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1、Module1 Unit 1 Shes very nice.一、教學目標及要求1、知識及能力目標能夠運用句型:This is Hes / Shes. Shes very But shes a bit能夠掌握單詞:nice , shy, clever, naughty, talkative, quiet, a bit.能夠介紹人物,說出人物的特點。2、情感態(tài)度目標 培養(yǎng)學生對同伴友善的態(tài)度,了解朋友的特點和能力。二、教學重點及難點用本課句型描述自己和周圍朋友的特點和能力。自我描述;介紹自己的家人。三、課前準備教學卡片、人物頭像、教學課件四、教學過程Step 1 Warm up1 Greeting

2、Hello, boys and girls.Nice to meet you.(用這句話來復習學過的nice這個單詞,為后面再次出現(xiàn)這個單詞做好鋪墊。)Step 2 Presentations and practice1新授clever(1)由做算數(shù)題引出clever(2)進行發(fā)音教學 v /v/(3)引導學生不斷用 Im clever.進行自我評價以鞏固此單詞的學習。2 復習 naughty(1) 由卡通人物Jerry的一段錄像引出單詞naughty(2) 用句子 Hes very naughty. 練習單詞。并板書句型This is Hes very (3)出示5幅卡通圖片,請學生用新學句

3、型進行描述。3 復習nice新授a bit(1)由 Snow White 引出nice(2 )T: Whos nice in our class? Ss show their opinins.eg Wang Hong is nice. etcT: Snow White is nice ,but shes a bit shy. 引出單詞shy,兩人進行操練。在此基礎上進一步學習短語“bit shy”操練。(3)課件出示詞組,引導學生自主練說a biteg a bit shy , a bit nice , a bit clever, a bit naughty4 新授talkative和quiet

4、(1)運用句型Shes very But shes a bit描述Snow White.(2)給出3幅卡通圖片,小組運用所學句型練習描述卡通人物的性格特征。(3)出示影視人物的圖片,學生自由談論其特點,教師自然引出單詞loud,(4)談論影視人物引出單詞quiet,并進行發(fā)音教學 qu /kw/ T: Whos quiet in our class?S: XX is quiet. (用句子練習單詞。)Step 3 Consolidation and extension1 Game(1)課件出示6幅卡通人物的圖片及性格特征,師領讀,復習單詞(2)再此出示課件,一幅一幅圖片出示,請學生根據(jù)記憶,說

5、出卡通人物的特征以次練習描述人物的特征。2 Watch a dialogue(1) 讓學生看教學光盤對話并且教師提出一個問題:Panpan has got 3 friends. Who are they?(2) 用單詞卡片nice , shy, clever, naughty, talkative, quiet, a bit復習單詞,同時給六個學生。(3) 再觀看教學對話,并讓學生將單詞卡片放到相應的人物頭像下面。(4) 學生根據(jù)單詞卡片的內容,描述每個人物的特點。(5) 學生分組集體描述每個人物的特點。. 通過這種方式,使學生學會怎樣描述一個人物的特點。3 Introduce a frien

6、d(1) 教師介紹自己的一個朋友做示范。(2) 學生在小組內介紹自己的朋友。(3) 反饋。Step4 SummaryT: Im very glad to be your teacher. Some of you are a bit quiet. Some of you are a bit naughty. Some of you are a bit talkative. Some of you are a bit shy. But all of you are very nice and clever.Step 5 Homework1 Listen to the dialogue and tr

7、y to read it .2 Finish the activity book on page 1 and page 2.Step 6 Blackboard designUnit 2 Im going to help her.一、教學目標及要求1、知識及能力目標學會helpful, plus, twenty, more等詞語,能夠運用本課所學介紹自己,描述他人的性格。2、情感態(tài)度目標 通過學習,讓學生知道“金無足赤,人無完人。所有的人都是既有不足,也有很多優(yōu)點。”二、教學重點及難點簡單敘述他人的困難和自己打算提供的幫助。三、課前準備 單詞卡片、課件。四、教學過程Step 1 Warm up1

