1、畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)外文資料翻譯學(xué)院(系):資源與環(huán)境工程學(xué)院專業(yè)環(huán)境工程姓名:學(xué)號:外文出處 Journal of Environmental Sciences附 件 1.外文資料翻譯譯文;2.夕卜文原文。附錄1外文資料翻譯譯文生物-化學(xué)絮疑工藝處理城市的污水和生物作用的研究摘要:本文介紹在處理上海城市的污水時證實生物化學(xué)的絮凝工藝的中試實驗的儀器和程 序的可行性。并討論在此過程中生物的功能。最理想運行的結(jié)果顯示,在反應(yīng)罐中,混合液 懸浮固體(MLSS)是2g/L,液壓的保持時間(HRT)是35min,聚合氯化鋁(PAC)是60mg/L,而 濃度聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)是0.5mg/L.并且CODC
2、r,TP,SS和BOD5的平均濃度為分別是50mg/L, 0.62mg/L,18mg/L,和17mg/L。這些設(shè)計的要求更好。此外,這個系統(tǒng)中的生物降解的存 在有幾種方法證明。生物-化學(xué)的絮凝工藝的降解效率比在同樣的凝結(jié)劑中化學(xué)絮凝工藝提 高20%。在不同的條件下進行中試試驗,為將來的設(shè)備操作提供最佳的參數(shù)和條件。關(guān)鍵詞:生物-化學(xué)絮凝工藝;城市污水;生物作用。1試驗1.1設(shè)計對項目進行進水和出水的濃度根據(jù)顯示評價和標準的水規(guī)格,城市污水的設(shè)計進水和出水的濃度見表格1。表1工程設(shè)計進水水質(zhì)BOD5CODCrSSNH3NTP進水,mg/L120150150304出水,mg/L6015040302
3、 罰01定衣戴I-迎平;。-卅卓:卜會陣率-圖4對SS的去除效果2.3生物作用分析測試2.3.1不同的模擬反應(yīng)系統(tǒng)的設(shè)計為了證實在生物-化學(xué)絮凝罐中的生物活動,試驗中設(shè)計使用不同的系統(tǒng)。所有的試驗條件見表格5。表5不同反應(yīng)條件對比操作條件系統(tǒng)組成目的11000 ml ZMWTP 污水溶解氧消耗量21000 ml ZMWTP 污水 + 80 mg/L沒有曝氣和回流污泥的溶解PAC + 015 mg/L PAM氧消耗量3750 ml ZMWTP 污水 + 250 ml 回流有回流污泥、不曝氣的溶解氧污泥,不曝氣消耗量4750 ml ZMWTP 污水+ 250 ml 化學(xué)絮有化學(xué)過程產(chǎn)生的回流污泥凝
4、過程中的污泥的溶解氧消耗量5750 ml ZMWTP 污水 + 250 ml竹園城已知回流污泥+ ZMWTP污水的市污水處理系統(tǒng)的回流污泥溶解氧消耗量61000 ml來自中試裝置的第一廊道的來自中試裝置的第一廊道的混合溶液混合溶液的耗氧曲線 來自中試裝置的第二廊道的71000 ml來自第二廊道的混合溶液混合溶液的耗氧曲線2.3.2研究結(jié)果工況1結(jié)果表明ZMWTP污水本身對溶解氧消耗十分少。在開始時,溶解氧的 濃度為8mg/L。在12分鐘之后,濃度保持在7mg/L到8mg/L,其消耗量不超過1mg/L。 可以推斷出在為處理的污水中有生物存在。對于工況2,增加化學(xué)凝結(jié)劑,開始 時的濃度為6mg/L
5、,20分鐘之后極少微生物消費溶解氧不超過1mg/L。工況3,用 類比的方法模擬沒有曝氣過程,開始時溶解氧濃度為6mg/L,并且在20分鐘之后 濃度的變化超過1mg/L。如果前二個條件沒有回流污泥那么在絮凝期間,即使供 氣,這個系統(tǒng)溶解氧的消耗量是輕微的。當回流污泥增加時,如果不曝氣的話這 個系統(tǒng)的溶解氧的消耗仍然很低。因此,在在這三個工況下都有微量的微生物存 在。工況4用類比的方法模擬有污泥回流和曝氣的絮凝工藝。在20分鐘后溶解氧 的濃度約為2.8mg/L。由于耗氧微生物的存在,如果不曝氣,即使有污泥回流效 果仍然不是很好。結(jié)論得出系統(tǒng)有一定的微生物分解作用。工況5、6、7的溶解氧的消耗曲線見
6、圖6.如圖5所示,如果活躍的回流污泥(從 上海竹園城市污水處理系統(tǒng))存在于生物-化學(xué)的絮凝工藝中,因為微生物的活動 溶解氧的消耗量增加6.4mg。明顯地,溶解氧的需求量十分高。根據(jù)圖3,試驗結(jié) 果顯示出實際運行的中試裝置第一、二廊道在57分鐘內(nèi)的耗氧量為5mg/L左右, 溶解氧的消耗量大約為5mg/L。由此可以判斷在竹園污水的中試裝置中存在較好 的生物作用0I-05DI S 20 2S4. miin圖5工況5下的溶解氧消耗曲線ri. mi n圖6工況6和7下的溶解氧消耗曲線2.3.3生物的活動分析的測試數(shù)據(jù)一些帶有相似用量的操作條件的結(jié)果列在表6中和測試具有相同BOD5列在表7中。表6COD和
7、TP在不同條件下的數(shù)據(jù)統(tǒng)計表序號凝結(jié)劑藥量mg/L進、出水COD進、出水TP的評論的變化Mg/L變化Mg/L1801151.92化學(xué)絮凝過程2701041.48化學(xué)絮凝過程370139.61.78生物化學(xué)絮凝過程4601401.76生物化學(xué)絮凝過程570125.21.75生物化學(xué)絮凝過程表7本工況進出水BOD5/COD測定結(jié)果序號COD ,進水mg/LBOD進水Mg/L,B/C進水COD ,出水mg/LBOD ,吹水Mg/LB/C出水1143.534.240.2468.5515.960.232163.371.940.44113.320.630.18316076.50.4884300.36416
9、50.3531.8140.4417163680.4223.98.10.34平均值198.878.40.475.022.10.3在凝結(jié)-絮凝工藝中,污水中的磷的去除機制可能有兩種:懸浮的磷酸鹽凝 聚成固體并在沉降的過程中將磷去除。由金屬離子組成的水解物中的磷酸鹽離子 進行直接吸附。形成的在金屬鹽中的磷酸鹽在去除過程中作絮凝劑。磷酸鹽的去 處過程受到一些因素的影響,例如堿度,有機的物質(zhì)含量和其他金屬的存在。參 加磷的降解過程的基本的反應(yīng)如下:Me3+ + H POn+3 T MePO4 + nH+這個反應(yīng)相關(guān)對它的一些次要的反應(yīng)。假設(shè),磷以正磷酸鹽的形式伴隨著金 屬離子被磷酸鹽降解,總磷以更復(fù)雜的
