1、答案速對PartIIListeningComprehension【SectionA】1-7BBADDAC【SectionB】8-15ABCDAADC【SectionC】16-25DBDCBABADCPartIIIReadingComprehension【SectionA】2630KEOLD 3135GHCFN【SectionB】3640FCIJD4145KBEKH【SectionC】4650CABAC 5155CBDDA答案PartIWriting【參考范文】As knowledge and experience serve as twin towers in problem-solving,
2、 one is oftenpresented with two major paths that pave the way for final fulfillment, either to wrack hisbrain, just like what happened to Neutron, siting for many years under an apple tree andeventually figuring out one of the greatestuniversal rules that govern the whole globe, orto seek for others
3、 wisdom through their advice, just as in the case of Benjamin Franklin,gathering great minds under one roof and then establishing a most world-renown library.Bothways work. When a practical goalis involved, however,Benjamin Franklinmay bestbe regardedas a role model in this respect and asking people
4、 for advice often turn out tobetheprimealternative.Experience and knowledge borrowed or learned from others advice contributegreatly to effectiveness and efficiency for a goal-accomplishment. Not all experience andknowledge related to problem-solving can be obtained by personal effort alone due toli
5、mitations of mind and capabilities of each individual. A single thought in someonesmind is, more often than not, far less shining compared with groups wisdom. Thatexplains the famous old saying that one sees further when standingupon the shouldersofpastgreatgiants;thatexplainswhyagreatleaderisalways
6、withgreaterminds;thatalsoexplains why teamwork in corporation is highly emphasized in the 21st century.Brainstorm and exchange of ideas between different thoughts never fail to enhancecapabilities of each individual involved, a team, a company, an institution, a country, oreventheentireglobalvillage
7、.Asking others advice instead of getting everything done on ones own promotesdemocracy and communication too. In terms of democracy, it is necessary to give others1rights and chances to speak since the problem may concern them in different ways, andtheir saying in turn reflectsour respect towardfree
8、domof speech as well as their wisdom.In terms of communication, idea exchange sometimes focuses more than solutions, andhereby better mutual understanding about perspectives, principles, practicalities andpersonalitiesofeachother.Admittedly turning to others for help and suggestion by no means refer
9、s to absoluteand irresponsible dependence.Considerationupon differentthoughts and ideas broadensour mind, enlarges our vision, furthers understanding, enhances more effective andefficient brainstorm, and stresses mutual respect in groups and communities, whichundoubtedly gives rise to better,if not
10、the best solutions. As is paraphrased from John FKennedy,brainstormed,thereislittlewecannotdowhiledivided,thereislittlewecando.PartIIListeningComprehensionSectionANewsReportOne(1) Scientists have discovered the species of songbird that performs a tap dance sofast that it cant be seen by the naked ey
11、e of human beings. Researchers from Japan andGermany slow down footage of the blue songbirds during courtship. Heres our sciencereporter Jonathan Web. Now, theyve discovered that tap dance is in the course ofcourtship of both male and female blue songbirds. This is very obvious in the process ofthe
12、songbirds expressing love to each other. (2)The next step for the researchers is todiscover the relationship between courtship and this fancy footwork, such as whether thebirds mate is courted by the sight, the sound or the vibrations of this fancy footwork.Such is the agility of the songbirds show-
