1、20022003 學(xué)年第二學(xué)期兒科學(xué)試卷(B) 2003.6(00 預(yù)防醫(yī)學(xué)、衛(wèi)生管理、基礎(chǔ)醫(yī)學(xué))一、選擇題(每題 1 分,共 40 分)A 型題1. The majormanifesion of Tuberculous meningitis in children isA B C DEA tense Convul StuporCranialanterior fontanealnerve palsiesMood changes2.What is the most important clinical feature of nephritic syndrome?A.B.C.D.E.3.AwPro
2、teinuria Edema HypertenHypoalbuminemia Hypercholesteolemiapre-term baby of one monnd two days old, gesional age 35ks, born iner, breast feeding, weight is increasing from 2.0kg to 3.0kg. Now whichsupplementary food is added to atand why? of energyion of mineral substan of energyion of Vit Aion of Vi
3、t DA B C DErice-water, for supplemenionvegetable soup,for supplemenrice-paste,forsupplemenioncod livercod liveroil,oil,for supplemenfor supplemen4.Whattme isbetter for weaningin breast feeding baby?A.B.C.D.E.5.4-56-9monthsmonthsof ageof age10-12 months13-15 months18 months ofof age of ageageA boy, o
4、ne year old ,with high fever 6 days, listleess, frequent cough,paroxysmal respiratory distress . Physical examination: nares flaring, markedinspiratory retractions, dullness at both lowergs, decreased breath sounds,small amount of fine moist rale through bothgs. The white blood count was9.0109/L, th
5、e chest x-ray showed bilaterally patchy shadow of density. The mostlikely diagnosis is:A.B.C.D.E.staphylococcal poniarespiratory syncytialponiaadenoponia oniaoniamycoplasma pponcoccusp6.Which is main difference betn dehydration of severe degree and moderate degree?A. poor skin resincyB.C.D.E.7.orbit
6、 pitting oliguria or anuria metabolic acidosisperipheral circulatory failureDuring fetal life, the earst synthesized immunoglobin isA.B.C.D.E.8.IgM IgD IgG IgA IgEVery low birthweight infant is the newborn whose birth weightis lessnA.B.C.D.E.9.2500g2000g1500g1000g800gThe ratio of Calcium and Phospho
7、rus in breastmilk isA.B.C.D.E.10.1:21.5:12:11.2:11.5:2The range of serum natrium concentration inisonatremic dehydration should beA.B.C.D.E.11.120140mmol/L 130160mmol/L 140160mmol/L 140150mmol/L 130150mmol/LIf the mothers Rh blood type is CcDee and the fetus is CcDEe, then Rhpatibility should beA.B.
8、C.D.E.Cc D Eeantigen antigen antigen antigenantigen12. DTP (Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis vaccine), Primary immunization should betakenA B CDJust Once OnceOnceone timea aamonth, two times month, three timesk, two timesE13.Once ak, three timesPhysiologic weight lower of a normal newborn will be reco
9、vered inA.B.C.D.E.14.13days 35 days 57 days 710 days 1014 daysA healthy boy, one year and six months old, how much energy and water shouldhe require everyday ?energy (kj) /kg water(ml) /kgA.B.C.D.E.418460418418925(100(110(100(100(150kcal) kcal) kcal) kcal)kcal)10010011012515015. An infant, weight 7
