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1、 HYPERLINK /c.php?t=blog&k=%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%C8%A8%D7%AA%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD%D0%AD%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BD&ts=bpost&stype=tag 股權轉讓協(xié)議 (中英文) EQUITY TRANSFER SHARE本股權轉讓協(xié)議議(以下稱“本協(xié)議”)由以下各各方于20111年 月 日在北京簽簽署:This Eqquity Interrest TTransffer Aggreemeent (hhereinnafterr refeerred to ass “thiis Agrreemennt”) iis m

2、adde on , by and bbetweeen thee folllowingg partties:甲方:Parrty A乙方:Partty B以上甲方稱“轉轉讓方”,乙方稱“受受讓方”,各各簽署方單獨獨稱為“各方”。The aboove paartiess hereeinaftter arre refferredd to aas “Paartiess” colllectiively and aas “Paarty” indivviduallly. PParty A herreinaffter iis refferredd to aas “Trransfeeror”, Partty B

3、hhereinnafterr is rreferrred too as “Transferee”.鑒于:WHERREAS(1) 甲方于 年 月 日投資設立立北京幸運南南風餐飲管理理有限公司,公公司注冊資本本為100.01萬元人人民幣,已全全部繳清。1. Partty A eestabllishedd Beijjing XXinyunnnanfeeng Reestaurrant MManageement Co., Ltd oon . The regissteredd capiital oof thee comppany iis 1000,000,001RMMB, whhich hhas beee

4、n fuully ppaid-uup. Paarty AA holdds 50% of tthe shhares in thhe commpany respeectiveely.(2)甲方擬出出售其現(xiàn)持有有 的公司股權權;受讓方愿愿意購買轉讓讓方欲出售的的股權。2. Parrty A now iintendds to sell his % ccompanny shaares; Partyy B iss willling tto buyy the sharees.甲乙雙方現(xiàn)根據據中華人民民共和國合同同法以及相相關法律法規(guī)規(guī)的規(guī)定,本本著平等互利利、友好協(xié)商商的原則,達達成如下協(xié)議議,以茲共同遵遵

5、守:NOW, aaccordding tto thee Conttract Law oof thee Peopples Repubblic oof Chiina annd othher reelatedd lawss and regullationns, annd in consiiderattion oof thee premmises and mmutuall coveenantss hereein coontainned, tthe Paartiess agreee as folloows:第一條 轉讓條件和和價款支付ARTICLLE 1 EQUITTY INTTERESTT TRANN

6、SFER1.1 依依據本協(xié)議條條款,甲方同同意將其持有有的公司1000%股權出出售于受讓方方;受讓方同同意購買該全全部股權。1.1 Subbject to thhe terrms off thiss Agreeementt, Traansferror heereby agreees to sell % ccompanny shaares tto Traansferree, aand Trransfeeree aagreess to ppurchaase frrom Trransfeerors the TTransfferredd Equiity Innteresst herreundeer.1

7、.2 本本協(xié)議生效后后,原公司章章程終止,應應依據相應法法律法規(guī)重新新制定公司章章程。1.2 UUpon tthe Efffectiive Daate off thiss Agreeementt, thee Artiicles of Asssociaation shalll termminatee. A nnew Arrticlees of Assocciatioon shaall bee conccludedd in aaccorddance with relevvant llaws aand reegulattions in Chhina.1.3 依依據本協(xié)議條條款,甲方將將其擁有的北北京

8、幸運南方方餐飲管理有有限公司1000%的股權權,作價 萬元人民幣幣轉讓給乙方方。1.3 SSubjecct to the tterms of thhis Aggreemeent, tthe tootal ppurchaase prrice ffor thhe Traansferrred EEquityy Inteerest shalll be RMB (the “Purcchase Pricee”).1.4 各方方承認并同意意此轉讓價格格為受讓方在在本協(xié)議項下下應向轉讓方方支付的唯一一價格,受讓讓方及其任何何關聯(lián)企業(yè)就就本股權轉讓讓不承擔任何何將來的或額額外的支付義義務。1.4 TThe Pa

9、artiess acknnowleddge annd agrree thhat thhe Purrchasee Pricce is the ssole aamountt to bbe paiid by Transsfereee to tthe Trransfeeror, and TTransfferee and aany off its Affilliatedd Comppaniess shalll nott be rresponnsiblee for any ffuturee or aadditiional paymeent too the Transsferorrs witth ressp

10、ect to thhe Equuity IIntereest Trransfeer undder thhis Aggreemeent.1.5 價款款支付 1.5 The pricee paymmenta. 受讓方應應于本協(xié)議簽簽字生效之日日起 日內向轉讓讓方支付上述述轉讓價格的的30%; a. Thiirty ppercennt of the ppurchaase prrice sshall be paaid offf upoon dayys aftter thhe agrreemennt hadd beenn signned;b. 受讓方應應于本協(xié)議項項下股權轉讓讓經有關審批批機關批準后后

