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1、新視野大學(xué)英語-讀寫 11.Givethechancetoshowhisability,heregained confidence andbegantosucceedinschool.2.Itissodifficultto explore thebottomoftheoceanbecausesomepartsareverydeep.3.Itwasabout30secondsbeforeAlex emerged fromthewater;wewerequitescared.4.We often assume that when other people do the same things as

2、 we do, they do them for the samereasons;butthisassumptionisnotalwaysreasonable.5.Thereiswidespreadconcernthattherisingunemploymentmay pose athreattosocialstability.6.Aftera(n) comprehensive physicalexam,mydoctorsaid i wasin goodconditionexceptthatmybloodpressurewasalittlehigh.7.ItiswellknownthatChi

3、naisacountrywithrichnatural resources andaverybigpopulation.8.Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its presentpopulation.9.Sam inherited thegiftofimaginationfromhisfamily,buthelackedthedrivingpowertotakeaction.10.A bee that found honey is able to transmi

4、t to other bees the information they need in other tocollectthehoney.11.Tomakeourcompanies competitive inthemarket,wehavetobemorecreativeandproductive.12.People are beginning to realize that to transform nature at will is the biggest mistakethat man hasevermade.13.It is difficultto conclude, whata(n

5、) typical studentdoes in his sparetime becauseevery studenthasdifferentinterests.14.Amonth agoi wroteto thestorecomplaining about its bad service, but ihaventgottena(n) responseyet.15.Some of your suggestions have been adopted , but other have been turned down as they are notworkable.16.All of a sud

6、den, he lost his interest in engineering, and focused his attention on learning a foreignlanguage.17.If a company decreases health benefits for its employees, they should increases salaries tocompensate theworkers.18.Ifailedtopasstheexamalthoughihadworkedveryhard.Ishould analyze thecausesofmyfailure

7、.19.Whenyoudoyoga,tryto regulate yourbreathing.Dont breathetoofastandmakesureyoubreatheonlythroughyournose.21.The annual conferencewhichiattendeveryyearisgoingtobeheldinLondoninJanuarynextyear.22.According to the terms of your contract , you must give three monthsnotice if you intend to leavethiscom

8、pany.23.Wewerehonoredthatsomanypeopleof distinction andtalentwerepresenttodiscusstheissues.24.The local governmenthas been providing substantial support to them, without which they couldnthavebeensosuccessful.25.Thesecretagentpromisedthattheinformationhe furnished wasobtainedfromreliablesources.26.W

9、hether amateur or professional,American football is perhaps the most popular sport in the US. Itattractsatotalattendanceofover40millionandiswatchedbymanymoremillionsontelevisioneachyear.27.Shopstry tomeetthe DIY(do-it- yourself)fashionbyofferingconsumerspartsand hardwarewhich they新視野大學(xué)英語-讀寫 129.It w

10、as apparent that the professorslecture failedto impress the studentsas some of them had left30.We all admitted that the trip was worthwhile after we saw a(n) magnificent palace and a fantastic31.Studies indicate that children who often takepart in cooperative programs benefit a lot more thanotherchi

11、ldren.32.They are such a(n) conventional family-they must have been shocked when their son dyed his hairpink.33.Testing students by examinations has long been regarded as a reliable way to assess studentsability.34.Manypower stationshavebeen modernizedtogive offless pollution, or they weremovedfurth

12、er awayfromthelivingareasinorderto decrease thedamage.35.Unemployment has come down slightly , but this does not alter the fact that it is still a majorproblem.36.Mr.smithisnotdoingwell;thedoctortoldusthatseveralcolds hasundermined hishealth.37.The best way to deal with problems at home is to talk t

13、hings out calmly and honestly and try to reacha(n) compromise .38.Darwins theory of evolution remains controversial partly because it challenges the religious beliefthatGodcreatedman.39.It was reported the president had resolved to fight if war was necessary,evenif it meant destroyinghischancesofre-

14、election.新視野大學(xué)英語-讀寫 1Therehavebeen increaseddemands forhigher educationto providestudentswith bettercoursesandmore opportunities. To deal with this complex issue, colleges and universities are turning to theInternetforquick access toitsricheducationalresources.Now the internet has been accepted as t

15、he preferred technology to many other methods incolleges and universities. Many teachers now routinely post their teaching materials online. A growingnumberofschoolsofferatleastsome undergraduate coursesovertheInternet.There are two different models of making use of the Internet for higher education

16、. The first modelseeks to improve existing courses by using the Internet. This model provides high-speed Internetconnectivity to all students, faculty, and staff.While this model uses the Internet, it doesnt requiremanychanges,anditkeepsmostexistinginstitutionalstructuresunchanged.A different, more

17、revolutionary model regards the Internet as indispensable to an importantchange in higher education, for it is believed that the Internet can transform teacher-centered instructionintostudent-centeredlearning.This,asaresult,willbringaboutbasicchangetoouruniversityeducation.Answer :Nowadays college e

18、ducation cost is rising sharply. More and more college students have to work inorder to generate income to support themselves. But how can you preventworking from interferingwithyourstudy?as farahead as possible. Arrangeyourclasses in a waySecondly,usetime well insteadof burning themidnight oil. Stu

19、dying lateuntilmidnightmaymakeyoutiredand takea(n) consistent toll on yourhealth. Use those 10 minutes waiting forthe bus to reada few more pages. If your job has a lot of downtime, use the opportunity to do school assignmentsfromotherstudents.Thirdly, set a goal for your academic performance. Youll

