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1、英文借貸合同實例2006-7-16 10:36【 HYPERLINK javascript:fontZoom(16) 大 HYPERLINK javascript:fontZoom(14) 中 HYPERLINK javascript:fontZoom(12) 小】【 HYPERLINK /jiucuo/ 我要糾錯】LOAN CONTRACTContrract NNumberr:BORROOWER:Addreess:LENDEER:Addreess:In acccordaance wwith pprovissions of Coontracct Laww of tthe Peeopless R

2、epuublic of Chhina aand Baank off Chinna, afteer revviewinng thee stattus annd thee requuest oof thee Borrrower, the Lendeer agrrees tto graant thhe Borrrowerr a liine off creddit onn . Thhe Borrrowerr, Lendder annd Guaarantoor, throough ffrienddly neegotiaation(談判), havee execcuted this Contrract a

3、as folllows:ARTICCLE 1 CURREENCY, AMOUUNT ANND TERRM OF THE LLOAN:1. Thhe Currrencyy undeer thiis loaan is Reimiinbi.2. Thhe Linne of the lloan iis yuaan.3. Thhe perriod oof thiis loaan is 12 moonths from the ddate oof efffectivvenesss of tthis ccontraact.ARTICCLE 2 THE PPURPOSSE OF THE LLOAN:1. Thh

4、e purrpose of thhis looan iss usedd for workiing caapitall turnnover.2. Wiithoutt writtten aapprovval off the Lendeer, the Borroower ccould not uuse thhe loaan outt of tthe sccope oof thee purppose.ARTICCLE 3 INTERREST RRATE AAND CAALCULAATION OF INNTERESST:1. Innteresst ratte: The interrest rrate s

5、shall be * DDuringg the loan term, if tthe coountryys rellated authoority adjussted tthe innteresst ratte or the mmannerr of ccalcullationn of iintereest, the interrest oof thiis conntractt shalll be adjussted aaccorddinglyy afteer onee yearr fromm the date of exxecutiion off thiss conttract.The aad

6、justtment shalll be cconduccted wwhen tthe innteresst ratte aree execcuted one yyear.IIt is not oobligeed to inforrm thee Borrrower when the aadjusttment of innteresst.2. Thhe intterestt shalll be calcuulatedd fromm the date of fiirst ddrawdoown annd thee actuual daays thhe borrrowerr use. One year

7、shalll be ccalcullated as 3660 dayys.3. Thhe payyment of innteressts: The Borroower sshall pay tthe innteressts peer quaarter. The paymeent daate shhall bbe , and. If tthe paaymentt for the llast iinstalllmentt is nnot onn the paymeent daate,the iintereests sshall deducct thee inteerest from the bba

8、nk aaccounnt of the BBorrowwer. IIn thee evennt thaat thee Borrrower failss to ppay thhe intterestts on time and tthe baalancee of tthe acccountt of tthe Boorroweer is not eenoughh for the ppaymennt of interrest, the Lendeer shaall haave riights to coollectt a peenaltyy beinng * off the outsttandinn

9、g amoount pper daay forr the Borroowers breacch of contrract.ARTICCLE 4 OVERDDUE INNTERESSTS ANND MISSUSINGG INTEERESTSS1. Iff the Borroower ffails to reepay tthe looan annd cann not reachh a aggreemeent wiith thhe Lennder rregardding tthe exxtensiion, the Lendeer shaall coollectt an ooverduue penna

10、lty for * of thhe oveerdue amounnt perr day.2. Iff the Borroower ffails to usses thhe loaan in accorrdancee withh the proviisionss set forthh in tthis ccontraact, the Lendeer shaall haave riight tto chaarge aa inteerestss for the mmisusiing paart att a raate off * perr day.ARTICCLE 5 ACCOUUNTThe BBo

11、rrowwer shhall oopen RReiminnbi baasic aaccounnt andd/or fforeiggn currrencyy accoount aat thee Lendder orr Lendders bbranchh for the uuse off draww-downn, repaaymentt,paymeent off inteerestss and fees.ARTICCLE 6 DRAW-DOWN1. Thhe loaan undder thhis coontracct is revollving, the balannce off thiss co

12、nttract shalll not more than the lline oof creedit.2. Thhe Borrrowerr shalll sennd a ddraw-ddown aappliccationn as tthe foorm heerein attacched iin thiis conntractt 7 daays beefore the ddate oof draaw-dowwn.3. Thhe Borrrowerr shalll nott draww the loan less than 1 milllion.ARTICCLE 7 CONDIITIONSS FO

