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1、Unit 1 EnvironmentEarth s Health in Sharp Decline, Massive Study Finds大規(guī)模研究發(fā)現(xiàn):地球的健康”每況愈下The report card has arrived from the largest ever scientific Earth the grade .analysis, and many of the planets ecosystems are simply makinganalysis, and many of the planets ecosystems are simply making有史以來對地球進行的

2、最大規(guī)模的科學分析結果表明,地球上的許多生態(tài)系統(tǒng)都達不到標準。The UN-backed Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Synthesis Report found that nearly two-thirds of Earth slife-supporting ecosystems, including clean water, pure air, and stable climate, are being degraded by unsustainable use.由聯(lián)合國主持的千年生態(tài)系統(tǒng)評估綜合報告 指出,由于不可持續(xù) 的使用,地球上將近三分之二的用來

3、維持生命的生態(tài)系統(tǒng) (包括干凈的水 源、純凈的空氣以及穩(wěn)定的氣候)正遭受破壞。Human has caused much of this damage during the past half century. Soaring demand for food, fresh water, timber, fiber and fuel have led to dramatic environmental changes, from deforestation to chemical pollution, the report says. The already grim situation may

4、 worsen dramatically during the first half of the 21st century, the report authors warn.以上大部分的破壞都是人類在過去的半個世紀里造成的。據(jù)報告分 析,隨著人類對食物、淡水、木材、纖維以及燃料等資源的需求日趨激增, 環(huán)境發(fā)生了極大的變化,引發(fā)了諸如濫伐森林、化學污染等問題。因此, 該報告的作者警告說,照此下去,本已岌岌可危的生態(tài)環(huán)境將會在21世紀的上半葉進一步惡化。Over 1,300 governmental and private-sector contributors from 95 countrie

5、s collaborated to create the landmark study. For four years they examined the plant m any habitats and species and the systems that bind them together. The United Nations EnvironmentProgramme compiled the report and released the results yesterday in Beijing, China.這項歷史性的研究由來自世界95個國家的政府部門以及民間組織的 1,30

6、0多位科學家共同完成。四年來,他們考察了地球上許多生物的生長 環(huán)境、物種以及將他們聯(lián)系起來的生態(tài)體系。聯(lián)合國環(huán)境規(guī)劃署對該報告進行了編輯整理并于昨天在中國北京公布了研究結果。“Only by understanding the environment and how it works, can we make the necessary decisions to protect it, UN Secretary General KofiAnnan said in a press statement accompanying the report s release. Only by valui

7、ng all our precious natural and human resources, can we hope to build a sustainable future. ”在公布該報告的新聞發(fā)布會上,聯(lián)合國秘書長科菲安南指出:只有了解環(huán)境及其運作過程,我們才能制定出必要的措施加以保護它?!彼€說,只有珍惜所有寶貴的自然資源和人類資源,我們才有希望去建設一 個可持續(xù)發(fā)展的未來?!盨ocioeconomic Impact 對社會經(jīng)濟的影響The report paints a rather bleak picture for biodiversity throughout much

8、of the natural world. Perhaps 10 to 30 percent of earth mammal s bird and amphibian species are facing extinction.該報告對自然界的大部分生物多樣性持悲觀態(tài)度,地球上可能有 10% 30%的哺乳動物,鳥類以及兩棲動物瀕臨滅絕。The massive ecological survey was begun in response to Annan sMillennium Development Goals, a UN initiative that aims to dramatical

9、ly reduce socioeconomic problems, such as hunger and extreme poverty, by 2015.這次大規(guī)模生態(tài)調查是根據(jù)安南的千年發(fā)展目標展開的,該發(fā)展目標是由聯(lián)合國發(fā)起的,旨在2015年之前大幅減少饑餓與極度貧困等社 會經(jīng)濟問題?!癟he Millennium Ecosystem Assessment give us, in s ome ways forthe first time, an insight into the economic importance of ecosystem services and some new

10、and additional arguments for respecting and conserving the Earth sfe-supporting systems. saicKlaus Toepfer, executive director of the Nairobi-based UN Environment Programme.總部位于內羅畢的聯(lián)合國環(huán)境規(guī)劃署執(zhí)行主席克勞斯托普弗說:從某些方面來說,千年生態(tài)系統(tǒng)評估綜合報告讓我們首次認識到生態(tài)系 統(tǒng)服務功能的經(jīng)濟價值,并使我們對尊重和保護地球生命維護系統(tǒng)有了新 的見解。”Current human usage patterns