8、. Enjoy a poem P5. What are these children like?2. Revision: Teacher do the actions and let the Ss say the words.( clever, nice shy, quiet)Step 2 Presentation and practice1. Describe a student in the class. Let the students guess who she is.Then let the students to describe their friend in the class

9、.2. 出示parrotT: What is parrot like?Ss: Hes loud and hes very very naughty.T: Whats he like in our story? Lets watch the video.引出課文。3. 教授helpfulWho is helpful in our class?4. Whats the matter with the little girl, lets watch again.Ss: Because this little girl cant do her Maths.T: Yes, so parrot is go

10、ing to help her.板書句子I have some math problems. Who can answer.課件呈現(xiàn)數(shù)學題:T:What is ten plus ten?What is 7 plus 7?And one more?教授more.5. Let the students ask some math questions, and practice in pairs.6. Sum.Although parrot is loud and naughty, he is helpful.金無足赤,人無完人.7. Listen and repeat.Step 3 Consoli

11、dation and extension1. Parrot is going to help other people. Who are they? Lets take a look.Practice in pairs and then show the performance.2. Play a memory gameFirst, teacher do a demo for children. Then let the students practice in groups.Step 4 SummaryAll of you are nice and help. 所有的人既有不足,也有優(yōu)點,用

12、放大鏡看別人的優(yōu)點,用望遠鏡看別人的缺點,取人之長,補己之短。Step 5 Homework1. Listen to the dialogue and try to read it .2. Finish the activity book on page 3 and page 4Step 6 Blackboard designUnit 2 Im going to help her.This little girl cant do her Maths.Im going to help her.helpful more題目Module 2 London (倫敦)題材(主要)內容講述將來可能發(fā)生的事

13、情教學目標語言知識目標功能描述性格特點。語法(句子結構)一般現(xiàn)在時的陳述句:This is Hes / Shes.語言技能目標詞匯聽說讀寫Wide old London from river clock high new round句子能夠聽說認讀抄寫或仿寫下列句子:The river is very wide.And its very long.This is Big Ben.Its very tall.Youll see Tower Bridge.學習策略用形容詞描述一處景物或一個場景文化意識使學生了解英國倫敦。通過讓學生使用形容詞描述國外景物,學生不僅學習了如何使用形容詞,更開闊了眼界,

14、增長了知識情感態(tài)度培養(yǎng)學生學習英語的興趣,使其感受在快樂中學習英語的情感體驗。任務用本課句型描述景點讓同學們對國外景物形成一個初步的認識,調動同學們的學習興趣和熱情,達到良好的學習效果Unit 1 Its very long.一、教學目標及要求1、知識及能力目標Describing things and places. 重點學習一些形容詞,如wide, old, high, new, round.學習用這些形容詞來描述一些景物或場景如描述River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye等。2、情感態(tài)度目標 通過讓學生使用形容詞描述國外景物,學生不僅學習了如何使用形容詞,更開闊

15、了眼界,增長了知識。同時通過介紹英國重要景點如River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye等,讓同學們對國外景物形成一個初步的認識,調動同學們的學習興趣和熱情,達到良好的學習效果。二、教學重點及難點1、重點單詞:wide, old, high, new, round2、重點句型:This river is very wide. And its very long.This is Big Ben. Its very long.3、難 點:有關英國重要景點如River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye等知識的了解。三、課前準備1、課本及活動手冊。2、一些

16、及形容詞相關(如:電視塔、長城)的圖片及實物(如:新舊玩具、衣服)。3、一些有關英國倫敦的資料和地圖。4、一個導游用的小喇叭,一頂遮陽帽5、有關英國重要景點的錄像展示課件。6、錄音機及配套的磁帶。四、教學過程(中英文相結合)Step 1 Warm up1、教師熱情地和學生打招呼,并帶領全班做TRP活動“Say as I do, not as I say”。例如:教師說:“Im tall.”同時俯身用手比著地面以上不高的位置。學生要迅速說出:“Youre not tall. Youre short.” 2、通過一些及形容詞相關(如:電視塔、長城、)的圖片及實物(如:新舊玩具、衣服)。帶領學生回憶

