1、幕墻工程設(shè)計合同Design Contract for Curtain Wall Project工程名稱Namme of Projeect: 工程地點Loccationn of PProjecct: 合同編號Conntractt No.: 委托人(甲方)Consignor(Party A): 承接人(乙方)Consignee(Party B): 設(shè)計證書等級LLevel of Deesign Certiificattion: 簽訂地點Plaace off Signning: 簽訂日期Datte of Signiing: 甲方委托乙方承承擔 設(shè)計計工作,經(jīng)雙雙方協(xié)商一致致,簽訂本合合同。Part
2、y BB is eentrussted bby Parrty A to deesign_. Booth thhe twoo partties hherewiith aggree tto siggn thee conttract basedd on tthe prrincipple off commmon coonsenssus.本合同簽訂依據(jù)據(jù)Articlee One Basiis forr concclusioon of this Contrract11中華人人民共和國合合同法、建建筑工程勘察察設(shè)計管理條條例?!癟he Coontracct Laww of tthe Peeoples Rep
3、publicc of CChina”; “Managgementt Reguulatioons off Inveestigaation and DDesignn in CConstrructioon Enggineerring”.12國家家及上海市有有關(guān)建設(shè)工程程勘察設(shè)計管管理法規(guī)和規(guī)規(guī)章。Nationaal andd locaal rulles annd reggulatiions oon Mannagemeent Reegulattions of Innvestiigatioon andd Desiign inn Consstructtion EEngineeeringg.設(shè)計依據(jù)Arti
4、clee Two Desiign Baasis 21甲方方發(fā)給乙方的的設(shè)計委托書書或中標函。Letter of deesign assiggnmentt or LLetterr of aaccepttance proviided bby thee Partty A tto thee Partty B.22甲方向乙乙方提交的有有關(guān)資料和文文件。Relatedd infoormatiion annd doccumentts subbmitteed by the PParty A.2.33乙方采用的的主要技術(shù)標標準:Main teechniccal sttandarrds addoptedd by
5、tthe Paarty BB can be shhowed as foollowss:幕墻技術(shù)術(shù)要求應符合合國家標準GGB/T 221086-2007建建筑幕墻、JJGJ102220033玻璃幕墻墻工程技術(shù)規(guī)規(guī)范和JGGJ1332001金金屬與石材幕幕墻工程技術(shù)術(shù)規(guī)范、企企業(yè)標準的的相關(guān)要求。 The tecchnicaal reqquiremments of cuurtainn walll shouuld coonformm to rrelevaant reequireementss in NNationnal Sttandarrd GB / T 221086-2007 Buillding
6、Curtaain Waall, JGJ1002-20003 “Teechniccal Coode foor Glaass Cuurtainn Walll Engiineeriing as weell ass JGJ1133-20001 TTechniical CCode ffor Meetal aand Sttone CCurtaiin Wallls Enngineeering and Enterpprise Standdard.合同文件的優(yōu)先先次序構(gòu)成本本合同的文件件可視為是能能互相說明的的,如果合同同文件存在歧歧義或不一致致,則根據(jù)如如下優(yōu)先次序序來判斷:Articlee Threee T
7、hhe doccumentts forrming the CContraact arre to be reegardeed as mutuaally eexplannatoryy of oone annotherr, butt in ccase oof ambbiguitties oor disscrepaanciess, thee prioority of thhe doccumentts shalll be llistedd as ffollowws:311本合同書;The conntractt;32中標函(文文件);Letter of Accceptaance (Documment);3
8、3甲方提出出的書面要求求;Writtenn requuiremeents ssubmittted bby thee Partty A;3.4 招投投標文件(圖圖紙)Tenderiing doocumennt (Drrawinggs);本工程項目的名名稱、規(guī)模、階階段、投資及及設(shè)計內(nèi)容Articlee Fourr Namme, siize, sstagess, invvestmeent annd conntent of deesign in thhis prrojectt. 甲方向乙方提交交的有關(guān)資料料、文件及時時間Articlee Fivee Rellevantt mateerialss, d
9、occumentts andd timee for delivvery oof matterialls andd docuumentss submmittedd by tthe Paarty AA to tthe Paarty BB. 乙方向甲方交付付的設(shè)計文件件、份數(shù)、地地點及時間Articlee Six Desiign doocumennts suubmittted byy the Partyy B too the Partyy A, aand thhe coppies, locattion aand tiime foor delliveryy. 設(shè)計費用Articlee Seveen D
