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1、/ 肯尼斯TheheWillowbyKenneth19081/ 肯尼斯TheheWillowbyKenneth19081TheThe Mole workedveryhardallmorning,cleaninghislittle home.He brushed,andhe washed; he cleaned the floorsand the walls, he stood onchairs towash the tops ofcup boards, he got under the beds,he took up thecarpets. He cleanedand he cleaned,

2、until his armsand his backachedwithIt wasspringtime,and the smellandthesoundofspring wereeverywhere,he dark little houseunder the ground.Andwith thespringcomes thepromise ofchange, of of new green leaves. So it was not t the Mole suddenly put down his brushes said, Oh bother! and then, Im tired of c

3、leaning! Something up above the ground was calling to him, and he ran out of his house and began to dig his way upwards to the sun.He dug and he pushed, and he pushedand he dug. Up we go! Up we go! he said to asthisnose came othesunlight,andhefoundhe warmgrassofa This is fine! said the Mole. This is

4、 n cleaning! The sunshine was warm on back and the air was filled with the songs of birds. He gave a little jump for happiness, shook himself, and then began to cross the field towards some trees. Here and there he went, through the fieldsandthewoods,lookingandsmellingandlistening.Everywhereanimalsa

5、ndbirdswerebusy, talking and laughing,looking for food, making new homes for the spring.The Mole enjoyed it all.Then,suddenly,hecametoariver.Hehadneverseenariverbeforeinhislife-thiswonderful brightshining thing, which danced its way in and out of the shadows under the trees. It was stillforaminute,h

6、urryingandlaughingandtalkingtoAnd at once, the Mole was in love with it. He walked along the river , listening watching all the ast he sat down on the grass and looked across the river to the ite. There was a dark he , and the Mole watched it dreamily, t would be very pleasant to have little house b

7、y the river. As he watched, he saw some titwasaneye,andthenaface appearedashehole.SoonheAbrownlittleface,withWithbrighteyes,andsmallears,andthickshinyhair. It was the Water Rat!Thenthetwoanimalsstoodupandlookedateacho,Mole!saidtheWithbrighteyes,andsmallears,andthickshinyhair. It was the Water Rat!Th

8、enthetwoanimalsstoodupandlookedateacho,Mole!saidtheWatero,Rat!saidtheWouldyouliketocomeover asked the Rat.Oh, its easy to talk, said the Mole, a little crossly. The river was new to him and he did not know how to get to the other side.TheRatsaidnothing,anddisappeared.Thenheappearedagain,inalueandwhi

9、tewhichcame quicklyacross theriver towardsthe Mole. Itstopped bythe , and a moment theMole,tohisgreatsurpriseandexcitement,foundhimselfactuallysittinginarealDo you know, he said, as the Rat began to row away from the b boat before in all my life. , Ive never been in cried the Rat. My dear fellow, yo

10、u havent lived! ve me, he went on seriously, there nothing-really nothing-n just messing about in boats. You can go up river, down stay where you are, itreally doesnt matter. Theres always something to do, but you ve t if you dont want to. You can do what you like. Look here! If youre not busy today

11、, why dont we spend the day on the river togetherThe Mole had listened to all this with andsaid,Whata wonderfuldaythisis!Letserest.Now he sat once!hecomfortable the Rat chbasket. This o his hole, and after a while came out carrying a very large othe boat, under the Moles feet,and then the Rat began

12、to down river. The two friends talked from time to time, but mostly the Mole just watched the dreamily,enjoyingthe soundsandthe smellsandthe astthey turned off the big o a little side ofsoftgreent came down to join it. The Rat stopped the boat and they got out on to ndertallwillowtrees.Itwasveryquie

13、tandveryTheMolesatdownandlookedaroundhim.Whatabeautifulplace!hesaidTimech,saidtheRat,openingthebasket.Comeon,Mole!Letsgettowork.TheMolewashappytoobey,becausehewasafterallhiscleaninghe day. And what ch it was! There were cold meats and egg sandwiches, cooked andtomatoes,applesandbananasanda largeast

14、they could eat no more, the Mole lay back and watched the river lazily. After whilehesatIcanseealonglineofbubbles hewater,hesaid.Iwonderwhatitis.Oho!saidtheRat,andhecalledoutacrosstheriverinafriendlykindofThe bubbles stopped and turned. Soon a wet whiskery nose appeared above the edge of b,andthe ul

15、ledhimselfoutandshookthe water fromhischparty!hesaid,goingstraighttowardsthefood.Whydidntyouinviteme,Wedidnt plan it, explainedthe Rat. We onlydecided tocome this morning. Oh, and this myfriend,MrMole.Happytomeetyou,saidtheOtter,andthetwoanimalswerefriendsatAll the world seems to be out on myfriend,