17、相關詞語:big/ small, long/ short, tall/ short old/ new.Step 2 Presentation and practice老師先問中國的首都是哪里?再來引出英國的首都。并向學生出示英國的地圖,請學生觀察英國和倫敦的位置關系。向學生講述有關英國重要景點的大概知識。老師拿著喇叭并戴上遮陽帽,扮成導游的樣子開始講課。Good morning! Today were going to go to London.Its the captial of England.請同學們跟隨老師看一看倫敦重要的三個景點。1.The frist one is River Th

18、ames.(展示課間圖片)。老師問:What can you see in the picture?學生可用I can see句型回答。老師用肢體語言引導學生說出This river is very wide .And its very long.并教授wide這個單詞。2.Amy和Lingling正在談論接下來我們要去的兩景點,快來聽一聽。聽第一遍錄音后,學生回答出Big Ben /London Eye 這兩個景點。教師使用兩個景點的課間講授他們的特點:Big Ben /Its very old clock. And its very tall.London Eye / Its a big

19、wheel. Its very high ,round and new.同時講授old /clock/high/wheel/round 3. 打開書聽第二遍錄音,要求學生圈出錄音中提及的景物名稱和用于描述他們的形容詞。之后,教師把學生的回答寫在黑板上,把景物名稱再次和相關的形容詞關聯(lián)起來。4.播放第三遍錄音,請同學們逐句模仿跟讀。并讓學生完成AB Unit1練習。之后,老師問“What is this house like? What is this river like? 等問題 。提示學生用“tall ,old ,long , wide, new, round”來描述5.完成SB Unit

20、1活動2。首先請學生兩人一組看圖說話,再請學生聽錄音,并對課本的這幾個重點句子進行操練。6.完成SB Unit1活動3,請兩人一組使用剛學過的重點句型說句子,描述書上圖片。Step 3Consolidation and extension1. 學生分腳色朗讀課文。并請幾組學生到教室前面表演課文。2. 讓學生觀看有關英國重要景點的錄像展示課件。3. 教師提供的圖片(電視塔、長城),學生剛學的句型和形容詞造句。Step 4 Summary1. 復習本課重點句型及單詞。2.請學生在黑板上,將River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye及相應的形容詞配對。Step 5Homewo

21、rk1. 聽并讀Module2 Unit1 課文三次。2. 用P7第三部分的三個圖造句子。3. 做AB P7。4. 自愿完成 找一張自己游覽過的景點照片,試著用學的句型單詞向家人或同學描述。Step 6 Blackboard design Module2 Unit 1 Its very long.River Thames This river is very wide .And its very long.Big Ben Its very old clock. And its very tall.London Eye Its a big wheel. Its very high , round

22、 and new.Unit 2 Youll see Tower Bridge.一、教學目標及要求1、知識及能力目標Talking about possible future actions. 重點學習將來時,講述將來可能發(fā)生的事情。2、情感態(tài)度目標 通過將來時的初步學習,使學生能用英文來描述可能發(fā)生的事情。這樣可以拓寬學生說英語的范圍,增強學習的興趣。二、教學重點及難點1、重點單詞:Tower Bridge, of course ,will, visit2、重點句型:Youll see Tower Bridge. And well go on the London Eye.3、難 點:對wil

23、l的理解。課前準備1、課本及活動手冊。2、描寫景物的表格。3、著名景點的照片及課件。4、錄音機及配套的磁帶。三、教學過程Step 1 Warm upSing a song. “The London Eye.”Step 2 Presentation and practice1、“Beijing is the capital of China. We love China.” 教師向學生出示北京的照片,“In Beijing, well see the Great Wall.”教師再請學生觀看長城的課件。此時在黑板上板書上“Well see the Great Wall.”重點講述will 用于一

