1、Part0Part01.Part11.Part1 題2.Part HouseorWorkor8.FruitandlBeingPublicPublic BeinginaMessageorLeisuretime/Time 11.Part1 Houseorflat Workorstudy NameHometown Weather 6.Books 書籍1.Part1 Houseorflat Workorstudy NameHometown Weather 6.Books 書籍7.Friends r 8.History Fruitandvegetable11. Solnetwork社交網(wǎng)絡(luò)Beingal
2、one Swimming Countryside Publictransport218.Snacks 19.經(jīng)常20.Sport ,21.Publicholidays Museum Stayingup Teamwork18.Snacks 19.經(jīng)常20.Sport ,21.Publicholidays Museum Stayingup Teamwork 25.Beinginahurry 嗎Math什么時(shí)候開始學(xué)的數(shù)學(xué), 感覺數(shù)學(xué)好學(xué)嗎, 喜歡用計(jì)算器嗎, Music Color Help 你32.Messageor用33.LeisuretimeRelaxation 334.Timemanage
3、ment 35.Clothing 2.Part1. HouseorflathouseMy34.Timemanagement 35.Clothing 2.Part1. HouseorflathouseMy parents and I live in a three bed flat on the 11th floor of a high-rise building, which is city center/the outskirt of the city/the downtown/Haidian district. Our community is near a big parkwiththr
4、ivinggreeneryandabundantwater,solivingthereisenjoyableandMy favorite room is the living t is well-lighted due to the French window facing the south. madethelivingroomaminicinemaforstereo,abigflatscreenTVandacomfysofa.kendsalwaysturnouttobefamilymovie2. WorkorIm a college student studying in Renmin U
5、niversity located in Beijing. Currently, Im MymajorisIchose lawas mymajorfortwo islearninglawdoesbenefitstomylogicalthinking,thinking and sensitiveness towards important details. The other reason is more realistic. Im willing e a he future. Basically, to be a lawyer means being well paid and high l
6、us Imworking now. Im a software engineer working in Lenovo, a domestic large scale IT company. Its 4fifthyearworkinghereandIthinkIllngitforMonthsago,Ikeptthetypicallynormalafter-worklife.However,oneday,IdecidedtomakemyfifthyearworkinghereandIthinkIllngitforMonthsago,Ikeptthetypicallynormalafter-work
7、life.However,oneday,Idecidedtomakemylifework more productive and enriched. Currently, I hit the gym regularly, read books and even go to art galleries now and then.3. My fullnameisLiuwei,andtheEnglishnameisYes.My name isrelatively common in China. Liuis the family name, and wei is thegiven name. wei
8、meansakindofeousflower,soitalsostandsforeleganceandNo, I wont. My name is the most precious gift given by my parents. Besides, it has quite 4. I grew up in Hangzhou, which is a really stunning part of South China. Its the capital as well as biggest city province. Both the local and immigrants love t
9、he city for its ancient history, fabulouswestlake,culturalheritagesandalsothe boomingeconomy.Hangzhouistheplaceclosely tomyndgrowingup.IloveitdespitethetitsgettingmorecongestedandInrecentyears,myhometownhaschangeddramatically.Thechangesincludeitiveand ones. Talking about the good aspects, there are
10、more rs making the city look modern appealing;fromoflifequality,thesupgradedthewelfaresystemt citizens can live better and easier in a more competitive society. As for the bad trends, the pollutionisruiningthecityandthetrafficisgettingTheI be ve the young love to live in a city with plenty to do. My
11、 hometown is y a good Therearemorejobopportunists.Thejobspaybetter.Rentandpropertyis citywithboomingAbundantjobtingisrelativelyAplentyoffor Amulti-culturecitywithpeopleofdifferentSharpenthe5BroadentheEnrichtheTheLivableWithlotsofgreeneryandfresherNewlyconstructedUrban/cityfacilitiesgivingconvenience
12、tothesenior/elderly Good welfare system and advanced medical serviceBroadentheEnrichtheTheLivableWithlotsofgreeneryandfresherNewlyconstructedUrban/cityfacilitiesgivingconveniencetothesenior/elderly Good welfare system and advanced medical serviceSunnyI love sunny days, lly in spring or autumn. These
13、 days are shining and eous/bright cheerful. When it comes to this time, Id like in the ng chair in the balcony enjoying sunshineofromtheFrenchwindow.Besides,itsalsoidealweatherforoutdooractivitieshikingandmountainSure Ive been to many boastingsunshine includingXimen, Sanya, and Dalian. Nearly ofthem
14、arecoastalcities.However,themostettablememoryshould be theibet,issoclosetothetyoufeelyoucouldtouchtheRainyActually, I dislike cloudy and rainy days, because my mood is easily affected by the weather and to overcastweather ishe sky. The atmosphere is also stale and heavy, so I get very anddowntrodden
15、/depressedwhenitswill bring lots of stern coastal cities have the most rain, llyin summer. The frequent here. To the contrast, western China has always been suffering from Theseregionshavetheleast6. DoyoulikereadingbooksorCertainly, reading books is a fabulous way for me to expand my knowledge and l