16、MrMole.Happytomeetyou,saidtheOtter,andthetwoanimalswerefriendsatAll the world seems to be out on the river today, said the Otter while he ate. Icame up siderivertotryandgetamomentspeace,andthenIfindyoufellowshavingchparty!Suddenly there was a he thick bushes behind them, and a big black and white lo

17、oked Comeon,oldBadger!shoutedtheThe Badger came forward a few steps, then stopped. Hmm! A crowd! he said crossly, turnedhisbackanddisappearedotheWhat a pity! said the Rat. Dear old Badger! Hes a good fellow, but he does hate a Wewontseehimlus,whos outonthe Toads out, for one, rep d the Otter. In his

18、 shiny new boat. Hes got new boating clothes, and everything! TheRatandtheOtterlookedateachotherandToads always trying something new, the Rat explained to the Mole. But he always gets bored so quickly. Last year it was a house-boat, and he wanted to spend the rest of his life living on the river. Th

19、is year its rowing-boats. Hesanicefellow,ofcourse,saidtheOtter.Butheneverlearnsfromhismistakes!From where they sat they could see a bit of the big river. And just then they saw a rowing-boat going past, and in it a short fat animal, rowing very hard and very badly.TheresToadgoingpastnow,saidtheRat.L

20、ookattboatover ina Ofcourse he will, laughed theOtter.Toad hadnowdisappearedup river,andtheOtter on,Did IltstoryaboutToadandThere was a sudden movement in the water near the . Something silvery shone for second,thenitwasgone.AndsowastheOtter.TheMolelookeddown.TheOttersvoicewasinhisears,buttheOtterha

21、dTherewasjustalonglineofheTheRatsanga littlesongtohimself,andtheMole titwas allpolite,theanimalworld,tosayanythingifyourfriendsdisappearedatanymoment,foranyWell,well,saidtheRat.Iewe shouldthinkaboutgettinghome.The Mole packed the things ch basket, and soon the Rat began to row homewardswhile theafte

22、rnoonsunwentdown behindthe trees. TheRatwasdreaming quietly himself,butthe Molewasveryfullhe kneweverythingaboutboatschandtheexcitementsoftheday.HebegantotAndinawhilehesaid,Ratty!Pleas,Iwanttorow!The Rat shook his head s. Not yet, my young friend, he said. Wait until hadafew lessons. Itsnotaseasyasi

23、tlooks. The Mole was quiet for a minute or two. But he wanted to row very . He t he could row as well as Rat. Then, before the Rat could stop him, he jumped up, pulled the oars out of the surprised Rats hands. The Rat fell backwards off his seat, calling Stopit,yousillyfellow!Youllhaveheriver!The Mo

24、le madea greatdig atthe water with the oars, butthe oars never touched the water all. The Moles legs flew up above his head, and he found himself lying on top of the bottom of the boat.all. The Moles legs flew up above his head, and he found himself lying on top of the bottom of the boat. Frightened

25、, he tried to get up, got hold of the side of the boat, and the Overwenttheboat,andtheMoleandtheRatandchbasketwereheIt was the Rat, of course, who pulled the Mole out of the water, who turned the boat way up, who found the oars, who got laughedand ch basket from the bottom of the river. And Whenall

26、wasreadyagain, the unhappy Mole he boat very wet and very miserable.they left, he said in a low voice, Ratty, my dear friend! I have been so silly and so ungrateful. reallyamvery. ! d the Rat kindly. Im always in and out of the water myself, so worry about it. But I re ally think you should come and

27、 stay with me for a while. Youll be very comfortable,andIllteachyoutorow andtoswim.Soonyoullbe asgooda boatmanasanyof TheMolewasalmosttoohappytospeakandcouldfindnowordsnkhisWhen they got home, they had a good hot supper in front of a bright fire while the Rat told exciting stories of life on the riv

28、er. Then he took the Mole upstairs to the best bedroom, and soon the Mole was lying warm and comfortable, listening to the sound of his new friend the runningpasthisbedroomt was of many wonderful days for the Mole, as the spring turned o golden summer.He learnt to swimand to row,and he learntto love

29、 the sound of the windwhen wentwhisperingitssecretsthroughthetreesandthe plantsbythe1 “ “ 劃。2TheopenOne bright summer morning the Mole and the Rat were out on the river , watching world go by. The Rat was writing a song and was singing quietly to himself as he tried different2TheopenOne bright summe

30、r morning the Mole and the Rat were out on the river , watching world go by. The Rat was writing a song and was singing quietly to himself as he tried different Ratty,saidtheMole,couldIaskyouMmm, the Rat said, not really listening. Sky, fly, high, die, whyOh dear! What did you say, MoleWillyoutakeme

