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1、20111年福建建省中小小學(xué)新任任教師招招聘考試試小小學(xué)英語語專業(yè)模模擬試題題一單項(xiàng)項(xiàng)選擇(15 poiintss). _ appple felll ffromm thhe ttreee annd hhit himm onn _ hheadd.A. AAn; thee B. Thee; tthe C. Ann; 不不填 D. Thee; 不不填 Juust usee thhis rooom ffor thee tiime beiing, annd wwelll ooffeer yyou a llargger oneeit bbecoomess avvaillablleA. aas ssoonn

2、 ass B. unnlesss C. ass faar as DD. uuntiil. IIt wwas so darrk iin tthe cinnemaa thhat I ccoulld hharddly _ my friiendd.A. tturnn ouut B. bbrinng oout CC. ccalll ouut D. picck oout. Myy rooom getts vveryy coold at nigght. _.A. SSo iis mmineeB. So minne iisCC. SSo ddoess miine DD. SSo mminee dooes. I

3、m ssuree Anndreew wwilll wiin tthe firrst priize in thee fiinall. I thiink so. Hee _ ffor it forr moonthhs.15.IIt wwas _ he camme bbankk frrom Afrricaa thhat yeaar _ he mett thhe ggirll hee woouldd liike to marrry.A. wwhenn; tthenn B. noot; unttil C. nott unntill; tthatt D. onnly; whhen二完型型填空(220 pp

4、oinnts)Washhoe is a yyounng cchimmpannzeee(黑猩猩猩). Shhe iis nno _116_ cchimmpannzeee, tthouugh. Sccienntissts aree dooingg a ressearrch _17_ herr. TTheyy waant to seee hoow cciviilizzed(馴化) shhe ccan _18_. Allreaady shee dooes manny tthinngs a hhumaan bbeinng ccan do.For exaamplle, shee haas bbeenn l

5、eearnningg hoow tto eexchhangge _119_ wwithh peeoplle. Thee sccienntissts aree teeachhingg heer _220_ llangguagge. Wheen sshe wannts to be picckedd _211_, WWashhoe poiintss upp wiith onee fiingeer. Shee ruubs herr teeethh wiith herr fiingeer _222_ sshe wannts to bruush herr teeethh. TThiss iss doone

6、 aftter eveery meaal.26. A. proobleemB. poosittionnC. fooodD. ceeiliing27. A. byBB. oonC. uppD. witth28. A. strraigghtBB. sstroongCC. llonggD. bigg29. A. walllB. booxC. ceeiliingDD. ppolee30. A. knoockeedB. piickeedC. toookDD. sshocckedd31. A. livvesBB. aactssC. thiinkssD. plaays32. A. tasskB. leess

7、oonC. daayD. tiime33. A. HerreB. ThhereeC. SoDD. TThenn34. A. quiiteBB. aalreeadyyC. eveenD. sttilll35. A. obsservveB. diiscooverrC. gaiinD. leearnn閱讀理解解(400 poointts)AMy ffathher wass a forremaan oof aa suugarr-caane plaantaatioon iin RRio Pieedraas, Pueertoo Riico. Myy fiirstt joob wwas to driive

8、thee oxxen thaat pplouugheed tthe canne ffiellds. I wouuld wallk bbehiind an ox, guuidiing himm wiith a bbrooomsttickk. FFor $ 11 a dayy, II woorkeed eeighht hhourrs sstraaighht, witth nno ffoodd brreakks.It wwas verry ttediiouss woork, buut iit ppreppareed mme ffor liffe aand tauughtt mee maany las

9、stinng llesssonss. BBecaausee thhe pplanntattionn owwnerrs wweree allwayys wwatcchinng uus, I hhad to be on timme eeverry dday andd woork as harrd aas II coouldd. IIvee neeverr beeen latte ffor anyy joob ssincce. I aalsoo leearnned aboout beiing resspecctfuul aand faiithfful to thee peeoplle yyou wo

10、rrk ffor. Moore impporttantt, II eaarneed mmy ppay; itt neeverr ennterred my minnd tto ssay I wwas sicck jjustt beecauuse I ddidnnt wannt tto wworkk.I waas oonlyy siix yyearrs oold, buut II waas ddoinng aa maanss joob. Ourr faamilly nneedded eveery dolllarr wee coouldd maake beccausse mmy ffathher n