13、R DRAW-DOWNThe ffollowwing ccondittions shalll be ssatisffied iin advvance of thhe draaw-dowwn datte:1. Thhe Borrrowerr has openeed forreign accouunt annd Reiiminbii accoount aat thee offiice off the Lendeer or the bbranchh of tthe Leender;2. Thhis coontracct andd the appenndicess havee beenn effeec

14、tivee;3. Thhe Borrrowerr has proviided tthe reecogniition of thhe invvestmeent orr certtificaate off the invesstmentt to tthe Leender;4. Thhe Borrrowerr has proviided tthe booard rresoluution and ppower of atttorneey reggardinng thiis loaan conntractt;5. Thhe Borrrowerr has proviided tthe liist annd

15、 thee signnaturee sampple off the authoorizedd persson whho emppower to siign thhis coontracct andd docuumentss;6. Thhe Guaarantyy undeer thiis conntractt has been effecctive;7. Thhe Borrrowerr has been satissfied the wwarrannts unnder AArticlle 11 of thhis coontracct;8. Thhe othher reequireement fo

16、r tthe drraw-doown haave beeen saatisfiied.ARTICCLE 8 REPAYYMENT PLAN AND PPREPAYYMENT1. Thhe Borrrowerr shalll reppay thhe loaan in accorrdancee withh the statuus of its ccash. The BBorrowwer shhall iinformm the Lendeer thee paymment aamountt and date * prioor to make the ppaymennt. Thhe Borrrowerr

17、 shalll be obligged too repaay theeprinccipal and rrelateed intterestts on due ddate wwithouut anyy condditionn.2. Thhe payyment made by thhe Borrrowerr and the ddeducttion ffrom tthe acccountt of tthe Boorroweer shaall bee usedd for repayying tthe innteresst at firstt and then for rrepayiing thhe p

18、riincipaal.3. Inn the eventt the Borroower ffails to reepay tthe looan, the Lendeer shaall haave riights to deeduct the ddebt ffrom tthe baank acccountt of tthe Boorroweer at the LLenderr or eempoweer thee brannches of thhe Lennder tto dedduct tthe deebt frrom thhebank accouunt off the Borroower aat

19、 thee Lendders bbranchhes;4. Thhe insstallmment oof reppaymennt shaall noot lesss thaan 1 mmillioon.ARTICCLE 9 DEBT CERTIIFICATTEThe LLenderr shalll keeep reccord iin thee Lendders aaccounnt forr the princcipal,interrests and ffees aand otther ffees oof thee Borrrower underr thiss conttract; The abo

20、vee menttionedd recoord annd thee docuumentaation for tthe drraw-doown, repaaymentt and paymeent off inteerest is thhe cerrtificcates of thhe debbts beetweenn the Borroower aand thhe Lennder.ARTICCLE 100 GUARRANTY1. (tthe GGuaranntor) shalll be the gguaranntor ffor thhe loaan undder thhis coontracct

21、 andd takee joinntly lliabillitiess.2. Duuring the tterm oof thiis conntractt, if tthe guuaranttors ffinanccial sstatuss becoome deeteriooratedd or tthe liiabiliities for rrepaymment oof debbts beecome weak, the Lendeer shaall haave riight tto reqquest the BBorrowwer chhangess guarrantorr or pprovid

22、de morrtgagee and pawn securred foor thiis loaan undder thhis coontracct.ARTICCLE 111 REPRRESENTTATIONNS ANDD WARRRANTIEESI. Thhe Borrrowerrs reppresennts annd warrrantss as ffollowws:1. Thhe Borrrowerr is aa comppany dduly oorganiized aand vaalidlyy exissting underr the law oof thee Peopples RRepub

23、llic off Chinna andd has the ppower and aauthorrity tto ownn its propeerty tto connsummaate thhe traansacttions conteemplatted inn thiss conttract and jjoin tthe liitigattion. The BBorrowwer haas thee poweer to handlle it assetts useed in operaation.2. Thhe Borrrowerr is aat itss optiion too signn a