10、吸附反應(yīng)吸附絮凝成微粒被去除。正如表格4中所示,在操作條件2、3和4中的用量分別為70mg/L,70mg/L 和60mg/L。但是,在工況3、4中的單位凝結(jié)劑有機物質(zhì)去除率超過工況2的35%, 同時,工況3、4中TP的去除率超過工況2的20%。一種解釋是在相同的用量,由 于生物-化學(xué)作用的作用生物-化學(xué)的絮凝工藝中的污染物的去除率比化學(xué)絮凝 工藝中的高20%。如果生物-化學(xué)的絮凝工藝被使用,要達到相同的去除率,藥 劑用量可以減少20 %。如表格7中所示進水中流出物的BOD5與COD的平均值分別是0.4和0.3。由 于生物作用,出水的BOD5與COD濃度小于進水濃度的25%。根據(jù)表格7, BOD
11、5的 平均的去除率的72%,這是化學(xué)絮凝工藝所不能達到的。去除率表明生物作用對 整個系統(tǒng)的穩(wěn)定變得越來越重要。這大大地提高可溶性BOD的去除率。作為一個結(jié)論,由于生物-化學(xué)的作用,磷和有機的物質(zhì)的化學(xué)去除效率被 改進。當生物-化學(xué)的絮凝工藝成穩(wěn)定的運行時,化學(xué)作用對磷去除很重要,而 生物的功能對有機物的去除更重要,諸如BOD5,COD等等。3結(jié)論生物-化學(xué)的絮凝工藝處理上海城市污水是可行的,用空氣攪拌代替機械攪 拌是可以完成化學(xué)混合反應(yīng)的。在反應(yīng)罐中,MLSS的濃度是2g/L,HRT是35min, 液態(tài)的PAC的用量70 mg/L,并且濃度PAM是0.5mg/L。并且CO,TP,SS的平均的
12、出水的濃度BOD是50mg/L,0.62mg/L,18mg/L,和17mg/L分別f。因此,結(jié)果滿足 上海的城市污水處理中的設(shè)計的要求。根據(jù)絮凝劑和凝集沉降劑當前的價格,用量費用是少于0.1RMB元每立方米 污水。在相同的用量,因為生物和化學(xué)工藝的共同作用,其去除率超過單獨使用生 物-化學(xué)的絮凝工藝和化學(xué)絮凝工藝的20%。由于生物作用,在生物化學(xué)的絮凝 工藝的作用下BOD的平均去除率能達到72%,這不是化學(xué)絮凝工藝所能單獨地實 現(xiàn)的。不同的模擬條件下的耗氧量的結(jié)果表明在城市污水處理過程中不僅只有生 物作用,化學(xué)絮凝過程的作用,還包括沒有曝氣的回流污泥的化學(xué)絮凝過程的作 用。然而,生物-化學(xué)的絮
13、凝工藝的耗氧量是很明顯的,這表明在反應(yīng)罐中有很 好的生物作用。當生物-化學(xué)的絮凝工藝成穩(wěn)定的運行時,化學(xué)作用對磷去除很重要,而生 物的功能對有機物的去除更重要。附錄2外文原文Chemical and biological flocculation process to treat municipal sewage and analysis of biological functionXIA Si-qing, YANG Dian-hai , XU Bin , ZHAO Jian-fu(State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource R
14、euse, Tongji University, Shanghai200092, China. Email: HYPERLINK mailto:siqingxiamail.T siqingxiamail.T)Abstract: The pilot-scale experimental apparatus and the procedure of the chemical and biological flocculation process to verify the feasibility in treating Shanghai municipal sewage were introduc
15、ed in this paper. In addition, the biological function of the process was discussed. The results of optimal running showed that in the reaction tank, the concentration of mixed liquor suspended solid(MLSS) was 2g/L , hydraulic retention time (HRT) was 35min , do sage of liquid polyaluminium chloride
16、 (PAC) was 60mg/L, and the concentration of polyacrylamide (PAM) was 0.5mg/L. The effluent average concentrations of CODCr, TP, SS and BOD5 were 50mg/L, 0.62mg/L, 18mg/L, and 17mg/L, respectively. These were better than the de signed demand. In addition, the existence of biological degradation in th
17、is system was proven by several methods. The removal efficiencies of the chemical and biological flocculation process were 20% higher than that of the chemical flocculation process above at the same coagulant do sage. The treatment process under different situations was evaluated on a pilot-scale ex
18、periment, and the results provided magnificent parameters and optimal condition for future operation of the plant.Keywords: chemical and biological flocculation process; municipal water; biological function1 ExperimentalDesigned influent and effluent concentrations of the projectBOD5CODCrSSNH3BOD5CO