11、of Earth senvironment have increased the global food supply, albeit too slowly to accomplish the UN goal of halving word hunger by 2015.目前由于人類社會對地球環(huán)境的開發(fā)利用, 食物供應不斷增加,然而 增長的速度仍然太慢,難以完成聯(lián)合國制定的在2015年之前消除全球一 半饑餓人口的目標。The negative effects of ecosystem strain also include collapsing fisheries, coastal “dead

12、ones” near sediment-heavy river mouths , shifting water quality , and unpredictable regional climate , the report says.報告還說,過度使用生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的負面影響還包括漁業(yè)的衰退,含有大量沉積物的河口周圍近海 死亡區(qū)”的出現(xiàn),水質的變化以及不可預測的區(qū) 域性氣候等。Deforestation and other radical ecosystem alterations also promote disease, such as malaria and cholera, as wel

13、l as new strains of existing contagions .止匕外,森林的濫伐和其他生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的巨大改變也加劇了諸如瘧疾、霍亂等疾病的傳播,并使已有傳染病分化出新的類別。Changes to water systems may increase the frequency and severity of destructive floods. Over a hundred thousand people were killed in the 1990s by floods, which also caused destruction to the tune of 243 b

14、illion dollars (U.S.), according to the report.根據(jù)該報告,水資源體系的變化會增加毀滅性洪災的爆發(fā)頻率和程 度。在20世紀90年代,洪災造成的死亡人數(shù)超過 10萬,損失約2,430 億美元。The regions facing the greatest environmental degradation are also among the world s poorest: su-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, and parts of Latin America, and South and Southeast Asi

15、a.目前,世界上環(huán)境破壞最嚴重的地區(qū)恰是全球最貧窮的地區(qū):撒哈拉沙漠以南之中部非洲地區(qū),亞洲中部,拉丁美洲的部分地區(qū),以及亞洲的 南部及東南部。Call for Radical Change 呼吁徹底改變現(xiàn)狀The report urges drastic policy changes to the ways in which natural resources are used.千年生態(tài)系統(tǒng)評估綜合報告呼吁在自然資源利用方面 對目前的政 策進行大幅度的改變。From an economic perspective, the study suggests that many intact ec

16、osystems should be regarded as more valuable than those altered for comical use.該研究認為,從經(jīng)濟角度看,與那些被用于商業(yè)開發(fā)的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)相比, 很多完整生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的價值更高。For example, citing wetland wildlife habitat , water pollution filtration , water storage and recreational value , the report appraised intact Thai mangroves at a thousand U.

17、S. dollars per acre (0.4 hectare). The same mangroves were valued at only U.S. $200 an acre after they had been cleared for fish and shellfish farming .例如,該報告通過對濕地野生動植物的生境、水污染過濾情況、水資 源儲存能力以及娛樂價值等方面的分析,估算出保護完整的泰國紅樹每英 畝(0.4公頃)價值為1,000美元,而同樣的紅樹,由于漁業(yè)及貝類養(yǎng)殖 業(yè)的開發(fā)而遭到了破壞,其價值僅為每英畝200美元。“The)verriding conclusi

18、on of this assessment is that it lies within4the power of human societies to ease the strain we are putting on the nature services of the planet, while continuing to use them to bring better living standards to all, the report 45-person board of directors said in a statement .由45位成員組成的研究委員會在一份聲明中指出,

19、 這個評估報告最 重要的結論是,如何在利用地球生態(tài)系統(tǒng)提升人類生活水平的同時,緩解我們對其所施加的壓力,這完全取決于我們人類社會?!薄癆chievingthis however will require radical changes in the way nature is treated at every level of decision-making and new ways of cooperation between government, business and civil society, thestatement continued.The warning signs ar