16、earn more about wider world. There are an extensive range of t can stimulate my mind and at times reading, it is difficult to put a book o to sleep. Moreover, agazines appeal to me theyernationalornationaltareoccurringinvariouscornersofthe6WhatsyourfavoritekindofThe most preferred kind of books for
17、me is of the science fiction genre as they can expand imagination and e. Moreover, these types of publications are WhatsyourfavoritekindofThe most preferred kind of books for me is of the science fiction genre as they can expand imagination and e. Moreover, these types of publications are thoroughly
18、 exciting and take me locations I have never been before. In addition, they tend to ct the future, makesmecuriousaboutthetypesofsocietieswewillhenextseveralHowoftendoyoureadbookswritteninIdontfrequentlyreadEnglishbooksandthemosttimespentonthesetypesofreadingsaregenerallyschool. Whenever my teacher g
19、ives me a reading assignment in English, I need to read a chapter or passageandfinishanactivityrelatedtoit.ally,myinstructormightchoosetowherebyIamrequiredtoreadanentirenovelandcompleteaysisofWouldyougivebookstochildrenasCertainly, giving books to children as presents is a wonderful concept, due to
20、the t it is a way improve their understanding of the world. Moreover, they can learn about how to use their erms of grammar and vocabulary. Furthermore, children require reading materials themtodevelop,notellectuallybutalsoethically,inordertoteachthemabout7. DoyouhavemanycloseCertainly,Ihaveseveralc
21、losetIcanrelyonwhenIhavetroublesomeylife.Toa strong l network not only makes me feel more yself but also gives me a sense satisfaction.EachfriendhasvariouslikesanddislikesandIcanpartakeinvaryingactivitieswithWhatqualitiesmakethemgoodThereareseveraltdefinemyfriendsincludingbravery,confidenceandsponta
22、neity.Somemyfriendsare courageousandcaninfluencemeway their confidence rubs off on me and affects me in t I cannot do on my itive way, making me feel I anything,nottomentionthettheyarespontaneous,whichallowsustoenjoyourtimeWhatdoyoudowhenyoustaywithyourWhenIamwithmyfriends,itiscustomaryforustoplayth
23、elatestcomputergamestogether.wesometimeseamswherewecancompetewithothergroupsandtryourbesttoatchesasunit.ItsightfultosharejokeswithoneanotheraboutppenedinourdailyDoyouthinkitseasyforpeopletomakeThe ability of an individual to make friends dependson ality and willingness to meet rovertedpeoplecertainl
24、yfinditdifficulttomakefriendsastheyareshyandtimidinapproachingconversing with others. On the other hand, it is much easier for extroverted individuals to greet befriendothersastheyenjoythesofcommunicatingwithnew78. rDoyouliketoreadrsareenjoyabletoread,llywhentheyarefreeandIdontneedtopayaNowadays, it
25、 is customary for me to read 8. rDoyouliketoreadrsareenjoyabletoread,llywhentheyarefreeandIdontneedtopayaNowadays, it is customary for me to read rs online from a wide range of . This allowmetontouchwiththelatesteventsaroundtheglobeandinformmeofmyWhatkindsofrsdoyouusuallyItis enjoyable for me to rea
26、d the GlobalTimes and thePeoples Daily,which are national rs China. They tend to discuss political and It is delightful to read these kinds of newsp ews and offer valuable opinions about world rs as I can learn a great deal about my country and Doyouthinkrsareand online editions of rs are essential
27、for a society as they can educate citizens local, national and global irs. It so teach people new words in order to improve their skills.Thereisalsoadvertisinginrsandtheseadscaninformreadersaboutthelatestand.DoyouthinkernetisagoodwaytogetSearching for news on credible websites is a fantastic way to
28、understand politics, business, sports and other topics. Nevertheless, there are certain t spread false information rumours,making it challenging to verify. These gossip sites could be created by anyone and it is totrustnewsreported9. WhendidyouolearnI began learning about history when I was in junio
29、r high school during kly history class. teachertaughtusaboutseveralhistoricaleventsinourcity,province,nation,andevenaroundtheAt this tender age, I didnt fully realize the importance of learning about the past and it was only until becamemorematuredidIgainantionforthisDoyoulikelearninghistoryandIniti
30、ally, when I was a child, I wasnt extremely fond of the subject since I thought it was monotonous and unrelated to our daily lives. Nevertheless, as I grew older, I started to recognize the important practical applications to our present-day society. Through history, its fairly simple to learn about