11、evver earrnedd moore thaan $ 188 a weeek. Ourr hoome wass a thrree-rooom wwoodd shhackk wiith a ddirtty fflooor aand no toiilett. NNothhingg maade me prooudeer tthann brringgingg hoome monney to hellp mmy mmothher, faatheer, twoo brrothherss annd tthreee ssistterss. TThiss gaave me sellf-eesteeem(自尊

12、心心), onee off thhe mmostt immporrtannt tthinngs a ppersson cann haave.Whenn I wass seevenn, II goot wworkk att a gollf ccourrse neaar oour houuse. Myy joob wwas to staand dowwn tthe faiirwaay aand spoot tthe ballls as theey llandded, soo thhe ggolfferss coouldd fiind theem. Lossingg a balll mmeannt

13、yyou werre ffireed, so I nneveer mmisssed onee. SSomee niightts II woouldd liie iin bbed andd drreammt oof mmakiing thoousaandss off doollaars by plaayinng ggolff annd bbeinng aablee too buuy aa biicyccle.The morre II drreammed, thhe mmoree I thooughht. Whyy noot? I mmadee myy fiirstt goolf cluub oo

14、ut of guaava limmb(番番石榴樹樹枝) andd a pieece of pippe. Theen II haammeeredd ann emmptyy tiin ccan intto tthe shaape of a bballl. AAnd finnallly II duug ttwo smaall holles in thee grrounnd aand hitt thhe bballl baack andd foorthh. II prractticeed wwithh thhe ssamee deevottionn annd iinteensiity. I leaar

15、need wworkkingg inn thhe ffielld exxceppt nnow I wwas driivinng ggolff baallss wiith cluub, nott oxxen witth aa brroommstiick.36. Thee wrriteerss fiirstt joob wwas _.A. tto sstannd ddownn thhe ffairrwayy att a gollf ccourrseB. tto wwatcch ooverr thhe ssugaar-ccanee pllanttatiionC. tto ddrivve tthe o

16、xeen tthatt pllougghedd thhe ccanee fiielddsD. tto sspott thhe bballls aas ttheyy laandeed sso tthe gollferrs ccoulld ffindd thhem37. Thee woord “teedioous” in Parragrraphh 2 mosst pprobbablly mmeanns _.A. ddiffficuultBB. bboriingCC. iinteeresstinngD. unnusuual38 TThe wriiterr leearnned thaat_ froom

17、 hhis firrst jobb.A. hhe sshouuld worrk ffor thoose whoo hee liikedd moostB. hhe sshouuld worrk llongger thaan wwhatt hee waas eexpeecteedC. hhe sshouuld nevver faiil tto ssay helllo to hiss owwnerrD. hhe sshouuld be resspecctfuul aand faiithfful to thee peeoplle hhe wworkked forr39. _ ggavee thhe w

18、writter serrf-eesteeem.A. HHaviing a ffamiily of eigght peooplee w.w.ww.k.s.55.u.c.oo.mB. OOwniing hiss owwn ggolff cooursseC. BBrinnginng mmoneey bbackk hoome to hellp tthe fammilyyD. HHelppingg hiis ffathher witth tthe worrk oon tthe plaantaatioonC. NNevaadaDD. BBadwwateer42. Thee naame of thee va

19、alleey ccomees ffromm _.A. aan IIndiian namme BB. tthe deaath of thee miinerrsC. tthe loccal peooplee D. a Nattionnal Movvemeent43. Froom tthe passsagge wwe ccan leaarn thaat _.A. nno oone hadd evver knoown thee deeserrt bbefoore thee miinerrsB. iitss sttilll noot eeasyy too trraveel aacrooss thee d

20、eeserrtC. ppeopple cann fiind gass-sttatiionss, ccafees aand hottelss inn thhe ddeseertD. ppeopple havve cchanngedd thhe nnatuurall siightt off thhe ddeseert44. Devvil Gollf CCourrse is fammouss foor _.A. tthe freequeent winnd BB. tthe collorss off thhe ssanddC. ddreaam-llikee siightts DD. tthe sann

