stte. It hd been the thenins pride nd joy to give to th
46、eir city. Tht they could get mteril benefits from her neverenteredtheirmind.Therehdtobecompletechngeof ttitude before they could look t the city s n employer whopidhercitizensfrodoingherwork.Nowinstedof mengiving to the stte, the stte ws to give to them. Wht peoplewntedwsgovernmentwhichwouldprovide
47、comfortble life for them, nd with this s the primry object,idesoffreedomndself-relincendresponsibilitytothepoint of disppering. thens ws more nd more looked on scoopertivebusinesspossessedofgretwelthinwhichllcitizens hd right to shre.thens reched the point when the freedom she relly wnted ws freedom
48、 from responsibility. There could be only one result burden of self-dependence nd responsibility for the common good, they would cese tobe free. Responsibility is the price every mn must py for freedom. It is to be hd on other terms. thens, the thens of ncient Greece, refused responsibility, she rec
49、hed the end of freedom nd ws never to hve it gin.But, the excellent becomes the permnent, ristotle sid. thens lost, but freedom ws not lost forever for the world.gretmericn,JmesMdisonreferredto“ Thecpcityofmnkind for self-government” . No doubt he hd not n ideththewsspekingGreek.thenswsnotinthefrthe
50、st bckground of his mind, but oncemn hsgret nd good ide, it is never completely lost. The digitl ge cnnot destroyit.Somehowinthisorthtwythoughtsuchnidelives though unconsidered by the world of ction. One cn neverbe sure tht it is not on the point of breking out only suretht it will do so sometime.Wh
51、tdoestheunderlinedword” tyrnnies” in Prgrph 2 refer to?. Countries where their people need helpPowerful sttes with hppinessSplendid sttes where people enjoy freedomEmpires ruled with bsolute powerPeople believing in freedom re those who. regrd their life s their own businessregrd freedom s their pri
52、mry objectbehve within lws nd vlue systemtret others with kindness nd pityWht chnge in ttitude took plce in thens?. The thenins refused to tke their responsibility.The thenins no longer took pride in the city.Thetheninsbenefitedspiritullyfromthe government.The thenins looked on the government sbusin
53、ess.Wht does the sentence“ There could be only one result ” in Prgrph 5 men?. thens would come to n end.thens would cese to hve freedom.Freedom would come from responsibility.Freedom would stop thens from self-dependence.Why does the uthor refer to ristotle nd Mdison?. The uthor is hopeful bout free
54、dom.The uthor is cutious bout self-government.The uthor is skepticl of Greece civiliztion.The uthor is proud of the mn s cpcity.Wht is the uthor s understnding of freedom?. Freedom cn be more populr in digitl ge.Freedom my come to n end in the digitl ge.Freedom should hve privcy over responsibility.
55、Freedom needs to be gurnteed by responsibility.第四部分 :任務(wù)型閱讀 (共 10 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 10 分)請閱讀下面短文,并根據(jù)所讀內(nèi)容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一個最恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~。注意 :請將答案寫在答題卡上相應(yīng)題號的橫線上。每個空格只填一個單詞。People select news in expecttion of rewrd. This rewrd my be either of two kinds. One is relted to wht Freud clls the Plesure Principle, the other
56、 to wht he clls theRelity Principle. For wnt of better nmes, we shll cll these two clsses immedite rewrd nd delyed rewrd.In generl, the kind of news which my be expected togiveimmediterewrdrenewsofcrimendcorruption,ccidents nd dissters, sports, socil events, nd humn interest.Delyed rewrd my be expec
57、ted from news of public ffirs, economic mtters, socil problems, science, eduction, nd helth.News of the first kind pys its rewrds t once.reder cn enjoyn indirectexperiencewithoutnyofthedngersor stresses involved. He cn tremble wildly t n xe-murder, shkehis hed symptheticlly nd sfely thurricne, ident
58、ify himselfwiththewinningtem,lughunderstndinglytwrmlittle story of children or dogs.News of the second kind, however, pys its rewrds lter.It sometimes requires the reder to tolerte unplesntness ornnoynce s, forexmple,whenhe redsof thethretening foreignsitution,themountingntionldebt,risingtxes, fllin
59、g mrket, scrce housing, nd cncer. It hskind of “ thret vlue. ” It is red so tht the reder my be informed nd prepred. When reder selects delyed rewrd news, he pulls himself into the world of surrounding relitytowhichhecndpthimselfonlybyhrdwork.Whenhe selectsnewsoftheotherkind,heusullywithdrwsfrom the
60、 world of thretening relity towrd the drem world.For ny individul, of course, the boundries of these twoclsses re not stble. For exmple,sociologist my red news of crime ssocil problem, rther thn for its immedite rewrd. coch my redsports story for its thret vlue: he my hve toply tht tem next week.pol
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