



1、顧家 北 (389522376sometthesetypesofnewsshouldnotbereportedinrsoron顧家 北 (389522376 顧家 北 (389522376sometthesetypesofnewsshouldnotbereportedinrsoron顧家 北 (389522376 顧家 北 (389522376,hemedia,mediacoverageof顧家 北 (389522376Criminal news has been widely reported via various means of public media, and it frighte

2、ning effectsand even of committinga he society. Some people tthewidespreadreportingshouldbestopped.Ipartlyagreewith this顧家 北 (389522376) Somepeople tthe coverageofcrimes shouldbe restrictedon media. Idisagreewith view, although sometimes the report of this kind of information can have negative conse

3、quen on society.顧家 北 (389522376) Crime reporting may sometimes cause problems, but I disagree with the t coverage crimesshouldbehemedia.顧家 北 (389522376) People are more likely to know criminalshe media . It is tthese willmakepeoplefrightened .Ontheother hand ,people may break the law easily .So some

4、 tthiskindofnewsshouldbeforbidden顧家 北 (389522376) Some people hold the media because it can have t the news related should be prohibited in the negative effect on the public. I disagree with this idea simply reportingviolentcrimescanhelppeopleraise self-protectawarenessanddeter顧家 北 (389522376) 提醒市民注

5、意保護自顧A北(389522376) B (389522376)C 北ABC(389522376)AA北B C北(389522376)B C(389522376)北B顧家 B 舉例 顧家 北 (389522376) B C 顧家 北 (389522376crimesarereported顧家 北 (389522376crimesarereported顧家 北 (389522376itcanmakecrimesarereported顧家 北 (389522376itcanmakepeopleawareofself-顧家 北 (389522376itwillraisepeoplesawarenes

6、sofproctectingthemselves顧家 北 (389522376theycandeepentheirunderstandingofhowcrimeiscommitted.顧家 北 (389522376顧顧北 (389522376s北 (3895223765/18/20144:41:05Forle,whatkindofpeoplelikelybethe顧家 北 (389522376)16:42:30 5/18/20144:42:18Peoplearelikelytocommitrobberyon顧家 北 (389522376Newsreportsmayshowtheaudience

7、howoffendersidentify顧家 北 (389522376News顧家 北 (389522376may顧家 北 (389522376thesandcommitrobbery. (北 (389522376B C 北 (389522376顧顧Therefore,itenablespeopletoprotectthemselves顧家 北 (3895223761605/18/20144:47:51theycantake actionstoprotct顧家 北 (389522376Theymay,therefore,takestepstoprotectthemselvesfrompoten

8、tialattacks.顧家 北 (389522376)16:51:27 5/18/20144:50:51thisisparticularlyusefultotheplacewherethecrimerateis顧家 北顧家 北 (389522376)16:51:27 5/18/20144:50:51thisisparticularlyusefultotheplacewherethecrimerateis顧家 北 (3895223761785/18/20144:51:26Thisisparticularlythecaseforthosewherethecrimerateis顧家 北 (3895

9、22376thisisparticularlyusefulfforthose顧家 北 (389522376wherethecrimerateishigh.crimes are reported (A) it can make people aware of self-protection. (C)they can deepen understanding of how crime is committed. (B) News reports may show the audience offenders identify s and commit robbery. ( 例子 )They may

10、, therefore, take steps protectthemselvesfrompotentialattacks.顧家 北 (389522376) thisisparticularlyusefulfforthose顧家 北 (389522376wherethecrimerateishigh.Ifcrimesarereported,itcanmakepeopleawareofself-protection.顧家 北 (389522376theycandeepentheirunderstandingofhowcrimeiscommitted.顧家 北 (389522376Forle,so

11、menewsreportsmayshowtheaudiencehowoffendersidentifys commitrobbery. 顧家 北 (389522376 顧家 北 (389522376thisisparticularlyusefulfforthose顧家 北 (389522376wherethecrimerateishigh.If crimes are reported, it can make people aware of self-protection. they can deepen understanding of how crime is committed. For

12、 le, some news reports may show audience how offenders identify s and commit Viewersmay,therefore, steps to protect themselves from potential attacks. this is particularly useful f for those pla where the crime rate is high. (p)顧家 北 (3895223762震懾犯知道自就要被繩之顧家 北 (3895223765/18/20144:58:32消息B 震懾犯知道自就要被繩

13、之以法C 減率顧家 北 (389522376A顧消息B 罪犯知道自己就要被繩之以法C震懾罪犯, 減少北 (389522376) 17:00:47A顧消息B 罪犯知道自己就要被繩之以法C震懾罪犯, 減少北 (389522376) 17:00:47北 (389522376解釋 C + 結果拓展北 (389522376)17:03:15率5/18/20145:03:01Broadcastingcrimesonmediamayalsodetercrimeanddecreasethecrime顧家 北 (389522376)17:03:59 5/18/20145:03:01Broadcastingcri