21、d sscullptuuress45. Froom tthe passsagge wwe ccan seee thhat thee wrriteer _ thhe DDeatth VVallley.A. aapprreciiatees BB. iis ffearrfull offC. ddisllikees DD. iis ttireed oofCTODAAY, Friidayy, NNoveembeer 112JAZZZ wiith thee Miike Thoomass Jaazz Bannd aat TThe Derrby Armms. Uppper Ricchmoond Roaad W

22、Westt, SSheeen.DISCCO SSatiin SSounnds Dissco. Frree at Thee Loord Nappierr, MMortt laake Higgh SSt., frrom 8a. m. to 8p. m. Teel: 682211158.SATUURDAAY, Novvembber 13JAZZZ Lyysiss att Thhe BBullls Heaad, Barrness. AAdmiissiion 60pp.MUSIICALL HAALL at Thee Sttar andd Gaarteer, Lowwer Ricchmoond Roaad

23、, Puttneyy, pprovvideed bby tthe Abaa Daaba Mussic Halll ccomppanyy. GGoodd foood andd ennterrtaiinmeent faiir ppricce. Tell: 778967449.FAMIILY nigght outt? JJoinn thhe ssingg-allongg att Thhe BBlacck HHorsse. Sheeen Roaad, Ricchmoond.JAZZZ Thhe JJohnn Beenneett Bigg Baand at Thee Buulls HHeadd, BBa

24、rnnes. Addmisssioon 880p.THE DERRBY ARMMS, Uppper Ricchmoond Roaad WWestt, ggivee yoou JJoe on thee ellecttricc acccorrdioon(手手風(fēng)琴). TTel: 7889445366SUNDDAY, Noovemmberr 144DISCCO SSatiin SSounnds Dissco, frree at Thee Loord Nappierr, MMortt Laake Higgh SStreeet, frrom 8 aa. mm. tto 88 p. m.FOLKK MUU

25、SICC att Thhe DDerbby AArmss. TThe Shoort Stuuff andd reesiddentts tthe Norrmann Chhop Triio. Nonn-reememmberrs 770p. Teel: 688846626.HEAVVY MMUSIIC wwithh Toony Simmon at Thee Buull, Uppperr Riichmmondd Rooad Wesst, Easst SSheeen.THE DERRBY ARMMS, Uppper Ricchmoond Roaad WWestt, ggivee yoou JJoe on

26、 thee ellecttricc acccorrdioon.46. Wheere andd whhen cann yoou hhearr thhe NNormman Choop TTrioo?A. AAt tthe Bulllss Heead on Sunndayy.B. AAt tthe Derrby Armms oon SSundday.C. AAt tthe Bulll oon SSatuurdaay.D. AAt tthe Blaack Horrse on Satturdday.47. Wheere andd whhen cann yoou hhearr thhe MMikee Th

27、homaas JJazzz Baand?A. AAt tthe Derrby Armms oon FFridday.B. AAt tthe Blaack Horrse on Friidayy.C. AAt tthe Staar aand Garrterr onn Saaturrdayy.D. AAt tthe Derrby Armms oon SSundday.48. Youu waant to enjjoy thee ellecttricc acccorrdioon oon SSatuurdaay. Whiich tellephhonee nuumbeer ddo yyou havve tt

28、o rringg too fiind outt whhat timme iit sstarrts?A. 778967449. B. 789945536. CC. 668211558. D. 6888446266.49. Youu waant to speend thee Saaturrdayy byy jooiniing thee ennterrtaiinmeent witth yyourr faamilly. Wheere shoouldd yoou ggo?A. DDiscco aat TThe Lorrd NNapiier.B. TThe sinng-aalonng aat TThe B

29、laack Horrse.C. TThe eleectrric acccorddionn att Thhe DDerbby AArmss.D. JJazzz att Thhe BBullls Heaad.50. Youu waant to speend thee saame dayy att twwo ddifffereent plaacess annd ddont wwantt too crrosss anny sstreeet. Whhichh off thhe ffolllowiing is youur bbestt chhoicce?A. TThe sinng-aalonng aat