24、般將來時。用來表示將來可能發(fā)生的事情,它的縮寫形式是ll。2、請同學帶著問題聽第一遍錄音,“What will Amy see in London?”帶著學生回答出Shell see Tower Bridge.講授新單詞Tower Bridge.3、請同學們聽第二遍錄音,并且跟讀。了解課文內容基礎上先讓同桌之間分角朗讀再請學生上臺表演課文對話。4、請學生四人為一小組,完成課本第二部分。Ill see造句子。5、完成活動手冊第一、二兩部分。Step 3Consolidation and extension1、Game “Which picture?”依據(jù)課本第四部分完成此游戲。之后同桌之間用第四

25、部分的圖相互問答如A :“In this park, youll see a wide river.” B : “Its Green Park.”2、請同學根據(jù)教師提供的著名景點的照片及課件,說一說Youll seeStep 4 Summary1、 復習本課重點句型及單詞。2、 再次講解will 用于一般將來時。用來表示將來可能發(fā)生的事情,它的縮寫形式是ll。并且板書“Ill see/Youll see/Shell see/Hell see/Well see”Step 5Homework5. 聽并讀Module2 Unit2課文三次。6. 用P8第二部分的四個圖造句子。7. 自愿完成 試著用學

26、的句型單詞,向家人或同學描述自己將要看到的景物。Step 6 Blackboard designModule2 Unit 2 Youll see Tower Bridge.In Beijing, well see the Great Wall. IllI willIll see/ Youll see/Shell see/Hell see/Well see”目Module3 future plan(將來計劃)題材(主要)內容Amy Daming 分別計劃周末要去動物園和農場,并各自預想自己將要見到的動物。談論將來發(fā)生的事情。教學目標語言知識目標功能談論將來發(fā)生的事情。語法(句子結構)一般將來時語

27、言技能目標詞匯聽說讀寫will, wont, tiger, lion, school, zoo, park句子能夠聽說認讀抄寫或仿寫下列句子:T Well see lions and tigers.Will Sam go, too? Yes, he will.Will you go too, Daming?No, I wont.能夠仿說和運用下列句子:I /she/he wont Who willWhere dose live?Is there there?學習策略本模塊主要學習一般將來時的一般疑問句及回答 :Will? Yes,will. /No,wont. will.及特殊疑問句What

28、will you?及其回答Well情感態(tài)度談論將來發(fā)生的事情任務通過本課的學習,使學生在英語學習中獲得快樂的學習體驗,并用本課句型及他人交流各自將要做的事情,讓學生做周末活動小調查等,以鞏固一般將來時態(tài)的句子的使用。Module 3 Unit 1 Maybe Ill go to the zoo.一、 教學目標及要求1、 知識及能力目標能夠聽說讀寫下列句子:Well see lions and tigers.Will Sam go, too? Yes, he will.Will you go too, Daming?No, I wont.能聽說讀寫的詞語:will, wont, tiger, l

29、ion, school, zoo, park能聽說讀下列句子I /she/he wont Who willWhere dose live?Is there there? 并能用學過的句子進行詢問、交流各自將要做的事情,例如到哪去,干什么?用于表達將要上的課程等。2、 情感態(tài)度目標 培養(yǎng)學生的表達及交際能力。使學生在英語學習中獲得快樂的學習體驗。二、 教學重點及難點 一般將來時態(tài)的一般疑問句的使用及回答:Will ? Yes,will./No,wont.三、 課前準備 TAPETVHEADDRESSCARDS TEXTBOOK/ACTIVITYBOOK四、 教學過程Step 1 Warm upG

30、ood morning, boys and girls.Do you want to visit London?(computer)What will you see? Ill see(學生說出倫敦的著名城市景點 課件)Boys and girls, this weekend, I will go to the supermarket to buy lots of things. Could you tell us what you will do this weekend? S:Ill go to T:What will you see at the zoo? T:Ill see (zoo)

31、(板書)Step 2 Presentation and practiceBoys and girls, Let look at the video:?“What will Amy, Sam and Daming do this weekend?”Now, watch the video,please.Then Think it over. (課件)1.What will Amy do this weekend?2.What will Amy see?Are you ready?Lets see(go).(課件全課) (Watch TV) Headdress. The student will