24、nd perfoorm thhis coontracct.It is thhe Borrrowerrs truue meaaning and hhas thhe powwer too signn thiss conttract and iit is not bbreachh it aarticlle of assocciatioon or regullationns or contrracts. The proceedure for ssignatture aand peerformmance of thhis coontracct hass beenn gonee throough aand

25、 fuully eeffecttiveneess.3. Thhe alll docuumentss, mateerialss, repoorts aand ceertifiicatess provvided to thhe Lennder bby thee borrrower for cconsummmatioon of this contrract iis truue, reall, comppete aand efffectiive4. Thhe Borrrowerr shalll nott concceal tthe foollowiing evvents whichh is bbein

26、g happeened oor havve beeen happpenedd whicch willl cauuse thhe Lennder rrefusee to eextendd the loan:(1) TThe Boorroweer or the pprinciipal eexecuttives of thhe Borrrowerr invoolve iin matteriall evennts whhich bbreachh reguulatioons, lawss or ccompennsatioon to otherrs;(2) PPendinng acttions and a

27、arbitrrationn;(3) TThe Boorroweers deebts oor prooposedd debtts or lienss and otherr encuumbrannces;(4) TThe otther mmatterrs willl imppact tthe fiinanciial sttatus or abbilitiies off repaaymentt for the ddebts;(5) TThe Boorroweer breeachedd conttract whichh is bbetweeen thee Borrrower and oother cr

28、ediitors.II. TThe Boorroweer herreby wwarrannts ass folllows:1. Ussing tthe caapitall of tthe looan ass usagge sett fortth in this contrract, the Borroower wwill nnot usse thee loann as EEquityy inveestmennt; The Borroower wwill nnot usse thee capiital oof thee loann inveest inn secuurity, futuure,

29、reall estaate ettc. Thhe Borrrowerr willl not lend to thhe othhers pprivattely oor invvolvinng othher maaters whichh is pprohibbited by thhe couuntry. The Borroower wwill nnot miisusinng or approopriattion oof thee loann.2. Maaking paymeent annd rellated expennses iin acccordannce wiith thhe proovis

30、ioons seet forrth inn thiss conttract;3. Prrovidiing uppdatedd finaanciall stattementt or ffinanccial bbullettin evvery qquarteer; Provvidingg the auditted fiinanciial reeport at thhe firrst quuart oof eacch yeaar; Provvidingg operrationn repoort, finaanciall repoort orr otheer filles annd matterial

31、ls andd shalll warrrant the rrealitty, corrrect aand efffectiivenesss forr the filess and materrials;4. Anny antti-guaarantyy or oother simillar doocumennts wiill noot makke anyy impaact onn the rightts andd beneefits of thhe Lennders;5. Accceptiing thhe suppervission oof thee Lendder, provvides ass

32、isstancee and coopeeratioon forr the Lendeers suuperviisionss;6. Wiill noot redduce tthe reegistrrationn capiital; Prioor appprovall fromm the lendeer shaall bee requuired when the BBorrowwer chhangess of ssharehholderrs andd operrationn mannner(incluuding but nnot liimitedd to jjoint ventuure, coop

33、peratiion,jointtly coooperaation; disssolutiion, clossedownn, liquuidatiion, trannsformmationn; mergger; channge too sharre commpany, use the hhousinng, machhineryy or oother real assetts or tradeemark, inteellecttual pproperrty, Knowwhow, landding uusing rightts or otherr intaangiblle asssets tto i

34、nvvest iin shaare coompanyy or iinvesttment compaany, tradding oof opeeratioon rigght orr own rightt by ccontraactingg, joinnt opeeratioon, trussteeshhip)7. Thhe Borrrowerr shalll infform tthe Leender and wwarrannts thhe liaabilitty undder itts seccurityy willl not more than net aassetss of tthe Boo

35、rroweer wheen thee Borrrower guaraantee for oother partyy or mmortgaage itts asssets. The BBorrowwer waarrantts thaat willl nott disppose tthe asssets whichh willl makee adveerse iimpactt on iits abbilityy of ppayingg debtts.8. Thhe Borrrowerr willl not pay tthe otther ssimilaar loaans prrior tto th

36、ee Lendder;9. Thhe Borrrowerr warrrants to innform the LLenderr immeediateely whhen thhe folllowinng eveents ooccurrred:(1) TThe evvent oof breeach oof conntractt undeer thiis conntractt or oother loan or guuarantty conntractts bettween the BBorrowwer annd anyy brannches of Baank off Chinna or other

37、r bankks, non-bank finanncial organnizatiion;(2) TThe Boorroweer chaanges shareeholdeers orr reviise thhe artticle of asssociaation;(3) TThe Boorroweer sufffer ddifficcultiees andd bad resullt in finanncial and ooperattion;(4) TThe Boorroweer invvolvess in mmateriial acctionss or aarbitrrationn;10.