30、tthe Blaack Horrse andd Jaazz at Thee Buulls HHeadd.B. TThe sinng-aalonng aat TThe Blaack Horrse andd Foolk Mussic at Thee Deerbyy Arrms.C. FFolkk Muusicc att Thhe DDerbby AArmss annd HHeavvy MMusiic wwithh Toony Simmon at Thee Buull.D. MMusiicall Haal llat Thee Sttar Gaarteer aand Dissco at Thee Lo

31、ord Nappierr.DMothherhhoodd maay mmakee woomenn smmartter andd maay hhelpp prreveent demmenttia(癡呆) inn olld aage by batthinng tthe braain in prootecctivve hhormmonees(荷荷爾蒙) , U.SS. rreseeachherss reeporrtedd onn Thhurssdayy.Testts oon rratss shhow thaat tthosse wwho raiise twoo orr moore littterrs

32、oof ppupss doo coonsiiderrablly bbettter in tessts of memmoryy annd sskillls thaan rratss whho hhavee noo baabiees, andd thheirr brrainns sshoww chhangges thaat ssugggestt thhey mayy bee prroteecteed aagaiinstt diiseaasess suuch as Alzzheiimerrs(早老癡癡呆癥). UUnivverssityy off Riichmmondd pssychholoogy

33、proofesssorr Crraigg Kiinslley bellievves hiss fiindiingss wiill traansllatee innto hummanss.“Ourr reeseaarchh shhowss thhat thee hoormooness off prregnnanccy(懷懷孕) aree prroteectiing thee brrainn, iinclludiing esttroggen(雌激素素), whiich we knoow hhas manny nneurroprroteectiive (保護(hù)護(hù)神經(jīng)的的) eeffeectss,” K

34、innsleey ssaidd.“Its rrat datta bbut hummanss arre mmammmalss juust likke tthesse aanimmalss arre mmammmalss,” he addded in a tteleephoone inttervvieww. “TTheyy goo thhrouugh preegnaancyy annd hhormmonaal cchanngess.”Kinssleyy saaid he hopped pubblicc heealtth ooffiiciaals andd reeseaarchherss wiill

35、 loook tto ssee if havvingg haad cchilldreen pprottectts aa woomann frrom Alzzheiimerrs andd ottherr foormss off agge-rrelaatedd brrainn deecliine.“Wheen ppeopple thiink aboout preegnaancyy, ttheyy thhinkk abboutt whhat happpenns tto bbabiies andd thhe mmothher froom tthe necck ddownn,” saiid KKinss

36、leyy, wwho preesenntedd hiis ffinddinggs tto tthe annnuall meeetiing of thee Soocieety of Neuurosscieencee inn Orrlanndo, Flloriida.“Theey ddo nnot reaalizze tthatt hoormooness arre wwashhingg onn thhe bbraiin. If youu loook at femmalee annimaals whoo haave nevver gonne tthrooughh prregnnanccy, thee

37、y aact diffferrenttly towwardd yooungg. BBut if shee gooes thrrouggh ppreggnanncy, shhe wwilll saacriificce hher liffe ffor herr innfannttthatt iss a greeat chaangee inn heer bbehaavioor tthatt shhoweed iin ggeneeticc allterratiionss(改變變) tto tthe braain.”51. Howw doo sccienntissts knoow “MMothherhh

38、oodd maay mmakee woomenn smmartter”?A. SSomee reeseaarchherss haave tolld tthemm.B. MManyy woomenn saay sso.C. TTheyy knnow it by expperiimenntinng oon rratss.D. TTheyy knnow it thrrouggh ttheiir oown expperiiencce.52. Whaat ddoess thhe pphraase “l(fā)iitteers of pupps” meaan iin tthe seccondd paaraggra

39、pph?A. BBabyy raats.B. Aniimalls.CC. OOld ratts.DD. GGrowwn-uup rratss.53. Whaat ccan prootecct tthe braain of a wwomaan aaccoordiing to thee paassaage?A. EEstrrogeen. B. Thee hoormooness off prregnnanccy.C. MMoree exxerccisee. DD. TTakiing carre oof cchilldreen.54. “Itts ratt daata butt huumanns aa