11、日內向轉讓讓方支付上述述轉讓價格的的30%; b. Annotherr thirrty peercentt of tthe puurchasse priice shhall bbe paiid offf if tthe appproviing auuthoriity appproveed thee agreeementt;c. 受讓方應應于本協(xié)議項項下股權轉讓讓事宜登記變變更完成后 日內向轉讓讓方支付上述述轉讓價格的的40%; c. Suurpluss fortty perrcent of thhe purrchasee pricce shaall bee paidd off when all

12、 tthe reegistrrationn procceduree had been fulfiilled.d. 受讓方所所支付的轉讓讓價款應支付付到轉讓方所所指定的銀行行帳戶內. d. Thee trannsfer of thhe priice paaid thhe traansferror shhall ppay too the bank accouunt deesignaated bby traansferrors.1.6 轉讓讓方及受讓方方應依據相關關法律各自承承擔本股權轉轉讓協(xié)議項下下各方應承擔擔的稅收及其其他政府繳費費義務。1.6 TTransfferor and TTransff

13、eree shalll be rrespecctivelly ressponsiible ffor paaymentt of tthe taaxes aand otther ggovernnmentaal levvies rrelatiing too the Equitty Intterestt Trannsfer, impoosed oon eacch Parrty inn accoordancce witth thee appllicablle lawws.第二條 先先 決 條 件ARTICCLE 2 CONDIITIONSS PRECCEDENTT2.1 先決條條件. Condditio

14、nns Preecedennt.a. 鑒于本協(xié)協(xié)議涉及到外外商投資企業(yè)業(yè)并購境內企企業(yè)的法律監(jiān)監(jiān)管問題,為為保證本協(xié)議議簽訂后能夠夠順利履行,本本協(xié)議項下股股權轉讓以下下列條件的完完成或出現(xiàn)為為先決條件:In vieww of tthis aagreemment iinvolvving fforeiggn invvestmeent ennterprrise llegal superrvisioon andd the acquiisitioon of domesstic eenterpprisess, to ensurre thaat aftter thhis aggreemeent iss s

15、ignned caan be perfoormed smootthly uunder this agreeement with the ffollowwing ccondittions stockk-righhts trransfeer thee compplete or apppear as prrerequuisitees:(1) 公司司權力機構通通過決議批準準依據本協(xié)議議條款進行股股權轉讓The Dirrectorrs of the CCompanny hass passsed reesoluttions approoving of: TThe Eqquity Interrest TTr

16、ansffer inn accoordancce witth thee termms of this Agreeement;(2)審批機關關批準本協(xié)議議項下的股權權轉讓;Thhe Exaaminattion aand Appprovaal Autthoritty hass apprroved the EEquityy Inteerest Transsfer uunder this Agreeement第三條 陳述和保證證ARTICCLE 3 REPREESENTAATIONSS AND WARRAANTIESS3.1 轉轉讓方的承諾諾和保證Reepreseentatiions aand Waa

17、rrantties oof Traansferrors.a. 轉轉讓方合法擁擁有本協(xié)議項項下欲轉讓的的股權,且保證其將將在本協(xié)議簽簽訂后積極配配合受讓方辦辦理股權轉讓讓的審批及登登記手續(xù); a. Trransfeeror uunder the aagreemment llawfullly owwns too cesssion eequityy, andd ensuure itts willl on afterr thiss agreeementt is ssignedd actiively coopeerate with the aassignnee too deall withh equii

18、ty trransfeer appprovall and regisstratiion prroceduures ;b. 其其本協(xié)議項下下擬轉讓的股股權不存在任任何抵押、質質押或任何其其他形式的權權利限制;Transfeeror hhave ffullaandunnencummbereddtitlletotheTTransfferreddEquiityInnteresst, whhich sshall be frree annd cleean off any mortggage, pledgge or any oother typess of eencumbbrancees.c. 其沒有有與本

19、協(xié)議內內容相關的或或影響其簽署署或履行本協(xié)協(xié)議的任何未未決的或就其其所知而言可可能發(fā)生的訴訴訟、仲裁、法法律的或行政政的或其它的的程序或政府府調查;Upon eexecuttion oof thiis Agrreemennt andd as oof thee comppletioon of the rregisttratioon of the EEquityy Inteerest Transsfer wwith tthe Reegistrrationn Authhorityy, theere iss not and tthere will not bbe anyy suitt, acttion