19、DCrSSNH3NTPInfluent , mg/L120150150304Effluent , mg/L601504030aUJu女GOOD o o o o o 0040 0 000 8 了 65 4 3 2 1Fig. 4 SS relic;.削 efiki己口:?比三 of the processDiscussion of resultsThe operating condition 1 shows very little DO consumption by ZMWTP wastewater. At the beginning, the concentration of DO was 8
20、 mg/L. After 12min, the value remained at 7 mg/L to 8 mg/L, and the reduction was not more than 1 mg/L. It could be concluded that there was little biological activity in the raw wastewater. For operating condition 2, the chemical coagulant was added, the value was 6 mg/L at the beginning, and the c
21、onsumption of DO was also not more than 1 mg/L after 20 min due to few microorganisms. At operating condition 3, the process of mixture without aeration by analogy was simulated, the concentration of DO was 6 mg/L at the beginning, and after 20 min the fluctuation of the value was not more than 1 mg
22、/L.The first two conditions without return sludge showed that the consumption of DO of this system was slight even though aerated during coagulation. When return sludge was added, the consumption of DO of this system remained low, if air aeration was not used. Thus, there is little biological aerobi
23、c activity existing for these three operating conditions.Table 5 Different analog reaction systemsOperating conditionsSystem constitutionAim11000 ml wastewater from ZMWTPCheck consumption of DO of the wastewaterAnalogy of the consumption21000 ml wastewater from ZMWTP +of DO of the chemical80 mg/L PA
24、C + 015 mg/L PAMflocculation process without return sludge and mixed air750 ml wastewater from ZMWTP +Analogy of the consumption of DO of the flocculation process which has return sludge and mixed without air3250 ml return sludge , direct read DO without aeration750 ml wastewater from ZMWTP +Analogy
25、 of the consumption of DO of the chemical flocculation process which has return sludge4250 ml sludge from chemical flocculation process5750 ml wastewater from ZMWTP + 250 ml return sludge from Shanghai Quyang Municipal Wastewater Treatment PlantAnalogy of the consumption of DO of known active sludge
26、 + wastewater from ZMWTP1000 ml mixed liquor from first galleryMixed flow aerobic curve for6of flocculation tank of pilot-scalethe first gallery of thetesting apparatuspilot-scale testing apparatus1000 ml mixed liquor from secondMixed flow aerobic curve for7gallery of flocculation tank ofthe second
27、gallery of thepilot-scale testing apparatuspilot-scale testing apparatusOperating condition 4 simulated the process whichhad chemical return sludgemixed with air for coagulation by analogy. The consumption of DO was about 2.8 mg/L after 20min. It is obvious that although the return sludge was not ac
28、tive sludge, with aeration, the DO was consumed because of the existence of aerobic microorganisms. It could be concluded that the biological metabolism existed in thissystem.The DO consumption curves for operating conditions 5, 6, and 7 are shown in Fig.5 and Fig. 6. As shown in Fig. 5, if the acti