40、re mammmalls jjustt liike theese aniimalls aare mammmalls.” Whaat ddoess thhe ssenttencce ssugggestt?A. TThe expperiimennts on thee raats havve nnothhingg too doo wiith hummanss.B. TThe expperiimennts on thee raats aree veery impporttantt foor aanimmalss.C. TThe expperiimennts on thee raats aree muu

41、ch thee saame on hummanss.D. TThe expperiimennts on thee raats aree muuch thee saame on othher aniimalls.55. Whiich tittle is thee beest forr thhis passsagge?A. DDo YYou Wannt tto BBe SSmarrterr?B. MMothherhhoodd Maakess Woomenn SmmartterC. MMystteriiouss HoormoonessD. AAn IImpoortaant Stuudy短文改改錯(cuò)(1

42、10 ppoinnts)Dearr Mrr Joohnsson,20111年福建建教師招招聘考試試小學(xué)英英語專業(yè)業(yè)知識(shí)預(yù)預(yù)測卷答答案一單項(xiàng)項(xiàng)選擇【答案解解析】A??疾椴楣谠~的的用法。一個(gè)蘋蘋果第一一次出現(xiàn)現(xiàn),用aan,后后面特指指該人的的頭,所所以用tthe。.A??伎疾槎陶Z語。根據(jù)據(jù)句意只只有ass sooon as “一.就.”符符合要求求。D。考查查動(dòng)詞短短語。tturnn ouut“結(jié)結(jié)果是,證證明是”, brringg ouut“取取出、說說出、使使明顯” calll oout“大大聲說出出、召集集”, picck oout “挑選選、分辨辨出”,根根據(jù)句意意只有DD合適。C??疾椴?/p>

43、倒裝。只有CC項(xiàng)語法法表述正正確。D??疾椴楝F(xiàn)在完完成進(jìn)行行時(shí)的用用法。表表示從過過去某時(shí)時(shí)開始準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)備,一一直持續(xù)續(xù)到現(xiàn)在在,并且且還將繼繼續(xù)準(zhǔn)備備。C??疾椴榉衷~做做狀語。分詞短短語的主主語和句句子的主主語是同同一個(gè),用用現(xiàn)在分分詞來表表示。B??疾椴樘摂M語語氣。表表示對過過去的虛虛擬,用用wouuld / sshouuld / ccoulld / miightt + havve +過去分分詞。B??疾椴閞emmainn和seeat的的用法。在英語語中,過過去分詞詞是可以以充當(dāng)形形容詞表表達(dá)狀態(tài)態(tài)的。rremaain意意為保持持某種狀狀態(tài),所所以保持持坐著,就就用的是是 reemaiin/k

44、keepp seeateed。另另外,注注意seeat是是一個(gè)vvt,所所以后面面需要跟跟賓語或或者是用用被動(dòng)語語態(tài)。英英語中,表表示請坐坐的時(shí)候候,常說說seaat yyourrsellf或者者be seaatedd, ppleaase。C。考查查定語從從句。先先行詞在在從句中中作狀語語,inn whhichh 相當(dāng)當(dāng)于whhen。A??疾椴樵~義辨辨析。根根據(jù)回答答,evveryy ottherr daay “每每隔一天天”,可可知提問問是在問問澆花的的頻率。D??疾椴樵~義辨辨析。CCheeer uup“使使高興起起來”, welll ddonee “做做的不錯(cuò)錯(cuò)”,ggo aaheaad

45、“開開始、領(lǐng)領(lǐng)先”,cconggrattulaatioons“祝祝賀”。根據(jù)上上下文只只有coongrratuulattionns 符符合題意意。D??疾椴閯?dòng)詞時(shí)時(shí)態(tài)語態(tài)態(tài)。C??疾椴橹髦^一一致。當(dāng)當(dāng)主語后后面跟有有witth, toggethher witth, excceptt, bbut,as welll aas 等等詞引起起的短語語時(shí),謂謂語動(dòng)詞詞與前面面的主語語一致.C??疾椴楦泄賱?dòng)動(dòng)詞的用用法。ssee, heear, feeel, waatchh, llookk,這五五個(gè)動(dòng)詞詞均可作作連系動(dòng)動(dòng)詞,后后面接形形容詞作作表語,說說明主語語所處的的狀態(tài)。其意思思分別為為看/聽/聞聞/嘗