32、be Amy.Show a picture.(僅一屏)HelloAmy. What will you do this weekend?(為什么用well,請記住這個問題)。(Who wants to be Amy?) Listen carefully. S:I dont know. S: Maybe Ill(well) go to the zoo. Lets go on.What will you see? S: Well see lions and tigers.(板書)(為什么用well?) (read the tiger)Look at the picture:(Listen)Who i

33、s he? Daming, how do you ask about Sam? S:Will _go too?(板書) S: Yes,_will.(板書)(卡片)反復讀,跟讀,齊讀。Pay attention ,please.Amy and Sam are two children. what will you See? Ill or Well?(頭像Amy and Sam) S: Well see lions and tigers.(有節(jié)奏的讀)Show the computer.T:Will Daming go too?(Listen carefully.)S:No, I wont.(板書

34、)(卡) (Read it one by one.)Now, Daming wont go to the zoo. How does Amy ask? Please listen carefully. Who will be Amy?How do you ask? S:Will you go too,Daming?(板書)(卡)(Try to say.)S: No, I wont. T:What will you do Daming? s:I will visit my grandpa in the countryside.(板書) countryside(讀幾遍) T: Will you s

35、ee tigers/lions there? S:No.I wont tigers/lions.T: What will you see?S: Ill see duckslots of pigs.Boys and girls, please look at the blackboard. This weekend, Amy will go to the zoo. Sam will go too 。Sam and Amy (They)will see lions and tigers. But Daming wont go to the zoo. He will go to the countr

36、yside. He will visit his grandpa. He wont see lions and tigers. But he will see lots of pigs.Now ,by this way please watch the video again. 根據(jù)老師講的再看一遍錄像Now open your book and turn to page 10.Lets listen and say.O.k? Listen and say.Step 3 Consolidation and extension1. Listen to the tape recorder then

37、 say. Boys and girls,please open your book,and turn to page 10. Listen and say.2.lets do exercises to check up what you have learned.Now open the activity book .(Part 1)Have you finished?No.1 Who wants to tell us your answer?If you are all right, please raise your hands.3.Do you like games?Lets play

38、 a guessing game.書P114. Boys and girls,what will you do this weekend? Lets talk about it with your partner in your groups. Then come to the front and act out.Ok.(找2、3名學生演示)5.Boys and girls, Pay attention. Ms. Smarts family will have a good weekend. Are you interesting in this story? Ill give you som

39、e questions. Please find out the answer.(讓學生聽錄音)Questions: What will they do? What will they see?Step 4 Summary 同學們,今天我們學習了一般將來時態(tài)的句子的表達方法。如果我們要談論將來發(fā)生的事情,比如:周末的打算、想法,我們就可以使用這種表達的方式。Step 5 Homework1. Listen to the tape recorder then remember these new sentences.2.Free talk with your parents.What will

40、you do this weekend?Step 6 Blackboard designModule3 Unit 1 Maybe well go to the zoo. zoo Well see lions and tigers. countryside(圖片) Will Sam go, too? lots of pigstiger Yes, he will.lots of Will you go too, Daming?(單詞卡) No, I wont.Unit 2 Will you phone me?一、教學目標及要求1、知識及能力目標學會使用下列句子:Will you play with

41、 me this weekend? Yes, I will. /No, I wont.能聽說讀下列句子Will phone ? Yes,will./No,wont.并能用學過的句子談論將來發(fā)生的事情。2、情感態(tài)度目標 培養(yǎng)學生的表達及交際能力。使學生了解并掌握英語表達上的一些語言特點,以及英語表達語言順序(時間、地點狀語)及中文表達的簡單區(qū)別。二、教學重點及難點 一般將來時態(tài)的一般疑問句的使用及回答:Will ? Yes,will./No,wont.三、課前準備 TAPETVHEADDRESS TEXTBOOK/ACTIVITYBOOK四、教學過程Step 1 Warm upGood morn

42、ing, boys and girls.What will you do with your parents this weekend? Lets free talk.Step 2 Presentation and practiceBoys and girls, Daming will visit his grandpa in the countryside. Will Sam go to the countryside this weekend? Let look at the video:Now, watch the video,please.Are you ready? Lets see