29、ve return sludge (from Shanghai Quyang Minicipal Wastewater Treatment Plant) was used in the analogizing of the chemical and biological flocculation process , the consumption of DO increased to 6.4mg due to microbe activity. Obviously, the demand for oxygen consumption was very high. According to Fi
30、g. 6, after 5 to 7 min, oxygen consumption in the first and second gallery of pilot-scale Zhuyuan testing apparatus reached a stable state, the total DOconsumption was about 5 mg/L. It was concluded that there were adequate aerobic microorganisms in the biological flocculation of the testing apparat
31、us.Analyses of biological activity by testing dataThe results of some operating conditions with similar dosage are listed in Table 6and some BOD5 tested are included in Table 7.十一First gallery n- Second ualkryTable 6 Statistical data of COD and TP removal for several operating conditionsNumberCoagul
32、ant dosage ,mg/LDifference of COD between inf. and eff., mg/LDifference of TP between inf. and eff., mg/LRemark1801151.92Chemical flocculationprocess2701041.48Chemical flocculationprocess370139.61.78Chemical and biological flocculation process4601401.76Chemical and biological flocculation process570
33、125.21.75Chemical and biological flocculation processIn the coagulation-flocculation process, the removal of phosphorus in thewastewater may be due to two mechanisms: the phosphates being incorporated to solids in suspension and the reduction of these solids during the process including the removal
34、of the phosphorus. The direct adsorption of phosphate ions in the hydrolysis products was formed by the metal ion used as a coagulant. Removal through the formation of phosphate precipitates with the metal salts was used as coagulants. The removal of phosphates through chemical precipitation is affe
35、cted by a number of factors such as alkalinity, organic matter content and the presence of other metals. The basic reaction which takes part in the phosphorus precipitation process is given below:Me3+ + H POn+3 t MePO + nH+Table 7BOD5/COD measured in influent and effluent during pilot-scale experime
36、ntNumberCOD f , infmg/LBOD f , infMg/LB/CinfCODeff , mg/LBODeff ,Mg/LB/Ceff1143.534.240.2468.5515.960.232163.371.940.44113.320.630.18316076.50.4884300.364161710.4410634.50.32513971.30.5258.737.30.646164750.469225.90.287140.8700.5053.321.80.418174.878.780.45109.621.210.199325.793.880.296617.30.261027
37、996.280.3594.822.740.241125075.70.308614.10.1612207.398.60.4878.7300.3813186.9760.4187.526.20.301429078.980.2759.615.20.26151951090.5961.621.40.3516246.587.50.3531.8140.4417163680.4223.98.10.34Average198.878.40.475.022.10.3This reaction has a number of secondary reactions associated to it. It is gen
38、erallyassumed that the phosphorus in the form of orthophosphate is removed by precipitation of phosphate with the metal ion while the total phosphorus is removed by a more complicated combination of interaction and adsorption with the flocculated particles.As shown in Table 6, the dosages in operati
