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1、Imprrompptu speeechh toopiccs rrangge ffromm toopicc isssueesof viddeo cliips andd caartooon piccturres to genneraal sstattemeent, quuotaatioons, annd qquesstioons simmilaar tto tthe wriitinng ttestts ooness inn TOOEFLL orr IEELTSS. The folllowwingg arre sstuddentt immproompttu sspeeech sammplees. R

2、eaad oor llistten to it carrefuullyy annd ssummmariize thee waays of commpossingg efffecctivve iimprrompptu speeechh.Videeo ttopiic iissuueHas thee Innterrnett naarroowedd orr inncreeaseed tthe disstannce bettweeen ppeopple? Whhy? Buu Yaang 20002 (決賽22分鐘) OKK. Im ggonnna ffirsst ttelll yoou aa sttor

3、yy. LLastt yeear, I wass woorkiing forr a meddia commpanny. Wheenevver I cchecck mmy ee-maail in thee offficce, I gget a llot of e-mmaills ffromm alll aarouund thee woorldd. II geet ee-maailss frrom peooplee whho llivee onn thhe ootheer ssidee off thhe gglobbe, froom tthe othher sidde oof tthe earrt

4、h, buut II allso gett e-maiils froom ppeopple whoos jusst ssitttingg onn thhe ootheer ssidee off myy offficce. I bbrinng uup tthiss exxampple beccausse II beelieeve it shoows welll tthe advvanttagees aand dissadvvanttagees tthe Intternnet serrvess ass a toool ffor peooplee coommuuniccatiing. Off coo

5、ursse, if twoo peeoplle aare verry ddisttantt awway froom oone anootheer, wheen ttheyy arre vveryy faar aawayy frrom onee annothher, e-maiil iis aa veery impporttantt poowerrfull toool. Thhe IInteerneet sservves as a vveryy goood powwerfful toool. If youu neeed to telll tthe othher perrsonn soometth

6、inng, youu juust typpe iin wwordds aand wriite an e-mmaill. AAnd theen, witthinn seeconnds, thhe ee-maail is sennt tto tthe othher sidde oof tthe earrth. Thhats, of couursee, vveryy poowerrfull. BBut wheen ppeopple aree siittiing so cloose, thhey aree liivinng sso cclosse tto oone anootheer, its nno

7、t a llargge ddisttancce, we shooulddntt usse IInteerneet sso mmuchh ass a commmunnicaatinng ttooll. TTakee myy exxampple thaat II meentiioneed eearllierr, eemplloyeers, thhey havve tto ssendd e-maiils bacck aand forrth eveen wwhenn thhey aree siittiing in thee saame offficee, wwhenn thhey aree suupp

8、oosedd too waalk jusst aa feew sstepps aawayy annd ttelll thhe ootheer ppersson whaat ttheyy woouldd liike to telll tthemm. BBut theey, inssteaad, sennd ee-maailss. AAnd we havve tto cchecck tthe e-mmaill evveryy noow aand theen bbecaausee evveryy fiive minnutees oor eeverry tten minnutees wwe gget

9、infformmatiion to telll uus wwhatt wee arre ssuppposeed tto ddo. Of couursee, wwhatt thhis willl lleadd uss too iss loow eeffiicieencyy whhen youu arre wworkkingg, aalsoo noot cconccenttratted wheen yyou aree woorkiing. Itt allso leaads to a ccommmuniicattionn brreakkdowwn. Carttoonn toopicc isssuee

10、Whatt doo yoou tthinnk oof ccosmmetiic ssurggeryy? IIs iit aa goood thiing or a bbad thiing?Huu Miinxiia 220033 (決決賽1分分鐘)Itss ann innterresttingg toopicc, iisnt iit? Heree fiirsttly, I woouldd liike to deffinee coosmeeticc suurgeery. By ccosmmetiic ssurggeryy, wwe eexclludee thhosee whho aare sevver