31、 the errors committed by historical figures as well as expand my imagination to consider events he past.DoyouthinkThere iscertainly sibletolearnabouthistoryonline/fromTVprograms/from?sibility of learning about history from edia outlets 8online.Nevertheless,theseofhistorymustbetakengrainof saltandvie
32、wersought to reluctant to y be ve what is portrayed. It is difficult to y ct history from formsofmediaandonline.Nevertheless,theseofhistorymustbetakengrainof saltandviewersought to reluctant to y be ve what is portrayed. It is difficult to y ct history from formsofmediaandtherewillalwaysbebiasesorab
33、outpeoplesopinionsabouttheDoyouthinkernetisagoodplacetolearnabouternet may not be the best place to pick up information about the past due to its unreliability. this day and age, anybody computer and ernet connection can create a ge twhatever they please. As a result, only certain t are created by e
34、ducational anizationsorexpertsoughttobe10.FruitandDoyoulikeeatingfruitsandOf course, fruits and vegetables provide natural vitamins sary for physical development functioning. They are also extremely tasty and can supplement any meal throughout the day such eating apple or carrot sticks. Moreover, th
35、ey provide a large range of additional health tcanpromoteabalancedHowoftendoyoueatfruitsandI consume fruits and vegetables several times k although my objective is to eat them every Nevertheless,due to my busy academic lifestyle, it isnot always convenient for me to pick them up at supermarket or to
36、re. When I am at home, my parents always make t sufficientservingsoffruitsandvegetableseverysingleWhatsyourfavouritefruitandvegetable?Myfavouritefruitisthebananaduetoitstnessandeaseofconsumption,merelyhavingtopeelthe skin and eat it. There are also wonderful snack ideas including cakes, desserts, mi
37、lkshakes and creams using bananas as a key ingredient. As for my most preferred vegetable, onions can be added to any meal to give it flavour or eaten raw in a delectable salad.WhatarethebenefitsofeatingmoreBesidestheobvioushealthchasprovidingsaryvitaminsandmineralsaswellasagainst disease and sickne
38、ss, consuming fruits has countless advantages. They add excitement to livesdue tothevastnumberavailableandaddcolourtoourplates.Fruitsare alsoquicktoconsume and only require peeling skin or can even be eaten raw.11.lWhatkindoflnetworkingwebsitesdoyouliketohisdayandage,therearetiesoflnetworkingsitesin
39、dividualscanenjoy.Asforme,9prefer to use the Renren Network, which is fairly similar and Ive added several of friends and relatives to this site. Additionally, it is wonderful for us to share prefer to use the Renren Network, which is fairly similar and Ive added several of friends and relatives to
40、this site. Additionally, it is wonderful for us to share whatisgoingoninourdailylivesonours, ideas WhatkindsofchattingappsdoyouoftenForme,themostpopularinstant-messagingapplicationsareWeChat,whichareusedbyof users all over the world. These apps can be downloaded on a variety of platforms, smartphone
41、s, and host a wide range of features. In particular, it can be quite addictive to wonder what close friends or family members are up to as I check these programs several times daily.IsiteasytofindrealfriendsonalnetworkingCurrently,itisextremelydifficulttofindtruefriendsonlnetworkingwebsites asitisch
42、allenging initially trust strangers. Meeting people online t we cannot verify their actual identities y know whether their words are truthful or not. As a result, there are countless stories cheatersandfraudulentactivities,whichpreventcertainindividualsfromformingvaluableDoyouy, Chi excitement t lne
43、tworkingwebsitesarefrequentlyusedbypeople are y fond of using l networks due to their using them. With the advent of the smartphone, residents have the ability communicate with their loved ones nomatter their location. There dreds ofmillions of usersoflnetworks,outliningthesignificanceofcommunicatio
44、nonthese12.BeingDoyoulikespendingtimeI prefer to spend time alone since I spend most of my life with my parents, relatives, friends classmates. When I am isolated from others, I can concentrate on what I need plish and plan for the future in peace and quiet. It is also withoutbeingdisturbedbyoisy an
45、d I can enjoy myself in a tranquil WhenwasthelasttimeyouwereThelasttimeIwasaslastnightwhenIwaslyingonmy y room. Itwasuseful inre mytouse my computer towatchTV shows, listen tomusicandsurf ernet.Furthermore,spendmostofmyyroomanditisafantasticfeelingtofullyfocusandWhatdoyouusuallydowhenyouareWhen I am