46、/摸起來來。除llookk之外,其其它幾個(gè)個(gè)動(dòng)詞的的主語往往往是物物,而不不是人。C??疾椴閺?qiáng)調(diào)句句。強(qiáng)調(diào)調(diào)句的結(jié)結(jié)構(gòu)是IIt iis/ wass + 被強(qiáng)調(diào)調(diào)部分(通通常是主主語、賓賓語或狀狀語)+ thhat/ whho(當(dāng)當(dāng)強(qiáng)調(diào)主主語且主主語指人人)+ 其它部部分。強(qiáng)強(qiáng)調(diào)句可可以強(qiáng)調(diào)調(diào)除謂語語以外的的一切成成分二、完型型填空【答案與與解析】科科學(xué)家通通過實(shí)驗(yàn)驗(yàn)測試黑黑猩猩所所能馴化化的程度度。16. B。句句中的 thooughh 是副副詞,意意為“可可是”,根根據(jù)下文文描述的的實(shí)驗(yàn)情情況可知知“這只只黑猩猩猩不是一一只 oordiinarry(普普通的)黑猩猩猩”。17. D。ddo

47、aa reeseaarchh onn 意為為“對進(jìn)行研研究”。18. D。四四個(gè)選項(xiàng)項(xiàng)中只有有 beecomme 是是連系動(dòng)動(dòng)詞,其其后接形形容詞 civviliizedd 作表表語。19. C。下下文說到到:當(dāng)黑黑猩猩想想要被抱抱起時(shí),她她將手指指向上指指;當(dāng)她她想要刷刷牙時(shí),則則用手指指刮牙齒齒。這說說明她與與人們交交換的是是“信息息”,即即 meessaage。20. A。根根據(jù)下文文:當(dāng)黑黑猩猩想想要被抱抱起時(shí),她她將手指指向上指指;當(dāng)她她想要刷刷牙時(shí),她她則用手手指刮牙牙齒。這這說明黑黑猩猩用用的是“手手勢語”,即即 siign lannguaage。21. D。ppickk upp

48、 有很很多意思思,如表表示:拿拿起,撿撿起;收收拾,整整理;學(xué)學(xué)會(huì);(用車)來接,去去??;改改進(jìn),改改善;重重新開始始,繼續(xù)續(xù);感染染(疾病病、壞習(xí)習(xí)慣)等等。它在在本句中中的意思思是“抱抱起”。22. A。根根據(jù)上一一句的結(jié)結(jié)構(gòu)可推推知。23. B。根根據(jù)下文文的語境境可推知知。24. C。注注意本句句后面的的信息詞詞 ceeiliing(天花板板)。根根據(jù)常識(shí)識(shí),四個(gè)個(gè)選項(xiàng)中中只有 C 才才具備有有 ceeiliing。25.DD。根據(jù)據(jù)后面的的 Thhe ffoodd waas sstilll ttoo higgh tto bbe rreacchedd 可推推知答案案。26. A。根根據(jù)

49、上文文的 . to thiink outt annd ffindd annsweers to proobleems 可知此此處應(yīng)填填 prrobllemss。27 BB。黑猩猩猩弄來來盒子是是為了增增加高度度,所以以她應(yīng)站站在箱子子之上,即即填介詞詞 onn。28. C。站站在箱子子上,高高度仍不不夠,故故又弄來來一根 polle(竿竿)。根根據(jù)常識(shí)識(shí),在此此情況下下,這 polle 的的特征應(yīng)應(yīng)是 llongg。29 BB。根據(jù)據(jù)上文可可知。30. A。根根據(jù)常識(shí)識(shí)和語境境,黑猩猩猩此時(shí)時(shí)應(yīng)是用用竿 kknocck 食食物。31. A。從從本段后后面內(nèi)容容可知,這這只黑猩猩猩是像像人一樣樣在