20、e there for all of us to see.The future now lies in our hands. ”該聲明還指出: 但是,要達到上述目的,需要徹底改變人們對待自 然的方式,小到各級決策的制定,大到政府、商業(yè)和文明社會之間新的合 作。警鐘已經(jīng)敲響,未來掌握在我們自己手里。”The board of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Synthesis Report was co-chaired by Robert Watson, chief scientist of the World Bank, and A. Hamid Zak

21、ri, director of the United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies.擔任千年生態(tài)系統(tǒng)評估綜合報告委員會主席的是世界銀行的首席 科學家羅伯特 沃森和聯(lián)合國大學高等研究所主任 A.海米德 扎卡雷。Unit 2 Energy SourcesThe Future of Alternative Energy 替代能源的前景Residential energy use in the United States will increase 25 percent by the year 2025, according to U

22、.S. Department of Energy (DOE) forecasts . A small but increasing share of that extra power will trickle in from renewable sources like wind, sunlight, water and heat in the ground.據(jù)美國能源部預測,至2025年美國的家用耗電將增加百分之二十五, 增加的電量中將有一小部分來源于再生能源(如風、陽光、水、地熱) , 而且這部分還會不斷增大。Last year alternative energy sources pro

23、vided 6 percent of the nation s energy supply, according to he DOE.據(jù)美國能源部統(tǒng)計,去年替代能源占整個國家能源供給的百分之六。“The future belongs to renewable energy , said Brad Collins, the executive director of the American Solar Energy Society, a Boulder, Colorado- based nonprofit organization.aScientist and industry experts

24、may disagree over how long the world supply of oil and natural gas will last, but it will end,“ Collin said.美國太陽能協(xié)會(該協(xié)會是一個位于科羅拉多州博德市的非盈利性組 織)的主管布拉德洞林斯說:未來屬于可再生能源。盡管就世界石油和 天然氣可以持續(xù)多久,科學家和工業(yè)專家可能有不同觀點,但是油氣資源 終將耗盡?!盬hile renewable energy is generally more expensive than conventionally produced supplies,

25、alternative power helps to reduce pollution and to conserve fossil fuels.盡管可再生能源通常比傳統(tǒng)能源更昂貴,但是替代能源有助于減少污 染、保護礦物燃料?!癙eoplesometimes get caught up in cost-effectiveness ,“said Paul Torcellini, a senior engineer at the DOE s National Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL) in Golden, Colorado. Butit can be a

26、question of values and what we spend our money on. ”美國能源部國家再生能源實驗室(位于科羅拉多州戈爾登市)的一位 高級工程師保羅 確塞列尼說:有時人們考慮的只是節(jié)省成本的問題,但 是這可能是一個價值觀念的問題,一個我們把錢用于何處的問題。”Below, a look at some recent developments in renewable-energy technology :接下來我們一起了解關于可再生能源技術的新發(fā)展Solar Power 太陽能Photovoltaic, or solar-electric, systems ca

27、pture light energy from the sun田ays and convert it into electricity. Today these solar units power everything from small homes to large office buildings .光電系統(tǒng)獲取太陽光線的光能并將其轉化成電?,F(xiàn)在這些太陽能設備可以為各種建筑供電,小到家庭大到辦公樓。Technological improvements have made solar-electric modules more cost-effective . In the 1980s t

28、he average price of energy captured with photovoltaic was 95 U.S. cents per kilowatt-hour. Today that price has dropped to around 20 cents per kilowatt-hour, according to Collins, of the American Solar Energy Society.技術進步使得光電設備更加劃算。20世紀80年代,光電系統(tǒng)供電的 平均價格為每千瓦時95美分;而根據(jù)美國太陽能協(xié)會的統(tǒng)計,如今這一 價格已降至每千瓦時20美分左右。Th

29、e cheaper rate is still more expensive than the average national price of electricity , which in 2003 was a little over 8 cents per kilowatt-hour, according to the U.S. Department of Energy sAnnual Energy Review .即使略微便宜的光電價格仍然高于全國電價的平均價格,據(jù)美國能源部發(fā)行的能源周刊統(tǒng)計,2003年每千瓦時的電價均價略高于8美分。Ot her recent advances in

30、clude“ thinphmovo 任aic technologya high-tech coating that converts any surface covered with the film into a solar-electric power source. Boats and RVs that use the film are now on the market .其他最新的發(fā)展包括薄膜光電技術,這種高科技的涂層能夠將任何覆 蓋此類薄膜的表面轉化成一種光電電源。使用這種薄膜技術的輪船和娛樂 用車目前已上市銷售。Engineers have also developed a ro