46、 alone, I tend to spend my time chatting with my friends on a variety of instant-messaging programs. Moreover, it is comfortable to pass the time by watching movies or listening to the music.Iamalsofondngawiderangeofchaspush-ups,sit-upsorrunningtokeepDoyouthinkitsgoodtohavetimetoIts fantastic to hav
47、e time for myself since it low me to unwind, lly after a demanding Spending too much time with others makes me feel exhausted and it is nice to have y HavingalonetimesoenablemetothinkclearlyandpursuetheSpending too much time with others makes me feel exhausted and it is nice to have y Havingalonetim
48、esoenablemetothinkclearlyandpursuethetI DoyouwishtohavemoretimebyI tIcouldhavemoretimetomyself,howevernotlivealifestyleyisolatedfromycurrentdailylife,Ifrequentlyspendtimewithmyfamilymembers,friends,roommatesandhis way, it is quite challenging to find time for myself and it would be benefil for my se
49、ofmind to have such spare time.13.DoyoulikeCertainly, I am quite fond of swimming due to the variety of health benefits ted with this Additionally, its a fun and exciting activity, lly when going with friends or family members. particularlyenjoysplashingwaterorlearningarangeofstrokestomakethesmoreWh
50、erecanyouswimnearyourhome?There is a swimming pool located in a fitness centre, which is situated within walking distance of home. The price is quite reasonable, specifically for students and there arent a lot swimmersduringpeakperiods.Thefacilitiesarealsoquiteadvancedandthedepthofthepoolisnmostswim
51、mingy Isswimmingapopularsport?Certainly, swimming is a popular sport and is people. Individuals not only recognize the healing increasingly common, particularly among dvantages but also e their favourite including Ning Ze Tao, Michael Phelps or Ian Thorpe. After major swimming ch as SummerOlympicsor
52、FINAWorldAquaticsionships,thereisheWhatdoyouthinkarethebenefitsofswimming(or,thebenefitsofknowinghowtoly,swimmershavetheabilitytoexercisetheirentirebodiesheswimmingpool,ng a wide range of chasfreestyle,backstroke,butterflyorbreaststroke.eventofanemergency,itwouldbeusefultolearnhowtotreadwatertokeepa
53、floatorsaveothersaredrowning.Third,itisdelightfultoplayinwaterandswimmingcanbringjoytopeoples14.HaveyoueverheI have temporarily he countryside when my family decided to take a trip to the suburbs of hometown.Westayedinasmalltowntoexperiencethelifestyleandculture,whichwasquiteaexperience.Inaddition,t
54、hefruitsandvegetablesweremuchfresher,makingitadelectableandWhataretheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofheItisltobreathefreshairandenjoyexperience.Inaddition,thefruitsandvegetablesweremuchfresher,makingitadelectableandWhataretheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofheItisltobreathefreshairandenjoyahealthieris oise f
55、rom vehicles and the pace of life is much slower and relaxed. On the other hand, s entfacilities, awide range ofrestaurantsandioninfrastructure tend tobe inruralWhichplaceismorebeautiful,thecityortheThe countryside is undoubtedly more eous, compared to urban areas, due to the abundant beauty.Inrural
56、areas,therearecleanerriversandlakes,vastgrasslandsandmountainrangesaswellasgreater number of trees and plant life. Nevertheless, metropolitan areas are lined with filledwithmassiveamountsoftechnology,makingitdifficulttoteitsrs WhataresomeofthencitypeopleandcountryIndividualsfrommetropoliseshavefast-
57、pacedlivesandaregenerallymoreindifferenttowardsOn the other hand, inhabitants of rural areas live at a more relaxedrate and have the tendency to assist their neighbours when they are in need. Urban residents are usually more knowledgeable about ieswhereaspeoplefromthecountrysidetendtobenaiveand15.Pu
58、blicHowisthetransportinyourMy hometown boasts world-class ion facilities including bway and bus lines serve citizens. The area of the city is arge and there are also a huge number of private cars, andtrains.Nevertheless,therearemillionsofpeopleandtrafficjamsareterribleduringrushWhatsthemostpopularme
59、ansofioninyourThe most popular means of transport in Beijing is public bus and is affordable for most residents. price of a us fare tends to be a few Yuan and the routes extend to most parts of the city. y ntwelveandthirteenmillionpeopleridethebuslines,makingitwidelyWhataretheadvantagesanddisadvanta
60、gesofpublicionandprivatePublic ion tends to be fairly inexpensive for citizens and promotes environmentally-travel to limit pollution and congestion on the roads. However, during rush hour, buses and trainsareextremelycrowded, making fortableforpassengers.Althoughprivatetransport,as cars, is more co
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