13、stopping quickstep that could only be fullyappreciatedinsuperslowmotion.ThatsthelatestBBCnews.Questions1and2arebasedonthenewsreportyouhavejustheard.1. Whydoesthenakedeyeseldomseethedanceofthesongbirds?B)2. Whatshouldtheresearchersdonext?B)NewsReportTwo(3) The World Bank has warned that 100 million m
14、ore people will be pushed intopoverty by 2030 unless action is taken to prevent global warming. It says global warmingwill ravage crops and fuel the spread of malaria and other diseases. Laura Becca reportsfromWashington. TheWorldBanksays thatclimatechange isalreadyhaving aneffectonthepoorest people
15、 whowere struggling toraise crops inextreme weather and lowrainfall.They say the worlds poorest receive fewer resources and are woefully unprepared to dealwith further Climate Shocks such as rising seas or severe drought. (4) Theyre calling formore to be done to help those in need and they want worl
16、d leaders to act to reducecarbon emissions. That report had been released just a few weeks before a UN ClimateSummitinParis.Questions3and4arebasedonthenewsreportyouhavejustheard.3. Whatwillmakemorepeoplebecomepoorby2030?A)4. Whatshouldworldleadersdo?D)NewsReportThreeTherere reports of fights at an A
17、ustralian immigration detention center on ChristmasIsland following the death of a refugee. (5) Australian media say the fights started after anargument between a prisoner and a guard about the death. Jon Donnison reports fromSydney. The Australian Immigration Ministry has confirmed there have been
18、what itcalls disturbances at the Christmas Island detention center. There are reports somesecurity guards abandoned their positions with fences torn down and fires lit. FazelChegeni was found dead at the bottom of a cliff after he apparently managed to escapefrom the centre on Friday. (6)Around 200
19、shelter-seekers are held on Christmas Islandwhich is one of several offshore detention centers operated by Australia. (7)The countryhas been widely criticized by human rights groups for its treatment of the shelter-seekersbutthe government here says its tough polices have worked and stopped people t
20、rying toreachAustraliashoresbyboat.Questions5to7arebasedonthenewsreportyouhavejustheard.5. Howdidthefightstakeplace?D)6. HowmanyrefugeesareheldonChristmasIsland?A)7. WhatisAustraliacriticizedfor?C)SectionBConversationOneM Laura,whatareyoubusydoing?W (8)Imworkingonmyreportongenderdifferenceswiththere
21、sultsofmysurvey.M Oh?Whatarefindings?Aretherereallyalotofdifferencesbetweenmenandwomen?WYou bet there are. For example, (9)in a lot of mens minds, women tend to be reallytalkative and some would describe their wives as chatterboxes. They say their wives saymanythingssofastthattheygetlostinthemiddleo
22、ftheconversation.MOh,dear. That s too bad. But that is only mens feelings. Do you find that women dotalksomuch?Well, it all depends. Actually, my research findings are that men and women simplyWhave different ways of talking. (10)Men do the public talking well and women often do theprivatetalking.M
23、Sorry,Ilosetrackofyourwords.Privatetalking?Whatsthat?W Thatistosay,(10)formostwomen,thelanguageofconversationisprimarilyawayofestablishingconnectionsandrelationships.Butformostmen,talkisprimarilyameanstostayindependentandmaintainstatusinthesocialorder.M Isee.Mendohavehighersocialstatusthanwomen.WBut