31、ofing material coated with electricity- producing film. Theguy who puts on the roof (on a house now) puts on the solar panels at the same time, Torcellini said. The roofing material withstands inclement weather and, on bright days, taps sunshine for electricity.工程師們也研究出一種涂有發(fā)電薄膜的屋頂材料。人們在搭建屋頂 時,同時就可以放

32、上這種太陽能嵌板,陶塞列尼說道。這種屋頂材料能耐 極端天氣,而且在陽光明媚的時候可以利用太陽光發(fā)電。NREL researchers, meanwhile, are working to devise more efficient and cheaper solar-electric systems. Most traditional photovoltaic solar units on the market today convert between 11 and 13 percent of the sun sight into energy. Engineers think they c

33、an improve on that.與此同時,美國可再生能源實驗室的研究人員正在研發(fā)更為高效、價格更低的光電系統(tǒng)。目前市場上大多數(shù)傳統(tǒng)光電設備可以將百分之十一至 百分之十三的太陽光轉化成能量,工程師們認為這一比例還可以再提高。Jeff Mazer, a Washington, D.C.-area photovoltaic engineer, notes that most thin-film photovoltaic systems today have a 7 to 11 percent efficiencyrating . But he estimates that thin films

34、 couldsurpass that rating within three years. He also notes that some new traditional solar modules achieve 15 percent efficiency and believes that figure can climb to 17 percent in the near future .華盛頓地區(qū)的一位光電工程師杰夫 ? 每澤說現(xiàn)在的多數(shù)薄膜光電系統(tǒng) 的效能等級只有百分之七至百分之十一。然而,據(jù)他估計,薄膜光電系統(tǒng)在三年內可以超過這一等級。他還說一些新式傳統(tǒng)太陽能設備可以實現(xiàn)百 分之十

35、五的效能,但他相信這一數(shù)字可以在不久的將來攀升到百分之十 七。In the last two decades solar-thermal panels (units used to warm household hot water, pools and spas) have become highly efficient . “ Energy costs have decreased from 60 cents to 8 cents per kilowatt- hour since the 1980s, Collins said.近20年中,光熱板(用于為家庭熱水、水池、泉水升溫的設備)的效能

36、大大提高??铝炙拐f:自20世紀80年代起,能源成本從每千瓦時60美分降至8美分?!盨olar-powered water heaters are typically more expensive than conventional ones, but, as with other products that harness alternative energy , consumers benefit by knowing their energy costs up-front Torcellini said. a Otherwise, ydhedg inge/our bets about th

37、e future cost of traditional energy sources by using standard appliances , he said.太陽能熱水器通常比常規(guī)熱水器更昂貴, 但是像利用替代能源的其他 產(chǎn)品一樣,消費者可以預先知道其成本從而獲益。陶塞利尼說:否則,將難以抉擇:是仍然使用普通熱水器,還是致力于降低未來傳統(tǒng)能源的成 本。”Wind Power 風能Compare to other renewable energy sources, wind power competes with conventional energy at a price less t

38、han 4 cents per kilowatt-hour, according to Collinis.據(jù)柯林斯的說法,與其他可再生能源相比,風能更具有競爭力,其每 千瓦時的價格比傳統(tǒng)能源低4美分。Wind energy projects around the world now generate enough energy to power nine million typical U.S. homes, according to the American Wind Energy Association, a Washington, D.C.-based trade group .美國風能

39、協(xié)會(一個總部位于華盛頓的貿易團體)稱目前世界各地的風能項目發(fā)電足可以為九百萬典型的美國家庭供電。One of the newest trends in wind power is the construction of offshore wind farms , cluster of electricity-generating turbines erected in open-water areas with strong winds.利用風能的最新趨勢之一就是建設離岸海上風力發(fā)電廠,在風力較大 的空曠水域建造一組組的發(fā)電機組Europe now has 17 wind farms spi

40、nning offshore. The Arklow Bank Offshore Wind Park, 8 miles (13 kilometers) off the eastern coast of Ireland, is one such project . Its seven turbines generate enough electricity to power 16,000 homes. While few homes generate their own wind power in the U.S., many power companies allow consumers to