31、tovisitMrIveheardsomuchabouthim,andIdowanttomeethim.Why, of course, said the Rat kindly. Get the boat out, and well row up there now. Toads always happy to see his friends. Hemustbeaverynice animal,saidthe Mole,asheothe boatandtooktheHes the best of animals, d the Rat. Kind, friendly-not very clever

32、, perhaps, sometimeshesjusta itboastful,buthesagoodfellowreally.The Mole rowed hard up the river and in a while they came to a large red house, with beautiful gardens reaching down to the waters edge.TheresToadHall,saidthe Rat.Itsa lovelyoldhouse-Toadisveryrich,youknow,andisreallyone ofthethousesont

33、heriver.ButweneverttoToad,ofcourse.They left their boat by the boathouse expensiveboats,whichlookednewandmostlyof the gar den. The boathouse was full The ooked around him. I t all the boats are out of the water, he said. I eToadhasfinishedwithboatingnowandhassomeeresttoamusehim.Theywalked over the g

34、rasstowardsthehouseandsoon foundToad,restingina garden-andcarefullystudyingalargeWonderful! he cried,as he saw them. Youre just the t I wanted to see, Ratty. jumped up andcame towards them, talkingall the time, and gave the Rat no time roduce Mole.Ineedyouverymuch-bothofyou.Youvegottohelpme.Itsmosti

35、mportant!Its about your rowing, Ie,said the Rat, nghisface veryserious.Youwilltheend,youknow,ifyourepatientandworkhardOh, bother boats! the Toad said crossly. Ive finished with boats. Silly way to pass the time. No, Ive discovered the real thing-the best way, the only way, to spend ones life. Come w

36、ith me, dear Ratty, and your kind friend too, and I will show you! He took them round to the other side of the house, and there they saw a shiny new caravan.dyellowandgreensides,andredThereyouare!criedtheToad.Theresreallifeforyou.Theopenroad,thefields,thevillages, towns, cities! Here today, off to a

37、 different place tomorrow! Travel, worldinfrontofyou!The Mole was erested and excited, and followed the Toad inside the caravan to around.Butthe RatshookhisheadandwaitedWhen they came down the steps again, the Toad was still talking excitedly to the Mole. yousee,everythingisreadyforwhenwestartthisaf

38、ternoon.WhattsaidtheRatslowly.Didyousay“we”and “start”and“thisNow,yousee,everythingisreadyforwhenwestartthisafternoon.WhattsaidtheRatslowly.Didyousay“we”and “start”and“thisNow,deargoodoldRatty,saidToadquickly,donthatcrossvoice.Youknowgottocome.Youcantstaybyyourboringoldriverallyourlife.Iwanttoshowyo

39、utheworld!Idontcare,saidtheRatcalmly.Imnotcoming,tsfinal.Imgoingtostaybymyriver,andwhatsmore,Molesgoingtostaywithme,arentyou,Of course I am, said the ravely. But hisface looked sad. Poor Mole! He tlifeinacaravanontheopenroadwouldbeanexcitingThe Rat saw his sad face and felt worried. He liked his fri

40、ends to be happy and he could see t the Mole really wanted to go.Toad watched them both carefully. Come in and have welltalkitover.ch, he said pleasantly, ch-which was excellent, of course, because everything at Toad Hall was-the Toad talked and talked. He was full of wonderful plans. eresting each

41、day be! What adventures the three friends would have together! Ah, the happiness of the travelling he end, of course, the Rat agreed to go, and by the evening they found themselves on lonely fromhome. d beena goldenafternoon,andeven the denjoyed journey so far. Only the old grey horse was not very h

42、appy. He had to do all the hard work pullingthecaravan,andhewasallpleasedaboutThe next morning the Toadwas still ng deeply when the other two got up. They him very hard ouldnt wake him, so they had to do all the work. The Rat took care of horse, lit the fire, and did last nights washing-up. The Mole

43、 walked to the nearest village, a wayaway,to getmilkandeggsandbread,whichtheToad had, ofcourse,ottentobring.asttheToadgotup,he saidwhatapleasanteasylife itwas ontheopenThe day passed happily as they travelled over green hills and along narrow country Butthe next morning theRatand the Mole gotToad ou

44、tof bedand madet he did some the work. Because of this, Toad said very little about a pleas ant easy life. Later, he even tried get obed,butthe Moleandthe Ratpulledhimoutof their journey came very he after noon they were travelling along big road. The Mole was walking beside the horse, and the Toad

45、and the Water Rat were walking behind the caravan, talking together. Actually, the Toad was talking, and the Rat was listening-some of the time.Then they heard a noise behind them, and looking back, they saw a small cloud of dust. madea Poop-poop!sound,anditwascomingtowardsthemvery.Secondslater,thep

46、eaceoftheafternoonwasdestroyedinastormofnoiseandwindandThe poop-poop rang heir ears, and an enormous, long, shining motorcar pastthemanddisappearedoverthe The oldgreyhorse,wildwithfear,triedto getoff the road.The caravanswheels begantoo the ditch along the edge. Then there was a terrible crash-and t