24、 nowadays, (11)more and more women are doing better and better in the society.For example, in some Latin American countries, there are female defense ministers and inAmerica,therearefemaleSecretariesofState.M Butdoyoufeelthatmenandwomenareequallytreatedinthemodernsociety?W Accordingto myresearch, th
25、erestill alot ofinequalities inboth developingcountriesandtheindustrialones.Butfortunately,thingsarechangingforthebetter.Questions8to11arebasedonthenewsreportyouhavejustheard.8. Whatisthewomanbusydoing?A)9. Whatdomenthinkoftheirwivesingeneral?B)10. Whatcanwelearnaboutpeopleswaysoftalking?C)11. Whyar
26、efemaledefenseministersmentionedintheconversation?D)ConversationTwoM Hi,Ruby,haveyouheardthatthereisgoingtobearobotshowatthemuseum?W Yes.Andtheysaystudentscangethalf-pricetickets.Sam,areyouplanningtogo?MYes. (15) And I have invited my girlfriend to go with me. (14)So I wonder if I couldborrowyourcar
27、thisSunday.W Well,wouldyoupleasewaitjustamomentandletmecheckmyschedule?M OK.WWell, (12)today is Friday and Ted wants to meet with me on Sunday, so that we cantalk about next weeks experiment. But I guess I can call him and put it off to the nextMonday. The experiment is on Wednesday. Um, Sam, (15)do
28、 you mind me joining you togototherobotshow?Oryouwantittobeatripwithyourgirlfriendonly?M Areyoukidding?OfcourseIdontmind.Bytheway,wecanhavelunchtogetherattheMexico restaurant just next to the museum. I heard they have really nice food and thepriceisnthigh.(13)Thatwillbemytreat.W Ithinkitsbetterifweg
29、oDutch.M (13)Idowanttopayforit.Iappreciateyourdrivingustothemuseum.Inthisweather,wewouldshakealloverifwehavetowaitforthebus.W: Allright,then.(14)(15)Illpickyouupat800 Sundaymorning.Then,wecanpickupyourgirlfriendatabout8:20.M Thankyou.SeeyouonSunday.W Seeyou.Questions12to15arebasedontheconversationyo
30、uhavejustheard.12. WhatdidRubyplantodoonSunday?A)13. Whowillpayforthelunch?A)14.Whenwilltheygototherobotshow?D)15.Howmanypeoplewillgototherobotshow?C)SectionCPassageOneTo some its a dream job-eating delicious meals for free and then writing about them.But for some food critics, their eyes arent the
31、only thing that gets wide when consider yetanother feast, (16)because the food critics tend to gain weight and become fat. KarenFernau, a food writer for The Arizona Republic, said when she first started her job, shebegan to gain weight. I always looked forward to lunch before this job, then all of
32、asudden lunch was all day every day, she says. Nine years later, keeping her weightsteadyandher health intactisadaily battle.(17)Ifshe knows shewill begoing toa tastingat a bakery or eating a four course meal, she usually eats fruit or salads throughout theday. At one tasting session alone, she says
33、, upward of 1 000 calories is often added to herday. Thats about half of the recommended total calories per day for the average adult.But even through she has devised a special eating method, Fernau says sticking to it is adaily battle. And food editors, writers and critics across the country couldn
34、t agree more.(18)Joe Yonan, a food editor at The Washington Post, has intensified his exercise habitssince he started the job two years ago. Yonan says he realized early that he was gainingweight and promptly hired a personal trainer to meet with three times a week, on top ofhis aerobic training thr
35、ee to five times a week. Still, its a struggle that many Americansmightenvy. After all,its one thing togetyour caloriesfrom lobstertails and quiteanothertogetthemfromsodasandfast-foodburgers.Questions16to18arebasedonthepassageyouhavejustheard.16. Whydoesthespeakersaythefoodcriticseyesarenttheonlythi