11、eely injjureed oor bburnned andd haave to recceivve mmediicall trreattmennts. We oonlyy reeferr too thhosee whho aare phyysiccal heaalthhy aand jusst wwantt too loook bettterr byy deelibberaatelly sseekkingg thhingg. FFirsst, to be natturaal iis bbeauutifful,. We sshouuld cheerissh wwhatt haas bbeen

12、n giivenn too uss annd wwe sshouuld vallue ourr unniquueneess. Justt immagiine, iff evveryy maan iin tthe worrld loooks likke DDaviid BBeckkhamm, aand if eveery womman loooks likke PPrinncesss DDianna, whaat aa hoorriiblee woorldd itt woouldd bee! AAnd ssecoondlly, I woouldd saay, to be heaalthhy ii

13、s tto bbe bbeauutifful.How prooperrly we cann slleepp, wwe ccan eatt, aand howw muuch exeerciisess wee doo, aand alsso wwhatt kiind of liffe sstylle wwe llivee iss moore impporttantt thhan surrgerriess.Thannk yyou.Geneerall sttateemenntGod nevver madde aan oordiinarry hhumaan bbeinng. YYu LLi 220055

14、 (半半決賽33分鐘) Thhankk yoou aall. In tthe Oldd Teestaamennt oof HHolyy Biiblee, CChappterr Nuumbeer 11 thhe GGeneesiss, wwe aare tolld tthatt Good mmadee Addam in hiss owwn iimagge, andd enndowwed witth hhim thee ommnippoteencee, tthe pottenttiallityy off thhat divviniity in temm. AAnd ffromm thhe bbar

15、bbariic aand priimittivee sttagee too a noww prrospperoous soccietty, andd frrom thee abbysss off daarknnesss annd iignoorannce to thee diis, we seee a lott off peeoplle wwithh inntellliggencce, andd frrom thaat kkindd off daarknnesss too a noww thhe nnighht ddodgges witth llighhts, Good hhas seeen

16、uus tthrooughh alll tthe viccisssituudess off liife. But in thee 211st ccentturyy, wwilll good sstilll eendoow wwithh uss suuperrpowwer, wiill godd sttilll seee uus tthrooughh, wwhatt wiill follloww? BBut I thhinkk good hhas deffiniitelly ggavee uss seevenn giiftss. Firsst aand forremoost is passsio

17、on.PPasssionn iss thhe rreall poowerr annd ddrivve ffor us to froom, forr uss too seee uus tthrooughh annd wwitnnesss uss foorm thee veery earrly agee too ouur mmatuuritty. Secoond is hummor. Humoor ggavee uss poowerr too laaughh ovver alll thhe sset baccks andd faailuuress soo thhat we cann drraw a

18、 llessson froom tthemm. The thiird is forrtittudee.As iis ffounnd oout in mouuntaain cliimbeer wwho hadd weeathhereed tthe stoorm andd seee tthe beaautiifull skky wwithh thhe eexpoosurre tto tthe majjesttic loook aarouund himm unnfettterred by thaat kkindd off coonfiinemmentts, youu meean, yoou kkno

19、ww whhat kinnd oof fforttituude youu haave. The fouurthh iss pooisee.Poisse iis tthe reaadinnesss too accceppt aany chaangee, tto, so youu wiill nott geet pperpplexxed andd diistuurbeed bby tthe fasst cchanngess inn soocieety, thhe ppacee wee wiill be cattch up witth. The fiffth is styyle. Sttylee m

20、eeanss yoou hhavee noot oonlyy beeen a mmanuufaccturringg poowerr hoousee, bbut youu haave thaat ddimeensiion of litteraaturre, thaat kkindd off weealtth, of sprringg off meentaal wweallth. The sixxth is inddiviiduaalitty.Thatts wwhy we aree maakinng tthiss sppeecch. So wwe aare diffferrentt. AAnd t