43、.(課件全課) (Watch TV) Headdress. The student will be Sam and Daming.呈現(xiàn)SB Unit 2活動1。教師一課件的形勢向學生以下問題,幫助學生理解課文第一部分。Will Daming play with Sam?Will Daming phone Sam?( phone 一次教師可以通過打電話的動作演示繳獲學生,重點注意ph的發(fā)音,可及elephone作比較,發(fā)音一樣。)通過看課件,使學生找出答案。給學生適當?shù)奶崾?,讓兩名學生一組根據(jù)答案表演這一部分。在給出另外一些問題,讓學生帶著問題再看課件并找出答案。Who will Daming

44、visit?Where does Damings grandpa live ?Is there a phone there?在學習的過程中,穿插復習有關助動詞dodoes 的一些用法及特點。以及There be句式的用法及特點。因為上一課時已經學習過有關visit,countryside有關的句子,因此上述問題的答案學生基本上能后比較流利的表達。根據(jù)學生的學習情況播放幾遍課文錄音,請學生跟讀。隨后可以同位分角色表演。學習詩歌??上茸寣W生找出自己不理解或不會的部分,由教師或同學們講解,然后播放錄音讓學生跟讀。鼓勵學生模仿動作,使學生情景交融,更有助于學生對詩歌的理解和掌握。Step 3 Cons

45、olidation and extension1. Look and say about your weekend. Then talk about your friend.(書P13) 通過學生的掌握情況,可以考慮是否增加同樣形式的練習內容。2.lets do exercises to check up what you have learned.Now open the activity book .(Part 1) 教師首先播放一遍錄音,讓學生完整的聽一邊對華錄音。再次有間隔的播放錄音,讓學生有比較充足時間填寫答案。可以讓學生先互對一遍答案,在以實物投影或直接在課件上直接完成答案。3.語

46、音教學 完成課堂活動用書語音題部分。在這一部分首先盡量鼓勵學生自己去聽、分辯黑體字母及字母組合的發(fā)音,但應注意,如果有問題一定要馬上糾正,教師可以重點、突出的慢慢讀出要糾正黑體部分的發(fā)音,以使學生能夠清楚、明了地聽出發(fā)音。經過不斷地、多次地練習,學生就會比較準確地確定出字母及字母組合的發(fā)音。Step 4 Summary 同學們,今天我們學習了一般將來時態(tài)的句子的表達方法。如果我們要談論將來發(fā)生的事情,比如:周末的打算、想法,我們就可以使用這種表達的方式。Step 5 Homework1. Listen to the tape recorder.2.Lets talk about what yo

47、u will be. The teacher: Im a teacher now. What will you be in the future? Lets think.讓學生想一想,自己將來希望從事的職業(yè)。從而復習teacher,doctor,nurse,pupil,driver等單詞。還可拓展學習新的單詞。Step 6 Blackboard designModule3 Unit 2 Will you phone me?Will you play with me this weekend?No,I wont.Will phone? No,wont./Yes,will.TitleOccupat

48、ionsTeaching contents:1.Words: writer future policeman2. Sentence drills: What will you be in the future? Maybe Ill be a writer/Teaching aims:Target aims:What will you be?Ill be a 能力目標:通過本課的學習,培養(yǎng)學生在實際語境中的綜合語言運用能力。運用will 進行將來可能發(fā)生的事情的提問及回答。Talking about the future plan and learning the new words about

49、 occupations.情感目標: 引導學生樹立遠大的理想,并為之努力奮斗。Main points:How to use “ will be “?模塊整體分析本模塊談論的主題是職業(yè),學習并掌握一些職業(yè)單詞,并在此基礎上談論自己和他人將來可能從事的職業(yè)。Difficult points:Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctlywill.Teaching aids:CD ,some cards picturestape recorder stickersModule 4 Unit 1 Maybe Ill be a write