20、, proseecutioons, oor anyy otheer prooceediings tthat mmay innvolvee the Transsferreed Equuity IIntereest orr the lawfuulnesss of tthe Eqquity Interrest TTransffer.d. 在本協(xié)議簽簽訂前,甲方已盡到到向其他股東東通知該轉讓讓事宜的義務務,且任何其他他股東同意或或已放棄對本本協(xié)議項下擬擬轉讓股權的的優(yōu)先購買權權;Transfferor have takenn all approopriatte andd neceessaryy cor

21、pporatee actiions tto appprove and aauthorrize tthe exxecutiion annd perrformaance oof thiis Agrreemennt, annd guaaranteee thaat alll the otherr sharreholdders hhave ggive uup thee optiion too purcchase.3.2 受讓方方的承諾和保保證 Repreesentaationss and Warraantiess of TTransfferee.a. 乙乙方是依據 法律合法成成立及存續(xù)的的公司;Part

22、y B is a leggal peerson estabblisheed in accorrdancee withh the laws and rregulaationss of tthe Peeoples Reppublicc of CChina;b. 乙乙方擁有足夠夠的資產支付付甲方的股權權轉讓款,且對于本協(xié)協(xié)議項下的股股權轉讓行為為已取得公司司權利機關及及相關表決機機構的表決同同意;Transfeeree hhas taaken aall appproprriate and nnecesssary eenterpprise and llegal actioons too apprrov

23、e aand auuthoriize thhe exeecutioon andd perfformannce off thiss Agreeementt.c. 本協(xié)議議的簽署及履履行構成合法法、有效并依依據本協(xié)議條條款對受讓方方具有約束力力及強制力。Execution and performance of this Agreement will not violate any provision of applicable laws or regulations, or any judgment, award, contract, agreement, or other instrument

24、binding upon it.第四條 協(xié)議完成日日 CLOOSING4.1 完成日日. Clossing DDate.依據本協(xié)議條款款,股權轉讓讓的完成日應應為審批機關關批準該股權權轉讓并在登登記管理機關關完成變更登登記的日期。Upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement, the closing of the Equity Interest Transfer (the “Closing”) shall take place on the date when the Examination and Approva

25、l Authority approves the Equity Interest Transfer and the registration procedure has been fulfilled in the Bureau of Industrial and Commerce.第五條 違約及補救救措施DEFFAULT AND RREMEDYY5.1 各方應嚴格格履行其本協(xié)協(xié)議項下各自自應承擔的合合同義務。若若任何一方未未按照規(guī)定履履行或未充分分、適當履行行其本協(xié)議項項下的義務,或或其在本協(xié)議議項下所作出出的陳述和保保證被證實為為虛偽的、不不正確的或具具有誤導性的的,該方應被被視為違約(以以

26、下稱“違約約方”)。若若發(fā)生違約,其其他方(以下下稱“守約方方”)有權依依其獨立判斷斷采取以下一一種或多種措措施進行補救救:5.1 TThe Paartiess shalll strrictlyy fulffill ttheir respeectivee obliigatioons unnder tthis AAgreemment. Any PParty (for the ppurposse of this clausse thee “Breeachinng Parrty”) will be deeemed to haave brreacheed thiis Agrreemennt if it

27、 faails tto fullfill, or tto fullfill fullyy and approopriattely, its oobligaationss undeer thiis Agrreemennt, orr if aany off its repreesentaationss and warraantiess in tthis AAgreemment pprovess to bbe fallse, iinaccuurate or miisleadding. In tthe evvent oof succh breeach, the oother Partiies (ffo

28、r thhe purrpose of thhis cllause the “Non-Breaching Party”) has the right at their own discretion to take one or more of the following actions for remedy:a. 中止履履行其本協(xié)議議項下的合同同義務直至違違約方就其違違約行為進行行補救;To susppend pperforrmancee of iits obbligattions underr thiss Agreeementt untiil thee breaach iss remeedie

29、d by thhe Breeachinng Parrty;b. 若因違違約方違約致致使本協(xié)議項項下股權轉讓讓無法完成,或或實質上破壞壞了守約方簽簽署本協(xié)議的的商業(yè)目的,且且此等破壞是是不可補救的的,或即使可可以補救但違違約方并未在在合理期間內內進行補救,則則守約方有權權書面通知違違約方單方終終止本協(xié)議,該該書面通知自自發(fā)出之日起起生效;If the breacch by the BBreachhing PParty has ccausedd the Equitty Intterestt Trannsfer to bee unabble too compplete, or hhas maater

30、iaally ffrustrrated the NNon-Brreachiing Paartyss commmerciaal purrpose in ennterinng intto thiis Agrreemennt andd suchh frusstratiion iss irreeparabble, oor if reparrable but iit hass not been rectiified by thhe Breeachinng Parrty wiithin a reaasonabble peeriod of tiime, tthen tthe Noon-Breeachinng