14、mesonmediamayalsodetercrimeanddecreasethecrime顧家 北 (389522376It is also should be t these types of news have deterrent effects to those criminals thusdecreasethecrime最強福利活動開啟:【改名狐者】、【黃金 AK-47M4A1-黑騎士】免等你拿!點擊領取顧家 北 (389522376Crimereportingmayalsodetercrime.顧家 北 (389522376A消息B 罪犯知道自就要被繩之以法C震懾罪犯, 減率顧家

15、北 (389522376) bringcriminalstothe顧家 北 (389522376criminalsunderstandtheywillbringtothejusticeaftercrime顧家 北 (389522376Offendershavetosufferstiff顧家 北 (389522376whentheycommittingWould-beoffendersttheywillbebroughttothejusticeiftheybreakthelaw.顧北 (389522376解釋 C + 結果拓展 北 (389522376)17:14:125/18/20145:13

16、:39Theyarelikelytobeimprisonedorpunishedtodocommunityservi 5/18/2014Theyarelikelytobeimprisonedorpunishedtodocommunityservi 5/18/20145:13:42.Theymaybeimprisonedorbedeprivedoftheirfree顧家 北 (389522376Theyhavetoserveaprisontermandlosefreedom解釋顧家 北 (389522376Theyhave to serve aprisontermandacriminalreco

17、rd mayhave adamagingeffecton theircareer. 顧家 北 (38952237617:18:32 顧家 北 (389522376theseconsequencemaydeter顧家 北 (389522376150Thisexplainswhysuchnewscancurbthe顧家 北 (389522376Thisexplainswhysuchnewscanreducecrime.顧家 北 (389522376law-abidingcitizensarelikelytohaveasenseofsecurity.顧家 北 (389522376Crime repo

18、rting may also deter crime. (A+C) Would-be offenders t they will brought to the justice if they break the law. (B)They have to serve a prison term and a criminal recordmay have a damagingeffectontheir career解釋)This explainswhy suchnewscanreduce crime. (p)law-abiding citizens are likely to have a sen

19、se of security. (p)顧家 北 (389522376) They have to serve a prison term and it is also true effect on their career. (p)顧家 北 (389522376) t a criminal record may have a Crime reporting mayalso deter crime.Would-be offenders t they will be brought the justiceif they break the law. They have to servea pris

20、on termand it isalso ta record may have a damaging effect on their career. This explains why they are less likely commitacts. 顧家 北 (389522376) In otherwords,newscanreduce crime and sometimesgive law-abidingcitizensa sense of security. 顧家 北 (389522376) Crime reporting mayalso deter crime.Would-be off

21、enders t they will be brought thejusticeiftheybreakthelaw.Theyhavetoserveaprisontermanditisalsotarecord may have a damaging effect on their career. This explains why they are less record may have a damaging effect on their career. This explains why they are less likely commit acts senseofsecurity. .

22、 In other words, news can reduce crime and give law-abiding citizens 北 (389522376) ,人們模北 (389522376顧5/18/20145:31:46AA 北 (389522376) C B北 (389522376) CA+C 解釋C 特定顧家 北 (389522376)17:34:40 5/18/20145:34:10mediawillcauseahighercrimeratethroughbroadcastingthenews. 5/18/20145:34:16Ontheotherhand,theextens

23、ivemediacoverageofcrimemaycausetheincreaseofcrime顧家 北 (389522376Onthe otherhand,theextensive mediacoverageofcrimeissometimeslinkedtoaclimbingcrime rate. (p)顧家 北 (389522376解顧家 北 (389522376)146 麋。5/18/20145:40:52.Itistwithoutthenews,peoplewillcommitallthecrimestheysiblellyforloweducationlevelpeople.顧家

24、 北 (389522376) 17:42:49 Theyareex 顧家 Theyare顧家 edtosomanybrutalttheyarelikelye numbandtake them(389522376) edtoviolentimagesfrequently (389522376) 17:46:07sotheymaybedesensitisedandevenpronetoactviolently.顧家 北 (389522376Peopleare edtoviolentimagesfrequently, sotheymaybedesensitisedandpronetoactviole

25、ntly.顧家 顧家 北 (389522376Peopleare edtoviolentimagesfrequently, sotheymaybedesensitisedandpronetoactviolently.顧家 北 (389522376顧家 北 (389522376legal顧家 北 (389522376)17:52:00 5/18/20145:51:48Adolescents are particularly ecause they lack self-control and are not entirely oflegalofviolent顧家 北 (389522376) Thi

26、s is particularly the case for able adolescents, who lack self-control and do realiselegalofviolentacts.顧家 北 (389522376) Onthe otherhand,theextensive mediacoverageofcrimeis sometimes linked to aclimbingrate. People are edto violent images frequently, so they may be desensitised even prone to act vio

27、lently. This is particularly the case for able adolescents, who self-controlanddonotrealiselegal顧家 北 (389522376) ofviolentacts., the criminal news should be reported by the mass media. This is sary citizenstohavea safety顧家 北 (389522376) haveasafety顧家 北 (389522376) , the media are encouraged to report violent crimes news because it can raise publicsawarenessofself-protectionandalsofrighte


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