47、he beautiful yellow greencaravanlayhelplesslyonThe Rat jumped up and he road, shouting angrily. shouldlockyouupinprison!, dangerous people! He and the Mole managed to calm the horse, and then they went to look at the caravan. Two wheels had come off, the windows were broken, and bits of wood lay eve

48、rywhere. They tried to pull it out of the ditch, but they couldnt move it.Hi!Toad!The Rat jumped up and he road, shouting angrily. shouldlockyouupinprison!, dangerous people! He and the Mole managed to calm the horse, and then they went to look at the caravan. Two wheels had come off, the windows we

49、re broken, and bits of wood lay everywhere. They tried to pull it out of the ditch, but they couldnt move it.Hi!Toad!theycried.Comeandhelpus,cantyou!The Toad never answered a word, so they went to see what was the matter with him. found him sitting in the middle of the road, with a dreamy whispering

50、,Poop-poop!on his face and TheRatshookhim,notverygently.Areyoucomingtohelpus, heaskedOh, ppiness! whispered Toad to himself. The real way to travel! The only way travel!Hereoneawayinseconds!Wonderful!Poop-poop!Oh,doeingsosilly,Toad!criedtheAnd Inever knew! the Toad went on dreamily. Inever dreamt! W

51、hat clouds of dust will fly up behind me as I drive like the wind! Ive finished with silly old caravans for ever. Poop-poop! Whatarewegoingtodowithhim the Mole asked the Water Rat.Nothing,d the Rat. Theres t we can do. Iknow Toad. When he gets a o his head, he al ways goes crazy .be like this for so

52、me days now. Come wellhavetodoeverythingbyourselves.They had to leave the he ditch and walk to the nearest town, five or away. There they asked some body to take care of the horse, and found somebody who agreed fetch the broken caravan. Then they o a ion near Toad Hall, took Toad went down to the bo

53、at, and ast they sat down to a late supper in Rats comfortable homebytheThe next day was a lazy he evening the Mole was sitting on the river whentheRat,whohadbeentovisitfriends,cametofindhim. Heard the news the Rat said. Everybodys talking about it, all along the river . Toad went up to town by earl

54、yhismorning.Andhehasorderedalargeandveryexpensivemotor-car.2 “、“水“水癩從很聲音,便回過(guò)頭,他們看見(jiàn)一小團(tuán)塵霧,發(fā)著“撲撲-的人應(yīng)癩。撲撲-“從很聲音,便回過(guò)頭,他們看見(jiàn)一小團(tuán)塵霧,發(fā)著“撲撲-的人應(yīng)癩。撲撲-“3TheWildThe Mole had wanted for a long time to meet the Badger. He often spoke about his wish to the Water Rat, but the Rat didnt seem to want to do anything abou

55、t it.,the Ratalwayssaid.Badgerwillcomepastone day,andthenroduce Couldntyouinvitehimtodinnerorsomething asked the Mole.He wouldntcome, said the Rat. He hates crowds,and parties, and dinners, andt ofthing.Wellthen,shallwegoandvisitOh, no! , the Rat said. Hes very shy, and he wouldnt all. I know him ve

56、ry butofthing.Wellthen,shallwegoandvisitOh, no! , the Rat said. Hes very shy, and he wouldnt all. I know him very butIvenevervisitedhishome.AnditsnotmiddleoftheWildWood.sibletogothere,becausehelivesYou said you l me about the Wild Woo, said the Mole, but you never did. they-arenttheyveryniceWell, sa

57、id the Rat, the squirrels , and the rabbits-most of them. And Badger, course.Helikeslivingthere.Andnobodygiveshimanytrouble. But who could give troubleaskedthe There are, well, others, the Rat went on slowly. Weaselsstoatsferrets, and so in a way. Most of the time. But, well, you wouldnt want to tur

58、n your back hedark,tsa fact.Dontworryaboutcomealongoneday.Butthe assedandtheBadgernevercameSoon the days grew shorter, and the cold weather kept the animals inside their houses. The Rat slept a he er, going to bed early and getting up late. During his day, he wrote songs and did small he house. And,

59、 of course, there were always calling in for a comfort able talk round the andtheadventuresofthepastling stories and remembering the good Oneafternoon,while the Ratwas ngpeacefully in frontofthefire, the Mole decided go out by himself and take a he Wild Wood. Perhaps, he thought, Ill meet Mr andthen

60、Iroducemyself.It wasa cold afternoon,hardgreysky.The Mole hurriedalong,enjoyingthe oftheerday,andafteratimehesawinfrontofhimtheblackoftheWildHe was not at all frightened exciting. He went deeper and . It was a strange, dark place, but the Mole to the wood, where the light was less and the trees clos


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