36、ngthatgetswide?D)17. WhatisKarenFernauswayofkeepingherweightsteady?B)18. WhatcanweknowaboutYonansjob?D)PassageTwoWhat really works to make sustainable changes in diet and lifestyle? Its probably notwhat you think. (19)Years of clinical research proves that the real keys are pleasure, joyand freedom,
37、 not willpower and hardship. Joy of living is sustainable; fear of dying is not.Why? Because life is to be enjoyed. Theres no point in giving up something you enjoyunless you get something back thats even better, and quickly. (20) When people eat morehealthfully, exercise, quit smoking, manage stres
38、s better, and love more, they find thatthey feel so much better. So quickly, it reconstructs the reason for making these changesfrom fear of dying to joy of living. Fortunately, the latest studies show how powerful themechanisms that control our health and well-being are. (21)When you exercise and e
39、atright, your brain receives more blood flow and oxygen, so you become smarter, thinkmore clearly, have more energy, and need less sleep. (21) Your face receives more bloodflow, so your skin glows more and wrinkles less. You look younger and more attractive. Incontrast, an unhealthy diet, lasting em
40、otional stress and smoking reduce blood flow toyour face so you age more quickly. Smoking accelerates aging because nicotine causesyour blood vessels to become narrower, which decreases blood flow to your face andmakes it wrinkle prematurely. This is why smokers look years older than they really are
41、.One of the most interesting findings was that the mothers perception of stress was moreimportant than was objectively occurring in their lives. In other words, if you feel stressed,youarestressed.Questions19to22arebasedonthepassageyouhavejustheard.19. Whicharethekeystosustainablechangesindietandlif
42、estyle?C)20. Whichofthefollowingpracticescanmakepeoplefeelbetter?B)21. Whatsthebenefitofexercisingandeatingrightaccordingtothepassage?A)22. Whatconclusioncanwedrawfromthepassage?B)PassageThree(23) At no other time in recent history has it been easier or cheaper to start a new kindofcompany, possibly
43、 avery profitablecompany.Lets callthese new companiesLILOs, fora littlein, a lot out. These are web-based businesses that cost almost nothing to get offthe ground yet can turn into great moneymakers. How do you get started? All thatsrequired is a great idea for a product that will fill a need in the
44、 21st century. These daysyoud do best if your idea either makes people money or saves them money. Andlaunching now will make your company stronger lateryoull learn to survive on fumesuntil the economy improves. Thats what John Tayman is doing. Hes an author who livesin San Francisco and writes revie
45、ws for a business magazine. (24) Tayman knew littleabout technology and even less about business. And yet he dreamed of a website thatwould summarize car reviews from other sources and rank every model of new car.Taymansaid he intendedto buildthe siteontheside whilecontinuingtowritefor aliving.Hedwo
46、rkonhisnewcompanyonlyatnightandonweekends.(24)Andhehadonlyabout$10 000. Tayman went to work with nothing more than his laptop, a hyper-organizedfellow. He quickly discovered a bunch of free stuff online-instructional manuals and sitesthat walk you through the process from start to finish. (25)Within
47、 months, Tayman had avirtual staff of 20 employees working for him in five different countries. MotorMwent live in January. Tayman figures he has worked about ten hours a week on it andhasnt spent a cent on marketing or advertising. Growth is modest but steady-nearly 10000peoplevisiteachweek.Questio