50、“生生活”(livve)。32. C。根根據(jù)下文文語境用用排除法法可推知知答案。33. B。根根據(jù)上文文可知這這里的 theere 指“在在家里”。34. C。對對于黑猩猩猩來說說,ennjoyys wwatcchinng tteleevissionn beeforre ggoinng tto bbed 顯然比比 pllay witth ttoyss 更不不常見,故故用evven(甚至)強(qiáng)調(diào)后后者。35. D。llearrn 的的意思是是“了解解”,即即指通過過研究黑黑猩猩來來“了解解”人類類自己。三閱讀讀理解【答案解解析】本文主要要介紹作作者小時(shí)時(shí)候的工工作經(jīng)歷歷:6歲歲時(shí)在一一家甘蔗蔗種植

51、園園耕地,77歲時(shí)在在離家不不遠(yuǎn)的一一家高爾爾夫球場場找到看看球。36. C。語語義理解解題。第第 1 段第 2 句句話Myy fiirstt joob wwas to driive thee oxxen thaat pplouugheed tthe canne ffiellds 和題干干幾乎完完全相同同。37. B。詞詞義猜測測題。從從第 22 段第第 2 句話中中的I hadd too bee onn tiime eveery dayy annd wworkk ass haard as I ccoulld 可可以推知知 teedioous 的正確確詞義。38. D。語語義理解解題。看看到文

52、章章第 22 段第第 4 句話 I aalsoo leearnned aboout beiing resspecctfuul aand faiithfful to thee peeoplle yyou worrk ffor,答答案不言言自明。39. C。語語義理解解題。從從文章第第 3 段最后后兩句話話 Noothiing madde mme pprouuderr thhan briingiing homme mmoneey tto hhelpp myy mootheer, fattherr, ttwo brootheers andd thhreee siisteers. Thhis gavv

53、e mme sselff-essteeem (自尊心心) 不難肯肯定答案案為C。40. A。判判斷題。從最后后一段內(nèi)內(nèi)容不難難看出他他想當(dāng)一一名高爾爾夫球員員的迫切切之心。【答案解解析】本文介紹紹了美國國的一個(gè)個(gè)著名沙沙漠“死亡亡谷”名名稱的由由來以及及 “死死亡谷”奇奇特的風(fēng)風(fēng)光。41. D. 細(xì)節(jié)題題。根據(jù)據(jù) aand Baddwatter, a sallt wwateer ppooll, iis aabouut 2280 feeet bbeloow ssea levvel andd thhe lloweest poiint in thee Unniteed SStattes 可推知知此題

54、答答案為 D。42. B. 推斷題題。根據(jù)據(jù) wwhenn a grooup of minnerss coominng aacrooss froom NNevaada beccamee loost in itss unnpleeasaantnnesss annd hhugeenesss aand theeir advventturee tuurneed oout to be a ssad stoory 可知知“死亡亡谷”的的名稱來來源于這這些迷路路礦工的的死亡。43. C. 推斷題題。根據(jù)據(jù) wwelll-maarkeed rroadds wwherre ggoodd seerviicess

55、caan bbe ffounnd eeasiily 可以以判斷 C 為為最佳答答案。44. C. 細(xì)節(jié)題題。根據(jù)據(jù) wwherre iit sseemms hhardd foor oone to telll rreallityy frrom terrribble dreeamss 可推推知答案案為 CC。45. A. 推斷題題。根據(jù)據(jù)thee sppeciial beaautyy off thhis plaacelikke tthe sigghtss onn thhe mmoonn eeverr-chhangginggshhowiing thee moost unuusuaal ccoloor

56、s等等關(guān)鍵詞詞語可以以知道作作者是帶帶著贊賞賞的語氣氣來描述述“死亡亡谷”的的。?【答案案解析】本文是廣廣告,告告知人們們星期五五至星期期日的娛娛樂活動(dòng)動(dòng)安排。46. B。細(xì)細(xì)節(jié)題。根據(jù)文文章星期期天的活活動(dòng)安排排FOLLK MMUSIIC aat TThe Derrby Armms. Thee Shhortt Sttufff annd rresiidennts thee Noormaan CChopp Trrio.可推知知此題答答案為BB。47. A。細(xì)細(xì)節(jié)題。根據(jù)文文章星期期五活動(dòng)動(dòng)安排的的第1句句JAZZZ wwithh thhe MMikee Thhomaas JJazzz Baand at Thee Deerbyy Arrms.可推知知此題答答案為AA。48. B。細(xì)細(xì)節(jié)題。根據(jù)星星期六


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