41、 opt for power generated at a wind plant or other renewable source.歐洲現(xiàn)在有17個海上風力發(fā)電廠在運轉。距離愛爾蘭東海岸8英里(13公里)的阿克羅銀行海上風力園就是這樣的一個項目,它的七個渦輪機產(chǎn)生的電力足夠為16000戶家庭供電。盡管目前鮮有美國家庭利用 風能自己發(fā)電,但是許多電力公司允許消費者選擇風力供電或者其他可再 生能源供電。On Tuesday, Colorado voters will consider a ballot initiative that would requires power companies

42、to provide 10 percent of their electricity from wind and other renewable sources by 2015.周二科羅拉多州的選民將考慮舉行一次公民投票,要求至2015年電力公司為他們提供的電力中的有10%是來自于可替代能源?!?Ifthat passes, power compa nies will offer more rebates to homeowners to encourage renewable energy production, said Sheila Hayter, an NREL senior engi

43、neer.美國可再生能源實驗室的一位高級工程師希拉 禧特說:如果該投票 表決能夠通過,電力公司將能夠給房主提供更多折扣,鼓勵他們使用可再 生能源?!盙round Heat 地熱Tapping into the ground offers another option to regulate household heating and cooling .開發(fā)地下能源為調節(jié)家庭供暖和降溫提供了另一種選擇。In most areas of the United States, the ground below the frost line maintains an average temperatu

44、re between 50 and 54 degrees Fahrenheit (10 to 12 degrees Celsius).10在美國的大部分地區(qū),冰凍線以下地面的平均溫度保持在50至54華氏度(10至12 C)oGround-source heat pumps , also called geo-exchange systems, use this relatively constant temperature to keep homes at comfortable temperatures . The devices employ a series of underground

45、, liquid-filled tubes or wells . Liquid flows through the pipes into the home, where a heat exchanger either adds or subtracts heat from indoor air, depending on the season . In winter, that means added warmth captured from the ground. If you can (do that), youfurnace doesn t have to work so hard, H

46、ayter said.地熱泵系統(tǒng),也稱為地熱交換系統(tǒng),采用這種相對恒定的溫度保證家 中的室溫維持在舒適的溫度。這種裝置使用一系列地下液體管或液體井。 液體流經(jīng)這個管道進入家中,通過一個熱交換器根據(jù)季節(jié)增減室內空氣的 熱度。在冬天,這意味著增加了從地面獲得的溫度。海特說,如果能夠這樣,家中的火爐就不必如此辛苦了A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency study found that geo-exchange systems can save up to 70 percent of home-heating costs .美國環(huán)保局的研究發(fā)現(xiàn),地熱交換系統(tǒng)可節(jié)

47、省高達百分之七十的家庭 供暖成本。Unit 3 Plants and AnimalsPlant Adaptation 植物的適應性Like a human being or an animal, a plant must adapt to its environment in order to survive. Survival usually means struggle. It may be hard to think of a plant asastruggling, “ yet that is often the case.像人類和動物一樣,植物為了生存也必須適應周邊的環(huán)境。生存就意

48、味著競爭,我們很難想象植物之間的競爭。但也就那么回事。A plant, first, must compete with other plants for light, air, soil andii water. Second, it must contend with people and animals, who may eat it or make the environment unfit for it to live in. Third, the physical environment itself may be hostile or inadequate to a plant

49、need. Is there enough light, water, air and soil? Is it warm and cool enough for a given plant species?首先,不同的植物之間會爭奪陽光、空氣、土壤和水分。其次,植物 也會與那些吃它或者威脅到它生存環(huán)境的人類和動物競爭。再次,植物所處的環(huán)境也可能也是有敵對性的或者不利于其生長的。怎樣才能有足夠的 陽光、水分、空氣和土壤氣溫的冷熱就是植物生長的主要因素嗎?Light is vital to a plant, especially a green one. Green plants manufact