21、haats wwhatt maakess mee exxtraaorddinaary, maade me exttra-orddinaary. The sevventth iis ppasssionn.Riightt, yyou gott paassiion agaain. Becaausee paassiion in twiice as impporttancce aas mmuchh ass annythhingg ellse. Withhoutt paassiion, Im sstanndinng hheree I woouldd liike, maake a sspeeech likk

22、e aautoomattion. And in rettrosspecct, we seee maany movvingg sttoriies, frrom zerro tto hheroo, ffromm unnderrdogg too suuperr acchieeverrs, froom CCinddereellaa too faabullouss-loook queeen. And thaat iis ggod jusst iimittatiing to us connfidde iin aa liittlle sstorry tthatt, “Heyy, gguyss, yyoure

23、 nott ann orrdinnaryy huumann beeingg beecauuse youu arre tthe imaage of me.”And I thhinkk bllesssed witth tthatt diivinnityy, wwe ccan makke aany mirraclle aa reealiity. Thannk yyou verry mmuchh.Quottatiion No oone hass evver beccomee pooor by givvingg. Annne FFrannk YYan shuu, 220066 (半決賽賽3分鐘鐘)Tha

24、nnk yyou, hoosteess!Ladiies andd geentllemeen, to staart my speeechh, II waant to askk yoou aa veery simmplee quuesttionn fiirstt. HHow to beccomee riich, too roob aa baank , oor tto mmarrry aa veery ricch wwomaan, or thaat wwe ccan buyy lootteery so thaat wwe sstannd aa chhancce tto bbecoome ricch

25、ooverrnigght? Buut tthe chaancee iss veery smaall.Ladiies andd geentllemeen, I wwoulld llikee too shharee wiith youu myy oppiniionss onn thhis toppic, annd ttelll yoou tthe seccrett off hoow tto bbecoome ricch. We cann beecomme rrichh byy giivinng. Butt evveryyboddy mmay nott accceppt mmy iideaas ii

26、n tthiss waay. Somme oof tthemm maay tthinnk wwe bbecoome pooor bby ggiviing.But laddiess annd ggenttlemmen, wee shhoulld aall knoow tthatt evven thooughh evveryyonee off uss liive a ddifffereent liffe, eveery onee off uss arre bbounnd tto ggo ffromm poointt A to poiint B. So whaat iis ppoinnt AA? P

27、Poinnt AA iss thhe ccraddle, annd ppoinnt BB iss thhe ggravve. I ddo bbeliievee thhat livvingg inn thhis worrld well onlly nneedd addequuatee foood andd a desscennt bbed to sleeep. Thhat is whaat wwe rreallly neeed tto llivee a reaallyy coomfoortaablee liife. Wee doont nneedd soo muuch monney. Whhat

28、 usee? RRemeembeer tthe greeat phiilossophher of Doaagennes, thhe ffathher of cynniciism. Hee toold us thaat wworlldlyy poosseessiionss woouldd noot mmakee uss riich butt maake us falll iintoo thhe cconsstannt wworrry oof llosiing theem. Laddiess annd ggenttlemmen, Frranccis Baccon tolld uss, “If mo

29、nney nott bee ouur sservvantt, iit wwilll bee ouur mmastter.” Soo, ggiviing willl nnot makke uus ppoorr, bbut havvingg muuch monney andd too bee a milllioonaiire sommetiimess iss noot tthe reaal ssensse oof bbeinng rrichh.And secconddly we cann beecomme rrichh byy giivinng. Jusst hhow? Wee haave to

30、tallk aabouut wwhatt iss reeallly iimpoortaant in onees llifee. AAs II beelieeve perrsonnal friienddshiips andd allso expperiiencce aare impporttantt inn onnes llifee. II beelieeve friienddshiip iis llikee a seeed. Youu fiirstt puut tthemm inn a nurrturringg sooil so thaat iit ccan groow aand it tak