48、ns23to25arebasedonthepassageyouhavejusthead.23. Whataretheadvantagesofstartinganewbusinessnow?A)24. WhatdidTaymanhavewhenhestartedhisbusiness?D)25.WhatcanwelearnaboutTaymanswebsitefromthepassage?C)PartReadingComprehensionSectionA26.K 【精】動詞辨題。根子知,處應(yīng)填入動詞。根上下文,子中主語they代上中democrats,Blumenauer動詞形以出,intro
49、duce,介題意,故為答案。andConyers。出這里bill意為案。27.E 【精】形容詞詞辨題。子知,處為表語,填入名詞和形容詞。后介詞on,我們以出這里應(yīng)該填入形容詞。本大意為這個月上旬,他們?nèi)胍话?,大量瀕危蜜,不是因為他們愛毛,是因為大量物依賴于他們授。以出,28.O 【精】謂語動詞狀伴隨,dependent賴于題意,故為答案。動詞辨題??v個子,子不存。處語狀與主以處填入謂語動詞, 導(dǎo)伴隨狀語。 蜜對花做出動作為主動形,以這里為動詞ing形。以出,transferring,播題意, 故為答案。29. L 【精】forth意為長, 則處填入詞也應(yīng)為長、題意,故為答案。動詞辨題。 And
50、前后詞詞一致且詞義相,以處應(yīng)填入動詞。Go增長繁等詞。,30.D 【精】副詞辨題。子知,不乏重。處應(yīng)填入副詞。意,今蜜以一個快速度死去,人十驚。以出,currently前、一般地題意,故為答案。731.G 【精析】 名詞辨析題??崭裉幩诰渥訛閣hich引導(dǎo)定語從句,對前句的colonycollapsedisorder進(jìn)行解釋??茖W(xué)家預(yù)測這場災(zāi)難會造成農(nóng)作物歉收。結(jié)合備選項可以推斷出failure“失敗,減產(chǎn)”符合題意,故為答案。32. H 【精析】 作為后置定故為答案。33. C 【精析】 丁類化合物特殊的殺蟲劑廣泛用于作物在整個項,continent“大洲”符合題意,故為答案。則空格處應(yīng)填
51、入表區(qū)域的名詞。結(jié)合備選34. F 【精析】 名詞辨析題??崭裉幩诰浯笠鉃樯蟼€月在波蘭郊區(qū),超過5萬只大黃蜂受到“暴露在,受到”符合題意,故為答案。35.N 【精析】 空格處可填入修飾bill的形容詞。結(jié)合備選項可以推斷出,temporary“臨時的,暫時的”符合題意,故為答案。SectionB36. 【譯文】與尼安德特人相比,現(xiàn)代人具有能夠創(chuàng)造記憶和回憶它們的特點?!径ㄎ弧坑深}干中的Neanderthals定位到文章F)段最后一句。F)【精析】細(xì)節(jié)歸納題。定位句提到,尼安德特人能夠接受外界的刺激顏色、聲音、氣味但組織和獲取這些信息的方式有限?,F(xiàn)代人的自我意識,不僅是制造記憶的能力,而且是回
52、憶的能力。故本題答案為F)。37. 【譯文】馬龍在他的書中寫道,人類越來越依賴技術(shù)而不是頭腦。 on technology定位到文章C)段首句。C)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,然而,人類越來越依賴數(shù)碼相機,而對我們自己的思想?yún)s越來越少。題干是對這里的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故本題答案為C)。38. 【譯文】古羅馬人有一門學(xué)科,叫做記憶藝術(shù),他們尊重非凡的記憶行為?!径ㄎ弧坑深}干中的The ancientRomans定位到文章I)段首句。I)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,古羅馬人甚至有一門叫做“記憶藝術(shù)”的學(xué)科。題干是對原句的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故本題答案為I)。39.【譯文】馬龍寫道,現(xiàn)在一個人獲取和分析知識的
53、技能比對知識的所有權(quán)更重要。 accessing and analyzingknowledge定位到文章J) 段最后兩句。J) 【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,馬龍認(rèn)為現(xiàn)在重要的不是知識的所有權(quán),而是獲取和分析知識的技能。題干是對原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故本題答案為J)。40. 【譯文】馬龍沒有討論技術(shù)進(jìn)步的更深刻的哲學(xué)影響。8【定位】由題干中的deeper philosophicalimplications定位到文章D)段第三句。D)【精析】細(xì)節(jié)歸納題。定位句中but表否定,說明回避了更深層次的哲學(xué)問題。和題干意思相同,故本題答案為D)。41.【譯文】如果我們過于依賴電子設(shè)備和互聯(lián)網(wǎng),我們可能會有一
54、個更像尼安德特人的世界,而不是更接近一個高科技的理想化的未來?!径ㄎ弧坑深}干中的The French music and famous artisans定位到文章K)段第四句。K) 【精析】細(xì)節(jié)歸納題。定位句提到,我們所有的記憶都存儲在電子設(shè)備上,我們所有的答案都可以通過谷歌搜索得到,這樣的世界更接近穴居人,而不是高科技、理想化的未來。題干是對原文的總結(jié)歸納故本題答案為K)。42. 【譯文】我們不能自動刪除我們的記憶,這有優(yōu)點也有缺點?!径ㄎ弧坑深}干中的erase our memories定位到文章B)段第二句。B)【精析】題干是對定位句的轉(zhuǎn)述,故本題答案為B)。43.【譯文】瑜伽課程中“活在
55、當(dāng)下”的教導(dǎo)很難實現(xiàn),因為人類擁有過去的記憶。the moment定位到文章E)段最后一句。E)但對人類來說,我們?nèi)谌牒蛿[脫過去的能力讓生活既有趣又困難。我們無法完全忘記過去,對應(yīng)了題干。故本題答案為E)。44.【譯文】因為我們?nèi)祟愑袕?fù)雜和個性化的大腦,所以我們有自我的概念?!径ㄎ弧坑深}干中的sophisticatedand personalizedbrains定位到文章K)段首句。K)【精析】細(xì)節(jié)歸納題。定位句人類有自我的概念,一個專屬于我們的主觀世界,這要歸功于我們高度復(fù)雜和個性化的大腦,馬龍將其比作“一棵樹的根和樹枝”。題干是對定位進(jìn)行了歸納和總結(jié),故本題答案為K)。45. 【譯文】亞歷
56、山大圖書館是一個很好的例證,以表明人們對記憶進(jìn)行編目的愿望?!径ㄎ弧坑深}干中的The LibraryofAlexandria定位到文章H)段最后一句。H)【精析】細(xì)節(jié)歸納題。定位句提到,亞歷山大圖書館就是一個例子,人們渴望將共同的記憶編目,并將其安全地置于他們短暫的身體之外。故本題答案為H)。SectionCPassageOne46. 【定位】由題干中的the second paragraph定位到第二段首句。C)【精析】細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,今日美國對美國教育部最新公布的數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行分析后發(fā)現(xiàn),以在線教學(xué)為主的四所大型大學(xué)已迅速成為美國最大的教育學(xué)校。這與選項C)所述的意思一致,故答案為C)。47. 【定位】由題干中的the Phoenix定
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