39、ng conditions 2, 3 and 4 were 70 mg/L , 70 mg/L and 60 mg/L respectively. But the organic substance removal of unit coagulant in operating conditions 3 and 4 exceeded that of operating condition 2 by 35 %, and the TP removal of unit coagulant in operating conditions 3 and 4 exceeded that of operatin
40、g condition 2 by 20 %. An explanation is that at the same dosage, the removal efficiencies of pollutants in the chemical and biological flocculation process were 20% higher than those in the chemical flocculation process because of the action of chemical and biological function. The dosage may be de
41、creased by 20 % if the chemical and biological flocculation process was used, however , the same removal efficiencies could be attained.Table 7 shows that the average of BOD5/COD in the influent and effluent was 0.4 and 0.3 respectively. As a result of biological function, the effluent BOD 5/COD val
42、ue is 25 % less than the influent value. According to Table 7, the average removal efficiency of BOD5 was 72 %, which could not be attained by the chemical flocculation process. The removal efficiencies indicated that the biological function become more and more significant with the stability of sys
43、tem. This enhanced the removal efficiency of resolvable BOD5 greatly.As a conclusion, because of the cooperation of chemical and biological, both the chemical precipitation efficiency for phosphorus removal and organic substance removal were improved. The chemical function was more important for pho
44、sphorus removal and the biological function was more important for solved organic matter, such as BOD5, COD etc., as the chemical and biological flocculation process became a stable run condition.3 ConclusionsIt is feasible to treat Shanghai municipal water by a chemical and biological flocculation
45、process. Mechanical mixing can be substituted by air mixing to perform the reaction of chemical mixing. In the reaction tank, the concentration of MLSS was 2g/L, HRT was 35min, dosage of liquid PAC was 70 mg/L and the concentration of PAM was 0.5mg/L. The average effluent concentrations of CODCr, TP
46、, SS and BOD5 were 50mg/L, 0.62mg/L, 18 mg/L, and 17mg/L respectively. Therefore, the results were measured up to the designed demands in municipal sewage treatment ofShanghai.Given the current price of coagulants and flocculants, the dosage cost is less than 0.1RMB Yuan per cubic meter wastewater.A
47、t the same dosage, the removal efficiencies due to chemical and biological flocculation process exceeded that of the chemical flocculation process alone by 20% due to the cooperating action of chemical and biological activity.As a result of biological activity , the average removal efficiencies of BOD in the chemical and biological flocculation process could as high as 7
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