31、kes timme aand watteriing andd deevottionn too waait thee seeed to groow iintoo a spllenddid sheelteerinng pprimme. Andd wee haave to devvotee too ouur ffrieendsshipp soo thhat we knoow oour friiendds bbettter. Whhen we aree jooyfuul, wheen wwe ssuccceedd, wwe ccan shaare ourr suucceess andd ouur jj

32、oy witth oour friienss. TThosse jjoyss wiill be mulltipplieed aand beccomee moore joyys. Howw riich youu arre! And alsso pperssonaal eexpeerieencees aare verry iimpoortaant to makke oone ricch. We cann beecomme rrichh inn thhis wayy byy giivinng. Thoomass Eddisoon hhas invventted thoousaandss off gr

33、reatt innvenntioons in thiis wworlld, greeatlly aacceelerratiing thee huumann hiistoory andd ciivillizaatioon. Howw muuch andd hoow mmanyy haas hhe ggiveen uus? He nevver beccamee pooor. Hiis ggreaat eexpeerieencee haas eenriicheed hhis liffe aas wwelll ass maankiinds lliveesLadiies andd geentllemee

34、n, I wwantt too saay oone senntennce andd quuoteed HHemiingwway oncce ssaidd. “Kinndneess is a hhardd thhingg too giive awaay. It alwwayss reeturrns to thee giiverr.” Leet uus hholdd thhis nottionn annd tthiss faaithh inn ouur hhearrt, andd yoou wwilll alll bbecoome milllioonaiiress annd bbilllionna

35、irres.Thannk yyou!Carttoonn PiictuureWe aare loookinng ffor a ffew goood ppeopple to teaach ourr kiids herre! Do anyy off yoou hhavee a teaachiing cerrtifficaate? WWangg Jiing (半決決賽3分分鐘)Welll, tthiss piictuure is reaallyy thhougght-proovokkingg, aand thiis mmakees mme tthinnk aabouut ttwo queestiion

36、ss: wwhatt iss thhe rreall ceertiificcatee foor aa goood teaacheer? Andd inn ouur ssociietyy, wwhatt kiind of teaacheers do we neeed?Welll, aas ffor thee fiirstt poointt, II waant to deffinee a goood tteaccherr inn myy miind. I thiink a ggoodd teeachher shoouldd bee, ffirsst aand forremoost, a goood

37、 tthinnkerr. YYou seee, WWillliamm Shhakeespeearee, AAbraahamm Liincooln andd Beenjaaminn Frrankklinn arre sstanndinng iin tthe croowd. Thhey donnt hhavee a teaachiing cerrtifficaate, buut wwithh thheirr inndeppenddentt thhinkkingg, aas wwelll ass grreatt viirtuue, theey aare infflueenciing thee woo

38、rldd coontiinuoouslly. Abrrahaam LLinccolnn, wwithh hiis eemanncippatiion andd prrocllamaatioon, hass taaughht tthe worrld to resspecct eeachh ottherr deespiite thaat yyou havve ddifffereent skiin ccoloor, eyee coolorr annd ddifffereent nattionnaliitiees. Andd allso, Beenjaaminn Frrankklinn haas kke

39、ptt teelliing us we neeed tto bbe sstroong andd seelf-deppenddentt. TThesse aare greeat thiinkeers andd thhesee arre ggreaat tteaccherrs.And secconddly, a goood tteaccherr shhoulld bbe aa teeachher witth ddeepp loove forr ottherrs.MMothher Terresaa, ass yyou seee inn thhe mmidddle of thee crrowdd, a

40、as wwelll ass Jeesuss Chhrisst aand alsso AAnniie SSulllivaan, I tthinnk sshe is mayybe behhindd thhe ccrowwd. Theey aare alll peeoplle cconttinuuoussly suppporrtinng ootheers witth ttheiir ddeepp loove. Mootheer TTereesa fiffty yeaars agoo haas sset up a ccamppaiggn tto hhelpp thhosee peeoplle ssuf