38、TThe Boorroweer shaall keeep suufficiient bbalancce forr repaaymentt prioor * too the due ddate.11. TThe Boorroweer shaall keeep itts bannk traansacttions regarrding incomme colllectiion, selll foreeign ccurrenncy orr buy foreiign cuurrenccy ectt. Shaall bee condductedd at tthe Leender or otther bbr

39、anchhes off the Lendeer. Thhe turrn-oveer forr the capittal shhall ssatisffy thee demaand off the Lendeer;III. The BBorrowwers rrepressentattions and wwarrannts heereundder thhis coontracct shaall bee effeectivee evenn thouugh anny menndmentt, suppplemennts orr reviised tto be made to thhis coontrac

40、ct.ARTICCLE 122 REPRRESENTTATIONNS ANDD WARRRANTS OF THHE LENNDERI. Thhe Lennder rrepressents and wwarrannts ass folllows:1. Thhe Lennder iis a sstate-ownedd commmerciaal bannk or brancch dully orgganizeed andd valiidly eexistiing unnder tthe laaw of P.R.CC and approoved bby thee Induustry and CComm

41、errcial Adminnistraation and hholds the ffinanccial iinstittutionns leggal peerson licennses aand fiinanciial innstituutionss operrationn liceense tto be qualiified to opperatee finaanciall busiiness.2. Thhe Lennder hhas taaken aall neecessaary acction to auuthoriize thhe exeecutioon of this contrra

42、ct aand peerformmance of itts oblligatiions uunder this contrract. The LLenderr is dduly aauthorrized to exxtend this loan.II. TThe Leender warraants aas folllows:1. Thhe Lennder sshall extennd thee loann in aaccorddance with the pprovissions set fforth in thhis Coontracct.2. Coollectt inteerestss i

43、n aaccorddance with the rregulaationss of tthe Peeopless Bankk.ARTICCLE 133 EVENNTS OFF BREAACH COONTRACCT ANDD SETTTLEMENNT:I. Seettlemment oof thee Borrrower breacch of contrract1. Evvent oof breeach oof conntractt:(1) TThe Boorroweer faiils too use the lloan iin acccordannce wiith thhe agrreed uu

44、sage of thhe Loaan;(2) TThe Boorroweer faiils too repaay thee due princcipal and ppay thhe intterestts, expeenses or otther ppayablle in accorrdancee withh the agreeed terrm of this contrract;(3) TThe Boorroweer breeachess the repreesentaation and wwarrannts seet forrth inn Artiicle 111.(4) TThe Boo

45、rroweer breeachess otheer loaan agrreemennts orr guarranty agreeementss or tthe Guuaranttor brreach the gguarannty aggreemeent whhich mmay maake immpact the BBorrowwer too perfform tthe obbligattions underr thiss conttract.(5) CConcluusive evideence tto shoow thaat thee Borrrower lose the ccapaciity

46、 off creddit orr duriing peerformmance of thhe oblligatiion unnder tthis ccontraact, the finanncial condiitionss of tthe Guuaranttor arre serriouslly detteriorratingg or oother reasoons caaused the GGuaranntor tthe caapacitty of crediit deccline.(6) TThe Boorroweer breeachess the otherr obliigatioon

47、s unnder tthis ccontraact.2. Unnder tthe abbove ccircummstancces, the Lendeer shaall haave riight tto:(1) RRequesst thee Borrrower to reectifyy withhin thhe perriod ddesignned byy the Lendeer;(2) CCease in exxtendiing thhe loaan or canceel thee creddit;(3) DDeclarre thee loann undeer thiis conntract

48、t is ddue annd thee Lendder shhall hhave rright to deeduct the ooutstaandingg amouunt frrom thhe acccount of thhe Borrrowerr. Thee Borrrower shalll not appeaal agaainst the LLenderr.(4) DDeclarre thee loann is ddue unnder oother loan agreeementss betwween tthe Leender and tthe Boorroweer, requuest t