10、kg, length 65 cm,head circumference 42 cm, the infant shouldbeA B C DE56789months months months monthsmonthsold old old old olda reliable diagnostic test for tuberculosis, an infected patient16. PPDrespoundsitively of infectionA.B.C.D.E.17.immediaywithin withinwithin1-22-44-10k kkafter 10kWhich one
11、is the most common typeof TB in childrenA.B.C.D.E.18.Primary pulmonary tuberculosis Miliary tuberculosis Tuberculosis meningitis Tubeculosis of abdomen Tuberculous pleurisyWhich one is the cyanotic type ofcongenital heart diseaseA.B.C.D.E.ventricular septal defectatrial septal tetralogy oPatent duct
12、usdefect llotarteriosuspulmonary stenosis19. If a staphylococcal pconsidert is because :onia patient suddenly breath difficultly, we shouldA.B.C.D.E.20.A.B.C.D.E.high feveracidosisponia developedpyopnemothorax heart failureThe major manifestions of acute glomerulonephritis arehyperten, hematuria, pr
13、oteinuriaproteinuria, hypertenedema, hypertenoliguria, edema, oliguria, edema, hematuriahyperten, hematuria hematuria, hypercholesteolemia21.有一重度營養(yǎng)不良嬰兒,腹瀉伴中度脫水,第一天補液量應(yīng)為A B C DE150ml/kg 120ml/kg 100ml/kg 70ml/kg50ml/kg22.下列哪一點不是新生兒生理性黃疸的特點?A B C D E 23.A.B.C.D.E.出生后第 2-3 天出現(xiàn)黃疸于第 5-7 天達足月新生兒膽紅素205umol
14、/L (12mg/dl),早產(chǎn)兒1.5mg/dl (25.7umol/L)患兒 4 歲,確診為單純性腎病。下列檢查符合 蛋白電泳中白蛋白明顯減少,1,球蛋白升高呈選擇性蛋白尿膽固醇明顯升高尿蛋白總量每天0.1g/kg離心尿紅細胞10/HP,除了24.新生兒肺透明膜病病因中最重要的是A B C DE產(chǎn)和分娩異常母患肺表面活性物質(zhì)缺乏肺內(nèi)液體過多性肺不張25.引起新生兒缺氧缺血性腦病的最主要的原因是:A B CD反復(fù)呼吸暫停右向左分流型先心重度心力衰竭或循環(huán)衰竭圍生期窒息E心跳停止26.A B C D E27.下列除去哪一項外,均為房間隔缺損的表現(xiàn)?胸骨左緣第 2、3 肋間有收縮期雜音右心房、擴大
15、肺動脈段明顯突出,有肺門“舞蹈”主動脈影不縮小體格常瘦小男孩,10 歲?;冀Y(jié)核病。其基本病理改變中,下列哪項是不可能出現(xiàn)的?A.B.C.D.E.28.急性炎癥性病變滲出、增生病變粟粒結(jié)節(jié)干酪液化空間鈣化結(jié)節(jié)男嬰,8 個月。因面色蒼白 3 個月入院,為營養(yǎng)性缺鐵性貧血。從病史分析其發(fā)病與以下喂養(yǎng)方式有關(guān),但除外A.B.C.D.E.單純牛奶喂養(yǎng)和牛乳混合喂養(yǎng)單純羊乳喂養(yǎng)米糊為主食喂養(yǎng)并按時添加輔食29.維生素 D 缺乏可致手足搐搦癥,主要是由于A B C D E30.血鈣迅速轉(zhuǎn)移至骨骼甲狀旁腺反映遲鈍 尿鈣排出過多飲食中含鈣量以上均不是佝僂病時骨樣組織堆積的表現(xiàn)是:A B C D E31.肋緣外翻
16、肋膈溝 雞胸 “O”型腿手腳鐲胰島素依賴型的患兒,10 歲,自己測血糖及尿糖,近 3 個月來所測血糖及尿糖均比較正常,今測糖化血紅蛋白 HbAc 為 15%。對小兒情況最適當(dāng)?shù)呐袛嗍茿.B.C.D.E.控制滿意 食物中脂肪量過高血糖及尿糖測試欠正確胰島素劑量偏高患兒的葡萄糖腎閾低32.冬季出生的足月小兒,生后 1 個月給予維生素 D 預(yù)防佝僂病,其一般劑量應(yīng)是A B C DE每天 400U每天 1000U每天 1500U每天 2000U每天 3000U33. 1 周歲小兒,體重 6.5Kg,身長 70cm,精神不活潑,貧血貌,皮膚彈性差,腹部皮下脂肪 0.3cm,肌肉松弛。其可能的是A B C
17、 D E 34.A B C D E35.第一度營養(yǎng)不良第二度營養(yǎng)不良第三度營養(yǎng)不良中度脫水以上均不是重度營養(yǎng)不良體液改變傾向于總體液量相對減少,細胞外液呈高滲性總體液量相對增多,細胞外液呈低滲性總體液量不變,細胞外液呈等滲性總體液量相對增多,細胞外液呈等滲性總體液量相對減少,細胞外液呈低滲性下列哪一項不是哮喘的防治原則A B C D E 36.A B C DE避免接觸致敏原 應(yīng)用支氣管擴張劑長期口服皮質(zhì)激素適當(dāng)應(yīng)用抗生素 免疫治療下述小兒生長發(fā)育中,哪項是正常的?開始會抬頭的月齡一般是 1 個月會獨立坐穩(wěn)的月齡一般是 5 個月會爬的月齡一般是 8 個月會獨立站穩(wěn)的月齡一般是 9 個月開始會獨立行走的月齡一般是 10 個月37.患兒 5 歲,發(fā)熱咳嗽 10 天伴右胸痛,體檢:一般可,體溫 38。C,呼吸 30 次/分,右下肺聞及少量細水泡音。胸部 X 線片見右下肺云霧狀浸潤影。用青霉素、SMZ 治療一周后,隨訪胸片:右下肺陰影,于左下肺見云霧狀浸潤影。血白細胞 8109/L,中性粒細胞 50%,淋巴細胞 50%。可能的是:A.B.C.D.E.38.大葉性支氣管金黃色葡萄球菌腺支原體小兒各系統(tǒng)發(fā)育最早的是AB生殖系統(tǒng)神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)C D E 39.A B C DE淋巴系統(tǒng)脂肪組織肌肉組織小兒應(yīng)用抗菌藥物治療時其停藥時
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