10、eesign Chargges71甲方應向向乙方支付本本合同項目的的設(shè)計費為RRMB 元,(人民民幣大寫: )。The Parrty A shalll pay _RMB (in caapitall lettters) to Paarty BB as tthe deesign chargges off thiss projject iin thee Conttract.2如乙方中標博博世中國研發(fā)發(fā)總部項目幕幕墻工程,本本合同項目的的設(shè)計費將抵抵做中標合同同金額的一部部分。If the Partyy B wiill wiin thee biddding iin thee BOSCCH Chiina
11、 R & D HHeadquuarterrs Currtain Wall Projeect, tthe deesign chargges off projject wwill bbe reggardedd as aa partt of tthe ammount for aawardiing Contracct.設(shè)計費的支付方方式Articlee Eighht Teerms oof Payymentss81本合同生生效后7天內(nèi)內(nèi),甲方向乙乙方預付設(shè)計計費總額的550%,計_元作為定定金,本合同同履行后定金金自動抵作設(shè)設(shè)計費。Within sevenn dayss uponn the effecc
12、tivenness oof thiis Contraact, tthe Paarty AA shalll payy 50% of tootal aamountt for desiggn chaarges in addvancee, nammely_yuuan ass the down paymeent. TThe doown paaymentt shalll be countted ass the desiggn chaarges upon settllementt of tthe Contraact).82乙方提交交本合同規(guī)定定的設(shè)計文件件后,一個月月內(nèi)支付其余余設(shè)計費。After ssub
13、mittted thhe dessign ddocumeents sstipullated in thhe Contraact, tthe Paarty BB shalll payy the rest desiggn chaarges withiin onee montth.雙方責任Articlee Ninee Ressponsiibilitties oof thee Partties91甲方責任任Responssibiliities of thhe Parrty A911甲方方按本合同第第五條規(guī)定內(nèi)內(nèi)容,在規(guī)定定的時間內(nèi)向向設(shè)計人提交交基礎(chǔ)資料及及文件,并對對其完整性、正正確性及時限限負責。
14、甲方方不得要求乙乙方違反國家家有關(guān)標準進進行設(shè)計。甲甲方提交上述述資料及文件件超過規(guī)定期期限,乙方按按本合第六條條規(guī)定的交付付設(shè)計文件時時間順延。The Parrty A shalll submmit baasic mmateriials aand doocumennts too the Desiggner wwithinn speccifiedd periiod ass statted inn Artiicle 55 of tthis CContraact annd shaall bee respponsibble foor thee comppletenness, accurracy aa
15、nd tiime liimit oof thee mateerialss and documments. The Partyy A shhall nnot reequiree the Partyy B too condduct ddesignn in vviolattion oof rellevantt natiional standdards. In ccase tthere is a delayy exceeedingg the speciified time limitt for the ddeliveery off the abovee mateerialss and docummen
16、ts by thhe Parrty A, the time limitt for the ddeliveery off desiign doocumennts suubmittted byy Partty B sshall be exxtendeed acccordinngly; 912甲方方變更委托設(shè)設(shè)計項目、規(guī)規(guī)模、條件或或因提交的資資料錯誤,或或所提交資料料作全套修改改,以致造成成乙方設(shè)計返返工時,雙方方除另行協(xié)商商簽訂補充協(xié)協(xié)議(或加訂訂文件)、重重新明確有關(guān)關(guān)條款外,甲甲方應按乙方方所耗工作量量給予補償。In casee of tthe Paarty BBs ree-work on
17、thhe dessign ccausedd by cchangees of desiggn projeect, ssize aand coonditiions bby thee Partty A oor misstakess of ssubmittted mmateriials, or coomplette revvisionns on ssubmittted mmateriials, the PPartiees shaall cooncludde suppplemeentaryy agreeementt sepaaratelly (orr concclude addittionall agr