50、r.一、教學目標及要求1、知識及能力目標學會writer, footballer, film star等職業(yè)單詞,能用What will you be in the future?詢問并作回答,談論未來可能從事的職業(yè)。2、情感態(tài)度目標 無論將來我們要從事什么樣的職業(yè),都應該從現(xiàn)在起好好學習,打好基礎。二、教學重點及難點如何詢問將來要從事的職業(yè),以及表達現(xiàn)在從事的職業(yè)及將要從事職業(yè)的時態(tài)的對比。三、課前準備 職業(yè)調查表格,職業(yè)單詞卡片。四、教學過程Step 1 Warm up1. Sing a song about occupation. And find out the occupation

51、in the song.2. Free talk. Talk about our parents jobs and their hobbies.Step 2 Presentation and practice1. Ask a student that will you be a teacher in the future? Why?And what will you be in the future?相機板書:What will you be in the future?出示picturefuture 指導學生自己拼讀future一詞,在領讀句子。Ask 2-3 students to ans

52、wer the question.3. Amy and Lingling are talking about the jobs. What will they be? Guess.4. Enjoy the story and find out what they will be in the future.學生通過聽音看故事找到writer, film star, footballer, policeman等詞。5. 通過問題進一步鞏固理解這些職業(yè)單詞:Let the students find more words like “writewriter”drivedriver, farmfar

53、mer, workworkerWhich film star do you know?Ss: Cheng Long is a film star. Zhang Ziyi is a film star.6Watch the video again, and find out why Amy will be a writer and why Lingling will be a film star.Ss: Lingling likes writing. She loves books. She will be a writer.7. Why Sam ask them to come to the

54、police station with him?Is he a policeman now?Sam isnt a policeman, but one day he will be.Step 3 Consolidation and extension1. Listen and repeat.2. Read and fill in the blanks.What will Lingling be in the future? Maybe she will be a _. And Amy will be a _. _ will be a footballer. And Sam will be a

55、_.3. According to the passage above, try to retell the story.4. Guessing game.What will he/ she be in the future?出示人物照片,讓學生猜職業(yè)。(成龍小時候照片)What will he be in the future? He will be _.(成龍照片)Now, he is a film star.5. Survey. What will you be in the future? Ask and answer in groups, and fill in the form.A

56、: What will you be in the future?B: Maybe Ill be _.NameWill be友情提示: writer film star footballer policeman dancer singer doctor nurse businessman engineerMake a short dialog with partners.A: What will you be in the future?B: I will be a .Step 4 SummaryWhat kind of occupation is popular?Whatever we wi

57、ll be in the future, we should work hard from now on.Step 5 Homework Ask your friends, what they will be, and find out 5 the most popular occupation.Step 6 Blackboard designModule 4 Unit 1 Maybe Ill be a writer.What will you be in the future?Maybe I will be .Amy film starLingling writer love booksDa

58、ming footballerSam policemanModule 4 Unit 2 Hell be an astronaut.一、教學目標及要求1、知識及能力目標學會astronaut, spaceship, moon, fly a kite, fly a plane, fly an astronaut等詞語,能夠運用本課所學He/ She will be . 談論他人將要從事的職業(yè)。2、情感態(tài)度目標 通過學習,讓學生知道無論從事什么職業(yè)都應受到尊重。二、教學重點及難點能用want to be和will be談論將要從事的職業(yè)。三、課前準備 閱讀材料,職業(yè)單詞卡片。四、教學過程Step 1

59、 Warm up1. Sing a song. Ill be a pilot.2. Revision: a. Jobs. (play a bomb game)b. Perform the M4 u1 c. Free talk: What will you be?板書Ill be a Step 2 Presentation and practice1.出示重點句。T: Do you remember what will she be?S1: Shell be a teacher. 板書將I改成She. He.T: So this time you should say Shell be aor

60、Hell be a 2. 引出課文。T: Everyone has his dream. So does Xiaoyong. Do you remember him? Whats he like? S2: Hes very clever. But hes a bit quiet. T: Yes. Hes got a great dream. What will he be in the future? Guess.3. Watch the video and answer the questions.4. 學習生詞astronaut. T: Who can tell me? What will


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