50、ure foodstuffs in sunlight a process known as photosynthesis. Light also affects the rate of water absorption and flower formation.光對于植物來說是最基本的,尤其是對于綠色植物來說。綠色植物在 光照下能制造養(yǎng)分一這是一種被稱為光合作用的過程,而光也能影響水分 蒸發(fā)的速率和花蕾的形成。Temperature must also be taken into account. If it falls below r Celsius or rises above 43Cel

51、 sius, serious injury or death results formost vegetation. Temperature also directly influences the formation of seeds and the production of blossoms. It also helps determine the geographic distribution of plants.溫度也是必須考慮的因素。對于大多數(shù)植物來說,溫度低于一度或者 高于四十三度都會對其造成嚴重的損傷甚至死亡。 而溫度也直接影響了種 子的萌芽以及開花。當然溫度也會決定植物在地理

52、上的分布。Plants cannot survive without water. Many need immense quantities for their development. Therefore, the humidity of atmosphere, the amount of precipitation and the presence of streams, lakes and soil moisture are important to plants.沒有水植物也是無法生存的。有些植物的生長過程需要大量的水分, 因此潮濕的空氣、大量的降水以及溪流湖泊和濕潤的土壤對于植物都是

53、重 要的。12Most plants need plenty of air. The atmosphere contains gases that are essential to their life: oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and nitrogen.大多數(shù)植物需要有足夠空氣。大氣中包含一些對其生命所必要的氣 體,包括:氧氣、二氧化碳、水蒸氣和氮氣。Not only the air itself, but its movementthe wind affects plantsgreatly. Wind spreads pollen, spo

54、res and certain seeds, enabling plants to grow in many places. But a powerful wind may distort or even kill vegetation, particularly trees. It may below away needed soil. Also, wind increases the rate of evaporation and so may create a water shortage for plants.空氣移動所產(chǎn)生的風對于植物也有很大影響。風有助于傳播花粉、抱子和種子從而將它

55、們播種在各種地方。但強風也有可能折斷或者損害植 物,尤其是大樹。而大風吹走了一些有養(yǎng)分的土壤,也會加快水分的蒸發(fā)從而使植物處于缺水狀態(tài)。Soil is extremely important to land plants. A plant development depends in large part on the nature of the soil: its wetness, acidity, minerals and the amount of oxygen it contains.土壤對于陸生植物來說是必不可少的。植物的生長很大一部分需要依 靠其土壤的特性:其中包含它的濕度、酸度、

56、礦物成分、含氧量。A plant is also influenced by other living things with which it competes. It has to withstand parasites, hungry birds and grazing or gnawing mammals. Yet a plant often needs animals to spread its pollen or scatter its seeds.植物生長也會受到其他競爭生物的影響。它必須要經(jīng)受寄生菌、饑餓的鳥類、牛羊等食用葉子的動物對其的影響,但同時植物也需要動物幫助傳播花粉以

57、及播灑種子。The stems and leaves of trees and shrubs show us some of the adaptations that enable a plant to get the maximum amount of light and air.13有樹葉和枝干的樹以及灌木向我們展示了它們的適應性,這也告訴了 我們植物是怎樣獲得最大量的光和空氣的。In such trees as beech, elm, oak, apple and chestnut, there may be shoots that are primarily vertical whil

58、e others are primarily horizontal. To secure a maximum amount of sunlight, the leaves on the vertical shoots are arranged in spirals so that any given leaf does not shade the leaf next below it on the shoot. Though the buds on a horizontal shoot of these trees may be arranged spirally, the leaves co

59、mmonly arrange themselves alternately in a common plane on either side of the shoot.和那些山毛棒樹、榆樹、橡樹、蘋果樹和栗子樹一樣,它們有一些枝 芽主要是垂直生長的,另一些是水平生長。為了能獲得最多的陽光,一些 垂直生長的枝芽會螺旋纏繞生長以不至于遮擋到自己下邊的葉子。雖然那些水平生長的枝芽上的花蕾有可能被其他枝芽纏繞著,但樹葉會根據(jù)自身環(huán)境的變化調整自己的生長方向。In many trees that have their leaves placed opposite to each other, each

60、pair occupies the space between the pair immediately below. You can see this by looking down on a shoot of the horse chestnut. Similar very perfect arrangements will be noted in many climbers. The arrangement of the leaves in the horse chestnut, when examined at the end of a shoot and vertically, ha


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