18、eeementt) andd redeefine relevvant tterms and ccondittions, and the PParty A shoould ppay chhargess for re-work to thhe Parrty B accorrding to thhe worrkloadd.913在合合同履行期間間,甲方要求求終止或解除除合同,乙方方未開始設(shè)計計工作的,不不退還已付的的定金;已開開始設(shè)計工作作的,甲方應應根據(jù)乙方已已進行的實際際工作量,不不足一半時,按按該階段設(shè)計計費的一半支支付;超過一一半時,按該該階段設(shè)計費費的全部支付付。During the pp
19、erforrmancee of tthe Contraact, iif thee Partty A rrequirres too termminatee or ccancell the Contraact beefore the PParty B staarts the desiggn worrk, thhe Parrty B will not rreturnn the down paymeent allreadyy depoosit ppaid bby thee Partty B; iff the Partyy B haas staarted the ddesignn workk, thee
20、 Partty A sshall pay ffor thhe acttual wworklooad allreadyy donee by tthe Paarty BB. Wheen thee actuual woorkloaad of the ddesignn is lless tthan hhalf oof thee workk at tthe sttage, the PParty A shaall paay hallf of desiggn chaarges at thhe staage. WWhen tthe acctual worklload oof thee desiign iss
21、moree thann halff of tthe woork att the stagee, thee Partty A sshall pay aall thhe chaarges for ddesignn workk at tthe sttage.914甲方方應按本合同同規(guī)定的金額額和日期向乙乙方支付設(shè)計計費,逾期支支付的,每天天承擔應支付付金額百分之之一的違約金金,且乙方提提交設(shè)計文件件的時間順延延。逾期超過過30天以上上時,乙方有有權(quán)暫停履行行下階段工作作,并書面通通知甲方。甲甲方或其他審審批單位對設(shè)設(shè)計文件不審審批或本合同同項目暫停緩緩建,甲方均均應支付應付付的設(shè)計費。9.1.4 T
22、The Paarty AA shouuld paay thee desiign chhargess to tthe Paarty BB baseed on the aamountt and date proviided iin thiis Contracct. Foor oveerdue paymeent, the Partyy A shhould pay 11% of overddue paaymentt as ppenaltty, annd thee timee for delivvery bby thee Partty B sshall be wiill bee exteended ac
23、corrdinglly. If tthe deelay oof thee paymment eexceedds morre thaan 30 days, the Partyy B shhall hhave tthe riight tto susspend the pperforrmancee of tthe woork att the next stagee and give the wwritteen nottice tto thee Partty A. In caase thhe Parrty A or otther aapprovval unnits wwould not aapprov
24、ve thee desiign doocumennts orr the consttructiion off thiss Contraact iss susppendedd, thee Partty A sshouldd alsoo pay the ppayablle dessign cchargees.915甲方方要求乙方在在合同規(guī)定時時間提前交付付設(shè)計文件時時,須征得乙乙方同意,不不得嚴重背離離合理設(shè)計周周期,且甲方方應給予補償償。If the Partyy A reequirees thee Partty B tto delliveryy the desiggn doccumentts
25、in advannce wiithin speciified time, it sshouldd get the pprior conseent off the Partyy B wiithoutt seriious ddeviattion ffrom tthe reeasonaable ddesignn circcle, aand thhe Parrty A shalll pay the ccompennsatioon.916甲方方應為乙方派派駐現(xiàn)場的工工作人員提供供工作、生活活及交通等方方面的便利條條件及必要的的勞動保護裝裝備。The Parrty A shoulld proovide c
26、onveenientt condditionns inccludinng worrking, liviing annd traaffic and sso forrth ass welll as nnecesssary llabor proteectionn equiipmentts forr the workeers whhom thhe Parrty B appoiints tto thee jobssite.92乙方責任任Responssibiliities of thhe Parrty B921乙方方應按國家規(guī)規(guī)定和合同約約定的技術(shù)規(guī)規(guī)范標準進行行設(shè)計,按本本合同第六條條規(guī)定的內(nèi)容容、時