41、fferiing froom HHIV/AIDDS. Andd thhe fformmer preesiddentt off Frrancce, Jaccquees CChirrac, coouldd beest conncluude herr liife in herr fuunerral. Hee saaid somme wwordds llikee thhis, “Tonnighht, theeres llesss liightt, llesss loove andd leess commpasssioon iin tthiss woorldd.” Thhesee arre tthe p

42、eooplee wiith deeep llovee annd cconttinuuoussly suppporrtinng ootheers. Thhey sett a morral moddel forr evveryy onne oof uus, teaachiing us to lovve eeachh ottherr annd aalsoo maake thee woorldd moore harrmonniouus. So theese aree thhe bbestt teeachherss inn myy eyyes. Howeeverr, iin ttodaays ssoci

43、ietyy, eespeeciaallyyin toddays uunivverssitiies, wee paay ttoo mucch aatteentiion to peooplees ccareeer andd allso peooplees ccareeer skiillss innsteead of loookinng aat tthe exppresssioon, andd thhe eemottionn inn thhe hhearrt oof hhumaan bbeinngs, alll oof tthesse ggreaat vvirttuess. SSo II thhin

44、kk a teaachiing cerrtifficaate mayy bee soometthinng, butt itts nnot eveery thiing. Wee neeed leaarn froom tthosse ggreaat mmen andd grreatt woomenn abboutt thhe ggreaat vvirttuess, aabouut tthosse ggreaat qquallitiies, soo ass too maake ourrsellvess a quaaliffiedd gllobaal ccitiizenn, ttrusstedd fr

45、riennd tto ffulffilll ouur ggoalls. Cao FenngHostt: NNow in thee agge oof tthe Intternnet, reeadiing boooks doees nnot seeem aas iimpoortaant as it oncce wwas. Doo yoou tthinnk ppeopple cann leearnn ass muuch on thee Innterrnett ass thhey cann byy reeadiing boooks? Whhichh meethood ddo yyou preeferr

46、?Cao Fenng: Thaank youu veery mucch. Andd heelloo aggainn laadiees aand genntleemenn. AActuuallly, I ddont rreallly agrree witth tthe firrst senntennce of thiis ttopiic: “Inn thhe aage of Intternnet, reeadiing boooks is nott ass immporrtannt aas iit wwas oncce.” Whyy? WWhy is it thee caase? Whhy iis

47、 iit tthe sittuattionn, lladiies andd geentllemeen? Acttuallly, Innterrnett orr boookss arre jjustt liike teaa orr cooffeee. Theey aare simmilaar, butt thhey aree diiffeerennt.Univverssityy sttudeentss noowaddayss loove to usee thhe IInteerneet tto ssearrch forr innforrmattionn whhen theey aare worr

48、kinng wwithh thheirr esssayys. Likke, lasst ssemeesteer, wheen II waas wworkkingg wiith my phyysiccs eessaay, I lloggged intto GGooggle andd I seaarchhed forr “NNEWTTON” annd aall thee laaws andd thheorriess off Neewtoon jjustt pooppeed oout andd I cann chhoosse wwhicchevver onee I likke tto uuse. B

49、uut wwhenn I wallkedd innto thee liibraary, alll tthe boooks camme oout andd I havve tto cchooose whiich onee too reead. Hoow iincoonveenieent!Maybbe yyou cann saay aat tthiss moomennt, “Ohh, IInteerneet iis bbettter, boookss noo usse.” Soo I havve tto uuse Intternnet, riightt? BBut letts seee thhe

50、tthinngs in anootheer wway.I loove traavellingg a lott annd II loove to briing a bbookk wiith me. Annd II loove to reaad mmy DDa VVincci CCodee whhen I wwas havvingg myy trrip on a bbus or on a sshipp. AActuuallly, wheenevver it is, whhereeverr yoou ggo, whaatevver youu arre ddoinng, youu caan ttake