49、the Boorroweer to repayy the loan princcipalss, inteerestss, and otherr expeenses.II. TThe seettlemment ffor thhe Lennder bbreachh of tthe coontracct1. Thhe Lennder ffails to exxtend the lloan aas agrreed iin thiis conntractt withhout aany reeasonss;2. Thhe Lennder bbreachhes thhe agrreed iintereest

50、 raate annd colllectiion addd intterestts or otherr feess;3. Thhe Lennder bbreachhes thhe proovisioons seet forrth inn Artiicle 112;4. Unnder tthe abbove ccircummstancces, the Borroower sshall have rightt to:(1) RRequesst thee Lendder too recttify;(2) RRepay the lloan aahead of tiime annd reffuse tt

51、o payy any compeensatiion foor preepaymeent.ARTICCLE 144 DEDUUCTIONNThe BBorrowwer shhall ppay inn fulll for the ppaymennt witthout any ccounteeractiion orr any condiition.ARTICCLE 155 ASSIIGNMENNT OF THE DDEBT AAND CRREDIT1. Thhe Borrrowerr shalll nott assiign itts rigght annd liaabilitty undder th

52、his coontracct to otherr thirrd parrty wiithoutt any writtten appprovaal of the LLenderr;2. Inn the eventt the Borroower aassignn its rightt and liabiility underr thiss conttract to otther tthird partyy undeer thee writtten cconsennt of the LLenderr, the thirdd partty shaall abbide tthis ccontraact

53、wiithoutt any condiition.ARTICCLE 166 PERFFORMANNCE OFF OBLIIGATIOON ANDD WAIVVER OFF RIGHHTS1. Thhe Borrrowerr is iindepeendentt conttractoor undder thhis coontracct,it wiill noot imppact bby anyy otheer rellationns bettween the BBorrowwer wiith otther pparty exceppt thee otheer proovisioons seet f

54、orrth inn thiss conttract.2. Thhe Lennder ggive aany exxtensiion, toleeratioon, favoor to the BBorrowwer orr permmit thhe Borrrowerr to ddelay of peerformmance any oobligaation underr thiss conttract shalll not impaiir anyy righhts off the Lendeer in accorrdancee withh thiss conttract and llaws, reg

55、uulatioon, it sshall be deeemed to haave waaived its rrightss undeer thiis conntractt and the oobligaation shalll be pperforrmed bby thee Borrrower underr thiss conttract.ARTICCLE 177 AMENNDMENTT, SUPPPLEMENNT ANDD INTEERPRETTATIONN OF TTHE COONTRACCT1. Thhis coontracct couuld bee amennded aand suup

56、plemmentedd uponn the writtten aggreemeents cconcluude byy the partiies. AAny a amenddment and ssuppleement shalll be iintegrral paarty oof thiis conntractt.2. Inn the eventt channge off lawss, reguulatioons orr legaal praacticee whicch willl cauuse anny terrms coontainned inn thiss Conttract becomm

57、e illlegal, invaalid oor losss of practtice, the otherr partt of tthis ccontraact shhall nnot bee impaaired by itt. Thee bothh partties sshall make efforrts too channge thhe illlegal, invaalid oor losss of practtice ppart.3. Foor thee mattters nnot reeferreed in this contrract sshall be coonstruued

58、inn accoordancce witth thee provvisionns of the PPeoplees Bannk of Chinaa.ARTICCLE 188 DISPPUTE RRESOLUUTION, GOVEERNINGG LAW AND WWAIVERR OF EEXEMPTTION1. Thhe connclusiion, inteerprettationn and dispuute reesoluttion sshall be suubjectt to tthe Laaws off the Peoplles Reepubliic of Chin. The dispuu

59、tes aarisinng froom thee execcutionn of tthis ccontraact shhall bbe setttled throuugh frriendlly connsultaation by booth paartiess. In case no seettlemment ccan bee reacched, the dispuutes sshall be suubmittted too the Peoplles Coourt oof thee locaation of thhe Lennder ffor juudgmennt.2. Thhe Borrro

60、werr shalll nott rejeect anny oblligatiion duuring the ssettleement of diisputees.3. Thhe exeecutioon andd perfformannce off thiss conttract and tthe reelatedd trannsactiion iss civiil behhaviorr. Thee Borrrower shalll not appeaal to take actioon to exemppt froom thee obliigatioon undder thhis coont


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