



1、-一、單項選擇(共15小題:每題I分,總分值15分)1. We can live a better life if we createless polluted world.A. the B. an C. a D.不填2. My star sign is Virgo and my characteristics are similar todescribed in that book.B. was reminded C. reported D. was reportedA. were washing B. had washedA. how did you go to the parkB. wh

2、at you did in the tripC. that you saw something beautiful D. if your friends had played with you二、完形填空(共10小題:每題1分,總分值10分)Recently,IfeltlikeIreachedaverylowpointinlife.Myrelationshipswerentgood,Iwasntenjoyingmyclasses,andIfeltlikeIhadnothingto 16 .Mylifeseemedtobefullofendlesshomework,testsand loneli

3、ness. Nothing anyone said seemed 17 to me. I wasnt sure what to do about myself. All Iwanted was to be happy again, but I didnt know who or what would 18 that.Duringthesedays,Ihadtroublesleeping.Ihadtotakesleepingpillsbutstillwokeupinthemidnight.I had no 19 but to tell my dad. He 20 the book The Sec

4、ret. I immediatelybought the e-book online and read the whole thing that night. Im 21 quite a stubborn person, butthe effect on my mood after finishing the book was 22 . Suddenly, I felt like life was beautifulagain. I had never felt such a deep and quick 23 in my life before.Infact,thebooksmessagew

5、asverysimplethinkpositively(積極地).Thebookhadmanysuccessstoriesabout how people were able to 24 money, soul 靈伙伴)and old friends back into their lives.I started learning tothankeverythingin my lifelikethem.Little by little, IrealizedthatThe Secretcould only work 25 I believed these peoples success stor

6、ies.Now Im sure I can bring myself happiness.16. A. take care of B. e up with C. look down onB. noticeC. surpriseB. control C. imagineB. When C. unless D. before.z.-Some people say are dangerous - and theyre probably right - but hey, if yourenot afraid of getting hurt, You might as well do it with s

7、tyle! It is reported that regular sports arenot pletely safer than e*treme ones. Here is an introduction to three new e*treme sports.Ostrich(鴕鳥)RacingA. the Little MermaidC. the Leaning Tower of PisaIt was the first day of class. Two of her new ESL (English as a Second Language) classmates wanted to

8、know where Tara was from. They were both from Korea. Because Tara looked Korean, one of the women askedTara, in English, if she was from Korea. Tara replied, No, Im not. Then the women took turns askingTaraifshewasfromJapan,orThailand,orChina.Toeachquestion,Taraansweredthemasimpleno.Laughing,onewoma

9、nsaidtotheother,Shesnotfromanywhere!Thetwowenttotheirdesks,talkingtoeachotherin Korean.The ne*t day, the teacher divided the students into groups of four. The students in each group askedintroductory(介紹的)questions of each other. A student in Taras group asked her, Where are you fromTara answered tha

10、t she was from Korea. The two women who had questioned Tara the day before were sittingonly a few feet away. Both of them heard Taras answer.Aha! they both e*claimed, You ARE from Korea! Tara smiled and said yes. Then she apologized(抱歉)toboth of them for lying the day before. She told them that she

11、had not wanted to get into a Koreanconversationwiththem.Ithadbeenhere*periencethatmanyESLstudentscontinuedtospeaktheirmotherlanguageinESLclass,andTarahadnotetoESLclasstopracticeherKorean.Inheropinion,ESLstudentsshould try to speak English only.I agree. said Rose.Youre 100 percent right. agreed Jenny

12、, Rose and I must stop speaking Korean to each other. Rose Rose nodded,and then said something in Korean. All three women laughed.The ne*t half a year, Tara became friendly with both women, although she never spoke a word of Koreanto them during class or break.A. cried in fearC. screamed with joy30.

13、 According to the passage, we can infer(推斷)that.A. Tara said she was from Korea because she knew the student in her group was also from KoreaB. Tara said she was from Korea because she wanted to make friends with the student in her groupC. Tara said she wasnt from Korea because she didnt like Rose a

14、nd Jenny and wasnt willing to speakKorean with themD. Tara said she wasnt from Korea because she didnt want Rose and Jenny to speak Korean with her thefollowing days.z.-31. What can be the best title of this passageA. Lets Speak EnglishC. Dont Tell LiesB. An ESL ClassD. Three Korean WomenCJack thoug

15、ht himself a basketball fan. He quite a lot of American NBA basketball games. Notonly did he watch them, he spent much of his free time playing on the court too. Then came the final yearofhismiddleschool.Allofhisregularteammatesstoppedshowinguponthecourtbecausetheyweresimplytoobusypreparingforthehig

16、hschoolentrancee*amtoplay.Hewas,ofcourse,undermuchstress himself,likeeveryoneelse.Agoode*amresultmeantagoodhighschool;amediocre(平庸的)scoremeantamediocreschool. Much was at stake. However, he loved basketball so much that he still found time to play, thistime with a group of guys who were said to have

17、 skipped classes(逃課)before.Some of his teachers started worrying about him. They asked his mother to go to school to let herknow that Jack was hanging out with problem kids. When his mother returned home that day, she wanted totalk to Jack. Knowing the purpose of her visit to the school, Jack though

18、t his mother would punish himfor befriending those bad guys. To his surprise, his mother was not angry with him at all. She wantedtohearhersonssideofthestory.SoJacktoldhismotheraboutwhatheknewofSimonandPeter.Simonsparentswerebadlyill;Petersfatherhadlosthisjob.TheybothseemedtoJacktobenormalkids.Jacks