27、間及份份數(shù)向甲方交交付設(shè)計文件件(出現(xiàn)912、9913、9914、9915規(guī)規(guī)定有關(guān)交付付設(shè)計文件順順延的情況除除外)。并對對提交的設(shè)計計文件的質(zhì)量量負責。The Parrty B shoulld carrry ouut dessign wwork iin acccordannce wiith teechniccal sttandarrds prrovideed in natioonal rregulaationss and the CContraact, aand suubmit desiggn doccumentts to the Paarty AA accoordingg to tthe
28、 coontentts、timme、andd copiies sppecifiied inn Articlle Sixx of tthis CContraact(exxcept for tthe ciircumsstancees proovidedd in AArticlle 9112、913、9914、9915 underr whicch thee deliivery of deesign documments may bbe exttendedd ), annd shaall bee respponsibble foor thee quallity oof thee desiign doo
29、cumennts.922設(shè)計計合理使用年年限為25年年(膠、五金金配件等附件件為10年)。The reaasonabble deesign life is 255 yearrs (100 yearrs forr seallant, hardwware ffittinngs annd so forthh).923負責責對外的設(shè)計計資料進行審審查,負責該該合同項目的的設(shè)計聯(lián)絡(luò)工工作。The Parrty B shalll be rresponnsiblee for the iinspecction on fooreignn inveestors dessign mmateriials aand c
30、oontactt on tthe deesign of thhe prooject.924乙方方對設(shè)計文件件出現(xiàn)的遺漏漏或錯誤負責責修改或補充充。The Parrty B shalll be rresponnsiblee for the rrevisiion orr suppplemennt to the mmistakkes orr omisssion of thhe dessign ddocumeents.925由于于乙方原因,延延誤了設(shè)計文文件交付時間間,每延誤一一天,應減收收該項目應收收設(shè)計費的百百分之一。If the delayy for delivveringg desiign d
31、oocumennts iss prodduced by thee Partty B, each day ooverduue willl ressult iin thee reduuctionn of 11% of the ddesignn charrges ffor thhis prrojectt.926合同同生效后,乙乙方要求終止止或解除合同同,乙方應賠賠償甲方十萬萬元人民幣。After tthe coommenccementt of CContraact, iif thee Partty B rrequirres thhe terrminattion oor canncellaation
32、of thhe Contraact, tthe Paarty BB shouuld coompenssate 1100,0000 RMBB for the Paarty AA. 927乙方方交付設(shè)計文文件后,應參參加甲方組織織的有關(guān)單位位/部門的設(shè)設(shè)計審查,并并根據(jù)審查結(jié)結(jié)論負責不超超出原定范圍圍的內(nèi)容做必必要調(diào)整補充充。Upon deeliverry of the ddesignn docuumentss, thee Partty B sshouldd takee partt in tthe innspecttion oon thee desiign byy relaative unitss
33、 /secctionss orgaanizedd by tthe Paarty AA, andd shalll be respoonsiblle forr neceessaryy adjuustmennts annd suppplemeents tto thee conttent wwithinn the origiinal sscope of thhe dessign aaccordding tto thee insppectioon connclusiion. 保密Articlee Ten Connfidenntialiity 雙方均應保護對對方的知識產(chǎn)產(chǎn)權(quán),未經(jīng)對對方同意,任任何一方均不
34、不得對對方的的資料及文件件擅自修改、復復制或向第三三人轉(zhuǎn)讓或用用于本合同項項目外的項目目。如發(fā)生以以上情況,泄泄密方應承擔擔一切由此引引起的后果并并承擔賠償責責任。Both paartiess shalll prottect eeach oothers inttellecctual propeerty rrightss, withoout prrior cconsennt of the oother partyy, neiither partyy can revisse anyy mateerialss and documments, copyy or ttransffer too a thh
35、ird pparty or usse forr the projeect otther tthan tthat oof thiis Conntractt. In case of thhe aboove ciircumsstancees, the discllosingg partty shaall bee respponsibble foor anyy conssequennces tthey rresultted annd shaall beear thhe rellevantt comppensattion. 第十一條 爭爭議Articlee Elevven DDisputtes凡因本合同