20、 probably have to decrease your workfrom the workforce to be successful in study.yourstudentcareerwithpart-timejobs.Fourthly, inform all your professors, teaching assistants and employers about your situation so thataswell.Winningtheirsupportisthebestwaytokeepthemonyourside.Answer :新視野大學(xué)英語-讀寫 12.Man

21、y subway riders read books or listen to music in order to make the most ( of ) their time on thewaytowork.3.In order to make sure he would be able to attend the meeting, i called him up two weeks ( in )advance .4.Expertssayourcompanyisamazinginthatsaleshavebeenincreasingsteadily (over)time .5.Inorde

22、rto reapthebenefits(of) thephysicalexercise,youhavetoexerciseregularly,and foratleasthalfanhoureachtime.6.Theyalltriedtotalk all(at)once ,buticouldnthearanythingtheysaid.7.Yellowflowersinthefieldalways remind me (of) mychildhoodinthecountryside.8.Wehave been practicing for so long and so hard that o

23、ur team should stand a chance ( of ) winningthegame.9.Researchongeneswill openthedoor(to) excitingnewmedicaltreatments.10.Everyone ofyouhasmade a contributionand i takepleasure (in) acknowledging whateachof youhasdonetomakethisacademicconventionsuchasuccess.11.I fired ( off ) a letterof complaintto

24、the manager of the storeas soon as i foundthey had sold me apairofmismatchedshoes.12.Peoplebrowsethe internet,readnewspapersand watchTV to keepup ( with ) what is happening intheword.13.The university has set ( up ) another large laboratory for students to design more complicatedrobots.14.Ifinditver

25、ydifficultto account(for) thefactthattwoofourbeststudentsfailedtheexam.15.Inthe currenteconomy,withunemploymenthigh andcompetitionforjobsfierce,yourresumeneeds tostand(out) foralltherightreasons.16.She is getting popular since she appeared in a TV interview last month. Her new movie will no doubtadd

26、(to) hergrowingfame.17.The developed countries should ( take) the lead in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and providesupportforthedevelopingnationstofollow.18.If yourspokenEnglish is notverygood,then youmaybe (at)adisadvantage when youarelookingforajob.19.Theirsuccesswasdue (in)largepart totheirwe

27、ll-conceivedplan.20.Hehasbeensooccupiedwithhisworkthesedaysthathebarelyhastimeto visit(with) hisfriends.Unit5.21.I felt terribly sorry to learn that his sister pass away after having fought against cancer for threeyears.22.The Chinese swimmer was left behind at the beginning of the women s 100-meter

28、 freestylefinal,butshedidntgiveupandfinallytookthelead.23.The rich man thinks that he will die in disgrace if he does not give away his money for the publicgood.24.They have no intention ( of ) letting him go and would like him to stay on after his present contractexpires.25. Up (to) sevenmillion st

29、udentsaregraduatingfromuniversitythis year.This will undoubtedlyadd to新視野大學(xué)英語-讀寫 126.Ifheisdeterminedtodosomething,hewilldoit regardless(of) whatotherpeoplewillsay.27.Themoviewasacompletewasteoftime.I mightaswell havestayedathome.28.The authorities promise to introduce an effective health service so

30、 that people do not need to spendtoomuchmoneywhenthey fallill .29.Thousandsofpeoplewere (in)attendance(at) yesterdaysstrike,whichcausedgreatconfusion.30.Theygot to know each other in their 20s and ( to ) this day they are still in close touch with eachother.31.Thenewgovernmenthascommittedto cuttingb

31、ack(on) emissionsofgreenhousegases.32.my parents do not object to my taking part-time jobs, but they remind me not to let them interfere(with) myschoolwork.33.anger,worry,disappointment,thesenegativeemotions takeatoll(on) yourheart,brainandbody.34.ifapersonadoptsanunhealthylifestyle,hewillsurelybe (

32、at)risk(of) developingdiseases.35.mostpeople werereadytogiveup onhimwhenhe dropped (out ) ofschool, butlatterhereturnedandearnedhisdegree.36.drinking toomuch canincreasethe riskof developinghigh blood pressure,which (in)turn canleadtoheartattackorstroke.37.low-castairlines areemergingall overAsia; t

33、his will contribute(to) the developmentofthe worldsair-travelmarketasawhole.38.whenyou moveto a new country,youmanyfind the foodthere strangeand youmanymiss the familiarsmellsofthefoodyou areaccustomed(to) inyourowncountry.39.althoughhekepttryingandfailing,ialways held(on)to thebeliefthathewouldsucc

34、eedoneday.40.The tax only affects people with an annual income over $200,000- ( in ) other words , it will only affect the very rich.新視野大學(xué)英語-讀寫 1孔子是中國歷史上著名的思想家、教育家,是儒家學(xué)派(Confucianism)的創(chuàng)始人,被尊稱為The Analects中國古代文化的經(jīng)典著作,對后來歷代的思想家、文學(xué)家、政治家產(chǎn)生了很大的影響。不研究論 就不能真正把握中國幾千年的傳統(tǒng)文化??鬃拥暮芏嗨枷?,尤其是其教育思想,對中國社會產(chǎn)生了深遠的影響。在 21

35、 世紀的今天,孔子的學(xué)說不僅受到中國人的重視,而且也越來越受到整個國際社會的重視。Confucius was a great thinker and educator in Chinese history. He was the founder of theConfucianism and was respectfully referredto as an ancient “sage”.His words and life story were recordedin The Analects. An enduring classic of ancient Chinese culture, The Analects has had a great influence onthe thinkers, w


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