31、 Parrty haas thee righht to unilaaterallly teerminaate thhis Aggreemeent foorthwiith byy issuuing tto thee Breaachingg Partty wriitten noticce thaat shoould bbecomee effeectivee on tthe daate off its issuaance;c. 要求違違約方所有損損失進行賠償償(包括守約約方所受到的的直接經濟損損失以及因本本協(xié)議而發(fā)生生的各項成本本和支出)。To demaand coompenssationn fro

32、mm the Breacching Partyy for all llossess, inccludinng thee costts andd expeenses arisiing frrom thhis Aggreemeent.5.2本協(xié)協(xié)議規(guī)定的權權利及救濟措措施應視為累累積的,且作作為并不影響響依據法律所所享有的其他他權利和補救救措施。Thhe rigghts aand reemediees proovidedd in tthis AAgreemment sshall be cuumulattive aand shhall bbe in addittion tto andd withho

33、ut pprejuddice tto othher riights and rremediies prrovideed by law.5.3 若本協(xié)議或或本協(xié)議的其其他條款無效效或由于任何何原因而終止止,本條款規(guī)規(guī)定的守約方方的權利及補補救措施繼續(xù)續(xù)有效。The rigghts aand reemediees of the NNon-Brreachiing Paarty pprovidded inn thiss Artiicle sshouldd remaain efffectiive inn the eventt thatt thiss Agreeementt, or any oother

34、proviisionss of tthis AAgreemment, is innvaliddated or teerminaated ffor anny reaason.第六條 適適用法律APPPLICAABLE LLAW6.1 適用法法律Appllicablle Laww.本協(xié)議受中國法法律管轄并依依據其進行解解釋。Thiis Agrreemennt shaall bee goveerned by annd intterpreeted iin acccordannce wiith thhe lawws of Chinaa.第七條 爭爭議解決SEETTLEMMENT OOF DISSPUTE

35、SS7.1 協(xié)協(xié)商Conssultattions.因本協(xié)議發(fā)生并并與本協(xié)議履履行或解釋有有關的爭議應應首先由各方方進行友好協(xié)協(xié)商。In the eventt a diisputee arisses inn connnectioon witth thee inteerprettationn or iimplemmentattion oof thiis Agrreemennt, thhe parrties to thhe disspute shalll atteempt tto setttle ssuch ddisputte thrrough frienndly cconsulltatioons.

36、7.2 仲仲裁Arbiitratiion.若各方在六十(60)日內未就該爭議達成解決方案,則該爭議應提交中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委員會依據其屆時有效的仲裁規(guī)則進行仲裁,該仲裁裁決具有最終性及排他性。該爭議的仲裁地為北京。If no mmutuallly accceptaable ssettleement of suuch diisputee is rreacheed witthin ssixty (60) days, thenn suchh disppute sshall be fiinallyy and excluusivelly setttled by arrbitraation as prr

37、ovideed herrein. Arbiitratiion shhall bbe connducteed in accorrdancee withh the Arbittratioon Rulles off the Chinaa Inteernatiional Econoomic aand Trrade AArbitrrationn Commmissioon beiing inn forcce at the ttime aa partticulaar disspute is suubmittted foor arbbitrattion, whichh rulees aree deemmed

38、too be iincorpporateed by referrence into this articcle. The aarbitrrationn shalll takke plaace inn Beijjing.第八條 生效及修訂訂EFFECCTIVENNESS AAND AMMENDMEENT8.1 生效日日Effecctive Date.本協(xié)議自雙方簽簽字蓋章之日日起生效。TThis aagreemment ssince the ddate oof siggnaturre andd seall of bboth ppartiees comme intto efffect8.2 修訂A

39、Amendmment.除非雙方達成并并簽署書面協(xié)協(xié)議且經審批批機關批準,否否則任何就本本協(xié)議內容所所進行的修改改和變更均為為無效。Noo amenndmentt to tthis AAgreemment sshall be efffectiive unnless made in wrritingg and signeed by each partyy and approoved bby thee Examminatiion annd Appprovall Authhorityy.第九條 其他條款MIISCELLLANEOUUS9.1 本協(xié)議議就其項下股股權轉讓在各各方間構成完完整的協(xié)議,其效力

40、超越越了各方之前前任何就本協(xié)協(xié)議所作出的的意向或諒解解的表達,且僅有在各各方授權代表表簽署了書面面協(xié)議的條件件下才可被修修正或修改。This Agreeement consttitutees thee entiire aggreemeent beetweenn the Partiies wiith reespectt to tthe suubjectt mattter heereof, supeersedees anyy prioor exppressiion off inteent orr undeerstannding relatting hheretoo and may oonly bbe moddifiedd or aamendeed by a wriitten instrrumentt signned byy the authoorizedd reprresenttativees of the PPartiees.9.2 本協(xié)議議是可分的,若若本協(xié)議任何何


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