19、mother thought for a moment, then went on to say that she was OK with her son playing with them and thatshe and her son should think of ways to help these kids. Soon Jacks mum introduced some part-time jobstoSimonandPeter,whichtheyaccepted.Shebelievedinhersonandcaredaboutthosewhowerelesslucky.Jacks

20、basketball friends and he have left for different places, but they still keep in touch. Heknows Peter is now a manager of a local bank. Simon is currently a freshman at a university. Sadly, itis impossible to get together to play basketball again, but whenever they get on the phone, they talkabout i

21、t all the time.32. After Jacks mother came home from school, she.A. was angry with him B. told him what his teachers had saidC. asked him to keep away from problem kidsD. was patient enough to listen to her sons words33. What does the underlined sentence Much was at stake probably mean in the passag

22、eA. Jack must be punished by his mother.B. Jack might not enter a good high school.C. Jack might get hurt when playing basketball.D. Jack must be influenced badly by problem kids.34. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passageA. Peters family are living much better.B. Simon is now st

23、udying at a university.C. Jacks mum understood him instead of blaming him.D. Jacks teachers wanted his mother to help his friends.35. The main idea of the passage is to.A. make friends with problem kids B. keep in touch with friends all the timeC.trytounderstandchildrenandhelpproblemkids D.giveuphob

24、biesbeforethehighschoolentrancee*am四、詞匯運用(共10小題:每題1分,總分值10分)A)根據句意,用括號中所給單詞的正確形式填空,每空一詞.36. The singers in the CCTV talent show Sing My Song have(able) to write songs.37. -Did you eat rice dumplings at Dragon Boat Festival-Of course. I love the ones made in Jia*ing. They seem even(taste) to me after

25、 watching the TV programme A Bite of a38. Li Jianrou was(interview) shortly after she won the first gold medal for China in the 22nd WinterOlympic Games.39. Jan looked(hope) at her husband for a football ticket to get closer to her favourite player.40. The old man was looking through the list of the

26、(soldier) names in order to remember the old days.B)根據句意及漢語提示,寫出各單詞的正確形式,每空一詞.41. Whether Siheyuan in Beijing should be kept or not is under a hot(討論).42. -What do you think of the block you live in-Im not satisfied. The loud noise from the square always(打攪、擾亂)mea lot.【】43.What he said finally prove

27、d that he was (不老實的).【】44.Somepeoplehavenosenseofsafety.Theyusuallygo(徑直)acrosstheroadwithoutlookingattrafficlights.【】45.Theweather report says there will be much(雨)in most areas in the south.五、短文填空(共10小題;每題1分,總分值10分)根據短文容及所給首字母提示寫出所缺單詞.使短文意思完整,每空一詞.More and more families like to keep dogs as pets.

28、But not all dog owners think of others while theyarewalkingtheirdogs.Somanytownsandcitiesaroundtheworldf 46 amessofleft-behindfeces(糞便)fromdogs.In February of this year, a town in France started a new p 47 to teach dog owners a lesson. Theg 48 sentabout20volunteerstosearchthestreetscarefully,looking

29、forhumanswho wouldntcleanup after their dogs. The volunteers who seemed to have no c 49 aim would then move nearer to thepet owner, then start a conversation in order to get the dogs name. W 50 the name of the dog anditstype, wecan e 51 discoverthe owner from the database(信息庫)heldinthetownhall. an o

30、fficer e 52 . The volunteers would then pick up the dog feces and the package would be.z.-p 53 to the pet owners house. In the past few m 54 , the town has seen a 70% the amount of dog feces left on public streets.Maybe many cities in our country can follow its e 55 . In this way there will be fewer

31、 plaintsabout dog owners.六、任務型閱讀(共10小題;每題I分,總分值10分)A【】Carnival-Cultural FestivalBrazil is the biggest country in South America. It has one of the worlds New Seven Wonders, Christ theRedeemer. Its 56 is 30metres and its arms stretch to a width of 28metres. Carnival, Brazils bestknownfestival, is 57 b

32、y people dancing masksandcolourful costumes. Localfood acarajeis popular among people. It is in the 58 of a ball and its main material is black-eyed peas. As weknow, much more 59 is always being paid to its football than to its landscape, cultural events andfood.NowBrazilis 60 the2018WorldCup.Manyfo

33、otballfansmustbecrazyaboutwatchingthematchesthese daysOnly60%oftheworldspopulationhavebeenabletogetinformationon the Internet.Manycountriescant 64 peoplewiththenecessaryinfrastructureto access the web.Free Wi-Fi will 65 the world in the near future.成長的點滴學習進步競賽獲獎分擔家務鼓勵的方式 phone等去飯店慶祝多給零花錢.z.-3.文章不少于9

34、0詞,開頭已給出,不計入總詞數。4.語氣通順,意思連貫,語確,條理清楚,字跡工整。5.文中不得出現真實的、校名及地名。Parents encouragement is good for their childrens growth. Its a nice way for parents to speak highlyof their children when they make progress.1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.B7.A 8.D 9.D 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.B二、完形填空16. D17. A18.B19. B20. D21.A22. C 23. D24.A25. B三、閱讀理解26.C 27.A 28.B 29. B30. D31. A 32. D 33. B 34. D 35. C36.ability/abilities 37.erviewed 39.hopefully 40.soldiers41.discus


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