51、e ouut aa boook andd reead if youu feeel likke ddoinng sso. Noww whho wwilll bootheer tto ttakee a lapptopp annd sswittch it on, annd ssearrch forr thhe IInteerneet cconnnecttionn, aand loook ffor stooriees tto rreadd. HHow incconvveniienttSo aat tthiss veery mommentt I thiink its qquitte ddanggeroo

52、us forr mee, bbecaausee I thiink Imm, uunabble to ansswerr thhe qquesstioon iin tthe toppic “Whhichh meethood ddo yyou preeferr, IInteerneet oor bbookks?”beccausse II loove thee feeeliing of connjurringg a hunndreed ppagees oof HHarrry PPottter, moore thaan sscroolliing dowwn tthe scrreenn; bbut at

53、thee saame timme II loove thee feeeliing of seaarchhingg thhe tthinngs, thhe sspeeed oof mmy ssearrchiing forr thhinggs oon tthe Intternnet, moore thaan wwasttingg myy tiime in thee liibraary.So iin tthiss agge oof IInteerneet, in thiis aage of moddernnizaatioon, in thiis aage of civviliizattionn, w

54、why do youu haave to forrce sommeonne tto cchooose bettweeen IInteerneet aand boooks? I preeferr ussingg booth of theem. Thaank youu veery mucch.Chenn XiingHostt: EEuthhanaasiaa iss a wayy off reelieevinng iill peooplees ppainn annd ssaviing theem ffromm thhe ttortturees oof ttheiir iillnnesss. DDo

55、wwe hhavee poowerr too taake peooplees llivees ffor thiis rreasson? Orr shhoulld tthe rigght to diee bee coonsiiderred a “rigght” foor ttermminaallyy illl ppatiientts?“Wheen II amm deead, myy deeareest,Singg noo saad ssonggs ffor me.Plannt tthouu noo roosess att myy heead,No sshaddy ccyprresss trree

56、.Be tthe greeen graass aboove meWithh shhoweers andd deewdrrop wett.And, iff thhou willt, remmembber.And, iff thhou willt, forrgett.”For manny, deaath is nott frrighhtenningg. FFor manny, deaath is beaautiifull. FFor manny, suffferringg frrom inccuraablee deeadlly ddiseeasees, deaath is a llonggingg

57、. BBut no mattterr whhat theey tthinnk, we cannt mmakee thhe ddeciisioon ffor theem. Deatth iis ttheiir oown bussineess. Whhethher forr goood inttenttionn orr baad, if we deccidee too taake anootheer pperssons llifee, iits mmurdder. Wee taake it forr grrantted thaat ppeopple suffferringg frrom lonng

58、 ttermminaal ddiseeasees, wannt tto ddie. Peerhaaps it migght be so in somme ccasees bbut hoee arre wwe tto ttelll? WWe ccant mmakee deecissionn foor ootheers. Manny oold peooplee, ssuffferiing froom AAlzhheimmers, seeem tto bbe lliviing a mmostt piitiaablee liife to us. Thhey no lonngerr evven recc

59、ognnizee thhe bbeloovedd onnes arooundd thhem. Buut pperhhapss thheyre enjjoyiing theeir liffe, beccausse ttheyy arre nnow cutt offf ffromm anny wworlldlyy afffaiirs andd prrobllemss. TTheyy arre kkindd off reelivvingg thheirr chhilddhoood. Theey aare, peerhaaps, ennjoyyingg itt. WWe ccant ttermmina

60、ate theeir liffe. Somee peeoplle, suffferringg frrom canncerr, sseemm too bee liivinng mmostt paainfful liffe tto uus, whaat wwithh alll tthesse ttortturiing treeatmmentts aand thee prrosppectt off deeathh inn frrontt off thhem. Buut pperhhapss, ddeepp doown in theeir heaart, thhey wannt tto ggo oon


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