36、引起起的或與本合合同有關(guān)的任任何爭議,由由雙方當事人人協(xié)商解決,協(xié)協(xié)商不成的:Any dissputess arissing oout off thiss Contraact orr relaated to this contrract, both ppartiees shoould rresolvve theem thrrough consuultatiion. WWhere the ddisputtes caan nott be ssettleed by mediaation:由建設(shè)行政主管管部門調(diào)解;To be ssubmittted tto thee consstructtion aa
37、dminiistrattive ddeparttment for mmediattion. 調(diào)解不成的,向向當?shù)厝嗣穹ǚㄔ禾崞鹪V訟訟。If failling tto reaach ann amiccable settllementt agreeementt, thee partties sshall applyy to llocal peoplles ccourt.第十二條 合合同生效及其其他Articlee Twellve Contrract EEffecttiveneess annd Misscellaaneouss121甲方要要求乙方派專專人長期駐施施工現(xiàn)場進行行配合與解決決有關(guān)問題時時
38、,雙方應另另行簽訂技術(shù)術(shù)咨詢服務合合同。As per the rrequesst of the PParty A forr disppatch of peersonnnel too stayy longg on cconstrructioon sitte so as too coorrdinatte andd solvve rellevantt issuues, tthe inndividdual ttechniical cconsulltant serviice Contraact shhall bbe siggned bby botth parrties.122乙方為為本合同項目目的服務至
39、幕幕墻報批結(jié)束束為止。The serrvice proviided bby thee Partty B wwill bbe conncludeed untill the complletionn of ssubmisssion and aapprovval foor currtain wall.123本工程程項目中,乙乙方不得指定定建筑材料、設(shè)設(shè)備的生產(chǎn)廠廠或供貨商。甲甲方需要乙方方配合建筑材材料、設(shè)備的的加工訂貨時時,所需費用用由甲方承擔擔。In the projeect, tthe Paarty BB shalll nott appooint mmanufaactureers orr su
40、ppplierss of cconstrructioon matterialls andd equiipmentts. Whhere tthere is a necesssity that the PParty B shaall coooperaate wiith thhe Parrty A in orrderinng thee proccess oof connstrucction materrials and eequipmments, the relevvant eexpensses shhall bbe paiid by Partyy A.1224甲方委委托乙方配合合引進項目的的設(shè)計任
41、務,從從詢價、對外外談判、國內(nèi)內(nèi)外技術(shù)考察察直至建成投投產(chǎn)的各個階階段,應吸收收承擔有關(guān)設(shè)設(shè)計任務的設(shè)設(shè)計人員參加加。出國考察察費用由甲方方承擔。The Parrty A entruusts tthe Paarty BB to ccooperrate wwith tthe enngineeering work of immporteed prooject and ddesignn perssonnell undeertakiing reelevannt dessign aassignnment shalll be iincludded inn all stagees froom enqquir
42、y, busiiness negottiatioon, doomestiic andd overrseas technnical inspeectionn untiil thee prodductioon perriod. The eexpensses foor oveerseass insppectioon willl be paid by Paarty AA.1255甲方委托乙乙方承擔本合合同內(nèi)容以外外的工作服務務,需另行簽簽訂協(xié)議并支支付費用。Additioonal aagreemment ffor anny othher seervicee, whiich thhe Parrty A
43、entruusts tthe Paarty BB to pprovidde, hooweverr, outt of tthe sccope oof thee Conttract, shalll be signeed andd the paymeent shhall bbe paiid corrrespoondinggly.1226由于不不可抗力因素素致使合同無無法履行時,雙雙方應及時協(xié)協(xié)商解決。For anyy faillure tto perrform any tterm oor connditioon of this Contrract ddue too the forcee majeeure, both partiies shhall, in goood faaith, attemmpt to
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